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The Brooklyn Union from Brooklyn, New York • 4

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BROOKLYN UNION-ARGUS. WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1877. El TEEN DISTBICT. provisions and necessary clothing nr being coo- I trlbnted by the citizen. The entire conn try fe snvcloped dense smoke.

It is stated that TAXPATE1IS. WXKXZ.T MM ATI NO Or CXITTMAZ, AMMOCZATZOIT. A art dans aa rtafM. FOTTE O'CLOCK EDITION. TM 47 there were many families bring in the wood Jobs Ballsssas, a eaakS teaar yean ee? at.

land where the ores bare rased so fearfully. LARGEST AMD CHEAPEST C05, COT, CUQ andcTi JrToV ST KELT, riRECTLT wrcifn rurria atdtl ISrSttll cfc TITUS. iaa araae broaia by S.asnea sa saw wtaaat ot ch while at wsa sb aitss om. uraas ssrsns. and that undoubtedly many persons hay per- yvserdav ariaraooa lbs am iaer Latter trasa (Masrsl KIND BASING.

I The Tental Paw era at Mr. J. Btasdatt draws TnU4 a a Private Biwu. Mr. J.

Randall Brown held a pnymfearaosptlan at she Church Bdifloa, yesterday aftaraoon, to give certain invited guests an opportunity to test bis poweri at a mind reader. Among toon present were Mrttrt, Artbnr W. Benson, Dr. James L. Farley, Mr.

Hart, of Hart Brothers; Avon Burnbam, Hugh Allan, Wm. Payne. Benjamin Lewis, William fipaogier. and a few ladies. BRUTALITY.

A 'LONGSHOREMAN STABS A WOMAN ISte Brashes HbsSsb4's HUd tster-fercace Tb Fellow's Escape an Be-capture-Clubbed Into SabmiMloa by tbe Police. John Slattery, a laborer, lives with bis wife at No.l State street, on the first floor ot tbe tWksr, of booth FirJ strsaa. was dJSnArrl isnea wnue attempting to saye their noma. At Altona, Forest, Ions, Woods Falls, and Ellan- this taoralnf by Jsnioa JLIxaI, appasnnf bs was awt ts nsw, rayralla af the Basra City wcrka -Details WaaUsl-CetasnlaaUBer Fowler's Coaasel Yea A racial Caaaaaluaa le rrsmi Alssai. A regular weeaJy nissting of tba Taxpayers' burgn tbe people wet.

last night watching their dooms. At Danoemora Station the smoke n- elopes everything-, and fears are entertained that the fire will spread Into the thick forests in ANIWERSARY SUITS Tba fUstta sata Wars BaawbAraa Arjcsatios vt las evetrmg. bat araiMsacssJ sa branaaaa BY TELEGRAPH. Further from Jhe Scene Bloody Strife. and the sncating a4irasd lor one saonih.

of Central Association was held last even rag at their headquarters, earner ot Court and Jond. emon streets, Henry Mnmford, President, In Ur chair; Jamas F. Carey, Secretary. Thirty that immediate neighborhood. It is said that a man who set fire to a brush heap at Cberubusco on Snndty evening last neelected to watch it.

Yestrrdsy evmlns' a tktsf saoU Wwalr-r CDTF A valaed at $100 frees tbe apstssasss of Mrs. C. saa, awe uraaaas avearaa. TiTs. TsTs members were present.

ROGERS, PEET Wben the minutes of tbe nwviooa mseilns rayna. as srstatrbe at Vat-ray Carres, was Saed Slit by Jaattca wark tat seot-wtaar himng Teume HcOaiygaa. of 141 Sort rVst and the flames soon got beyond bis control, the strong winds driving the fire towards the mills. The Are was seen by the neighbors, bat was not thought of sufficient importance to be watched. At half-past twelve A.M.

a Are was discovered were read some wforsoal discassioa arose oa tbe correctness of a paragraph stattng that tba Mr.Brown was escorted from the roots by two of tbe audience, who remained with him, while Dr. Farley bid a cigar under the casoioo of a seat in tbe rear of tne auditorium. Mr. Brown returned to the room taking Dr. Farley by the left hand walked with him among the audience, tbe doctor meanwhile thinking intently ot the place in whicb tbe cigar was bidden and the route by which be had reached it.

Mr. Brown found the cigar in about half a minute. Mr. Hart then thought of a gentleman the audience while air. Brown was blindfolded, and in a moment Mr.

Brown removed tbe bandage from bis ayes, and picked out tne gentleman of whom Mr. Hart bad been thinking. wea, ia tac Beau wita lOnauiuuuB ana cy-Mtws naa Deeej axJooSed. Several members Insisted tbat a mead men is to large tenement house In that unsavory locality known as ''Bedlam's Blazes." Yesterday afternoon John Brennen, a longshoreman, twet.ty-four years old, married and living at No. 25 Tiffany place, visited the Slattery family end with tbe husband drank heavily of fighting wbiskey in one of tbe low groe-geries of tfce neighborhood.

Mrs. Slattery is cousin of Brennen's and on their return to tbe bouse be commenced to take unwarrantable liberties with the Slattery was drunk enough to RXMON8TRATS IH A MAUDLIN; WAT, that only encouraged his younger companion. Finally, tbe husband secured a "steel," such as is used by butchers in sharpening their knives, and, staggering toward Brnener. threatened to murder him if he did nofcease the persecutions of bis wife. The latter, who is in a delicate con in the lumber-yard of R.

W. Adams ft Two Hours' Cannonado Be-tvyem Totrokan and Olteu-Itzn Mysterious HoyementR ot Kusslan Troops at Glur-(rero Desultory Flringr-noumanla on tlie Defensive-Trie Russian to Cross the Rv. D. Banry MilUr aarvnrwri taa awawalaa ta the Constitnuea were adopted, but that tt was tbeir view of the matter tbat tbe Cotsstitanos as a whole was so be acted upon at tbe present team mill, and a gang of men was detailed to SpcdalllM for the AnniTerrr In BOYS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. 404 Fulton Street, Cor.

Gallatin Place. tba Nol Street baMast CbmS tamm rm Minanersaad Rtchrarwabaa. He haul awtara as aoeeung. Tbe 1 modern auaured tbe obieeton that tba say in bebslt of lb fornsor, and tuta sttrgast-It advic to riv Lb kaUer. fight it, but their assistance came too late to be of service.

Portsmouth, N. May 16. A forest Are two miles wide is raging near South Berrick, and is rapidly progressing eastward. Conttitatios bad previously besa adopted. Mr.

Creamer said be thought be could bridge ver tbe matter, and thereupon moved tbat tba Tb rssvvntb Pisaltla fanilraa -n I Mental nirronng" was tne title oi toe next test. Mr. Allen, thinking of the face of eoe of tbe audience, walked about for a while with Mr- Danube at Eigne Points Simultaneously. 407 tjhoa Twxir. rciuvcr yoiul subjret be said over, trader tba rales, for one Brown, who wss blindfolded.

Mr. Brown then New York aawa aaxap yavteeday SSU egrit ot detkisf Mas an sxalM iiii troa htrajaaa Giie. of 71 Huron straM, try Mscbaat Drasa. mourn, at ma exptrauoo ot wbicb dsn be would removed the bandage from his eyes and walked otter soma amenumenu. Adopted.

The James River aud Kanawha Ta body a drowaad aaa Sana fa aweaaa about alone among tbe audience scrutinising their faces until be selected tbe right person, the TUB BxpoaTS or coinrrrrsaea WALL STKHLT. rai a a taaaaiA.a aea mi rtsata. iaebe la belabv. wa DK-kel am al taae Iota aaa.a were tben tasen up. The Lrciaiabra Coaunit- Casy strart )sterdsy.

It bad taws a tuag baa aaiah.M law'e ttt.i east. tce Htks progress. mt occupy log on i a lew momsnss. Mr. Brown will give a larger number of experiments neat week.

He contends that be ntaT iroi tt 04 Jr A Ct isrr as ta, mAM tt-auef taHaia aaaa a law to water, ana was atttrwd as btscsoa I a-ta. bltvrk ahu sbirt, atad aaaoaa. la aa tf la porkets eras foastd a leaner pocbjak cawtaaa- Dr. aicott, ot tbe Committee oa City Works, reported tbat ha obtained oa ktooday las. aift-t at 1 uut eta I Saw.

late a-a ( am a a neither a Spiritualist, mesmerist, psycuotoaist. nor phrenologist, bat simply possessed of a "natural mental endowment which enables him ib furt, ana a rtjaaa tta utaaar-bB. from beoerai Blorom, President ut tba Board of City Works, twaoty-foar nay. ditieo, begged him to have no quarrel in her presence, and stepped between tbe two men, telling ber husband that she thought she could persuade Brennen to behave himself. Slattery was dissatisfied, and started out for a policeman.

As soon as be left tbe room, Brennen sprang at tbe woman and attempted to accomplish his purpose. Foiled, he seised a sheath knife from tbe table and stabbed ber once in tbe back and once in the back of the head. Then be flung the weapon away and fled. Slattery was just returning with Roundsman McCarty and Officer Ryan, of the Fust, and the officers started in Ob Btaada next Bisbnei ralaa-aa. 13 read tbe minds of others." rolls of tbat drpartinent eocxxrj Dented etikit Saasaatseoa IVforsnrd ksrrsnal Ckurr-a.

will oW-tas bv a letter ot ext la nation Tha Rnarvt i in lb alva ttireet Kelonrsed Cbarra. lie anil Works mats out twenty four nav-ralia ana far ta t-aa aaa we a 1 .) aa ia Canal. Baltimore, May 16. A Richmond, Va. despatch says Major John Johnston, of Botetourt County, at a meeting of the James River Kanawha Canal Company, accepted the Presidency of the company, stating that he had been assured of the support of the proxies and merchants of the city in bis efforts to connect the canal with the Chesapeake Ohio Railroad by a railroad from Buchanan to Clifton Forge.

He hopes to complete this connection within a year from now. Telegraphic Brevities. Tbe bill to prevent the throwiDg of cinders. dnsrmu-r tbe nt aaaabratanna to a asbr THE IXC05VEXT10X. waaa aeaaaaaa.

aaa. eteaitij each burtau or drsxrtaeat Into antes it hi ao 4 T- 1 1 Sew ratt Asrstaaawt mt tb Trtst Maea-Btes-eraew smSMal betaaoaei taa rasaai Itaala retas ae-ssst aaa ntt-iis itisatsn alA Tba les tVaraea be a i a si at alar. wt Ctw of caBdtdata. a-U Arrereaats have bras naeda for a eamaert use l.isaitiiaei saiaaaas aa. aaaawr aa fair Wm na mvbww.

a a as luugai; PsraaTwsjrv or Crrv Watta. i Hsoowxtk April ai. 17T. Osmisa h.rewlik enrloee iuiia.aa is Cooisiim Halt, tlrwaraotat or ra-g The Eastern War. Bucharest, May 18.

The Chamber of Deputies have voted a credit of 13,000,000 for the maintenance of the army. There was two hours' cannonade between To-trokanland Oltenltsa yesterday. Tbe Russian heavy batteries at Ibrail threw shells into the Turkish defences at Matcbin. Tbe Associated Press Agent says '-Nothing more has been received about the report received from Constantinople of the entry of the Russian Corps into tbe Dobrudscha, and that a battle was takiog place. Tbe report was probably untrue." Tbe Telegraph despatch from Rnt-chuk, Tuesday, says: "A arreat movement has commenced among the Russian troops on the opposite bank, at Qiurgevo.

Eight battalions ot Rusiiao. infantry, several batteries of artillery, and squadrons of cavalry passed through Qiurgevo, following tbe road to Simnitza. They wspwial saeia a. sa aU4t la rata a mw pursuit. SECOND DA T'S SESSION EPISCOPALIANS.

vowing cat PflBtvssar Moaday. tan, 9vtr a iiftn. 4 Tb Wailatnsbanh Tarbt Oub has raartarad was continued down to Warren street and back ptojee ot tbis oeoenaieat tor tbe ssoata of Sarea the posiuoa.aalary aod lattaraa saowal tbe reatoeaea of eaca. This eaabregas eij tae tbeeteantae- fort Lea tew teas tat as aa Sweaanieaa. tae aaaat taaawrt-aea nia ajeaaae la U-tawaea.

beaaawsaeme mm asaMrt. SVwavaa a mai.we ataiiiia'eiiaS Saaeaaa a a Resort as tbe Cksrrh CksrHy FssaSs Ihstr sweae apoaa ta ear eat employee ox at iwptrtaMol Wootvra eea-ji I. a ibe eoo.i ru. to ot aaocrn a. mm an, Ttte lias if alMran um.

Tba foitowtaaa aarw ta seerr aaaa aaa wisher saaaevaswa Baasata. a a to Btate and Hicks streets, where Brennen was nabbed by Ryan. He turned upon his captor and drawing tha cotton-book bieb be carried in bis 1 em hern belt commenced to strike bim with it, Tbe roundsman then came np, and a desperate fight with tne scoan- Uess-TK Sleaeserr Were see. ss-tr Ot tb ArltawlcaB boas Usbi ti mm il a If. Mocrv; Vwa-lTisaii brad ley tmnm lion is Ska IMaeeaa Tbt Cathedra etaaaly ebaagioa.

aa4 eaasot at eav areas be ptts wiia seowraav. Ia ear )ud(aaai I hare are saaar net employed ia this UiBttn vkotc temeet Library, Etc. f-Hvr. ara a t- 1 tf Win ffim im a. i it am fata a 1 rrf.

a- iv ifcj tmv A. u. sivfiun; Trfsortf, 11 Caiain.K. V. Youm; Vutit.

its uisosuteu sito, tea ausroiktr wboss drei followed, may orose weir clubs over him. and finally reduced bim to subjec UU.K I aisty SB, ttif" aVsv-b, Tbe setotid day's session of tba Episcopal Con hm srsbtv ti, ar posiirous sect easily ne ailed peraoas Isa ssore eoecpeaeat to oiaeharye Ibe dulUt. A. SctM. Fran Ucaa, and A- Oeoaat t'aaa hma la rl aa aat.

Tb Order of Uood Bi utbsrs be vention began at nine clock this morning wit devotional exercises. eaa than a soars of mr. mm d.iiii.i iKMTtra AtMautio. ma sovaalf k.Tt tbe ponr ot afTaatlaw atf taaatat li -t Isssaslif taww-kawv. rnrswss of Oil Lasaf Count, ta svtoxi tbe LapertBBent I eeatKat eee esy beaeat tiaaty to reauit tmea the banlleetio ot tbe utM or tion.

A wagon was then procured and be was taken to tbe station-house, where a double charge was preferred aeainst bim -that of felonious assault and indecent assault. Tbe woman, fortunately, was not so dangerously wounded tbat tbe could not appear and make rectors were present whan tbe officiating -clergymen, led by Bishop Littlejohn, entered the t'swa Iwl trm ataft 0 tm tbssa tt wttM aat- im-itm4 t. asbea and garbage into Long Island Bound passed tbe Senate to-day. An amended bill, providing that text-books in public schools shall not be changed in five years except by a three-fourths vote of the Board of Education, or a similar vote of the voters in tbe district, was ordered to a third reading in the Assembly. A bill was reported in the Assembly to incorporate the Brooklyn and Jersey City Ferry Company.

Patrick Twint, a Bohemian, agtd forty-seven, committed suicide in Baltimore. rl fa cJww- l-'i 1 weos efflea should be abollsbed, or of tboee abo i-batia sa tslMT tr bM tab Building. 1U (aarwaanaot bsdrartT. Tb 11. D.Crookmsa Is Using ta a car ij 15.000 rase ot ml at lb Iwvo Msasartansg Company work.

tnouia ow rwiDovea to is end Ibat tbeir nlaoe ctarjcel. Key. Thomas Cook, of RiverbsaJ, opened tbe services with tbe rooming prayer. tbe complaint, ber wounds meantime having been dressed at tbe Long Island College Hospi ttv 4 fapsa.i sa Tha repairs to tb prdicocanei ttssaawa ara te iim i. "i Vary respeelfally.

B- S. wotoottsod other. Dr. Wolcou tbo read tbe pay roll of tl after which Rev. G.

R. Van De Water, of Oyster Bay, read the first lesson, and Rev. Mr. tal. Tbe brutal tellow was committed by a tL- i aAtiM 1 aaUtst UbW Atastt ft B.B U'llj faA4ss uiMaM -ttnsVt twiM'P J.

mt nearly rompteted bba bas baan maJa uti lavt kasger and baa been atdtaavw. rJedinger, of ureeoport, tbe second let vft Kev. S. W. 8a res, ot Kockaway, read tba Justice Walsb, this morning, for examination on Saturday.

THE OIL FIRE. a considerable force at KomaQft. Desrul-tory firing is going on. Tbe Turkish troops are enthusiastic" Tbe Telegraph'! special despatch, dated Tuesday, sayi: "The Russians are 'apparently attempting to force the Danube, or by manoeuvre draw away tbe Turks from other points. Up to last night, however, they were not successful.

-A Hungarian legion has been formed here. Hictics has been revlctualled." Tbe Telegraph's despatch from Batoum, Monday night, says: "Tbe Russians are moving in front of our position, evidently preparing for Kfc'KSWood lgitwnou, ia which trier are twenty-six employ. reOerick D. Hart, the creed and prayer. It was nearly half past ten o'clock wben tba business of the Convention was taken np.

By eogiarar, rvcvive per mooui and so on downward. A fire at Plainfield, destroyed $17,000 ttt tst) 1 A member inquired if the Chairman nt th commute eould designate tbe sinecure oa tbe roll toes read. 1 hts would be as Important mat time toe a tie-nuance naa oecome luti. tvsv. Dr.

Drowne, as Secretary, submitted tba journal of yesterday's proceedings, and the calling of tbe names of delegates was proceeded with. Tbe responses showed a much larger representation than yesterday. tor aoartr tauittcauoD. it b-. t-s4ja a aaa t-u act a.

a sai tka sat ta sj A aa' si i at aaw msc ta I 4 tl a aJ Mr S-SB lb as tM a.sa4as., sl it waM. at- tnB-r wat fc.Afa xti'Har t.ff a 'Usbasa-s (JMist Mbsv )a4M sStaH Estimated Losaea, and a Fall List of tbe Insurance Policies, with Names of tbe Companies. The following is a full list of the insurances on tbe buildings, machinery, and stock of the Linseed Oil Works of Messrs. Campbell and Thayer, of Water street, destroyed by fire on Sunday, with the names of tbe different Com r-x-juas iBotntaoa tnoocat Creneral SLocun vit-'r avsvect. rw mM Itk tMP UUtMtsl.

fcat4 laxwtl V. atajtw. 4a al ft 4 4fcwJ a ML la a -t" a sast-e s-r. a sa v. skeaa mvm 1.

aaawkta a al vt. I a-M-'fc. tawMrtjwisv-a a-4 iw isavsii, (Wl ts mm -BLrta 1 -i sVstirsa4 i--e isrvcvt bt- rtssi tt-m sAerrskat rtrAtM-t tatfk SBSh tl ftaf Tl BatifTsT His-H Utw-l 1tt ri lali b.n Wtf 1 1 Itbw'-a ik aMbm 4 fas nutal sabw la. I sr as wa-rv swa SAAVtck. aawt.

ft IW aa-s traa isnsirsj 1 14 Ukt A WTtono rosmnit is tbs Mama It is for tbe aoctatio to provl te a reuaeUv fur COWEMIOVK.V. omciAV kotxbt j.iiur tnr AWAr or rntf urn mtv. A LlM mt rirw-s Objwfl XTrmmrmt fcf Law DMnMl-rn Wtr t-t trtasl lUm Bmpr Muni. Lol. aod B4vr--u.

rW-rrtfsrta In ti CotttabOTM t-buta cm fur -mm won oC tfnpo. Imivi lying in Ib of AtUntic -ijt, tilj rvrftl h-futt ni In ib CorponiUoo CoiADi-W nAos-, tbu morning, to rnri UMMr rvport vl-lc 1m worth; insurance $6,000. The woods about Moatpelier, are burning. A despatch by tbe American Press Association reports tbe burning of five children of Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Dunnigan, yesterday, at Little York, Cortland County, a station on the Syracuse Binghamton Railroad. The Dunhingans occupied tbe depot building as a dwelling, and it took fire while the children were yet in. bed, and tbe parents were at a barn some distance away. a vigorous attack. A great battle is believed to be imminent." A despatch to the Daily ttews from "There is great excitement in Jid-dah owing to a rumor tbat tbe Russian fleet is toe evis in ids tx.aru ot tity works, an 1 a a at -ai- -w a ai panies in wnicn tne policies were held aklng it hot for tbe gentlemen wbo now mismanage it affairs.

It tba au -elation doe It Uaty it I not unlikely that tber will be a nr eissity for a seeood prosecution for malfeasance in oOk-. Tba -a-! a- l.O Bsrtford tn.e&GEin.Ire A I'lltAb'K- y.uoo bxchange American. Phils 6.0ml Fireman's American. Newark.

2177 Fireman's Atlas, ilanford webhard Boston OerniaQ American. s- ar s4 a.a tVf 4. it oaof 1 1 S.555 X.5UO S.5O0 1,500 1,145 If. 500 I If I ts sV0l eJ Uf a Mi a ay ta tit RXPORT OH EENKVOLXvy IvgTITlTIOWa, Rev. Dr.

Scheoc-k presented a report of the Committee on tbe Church Charity Foundation and other benevolent institutions. Ia reference to tbe Sheltering Anns Nursery be spoke of a malarious epidemic tbat bad visited the institution tbis spring. making it necessary to remove from 118 Lexington avenue to 1ST Dean street, where beautiful, commodious and healthy quarters had been found. It was suggested that it was in the power of some wealthy person to do a lasting benefit by contributing tbe means to purchase tbe property. BeepectiDg the Dispensary connected with St.

John's Hospital, situated at $49 Atlantic avenue, it was reported that 5.000 per I tt l.MS tta wtj aaa al if a lta Mno-i aaf Tbe yews' special from Vienna says: "Count Zichy and the Prince ot Reuse, Ambassadors to Constantinople from Austria and Germany respectively, hive both been instructed to remon Association is entitled to tbe fullest In-(ormttion in regard to tbe pror-eodioei of the Board of City Works, and if ta gentlemen composing tbst body wont give it to tbem. they ats- aw, -1 a aba 1 SBs Sltkavi 00 Sata a Ska t-ut ss aVker ataS f-l astw a en BrirUh Amerlcta. Csosoa 2,500 Guardian dtiaeua'. Newark. 2.AUU Hamilton Tw-i-ptvta, a i CbSkS aw tsyaat PRESIDENT HATES.

t-aJ--Ve mt a-tW A ti I btn. puL4isbsi airrssMly. A Im4 ot wouid snow inem uat iney can mad to bear fttoaat, -OWsnwatt, Commoowealtn.Bo- itiamDa'-g and Bre Iwawwo-! ot tbem. nvTuii oiuecriosti to tit a romr. B.UUV QIC 2.43 HefTmaa 2.

MO 8,751 2,5 JO 10,000 s.sae S.6X) 2.500 2.500 6. sou tatftraaawi twla tt-t-Naca qaH-t f-taa ta Ito iaWaf ta. nn frj-iiia aa ia-a fe A a-sa a Dr. Fearnt moved to refer the matter bark to sitllMwknt IWtM a tt ca Fire Asioclsuoo, Philadelphia Fireman's Newark. Os re, if.

i at tmtt at. aat taw ta-a. avs. 1 tti.a decUnng Ibat tb rttrtm rm ia BtfAiimg lhir award, Hpimrats by A--fl Coui-wl Knsfbs nrunUgf folio tit Hope Uos-ard 5.055 Irving 5,600: Lafayette Lamar a aa ass a m-mnfmr aKb -as, i. the committee until such time as thsy arc prepared to give full information on toe suoject to tbe Association.

Carried. ffl tl tsiaH ita a i 1 mmm vVj I Kti a 1 roy a -wa sons bad been treated, and 6,000 prescriptions dispensed. Tbe new printing bouse of tbe Orphanage was declared to be "a blve of indus Dr. Vt olcolt said that General Hloram told list tfc tsia-. a ia asbjiia- s-a-aoyast lean a Me safiisAt.ia, aa oaa Tttrot ttt.

way 7,142 Lancashire. Bnjr- I land 1.830:LlTerpooL London and Ulobe bim tbat one halt of the number of names of employes in the Board of City Works should In i. li wii, I -a. frwabbta a Oa aT- OI 4' i an ttta Hartford, Martlord. laearauce Company A lnanranee Compary State Pa Lancaster, klanalactarersBos- ton alwcantlle, CleTe- try," under the superintendence of Mr.

Golden. The machinery, type, etc was valued at $10,000. It lit. Ills Reception To-Day at tbe City Hall, New York. President Hayes held a reception this morning in the Governor's Room at the City Hall, New York.

There were present with President Hayes Secretaries Everts and Schurz; Messrs. Theodore Roosevelt, Webb C. Hayes, Tburlow Weed, Henry M. Taber, and Gen. Anson Q.

McCook. Among tbe well-known persons in tbe room during the recention, in addition to tbe members of tbe Presidential party were Mayor Ely, Elliott F. tshepard, George Wilson, Secretary of I i wal i fUia4 aataOO 11 wiped out. aVasal tta ff fav k. a.

ta a. London Assurance. tsOrssna otsnopMW: It k-s l.aa, ttk4Ua Lor I Hard. neatly all of which bad been accumulated ut of tbe profits of the boys' labor. Fifteen hun Tbe Committee appointed ta wsit on the lut bainc c-rowiBtinMrt.

ry Aiant iroai Ur. kbsbi. CaWpuMu oq un1 t-tuw to tba rroocous mUtxaort tft riic. ls a -rtvnl tm drUrnittal Kint-lo aMamiog thail1 -'n to to buoI Iwvsd tar tail orsiarf baikdtlAst pUf ysans kta fsrvtsss lt sjtJil DUbkica it aatH.MKti Bbrs t.mui.m vtltAiDt otrtp ata) 4 hj tb ti rota. Itarl tr-rwMa rti-osuia i.rtif, tavt-t tmi or Mir--t.

a t4 at J. 1 a) a na i u-iti I Mechanic and Trul' sis' I lii-s, a II a a I 1 it a dred dollars from tba earnings of the little It ihi isvmll aeMSaajN. a a.tOs-ftea.iat -a rw-t l-Hiavt K. satbt. aaMltt is-U taat i aaa.

atatb .1 btsa "1 I t-si ssr t-ta-' I mtxaua as. t-1 a law as-iK Ita -taifi 5,055 83.000 2.454 a.juo 7.800 Z.5U0 3.00O 8.500 5.U00 2 500 X500 I i 'a I it i i Metropolitan printers went to tbe support of the institution. strate at Constantinople respecting the formation of Polish Legions, such as would include Polish subjects of Germany and Austria. Tbe Turkish manifesto was indiscriminately addressed to Poles inhabiting Prussian and Austrian districts." Belgrade specials to Paris papers assert that Austria has declared if the agitation continues she will occupy Servia. Tbe Telegraph' i special from Bucharest, after recording tbe visit ot tbe Grand Duke Nicholas to that city, says the campaign will now pro ceed according to the original programme, the Roumanian army remaining on tbe defensive within its own territory, tbe Russians crossing tbe Danube at eight points simultaneously, and pressing forward toward the Balkans with 'l possible rapidity, leaving behind in Bulgaria civil officials charged with the reorganisation of the institutions.

Mivorsnd to ask that official to withhold his signature to the resolution adoptad by the Board of Aldermen, appropriating to MB. rOWLKR FOB COCXftSL rm in bis trial for ii feasance-, reported tbrouxh isna MerlrieB, Ccnn' Manajnnk. Pulls National, kewark Mutual Kew UaniD.hlr.. rasa Praise was bestowed on the report upon tbe 3 i -Dome aepartmens" or cue orphanage. In ifli 1 1 ia a iM" 2.S0O Mont auk 2.600, Nassau 2.ST?!New Vorlc Sork and Boa- 4.101 ton 4.000 New Tors City r-iac aa ita-MiJi.

sar Or a L-ail-O! ita I iM 4 WML Abtart- a WM 4 4.S at. al Oti 4 at Tl" i at iab j-, a. ortnw'n aIa-tatrat reference to Ibe Uomejtor the Aged, it was suggested tbat some additional means be employed Ibeir Cbatrman, ex-Juylga Thompson. Tb latter said tbat be thought tbs Mayor would de Northers Katerl'n Mot tf-t da ar datl: tft. wmlA mi IV Pennsylvania, Poll b.OUO d.uiv atid lltftrHNttf avf Mt ai-4.

rWt.laa asaaJ aav ride tbe matter acrorcmg to Ibeir views. The l.OUO Froauee Bxchaiure 1500 to vary tne routine me oi tne inmates, ST. JOHN'S HOSPITAL People's, hewsrs frefecolt. aoiton 1.0UO matter mas still under advisement. Tbe rwpor 1 bim la Uiiing rgtrg Mnp b-'ini aftvatftiim.

ta tutttiU-r aotditiia. ffn 4 tb rout trucl ion id4 ratftai if.frli, ut pabUe a-r. isr xm -4 rvawin oi br pub" inpirsiDl tMnnrti. txtxi of tiM torn not b-faj fcf muf yrm uv-J rititi.4 a a fn ut pub) Ml-wwi att'4 n4 it tikc rit. tvavrt; fur lb putvlt 't At iAa.

IVMIMts Itw-KltsOf 1 vo 4 ifr In bocd tb miir ifcwsvniaHt. Providence. Wash'n 1.00U Hhesiz was accepted and the Committee discharged. Mr. Edwin Baker, of tbeTbira rVsrd.

off -red Boyal Canadian O.UOO, Kellef i yw oa-d ta tt a a fi ttp itjr at a-s it raiia (ftow aaei tat tb aOOa awt ttat t-tts a flnl VMtan in Mfc, atia tfte nana wt aai ii saw tx. mm. tt 4. isf awt tJswt a.aj. it a i mt a II SS tax a Ots asl O' tt at -s-i-f -4 tmt t.m a 4J vf tt 4.

iHorU, i aaa. ax, Otio'a St tbe Chamber of commerce; uenerai Joan (Jocn-rane, ex Sheriff Bremian, Aldermen Morris and Phillips, Mr. Hurry, United States Commissioner Osbornand tbe Kev. Matthew Hale Smith. The reception accorded the President by tbe many persons who filed in and shook his hand, was very hearty.

STEAM TllANSIT. rtvaaoat a aa iut a pr la ibiara oa-o ViUsastlmrra t. was next considered. The tweuty-flve beds were declared to be constantly in use. Tbe necessity for providing increased accomnodntioos was 500 Bliawmst.

iiotnn Sccuritr.New Uavea S.OUU 4.COU 6,26 S.51I0 ejro MuO a resolnrion which was adopted, disapproving ot lM.aJa-o wKat a Et. Joaepli. Mo dwelt upon; it was stated that 13,000 bad al wkrr.MIHM 0tO ftAffBs Mts ktvaa rasMtat oi tne proposed diu ior irsuiog seven t-er ceot, bondt for street awards. ready been provisionally pledged for a new aui4 itt-iiiiaratffTi coo aaat 11 o. bofpneJard ebapeL and tbe hope was expressed a ai a at fcitu-sl i.alr Ian at Mr.

Augustus Maveik k. of tbe Third Ward. S.Sfi Kldnewood S.1M Boml. bnitland 1.434 ecotUan Commer e.fooi cisi K.500 Sttadsrd sterling 2 .500 estenest sr ir-a Id at I rira tbat ground would be broken, aud the cor Springfield. Mats bun, Traders', Chicago Adriatic American Bowery Cllntnn ofiered the following: 5,000 7.5.10 a tw-rriiac to ibor ot adjouaiDg of aaot! to iiwr pnnf foitb-I itllnc to utMJr tbat th K4 Bo trar! Dd mmm DTf4jUbi tor urni purpo- of tA-aiit of lava 1 Ktlitr If it ttf itr vort inatnatpU.

bf th ctif ia tm- a tJ- 1 1 i i a lasrb-itwsbral sf-ao. L- a tacts vl Mr, tvaT. swtwtasu n9arUsBBi a Sk'moldt That the Executive Committee be nerstone laid at a very early day. Rev.

Caleb B. Ellsworth presented tbe report OS 2.010 iMJbk atiar mmia at I0lf- tr IbKsois. HIE SUIT TO STOP ITS ADOPTION A.TZ.ASTIC A.YXXVE. Resignation of Jules Simon. Loudon, May IS.

A despatch to Router's Telegram Company from Paris says: "In con 2.500!! llliamabura-h City 4.1J0 of the issionary Committee. It was declared that men and means were tho crying want, thst Commercial 7.B1 1 1 anover irxccrt." aTwtao ao fTorta, 'l-Ulliat Af Tftt t--m )4 If lit sum Jfl tati Aiaan, a. Os.aT'va'Hit ebarged with tbe daty of piepaiioc for publlea-ttoo. In whole or lo put, suoh leporte fro at oorn. mlteesof tbi Aseoclsnon ss absll coo tain atate-tbenta of faots telattnc to the property Interests of tbe City of Brorkly; ao1 thai It be tail ornioosl Commercial TJnlon.S.oeolFiremaa's, Boston 2.500 tbat tba 1- 1- tt tbe Church might enter in and occupy fields a SMIOAssu.

atw a bat Saa kaa. tMatsl "ewfia, castynss I mm Bro Trt coxroi aarvta, sequence of differences withPresident MacUahon jarwits. cfltl ta vair tmmm aJ aa ptf-M uMor tto Argument before tbe V. S. Court Is New Ik To-Day Has as A batting Owners Rlcbt to Injunction Can as BWllunr UUIgi log PITTSK, Tbe Bishop commented upon the report, which Wit IDS sxrsuiiTt iowiBlittee lo anas anna Bonn- a -sx a asi s-at Baj- -at tt a Ica-M I -m II Jf it vwVitw an tw i-II aiieaf Sa at I tatx tw ef cagie i Total S3554MM The losses estimated by the firm are On stock On machinery, 7,000 On builuing 04.000 4C- VsViBaSF, rota- la faille tMsal(lr (havt nrrt lWSB ne pronounced admirable in spirit, and reoom- Jules Bimon, President of tbe Council and Minister of tbe Interior, has tendered his resignation.

The Ministers are now in council." Mil. Ot Bi menoea it ior general reading. itr a taa ti -at-, i i xl Ukm thj Ui.isortt turis nvnrta trtui JtowTB wOwSttrT-. 4ftBabd. estion taiour toe eoiumns ot tae oat.y pree or in tbe form of ebeap cireulsr.

The mover ot tb resolution advocated it at lengtb. Dr. Fcarns said tbat tba association must not au a a. I- rw-a i t-av a a rta I-H Ywm. -aa.

On motion of Mr. Wm. H. Waring, copies were ordered printed for general distribution. awS1 trim .1 esats aat as-aaas saw aa ooa aa aa -a a Mr tta la ffttiiBc to 7oaklr Tlbot tb rue tmi Mau ucuku raru aespatco.

says: "Minister Simon resigned because of the con pr i rwtKin of Mid tn rp lj prttai avr fur Rev. John U. Middleton, ot Glen Cove, pre i -Oaw -st a iorn so atkia 1 t- a ia -I a a lb auiaaj t'Ot laat Os ota IsaS ft fc. a- -S 4 ftsa-H as ta. 1, a aVa ir -a 4 a a-a tratw, iT I a ir 7 a- a a a a a r.t o.w- a 1-0 m.

-H UN, -is -i a 11 aw OAS, 0,4 pnvttta pgrpooea vouid pot it aod tlMMiiaoot M4s as-t -aial lltnu aa rvuti i a al ttai.a.ll a Ja mtwt In awl a. Of fta-a. 4 -Ji ovt. sented tne report ot tne committee on CHRIST! DCCATIOrT. propertv IB jarrtl of tratal ulaoa ood ooooy-aarw to lb arlmia dprciaito of JI iiwrnf In t.ibborbood.

Total According to these figures it would seem that tbe loss exceeded tbe insurance a little over $6,000. Tbe ruins are still smouldering. Streams of water are still kept turned on, and the Fire Department has taken every precaution against a renewal of the conflagration. tinued hostility manifested by the Chamber of Deputies. Efforts are making to induce him to reconsider bis a Ha MidIb-ib faiiln to eooaloor tbst lb mm.4ii,o.

He dwelt npon tbe necessity ot establishing Christian schools under tbe auspices of tbe Church, and expressed regret that no comnre- i sv a I aaa Va mftlfcU-Banr-, to of tn avavlj potlta Klt ur Bodfr aaid atrip atmild It b- pprnitrtij to art- Agreement by one Company Kind a Successor Under Foreclosure 1 The suit of Joseph Miller against the Atlantic Avenue Railroad Company, to restrain the latter from laying tracks on Atlantic avenue for tbe use of steam cars, an entirely imaginary description of the argument in which appeared in a local newspaper yesterday, really came on before Judge Johnson, in tbe equity branch of the United States Court, this morning. Tbe preliminary point raised was that mads by Gen. Tracy for the Atlantic Avenue Railroad Company, tbat plaintiff owned uo property on the line of the road, bit property being bounded by property of the Brooklyn and Jamaica Railroad Company, the rights of which were succeeded to by tbe Atlantic Avenue Railroad "tiH felt faff faensive practical measures had been inaugu Hush! an Teasels Ordered to the pas ts. w-sah tT-a iM tvmai mtt o.a test b. fcat.o ti.aa a a a iM fc' A fc at JSf a.wwib4 t.

H. tat I tl sj si 1 1, a -a ti tte Ji.a I ta tst'ti'a. ast att W(i HMWii tttr sy'atta a at ttroo Mt a rvM. rM t-r a at s. oi a tava o-atot 4 a.aa t-ut-ata anil 4 lartOa-Oa ootaoa ptatasM laas- I at o'eyattssi aa a-- (,.

as tim a-t al lac rtri ias ta fait ouia oec oMtrioiti asd aiMK-uta a s-ntv Wft is I 1 a at rated generally estaonsn suon institutions. iia, acd ma atrip rmld But ta daMnrmoi tmr I 04oiAf Praise was bestowed npon tbe schools in this rriiBarr uc. latb- Id faillna to rooatder tbat thatiio vaa city conducted bv Professors Marvin and -Persian Gulf. Liverpool, May 16. Tbe Courier's London correspondent says "The India Office has information that the Russian vessels at Ban Fran rriuf to proooi'lu or aao ftraa lark Praai nartiH.

a a at a a Snonden. Tbe Brooklyn Juvenile Hijh School was recommended, and good words ssd inf utifiattwo etiatrrniiw tn mnt putmn voraa trtina aod oBSrw4 toil. at. a kr. ttrt-M tt.W tl BitRfit iioitiiuti bf unr uf i)mmt prt rrty.

and obo ooi.wt not dftari.j ry i it swatatt iti- Lr i it.o a-a 4ta a.ia. lor rt. rsurs tscnooi. uien cove, and Miss Hon man's Young Ladies' Seminary at Flushing. 3Ta ro-e t-atauv- a consider that th project (or etabtibing a neatpaper bas been atamdnned.

Tbe matter still under advisement. Arrangements been made with gtntlemen specially Inter' in this matter to meet some time during oe present week. Tbe resolution was adopted Air. Maveriok said that i BID MAI OBJECT in offering the resolution was to havo ports of Committees to be pr-sented atB best meeting printed ia full. On of tbe report would cover Iur newsrasper colu- would be idle to suppose that either in Brooklyn or New York uiJ entire.

Dr. Woicott ai 1 tbe prees 'n 'ibeial towards tbem, wben th Cbair3" called bun a' communication was rJirtA ttom Tenlh Ward Aii ut'on- oinon any proiect of tba Central "'c'mlion to nou luaiion for os't'i. indjme -lids Ibe communiraii" P'cel on til. Mr. P.

S. Young otter reailuttoo which was adopted, appointirr ucal commit" of one mm each ard in iditlon to tb Legislative Committee, to rrrl to Albany and bill tu.ii rtaui in tt mm of tbo aw uhnewa baxr acatoat tb rtij- frst ritaissittis ao a car-mshaa ms4 a-' a 7 a- t-k tmr The Bishop commented upon tbe report, calling attention especially to tbe fact what while t- fcAat H-. iota t- TV. Jumh "rla aod tb ua tltrvr EIvoiblB faltiM to rAtOtiwlswr that ooncaail. f.

vfi owrwOr arawsre Ag fs ftsvatt fi 1, 0 In Aid of tbe Brooklyn Nursery. Tbe Atbecean Society gave a fine dramatic entertainment last evening at Bedford Hall, in Tompkitis avenue, in aid of the Brooklyn Nursery. The piece, performed was Buckstone's three act comedy Married Life," tbe east being LiouetLynr, Mr. EL Blakslee; Mrs. Lionel Lynx, Miss E.

Mily; Samuel Coddle, Mr. F. B. Van art; Mrs. Samuel "Coddle, Mrs.

T. E. Richardson; Frederick Young-Husband, Mr. A R. Pcmeroy; Mrs.

Frederick Yoang-Husband, Mrs.F. B. Van Wart; Henry Dove, Mr. A T. Greene; Mrs.

Henry Dove, Mia A. Cbapin; George Dumal, Mr. John Oakey; Mrs. George Ditmal, Miss R. Warner, all took tbeir parts well.

Members of the Fifth Avenue Orcbestra furnifbed ibe music, wbicb was also good. Mr. F. B. Van Wart managed the stage.

tloa fif in purraaaot tjb aai tnp tif prtra! Company. His deed was submitted in proof. Mr. Sterne, for plaintiff, contended tbat even if tbat were so, it did not affect plaintiff's rights 1 1 anJ tk.f BnU 1 ..1 Paul's School, at Ulen Cove, bad pupils alt tbe wsy from Louisiana, it bad not a single one lrom tba Diocese ot Long Island. He felt very ttrwCDB woi-ii iotift tt i ila a'i f-f fa iit.sfi dv a-4v ota, obt nat)o f- ttf.

imim mam fair-atro a aV a-sswS. Am-, sa Ka t-atntc avirild riiiaoa tn utm deeply on tne subject or education in tne diocese. tritafftrtuora tf ta rur rr th i sa tO I iff I 1. O. a taa sw Oast sswSM a tstai I 9- atbbM bl aVs saa I st th ts a i -it4 ai i ail' i- aa t-a et fttt t.

h. tt 'li rfmii b.iis i a aa a 40 tir yrfmr a tm. a 1 a oa ota oa i rrai tat tmtmikm tlaafat-Ma, mt t4stt( tjm tSjta i 1 aa -t tf-v -i---mi sut.avsafcvs'A, at' i at ta 4 ml atvt iji a lJ bfi i if.i A t.s af: ta at at a abas- '-ra ar tab a- i est a wa ta it oat 4 oku.tai bi 4a a saM at to I4. A.iitMB lfs.a Osyrv i a a i i'r-t tOt it. au Ban built ui-a tt trtp oa tb laitD 'f it and commended it to tbe oooaidrration ot the delegates.

l'" KeOiaJt kror; aBJnasaa a asaa itnprntint aod Kmt. a nrt u( AtWtiu ar ti-ia aodta Kev. Dr. Hall moved tbat the names ot the I a tv.v-r Hcvasrw atakt mui rairtb la faiiln to cooidr tbat rar-tl of lb toaalit? or uf aov aiUati ir 1 schools mentioned should be conspicuously printed in tbe minute. Rev.

Beverly R. Belts. Librarian ot Columbia iaia lU. oitoit. oaUo uff vaiaj or tn atrip aa ojurv.uir ai--rl by iirrHpiM tf tb At ootid lUirM4 Uf tflrtatua, oitM 4.

ia. College, presented tbe report of tbe Commit -VfttatH od aw.asTwstt, ha hi- Oi V' -nraar ovoor otaim or tita. iLinait-la fautiitf to lb bait of cisco bave been ordered to tbe Persian Gulf." Associated Press Note. One of tbe favorite bugbears of the anti Russian party in Bag-land is that Russia intends to build a military railway lo tbe head of the Persian Gulf, as a basis of operations against India. Heavy Failure in London.

May 10. A private meeting of the creditors of tbe Darlaston Steel and Iron Company was held at Birmingham on Monday. Tlie liabilitiesof the Company amount to $1,350,009. The assets were scheduled at (1,500,000, but the accounts require investigation. Arrived Out.

Mo villi. May 18. Tbe Anchor Line steamer Bolivia, from New York May 5, arrived here to-day on her way to Glasgow. Southampton, May 16. The North German Lloyds steamer Uosel, from New York May 5 for Bremen, arrived here to-day.

sa tee on THE DtOCX-SAlt LiBBAgT, tid- rmm tw-trs el ai a- for east side u- od for the Jubb ovrat-va a tttopt-i tb itr proBrot of aaid at no tr ta r- i a.t aaa -4 loiy a aa ad. a rr A nucleus of a library baa been established, Mat -r- -T--rit fr V-a4 mmtr Mai ati''w-sa-a a. taaiaua tasaaa -irr mtsa ti -mtml "if lists JH saa a. 'fltaataia-wa I Swl 4 i- Savaa 'I rirtat with ZbO volumes slid a large number of pamphlets. It was recommended tbat the library be called tba Cathedral Library of i.eag Island, and tbat it one day form part of tbe rlatniina aa onsM'MM fi to tpwoaioisi atftd at tb at-ro of tb ritr Ft rtntbla fa lit at to na(5r oa to th off of ur hr4 it4 hr aita at-koo.

tt.i aw o4 tbaf vr f-airtf pavd afofraaH i rsrto a tf iwatswa- iraa. y-lrsas (a 4 of 1859, end tbe contract made in pursuance thereof, which provided for THE EXCLUSION OF STB AM from the avenue tor a certain money consideration. Gen. Tracy claimed that if any such contract were made, it did not bind his client, because it owned under the foreclosure ot a mortgage executed five years before tbat alleged contract was made. Mr.

Sterne proceeded to state the facts of the case, at he understood them, and was followed by Mr. Hfbsdale, who was associated with Corporation Counsel De Witt as counsel for the Long Island Railroad Company. Mr. Sterne claimed that without respect to tbe question as to tbe Hue of the road the abutting owners bave a right to ask an injunction against anything which would materially interfere with tbe ingress and egress to his premises, and thereby injure them to any extent. He cited authorities to sastain hi view, but was in-terruDted in his argument by tbe Judge, who said he bad another engagement that would occupy him until balf-past one, to which time tbe case was adjourned.

Among other points contained in the further re a "-as-f tst cathedral wbicb A was contemplated to erect. vfquiaaraar aod o-toaJ aoowtooc of ta pr- of tMid lauroffMiwau. 8r a l-t fiaewpaatt aaa ts- rtHit -rs I tn. af -aa--t i' a wa i a a Sf a tl t. aa' ia n.

tw a sa, la myrtfm tt t1W Mt 'ttast a. a.aa aw-'ssba as, at, At present tbe tbrary was housed in the parish room of Jnioi Church. rito. rnik kara orrod Is tbta i sfss.twU'Msi Maatf oa a. Tbe NorthwiIleCburehFire-A Warrant sued acalaat tbe Pastor.

The troubles ot the Independent Methodist Church at Nortbville. L. with its pastor. Rev. Henry Newman Wright, have terminated for the present, at least, with tbe destruction of the cbuich by Ore.

This occurred between midnight and" two o'clock yesterday morning. Tbe building was worth from $8,000 to $10,000, and there was no insurance. A correspondent of tbe Ukiom-Argus, at Riverhead, writes that a warrant has been issued against Rev. Mr. Wright as the suspected incendiary.

-It is alleged tbat be told tbe trustee! of trie church tbat they should see tbe biggest fire and smoke ever seen in Nortbville, and if be was not allowed to preach there no other minister sbould." Bow a Flgbtlog Frlaoaer was Qaleted. txal tb aatd avajrd moivs. The Oonvsro oo, by resolution, adopted tbe Tba rvfrrava of t)dtari wbicb tta? -till prn-haW (rtemi1, hoi laroMt Ml ts -i Max it a a i Oa bvasttia. a a 4taaoia a a a tea -s suggested til c. At noon te Bishop announced tbat tbe alee aa at ara Hi 'o.

iTo i a at a a i til not meoOertof the Missionary aud Stand to Ju-vt'ra fktriMfd. at a orial Trm nt too Ma Til tonus. Ba araaaa ttoaa taso latwaaa. Jt Oat a rrirrB? CaarU oa MoodaT, Mif tt au.a Mr Reservoir. The meeung ELY: MlZlfK' TROUBLES.

I Sa TrattvrV(b Fleas Street tfiiets HI. M. can' Aaala ta Caart Ssllas Is ratlib' Cataast. Kev. Jerrrj'b Beulah MirTayl sdmioistra-tion of tb air ot t0 F' Street African Methodist hat beeen attended with coo-sidersble utile.

There has been a divbnoo amoog tb'O'wtbrvn, and Mr. Murray baa takes adrain tr matter. Karl last fall tbe eociety found itr" with two Board ot Trust naa. wnrn a cooflV jurisdiction and admiaisuauos aroM tbem. Tb old Board coosiaung 0f Tjtx-a Wlleoa, riwrlel L.

VV ill lame od tnair taxsciatea, aoU-Muvrayitaa, who claimed lbat" Cbarias Ksmp and bit associate com' poitg tbs new Board sere tamrrars, a their gttvipt toeootrol lbs cbnrch lemportliu. bad noi uundation in law. A law' suit was too-mocwd by ta old Board against tb new ooe. mg Comoitieet and deputies and provsnooal deouties a as order. Tellers ware aoootnted.

rvoru f. i hi attao 1 lata tab ar ajr taw-M para-ad ticket were proaoceo, ana caucusing, carried U-a ts-rr s-r -T'ao owoiiii on, however, in a very harmonious tnanrsar, be- 0f a. aH suit at, a -a kta st Cisbi.a as 'a a a. taaa. rn aa htaya.

ai Bia. i uai as ta. aas tm sf 9 TO 1 be pioeeedings became animated. Rav. Tie aa Ota tratbd 'aa-m a ic oa arrest af taststr taMWl iscae aa BlatsrsssfTspM a 9 'T ta a-a i tvatae (kkv a Bra liasssr sa tils la.attr, tb filler took the cbair in tbe temporary aberaca of tbe and voting was rapidly proceeded with.

Ia tbecaae of tbe deputies to tba Ueaaral Committee aod provisional deputies, there were te aa. r(, -a. ot-d om to tta a --4 of wa-1. Brooklyn Matters at Albany. SptcitU Iupatc to th Union-Arffun.

ALBAinr. N. May 16. The bill giving pobcemeu in Brooklyn detailed to Walla bout Bay the powers of Harbormasters over docks, has been favorably reported to tbe Senate. In tbe Assembly tbis morning Mr.

Bradley moved to call up the bill extending the time ot collecting the taxes, with tbe rate of interest at t'tf af aoa. aaa argument ot Mr. Sterne be claims that it the plaintiff, as is urged, has not title to the middle of the street, and the railway has. then they bave by tbe contracts in question charged such title with an easement F0BIVER RUNNING WITH TH1 LAUD a'iBorf Mr 7aoa BtMtNMaaoa tut a pw atT a a several ticteu in ut neid. ibere was ns eon.

William Doogberty, a youth of twenty-six summers, stole a roll of carpet worth SJ0 from hut fstber's residence. No. 464 Adelpbi street, and, on complaint of the sire, was arrested Officer Martin. On the way to tbe station-house the toy gtruok out wildly with bis flau, and attempted te demolish the sturdy limb of the law, Martin received a blow upon tnaOose tbat sent tbe blood tingling all over him He paaoag A aaa. Tbt Coroners Jary lnlbrof Joa 0: Bar.

who was mui Servd oa ttuaiiay aicht la owa hones, at KaU WilltasoaharsB. Qo nt aaav t-u aat aa a' stj a-" i t-V itw-ats nMta it BH-4Aaa aaa a i a taa I tention eitewnere. i ne result was as follows Tbe Staudmg Committee Rev. Cbarbw rr I aaj attHB tbSM I iaa ata-etU 'f Ttaa a or ota a oro Harat. aitraOtrrt Maa av aa orviwO Hall TV 1 1 Uv ArarTnni Tmame II He case wa tried la January las la to City Rtv.

John A. Paddork. V. Rev. Carrn! Crenly.

mat r.iB last etwoiaf at MetrrspuJiMa I iitsait aaaaO a.vtwaas va mirt, tcior Judg McCur. lb rsnll was Mril, opfotat tb. karatitv cat ta. aaertta-r. i-'w ter omitn, o.

i. u. air. neurr a. rieratooot.

vibB ht 4t a a--- at- old Ikwrd wcr deciaredtto In tb la oorr Carroll, of Nasmsi, prvatim. Tl tsa-a fw'tJ cat Ifw-taavd Ma o4 nil Hon. Jasper W. Gilbert, Mr. Charles R.

slarvin. aud Mr. William Floyd Jones. laaa ra-oott a tavo Mtaaa waj low- ful Trustees sr.d tb fneads of tb rc'tor wer depowd. Tb Coon wa bo trad moo of lojpransa a takaa.

aaj ta r-to frrasao a. a ajr. itvtti owasg Ibe Mirsionarv Committee. Revs. 1) 17 vr ia its deer ordered tb defendants to torn over t- rioa ttax to 'too to use tbeir road-bed in a peculiar way, to wit without steam, in consideration of the $125,000 received.

Tbe agreement of 1S59 to discontinue steam is binding on the Long Island Railroad Company forever, and tbe company cannot accept a legislative franchise to use steam; and so far as the Atlantic Avenue Railroad Company is concerned, it is preposterous to claim that by the foreclosure of tbe mortgage on tbe Brooklyn and Jamaica Co. tbe right to use steam was revived. Again, railways accept franchises subject to Johnson, D. D. Charles W.

Homer, Willhm IKiueii ae ml)narrma for on seas. Jlbo Vt isaary of VufWn Cowaly, tnea. tt Moor. iuM. E.

a rarftt abba a tr- on mAfm measured young Dougherty the sxaeth a minute, and picking out a soft spot nP hie cranium, brought down bis baton upon wback tbat made bim beg for mercy along without further resistance. Facetious John Corr, Sergeant of tbe Fourtb.efly commenting upon tbe incident on his urn, stated tbat a slight tap of the officer baton quieted bim down." There isn't a shado doubt but tbat it did. all church iToperty in tbeir posin non to lb oi trustr. Tbts tbey refused to do. In March ecbtbult.

of J4Snsaaa amw. 1- wb U. I sniveiy, o. 1- aieo 1. cimwcn-ui, ant Jons A.

Aspinwall; Messrs. Alexander V. Blata. k. D.

Van Bokkek-n, J. Aagsntus Hswletl Vu. MeM H. 1 atM Sa a 'S i a a jaea t. a las iwsis j--wsb.

saw s0 l-fti-i mm, aw tt bi t. w.tia. AcmaM aal atsw tM aaa a iawa a "a- ts nt 4 a wtwit om a aaa. a a -ta 1 1 iiimh a at Mt iii if ti Osvaff wMato -f. Oc.

A- "He- lar-a 0a 4 Osi 1 a.s srlo at tn 't 'Oa a-ti--a. aae- i 4sa jat ae t. is I ts svat Ossw ai 4 0 ras i i.aiiM a t. a a a fV fl 0 fa a a tsata aaa ss a a -aa ll a t-a taa 1 i I a a a a i a ab-, i -i wMut" i a a a ti a oa -astaa avjv test Mr. I- Bac-kn fin tba offlrt of Tracy at ao4 t-tiaa ki M.

Vsa fltaraa 4 ttawa pmmtmm- val Oa Oa Oweapsk a ay ma, a ss liwit Oia I rtaajvr tm tmn. aatspo a-awtr 4mm K1 a- laat oa saapacoa of coawplariiy lb. Catlm). counsel lor tb old Board, oaiied aa enbtoVr.a.r. ail dia-aaicsai by Canuaa I arrratl.

lrrm Judge rruturicg Mr. avaoip M.aiU 1 1). im niaora Un latrt lr his aat to trnf ro aaa to a and his associates I Blur I' 7 per cent for one year, but it was objected to by Mr. Stephenson. The bill providing for the registration of voters in the oounty towns was favorably reported in the 8enste to-day.

On motion ot Senator Jacobs to-day the bill reducing salaries was ordered to a third reading. Mr. Jacobs argue! in favor of immediate reduction provided there were no constitutional objections. He said that Mr. Kennaday also favored tbe resolution, but neither Mr.

K. nor himself had yettatisfied themselves as to the constitutionality of the bill. In conclusion he promised to make some changes when the bill came up for final patsage. Cadwaladkb. TO SHOW CACSS aa nt-orav4 t-a at a asraatb a a-abt al a lri imim lk-pat bbanrr uvt-i llavwaii cf vucemCouoty.

arrwate.1 KrwJ. Hilt. ta tbe Legislature's right to modify or alter them, but the defendants were incapable ot taking any grant from the Legislature in derogation of tbeir contract; and this is so without regard of in tb. evtileac a liellalvrn. a rartawwr.

en. why tbey tVionWl not be roan nut ted lo jail for contempt of Court, Chancellor Henry Hegnar orpoaed tba appUcaUoa. Jodg McCne aispcaed at tb mutton by sodio( boot thirty-Bv ran okl, at S' ufta street. Ttiat oi a omw wbt rtsooof to tbe amendments ot 1H7S. which really pro- svava a a aa o-ttsosa ta aramt Hilt tt powerfel snsa, n-1 srsetfi th case to Alexander ss.

i.uaningbao) as referee to asorraia what proparty batoagiuf tects plaintiff from tbe legislation of lsio, au I esatv I a a a Oa Otrbta-a a Mfs-a -a. iss.ah Keceptlos to Bey. C. fStbbert nail. A reception was evening to Rev.

Charles Cutbbert Hall, thf new pastor of tbe First Presbyterian Chur on Henry street, under tbe management" the Young People's Association, The Sun-chool room was set out wiib giowing shs'bs and flowers, and tbe walls were bung witO1' paintings loaned from the galleries of Mes- Bryan H. SmicnJ Franklin E. Taylor, Sheldon, and H. K. Shel-rinn A were works by J.

Beaufaur H. Wsnng, and l.ymaa R. Graeoe. I i Deputies to tbe General Charles H. Hall, D.

and Noah Hunt Scbenck. D. IX; Mr. Henry Piertpoot, Hon. John W.

Hunter. Hon. L. Bttford Prince, and Mr. Wm.

Nicolk I Provisional Deputies to the General Orryen- km Revs. John A. Paddock, D. hmoel Cox, D. Wm.

H. Moors, D. Henry P. Morgan, Charles A. Tjwneeod ey-rootur L.

Husted and fcL A Moor. Mr. S. D.C. Van Bokkelen presented fca report of tba Treasurer of the MuMlouar) Commit Ue, showing lbs receipts to bavs been Tbe receipts from churches tad exceeded those fcr the vsar previous J.3.

There was a balance of 14.83 in the treaiiry. llpVTBO FX) TUB OATBTOBAU I tavr-cv4-t 0a 0 I tsl to rt tt mm nf i a karly lo It dremifcjs (tees by Mrs, thorizing tbe use ot steam on tbe avenue by the tiari' a o-o aot Oncatr. to tb chorea bad been retained by tb del rat ant. Tbe refere mad hi report oa Msy ixrag ruturoaa uompany. ttaj rt lotttlf l- mt iaa toi Its sntrinraii of his wleeitity was tranlhsaerl 1 ae.

i -of- t.o a ta eta- -m a. a 'twas- Ma pMMf as 1 ft a asti a a -a- ts a aa ise sun on. in wbk be rinds that In defendanu ar s-nl a- tta 1 -abb 4 v. t-a. iJa-ts a attfO aatsva 1 tr tt bHiw 1 In ar Aosstro a to laaa by lb act that kaaitara Inwa-T baiM I of cootetnp.

(and tbst tb piiapwiy lllegsy be rratl on. rr el iat anl Hilt Mt Uaaser. listtto ttaarf aooo BOY THIEVES. detained by tbem to raiu of b-shly ibdiarnant si lb real or fsanaal sraoa: a OO tO l-tstta ftstrOa aa OO asaiaaasaaa tta ar Ttiitwr ora-M, out mm Br. taorea-a-lveal! lb Slier a t.rMlt- a rWsatw i tii itt, 'Iaa titul to aTtaaT.

tna atwaOa da. tb aMM- Blaat Irving, lately d-e-d; Regis Gignoux, Eugene Verboeckhoven David Cos, and other eminent A Gang of Them Broken VP A rattfa a a rt-f o'i4 aruy Ta aTMr Mrs OoDS-ri nnarb better lbs attoralr-r. 1 "vN to 10 ta oad tar -statsr a a -J ann? cf ber bn.taod's resstivta ssww ts-w) a tW OcXOro tjrf VAstb I tm ar- The psstorrecelvfd the guests as they were rmm orr a a tb a mbvra A bar owa man who Kneouraced a hem in Tbeir Crime Extent or Their Operations. A gang of boy tbisves, who for three months 0 4 a ta taj aa -a a b. a a as a at a -Jfc fanl-y.

Rev. Dr. Moore. Wtrr referring to tbersnnrks of Littlejrtin in referanca to tbs Catbs- a a-r oa aitfiod an aauLa ar rvtad 00 olaal to a- mr aar feat ft; OartOb twsJO0 1 ar tft presented icnim wim uu.onuuK tev arwt manv were tbe congratulations and tHbcta "A aaaa tt-wa, ff a-a 4 1 lis trtorniBc be lotsliy arrimj ibsl an est tl Mr at. dral, moved tbeaaopuon or in louowtig past have been operating in the First Precinct, mad aay rviaikiatas to bar kso.laJr.iif to 04 lo ftMrt a -ff Caa a.

good wieVs extended to bim for his continued anrveet is the DastTate. have come to grief by the arrest of several of murderwr. ana la a rawer to qaii itsnna saM: "1 a Rtmi-a -inss toia vonventioa naa aetrd with rreat aatlsfaetton that an act baa been Saeaed bv as mM a asa OrMsai.iT.a. taa aoa tb saf taai mj o' ttsaO j-aj awqpp I-oor orB BwaoasOilaa. sbrald Ullinc a la If I a.

id 1 knew him." The music durfig tbe evening consisted of nunnettes by Mewrs. Belcher and Cbapin. Miss tbeir number, wbo gave their names as follows: Louis Sacks, ten years; no residence; Benjamin a Jo ct ta-a Trard t'wLta tne Lasisistsr or tne state oi Ms Ton forts incoToratkai of tbe Catbedrat of the lostrsatioa (Ja to mrbt of tb tnorder lb derwata-1 i oa a mm A WM a--- aasi aaaa tr- a a. 0'' a ts-Otr laat -ti-f a-Mha-tvOvsr-- Gonsar lumed tbe rVpata wsUrk loc out of It Sanger and Mis Hutchinson, a piano duet by vonne laai, and ballads by sir. J.

R. Gil- lam, ballads by Mr. J. Gil- The Forest Fires. Littleton, N.

May 16. A forest fire on the line ot the White Mountain branch of the Boston, Concord Montreal Railroad, near the Twin Mountain House, last night, destroyed a large amount ot wood and several lengths of the railroad track. A train of cars was delayed aU night, LorTBirBunO, Vt, May 16. Extensive forest Urea are raging in New Hampshire. Six thousand cords of wood belonging to the coal company bave been burned near the Fabyan House.

The Crawford House is in danger. Trains bound West on the Portland Ogdensburg Railroad bave been delayed twelve hours. Woods Falls, N. May 16. The temble forest flres ranging in tbis vicinity bave reo tb a'.

aa 4 a-s- awaiiiia-a. t- ts oao od Ola-. to Miiat 'fc- IQ 111. TWmm ttvig nmiu. The Hon.

L. Bradford Prince waralv In. sa six tocke.1 It up, aa tb Di wsa o- efeven and George Coerbucl aged twelve, of 14 menVrs of the society. Mr. J.

M. at. ma in-- In tb city nurt, 1st yesiaroay eit-n-n. Counsellor Barku. behalf of tb moved lor th cotdrmatios ot tb reftrwss report; that Knap.

Hewlett Hert-ks. tsrorgl Wilson aol John Fray be adjudgHi in contempt and ibtt tbey each 1V a tne, ith all Ibe aoaU of procettiiDgs. JCTxa tt rxa OWPERED tbat tba paster and tb defend inu at one deliver to tbe legal trustees, ll the property in tbeir isti nion. o.l tay toi costs to-day, Otherwaaa vrrauld wilenain an order for tktfir punish meat both by tne and lmtinaonmert. Tb proptrty in queatioo it Is allrsed was taken iron tb church al Bitot and earned Pastor Murray heua in avy st raft.

It consist of soft rjoUota chairs, a sla. bureau, looking-glaa, os carpet, two lc cream plates, on down spooot, six towns, ooe pan, two cream pitchers, window sfaao, aod a Communion set, Ray. Mr. Murray's time as pastar of th rhnrr-kexDire next Sunday. To trust ees.

an riitiaail to bark at every on wbo pat t-a far-t I sb, fr. 1 dorsed tbe resolution, arzuiog for the imm. tatr at a at: eaas Ma ta avr tamiwas. aj attu arlK taa-iMta OO at ort, atval a jar- 1 a-. Jay aj- auo aK Oaw sa.

tb road to tb aaoysnra ot tbos 1 lb I main narney.ageu itweive, au xiuni residence Jobs MoCue. aged twelve, of Hicks diate commencement of the work nf Elliott ot tbeolvtecbnic Institute, gave several recitations at readings. At tbe conclusion o' abo war alraptnar. To hm aaeul a I aat )al 4 aaH 1 as (- mt0H I a II III tba. 4 "I as aa a.

mm aaa'ai. -Ot't al a hmm aw. at Mr-- J5 bw a cathedral Be pointed out the a4vankta-ea chained is tar ot tl tauos. a4 onul Mra. I lllliu.

UUUCUIll, 1 Ml raltd taoar Blaooor. tfar miwi a OatstaaMl aa, faMwiaiorad 1 Gnnarr srTvatraeai rave no lar. Kev. Dr. tSeteock said tbat the reason tk.t Tba afternoon tb funeral of to morterad cathedral system bad not been earlier attemotarl rr aa took lAax-e, tb rtmtain beinc takes to saSb SB 1 sew a SStS'lk taStstf- ObBst hm a sMs a CM asr-ta ae m' asay irtsnsM tt a- -4 -r a aa os.

i a i I -a-i. lata 1 sa a a- a a o-i, aa a. at. aHS-' aat to vcmuso wueo ana CtlUrCU was mariaa n.linn.l nhnnJ, a 5 a tfa oa.ovt st-ra swrss a iaa ttf tar-ttft 4a 1 Oas tba a-a o-o rai i-y a-Oaaft-atptjoaota at 1 tfta Bo fa ta tat omso. 0-0 to tbti teo-oava aad aa 0 4 wor- r'i.

wo o' ft av Hl at-iiawi r.verErewr iat-rv. K. Jt tHV ti lit eras SO new. tbe lack of means so greats tbat it In altos Arena, (rerrna Ixitneeaa i.arcb 1- i wee ol ttK N.w York. to rrvcw.

uewiuiiutu iu KtiT. tuat ajruau Ui toe Sytbsm t-sHX, tut ww-d to oaaoiaty jf via Wttor. batl a st Osawatr, lua uiuiv viilu raur uuir. aMato tt -ana -SW- dered hundreds of parsons homeless. At Stack- ibe exercisis'be ladies of the society invited f8 guests to psJske of refreshments.

KnlebtsOt aMtblaa before the All baec No. 8, Kaights of setited dramatic entertainroeat at yentral Halt Vl'on and Flstbush -OT amuwaieDt of its friends, hv aSiff. crowded. Tbe drstm "The Crossof St. John," and the farce, "mo2, Diaft'ond' were the pieces selectsd.

The fol-toymg gentlemen and ladies parociwited Fmond H. Garwood, bert Wmpo. cas sTkbam. John White, HenJ Lfv McHaB Toy! hi Smith, Jai W. Buckley, James, rwilham, Carr SSFS The resolution was adopted, when an ad1nn- I lUt waawa fk I aaMVaW) Claarta.

of 0r atltar Cooort. 4 IM 4 rata Yrrdari arui luua JKkix uuiu i.u -w-a. pole Forge, Cannon's Corners' and Contreville, where the fires rage fiercest, tbe people arc flee fi-rrr otAa ticipsuog a dnturbanc oa that occaa-sn, bar tbe cburch ckaad tomak repairs. Car ataoff aana a t- a Itr aa An tBtaifnaDayttt eaaiatatlac mtvtl aod a. Oa? Oaf.

oj aMbor a-t aa rMUtaataa mill ba cirao too CborrB of Our penters have been put to work la repairing por taad ca aooriB irtaw mm aa aat a. Ecrtstae lasmp Explaatas. 1 L. ing in every direction, frequently barely escap- Fat bar. Ea.

Mr. pao.jr. tj-o-rTM a ItrtMittaltHMt aMi mn-m4T. Urmia a tcjuanta duiu r.iaw ait a umi aaaa m. street John Day, aged eleven, no residence Joseph Mark, aged eight, of Raymond street.

Tbe-bcys bave been in the habit of getting their meals at THE GOOD SAMARITAN. in Willoughbv street, paying for them with the proceeds ot their robberies. Nearly a dozen robberies can be traced to these young hopefuls. Vacant bouses principally have been the objective points ot tbeir thieving excursions, whica wer made at all hours of tbe day and night. Lrad pipe, brass brackets, gas fixtures, and eveo gas meters were singled out as spoils.

These were generally sold to FTUtD. BAtTMER, A JOTTC DKALXR, 355 Adams street, wbo is now in jail charged with receiving blank book, papers, stolen from tbe City Hall by young Waiser recently. Jn on occasion be only allowed tbem $L10 for $-J0O worth ot clothing, stoles from the resideno corner of Jay and ilioughby streets. Charity Commissioner orris was one of tbe victim of the gang. The youngsters were detected in trying So obtain entrance to 153 Lawraao street through tbe coal abnte.

It la estimated tbat tbe value of property stolen by- them a diffaranr Hmv in nearly $1,000. 0 a i--m tions of to ooor oi to ujnoc, wwes mmituA arrl become dec ved lue. Mna Kato Fo bar. Mr. Frl baataa, Mr.

1 I tl T. otva-d b-a avoat to arsr cvf OM Oa aaMTalst asrt4 ol IBfOMtj-d rot Boa tbe third floor tf James Moore's hotel. No IS Fulton street, about four o'clock this nornia. Nearly the Tke Birbop has nromised to send to th church a. I.

Mrtta, aivs ATwrtaaur aaao mtaritarioao tot atrIatM oaroft Oo bto Boar oMI aa Tk'at trr fahttniaa, tba mwH-ai porUnta of iba f-rotntBoaa tul Mjaa a pastor that will be acceptable to ibeox 0aiw I rarhat ao tt Tta r'Ojh oaf too -om Lan-e and setting fire to the bedding and furniture and causing a darotge of about $20l Officers rvwt- IdtlaH OOitey tOO aTtOCOUOtaiOVi ojt-t ao a- aaa teaaa dington and Kenney extinguisbed tbe firs with Cty traott to MMiat aatsv loo Far Fir aa tha lata a a. ''re. a Laafe for Moot faa maty. re r. ft I a.

I mmmmmmt 1 aa r.m aw. a-vt- ta a. aan sm a arf -at ua a I a aaa at 'ta I wssa a BsvS i v. a a a ta ritf a-r sa. aa pan oi wanrr.

ad aoa-o Maato st fmwf. To -att a 0-oi I mw taaap Tim- lt 111 Ij li a Of Ooa trrail llit-1 a tJa t-aat aa Fr tbrea days a Ore has bean rsrfna; i tn woods between Fsrming-taie and Uiaitapoinl. L. L. os tb hoe nf the Ixo IsbuMl Railroad.

Mrot Itttvaraor BoiavT. of tba Bomitat Docairt tai aa a A BarteatJer'a tJalaetr Saesia "S- voJjooa. atarot. aorard a euoouiy oc tuot4 aoai, or roooa oolo ot rti A iMstatart-ir'a -aaat sttbtatn. rat at On Monday aftaa-nooo tb railroad trains res lace James irwin, 1 PoUock Frederick Mille.

ud Miss Evalma Tbe different parts were very well tToerV Mr. John Smith. Mr. John White, B. If bam Mr.

John Carr Robert-and Miss Pollocr excellent. Tbe gen-Sal make-up was stood, end tbe prompter's eryirea were not a requisition, which is somewhat unosual a mng amateurs. Mr. Dwight A. Foster was charge of the musical portion of the programrr.

Micbael McNamee, a hqaor-seller at to. 8 8aada street, report tbat while bis bartrndtw a a i. a a ttll B-naaal atXsr, yaaaf cOatl tbranch aboat a an lie of fire at taa rata of rv.ta. mile, am hoar. Tha rainaais aim a tw.

a. a.M. i eaj was sitting behind tne oar aoont smdatgkl latsaoaatrl bo to aaa- tocta. ntttbl wwitins for a call to work tb beer-braaa. at e4 aeeta, a at l4 IM SaaJ a aatutticrba4ihfo fratt aa Baa.r ra'taai tan of tb coonacrasiua bav baa flntin; tba fire in tb nssal mannar, bv burniDs: ovar lb tend and tboi rearlni no loei lo feed tha tamaa.

be west to sleep, and tn money-drawee was rotted of $30 by tome stealthy tneat tiueL lritiB Mt( ivtiiaaftaarf. ta rota Ht af atiawOaoi ta taa aaautoi is I otW- i. J. Ta la Baootat aa a oK a loaM-ar tt SA I I I If IM I ZJ tera a. r-, a fc," r'4 e.

a a. a aaaa aa a 'a i 1 f-. a. To Erooklyo Dial Dupatmrr alaartiaa. ttetired.

A. larst imeuDt of groniajr timber, fencing and IB bt aVaa aaa. tao0 taf qa ta. Too Bariara la Palsaki Street. will bold tto OTurte-rty maoato tbotr rooano.

So. 21 Ia Iwaib a rafmr1aa Caan,a aa a otaaatoai com wood bas baas oaatroyo. wz ttiilea of wooded Band. or lO.OuO a.a.,a a. r-n tatat ttarug ts "irglars iuwrea no.

ruiasKi street, to Uo will im tr tho and b.v. been bv tb fire, and tb toss at rth 1 TeF-acjreof Sr. at. MrCoekev. in tba abaenoa of "TToolnK ss a Pin Art." Tbe lactsT on tne abov subject, wirict was annonnced tab.

e-ivea this vanioa Bj.t,oad-emy of Kosic by Miss Mary K- Calhuo, will not now taa place. Holders of ba eaa bave tbe motaj returned wherever b-y par- i a at. i ttaotitotafm, R-fraibanoto bo aorrori. Too mated at aiO.000, Tb buraad district xtead Colta Aa ra for Twaraala aron ananiry yvtaentav, ana ecoiw a oosisiavraota Beooar an tra dinaa ol atriar tba pahlae from east to west from Deer lark to buff alt atng vi sura ana piaiea luverware aou sev- taae la Its a. m.

I''' Crarwrv CAtrotrr -raw aa fMMtM tut Js arotoa tt to tba oorit-iga of tba d-ar itaairy. Xta Comity, and from tb railroad to 0 rest Bonis I. nntt- he 'blue ot tsc jpropartj ftoies rt a wAw-Mtaa at wa. art ane. X.

I -S 1UV, racrpasoai will laaii troa 1 to 1U r. M. tssy. 1.

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