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Times Union from Brooklyn, New York • 2

Times Unioni
Brooklyn, New York
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THE DAILY STANDARD UNION: BROOKLYN, of the people trampled upon by monstrous monopolists. We have insisted upon making silver stand at a parity with gold when it's only half price, and this is the "crime of the century." Teller must have said so a thousand times, and he is doing it more. Senator Stewart has grown venerable in this cause, and grows louder as he lapses. The Cheap Money Superstition. The idea of many of the leaders of public opinion is that, in order to get 'the better of Spain, we should degrade our credit according to her system.

Expostulation with these doctrinaires is vain. They are simply obstructing the work that is necessary to carry on the war effectively, and at a rate of expendture it will be tolerable for the people to meet. It is a disgraceful and scandalous thing that they demand that the country shall be forced to bow to their superstition. before provision is made for the maintenance of the army and the navy on a war footing. There is another lot of lunatics.

They are frantic about the idea of the issue of bonds, and bring up the old greenback repudiation scheme. They are in deadly opposition to the issue of bonds paying interest at three per cent. per annum. They would issue paper that would not draw interest. They would print more greenbacks.

Mr. Bailey is a modest man, and he only wants to issue fifty-eight millions fresh promises to pay. What's the use of issuing fifty -eight millions? Why not go at it at once and issue five thousand millions, and 1 make everybody rich on paper and wind? If we must commit a folly like that of throwing away in time of war the credit of the country, which has been its salvation in hard times, and is its strength, why do a little thing like printing fifty-eight millions? Peffer's plans are the proper 'caper if Bailey's statesmanship is good. It would take ten thousand millions of dollars in greenbacks to buy everything for the people and pay as we go, and get up a civil service army of five millions of men to administer the affairs of the Government. A Possible New Breed of Policemen.

The American scorcher along our asphalted streets and good country roads has long been a terror, but, it seems, he is outdone by the Parisian automobile carriage or "automobilist," they call them there. The French chauffeur can give the American scorcher points and then beat him in devilishness and destructiveness. The automobile carriage moves with the speed of a locomotive, and is not only driving the cabs off the street but pedestrians as well. It may happen that bridges and tunnels will soon be necessary to enable Parisian pedestrians to cross the streets, and it hasn't yet come to that in Brooklyn. The extent of the abuse may be guessed when a noble lady, who should have set a better example, the Duchesse d'Uzes, was arrested, and her son also, for furious driving in the streets.

The public will probably nickname her the Duchesse Useless or Duchesse de Blazes, if her scorching propensity is not soon checked. The automobile has had one trial in this city, but did not leave a pleasant impression behind it. If it should ever be reintroduced, it may be necessary, as it was in the past, in order to check new abuses, to raise up still another breed of policemen. Fast drivers necessitated the mounted policeman; and the "scorcher" made the "bicycle. cop" an indispensable addition to our police System.

Are we to have the flying artillerist added, in the guise of a police officer, in order to keep within bounds this new terror to the peaceful pedestrian? Alleged American Sensitiveness. It is said that some of the French newspapers express surprise at our sensitiveness, and wonder why we "object to a few Frenchmen having a sentimental feeling for Spain." We don't. They can waste all the sentiment they like on Spain, as long as they don't give her aid and comfort, as has been done; but we object to being abused and lied about. We know we are right and desire the good opinion of the world. The time may come when America won't care what the rest of the world thinks when she knows she's doing right, but at present Americans have not been so calloused by constant "scraps" with other people as to lose their regard for public opinion, which, by the way, is a potent factor in this free land of ours, and saves the enactment of a great many laws.

As regards French criticism, however, no doubt it is idle to worry over it, for the French are a frivolous folk at best and even now sentiment is changing to-. ward America-possibly through the potent influence of the boycott of French goods and the big French fair, possibly from some other cause, but changing it at least SO the Paris "Matin" says. That should be accepted for what it is worth. What this Nation has to do is always to remember and act upon Davy Crockett's sure you're right, then g0 ahead!" Once satisfied of the justice of our cause, what need we care for flippant criticism from people ignorant of the circumstances. The trouble is we have too often forgotten this maxim.

In this war we are right; we took care we were right before we started in. Now let us go ahead and never mind foolish criticism. A two-fold interest attaches to the award by the Royal Geographical Society of London, of its highest honor to our countryman and former townsman, Civil Engineer That it is the reward of merit, the medals of the American and Scottish geographical societies, which have preceded, abundantly testify; but the added recognition by the foremost geographical society of the world must give satisfaction to the American explorer and his many friends. It is, moreover, no strained construction to put upon the incident that, coming at this time, It is 13, 1898. -EIGHT STANDARD UNION.

WILLIAM BERRI. MURAT HALSTEAD. Published every afternoon; price. two cents Subscription 60 cents per month: $1.50 for three months, or $6 per year (address changed whenever destred), free of inland postage. Ocean postage (2 cents per copy) added to foreign subscriptions.

In changing an address, both old and new should be given. Entered at the Brooklyn Pest Office as second-class matter. STANDARD UNION BUILDING, 311-313 Washington Street. TELEPHONES: Publication, Brooklyn 79; Editorial, Brooklyn 884. MANHATTAN OFFICE, Room 66, Pulitzer Building.

WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENCE BUREAU, 501 Fourteenth Street. THE STANDARD UNION IN MANHATTAN. The Standard Union may be regularly obtained on the evening of publication at the news stands of the following Manhattan hotels: ASHLAND, 4th ave, ard 24th st. COSMOPOLITAN, 129 Chambers st. EVERETT, 17th st.

and 4th ave. GRAND UNION, 42d st. and Park WINDSOR, 46th st. and Broadway. And at the stands of the following newsdealers: 8d ave.

and 9th st, 23d st. and 6th ave. MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 13, 1898. EIGHT PAGES. FOR THE SUMMER SEASON The Standard Union will be mailed post-paid, to any address, changed as often as desired, tor 60 cents a month.

The President and Congress. WASHINGTON, D. June 12. A considerable number of contributors to the press have been forth for some time to the effect that the President was playing to get rid of Congress, feeling that he would have a comparatively free and easy and good time after the adjournment of the legislative department of the Government up to the first Monday of December next. Several vigorous gentlemen have responded that Congress wasn't going adjourn and leave the President to do as he pleased--having declared war, the honorable representatives and Senators would stay right here: and see that the Executive Department carried on the campaign correctly.

It is curious that there are persons who misunderstand the President and misapprehend the situation so thoroughly. It has come out in Washington, as the hot weather has struck in, that the President isn't in the least anxious that Congress should relegate itself to its various constituencies. It is a peculiarity of President IcKinley that he likes CongressHe isn't anxious about the preof his office; he likes to have hen around him and to throw sponsibilities upon them. After all the work he can upon the atives of the people and of the States, he finds a vast abundance less on hand and sufficient responto command his constant atten- The members disposed to find fault with the conduct of the war, and who are ready with the sneer that there hasn't been much war yet, haven't got the inducement to say that the President wants them to go. The torrid climate on the banks of the Potomac, supposed in part to be attributable to our entanglements with tropical islands, has caused a good deal of discomfort at the east end of Pennsylvania avenue, and at the rate of progress that is being made in dispatching essential business, Congress might retire before the end of this month and neg-' lect no duty.

There are a good many Congressmen a shade anxious about the temper of their constituents. There were many speeches made before the declaration of war, of which the various orators were proud at the time of their delivery, that do not sound well now. Very few of them will he read aloud by the honorable members st the wild applause of admiring multitudes. There has been a great deal done since war was declared that could and would have been better done before the declaration, if there had not been so much impetuosity and impatience. The serious nature of war as a business has become known to this generation of the American people within forty days.

Even a member of Congress can't stamp the earth and raise legions of drilled, disciplined, hardy, well-instructed, competent soldiers. Caesar's tenth legion was not gotten up in ten days. This country waited nearly a year after for the organization of the the "On to Richmond" lasted afterward. professional military men of med nations of Europe are wonour haste in invading Cuba. eve it would be common pruo delay the expeditions for a time; they continually dwell upon the gnitude and extreme difficulty of the erprise.

In our opinion the Americans will arprise them at Santiago and San Juan as they did at Manila. The special champions of the "free and republic of Cuba are not as now that Havana must be surrendered after three weeks of blockade as they were when the raw material was furnished for a great many pages of the But the President is not feeling dly about Congress. He has inble evidences of having gained nfdence of the people at messages that were so much tame and inconsequential, weak and irresponsivel-espemessage that he sent tp Conuse the Constitution onfers upon that body the authority to declare war--read very well now. The absence of the blatherskite element, and the presence of dignity are not found objectionable. The messages have been useful at home and abroad.

The President will be glad to have the presence of Congress so long as it is the pleasure of Senators and Representatives to persist in the service of their country in the capacity assigned them by custom and the Constitution. He will sign the Revenue bill on Tuesday, and we shall have the Hawaiian Islands annexed in the course of a few days. That may be regarded as a certainty. The idiocy of declining to accept those islands when our troops are passing them and obliged to stop at Honolulu on the way to Manila, is SO obvious that the various personal interests and small fads and feeble-minded criticisms and swollen vanities in the way, are being swept away. A refusal to annex Hawail just now would be even more intolerably asinine than it was in Cleveland's time.

If Congress should presume to refuse to accept the gift of the Paradise of the Pacific, it would, be equivalent to slapping the United States in the nose--a flagrant and indecent antagonism to the policy that is the governing motive of the American people in accepting the duty of their destiny, both in the West India islands and the Philippines. There will be no such hideous commission of folly. We shall gather in Hawaii; and there is another group or two of islands on the way to the Philippines that we shall pick up as we go along. MURAT HALSTEAD. The Oregon Election.

There has been so much interest taken in the war that the result of the Oregon election has not attracted the attention that its importance would under ordinary circumstances have commanded. The Republicans swept the State by the largest majority they have had for several years, and they have probably settled the question of the election of a Senator, so long held open by personal and factional activity, in favor of adding one to the solid column that favors the maintenance of the existing gold standard. The Republicans spoke out on that subject clearly and were sustained in doing so. There were some overprudent persons of Republican persuasion in Oregon who sent word the authorities here against moving the Oregon regiments out of the State until after the election. The point was made that the number of troops called for in Oregon was about the accustomed Republican majority, when they succeeded in carrying the State at all; and that if the soldiers were sent away a Democratic victory might be expected.

But this idea was not regarded as sound by the President and others who took an interest in the subject. The opinion was advanced in reply to the detention argument that the way to lose the State, and the only way, was to detain the troops on account of the election upon the presumption that their votes couldn't be spared; that the people of Oregon might be trusted in emergencies had many precedents making that clear, and would give the Republicans a good majority without reference to the war question. They did that and something more, and the vote in Oregon has had a perceptible influence in strengthening the support in Congress of the financial policy of the Administration. A Big Battleship Experiment. Perhaps there is not time for Congress to undertake an experiment that has been proposed by Senator Morgan of Alabama -that is, to order a first-class battleship, call it the George Washington, building it bigger and equipping it so that it shall be more formidable than any vessel in our navy, and turn it out in fighting condition within one year--the primary purpose being to give the world an object lesson, showing that we can build one of the stupendous war machines, a steelclad battleship, in less time than it has been done by any nation.

The American Navy has already manifested to the nations of the earth in the course of our war with Spain so as to greatly enhance its reputation. Such a feat as the construction of a battleship of the mightiest of those of England, would be an earnest of the genius of our mechanics, the resources of our shipyards, our capacity for the manufacture of steel guns and armor -W'C include guns, because the idea is that the ship will be turned out in every respect new-and such an achievement would attract the attention of all enlightened people, and do as much to augment our prestige as a great victory on the land and sea. Senator Morgan does not claim to have originated the idea. He got it in a letter from a constituent, and can afford to give credit. Stewart Grows Louder as He Lapses.

One of the most monotonous things in Congress is the silver question. The old gang are at it, just as if nobody had ever heard of it before -just as if they hadn't heard any news for several years. Just as if they didn't know they had been beaten on that question half a dozen times. Just as if it would be a good thing when we are in as high credit as England, to adopt the financial system of discredited Spain because we have gone to war with her. The idiocy of this notion seems to be but celebrated statesmen are howling the same fallacies, screeching the same threats, squalling the same falsifications that they have been pestering the country with for Io these many years.

They are doing this with blatant and flamboyant professions of patriotism, but they are trying, as a matter of fact, to hold up the country and compel it to adopt their fad. We have bought and heaped up sixteen thousand tons of silver in the Treasury of the United States but the old yelling is going on that silver has beer demonetized, abused. and the hearts but another expression of that feeling of good will and of international friendship which is felt "all along the line," betokening the union of the Anglo-Saxon races and forces, if need be, against the world. The English interest in Mr. Peary's work, done and projected, as evidenced by Mr.

Harmsworth's generous gift of the Windward, and by the honorable distinction of the Royal Geographical Society, is an incident appealing to every American as foretokening not only the Briton's appreciation of individual merit and pluck, but a union of the nations, informal and undefined it may be, but none the less potent and invincible. As to Extending Our Dominion. Both Houses are tedious about the annexation of Hawaii. Anybody who opposes the acquisition of Hawaii in some way or another, immediately and conclusively, now and forever, should regard the sending of troops to the Philippine Islands as a crime against the Constitution, an outrage upon the Revolutionary fathers, as -one of the most terrible wrongs ever conceived, dishonoring civilization, sapping the morality of the public, flinging ourselves into the Asiatic Ocean in the development of a suicidal mania. And yet if the question whether we should abandon the Philippine Islands and refuse to accept Hawaii were put to the American people, their vote would be the most tremendous "No!" that a great people ever uttered, and they would crush all who advocated the measures of humiliation that now find champions.

We are bound to occupy and possess the Philippine Islands, and make the best use of them we can. We would be feeble-minded and soft-witted if we didn't. If we should wiggle off into acquiescence in the repudiation of the idea of imperial Americanism at this juncture, it would be to insist upon our own insig. nificance, henceforth, always. Is This a Precedent? A Brooklyn gentleman-he must have.

been more than a mere man, judging by the sequel-had the misfortune while wheeling in Freeport, L. the other day, to collide with a pedestrian, a Freeporter, to the latter's discomfiture and overthrow. The pedestrian's friends- name was Smith, and the Smiths have lots of friends -showed a disposition to make it unpleasant for the man who spread a Smith in the dust, but the Brooklyn man remained calm--he had not been tumbled in the dust himself--and without expressing any displeasure at the unparliamentary remarks of the crowd, offered the statement, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith, that he was entirely neutral in the matter, and had riot intentionally run down Mr. Smith while cruising. Better still, he clinched his argument by tendering a $5 Treasury note to Mr.

Smith, with some pleasant remark about a doctor's fee, and the Conference of powers agreed that the incident was closed. It was a graceful and considerate act, but if this is to as a precedent for bicyclers to pay the doctor's bill of all their victims, it will be apt to make them either more cautious or to decrease the number of amateur wheelmen. John Y. McKane was interviewed yesterday by a Manhattan reporter at Coney Island, and confessed that it had been the dream of his life to see "the island" erected into a separate city, with its Own Mayor-of whom, as Artemus Ward puts it, he was to be which. His dream, however, faded away as the surf receded and the bluffs of the Hudson took their place, and he no longer heard the ocean murmur at the bar.

Influential men were in the movement, and they even visited him "up the river" to get him to oppose annexation. But the deposed "King of Coney Island" sadly answered them that he had troubles of his own, and wasn't fighting things as much as he had been. So the matter passed into inocuous desuetude. But John Y. still thinks it would have been a great scheme, and that the Isle de Coney would have flourished like a green bay tree, as an autonomous city.

Of course injunctions would have lost their mobility, and the franchise would have been greatly simplified. One man could have done all the voting and probably would. But Coney, instead of being a "rotten borough" all by itself is now part of a very sound one. Last week was regarded as warm--but yesterday fairly took the prize for intense caloricity-if the term is allowable. Old Sol fairly outdid himself.

The thunder shower that passed over the city just before daylight only succeeded in aggravating matters by making a vapor bath of the atmosphere. The seaside was. a mockery, and the only way to keep cool. was to keep still, and avoid picturesqueness of language. The thermometer registered 99 degrees in some places.

In others nobody dared look at it. But today isn't SO bad. Well, Brooklyn appears to be "in it" somewhat on this first land fight, for it was marines from the Brooklyn Navy Yard that first planted the Stars and Stripes on Cuban soil, and have so far held their ground against all attempts by the Spaniards to dislodge them. The Navy Yard is giving a good account of EDWARD LINK'S BODY FOUND. The body of Edward Link, who had been missing since May 15, from his home at Rockaway Inlet, was found yesterday in the water near there.

The dead man was 29 years old, and unmarried. On the day he left home he said he was going fishing. REFEREES APPOINTED. By Justice Maddox-Charles S. Taber et vs.

Frederick A. Mahland et al (two actions), Edward F. Taber. William P. Discom et al.

as executors. vs. John J. De Bevoise et John E. Van Nostrand.

James S. Suydam vs. John H. De Bevoise, John E. Van Nostrand.

Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobaoco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 500, 81. All druggista START TO-DAY. (Continued from First Page.) most instantly they returned the fire with rapid volleys.

As soon as the shots were heard the men came running from the campground and the shore to the aid of their comrades. Many of them who had. swimming did not have a shred of clothing on, but this made no difference in their fighting qualities. They had dashed from the water, seizing their arms as they ran, and made for the camp. Col.

Huntington, commanding the marines, formed his men in a semicircle on the far slope of the hill, and they were ordered to kneel. In a few minutes the mountains were resounding with the fusillades the Americans poured into the woods and bushes. There was no excitement beyond that natural to an occasion of the sort. The men obeyed orders instantly, and there was no firing without orders, as is generally the case when troops go into action for the first time. In fact, they acted as well as veterans.

The Spaniards had 1 in the meantime repeated their fire on the guards, but did not try to pick out the men after their formation. The attack was not exactly in the nature of a surprise to the commander of the camp. A minute before the first shots were fired a Cuban dashed into the camp with the news that the enemy were preparing to attack. He said he thought there were 200. Spaniards in the woods, and was anxious that the Americans should capture them before they could get away.

Lieut. -Col. Robert W. Huntington, of the Marine Corps, sent First Lieut. Wendell C.

Neville ahead with ten men to act as a skirmishing party. First Lieut. James E. Mahoney, with another detachment, ivas sent out to the right, and another detail to the left. The latter party worked to the- head of the lagoon without uncovering anybody.

Lieut. Neville's little party pushed straight into the bush regardless of the enemy. They started some of the Spaniards and fired on them. The enemy returned the fire, but their marksmanship was characteristic, and none of the Americans was hit. They did not wait: to fire again, but took to their heels and made good their escape in the It is not known whether any of the Spaniards were hit, but it is thought that some of them were.

Lieut. Mahoney beat up the bush all the way to the lagoon and went on till he met Lieut. Neville's, party without getting sight of the Spaniards. The search for the enemy lasted for half an hour, after which the battalion was reformed on the crest of the hill, where they remained on guard for a while. There were no more shots, except from time to time as movements were seen in the grass.

The men were fiercely in earnest, and ill would have fared the Spaniard who got in their way. They had a slight foretaste of what fighting in the Cuban jungle means. When the skirmishers returned from the woods they were simply black with the mosquitoes that covered them, and their legs, arms, and bodies were jabbed with burrs and cactus needles. The Spaniards had evidently been keeping a close watch since the marines landed. They thought that the time was favorable for an attack, but the found that the Yankees were not to be caught napping.

Word of the presence of the Spaniards was sent to Capt. McCalla, of the Marblehead, and a few hours later, after the camp was asleep, the warship moved within range and turned her searchlight on the hills. If the Spaniards were there they kept themselves well hid, for no sign of them could be discovered. No attack on the town is likely until a larger force of troops is available, though the Spanish fortifications are not formidable nor the garrison large. Unless another attack is made on the camp the marines are not likely to hunt the Spaniards again until the arrival of sixty insurgents, who are expected here to-morrow.

These Cubans will be used as scouts and pilots, 'they having accurate knowledge of the country hereabouts and of the waters of the bay. Earthworks are to be thrown across the peninsula south of the camp immediately. Ag the Spaniards left two field pieces here when they were cleared out on Tuesday by the fire from the warships, it is thought that they have only rifles with them in the woods: They departed in such a hurry that they left behind them a telescope, a signalling outfit, a battalion flag, and even important dispatches and love letters. The flag is now on board the Marblehead. Michigan, naval reserves on the Yosemite seized one of the cannon as spoil of war.

The marines are not satisfied with the poles on which the Stars and Stripes are floating. They are looking for the highest tree in the neighborhood, and when it is found it will be cut down and transformed into a pole that will be. high enough to allow the flag to be seen from a much greater distance. The pole will then be erected on a point a across the bay, where the Spaniards in Caimanera will be able to see the Stars and Stripes every day. WATCHING FOR TORPEDOES.

110 MEN KILLED BY THE DOLPHIN'S FIRE ON A TRAIN. OFF SANTIAGO, June the moonlight ceased the fleet has resorted to new night tactics. Every night launches from the New York, Brooklyn and Massachusetts put into the mouth of the harbor under the protection of the searchlights of the Oregon, Iowa and Massachusetts, which are concentrated in the channel inside, the ships moving inshore to get in the proper positions. Each launch is in charge of a cadet, who has orders if any craft inside moves toward the entrance to fire a torpedo signal, two red and one white rocket, regardless of themselves or their crews. Insurgents report that in last Monday's bombardment by the fleet seven men were killed and thirteen injured in the forts.

They confirm the report about a shell landing on the old cruiser Reina Mercedes and killing an officer and wounddozen men. "They also confirm the previously printed report that the Dolphin, which recently fired on a railroad train, killed 110 men who were being taken to the forts. The train made a run for the shelter of some woods a distance ahead of where the Dolphin first sighted her, but before could reach the spot the Dolphin riddled it with her machine guns, she being within rifle range of the train: NEW FLYING SQUADRON. CAPT. CROWNINSHIELD SAYS HE KNOWS NOTHING OF IT.

WASHINGTON, June Crowninshield, of the Navy' Department, says he knows nothing of the contemplated formation of a new flying squadron for offensive purposes in European waters. project is one which has been discussed. Early in the preparations for war it was planned to send Schley to European waters, the idea then being to the -Spanish fleet, which, it was thought, would attack our coast. Since then the subject has been broached in connection with the occupaton of the Canary Islands. Capt.

Crowninshield says if any such plan were again in contemplation he is not in a position to announce it. DR. GIBBS LIVED IN NEW YORK. Dr. John Blair Gibbs, who was killed in the night attack on Guantanamo, lived in Ir New York, at 60 West Forty-seventh street, Manhattan.

He was about 40 years old and a bachelor. Two months ago he was appointed an assistant surgeon in the navy was ordered to Key West. There he joined the transport Panther, on which' were the marines who made the first landing of American troops on Cuban soil. Dr. Gibbs was born in Richmond, and was a graduate of Rutgers College.

His mother is still living in Virginia. 4 I. 0. F. HOME.

Annual Meeting of the L. I. Home Association, GRATIFYING REPORTS FROM THE BOARD OF MANAGERS, AND THE OLD OFFICERS ALL RE-ELECTED EXCEPT ONE, WHO WAS NOT RE- TURNED AS A REPRESENTATIVE. The seventh annual meeting of the Long Island Odd Fellows' Home Association took place Saturday night in Magnolla Lodge room, corner of Montague and Clinton streets. There was a large attendance of representatives from the various lodges in the association.

F. E. Pouch presided and Charles A. Vail recorded. The report of the Board of Managers of the Horne at Hollis showed that a number of improvements had been made in the Home during the year, including an extension to the building 37x37 feet, and three stories high, to meet the demand for accommodation.

There are thirteen members in the Home at present, four of whom are widows of deceased Odd Fellows. The youngest inmate is 64 years old and the oldest 90. His name is James A. Kilburn, and he was admitted June 3, 1893, when 85 years old. All the old officers were re-elected, except William Tilley, of Jamaica Lodge, who was returned as a representative by his is lodge.

His place was taken by George E. Downey, of Bay View Lodge, who was elected to the Board of Managers without opposition. The Finance Committee reported the association in a better financial condition than ever before. Following are the officers of the association for the ensuing year: President, Francis E. Pouch; Vice-President, Thomas H.

Snedeker; Secretary, Charles A. Vail; Treasurer, Sydney L. Rowland; Managers, Thomas J. Percival, Wililam H. Davis, William O'Neil, George E.

Downing, Harry Walker, Charles, F. Bailys, Lawrence Powers, Thomas Miller and H. G. Rinke; Physicians, Austin J. Blanchard, M.D., and E.

W. Wright, M.D A committee of five was appointed by. the president to meet a similar committee of the New York Odd Fellows Home Association and confer 'in regard to consolidating the two associations and report the result at an adjourned meeting to be held July 9. HOSPITAL TRAIN. A COMPLETELY EQUIPPED ONE TO BE SENT TO TAMPA.

WASHINGTON, June most completely equipped hospital train ever sent to an armed camp will start from Washington 'to or next day for Tampa. It consists of two tourist dining cars, ten tourists' sleepers and a baggage coach. Surgeon-General Sternberg believes the train will prove of incalculable benefit during the war. It will stop. at Tampa and other Southern camps, picking up the sick and wounded soldiers there and bear them to more comfortable and healthy quarters in the North, where the scorching rays of the sun wlil not retard recovery.

The train will eo-operate with the hospital ship Relief, and will be fitted out with every known medical and surgical necessity. TOWN TALK AND DOINGS. It has become so much the custom for the audience to rise at the first strains of "The Star Spangled Banner" and to remain standing until it has ended, that any neglect to do so is apt to call unfavorable attention to the fact. At a recent matinee the usual scene occurred when the orchestra began the familiar air and the chorus on the stage took it up. But an unusual incident was observed in the first row of the dress circle, where six or eight ladies remained seated.

One of them applauded vigorously when the music ceased, and the rest of the audience had no reason to doubt their loyalty. It excited some unfavorable comment, however, from some who noticed the action or, perhaps, it should be called, lack of action. Americans seldom trouble themselves about form or ceremony in connection with their patriotism, but the idea of standing for "The Star Spangled Banner" seems to have received general approval, and it is likely to remain a custom even after the war is over. Perhaps by that time the ladies in the dress circle will have learned to observe the rule. WATER COMPANY DEFEATED.

Justice Johnson, in the Supreme Court to-day. denied the application made on behalf of the Woodside Water Company in the suit of J. Rufus Perry, a taxpayer, to restrain the water company from entering into a contract to supply Long Island City, to dismiss the case on the ground of want of prosecution. SAYS HE WAS KNOCKED DOWN. Henry Tillman, of Atlantic avenue, was removed to the Eastern District Hospital, Saturday night, suffering from a fractured skull, result he alleged of being knocked by Emil Denmorle.

athen Denmorle was arrested but denied the charge. THE DIXIE GOES TO SEA. NORFOLK, June auxiliary cruiser Dixie passed out at the capes at noon to-day. It is thought that this time she is really off for Santiago. KIRKLAND TO STAY AT MARE ISLAND.

WASHINGTON, June Admiral continued in the Mare Island Kirkland, who next week, will be retires, Navy Yard, until the war is over. NEGLECTED THE BODY. The remains of 4-year-old George Hahn, who was drowned a week ago, were removed For some unknown reason, however, the body was allowed to lay on the shore at Astoria for an hour I before it was removed. ROYAL MEDAL 'AN AMERICAN EXPLORER RECEIVES AN HONOR FROM GREAT BRITAIN. Civil Robert E.

Peary has received medal of the Royal Engineer, Geographical Society of London, awarded for his explorations in Northern Greenland, dating from twelve years ago, and especially for his memorable sledge journey across the Greenland ice, and for his discovery of its northern termination. -The medal is of solid gold, about two and one-eighth in diameter, about one-quarter of an inch thick, with both surfaces slightly concave. The obverse of the medal bears a figure of Britannia, erect, holding in her right hand the palm wreath, while the left, rests upon a globe, and at the feet is a mariner's sextant, in relief. The inscription 1 is "Ob Terras Reclusas" (on account of the lands which you have reopened), and at the -bottom, the words, "Royal Geographical Society of London." The reverse bears a fine medallion in relief of the Queen, surrounded by the legend, "Victoria D. G.

Britanniarium Regina. and beneath, the word "Patrona." On the smooth edge of the medal in plain, deeply engraved Roman letters, is the inscription "Lieut. E. Peary, U. S.

N.y 1898." Both faces of the medal are covered with a thin sheet of glass to prevent abrasion or injury. The medal was awarded at the meeting of the Royal Society, May 9, and at the same time the founders' medal, identical in design and weight, was bestowed on the Swedish explorer, Dr. Sven Hedin, for his important explorations in Central Asia, and Lieut. Col. Alfred.

E. Bates, U. S. military attache of the United States Legation in London, was elected a member of the society. The Peary medal may be seen for a few days at Dutton's book store, Twenty-third street, Manhattan.


Edward A. Fleissner, well known as the wife of -a prosperous young South Brooklyn business man, occurred on Saturday morning at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lillian Gallagher, 227 Monroe street. Mrs. Fleissner was born in old New York twenty-seven years ago, but came to Brooklyn when a child.

She leaves a young daughter. The funeral was held this morning at 10 o'clock from the Church of the Nativity, Classon avenue and Madison street. The burial wilt be in Calvary Cemetery. CANBY C. CHRISTENSEN.

News has been received from Los Angeles, of the death on last Thursday of Canby C. Christensen, a son of the late Gen. Christensen, of Brooklyn. Mr. Christensen was in his thirty year.

He was an active member of Plymouth Church, where memorial services were held yesterday. NIGHT SIGNALS. HOW MESSAGES ARE EXCHANGED AT FIRE ISLAND WITH SHIPS AT SEA. The United States signal station at Fire Island, lately established for communicating by night with ships at sea, has been equipped with the Ardois system, by' which, together with the Myer alphabet, communication may be maintained after dark at a distance of ten miles off shore. Eight lanterns are hung in pairs, alternately red and white, from a mast 112 high, and with a keyboard, the lights' are instantly lighted and 1 extinguished in combination.

The signals are of 100-candle power each, and can be plainly read from Babylon. The system consists of a string of lanterns, eight in number, alternately red and white, which are arranged in pairs about eight feet apart, and are hoisted as far above deck as the height of the mast will permit. The top pair, one red and one white lantern, is at the mast head; eight feet below them is the second pair, while the third and fourth pairs are correspondingly spaced upon the halyard by which all are hoisted. In each lantern is an incandescent electric lamp, which, by means of wires, is connected to a keyboard upon the deck. By means of the keyboard any lamp or combination of lamps may be lighted.

Thus, if the key marked 'A' is depressed, the white lamps of the two upper pairs are turned on. Other letters have other combinations, such as white, red, white (four lamps) for three lamps or only one are also used. The total number of combinations is thirty, which gives an alphabet and four special signals. Signal men become wonderfully expert in reading the combinations, as they are flashed out in the darkness, and since each letter is made by one flash instead of by several long and short flashes, as is the custom with the wig-wag lantern or the heliograph, the transmission is correspondingly rapid. The Ardois system, originally planned to use for light an electric current, but at Fire Island the new illuminant, acetylene, has been substituted with complete sucovercoming many that cess, had attended the use of electricity.

The acetylene generator used is named from its inventor, William E. Gibbs, noted mechanical engineer of New York, and made by the Herendeen Manufacturing Company, of Geneva, N. Y. The system consists of eight lanterns as in the electric apparatus, except that each lanin tern is a cluster of four acetylene burners, supplied with gas through a flexible hose from the generator within an opaque chimney, and while it is itself invisible, serves to light the main burners when they are turned on. The main burners: are controlled by an electro-magnet in the base of each lantern, which, by of a small electric battery and means keyboard, opens and closes a valve through which the acetylene passes.

In order er that the lanterns need never lowered from the tall mast upon which they are displayed, the little pilot flames are lighted by means of an electric spark from the battery at the beginning of the signalling. The keyboard is a very simple device, consisting of eight telegraph keys, arranged in such order as to correspond with the spacing of the lanterns. This keyboard was devised some years ago for the use of Naval Reserves in practicing with the Ardols system, and they have become so expert in its use that they prefer it to more elaborate affair used on board the ships. The lamps when manipulated by the keyboard are lighted and extinguished instantly, and. no time lost as in the electric lamps in waiting for the carbon filaments to become hot, nor for the glow to die away after pressure of the keys.

The light of laneach tern is equal in power to 100 candles, but the light is so white and has so great a fog-piercing power per unit of flame area that it is in reality much more effective than the same quantity of illumination of any other feasible kind. ERASMUS HALL PUPILS. The pupils of Erasmus Hall High School assembled this morning in the chapel of lar weekly exercises. Selections were the Reformed Dutch Church for the regurendered by Sthe Boys' Glee -Club, the Violin and Mandolin Club, and recitations and readings were given by the following: Miss Delaine, Miss Hall, Miss Jones, Miss Warren, Messrs. Wallace, Alford and Bachrach.


253--the Building Contractors' 'District--in organizing local assemblies of the Knights out of building trades' mechanics who may be found willing to become members in opposition to building trades unions who recently deserted store the Knights Electrical Workers' Union, No. 3, formerly Local Assembly No. 5468, is among those singled out for attack by the district. The union is powerful and rich. It has a membership exceeding 1,300 and large reserve funds, and claims jurisdiction in its craft in Brooklyn and Manhattan.

It was attached successively to the National 1 Union of Electric Workers, and through it to the American Federation of Labor, from which it seceeded, and after a time joined the Knights. Now it is an independent union and has quit the present Board of Delegates in Manhattan. It is represented in new Building Trades Council and in the a Brooklyn Board of Delegates. The organization formed in "its place by District Assembly No. 253 is Gas and Electric Fixture Hangers' Union, Local Assembly No.

1,828. This union got- its charter from the district as a local assembly within the last few days, and, it is said, will likely apply for representation on the old Board of Delegates in Manhattan, Under existing circumstances it will be refused admission to the Brooklyn Board of Delegates. The formal recognition of the new union of electrical workers by the Knights will, it is said, have the effect of making much worse the bickerings that exist, and which have disrupted the 10- cal building trades unions, and it is expected will go toward breaking the monopoly of work enjoyed heretofore in their line by the members of Electrical Workers Union No. 3. in Manhattan and Brooklyn, a monopoly which the National Union of the trade was powerless to prevent.

Another union which District Assembly 253 is about to under its wing is the National Association of Steam Fitters and Helpers. This union was organized last fall under protection of the Master Fitters' Association by mechanics who kicked against their unions ordering them to drop work to help strikes in which they had no interest. This union has been ignored by the Brooklyn and Manhattan Boards of Delegates. tI is to take the place of the order of the Knights held until the last couple weeks by the Enof terprise Association of Steam Fitters and the Progressive Association' of Steam Fitters' Helpers, and will have jurisdiction for the Knights over the craft in Manhattan. The Boiler Fitters' Union is another labor organization connected with the building trades to which District Assembly 253 has lately given a charter.

It is now Local Assembly 1853 of the Knights of Labor. There was a secret meeting, as of District Assembly 253, in Central Hall, West Thirty-second street, Manhattan, Saturday night. General Master Workman of the -Knights Henry Ar Hicks presided. It was for war purposes. The tenor of the speeches were of the congratulatory style.

It was resolved to persist in organizing new local assemblies to take the places of the departed unions, and in effect to keep up a lively fight right along the line. WANTS MARRIAGE ANNULED. W. D. FRICKE'S STRANGE SUIT AGAINST JOHN L.

COOK. A trial will begun next Saturday at Patchogue, L. which will prove of considerable interest to the people of Bridgehampton, L. especially, and also to some residents of Brooklyn and Manhattan. William D.

Fricke, of Pacific street, Brooklyn, is, the plaintiff against John Cook, of Bridgehampton, in a suit to secure the annulment of the marriage of his sister to Cook. The woman has been dead three years. She left a fortune, and as it was all personal property it went to her husband. Should her brother succeed in having the marriage annulled he would fall heir to the property, which is valued at $55,000. A considerable portion of it is in stocks and bonds.

It is alleged that Fricke says insanity runs in his family and his sister was insane and therefore incompetent to enter into a marriage agreement. The defendant claims that he has twice effected a settlement with Fricke. The latter won the first point in the suit last Saturday, when Justice Smith granted his motion to change the place of trial from Brooklyn to Patchogue. FOUND AN INTRUDER, FEIGEL OBJECTED TO HOGAN'S VIS- IT AND CLUBBED HIM. Thomas Feigel, of 358 DeKalb avenue, on coming home early yesterday morning found Thomas Hogan in his apartments and proceeded to drive him out with a club.

In doing so he struck Hogan on the head, fracturing his skull slightly. He then marched his victim to the station house and essayed to make a charge against him, but was himself locked up. Hogan removed to a hospital and Feigel was held in the Myrtle avenue court on a charge of assault in the second degree. WIFE AWARDED ALIMONY. In the Supreme Court to-day Justice Maddox granted Emily Henderson: $200 counsel fee and $100 a month alimony, in her suit for separation from her husband, Alexander D.

Henderson. The parties were married in 1884 and have five children. Mrs. Henderson declares her husband abandoned her. She says he has beaten her and treated her with the utmost cruelty.

ITALIANS IN A QUARREL. itself. Michael Brano, 27 years old, of Sixtieth street near Thirteenth avenue, was arrested late Sunday night on complaint of Frank Murdello, of the same address, who accused him of having fired three shots at him from a revolver in Sixtieth between Twelfth and Thirteenth avenues. None of the shots took effect. Both men are Italians and quarreled over some petty matter.


Wed. and Sat. CASTLE SQ, OPERA CO. In Beautiful Balfe's Opera, BOHEMIAN GIRL! Popular 75c. Summer Prices: Only.

THE TURF. Brooklyn Jockey Club Races. May 28, 30, June 1, 2, 4, 6,.7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16. 6 Races Each Day at 2:30 P. M.


and C. R. 10 minutes from 12 noon..

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