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The Brooklyn Union from Brooklyn, New York • 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


ThS Lob Strike." Km week. CecQ Cul. .,1 bin land CoT Co.7. Cweber Wld Amrnna Ooai Aionata-'a Cool. Chub Ocv, iu ti tor fte Inter lend 1 split U.

CVnuol C.l or CtuDbertand Cnaiane lro catcrn Lnioa Tcikpa- QaHkniver Mintar i.o...rere. Do Do Prat Manposs ftmtigOare.rere Do Fret Do lot Prof. Do 7'raati'C Oti Res an Water Fowsa re. A a tu katire 9 ttno itirart DO DO bCTl. Kircrican tnir rxprm room la larger and having several windows high ap there is a pleasant air always laths place, Tbe new tables arrived yesterday and will he in the room this evening, they are very handsome, and at toe same time well made and substantia.

There is one large table and ten small ones. The small tables are twemy-flve inches wide and three feat long, made of Mack walnut, with tbe squares of satin rosewood. The large table Is double end mm be used for play when tbe other tables are engaged, at other times ft will do for boons, papers, etc. Tbe obeasmen are the best that could be obtained, and ware imported afreet from the manufactory ta England few toe dub. They are of ebony and Boxwood.

success, not less than 50,009 men would respond. Mr. MacMaokra, of the painters, movtd that a committee be appointed to lay down the line of march. Mb. Gnffin, bowwsqgM ta favor of postponing to the flrst of September.

A delegate said it would save the carpenters tUMDOto have toe turnout on the flrst August. A delegate Postpone It to toe 12th of Sep-temoer and it isnt worth $6 to them. He wished that all toe organisations should be visited and invited to oome. Mr. Tuomey hoped that the International flag would not be permitted ta tbe line they would never sympathise with the murderers of toe Arebbishotruf Fails.

Mr. MacMacken hated to beat this billinge-gate betfpeo upon tod Internationals. This parade would be of Rreatvmluejta tbepeinterw for many were alreadynotifleti 0 go back to ten hoars: 77 Mr. Griffin dd he wanted to know tbeeause of apathy. It was the objection to tbe Inter- nationals.

If it had not gone abroad that this waa originated by International wta there would not have been ao much difficulty. However, tbe flag had been forbidden in the ranks and that ought to satisfy them. If they postponed it till tbe 13th of September there would be plenty of time to remove all false impres Me -hd 4 to ffift ff Jre a I Bitrd ritnue Express 4 ercharta I ntn re Pacific Mill Stasialup AttaaUC Tb. foowtn Ik id (or unmoiimK i nk.B.p. MU tb.

Fin to fcond. Vinlnia fi old sew bond. de 4reg do Ta Ark. ft Osatt, fi ntl Ohio Ko oo 4 a rertai 47 do. 41 do I Umioi Bd do.

4 do 14 Kentsefc; fi id Georgia 64 taoaf Boda 70. ffi do 7 a aew koadir EMI do Orapod 4 TT. ffi SO T'l do do Tft ffi do Ur gold broda. do WarLnea ffi E.foro Ha iluM Indtan 4 tt Ln. do ti dI Act ta 2S Oo f' SMf do Fand'xArita 4 MichhnukFfi.

71 24 do ew btiattre. do 11.. Tl ffi do Special Tax-re Mftt do Fa H3 G'a. to 7108, do Jon ft rft ft. Y.

Reg Bnty La. fdq do 26 do Ontpe do. I Maor1 tfa fit do ffCooaiLsTO Id do fit Jo to 21ft fio do T2 hd do fi 4o 71 lu 78 N.O oriMta.0.4ft River a Loritltt ft do new 44 do now ng ffi do fi Lev ho, tt do 4' Levee Hd TO do 6 a do of UU. 74 fio Us Pentted California Ill do do Ft do Fa do Tl kJ Ft do T4 l. T4 4a do Ts 130 Ft do 74 Mr do do dodo ft.

Ulty 75 fVoaeetieat a Rtiude litand 4 ffi do re- 84 do Fa Xfioaft ft fiml'la do A I. A Ctmt re Arkansas Fi FndM. ffiH do fare 1 do Fa re Tl I de ta fio 5a. T4 ffi IBrooklvn fo Si 1 do Water Law. 4 I do Falraprovkffi S4Y I do FaPuL.Pk.Ls ttH I do Ua Id ft ffi J.C.fiWttf Lkre BH tt.

Y. Central Fs ta ft Mantes do 1C 96 lot re. 91 do FaReeitetata ffi ffift do fltoNTMAS ID do 2d do 7 Tl in tftatenaA Oile Ex- do 71 Id I 4a 41 Mure ffi do Ts kl) KNilCre R. laiand ft Bite tat Hurt. kd Pacific Ifluf do 11 do horrii ft Raax tot do 2d do raTOWn 4 IW do Sd do 7a ta ft do 2d do LA 30 4th do ta 94 C.rra.

ft ToL dtakli Mh do ta 26 fund Buff. ft. Y. ft ft 1st Rev Jeraay Centra f8ki WHm WSK do do oev Mi It; ft FL ft Chi Long Dock Bo to a It. a to biit 8.

ta 1 mutl MB ft do do fill lOi do do 2d do. re tt do 4 ct Ml VI Idift Clev. ft Put Con. 8 F. ffi do fid 101 dT fid 97 fln lk do do T) 1ft at lew 1st tourtri lul do i otw M.

ft 8h fi td'ars tt AUattr and 8sqns litbfl ffi do do fid iff de do Sd tt it to. at 1st or ri EdT Chic. Bur. ft ct lei ttihfteTfict NM. toJ ktich A.

ft N. h. do 4lh Chic, ft Alton stak'd do 134 fiolnootue 2b ft Ohio Mia lot ME 27 I doConaiindwlod Mf K12 Dob. A CLox Ul 7' geard id lm .7. tt or Vo ffi (Pentoauta Railroad pjiiral arifle Bda.

tffift no. 81 tnii'ii Pact sc lot 84 L. ft Iron Monas Bd ffiKf lot r. 08 do do Lft GnlY 'Nil ft ftc Fsal lot Ta Me 8... lTJe de do iDceaallb Vh do do AM.

liuoot ibUt 1 pc do 14 MV. ffi PC do 14 MV. ffi talMHt do A 1HV Alton ft T. If. Ht II 87 I do fid MVe $7ft do fid do oral re ffi iMorioua ft Cm.

tat do 2d do Ine tt ffi Uvc. A ft. Western fChie. ft Mil. lot fit 8 tend talft Joldtft Chloqatal oo Ini- Bdr.

Il ire do ttft (Alfarotiid 04 R. do Fat 1 latMire do 11 Mg Col taft. 'Run. ft 11. Jo.

Wed Grant. re Mfi ffi I aefe. fi Weal Pl I el- WU lot re, do do 2d do ffi Wshsli tat Fa ffift hotin. H. ft Erie do 11 84.

L. die rift1 Gu rantd to do 3d Cedar oils ft Mian. do kqmi B. re. 87 I A re.

ttft fteCoa. filial Fsrctgn ttarkru. LoftDOft. July IT 1148 A. If.

Consols opened at Et for money, aad EY for the account. TTnituI Glares IvejsMty bocKta, ltoTs. gift l(C5s, old, tt; IWTa, Ht tmtortMStt, FnAREVOEB, July IT A. It. United Btatrs flve twenty bonds OBancd at (or the Hone of 1MK LtVkkroot.

July 1811:88 A M. Ootton Tht market ngraedgmssand steady. lUdoiiag Uptands, Ek IPd4 Middling Or-ksni, 11 a 114. The hales of toe day arsestt-reMitlUMtal-. Lam, July IT-44 P.M.

r.ttre im- ireiwretr tm Mft. Lrvvtrooi. Jnly IT 1A9 F.M. Cotion The market la quiet and ataady. The anlrs of tbe day nrn nett sail mated at 12.S kales, tn etna ngm for export and agso-utat on.

Provisions Itaoon Its. 8d. par wt fop Cast, trrland out. Produce Tallow 48s. 9d.

per owt. Loeboe. July IT 149 P.M. Soger EtM. pur owt.

for Ns. 19 Dutob standard afloat. PARK THEATRE, Comma ring l-th. Irx BAM MINSTRELS, From Me Brnedwey. ftew York.

nirtr Popoiar Performers ta aa eausu me gramme. Including Mr. Snarpley. toe ong nal Wit and Bsmorlst. His first appearance ta this city, after sn absence to etevenyeara.

Admission, JC. SO sod 7S oents. BROOKLYN SALT WATER SWIMMING ACADEMY, FULTON BT i Opposite City Hafi, Is now open far the summer sseeon. rjP HE CITY ASSEMBLY ROOMS Vo. tt WASHINGTON BTX Adjoining the Poet Office TO LET.

FOR CONTERTR. LECTURES FAIR. PTTMJC MEBTIMjA BAl L8, AND bOIRXES The Hall has specums dimension of litixffi Feet no is provided with comfortbie galleries, ladies end gents reception, seemer. dressing, toilet, and retiring rooms. It is centrally located, and is the finest public ban in Brooklyn.

For all lnrormatioa as ft ta tb uhinvtA. 8AMPRLL8, Froprietee. mHB BROOKLYN MTT WATER SWIMMING ACADEMY, 2LLTOS STREET. Opposite City Hall, ts now open for to i 1 1 IBS BBOOEL1K KUTK. For CONCERTS.

FAIRS. FJESSTYAIA, and PUBLIC MXSTINGS For parttcutara Inquire of O. READ, Pratoed, 11WU street. NTT NEW YORK ANlSKnEMTS, YVALLACK8. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, ending Julyje THE DONffi STRTE.


YIV1L AND HEUQIOU8 LIBER-a I rnh a cHnm 1 BOEDinn nuim, A IT TH1 TABIBAACU CBTBCB. ird avenue. on THURSDAY EYEMNQ, the lth. stf O'clock. EXCER4IOM4.

P05EY ISLAND VIA PROSPECT Park and Pro' Park Fair Grounds. Car leave Faiten Ferry marts side! vis -ay aed Smith streets, will connect at City Ltoe I tr Coney Island, 7-ou. tajX XD, 1 tM. tak). 11-00.

U-O, l.AU. 1-tiO. la. Elio, kkl. ftfiu, fcJfc 4HB, Stft, 6.U0.

7J0. AOU. UO, SfclU, 10: JO o' P. M. Lu car leave Coney ltlaad nt Ikd oplodt P.

M. Passsnsers leavtrur Fulton ferry St minute advene above time w-li connect by te Cotey J. a. HOAuLAM). Supertntcndept.

RaCmMERY. Ete, gUBDOIT IRON WORKS, Msnniksturora of Turn slug Begins for Water Works and Boll era. High end Low Piuess Engines, made Engines of mil hinds tanner Mill Bores Lever Drop, end Hydranlie PreeiM Ms. chLisry ta general. HUBBARD ft WHITTAKER, 1 ftfl Front strait.


Per Ranges, Furnas. and Aft TOW I Btovee, FftGLTPH CANNBU LIVERPOOL, Poe Grates. AIM, KINDLING WOOD. 4 -FOR BALE BY MAHKION A ON, Office Water street, adjoining tos Fatten Ferry Bro klvspit the foot of North Tenth street, WU liamsburg. end at BA Beaver street, ftew York.

BLBBT8 AND LOU4H.LINv tEsmbhshed 1417) I rtaslpn! Ofitafi. st ted prt No. 12 Atlaaits-strost Mar Bouts terry, New Depot. low sons Canal, earner ftevin end Pong in ss. Riaiu-h Oillcesi Comer Bosram end Atlsutle; Faitos end Gets sod Clinton and Dsgran, Our Coni Is ail nxdar cover QHUlP COAL.

BCRANTOft AND LACKAWANNA, roimotiv vri. tfi Stove, 44.74; Wharf. The actual eoet of enriage wfli be added te ahovi prices. All coal meat be paid for when ordered. i Order received oa 20S Montagna lUMt.

and Wharf toot of Jay streoti A. B. STEARNS ft CO. flYUKOLI BCKA-VTONCOALIaKH A. ot the Junction nf Derrs street aitii Gowenus CunaL.

OFFICE No. ATLANTIC STREET. In Yard. Delivered. Met fit-20 44.72 PtifVe AAD tfi ti Grate 4reA lift Woodntrodneed yrtoee.

Coni hy cargo at special rate. NkUlM A CO. Brunch office. GATES ft COAur. Fulton tra end Sti helix sti PURE RED ASD WHIT RICHARD B.

Lnm. I WoTeraleand retml dealer tn ail kinds Of ensl and wotd. Purtnrie, fstnlil. bukero. grooera and stores on pphrd.

fto. ta and 2U6 ATLAftiiC eve-bua between Smltii and Hot street. Knxltth and Amcrioen Cennel specialty. Storting Cumtl IB pw tea- AGesnetieu to pertiss tajuui ta qweati rtOAI.AITD WOOD THS UK DEM-V7 signed has removed his old yard, Fus-man street, near mate, to 4M Deg raw. Office.

3 Atlantic, corner Columois- AH orders for ooal end W'Kd promptW filled. Present prices Scrsnr ton ftut.44 75; Egg and Furnace, 95 00 Pt-ovs and Range, 44 24. O. SCRANTON COAL YARD, i eorner of DFGRAW and BOND Street Office lift COURT Street, between Atinattcfihfl State. Brooklyn.

ft at. 74 1 Store re 4 2ft I Rgg 4 00 1 Gnu 4 00 I J. vlHNN. iM)ALANDWOOD, A7 J. CAHABT8 OLD STAND, Bridge sire etwee 1 ork end Front eta.

1 who keins nothing but the beet qualities of COAL and WOOD for families and manafsetono. re screened from unaer tight thedt. and delivered snme order at the lAiWEStT MARKET PRICKS Orderp by mail promptly attended to. BfiftTtCMBKKtiaafDOOAti 104 BUCKMITE4 i STORAGE, STOBAGE-OOOD CLEAN NEW rooms for furniture storage on third and fourth floors of LATIUKB'Sne carpet store. 2 and 2UB A tisDtte street, near Co art: large and oom eonvenient elevator for piano pand heavy goods i I6WKMG HACHIMEti (1AIL AND EXAMINE THB Clebrated Wiiaow New Underfeed Shuttle Stcworo JLixont The heat tn tbe world.

vv ive warranty to keep our machine in repetfl free ef oharie, for five years. Canvapra end Agents wanted. Long island Agency. 21 Foitofi Street. HALL ft YREELAND.

HKKIJCR WILSON MPG. ClA BPYYlNfJ MACHTNRH. Oppo1 1 Johd son street. SnpowLYir Ornn-SUt FULTON BTREWfi The best machine in use Sold on the mos ta rorable rni i HKNUY BUTMAN, Airfint, SOARS OW CITY WORKS. I FOARD OP CITY WORKS, NASR Atf i9 Water Department.

Brooklyn. July A WTO. I ARREARS OF WATER RATES FOR TH TKAks 170 aad 1871. ftotice is hereby given to 11 parties ta Intar eel that in accordance with the seta ut ike Legislrur of this Plate, passed March 2L1UT. and klareh ft 1371, a list of ibe arrears of water rates for tn years I70 and 11 will be made and comoleted ok.

i ti US day of August nnxti preparatory to advert TOlfement for sale. After that date tbe espeus orsdvertlsing ta addition to th default, will he LORIN Oommissleoerfi. R. WHI lINiiTJUre) D. L.

RbBTHir, becreutiy. The department of citt Works, Brooklyn. July WTO. RFGRADING A KftPAVING BALTIC PTR NET BK1WREN NEYlftM PTRKET AMU THIRD A YENUR. Resolved; That this Board do hereby determine end decide to regrade and repave Battle street, has tween ftevin street and Third avenue, with oo table stones, in accordance with specifications fug sorb work now on die In this office.

Adopted. Beeoivod. That the District of Assessment fog regrading and repaving Baltic street. etween Neva Ins street and Taird arena, wl th eobbtastones. bn and I hereby Let at one hundred Is depta on each side ef said street between ihe points above named, beyond which limit no odseeamencs shall be made Remonstrances against neb li -trict of Assessment will he coneidered tf filed with tbe City Clerk at any time on or before Monday, July 22,1872.

Adopted WM. A. FOWLFH, LORIN PALM KR, D. L. Noethtp, Beey.

OF CITY WORKS, City BaiL Brooklyn. June S. WTO. PA YINGTA RLTON AVENUE BNTWEftE M1RTLI AVENLE AND ATLANTIC AfftNl Resolved, That this Board do hereby determine tnd decide tt repave Carlton avenue, btem Myrtle eveuue and Atlantic avenue, with cobblestones, under toe direction of the Commissionor ef City Works in accordance with the ape cl 11 cations lor such work now on file In this nffire. Adopted Resolved.

That the district of aaseoameat for repaving Curlt-in avenue, between Mvrtle avenue and Atiautte with cobblestone end is hereby fixed at one hundred feet in depth on each side of said street between the points above named, beyond which limit ao Mmament shall be made. RetiHwis trances against each district ef sssemment wl.l be considered If filed with the City Jerk at any Mm on or before Wednesday, July fit. 472. Adcpted. WM.


JJ 5 Bbookltm, July 9. 1872. A dividend of Five oer cent, has been this day declared, payable on --mand. 6ka W. HUNT, 'KIREMANS TRUST INSURANCE Company of Brooklyn.

Ottos S6 Court sk, BrookJyn ta WsD ft New York- Bbookxtn. July 1 IS72. Tbs Beard of PI rasters have this day declared tomt-unaal dividmid of Eve par sank, payable 6. P. MILDER VB6 SR, Beeratary.


A semlmnnual dividend of Ftv (t) per cent, was this cay declared, payable on demand st thehr of- Jigw York, Ko. ITS Hroadwuy. PHILAftDXit BUiW, riEHMAKIA SAVINGS BANK OW VJT KINGS COUNTY, Iff Fulton street, opposite City HklL fi BROOiXYft. Bank open daily, from 2 to 2 oclock, sad on Mondays and Saturdaysalso, from 4 to 4 oclock in the renuag. SiX PAR CENT, tateraet on all amounts from 94 to fc 60.

Deposit made until July 14, inotustvs, will oca internet from July 1. F. A. SCHROEDKR, TltWOM Jliwtl. Secretary.

ICN DIME SAVINGS BAMX thorn. 800 and 808 Cnanl Stn Comer of Imigkt, New York. 8TX PER CANT, interest oa 44 to IUM. Money deposited on or before July 19 will bear Interest from July I. tWJOLMTAfi.

(A KOOK LYN SAVINGS ft ft Cm ot Fulton and Censors si ju yi wn: Interest Itor the half year last past has this day been credited to depositors in this Bank, in conformity with Us by-laws and regulations, at the rate of six per cent, per annum oa accounts not dollars aad at the rate of five per pent, per annum on those of greater amount, Interest payable after the tsth fasti, and when not withdrawn will para Interest as a deposit. Bank open daily from 16 A. M. to 4 M. A too fitoantoy evenings from 4 to TeelooR.

HOo.K A WfiBfiTfiR. President. AfcT BANK. dtt Myrtie eveuue. cor FraokBu sum IMlEiT DiVTDRND.

BAViJSUS Tbs Trustees of this Bank Save this day (JunA 9B, 16721, declared semiannual dividend at tiffi rate ot per cent, per annum for the six ending June 10, ifin, end for the three months ending seme time, payable on and after the ittn day of July next. Bank open daily from 9 A te 9 P. end Monday and Saturday evenings, from 2 to 9 Honey deposited on or before tbs 15th ot July will beer interest from the Id of July. 81 KPHBN CROWSLL, PrssMekL 8. C.

BABVX8, Secretary. D1MK BAV1NGB BANK OF i MMGOKLYft, i Nos. end 26t FULTON STREET. ftBooitn, June 24, kflri. The Tiuaieus of top Dime Savings Bank bavs raks sf i per esnL peKnnmm for tee Six months pBStegJunsta.

Vffi This tateraet will be Varied to the credit of sack depositor on toe 1st day of July, 1872, exactly us a deposit of cash, and win be entered upon the pass soehg of depositors after toe 15th of July next. SEYMOUR L. HUSTKB. rrsridsnti Jowu W. Bimmu, Sserstary.

13 ARK SAVINGS BANK, Fulton aven ue. cor. Oxford street. Bbooeltw, Jan 25, 1672. Depositors are notified tnet the usual aeou-en-eual interest at the rate of 81X pm oenti per annum will be credited to tbeir accounts on the 1st day of July, 1872.

and will be entered an their pees- l-'W MOCABK, PnaMaot. A C. BlUHW, Sserstary- corra BROOKLYN SAVINGS IN-O BTlTUTlOft, US and MS Atlantic sti, June ft, USI. Depositors ere hereby notified that 61 annual to- KIKT. per annum on all sums entitled thereto under the usual rules of the bank, will be credited to depositors on 1st of July parade oa and site UUJaiy.

Interest not withdrawn will draw internet from 1st July as a deoosit of that aate. Bank open daily (Sundays excepted! from 2 to 2 P.tiM and on Muswiey aad Saturday evening from 4 to 8 clock. Deposits mads en or previous to 10th July will draw mlsrust from lri July. Joseph w. GREKftfi, Prsaident.

C. DrswifiO. Oifrnsry. WILLIAMSBURG SAVINGS BANK. owner of South Thud and Fourth streets.

Aruoklyn, A IL, UusWHIismshurg) L. Dsposlton ara hereby nouned that mi anuusl tateraet st Lhe rate Six PER LKN r. per ennum uo ail sums of Three Doi isrs, end upwards, that snail have been deposited three months, oa the first day of July next, will bs paid to after Monday. July IMh, 1872. latant not ceiled for will ereditol depositors ssprinsipni, and draw lutsrsst from July 1st.

Deposits made on cr before tos -tth of July will draw interest from the 1st. The Bank is open ter business dally (ffindays end holidays excepted 1 from IS oclock AM. uatil 2 FA and also on Monday end Saturday afternoons. from. 4 to 7 oclock BURGE RTCARP.Fritidant NatuL BRioes, Yice-Proaident.

BamX W. Tkiiisr, Seeretery. n'HK NASSAU FIRS IN SC BA NCR I Company of Brooklyn. Offices No ffiendtt Coots street, Brooklyn, end tiff Broadway, New ask. 1 be Board of Directors have this day declared a semi-annual Dividend of Ten (HI) Percent, to tbe stockholder, pn Table oa aod after July 1AHK, greretMT- MKCaiARICS BANK, 9 Brooklyn, June 2t, i-72.

A eemi-aasusl dividend of six per oenti, free of tax, will bs paid the stockholders on eadsfjr J'j. Utnert. Vtuifi. Cashier. Office op the montack pike iasuranee Company, No.

22 Court street, FrookHn. Jane 22,1871 At meeting of the Board of Directors of this Company, held this day, semi-annual dividend of teo (10) per cent, wa declared, payable te ths stockholders on and after the 2Uh instant. O. T. BEARING.

Beo KFMMJKBATflflS, PATENT COMBINED Cintng-RootB Water Cooler end ttefrtrerator. ate cast iron enamel led chambers, well insulated with non-conducting substances. In walnut or oak esses. One chamber oon tains the tew and a supply of lee water the ether provision, kept by tbe sold produced by the same ioe. 1 hey are iadUpenoe-bie to make suits of rooms comfortable and eonve- stent in hot aether.

They era In stoofc and oaa T. or it w. NICHOLS. raltoB u. nw ot Pineapple.

Brookli n. NIL1 IAN FIELDS CONDENSED MTTK end i ROCKLAND MILK ASSOCIATION. at No. Haaaaa sti, near Vulton. Cond ensed Mllkf st qt Crude MUk, Cents Quart.

This price is brought about by my selling nil Inter st towhen ethers sold at fi cents. I auk ft to co-operate ta sustaining me In tow prices. flftfifi.l will give any popular ehemist wbo. oa analysing the Condensed or Plain, finds anything bat purs Milker the canned anything but granulated sugar. 8.

W. CANFlfiLD, Proprietor Rrookirn, Msy 1. 1972. GAS PIXTUREt. HAN 1.Y I'he cheapest plaoe In the city to buy gas fixtures Is at KEKftAftft.

He keeps th finest assort-meet of the latest styles and richest menufsoture In bis large inowroon, FULTOft between ftavy and Raymond. Aa elegant selection of nek Parlor. Clocks in and Brnnss, nan Mae bis. A 11, warranted. CNA8 FIXTURES, GAS FIXTURES.

Now is the time to purchase your gas fixtures iron the largest aao best selected stock la tbe city- And tbe place ts RKAD'd. tt Fulton street, opposite Gates avenue. AmLae nsintuoa. DBNTISTH1 TDK COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIA-tion. Originated end have given the nitrous oxide gas during the pest six years, to over 4Lkft patient for toots extraction, without single fait-sre or accident.

WtsaeAl gallons per dy, and sways have fresh. Come to headqoerteu, end Fra are KIKK to avoid peta or Injury. Oniy office, OPfe.B IftHlll DTK. New York. RhFRKMHNEim.

LAROOKLYN GARDEN, MO. 4 WILLOUGHBY STREET. (orronm oom mni.) The eoolsat sad heat ventilated ta the city. THOSE HAYING BUSINESS AT THE PUBLIC BUILDINGS Will find nt ton Garden everything te gratify toe teste and Invigorate the hody. THE BEST LAGER IN THE WORLD, i And the shotted viands at aH times.

Specialty of bottle lager hear for family use, de jtaered ta any part sf tos etty. LOUIS GMAtmiQinV HAIR. AIR I HAIR I HAIRS SHAW'S PATENT HAIR rye I Human Hair, bed and Can be combed andb rushed. 8witahes fl BIMA.YHAIB CHEAPEST Tft THB MARKET 1 yard long. Preffeh fiwttch.94.

Curls, tt antfMpwsrds. LADIES OWN HAIR MADE OVER, 2S CKftTS. latent sttles always oh hand. -I ta Bowery ft Sixth sveqns, between Sf between Brent Joneeend 22d and 2Sd ateN.T. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR HUMAN HATH.



XMFOBTAST lire rrer-lrer lodifm. goatltmm, ul boys have actual practice. Connected with city wire of Atlantic and Paclfle Telegraph Company, thereby practically qualified aa si agraph operator. A lo. Bookkeeping.

Writing, Anthcneue, rtCre day mm evening Senior aed Jontor Bngilh Department. French1 Buataees oot Telegraph Coikge, Aa Fulton stteet. opposite Johnson. DriON River Institnt. Cleveraefc, ft.

Y. Rev. Aig-BO lack. A. Mre Pres.

Term opens Sept. A Tea Departments. Eighteen Inctructora. Bed nett on to gentleman and indies FIYYIHIHH T.C8HONS COYTIimik Tl SPRING AND SUMMER. AT BROW ftfl BOSLftBMS COLLBGR, Fuitoa street, near TiHary.

Practice, etc. Department for for Boys. Sefwrata er private Choiara. V1TU)-S PIRHT-CLASH FITR sewers good bands can have steady work by applying to CROWDER, 174 Byerson street. WANTED IMMEDIATELY 900 hands to make drawers Apply, with ref.

erencea, to ROTH bCHIM). BBOfl. A GUT MANN. 46 Leonard street, 6. Y.

WTANTED STONE MASONS Laborers wanted on sewers. Apply on the work. DxKALB, nearTtaroop trenie. or central preone, near Woodbine stress, as Buy dams farm house. RlTTIONa WAN TEX II71KTID A i coachman or plain both perfectly, best city re SITUATION garaeni AS 1 perfectly best cio reference A dorses Ji.

present stinstion, lea JPACiykC BtrseS. Yir-ANTED SITUATIONS BY TWO YY young Scotchmen as gardeners; thoroughly understand their proiesstun tn all its branohes have had good practical experience for the last ten years good references given if required. Cali for two days at 722 A tiaatic ave. YYTANTED A young lad mmn Address yTXL, Chios SITUATION POR A aged is. in aa ottos in New York.

Lmiom Ottos. BIT UAT19NS WAhTBB-FBfllALRS WANTED SITUATIONS BT Swedish ms iseia. aa eoofea. timber. maida girls tor gmiaral housework, nmnd girls at the agency, ATLANTIC avenue.

WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE woman, situation to 000k, weak, and iron can give good city referenoe. Pleas sail for two davs stall LAFAYBTTA arena, earner ot Yanderbtit avsnue. Xr anted-situations for -a very large sad dsalrabls eeleetioa of well spectral, and reliable era. and Iron krat-mass girls for seamstresses, small guis, and the beet class of girls tateiy landed, and at moderate wages, will sow nod a supencsr selection of nearly DUU an. glisb, Irish, Bcotwh, German, end Swedes, st Mu.

END Bit a SON 1U Atlantic street, near Henry Prompt stiention aad vary moderate T1TANTED 6IT ATiONN HELP of ail kinds furnished to families by tee Brooklyn employment bureau. Concord street, neer Fulton, lhe references of ail applicants for situations are fully investigated, and many families apply here for help wbo hare never been at an office before. Baslnees conducted by ledios. Open from SA. M.

loiP.U. A12CELLA9E9I9 WAlfTA. drees T. 8. LitlOJ Ottos.

Wan ted to fuhch abb a TV small bouse near tbs Fulton ferry; must have SB modern improvements and be tn rood eon-diUun. Andress MObbR, LfeiOJf UUtwS. stating price sad location. WANTED TO RENT FROM AU-V rest I a large house, sal table fur a board log house, Henry or CUnton street preferred north of Atlantis street Address, vita ptfUc. lars.

BOAHiilhli HulSB. twiox IXfece. WJ oewspepera, books, pamphlets, a sine, and ell descriptions 01 scrap or w. of any color also white and colored 1 PRObFECT St. ANTED 50,000 POUNDS Of WAITED (OFFER, PEWTER, brass, lead, cine, old Iron.

etc. all orders promptly attended to, free of charge, at No. 7 'HObFECT street, near feuKon, No ooonoection ta DRIaoou. MiMDiaC. Board wahtkd-pok asma man and wife, until May accessible to Wall or South ferriee.

Must have hot andcoid water. Adores si- 4w terms, PERMANENT, tsiof ottos. OABD-WANTED BY A FAMILY of a vs adults lea private family near Fros- PRIVATE, L'ariojf office. pect Park. AodreM stating location and terms.

COUNTRY BOARD. FIW fKR30NS OAK And good board in private family at a moderate charge tbe house is eooveoie.itto railroad station, salt wator, so with a beautiful outlook, on Pecoaie Bt iy. Apply BanJ. ft. PRINCR.

Routhoid. L. I. HOU9B6, BUi TO 111. TO RENT, CHEAP POSSESSION gtvt-n Immediately An entirely new, high stoop English basement, French roof, ail Improvements, bnck betiding la Quincy street, neer Retd avenue.

Brooklyn. N. Y. Apply to G. FOKdHKW.

71? De Kalb avenue, or to WYCKOFF JAME 2 Montagus street, Brooklyn. T'O LET ROOMS ON THB Heights. No. 9 CLINTON Street; plea-tent funitsbed front and beck rooaos, with or without board, for married couples or single gent1 men; 1 -onvenlent distance to ears and Carrie, near City Ualli rater anocs required. TO LET FURNISHED FRONT room, seoond floor, without board, for one or two gents, with ell improvements, at A THIRD dk, een Smith ana Hoyt.

fro LET FLOOKd IN HOU8E fg Dean street, east of Smith street, to small families gas and water: rent low to the rigut parties. Inquire at ta WOOUriULL Street. REAL ESTATE FRK BALE T70R BALE OR EXCHANGE A bandeome seaside home for summer and winter: twenty minutesdrive from railroad station and steamboat lanAng at Sag Hsrbiir, L. ft. Y.

a gothic oottace io good order farm house and outbuildings, ku seres land; aUU trees in fruit, cedar and other Breves: a grand water front: beautiful view on ail sme oi and deligntful In summer, and sheltered In winter, I qu re of J. L- PMRLFS, Real Jtatats droker. 9M Fulton street, Brooklyn, tt or GW. Phelps, Sag Harbor. M.

T. 170R bALB OR UXCHAKOL-FOR ft a house Brooklyn, a twe-story house, 12 rooms, lurrk hsrii( hkd acres of land two miles Iron fakg Knoneohcoma, one of the most healthful location near New York oity ft WHUlftG, YOR 8 ALE A GROCERY STORE I' on leading thoroughfare, having 1 rod business sstisXuctcrr reitsone giveo for seiiiae. inquire at C- K. DOttCHKR 8 store, oornec DeKalh and Ihroupkvea. LH)R 8ALB CHEAP-PRICE ONLY A 2 AO osah, twoetorj frame house, newly built.

Call on the premises, 145TWKNTY-KIOHTH Street, between Third end Fourth avenues. a For bale a lot, 25x100, ox Twelfth street, near Prospect Prk win exchange for a lot la tit Ninth Ward. Address P. Uniok office. sF' OK SALE OR EXCHANGE POR a smell farm ta New Jersey or on Lens Dead, two-story frame house in 8oeth Brooklyn.

For farther particulars address B. 8m Uaxoa Office fj'OR SALE OR EXCHANGE ONE 17 of tbe ttnest residences near Prospect Park, mansion, carnage use and stable, with twenty to lorty lota, house containing twenty rooms, all tmprovente, fine lawn witii large shade tree, iralt in abundance, 26 per cent. casn. or will exchange for rented property JK. CORNELL, 44 Court street.

BALE A RICE TEN ACRE farm in town of Huntington, Long Island. JO mile from ftew York, neer churches, scnools, stores, Poat-office small house, bampi ougti. harrow, rtCM young orchard, fruit bearing, grapevine currant, strawberries, etc good soli, location very healthy, griki, cash. 4o0 oq easy mortgage. UOH 8 ALB OR TO LET BROOK 1 lyn wharf property on long or short lease and ta plots of size to suit, situated qn tbeNDww-snia Canal and Boslnsof the Brookin Improvement Company, below the Third Hfreet Bridge.

Tnts property ts suitable for factories, ware-h ouses. coal depots, ftountw mills, aikl all kinds of business needing water communication, and betas situated In the heart ot the most raphJly-growiag section of tbe city, is particularly desirable for dealer In lumber, stone, brick, an all other building materials. For terms, jisns ir property, etc apply st the ottos of BHOOKbi ft Is. FKtAlfthftT COMPANY, eorner Tutrd Street and Filth avenue, Brooklyn. Ui)K BALE OR EXCHANGE A X1 flue country seat (about Si scree) tn the village ot Hempstead.

Long bland, and in the imme-daae vicinity of btewsrt Garden City the house Is targe sod conveniently arranged; the outbuildings complete and in good order; large garden, with IruiU of ail kinds In full be inns; lone poo feu b'S, rlr gmstnlj Available for flshragand taihrg and nt tnnmg expense can be adapteu luiny profitable ice trade, only flve minutes walk of two railroad depots; third (utewart's) will sooo be com; leted. Theee premisee are suitable for subdivision, aa there is lr mage of over tUtiti feet, and an be increased to 2 ion feet The whole 11 be sold together, or will be divided Into parcels to soit. in 6 acres. 10 acres. 0 acres, or acres, or will be exchanged for Improved property In Brook- n.

For further particulars. Inquire of A M. h.NMs.TT. on the premises, or rsshlera office. Custom House.

N. or G. A. BKNM KTT, Drug store. Myrtle avenue end Cumberland street.

REAL ESTATE AGENTS, ATRAWAY to MOORES, Real Estate Agents and Ins 24 A 1 E9 A KNL K. near Nostrand Property for Bale, to Let or Rents Collected, ate. BONE Alffl H9BT9A6K Bond and mortgage moy ey to loan on improved reel estate in Brook lyn and New York. First and seoond Mortgara bought and sold. 8PAFA RD ft CLAPP.

Remsea street, cor. Court. fiOBKEJi, CABHKAeES, Cte, A M. I8B4EU Carriage Manufactory. Wa b.T.

Buiflr oa hd aa taartaM of the latest styles of 4 seat aitrariosi. sop, and pony phaetons, shifting top buggies sod wagons, Breus and Ctsreaoes of our own make, which we warrant la every respect, and st prices 29 per sent, leas than ftew York. Also, a lot of SECOND-HAND CARRIAGES, Cf all deserlptiocs. tor sale aheap. ocr stock before going elsewhere AT WITTY CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH MANUFAl TORY AND BTABtrttg.

carriages tor sale, sod to let by the day oj season. We have tbs largest assortment In tbe city, quality and style unsurpassed, and prices per cent, less than New York. Foey phmtotA specialty. Top buggies, rockawsys, coupes, extension sod half ton breus, targe assortment of secondhand eoecfac sad wagons of ail kinds; old carriage taken in excesnge. Aiso to let, fine coaches road turnout end pouise.

sod pbmtoos for ladies park dnring. tU. B. WITTY Kevins near Fulton. Long island stables.

Nos. 21 and HOYT BTRk'ET. ELEGANT NEW CLARENCE COUPES AND PARK PHAETONS Sent to sR parts of the city st regular rates. Splendid scoemmodations for BOARDING HORSES, The stables bring prououneed experts to bo the beatliehtea and ventitated in the city. HENDRICKSON.

ProsrtaSor JHA1B DYE. HA1B DYE. Pstchelos grautno HstrDyels thsbsetta the woc.d. ise only True and Periect Dye. harmless, Rmlebla, lestauteneoss.

No CHsappointmeni, no notcuioes tints, produces Immediately splendid Black or natural Brown, taaruag the Hair Clean Pott and beautiful. Tbs genuine ta signed A. BslCHRLUR. Bald by ail druggiew 1 Boad street. RAT.n HRAD4.

Ota be covered wwk irawrty fitted to the bam spot perfect, aod vita work so qmeo esntnred sstosnpearas etek har Jn issirn from tae skia tbe hair betug ssaefty to toe mu textures the growing hnif; they are so they cannot be detected. Mad only at -BLOB? celebrated Wm Stout ry Mfload flHR A ED, p-Y-r- fr Leading Merchants 'of the r- lty off. HrooAl yn wm, durtagths sf July and August. ptoftl THEIR PLACER Off RUBINBBfl AT rOoolockP.Mn i SATURDAYS INCLUDED: T. BROOKS ft ttL, i Furniture, UphaMtsry Gsoda.

use. ARMSTRONG BLACKIKH, STEWART, 8UTPHEN ft (XL Carpets. Paper Hangings, ess. CARLLft OOw FOSTER BROTHERS, Ctfpna, Upholstsry Goods, efts. OY1NGTON BROTHERS, Chius.

Fancy Goods, eto. THOMAS f. KNIGHT ft BROTHER, OPPICK OFTTTR WTlLI AMsBOKU GAS LIGHT COMPANY. Brooklyn, M. July ft, ibTti lhe p-iceof Gkt, from and after the 1st day of August next will he 43.90 par thousand estate fust until further notice.

CHARLES r. BLODGET. Secretary. RK6TACRAAX- iGtn ftrBKri tw-i A Raving bad ample time to itody the i toe Brooklyn pubHe In my ttae ef busim confident eg my sbttltv to pious my patrons. My bouse ts fitted with elegant rooms, wero private inner and sappers are served.

Udte will pleas notice that 1 ve partteulsr attention to having the finest cream. Orders received for private parties. Cold tametaeu peuaersd, end outride i erred- asmU8 HAftSRV. i Montague street. JVIMVOFriCK' In obedience to resolution of the Orauot CcuncL I hereby offer a reward of ONE HUNDRED IOLLAE9 for tbe arrest end conviction of the party or parties gnilty of throwing offat and dead animals tajA fut Rivet or the water sHarusi thereto.

8. 8. POWELL, Mayor. BROOBO.XV. A reward of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS Is ierehy oSerad fevihs arrest and oonvtetinn of the person or person who on or about the tth of July hq shot bullet into various building on Broadway, ta tola air, injuring said buildings and endangering the lives of the oeccupaata By order ot the Cosunoe Coen ft.

A POWELL, Mayor. Cl nn REWARD will brpaid Vi for toe eon Vice on ot the thieves uho broke th plate glass in the front ot our store onthe night of Julv 14, 1572. BURDICK A COre 246 Fulton street. IT 8. tnyl orBamuel 1 PATENT OFFICE, WASH- Irmton, D.

Julyft l-TO. On thepeUt'oo lelL Hill, of BtYKkJrn, E. ftew ork, for th extension of patent granted to bus on tne Lib day of October, lvd. and ivioaued on the th day of March, for aa Improvement ta spewing olocka. It ts ordered that the testimony ta this ease be closed on the 10th day of September next, that tbe time for line argument and the Examiner report be limited to tne 2Uth day of September next, and that said petition be heard on the Math day of September next.

Any peroonmay oppose this fixtenriou. 4 2L DXeggetT, Commimlouer. rjlELGGRAPB. i TloANTlC ANl) PACU IO Teiegrspli Oo, Orrrrgs: COR. COURT AND MONTAGUE 9TRBET8, ta Beds' Fiipum Offioni COR.

CUMBERLAND NT. and PULTON AYR. ta UUdreth ExuroosOttoe; COR. FUT.TON AND FRONT ATS. la Paiur Ukion Office.

PUtECT WIRES. VOTK-B OF DISSOLUTION OF il Pviasnhih BUOONLTN, July ft, IW. The ffiartirfalp her, toiore exiritag gnder the firm name of f-teams A Dixon i thi aay tfiolved bv CRctaal content. Jobs Dtro rettnog from tbs firm. All claim sgateat and all debt Uu ths said firm are to be settled by James Stearns, who will eoatixna the same barisese ta Brooklyn market JAWF9 H.

BTBARNfl, JOHN OIAOIL FFICK OP THB BROOKLYN GIB Light Company July tt, IKTO. On and after the lot day of Agut, WTO. the pries of ties will be 44 gar thousand cubic feet until fur-ther aoUca. tV. T.

i OT1CE IS HEREBY OIYEN that upon the Mth day of Jane, 172. upon appttcation or Jacob J. Van Pelt, a warrant woe issued br tbe Hen. A Tappeu. a tuotioe of UabtpreaeCuartof tbe State of New York ta aad f' the Coudit of King, directed to the 9herifl of Ktari County, io enforce the lien of the said Jacob J.

van Peitiaad to eoHeot the amount theroor, against the itoam ferry boat mo name) worn bulkUng at Oruenpoint, tong Vthnl, for toe Gnsens County Ferry Company. amounting to tiie sum ol twentv-iwo hundred and oixtytaur it dniiaraand rix therein specified, and that the seta vessel will be sold for th payment of tee taster, owner, or tai person Interested discharge such warraot ee-ctwding to lew, within teirty dev from th Stab pubiKwtion ofthlshoUee, June 20, IffTO. JACOB J. YAN FELT. J.

T. Krumrrg. Attorney for J. J. Tlir Fxlt Gto EGA HCDeON SUM, FRESCO FA INTERS, Flaan and Decorative HOLSR PAINTERS.

Corner of rultos and Vorh streets. Eats hi is hod 140. TTSEFUL FACTS! Li WORTH KNOWING THrRSTONT ITORY FEA RL TOOTH-POWDER mil kteu tbe teeth clean, squad, aad wuita Fnos fi and cents per bottle. IHOkmoM ft POMADE OPTOf win elenfise. often, beautify, end otreagthea toe hat.

Prie 24 srd 50 certs per bottle. JOUY EN ft INODOROUS KID OLOTI CLEANER will rooters soiled gloves to their pristine Itssntr and uMfu)ness. Price ffi cents per bo tile. SHERMAN'S COUGH lOEKNGES WlU give hs Bicdie relief, sad eertataiy sure a sough. Price ff cents per bog FHF.KJAKH WORM LOS ENG PR will expel ad worms, sod ere pirasem to the teste.

Price 24 cents per box. FILS MACRTNR-SURRAD STRENGTH E. IftG PLAFTKRA wbeaever pismr ceedea, are unrivaled Price 20. and 30 oents eaMi. CHINESE TOOTH-ACHE DROPS wtti tastantlf relieve this meet ill 1r string malady.

Price cents per bottla PXFORD ft MEDICATED GINGER-BREAD ft I Tb 4 OR 04M2 are nwdlly eetca by children, arid are efficacious. Price 25 cent per box. IMre rerelre k. re re A 'line sals bv Druggist, ese. A WKLIA COre Wt.ofeesle Agent.

No 192 Fulton street. New York. OTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN that upon th 2Slh day of June. 172, upon ippltcstion nf William Young, warrant wa Issued by ths Ron. C.

E. Pratt, Jestieeof tbe ftuprea Court of the fttnte of New York in and the County of Klnro. directed to tbe ftberig of Kings County, to enforce the lien of tos said WilitaiB Young and to collect ths amount thereof, against toe steam ferry boat (no name), sow building at Lrevapoint. Long Island, for tbe Cueens County Ferry Company, amounting to the sum of two Sued red mid seventy-sis dollars and twenty-one oenta. as the rota specified, and that tbe sold vssel will be sold for the payment of the claims sgatast her.

unless the master, owner, or coring nee thereof, or some person Interested therein, appear aed dioebarga nch warrant according to law. within thirty days from th first publication of tola notice. June 26.1472. WILLIAM YOUNG. J.

Iitnrni, Attorney lor William Touno. ORTHE FINEST BOTTLED ALES Both FOEK1GN find DOMB8TIC, nt tbe lowest prises. 1 go to THEODORE R. BEACH, Fulton earner Hoyt street lONK.T 1HLAJCD LOT ATirWloS -Will be le at public suction, on Saturday, Jily fi.ltri, st 2 oclock, ta the afternoon, ns to remltea, 11 teat parcel ef the common lends of he town of Gravesend, on Coney Island, and known as the Manhattan Hotel lot, and being a lot 40 fed square, and being the southerly pert of lot No il. on Map of (man Lands of the town of Gravesend, on Oesr Island, on file ta the Town Clerk a office of aatd town.

Tbeee premise will re leased fr the term of nine years aad nine tooths, to commence on the day of letting, aod ubjed to toe llowing resolution of th town It sny lot be lettosny p-raon other than the last tense owning improvements na said lot, the new lessee shell pay tne former leseee for the value of all Unprovetncnta on the propertv at the ex-pirsttou of the old kesse (provideifi suck tmprovm men is were on the properly at the time or sock Icttirgl. at a rate to be fixed by arbitration between the oM end new teeeeea. seek boosing one arbitrator, aad iwh arbltratora shall, on dleagree-meot, cbotse a third, and the decist'in of suck nrMtratiw. or majority of them, shall be heal Terms made known on Any ef I all lag listed June tt. aPHTNOTON WILUft, DA ID ft.VKDBn John van riper, Oemmlsrionen ef Common Lands of toe Town at Gravesend.

2CPBTME (WITP-KWOS fO(JN-ty Miehaei Kampegstari Charles Weds end Sank Wmoe. at a if. In pursuance of judgment of foreclosure sod sale mi tins action made wo tee 4ta day of July. 172. 1 hevby give noticse that on tbe firs day of August.

Kt at ci cknoon. at the Commercial ft.xcbanne.No. 90 Falvn strectJ3n the city of Brooklyn, end County of Kings I win sell tt pao-He auction to tee bigeeet bidder the lands aod premises ta said Judgment msntt nd an 1 irein described ae follow, vta: Aft those terse certain lot of lend, with the bandings and improvements thereon ere srd artaate, lying and being ta theritr ef Brooklyn aforesaid, known and distinguished on a certain map filed In the Klnaa County Register office, entitled Mop of valuable property. situate ta toe Seventh ward of the ritr of Brookrin. lately belonging to J'hn fikiUmaa.

Beq, and by the numbers one hundred and swentr- igbtdTbCoae hundred sndseveutv-aieeUTtH. and or.e hundred eigntv (Wu, which, taken together. are bounded aad deucribed as foHows. to wit Begiuasrg on toe westerly side ef Bedford avenue, et a point distent three hundred and seven feet end nine inch (Pi? 9) northerly from the northwesterly eorner of Bedford aod Myrtle ovo nues. andurrtng throes northerly along Bedford gvenue seventy-five (741 feet to lot number one hundred and seventy -seven on said map.

thence weetejlep pars By nttoeed iot one hundred feet, thence thengjMrliel with Bedford avenue seventy-five i.1)) ini lot one hundred and eighty-one on said map, thence easterly again parallel with Myrtie avrone aiong aad met nroted bo one hundred nun fet te the potatef lieu Inning Imid Jail ft 14TO. FURMAN WtUTNET. Bofmss. WM. H.

ViP Fatfttifi Auwmy 1TT COURT OP KI5GB Ccenty The National Stove Work, ptsin-tift, agate Thoms Lerkta, Ellse OLeary, aad 1 bomas Leary, her husband. Manfretta Carman. and Yalenltae Carman, her buaoeed. Marie Rosa A ibcruc. and Hsrmana Albers, bwnumad.

Cathartaa ftau. awljuii Kuna, her husband fi-bastisu Newburgrv. and Mrs. ftebeetue New-bunrer. hi wife, riau iek Murphy, Adam ftmomr.

fttepben R. Frasier, Jams w. Bruckwaj, end Joscrh Wsgnte detmtdsms. To rack ot uedefcrctaam ahov neri; You are hereby muamoned and requ.rad so sn fvrr the sxp'am te uiis octioe. which romptmtn will be filed in tee office of te Clerk of tee temesr of Kins, at the King County urtHmse, to tbe City ef Brookbrn tw sed wnty efi Kings, in teefttateeff ftvw wrara riPTOi your answer to thr said complaint on tbe ub-teilbvrs st thriv office.

SS Oourt Mritt is the Hamilton Beihiins, oe te ewnw and Joiweeoostrrots. ta tee jd Crty lyn.wtthta twewtf days after teeservtee of tbi rere g. joe, CSCiSgTS Of thO Sf Og NtB aw srd ft Tom fad to answer the said com-nistatwttlRS the time aforesaid, tee plaintiff te apffiy to the Cowrt for tee rvUef ptatotiFs Attorneys, ft a. tt Coert street, Brooklyn. Tbe eompint ta this set oe was Sind in tee of-t of te Clerk of tee Oounty ef tbe City of Brooklyn, ta tbe ftteteof Row Kara.

en tee nirfc Aun- 1LARENDON HrrEL, Long Branch, ft. 9 ALFT R. BAMT7LM, 8AHCKL K. BPRNCLR, Proprietors. AIRFIELD HOUSE, FAIRFTWLD, CONN.

-v Tbs snbseriber hsv-ng purchased tbs above-named property, pledges nta best efforts to satisfy those wbo may ravor him vmn their patronage Six trains daUv via ftew Haven R. R.Twenty-seventii street) two hoars from New Ytek. The finest see bathing on tne Scurd. LEWIS F. CLEVELAND, Proprietor.

XT ITTATINNX HOUSE, JV DELAWARE WATER bAF, PA-Tbtadetixbtful mountain resort is now open for visitors. Trains of the Morris and BnnT Railroad leave ftew York 2J0 AM And 4JU PJC For sirenlars stall 4o W.A.BBODHXAD ft 0ONS. OCEAN HOTEL, CONEY ISLAND, WM. A. Eft GM A If.

Proprietor. Is now open as frit elans Family Hotol, for the Beeson. Tbte new Hotel, eltnated hundred pnees from the beech, at the terminus of the Coney Island Road is now open for the reception of both Per. Transient Quest. 'J'APPAN ZEK HOUSE.

vnok-onothe. adso -ON HOC FROM NEW YORK, WU1 open June I. Ik MANSFIELD, Proprietor. mnE MN SION HOUSE, A LOOK) BRANCH, K. 3 1 Is now rasa for the reception of SAMUEL CrMMFF BOARD ON CATS KILL MOUNTAINS.

MAPLH HOVR HOV8E, PAI.lHVn.TJl 6RKB1TE CO, N. Y. PHxLO PECK, Proprietor. A delightful Bummer resort, within a few hours of ftew York, by steamboat or railroad. For terms address ee above, or apply at 1M WUliem ft.

CONFECTIONER CLL to FRASER JCB CREAM SALOON AND RESTAURANT, No. 44T FULTON AVENUE, Oar. Jay Street. Superior Creams and lees of ell toe various flavun furnished. Festivals, hairs, and Excursions promptly attended st the moat popular prices.

E. KIMBALLS ICE CREAM AND CANDT MANUFACTORY, riLTON IT-OB HI(H BT. OUR bROCKLN MIXED (16 kinds) ChotaS Pure Candy, only 2U cents per pnn, LODU POUNDS ODD DAILY. ICE CREAM mads from Pure Orange joaty Cream sowsUntiy on hand. N.

B. A liberal discount sDowsd to Churches, Picnics and Axcurslcai parties. A TUOMPSOJf "8 confectionery and LADIEte KIMTAURANT, 80 Clintoa street Tbs entire rimres taken ot WEDDINGS. RBCCP- TiOS. PARTIES, DINNERS, etc.

Every- 1 Entertainment. A New and Enast Amortm snt of Chinn and Fins Glass Wars. Reliable Watters at all times. I ANPIAS 4EY ICB CREAM. VOSS PURS NIXED CANDY, the bet sold ta Brooklyn, fresh every day, XI cents per posed.

Pure trench MIXED ANDY. 2 be. per pound. FRKJM CHOCOLATE CREAM DROPS, 29e. VAftILLA.

cuocolat: BANANA CRFAM ALMONDS. EXTRA SOLR LEMON DROPS 'tndaU other candies at nary low prloss, Aft VOfiff, 4 FULTON ST Near Jay stirssL ICE CREAM at my saloon, 12 cents per plsto. ICE CREAM tn boxes, 40 cents per quart. KEY REAM in mooes, Uv per gallon. Ioe Cream and Candies sent to any part of fths slty.

ft. B. Ice Cream end Candles at rtltnouul te eettvals. and Parties. iBNSV VOSS.42S kCLTOW BT.

RAKING POBfiKB. PEDHEAlfS B4KIHG PUWDBR, AY FIRST PRIZE AWARDED. Tbs superior excellence of this powder gained for ft the prize medal in competition with some of the largest manufacturers. TRY IT! YOU WILL UN IT. For sale bv ail aroeera.

BOOT ANtt SHOES, jyjL NDBLL ta CO, LADIES, GENTfl MISSES, and CHILDREN 8 ike Roots and shoes No. 258 FULTON STREET, Near Ptl nfou. 410MPTKOUBR8 Of PICE, CITY HaiL Frockhyn, July M.U72. Scaled proposals will be received st this office until 2 oVck on Thursday. 26th in sti, for the purchase ot the bole or any part of 4 UKJ.0UU 7 per oenti Public Park Bonds and 44X1) 7 per cent.

Gowaaus Bonds, doe in one. two. end three years. proposal! to be properly Indorsed, end stats the the price offered in addition accrued Interest. The Comptroller reserves ttae right to reject nay hide not to the interest of the city.

r. A SCBaoKPK Comptroller. COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, Ctt Hall, Brooklyn. July 0, 1872. Busied proposals, proprily indorsed, will be reeel ved st this ottos tftsil 2 oclock on Monday, 2M the purchase of the following 7 per oenti bonds and certificates of ttae city of Brooklyn Kent Avenue Basin Bonds dee Vfl WkUWO Deficiency Bones, due 1 ax Cerutjcate.

due ...174 Tax Certificates, das U74 or atifi, part thereof. Prcpoesis to ntats toe pries offered ta addition to accrued taterest Tbe Comptroller reserves toe right to reject nay bids not to the interest of the city. F. A SCH BOEDER, Comptroller. PROPOSALS WILL BE received at toe office of the Board of Education until or day.

the rid In sti. at 12 oelock Bti, for besting apparatus at fichool No. 4. Plans and specifications can be seen at tbs ottos of the Pupenctenoent of Repairs. Names of twe responsible persons will be required for tbs faithful performance of tbe contract.

Ths Board reserve tbe right to reject any Irregular bids, or any which may not be for the interest of ths Board. ribLIX CAMPBELL, J. h. D. HART, J.

H. RlCWWqST, B. MARTIN. Committee on Warming aad TmtiltHw. 1JROPOSAU FOB OKAJilliS.

ACT MTM BRrDQA Pealed proposals will be received up to July 2R IWj. for tee delivery of ijt cubic yaris of cut Granite Face Btone forth Brooklyn Tower, during the months of September. October, end November. Plans and specifications te be seen at the Engineers office or sent on spplioaUon. Proposals will be sent ti tbe NEW YORK BRIDGE CO Coruer Front and Fulton sts Brooklyn, N.

Y. EAUED PR6pORAL8WILL BE received at tos ottos of the Board of Kdu cation until Tuestis y. Angom ft. isTf. at 12 clo 'k lot fiicglns, plumbing, and fences st school No.

Plans and spectficauon oaa be seen at the office of the pennteodent of Repairs. Names of two responsible tersons will be required for the faithful performance of the eoutracti The Board reserves the right to reject any irregular ds, or any hich may not bs lor the interest of the Board. ti M. M. THOMAA Chairman Com.

on Bchoolhoua. Hkdford avenue improve. nent Proposals are hereby Invited for sur. facing Bedford svenue. pursuant to plan adopted by the Commissioners for the improvement of said avenue, and specifications filed at the office of J.

MescroleKng'neer, corner of First street and Broadway. Proposal to be made under seal, and addressed to the Bedford Avenue Commissioners, and left at the fflee of said Engineer, on or be? ore the SSd day of July instant, at 12 o'dook, noon. Dated July tttWY. A BCH0U3. Prretdwrt.

rVU. ENOIMFKR 8 OFFICE, V. Navy Yard. New York. Jnly 8.

1F72. sealed proposals will be received at tbs office of the commandant In this yard until 12 o'clock at noon of tbe 27th day of Jury instant, for rurmsn-tng teems for tius Navy ard until the krst day of July. 173 The bidder unit state the rate per diem for one horse, with cart or truck, aad horse, with cart or truck, and driver; three horms. with cart or truck, and driror. The horses, to be furnished whenever required, to work in chains if necessary, and to he kept and eared for by the contract! r.

Tbe pnrty to whom the award is made must be prepared to execute the o-n tract at once, and give the required bonds for the faithful performance of the seme. Proposals will give the name tn full, ns well ns the residence of the bidder, end be accompanied by bond in the sum of five thousand toau doL lars. duly awd legally executed, guaranteeing the fulfilment of the bio. and be indorsed, Proposal furnishing teams for the Navy Yard, New York. The right to rwtoet any aad all bids that stay he offered is reserved.

Terms and conditions of tbe contract so be entered into, may be seen at this sflios, NORMAND STRATTON. Civil Bogioeer. BiflSHftUb SALES. YTNITED STATES OP AMERICA, fij Itestera District of New York, sa. Whcms.

a libel bath been filed In the District Court of rthe United Steles of Amenc i or the Eastern District of New York, on the 20th day of June, la the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred seventy-two. by Cornelia Van Luoa against the steam tog Edward Levy, tta, and the canal boat Harry fihielda. her tackle, etc. And whereas the substance of the said libel Is, that there is due the libellants the sum of tottfor dar ages caused by the eoirtston ta the libel re forth. And praying that the said vessels, their tackle, etti, mT be condemned and sold to pay one demand of the libel iseta.

Now, therefore, tn pursuance of the moniuon under the seal of the said Court to me directed and delivered, I do here-by give public notice to all persons claiming the said vessels, tbmr tackle, etcor in any manner interest there ts.that they be and appear before the said District Ocert to be held at the aty of Brook-a District of New York, at 12 o'clock of that lynjnand lor the said Eastern District of New York, onthe 17th day of Jnty un, at 12 o'clock of that day (provided toe same tea bs day of furiadio- toon, otherwise on the next day ox Jurisdiction tbereafur), then rend there to Interpose their claims, srd to make their allegation in that behalf. Dated this Kh daJsjyTjigi R. HARLOW, 1 United Sts tee Bmshsl fi EBk. room. Proctors for ttbel lent.

TINTED STATES OP AMERICA, Eastern District of New York, Ivhereea. a libel bath been tiled in the District Court of the United States of America, for ths Eastern District of ftew York, on ths ftth day of July, in the year of our Lord see thousand eight hundred end seventy-two. by Frank Waite, against tbs stramer fieprt, nor tackle, cte. And whereas the rebalance of the said HM fs, that there Is due ths libellant the sum of for wages; end praying that ths said easel, her tackle, et may be condemned am the demands erf the libellant. Now, that afore, tn ywtuaM of ths raonltfsu under ths seal of ths said Court to use directed and delivered.

1 go hereby give publte notice te ml persons staling vessel, her tackle, etix. or in interested therein, that they be and appear before the said District Court, to be held st tbe rity of Brooklyn ta and for tbe said Baatei District of ftew York on the 17th day of July-im, at twetvw ociroek of tost day (provided the same shall be day of Jurisdiction, otherwise on Lhe next day of Jurisdiction thereafter), then end there to Interpose their claims, and negations ta that behalf. Jufw.Wfe- nARLOW, U. A Marsha), etc. Pigutci lift Uhsllnuh a 4 WEDNESDAY BVENLSO.

AUDY IT. TWO BY, CABLE. 3 re! The London Times on the Stoke Trial. sj The Races To-day at tog. 3 (y mmuH unauB Tk, Lm(m ta, OckM Loimm, July IL The fowl this morning, waaeottag epos the tame of tos trtalof RdwncA ft.

Stokes, mmz At the bottora of whet es tots snieasr- rififfe of justice that indifference -Ara erioexts feel for gkfleotomaeetii which both ths mar-derix sad vloctm are rovnbefi. 5' FsbtleaL CniCAOO, Itt July IL The Dcaowitle and tne lioeral Repulusu State Central Comraltteee of Liinoas me ta REenkj, end sntaeted a fuU etao-toral. tiolcei, wh ex-Ooveroor Brom, ef Cook county, end Judge J. Catoa, of 1 8aUe oounty, ss electors at large The Republicans of toe Sixteenth Pong me. ttooal Diaokfl ester day, aosBlanrod James 8a Miffifi tor Coogress.

IrMiius Donnelly ha written letter AeeBMtas the Bepuhlieee nom-inshos for Coogress in toe Firm District of Minnesota, and nnuimini hi ndhereaoa tn Owsley nod Brown. Wrens Bests. Bonos, July 17. Tbe jury tn toe abortion toque a Omn-b ridge find that an abortion was performed by Dr. Gt) lord, of Pawtucket, ALtafi ImpU oktes John B.

Donner, of foxbora, ns betug the father ot the ohtkhnafl tost Dew Phelps, of North Attleboro, advised thq application to Gaylord. Tbe morning opened wery hot, bu4 aft nine Na M. there waa a retreshtog enat wind. Tbe Bcttlkf on Te-DsjHi Race. Saratoga, N.

July 17. Tbe following ore the entries end rates ot betting for tbe fourth days rsctng First rsoc- BeimoaU Klngflaher, five year cM, 41 4 to I against Hunter nod Trmwcrs Ainrm, yeara old, at to 1, figvaffifit Diris Ys4 ludecn.6 yemrsoid. Second iaoe Hunter end Traven Bockden even, figU st toe field; Donohue' Guoford bilngoig 4100; ODosaeUs Mery Louse ftfift; Barbtoh eOrtPtinsi tift end DevtY AlUe Hunt Tbbrd race McDeniei's Tubmen, flfiOft Coffin tt lAvnew'i Loehiei, fifli); KoQrath'a Suifia Ann, $100; Ball's John Merrymna, 469. Firs nt RilvaakM. Mxlwaekeu.

Wta, July 17. bout nine eetoefc famt night fi fire broke out tn toe sroood story of toe base eoapend candle ft fTnrir. Trrrr err of West Weter end Fowler streets. Nearly toffentire stock wns eoamneed. The lam or toe stock Is fl7M09.

find on the buiidJng II.EBl The oriffik of tbe fire nod amount of nic pnuscertainod. Ere ns fit, Lewie. Ft. Lotm, DU July U. Jnttus Chambers, wbo underieok to peddle htsoeDoe, Dolly Vsrdon, from Lake I teak to Mew Orieens, reeched Quincy, Illinois, yesterday, aed shipped hit nsnoe to Bt.

Louis on tbe steamer Uob Roy. We tel ttoefittentm Port smtib. M. Jely IT. Kelsoq Tan Gordon, while fishing In Delaware River, bt Leokewuteo, yesterday, fel tram bis beet- In lit end wee drowned, Tbe body wue i retracted.

Almon Blennhtar, of tbe town of Wsllkili, Orange County, wee gored by a ox end died from toe tajurtae within few boura. FimilAL COMMERCIAL tl tM Mew York Exetienge. Meek oomynsT stock switnuiiy. tUM O'CLOCK A. n.

ion ft ta US 2MB ft 4-2fi Oo S7. tUk fiiweu ftft-m iffiei4k do tt iinJ Did do So IIS JUM) ft 4-W Reft fiftlMTOl teo 9 ti IMP R. Ul first no Ann, jult If. Tee RtSs kiu Tea 8 74k Win do 0 UsPse Me Die. 1 ToMo ft Wsh tm lK kAJfi ft wo ue.

Bt Louis div MU RW Mo ft Bs la 4M Louis ft Iron Moss la KB '4 Era Ohio ft Miss 4m MO T. ft Wb 44 kUi Bos ft El 41 4 luASCoiCft rcenfm 7 MHO ItaktarLtaeota Ira lm gy MMercbJUtts hU) do T4K kC for fl 2U0 Vlr Hi fie 44 hub ft 7 LClU6v moftTCw 82... 7 IdjU Gee 7s re 88 SUUi ru Poe Gold Bond mq VIS Co wjh 1U0 Cu PseR Im ftH KAO Wall Mtnr, I WEPEEfiDAT, July 17. Thfit thert fibouidbefiny ecttvfty or strength In anytbtnff at toe Stock Exchange, or in Well street during this killing hot weather a most remarkable, it shows that there it a olid foundstfon to prlora, and a readiness to speculate, which are rcry encouraging to tbe brokers wbo arc looklnb forward To tbeir foil hamat Brie advanced yesterday on the action of the Board of Directors etthetr first meeting. Nothing of greet lmportaoee was done, but tbe reeoturtoas for a continued tnreetigattao Into tbe character of toe contracts which tbe Flak-Gould mnnsgr meat fastened npoo tbe Company, nod the eg i ii suite with Mr.

Bartow's lew firm to transect toe legal badness of toeeompsny at toe low charge otes tbouftmd fiotiin rear, wot regarded as favorsbta IndloaUoa of pro-deot Bfinagemeot, But tbe puMie atm remember that tt will require good many year of very prudent management, and a large Inert are of iwctapta before tbe stockholders will be able to indulge in aay hope, even, of a dirtdeod. 1 here Is steady demand for first-class railway mortgages Jw bleb are becoming favorable Investment for prudent capltabsta, and tbe people wbo tel fio regard rati estate mortgagee as toe only trustworthy torn of safe tavestmenta. Tbe first mortgage bonds of the btiJoeepb and Denver City Haliraed Company. offeicd by Mosers. Tenner tt of No.

11 Wall street, are among toe most desirable securities now oa tbe market. They pay eight per cent. opml-oatmaUy, aod can be purchased at 97)4 and accrued Interest. The Sub-Trcesuty paid yesterday $37,000 In redemption of flve-twenty bonds, and oo account ot interest. Gold bee been steady from tbe commencement uo to one o'clock at IMS to lift.

The shltmeot of specie to-day by toe European steamers ta over $2,000490 but about wa in silver in transit. Ths laafilng rates of gold are about 1 percent. 1 te offerings of 4-20 hoods at the Bub-Trees ury were to th extent of $2. 746000, from twenty-eeren different firms, toe rates ranging from Hitt to U4tt. Tbe stock market a strong at yesterdays prior, but without much activity.

Erie as percent, lower than ton staffing prices last evening, but tbe sleek Iona st 1-V. At tbe commspoumaptof traasastions ta tbe Stock TTtfhangr. before the First Board, Ctokt was 114 to 114 Erin, 48 io 43Kg; Peeifle Mail, 7S to toksUnkm Pectflc, I7 to tt. North weetern. TH to 79 Mew York Central 91 Ohio and Mtaffiaffippt, 1A toiSK Lake fbora, EY to Ms tjuidcailvnr, coil, Bock Ittand.

Dllf For Cut cininsnl flecurttlea, MU' IttY to IKY: do. Cowpre mX.mra. KlSYfl fi4a.U4B; ifla, llfito 1MY dore Mew, nan to Uq; CTft my tta. U6Y to 114k RWa, Illy toUJ: Mew 4ft to lit Correoey Bonds, 1U toV4. oonu'vtvr encuffmes.

Uft.LtaSsesrag de 4srt.eoaa.Nl de Hi iwtrt NB IU OoftAi eoupoe lut eo ft-2S rcorivt do WS coupon 4 llt do rnti ibt: so eoepan 114 do 4-20 re, m. L. fi 114X do 4-30 coup. bJ.U 114ft deftffi mtd4 uft A do 4-as coupon art tro do fftid'l luft do 4-44 eoupoe ta UlA doOrraoa W.Ld do do ft rear do 4 pet. run 74 do 4 c.

or.op. 71 do M0 DM OMH0 (Ts ilft UN The following oo Wtt fit fibg Firri Board lor Now Miptln.rere. Merchant. MevhauK ftorth Tn ai1 roses 0 rcrc ten re Butchers ft Drovers Mechanic ft Trad a GallatlD ftstlooai Merc haa ta Bxchae LmUKT MkBBlM'a Seventh Ward tai of New York Li Icumim, IS itt I Katt K. 144 Market tMBo" LdLteer V3 Korn Kxcnae.

147 jttt. re rid iMaria ti- I IS New York CwntT si llmpaesersane TraB 18S I Park UO Manafacra ft LM ft. Y. hatiouai 117 HLSutral v- il 46 first National tfieeoed ftsuoMf. 'VuortO IfaOoaalre.

Ninth Troth ffluve ity Watarere Oriental I Gold KsetaMige i Itak'rs ft Brohr ft ftn 144 ftl 1J C5 'J DO Cl LA to 90 Km ri tn us Pa- Chau An. Bank oftes I Baakef 8.1 Haiteve Irvin Te foGowtnc wcvb tot htda nt tbe First Dei. MS StQ EASTUKNMKTBICT AGESCT. The Fourth Edition" of TKfi UftlOE eon he hod at Williem A. Hslioran.

iffi Grand street, where mwlptloM ere alo racrived. THE VRISN IN NEW TORE Menof Tn tnoi eea Bed terorlte Joe rmi) oa eel et the following pieoes Wh. H. Cltnce. 174 Sooth street.

HAMILTON JOEkfi, AttOT Hoses ttHfiS Wooxmtrrr Bnos Brie Beilwej baildiaga, foot of Chambers street. 0UWS A Cask Ceotrel Raltficed MUltlng, foot of Uhtrtr sirs st, 4THE UNION lit THE COUNTRY, Tn IJsioar Fourth Edition, moil for 7S oeots per month. THE Unoi mw rnougnld by ell elssees es the host news-tper published Id Brooklyn. It gives the latest wed the nost reliable local news. It has the beet IBel 11 lies tor ehtilnlng mews from all pens of the esenirr haealso eorreepoadeat la different peris of reps, who eoatribat weekly.

It is the only representative -of the SdN Bepehtteen voter! It etrealates not only en Lon en-Jris etrselstloB eetalda of Brooklyn Is larger than all other Brooklyn papers eombined. Thb Uinoif bow rank taoat thd flrst Republican saner of the eoentry. Loot Out. Flies and mosquitoes are on the Vine Tbb Ball. Tbs City Hell looks forlorn lots of pobtietaaa hare left tbeir old haunts Only few professionals remain AmrxxATicm.

Tbs people fn the county towns are begging for annexation. Persistent petitions have tbeir reward. Offal. To-day the offal war probably Terpens. Old beads have been In dose communion.

Look out for grand results and an abolition of horrible smells. Thb change in the weather until toe moos changes, so say the weather prophets. The new moon is only eight days old. This is cheerful. Correction.

In the article printed in Thb tnOR yesterday, the area of Long Island is given at IB square miles. It should be square miles. Icb Ice cream tu period aoes eolio. i But nobody oares for that. Business was never better.

Ioe cream men measure bust Bess by the thermometer. Svmras NiOR Pas nf al. The Brooklyn Biding'Club will hold their summer night fes tival at toe Tivoli. 600 Atlantic street, Suodxb Death. Mrr Gilfoy, forty yearn Old, died suddenly at her reatdenoe on the eorner ot Front and Stewart streets, last night.

Coroner notified tohoid an inquest. Icb. Tbe people complain of toe high prim st ioe, and tbedefldt weight doled out. But if toe weight of the ioe is short the wait for it in the morning is long. It to a long time in oo Doing, and it lasts but a short time when it WATMt.

Housekeepers bitterly complain at the limited supply of water. Where has all the rain gone whioh has drenched toa earth of late. Is evaporation in league with toe officials? BsowmtD. George 8. Murray? eight yearn old, resdbf at 24 Hudson avenue, feil off the dock at the foot of Hudson street yesterday, and was drowned before assistance oouldbe rendered.

The body has not been recovered. Fran: About four oclock this morning a Ere occurred tn toe linen store of John Young, 133 Atlantic street. The stock was damaged $260, and toe building $150; fully insured. Cause of Are, leakage in gaa-pipcs. Fashionable.

Attendance at the drew parade at Fort Hamilton is the correct thing nowadays. A large number of Brooklynites witness the review, listen to the music, and cool off with the ocean brecse. Busin na. The merchants and tradesmen Brc not complaining of dull business. Of course, thore is not as much doing as uiual.

but there is enough for perspiring clerks and prostrated employes to attend to. A Tnsnu Blow. James Dovtn. a laborer, residing at 429 Baltic street, struck a woman named Margaret Winslow, hying in the same bouse, over the bead with a shovel. Inflicting a severe scalp wound.

He was arrested and held for trial. Burning Limb. At two oclock this mom-tag tweaty barrels of lime standing on toe sidewalks on Third street, near Sixth avenue, were almost simultaneously burned, caused by the rain slacking the tunc. They were the property of John Dougherty, who loses 40, Pbootmatsd bt thb Hxatx At five P. M.

yesterday, Israel Brewster, a colored man residing in Hunt's alley, neer Henry street was prostrated with the heat while walking in Montague street he was taken home. John Hickman, residing at James street, succumbed to tbe heat in Orange street last evening, and was taken home by an officer. Eight Hotma. A oonple of mominss ago, as a Coney Island oar was passing through Jay Street, toe oonductor was compelled to detach the horses to cross a deep excavation in which some- laborers were working. The car was heavily laden, and the conductor was com-1 pelled to pib ft across the hole.

He sake I one of the burly Irish diggers to assist him 4 the latter replied in a surly tone, Im an eight-hour man; Im a striker, and I won't push for nobody. Evening Scar chapter No. Ill, R. A. ffi.

The members and friends of the above named organisations assembled at Lefferts Park yesterday to celebrate the event of tbeir fifth annual picnic and evening promenade. Although not the largest piomc held this sea-fon, ft was OOP of the most enjoyable and respectable, and will io3K bo remembered by all who were fortunate enough to be present. Tbe daqffing platform waa handsomely decorated with Chinese lanterns, flags, and banners, oa some ot which were the following inscriptions Zeal. Union, Friendship, Purity. 1 The music was excellent.

Among the guests were Assessor Oliver B. Leicb, ex-Msssor E. H. Flavin, Thomas P. Crawford, Past Master Euclid Lodge and Kuigbt of Evening Star Chapter Geo.

W. Close, High Priest oUIltdge-wood lodge and Deputy Lord High Admiral of the Swivel-Tall Marines John H. Cook. Master ot Third Veil of Euclid Lodge; M. B.

Chapin, Mr. Van Voorbics, and other dia-ttogirtsbed gentlemen. ThC following gentlemen were the Committee 5 of Arrangements Gco.F. Ayling, Chairmap GeaGUaes, Treasurer Juntos T. HamAton, Jlobert Gairas, Austin Apntovard.

The following were the names ot tbe Floor Committee P. F. D. Hibba, Floor Manager, assisted by Robert T. Hardy, J.

Henry Gifford, Beth B. Cooper, Henry Stamford, John A. Jbok, Frederick Heeg. 4 The Reception Committee were as follows Georgs Ackerman, Thomas P. Crawford, John H.

Rowland, Francis T. Nolan, J. H. Biters, Bohn P. Laird.

The Frstfeet Park Flect-Aastber Beet Added. Tbe fleet under Admiral Brien cruise daily on too lake Prospect Park, from oclock. in the morning till 11 at night. When boating are commenced thfe ssesoa at the Prk, beret were only kalf a bat toe public took nek an aqufeteudency after they dm-ooverad tbe extent sfrlhe lake, that flve morn i boata were quickly added, Oa Saturday an- other new craft, the Mabel, hunt by Bverson 1 14ft feet long, 4 feet 4 inches wide, and 9 inches deep, will be placed on toe lake. These hot evenings there la nothing more delightful than sail, as tbe Park is not closed till eleven o'clock, one can remam'upoo the water til) that hour.

The boats have a colored tamo forward, so there ta no fear of eotttstoo. The Jaokiarsm attendance are civil and ooliging mew, and do not intrude tbeir conversation they only apeak when spoken to. War Veterans. At a regular meeting of tbe War Veterans Union Club, held at toe rooms eorner Court and Joralemon streets, Brooklyn, oa the even tag of Friday tbe lth iosU, tbe following res-da non was unanimously adopted. Whereas.

An addrees has been issoed by representative soldiers of Philadelphia cal Hog a Botchers National Convention to be held at Pittsburg on the 17th of Septem her next, of lJ loyal sotdien and sailors favorable to tbe eleo the nominees of the National Repubh 2 cveotl therefore be it Jtootoed.That this club heartily sympathise wit tbe object of the oull, and we do hereby determine to attend id Coaveotion ta a body. Tfc Rwoklfa CAees Cl ah. The membership ot this otub te increasing flrs-trmte players and a good many Touag beginners have Joined, and it ta quite epested that the meetings during the winter Notviti-cud. ug the eery hot evenings lately tbe attend ood flve or six being engaged each ercmng. i The THB BROOKLYN BRIDGE.

The Celeeaa Filled In Werflt Under Water FiaUtaed Ttae Maw Terk Tewer Present CeadUlen ot ttae KatrrprlM. Tim New York Bridge Company 1ms progressed in their enterprise to the potat of 00m-m racing the erection of the stone vorfc oa toe tower above high water mark on the other tide of the Bast the place where it was left pff when tbe caisson was sunk to its permanent location. Monday afternoon, a-00 body of masons commenced to labor at tola branch of tbe great work, and it Is tbe Intention of tbe engineers to prosecute it vigorously and mss no time in having Brooklyn and New York connected by a win cable roadway, which will oeta fact when completed one of tbegreeteet engineering successes of the time. Ttats week will see the last of toe work under water finished. There only remains a spaoa of tax or seven cubic yards now to be filled up at the foundation, and the two open ebafta, eight feet ta diameter, used for communication from the surface are to be at once eioeed up and made aottd Uke the surrounding structure.

The ata-pumping machinery, consisting of thirteen engines, each ot twenty-horse power, are to be removed without delay, their eer-viombetac no longer required. Tbe two large gngince employed for hoisting the debris from tbe bottom of ttaenver were removed on Saturday last. All chat will be retained ta toa machinery for hoisting and handling the material te be used for building the tower. The wharves are to be immediately cleared and arranged lor the rapid prosecution of the mason work. Derricks are to be piaoed in position, car tracks laid, and the most expeditious means adopted for tending the granite as it arrives from the coast of Maine.

The Brooklyn bridge is now ta a fair way towards dpn-pietion. thb Towmaa. Nbw that the New York tower to about to rise above the waters of tbe East river, tbe people of tbe two cities wiii acquire increased confidence tn the early realisation of a work considered essential to their mutual prosperity. The tower on the Brooklyn side has reached thoheigfat ol 106 feet above high water mark, and rests upon a solid foundation. The work haa made more progress there, owing to delays obtaining possession of the property at the foe of Roosevelt street, and also on aooount of the directors not wishing to incur the expense of duplicating the machinery required in sinking the caissons.

At a point fifteen feet above the present height ot toe tower ta Brooklyn will be tbe level of the road bed ot tbe bridge, and from this upwards will be erected a structure. 160 feet high, jof solid masonry, divided Into three oolumns and two arched openings. The wire cables are to run over tbe columns, and be stretched at a point t.0 feet above tbe water. The same arrange-mrat will exist 00 toe New York mde. work tranis warn.

Towel of the general public as might imagine that an Inconsiderable amount of work has only bean done es tbe New York tower, Mn Koebiing, tbe Chief Engineer, states that the quantity of masonry and oooorete laid oa thb foundation under water ta equal to the entire masonry of the Brooklyn tower visible to-day above toe water line. Active operations were eemmenoed totem December lu the way of excavations at tbe bed of toe river. In the month of May. before a satisfactory foundation was reached at a depth of seventy-eight feet below mean high water, the borings had been oon fined only to toe small area covered by toe old pi or 29, but were extended over tbe remaining portion of the foundation aa sooo as tbe adjacent ferry slips were vacated. Tfee results showed an extreme difference in tbs level of tbe bed rook of twelve feet, tbe bd'.

ot the least depth touching rook at eighty feet below high water, and the deepest at ninety-two feet. The immediate river bed consisted of logs and loose dock stones followed by a sticky black day. Next came gravel and quicksand, toe latter varying from fifteen to twenty feet, until the solid or rook foundation was reached. thb caisson. iln September last the caisson was towed from the Attantto basin to its fins resting piaee.

While at toe basin seven additional courses of timber and oooorete had been built upon it. All the after seams were caulked and protected by felt, tUkAnd oreovoted sheathing. Tbe various. pi pes, shafts and looks were also carried up tbe comma ry height When the caisson was brought over it was twelve feet thick, on which tea feet of wood wrrkrla stated, waa after wkhta built. Under was chamber ten feet high, making the entire height thirty-four feet.

It contains twenty-two feet of timber as solid as ship serpen ter tools can make it, above the roof of tbe air chamber, seven courses mors than toe Brooklyn caisson. It la twice as strong as fs Brooklyn brother. At a depth of seventy-eight feet and a load on its back of 66,000 toaat not the slightest sign of weakness has been discovered. In this oonneotlon it may be remarked that there Is nothing better established in engineering than tne durability of wood underwater. It is removed from the action cf atr, and, unlike scone, 10 not subject to disintegration.

I thb nunro or. I Rut now the air ohsra her ta filled with material that will stand the test of oratories. Hydraulic cement, composed chiefly of sand and gravel, together with stones, have beet crowded into tbe spaoe, which to 172 feet long by 102 wide and toe feet high. The oooorete for filling tbe chamber wee all mixed above and let down through tbe supply shafts, ready for distribution below. No brick piN lan were used, as under the Brooklyn caisson the bearing of the frames being co wide as to be equal to all oontingenciea when once uniformly packed under with concrete.

The stones, earth, and sand left in the caisson during tbe staking were sufficient to flu one-third of the space. At one time there were four gangs cf men, sixty each, employed uader water. Yesterday the number so engaged was fniy three men, sod theirwork will be dosed up to-morrow or after. i BATHS AMONG THB IABORRR8. lhe deaths that have ooourred among the laborer eogaaed nt work ta the caisson have been frequently referred to by tbe press.

Aa many aa six hundred men have been employed at one time, and out of this number, in the course of seven months, flve died. The effect of the com pressed air on the men. It was known at first, would be serious, and only a few hours labor were required to be performed A pbyvieian was engaged, and medical remer dies kept at band to be used In case of necessity. It is claimed by the engineers, Ool. Paine and Mr.

Oollingwpd, who superintended tbe work below, that only ta two instances waa death caused by tbe pressure; but eoough ta known to make It certain that persons not possessing sound constitutions were exposed to imminent danger white working under water. Scarcely any man escaped without bring somewhat affected by Intense pains ta the limbs or bones, or by a temporary paralysis of arms and legs but they all got over it, either by suffering for few days outside or by applying tbe risky mode of returning Into the caisson at once as soon as the pains manifested themselves. AH this is bow over, and the very remarkable matter of men working forty feet under the bottom of the river will totally cease before toe week doses. Ordinary street gee. manufactured oq, the wharf, was used tor illumination, amflui ingenious mechanical telegraph, contrived by Coload Fame, proved of great assistance ta keeping np communication between toe upper and lower world.

The maimna, who commenced work on Monday, win toy four feet of granite each week over tbe entire tower. It wtU be 129 feet high ex- elusive of superstructure. THB UORKIN8Eflni PARADE. Neetlig sf OelfgaiM tans ETeslsg-Objeetlee te lbs Isterksttessllsta-FropoaltSona fog a Postpeaemeat. Ah adjourned meeting of thelEhht-Hoof Convention was held nt Masonic Hall, New York, Inst evening fog toe purpoee ot receiving report from tboee trades organisations wishing to take part ta the great demonstration on toe 1st -of August next, the Pntident ot tbe Convention, Peter Daly, ta tbe chair; Dennis F.

Griffin acted as Secretary pro tern. It was moved and carried that upon toe roll of trades being called eaeh delegate be requested to state whether hi organisation was prepared to parades and tbe numerical strength of each. Tbe roll was then called, and tbe delegate reported that toe following organisations would parade: Carpenters, U00 men bricklayer OK L000; bricklayer (2), 909; painters, 4JJOO; plumbers, plasterers, 1419; stair-hnilclorsi TOO; stone nssons, BfiO; houso mnsonSt 600; painters (13 cf Westchester), 40l Tbe aggregate would be steal Ujoo. It wsfl announced by the Cbainnsd that the Brooklyn organisations would turnout te the number ot about 1M00 men. A committee ot tbe build-tag trades was appointed to watt on tbe plfestfrcrs and urge them to Join ta the deaon- The eommlttes appointed to wait oaf tbe stooemasoos raid that wbca they waited on them the cewsoirstlon appeared to have oh Jecskmstoray eommonfcntioo with those who were influenced by toe Internationals, hot It was explataed to them that no sectional Am would be Hewed tn tbe pmoemlnte nothing but tbe American flag.

Mr. Banks, of toe painters, said be had no doubt toe denoMtrsfies would be The Chairman said it had been charged that tbe postponements had been made for political purposes; but he thought if the parade had been fixed for the 18th of September, it woald hate been more advantageous for the The Committee returned and reported that tbe plasterers would oonslder the subject and report at next meeting. General committees were appointed to wait on the various labor organisations of the vicinity, after which the meeting adjourned. TUB FIFTY. A Eeqaeat to Examine ttae Basks of ttae Water Board Granted.

CBAXBBS or thb OosuriRBa 0 967 Fuiaoh Strut. Bboooxlth. July 17, 1372. The following has been received tn reply to a communication, of yesterday, of tbe Committee of Fiftg. asking cocos to tbe books, accounts, vouchers, and pay-rolls of the late Board of Water and Be wa age Conmttaoneis 1 (oorr,) i Dzpaotmrht or Crrr Works, I Commissiokbrs' Omca, City Hall, Brooklth, July 17, 1378.

To JiiUan Alien, heq. 8tb I am directed bv tbe Commissioners of Cur Works to notify you of tbe receipt of your com mumoationbi the 16th Instant, and that the request therein contained will be granted. 1 (Signed) D. L. Nohthcp, Secretary.

Thb Rnoigrng Orrxca. The clerks, eopy-Istta and searchers in the Registry Office are basing new light oast 00 their deeds by tbe opening of a window ta the right facade of tbe new Court House. Tranks Basra I Taffaea! How suggestive of a summer rest these three articles are, and how one longs to go to W. H. Dtrus (466 Fulton street), and obtain them.

And then if there are old ones about the house, bow quickly we remember that Mr. Dumb ta near Jay street, oa Fulton, and forthwith we send and prepare all things for the trp we each and all so desire to take. But even tboee wbo stay In tbe city will find It to their interest to go to Ditkb's, for he has every thmg in his line, and manufactures to Order. I No more going to New Tort to buy fine Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, sad Frsasfe flocks as everything tbe most fastidious lady can desire msy be feud at HART 2U a ad SU Fatten street, eoraer Johasoa, American Institute swards the premium te fieetro Silicon, as bring the best article for ei easing and polishing Silver Plated Ware, ete. Bold by JewelUwa, Dracgtria, House Fern taking, and Grocery Btorcc.

COFFIN. RBDINGTON A CO Agenta, Bo. 9 Gold street. M. Y.

Mcmqbito. Bam, Meta, Lave, wd tb. most desirable styles ot Canopies, eea be found In ow upholstery department. i FOP TER BROTHERS. Carpet Dealer.

267 Fulton street. Burts. -Ladies', Grafs, and Children's Sas boots and shoes. IS3 Felton st. Ytsoutt wholesome Bisoul ts.

Rolls. Griddle Cakes, prepared In ten minntee with Doo-Xjct Ybast Puwdis. DIED. Brooks. On Monday, theUth Lurr, relist of Chas.

Brooks. Id the 86th rear of her age. Tbe irtenda and relatives of tbe family are Invited to attend the funeral terries, at her late restdeoes.M Bands street, seTfanradny, July 19, at IF. M. The remains will be Interred on Friday.

Btratfcrd. Norwalk, aad Bridgeport papers please sops. Own. Oa Tuesday, the Mth Itst, Juubt wife of Alex. Orr.and daughter of Arami Dvva Notice of funsrai beraaiter.



THE COMM ITT KE ON 1" Puhiie Lands and Buildings ot the Common Cownetl kill meet in the Council Chamber, City Hall, oa Wednesday evening. July 17, ltf2 at 7 o'clock, tor tbe purp ee of taking Into consideration tbe metier of swarding contracts andotber business pending before said committee. All parities interested are requested to pi tend. By order of CHAS. B.

WTLTR. Chairman. VOUOk-18 HEREBY rilVEN IX 11 'vvnwDCe of ao act of the Legislature of irisaioti-ers for opening said avenue, will meet at the house of John Pope, at Bay Ridge, in said town ot New Utrecht, on Saturday, July XT, 172, at oclock A. for the purpose of making the award and aseessment required hy said act, at which met ting all persons Interested may appear, and be heard In relation thereto Dated July 3, leQL CHART-KS te CHURCH, 1 W. H.

THOMAS. 8TRDMAN Commissioner for opening Bay Ridge arenaa A SONIC WOOD LODGE XO. 569, F. I aad A. M.

Members are hereby summoned to attend a 1 pedal communication on Tnaraday erening, July U. Work.tli rd degree. By order, JAMBS ACRaMQBOCR, M. Joacra H. Wadi, Secretary.


July 19, at 19 A.M.. at the Central tearoom, Willoughby eorner Pearl street. Large assortment of good parlor, c) amber and dining-room furniture, mattresses, china, M) packacea prise candy, oouaiert Ice boxes, 20 marble top saloon tables, at 2 1 1. ns, rrfrrpra and parler suits, at 2 14 P. M.

yelvet, Brussels and Ingrain carpets, stovea, etc. DI WH. COLB. COL ft MURPHY. ATTCTIONWBRS.

SALESROOM, FLLTON TA1LR1 AY J17LTtB.stU O'clock. AT 8ALK8ROOM. Hobsxs. teioost, and HiartM, New and. Becuad Hati Top Buggies, Rockawa j.

Road Wagons, CiAipes, Phtrtofis, 2 Business wagons. Severs! Sirt Horses, Single and Double Harases, sheets, etc. etc. JCOLE, JsctioBteT, By J. COLE'S SON.

1 WEDNESDAY. July 17. Ai 13 oclock, at the Commercial Exchange, No. 389 Fulton, street. BrookJya.

(lly order of the Court.) No. V8 Pacific Strsbt Throo-etory. basement, end cellar bncA huuso, 14 rooms, water and gas ORXCB OF FirSBIO ATIlfTt AND STBCBSH 8TBKBT. a targe lot with factory buildings, covering about 24 bt 76 feet, and also englee. boiler, and machinery all complete foe khsdUag wood factory.

Maps are now ready. SATURDAY. July HI, At 12 oclock, at the Commercial BxctaangeNo.K Fuitrai street, opposite the City HalL. Brooxlrn KrtOAirg RBSIDBbCX, NO. 44 FORT GBII.TI Piacx.

order of the Court.) Three-atory, basement, and sub-eel ar brick house, 18 rooms, marb'e mantles, vestibule doors, erened parlors, Incloeed piaxsa, and the modern Improvsmsats. Mape are sow ready. THOMAS ta CO4 AUC- Real Estate and Insurance Brooklyn Salesroom. 1 Fulton street, opposite City Hall, Brooklyn. Particular attention find to furniture and out-door sales.

Brooklyn Ity Securities. Block, and Bond bought, sold, and negotiated; also estern Ballroad Stocks aad Bonds bought aad soo. BAhKBUPT N9T1CBS, 8. DISTRICT COURT EAST era District of New York In the matte es F. Rhodes, bankrupt.

Assignee' lhe subscriber assignee of the shove bankrupt will sell at public auction on Saturday, July 20, 1871. at 12 oclock at the Commercial Exchange. No. 8F9 Fulton street, opposite ttae City Hsu, Brooklyn. Ail the right, title, and interest of said bankrupt of tn and to tbe an ex-pi red term of a certain lease of premises known as No.

lTHicks street, in wbexaty of Brooklyn (ad- ears, AC and charges, and whica now rents for a boat L8CU par annum. For farther Information apply jo Wm. W. Bliss, Solicitor, 15 Broadway, NSW York. DANlSLkABTlN, Assignee in Bankruptcy.

Dated JunelAW. IN BANKRUPTCY EASTERN District of New York, At the city of ookiyn, the 8th day of July, A Dn 1871. The nn-dermened hereby gives notice of his appointment aSkssigneeof Ru hard L. Dellssor, of Brooklyn, in the County of Kings and Hate of New York, within said district, who has been adjudged a ban erupt, upon his own petition, by tee District Court of said district. caiiUM Jons.

m-. mo. tOTBEUtl, ETC. Ths Flathntli isUfieisnhlfl, Tbe people of the fttatn of New York nn the relation nf Peter Williams nn.nnd ths said Fetor L. tt HUtnaon vs.

Jamas H. Kokiyv On the 6th of April lfik nt too town msot- Uw of FtotitHish, tho defendant (MoKlnnj1 waa nleoied Oolleotor nf Tun of Flaibnab, his oppoontl toe offloe bring wuimmeoa. In toe January prwioua. ton I racial sin re tended the term of ottoe to thres years instead of one, as previously, which baaam lawonlhcKSdcf April. At toa town wstmg cn the tth or April.

MTl, Wtittamson had flA taro votes cam for him as Collector of Tax and when ths tag book was about bs defilv-red to McKinay on tbe fid of Mo Williamson applied for gj restraining tbn Board of from delivertuff tram reoffivtog toa not, aikqrtng that bn bad been duly ricaisd noheetor. and atao asserted that be snt exteocHog tea term, of ottos of tan OMiectoni of taxes to team years was nnnim Utntionnl aad rad, and demanded that too tax book bfoglven to him. (f This case was IriSff toe first timsea (be 4th KorembiT, before Jndgc Gilbert, wbo granted ih injuncton.tnij atter hearing tby arguments to rrfipeotlve eotAaol dradved toe Injunction and dtsouased th complaint. Williamson fn agvrleved at toe result of tho suit and commenced a quo mrral suit against McAJnny on tbe asm grounds ss tos 8 rat ooe. 1 hi was tried tn March before Judge Gilbert and Jury.

Mr. Winchester Britton appearing lor Williamson, and Mr. John H. Bergen for MoKinny. Judge Gilbert deddad tbat the Leataature bad a right to fix too isrm cf cflVoa, and dramtased toe ease, a Wiltfameeeappeaiedto tbeOffiierml Term of Che Supreme Coiwt- Tbe appeal was tiyutfi at PapjrfikeepeS on May 16, before Josuees Baroard ga Tap Tbe tome oounsels appeared again for the respective parties.

Tbs Judge rendered their deeMon on toe 16fh tn fever nf MoKinny, do-daring him te be entitled to the ottos of Cte tort Cftr Aeeldeat i Yerierday afteraono, ttftlltam Doud. James Cullen and Tbomas Butler 'started nut tram Bey fitifMook In small sail boat te Bnjoy sail along tbe Bay. After being owt 4 short time, toe boat wo struck by squall and upset. end ten casn pans preaipitated tom tho water. They managed to gat bold of toa saU.

buxwero soon wmtoed off. They figate nw anededfta laying bold nf toa boat, whom they tend Estate Tnnffi Ttrnn Sera J1 AY. July IT Iriirtiralldlgtniifiiui llnry ffirel if Sijfffi. WttJoej ffiract 2ZBA Stervsasat vs XL A ft ova Braea nfftateseh avsnub laiifi year si i 809 Let 8 Yth Ifift a eor 9te sv ns Aiso kkpefe Mb od Uk sve nd i.CD at. A 10 Wu tsar 12th Mllll wv ftth svs.

Aiao tfitk at Is 19 aw ear tab tt and tta an isxJffi Ld lau tt Iffi.ta a aw mu Ut oaa ma luuxbn I Lot a Da a 2L9 or tt parol tl kuxA Lot MadlMffi at SO Radfarfi ova Two ion inters Monroe tt Moray vs sort tuju'e m- Pi vtMt autt a ang KH anwtafi ue ft tUE Foar I t- a Oyror ttttjit so btgtii Kow MM "At Lou a o4 7 a tiu tt I. 22. MB ft, Ail i No La. Zaiup 77? Lm Plntn Nr Ltptm ukPi Ywedorveer ev and mbuv Cnriatupber vaS aanire Eitt ywaTiittuus av SJtt L.t lab sveta aw ear tt eve end Dte tt re Mtt Lota a a Garden tt tifi.lfi a sor latanes filaak ng aft ASkf am Lot a Manw tt ffi ku 1x4 and bwiiffior Ralph nv 29 nv Msbttonttfijun laud tt. prtmiaea Madlene tt 160 swear Twjpkir avr It Jxfo ft 1x4 ard sitt tori HH tt 263 a ns ear WL-ttaefabfav 4J Land and buildings tt svs ffij tift tt a.

fi Let No 4 yvsrfp rniiai on Groan noed Baade tupvrft 1x4 1 raise SVS NXrctt Lot a 12ra tt tend Yellow Hook Bay fffijf and tvx HamiTvw rut to lot eectre Sth at I axe rnc'lkf fl to tt firs am sad lit tt UOrkO LtteHroraranvsfilAftnsseur Guwiteffiffi a kLxR fito Poor k4a A sip ED a nd or Bttttar tt Lot era Grand l5 Tk rtf 4 8 ra tfivijwrfi xto Tit 2LM8 Wwrotr ou ta New 1x4 nd Eodraantt -i4i i Lai on sveva ft NT. SUPREME COURT, KINGH County. Joseph Waters against fa L. qifi. sod others.

In pursuance of a Judgment ef foreclosure end es of this Court, made in this action oo the ti day of June, SKTO, tee undersigns Referee, hereby give notice, that on the 14th day of July, 1M2, at oclock noon of that day, at Cole ft auction salesrooms. Ms 4TO Fulton street, ta fee city of Brooklyn. 1 will at pnriie eoetl m. to the highest bidder, tbe premises to said lodgment mentioned and therein described. follows A that i mein lot.

piece, or parcel of land, waft tLe ini provemenu thereon lying sod being in the Twentdrst Ward, of the city of Brooklyn. County ot Kisg. end State of New York, bounded and described as follows Beginning at a pomt oa the southerly side effiGe Ksib avenun. distant one hundred and thirty -ix fee seven aad oae-inches easterly from the south easterly eoraer of Mercy avmrue and De Kolb avenue, running tneoce sontheriy parallel with Moray avenue pert of the way through toe middle of a party wall one hundred CKKri feet, thence easterly parallel with It Kalb avenue nineteen It) fee, thence northerly parallel with Moray svsaua. and pert of ta way through the middle of a party wall, one hun-gree (WAfeea.

to the sontheriy side or I Kaib retse. thence westerly along th southerly aide of De Kalb avenue ninstssn feet, to the potatioc pises of bcsxaniig. Doted June H.l'TO. BOBFRT MERUH ANT. Refers A If MriGEVGtaE ftrseuk.

PWmffs Auy. The rale of the above described ssortgac. Ires i hereby ad 1 turned until thsMttLdajef Jsly, tin. the seme bev and plaen. 1 BOB KRT MERCHANT, Referee.

Notice op ordinavce to direct lot to be fenced. Notice Is hers by s-vee to aH snrtiee tatorerted. of toe msentioo cf neODuno Conncsl of Wits cltv, to pee pa ordinance to direct lota on northwest eorneg of Flaan teg ard Frankltn avenue? northwest earner ef farivitm Flush lag avenue, to be tensed vtth etooe beard or ptchM feaee. out fas high, to fi nuirance. Dsltad hronkTyu; Tiftf TT.TWTO.

rLflil.bfcfSSt (UteBLES BM1TH, OM No. B. KMr.No.nt rmlta. MtmC CnaNOaNRI BopMflo, taaUlll Lame deeurtment i AMor.

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