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The Modesto Bee from Modesto, California • 8

The Modesto Beei
Modesto, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THK HODKKTA SFWH HOBDAY KTKMNC Jl'XK IBM NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Owing to (lie great number 'f taxpayers nuil to complicated descriptions I urgently request all taxpayers to carefully scrutinise ths statement when they give In their assessment that errors In description of property may be avoided Asesssor of Stanislaus County GEORGE A THRELFALU Code Taxpayers who liuve complaint to msko of Inequitable assessment or of Increased or erroneous assessment or who for any reason desire to make their statement at the office will please notify the Field Deputy to that effect and call at the oKlce at the earliest opportunity thereafter property m-lxcd tuny lie sold after three hours' verbal notice Kvery person Indebted to unn who neglacts or refuses to pay a poll tax becomes liable after being served with written notice by the Assessor or his dep iity and must psy the same Be Sections 8791 379:13794 3795 3796 3840 3846 3847 3848 3850 Political I III JL i(f trade This case Is In some wnys the moat ImiMirtunt of Hie anil-trusts actions now pending bncauau in a former prosecution of the sugar trust the famous Knight esse the supreule court gave a construction of the Sherman law which practically emasculated that statute A reversal of the' Knight decision is sought In the new action and if Its hall be secured It will remove tho greatest fort south 47 degrees and 43 uilnules west 8444 feet 1 north 43 degrees and IS UlBUtM west 5159 feet to beginning Statu and county tax S8C1 oosts and penalty ninety three cents Total white jennik Kt hair of south half of lot twenty two Smyrna Park Tract State and county tax 218 doitta and' penally sixty one centi Total 8G4 rsllrosd 11MI chains to renter of dlth West 185a chains along renter or -ditch north 985 chain to iM-ginning lota thirteen snd fourteen block eight Whltinore Addition Ceres Stste snd county tax $500 rusts snd penalty seventy nine rents Total 669 i WRIGHT Lot one Woodland Avenue Park north of canal State and county tax sixteen cents school' tax twelve cents costs and penalty fifty one cents Total 79 Your Attention Is reiprrtrelly direct ea le me following facts i All taxpayers are required by tbe Constitution to annually make and de barrier to effective prosecution of great criminal conspiracies 279 liver to tbe Assessor a statement under ontb setting forth specifically all the real and personal property owned Combinations of labor as well as of capital in restraint of Interstate trade have been assailed with equal ardor Certain night riders In Ken oy aucn person or in uis possession or under his control at 12 o'clock meridian on the first Monday In March tucky who burned up a consignment TmiTR JOHN': Wet half of southeast Huarter of southeast quarter of section all township six south l' range ten tart State and county ux 1114 school" tax' 8108 coats and' pen- alty seventy six cents To- tal The Assessor may fill out the state MUNICIPAL LECTION TUESDAY JUNE 6th 1911 A vote for this ticket is a vote for your own Progressive Businesslike Administration and a of tobacco while It was waiting in ment at tbe time he presents It or he msy deliver It to tbe person and re warehouses for interstate shipment were convicted and fined! At New rOrXGQl'IST ALFRED: l-otn quire him within an appointed time td return the same to him properly filled out Orleans three organisers and leaders of a combination of longshoremen Persons who own personal proper which sought to enforce unreasonable Uenty seven and twenty eight block three Lusk A Co' Kxtension to Turlock State snd county tax $175 vhool tax $168 costs and penalty seventy one cents Total 414 ty and no real estate will please bear In mind that their tax is due when sssessed and must be paid on de and discriminating terms foi loading sn unloading veasels have been indicted tried and convicted mand If any person after demand made WUJ)B ft USX A Interest created mortgage given by John and Mary White in went half of southeast quarter of aoutheant quar- ter of section six township tlx mouth range ten east Dfjnija ami county tat 8578 school tax 1278 costs and penalty 8181 Total square deal for all More Important than any mere by the Assessor1 neglects or refuses YOl'XGQl'IST JOHN: Lota category of prosecutions begun' or finished is the knowledge that the GJWren to give under oath the statement herein provided for or to comply with the other requirements of this Ufle the Assessor mnst make an estimate of the value of the property of activities of the department of Jus 872 twenty nine and thirty block three Lusk ft Co's Extension Turlock State snd county tsx $175 school tax $168 costs and penalty seventy one cents Total 414 men person and the vnlue so fixed (G Schafer iy the Assessor may be arbitrarily tice under Mr Wickersham have for the first time terrorised offenders agalnat the anti-trust law We do not know whether Mr Wickersham believes that the Sherman law Is the right way to control the trusts But 'ncreaaed to ten times such value ind must not be reduced by ths Swan itoard of Supervisors 474 lGeo Perley OLMTTIOX Or PERSONAL PROPERTY 8ectlon 382U of the Political Cods -eads as folows: SR Wlfh'ERSHAJTH WORK The editor of Hampton's Magaxine the March number of that publlca- WITHER A IV and Lot thirty right Gratton Tract Stats gad county tax 8404 cost and penalty seventy cents Total WHITEHEAD MARK: North-eaat quarter of aouthweit quarter of aectlon nineteen township four south range rtovea east: State and oounty tax 12803 school flax W8j coata 'and pen- Jty 1401 Total i i we have become thoroughly convinced that Mr' Wickersham la devoted to the old-faahloned nation that the law means what It aaya and so long as It remains on the books Is Intended to be enforced Jon takes a very optimistic view of TMbss Davison Hiqh The Assessor must collect the taxes all property whenr In his-opinion tald taxes are not Hen upon real iroperty sufficient to secure tbq pay-nent of taxes 3821 In the case provided for In he work of Attorney-General George Wickersham saying 4114 Like everybody else who Is neither BEWARE OF OIXTXEXTS FOR wn trolled nor owned by an octopus CATARRH THAT COSTA I Jf XEHri'RV we viewed Mr Wickers ham's appoint- 1 1 Board vf EducationU Broughton 'h UWCorson i WATKRFORD HALL AS80-fcUTlON: Lota twenty nine anil Uilrtv hlrw-U tvMltV nent with alarm We 'have watched ilm for two years and the time has as Mercury will surely destroy flu sense of smell and completely de he preceding section at the time of naklng the assessment or at any line before the first Monday of Au-pist the Assessor may collect the axea by seizure and sale of any per-mnal property owned by the person igslnst whom the tax Is assessed 3823 The Assessor shall be gor-n-ned as to the 'amount of taxes' to be wlleeted by him upon personal prop irty by the State and county rate Dozier Hmic when we must confess to conviction that our alarm waa unjustl- ible and -our fears unfounded For a five Wain-ford State and I county tax 1142: school tax eighty six cents costs and penalty sixty alt cents Total range the whole system when enter Ing It through the mucous surfaces Such articles shouldn ever be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians as thed amage the? ong time we suspected that there 184 jras some deep sinister machlavel Ian motive back of the displays of he special school district road district and other local district rates for locality In which auch personal iroperty is taxable for the previous will do Is tenfold to the good you 'Igor and earnestness at the depart- can possibly derive from them year Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured nent of Justice under Mr Wicker-(ham There were stories that Mr 200 Dairy Cows and Heifers 200 by Cheney A Co Toledo 0 A'lckersbam would prove most Mel contains no mercury and is taken ius and effectlv in his prosecution Internally acting directly upon the if Standard Oil trusts but that he would be lenient nnd even blind to At Public Auction Thursday June 15th 1911 i blood and mucous surfaces of the system In buying Hall's Catarrl Cure be sure you get the genuine he derelictions bf Morgan trusts tor a considerable time we clung to On the well known Chappel Ranch 4 1-2 miles northwest of Modesto 2 miles cast of Salida Having: disposed of our lease on the Chappel ranch we will sell on the above named date to the It Is taken Internally and made la his as the real -explanation: Mr highest bidder for cash the following described property to-wit: Cleveland 0 by Cheney ft Co Testimonials free ATlckersham was a Morgan Attorney leneral who would put the Stand- 8old by druggists Price 75c per WATSON A 1 or HOPKINS ROBERT Lot forty two Gratton Tract except south and west twenty feet Btate and county tax 81888 aehool tax 1453: costs and penalty 1222 TotaJ W- WRIJ1E xroi'ST North half of northeast quarter -of southeast quarter and northwest quarter of south- east -quarter of aectlon four east half of aectlon thirty two township four south range eleven east 8tate and county tax 811570 coats and penalty 1828 Totai mf WOODWARD SuMI-vlstoa JC' lot twelve Elm- wood Colony State and county tax 8412 school tax $188 costs and penalty $131 Total $4 bottle ird Oil combinations out of business jrhlle allowing the Morgan monop-lles to flourish as the green' bay Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipatlon iree It may be confessed frankly that 3791 Tbe sale must be at public Miction and of sufficient amount of he property to pay tbe taxes per-tenage and costs 8792 The sale must be made aft-r one week's notice of the time and place thereof given by publication In i newspaper In the county or by poat In three public places 3793 For seizing or selling personal property the Assessor may marge In each case the sum of three lollars apd the same mileage as allowed by law to the 8herlff of tbt county 3898 If any person moves from no county to another after being tssessed on personal property the Assessor of the county in which bf waa assessed way employ an attorney to sue and collect the same In the Assessor's name: but such Assessor ihall not be relieved from the provisions of this chanter POLL TAXES 3839 Every male inhabitant of this State over twenty-one and under uxty years of age except paupers Insane persons and Indiana not taxed must annually nay a poll tax of two dollars provided the same be paid between the first Monday In March and the first Monday In August but ir not paid prior to the first Mondsy In August then It shall bt three dollars and upon neglect or refusal to pay a poll tax any personal GI'XFTIOX OX THE FAR Named your farm yet? his hypothesis haq been destroyed dnce Mr Wickersham turned the le- Any shade In the-' pasture? Why tal batteries of his militant depart1 not! nent against the electrical trust No The golden text for June Is: "Keep the soil stirred" combination In the country bears If you want to kill weeds cultlvste nore frankly or openly the crest of or hoe them when the sun shines he house of Morgan than the elec 200 DAIRY COWS AND HEIFERS 200 consisting of 100 llolsteins high grade head or high-grade nurham 15 head of high-grade Jerseys 12S head or this herd are milking making from 120 to 130 lbs of butlerfst ier day The Modesto Creamery gets the product from this dairy Call at their ofrice in Modesto and see for yourselves what these rows are doing or rail at the ranch and see them milked between the hours of 2 snd 6 These cows have the best record of any herd or Its slxo In Stanislaus county 125 HEAD OF HOGS 125 These hogs are all sixes and mostly Durocks 9 HEAD OF HORSES 9 One san or heavy drart one span of all purpose one five-year-old mare weight 1500 with mule colt by side one Iron-gray horse coming 5 years old weight 1500 one saddle-horse and saddle gentle 8 years old one driving mare in foal by Prince Nutwood one drMng how gentle for lady three mowing machines McPormlck two sulkey hay rakes Mc-Cormick one SchmeUer hay derrick three wagons with hoy ruke racks one wagon with hog rack two top buggies one spring wagon one Studebaker cart one manure up render one 4-horsa disc one 2-horse renovator one 4-horae Fresno one 2-horse Fresno one walking plow one 2-horse harrow one single cultivator two milk carts 17 milk Pans buckets barrels hog troughs ropes forks etc three sets of double work hraness two sets or single driving hnrness household goods und other articlea too numerous to mention hot Parties from a distance desiring to attend this ssle take train for either Modesto or Salida Free Lunch will be Served on the grounds SALE TO BEGIN AT 9 O'CLOCK A SHARP Ludica cordially invited to attend this ssle Landrigan Bros Owners Col Cy Clark Auctioneer rlcal trust The trouble with the honey bee Is thnt it doesnt carry honey at both Mr Wickersham has taken serious- the extreme penal provisions of ends he 8herman law He has agreed No lime Is not good for potatoes vlth that large body of public opln It favors scab So doea too much stable manure on which has long susicted that the Now please don't let the mower eal way to stop maleficence is to rattle all to pieces Keep It well ock up a bunch of malefactors oiled and every nut screwed up tight This very blessed minute thanks the litersl and unimaginative legal ly and don't let the knives of guards gel dull Remember brother farmer that the hot weather and hard work tax the HARRIS Attorney at-Law Of fires i 6 ssd 4 Geer Bit Tartar! fat rrocesses of the- Wickersham mind here are more multi-millionaires In ear of going to Jail than In other pochs were harassed with so arlsto- strength of your wife She will en Joy going to the store with you snd riding slowly bomeiin the cool of the Tatlc a complaint as the gout evening To keep moles from a bed sink a dose-meshed wire netting a foot wide Look at the record Mr Wicker-iham prosecuted the Imperial Glass ompany a combination of window Ight manufacturers and demanded Into the soil around allowing It to WINWOOD THOMAS 0: West half of southwest quarter northeast quarter of southwest' quarter northwest quarter of southeast quar-- ter' southeast quarter of t- southeast quarter south-" cast quarter of northeast quarter of section twenty i six township eight south ring five east east half of northeast quarter northeast quarter of aouth-' east' quarter of section thirty four township eight south range five east northwest quarter of north--' east quarter north- half of southeast quarter of section eight township eight south' range six eaat north half of tot six south 'half -of Mot nine itectton- thirty township eight south range six Mitt State and county tax $11 costs and penalty fifty five cents Total WRKDKN' MRS BARBARA: Lot In Knights Ferry hounded' east by county road south by Dolling north and west by Cash-rnun 8tate and county tax thirty three centa' school tax' one cent costs and penalty fifty five cents To hat the court send some -of the self- extend about two Inches above the surfsce If you have no netting use San Erancisco IV '-I onfessed taw-breakers to jail The boards Either will prevent the en iqurt merely fined the offenders trance or moles into tne lieu thereupon Mr Wlckervhum issued an The hsrS-est sesson Is thmont try Intf -of 'lh Vear Thcr Is so much to milknunt protest (ir J5J lie' Is prosecuting the $100000000 be done so Utile time to do It In and so few hands to accomplish It that Mth tub trust a combination of in-verests which control the manufac' vcridiiu Lfimneu K71 ure and ssle of niodurn sanitary ilumblng fixtures and In thlo case ikewise he hss refused to consider ray less penslty than Jail sentences The flaunld Immunity of the 'beef has not bm-n convincing to ths Safety Speed Comfort ONLY automatic block system protected Co hand in hand on the road all the way from San Francisco to Chicago in 68 hours resent attorney-general He has sue eeded In Indicting a king list of the eally resimnslble men In that com 89 tal ilnatlon and In rasns at Chicago tavannali and lloston is pressing for he niOHt rigorous verdicts dnter- we are' often at oitr wit's end It us however have a care lest we attempt too much and lest we put too great a burden upon the wife and daughter The sanitariums are rilM with men and women who have broken down from work and worry at middle lire The utmost that we can hope to gain Is not worth such a fi-ar-rul sacrifice Cut cloyer hay when about hair the blossoms are brown: cut timothy Just as the bloom Is' falling Curing clover: Cut as soon as the dew Is off In the morning At noon shake out the bunches rske Into windrows tn-fori-evening dews get on It snd lei It Ilium II next day Next dny shake out the-hay as soon ns the dew Is off You ought to bn ready to limit on a hot day by II o'clock or certainly arier dinner It apolis clover hay to get ton dry It should' never be put Into the barn when wet with rain or dew but a little sap won't hurt It Curing timothy: If the crop Is not too heavy and rank cut as soon as the dew Is off let It cure a few hours rske Into wJndorws and haul to tln: barp the same day If crop Is rnnk nlned that somebody shall go behind he bars If that end ran possibly be lehlered In the soFB)led tiirxntlnn trust "ase Mr' Wlrkprsham's proHrculInn WRIGHT GEORGE Southwest quarter of southwest quarter ln the county sec- tton sixteen all north of river In the county except eighty aim acres In sec-Una twenty one north half north of river In the coun-' ty -section twenty 1ghf' township one south range twelve east State and '--i wmty'tax $1485 school Ux-flirty four cents: costs 'uw resulted severaj gentlemen of loriBi distmotion ana large weaun Southern Pacific Union Pacific being wfltehced to variously jicrlods In Jail! Mr Wickersham has twice In sppesred before tfm supreme 1 and penalty $235 Total 1774 wml and argued with distinguished 'orce and ability the great case tgalnst the Standard Oil and tobacco trusts In which the government seeks See the local agent about special excursion tickets east on sale various dates during the summer WKLlil 8C8AN South half of northeaet quarter of sec- t6n' twenty three township ture south range seven-fact -State and county tax 123181 school tax $251 to dissolve these combinations cut It In the afternoon It will wilt some during the night and dew will not hurt it Next day's sun will dry It In a few hours when It ran lie In the vim against the powder trust which waa started before Mr eosta and penalty $342 Wickersham came Into office an si raked Into windrows haul It to the barn In the early June Fsrm Journal 2941 Total most unbelievable mass of testimony CHICHESTERS PILLS WILLIAMS' EDWARD: Coin-- mowing 1278 chains east from northwest coiwr of northeast corner of ewtlon firtwn township four south ran nine east has been taken This esse llkwwlse Is being pushed with all expedition In the effort to have the trust dissolved A bill hss been filed to dissolve the sugar trust and Its officials and directors have been Indicted for combination and conspiracy la restraint Rogers Agent Phone Main 41 Keating Ticket Agent Kik mm kr rfin KIAMOKS Mil A MB rilljthr mlimlMlliMitamMui 1 tlHttoe oast 753 chains to rsllroed southeast along SOUIYDrMGISmVmLK.

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