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The Modesto Bee from Modesto, California • 2

The Modesto Beei
Modesto, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

tiro I'HE MODESTO NEWS MONDAY EVENING MARCH 20 191 1 5 IF CANNON WRITES Dry 1 to Over the Emigrant By HON VITAL BANGS mm Hacking Couch reUtred fey iuln( GIVEN PAIENTS mm FOR MAGAZINES Trail ZZ 2 WASHINGTON March The fol Among the writers to contribute to Ballard's Horehound Syrup Iti fleet In the longs to soothing ana1 healing vtry gratifying to thoM who are racked by a painful cough Re lowing new patents have been Issued For Infants and Children The Kind You Have till we arrived In Salt Lake valley the Columbian Magasine for April ill Whatever may be thought of the re Joseph Cannon His article In part to California Inventors: Abraham Albert San Francisco el la as follows: ectrlc water heater Angolo Always Bought San Francisco fruit basket: Judiths ligion of the Mormons It cannot be said that they lack in Industry or In Judgment as to practical affairs First of all they have chosen a very fertile region to settle In then realizing ALCOHOL 3 PKU nm Blackburn Los Angeles skirt pat ANiiPrfparalflnfrAi There was a well known preacher In the Southwest named Peter Cart-wright Peter did not put on any SO IT The flora along the trail In Nebraska and Wyoming was not noted for variety but the dlflciency was fully made up by the great abundance of sweet pea vines whose blossoms filled the air with fragrance These vines grew In the midst of the prairie grass Near the South Pass we abandoned one of the wagons having no further use for it because the corn that It had carried was all fed out The Devil's Gate was the last ob Bears the MuwaiuigaKrcodanu tern II Coykendall San Jose ap- Ait unguKattomsaaliiuKfeif frills He went among the mountain iwratus for processing fruit I that theirs waa a semi-arid country eers and wherever duty called him they went to work to convey water lieves tightness loosens phlegm clear tha volea of hoarseness and quiets all Irritated conditions so that tha sleep Is no longer disturbed at night Price SSe Be awl 1100 Bur tha IM sis It eon tains lira times as much as tha ISc also and you ret with each bottle a Dr Uerrlck's Red Pepper Porous Plaster for tha chest JamMFBaMardProp tLoulsMo Denver Santa Rosa rein holder and iMyiiitWsi'llHlJtl Signature wearing the homely garb of the fron whip socket 8 Farnsworth Peta- IVtrawkwDiuoaflrfrrar luma coin controlled lock tier hla chief articles of attire being a hunting shirt and a girdle He spoke from the heart and he reached of ivur nessanaresaontaws Freeman Palms Milk Cooler from their mountain streams onto the plains Of all Americans they are the pioneers In the use of water for irrigation The result is or was phenomenal crops Here were seen English gooseberries as large as plums and wheat crops turning out the hearts of those to whom he spoke Ouum Morphine nnr Mtoeql NOT NARCOTIC I Hardcstr Los Angeles Expanding gusset Hart Pinole Filing Case and record Hoyt Redlands OBVaOBBeaaBBW Stephens Eye Salvo Is a healing Wherever Peter Cartwrlght went the people turned out to hear him because they felt that they could get ointment ror ore torn r0 60 bushels to the acre A4rW- gravel screen ject of Interest before arriving at the summit of the South Pass A person could easily Imagine that this was the gateway through which the devil in his contrariness had worked his way to the Pacific 81ope as he could have found an easier and more popular way by following the emigrant Amp BtcoHwrNotft Bv I the gospel message from one whose simple forcible words they could rea ria) eTi fharauey Arrived in Salt take city about the 1st of July and found a regularly laid out city with wide streets and clear mountain water running parallel to and near the east and west ENJOY AUTO RIDE dily grasp The time came for a con ference at Nashville and Peter Cart' JUHkUtt- I In Use trail This gate is a narrow cut with wngnt witn his hunting shirt was among the attendant preachers Hen perpendicular walls from one side to sidewalks The dwelling houses had Andy Robinson of the Maze Hotel Apetftct Remedy for Conrike-j ry Bascom afterwards bishop pre Chapped Face and Hands lion sour aniHQiuuinuu large gardens and orchards around them and the surroundings wore the was the genial host of an auto party 8unday Andy who seems to know sided and was In personal appearance the other of a rocky ridge through which the Sweet Water river flows The walla are very high and the YknufoMBsmiWKnat For Over at least quite a contrast to Peter semblance of thrift every one on the road as well as ev nessandLoss or Sleep opening between the walls reaches to ery foot of the road Itself took his Brother Bascom wore a white shirt and was gotten up in the style of a the very top of the ridge On approaching the backbone of the rstSknat SeJnaMt of NEW YDHK Thirty Years clergyman accustomed to the environ ment of a growing community al guests to Kn'ghts Ferry where lunch was served A visit was made to the power plant and to the Red Mountain ranch where Adolph Schell enter Rocky Mountains at the 8outh Pass We camped while in the city In Emigrant square where many other emigrants who were staying a few days with the double object of recruiting their teams and laying In a new stock of provisions Our captains bought flour at the rate of $40 a bar ready at that time the civic center of I "Willi 1 1 i law tained the party The outing was thoroughly enjoyed by Mrs Ella Watt one wonders how a summit can be reached on a level plain but as soon as he begins to descend on the Pacific side he Is made fully aware of the fact that he has been climbing for CASTI Tennessee Bascom did not approve the get-up of Brother Peter and showed him disapproval by omitting to ask Peter to deliver an address in the church as was customary hi rota luvkruufiondi Mr Dibble and Mr and Mrs James SuannteM rel to be used by men and horses and the wisdom of thus providing for the McCormlck who made up the party Exact Copy of Wrapper TH( MNTMM MMMNY II IW THI enT tion during the conference the descent is rather abrupt At the base of the first big hill Is Pacific springs whose tiny rivulet feeds one 3Tany Enjoy Weather The supposition Is that there were horses waa made evident when bunch grass was scarce We gave the horses flour when we had occasion to water them by stirring a few handfula In While Peter waa not a favorite with Bascom he was liked by nearly every of the tributaries of Green river The 1111 automobiles and 11 carriages which passed through Modesto yes body else and the fame of his rude sight of Pacific springs was rather inspiring for It seemed to have terday from various parts of the coun each pale of water Mormonlsm was a burning question in those days and we discussed the effective eloquence had got abroad among Methodists generally and they Everybody is Troubled With Chapped or Rough Hands Now Have You Ever Tried PERFECTION CREAM If Not Why Not Your Trouble is Relieved in lOne Night Price 25c per bottle pi5 zm 827 10th St Phone 921 Agar Mwgtr brought California a little nearer wanted to hear him The pressure on try It Is possible that there may have been more or less but the town was thronged with Itinerant machines Bascom was so great that he waa un question of polygamy with the Mormons rather more for pastime than with any expectation of bringing conviction to either side We heard one and other vehicles It was a beautl able to resist but he sought to make It as uncomfortable as he could for ISIS THEATRE HOWELL Manager ful day and all that could take advan good-looking young Mormon woman Peter and Peter's admirers Bo one evening at the close of the dally ses tage of the weather were out for recreation and enjoyment The roads say who came to visit our emigrant sion Brother Bascom announced: whilst we knew that we were yet distant 1000 miles When near Pacific springs we beheld Fremont's peak about 30 miles distant in a northerly direction It loomed up high above the Wind River mountains and was crowned with snow It presented a dazzling sight in the sunlight On Its highest pinnacle Colonel Fremont with his own band planted the 8tars and Stripes whilst on one of his exploring expeditions If the flag was not taken were in splendid condition which ad "Brother Peter Cartwrlght will de ded much to the pleasure of a country drive Even the baseball fans went liver a sermon in this church at six family at the public square that the women of Utah favored polygamy and she advocated the institution with considerable warmth but the fact was brought out in the conversation that she was the last and the youngest of down to Fresno to attract the pennant o'clock tomorrow morning and all who wish to hear him are requested Return of the favorites MONDAY MARCH 20th in Modesto's direction to be present" The members of the conference and FOR COXSTIPATIOJf several wives and probably the hand others present were astounded Pe A Vrdirlae That Dees Sot Cent Any somest We did not get the first away It no doubt soon fretted Itself Into tatters In the boreal breezes of WALTER thing Unless It Cures ter arose calmly and deliberately "Brethren" he said "I hope every one The active medicinal ingredients of that lonely region of you will be present to hear me wife's opinion on the subject of polygamy It was here that we learned that some of the Digger Indians along the Humboldt had stolen the emigrants' Rexall Orderlies which are odorless tasteless and colorless Is an entire We crossed Green river on a ferry and soon entered a sterile plateau God's message can be spoken Just as mm which connected with the head of well as six o'clock In the morning as at any other hour and I will do my ly new discovery Combined with other extremely valuable Ingredients horses at night by creeping up to the Echo canyon Down Echo canyon we traveled for several days to the land picket pen cutting the lariat rope and it forms a perfect bowel regulator Intestinal lnvlgorator and strengthener BERTHA of the Latter-Day Saints gently leading the horses away Our course from Salt lake city was north To give a Just Idea of the kind of MONDAY THE HON AND tfie MOUSE TUESDAY the amis GIRL WEDNESDAY ST ELMO THURSDAY THE THREE Of US FRIDAY WOMAN AGAINST die WIRE SATURDAY MATINEE AT COZy CORNERS SATURDAY NIGHT IN SOUTH CONEY SUNDAY A BIG NEW COMEDY BHX Rexall Orderlies are eaten like candy and are notable for their agreeable-nets to the palate and gentleness of action They do not cause griping or west serosa Rear river and to the headwaters of the Humboldt whence road we traveled I will state that we crossed the creek that runs down the canyon numberless times and that Fora we traveled down the river best to deliver it" At six o'clock in the morning the church was as full as It could hold and among the auditors was General Andrew Jackson who was spending bis closing years at the Hermitage near Nashville and quite religious In that period of hia lire Peter Cartwrlght outdid himself in the fervor the earnestness and the apostolic spirit that he breathed in his every utterance It was the most effective sermon of the conference and min any disagreeable effect or lnconvenl on one occasion the bank was so steep At the headwaters of the Humboldt ence on going down into the creek that with both hind wheels locked one of Unlike other preparations for a like purpose they do not create a habit but Instead they overcome the cause of habit acaulred through the use of the wagons gathered such momentum that before the driver could turn to the left ao as to follow the road the tnogue of the wagon was driven two feet into the opposite bank and the we saw wild roses lining the banks of the river whose fragrance equaled that of their more pretentious distant relatives of Cantile At sight of those roses how many cherished memories came crowding of halcyon days amid luxurious tropical gardens Surely flowers were n-nt by a kind Providence to brighten the rugged pathway of lire and give ua a foretaste of heaven AND THEIR EXCELLENT CO Presenting a new Repertoire of the latest successes only way we could extricate the isters and laity alike were Inspired by It When Peter had concluded he waa told that General Jackson wished to speak to him With a hearty grasp ordinary laxatives cathartics and harsh physic and permanently remove the cause of constipation or irregular bowel action I will refund your money without argument if they do not do as I say they will Two sixes Sac and 10c wagon was to hitch a team to the hind axle and pull It backward A POOBLT BrXXIXG WATCH IS WORSE THAN you never know tha right tine cant depend upon It for keeping business engagements liable to stop any minute Needs cleaning that's an If you're that kind of a timepiece let renovate It for yon Tha vest will be trifling Davison THE TENTH STREET JEWELEI The little Store with the Big Stock We did not reach any settlements of the hand the general spoke of the Impression that the sermon had made on him at the same time handing Peter ten dollars to help him In his I Sold only at my The Rexall I Maze the Druggist 801 Tenth ROOSEVELT DAM DEDICATED BY Stree Modesto ministry And thus ended Bascom's foolish attempt to belittle Peter NEW YAUDEVILLE FEATURES BETWEEN ACTS SAME POPULAR PRICES 25c 35c 50c THE SALE Of SEATS OPENS AT THE BOX OFFICE ON THURSDAY MORNING COLONEL AT PHD ARIZONA A tight reeling the chest accom Notice to Contractors Notice la hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by tha un panied by a short dry cough Indicates sn Inflamed condition In the lungs To relieve It buy the dollar dersigned clerk of the Board of Trustees of the Patterson school district PHOENIX Ariz March alze BALLARD'S HOREHOUND SYR Adorned In gala attire Phoenix to day declared a three-day festival The entire population mingling among which were many strangers and "the UP you get with each bottle a free HERRICK-8 RED PEPPER POROU8 PLASTER for the cheat The syrup relaxes the tightness and the plaster draws out tha Inflammation It la an Ideal combination for curing colds settled In tbs lungs Sold by Player's Pharmacy DR II KNOWUON tXPCRT OCCULIST Has opened an office for the esdn-sJve medical and surgical treatment of diseases of the Eft EAR NOSE AND THROAT and filling Classes occupying Rooms 3 4 5 BLOCK I ST ami respectfully solicits the support of the laity and the profession Patienla treated at their homes In the country or la town JACKSON Prci sn Mp TELEPHONE MAIN 3 only living ex-President" adojurned to the site of the Roosevelt dam for the dedication exercises of that great mountain of masonry STANISLAUS LUMBER CO The structure one of the wonderful a' Several thoroughly experi engineering achievements with which Uncle Sam la transforming his desert landa Into fertile and productive farm enced salesladies In our dry goods department at once Apply to Manager of dry goods department Bella-fur Co S-lC-tf lands was completed February and Lime Loth Doors Plaster Shingles Windows Cement Shakes Blinds formally dedicated by ex-ProMriVnt Roosevelt today So marvelous has KOTirr for rrriiMCATio of none lain 7M 7M lltk Street STEAM CARPET CLEAVER AKD BEXOYATOK All tens tf cleaning repalrlaf and reaevatlag la carpet fen tber Buttress Una promptly attended to Work gaaraateed Yard Corner IN I tit It Sts been the course of conduction of this Irrigation dam that from the be ginning It has attracted the eyes of the prominent engineers of the world TIHK APl'OIiTED FOB PROBATE or WILL In the Superior Court of tho State Its dimensions are startling At the of California In and for the County of Stanislaus (Probata) eur and beauty and makes easy access to some of the best preserved cliff dwellings In the Southwest la preparation for the construction of the dam the government engaged In many activities An Immense power plant was luiialled near the site sfilectftd ror tliii structure A cement mill was built with an output of 500 barrels dally It has turned out In all approximately 840000 barrels st a saving to the government of more than 9S11 000 Two farms were operated to supply provisions for tha ramp and forage for the livestock lMiiiipHtlr water supply waa pumied from spring miles dlatant Ni'arly COO Apache Indians were employed for several years upon the construction work A telephone line somewhat over 100 miles long and a power transmission line 75 miles long were both romttrunted and have been in operation since tha commencement of the task While the Roosevelt dam has been the principal single structure In conation with the Salt River valley proJiTt other Important engineering work has been going at the same time A few miles below the big dam another structure was built serosa tha river to turn the stream flow Into two huge canals which with their laterals have a total length of more than SCO miles This latter dnm Is SO feet In height snd 1000 feet long The canals will cover 190000 acres of fertile land In tho valley and by the pumping stations Installed by the engineers an (ConUsaod ea page TI! In the matter of the estate of ALEX up to snd not later than the hour of 1:80 of tha Srd day of April 1911 for the furnishing of all materials and labor and the erection and construction of a school building Is the town of Patterson County of Stan Islaus Bute of California la accordance with the plans and specifications adopted by the Board of Trustees of said Patterson school district as pro-pared by Architect 0 McDougall of San Francisco which plans and specifications may be seen st the architect's office 8S6 Sheldon Building San Francisco or with the clerk of the Board of Trustees Mr A Sporry Patterson California All bids must be accompanied by certified check on some solvent bank of the State of California In sum equal to ten per cent of tha amount of the bid payable to tha order of the Clerk of the Board of Trustees of Patterson school district Patterson Stanislaus County California conditioned that the successful bidder will enter Into such contract and furnish such bonds as may be required within tea days after such sward or falling so to do will forfeit the amount of such chock as liquidated damages for such failure The board reserves the right to re-Ject any or all bids By order of the Board of Trustees of Patterson school district Patterson County of Stanislaus Slate of California Bids will be received at the Post Office Building Patterson A SPERRY Clerk II I MICHAEL MRS II IL BOCK M7 to 4-1 1 DC KENNEDY CASWELL deceased Notine la hereby given that Friday the S4th day of March A 1) 1911 at caso It rovers sn sere of ground Ill height li 180 feet on top It Is 10X0 feet long At tha bottom It is 170 feet thick A St-story building covering city block would not fill the space occupied by this towering masonry structure ii INSURE YOUR LIVESTOCK Artnlncf Dpnth Prnm Ami Pnncn THE OPERA GRILL Beat meals sorred In the city Cloan and up-to-dats ta every particular Boxes (r private families Opposite Isl Theater Modesto Cal 10 clock a of said day and the Court Room of said Court st tho Court House In tha City of Modesto County of Stanislaus Bute of California have been appointed as the tlmo and place for proving the will of said Ales Kennedy Caswell deceased and for hearing the application of A 1 farter Located In a canyon heretofore In accessible 61 miles from the nearest railroad the construction of this dam Involved many problems snd taxed Henry Caswell John Caswell and DR Ft DE LAPPS Physician and Ssrgeoa Residence: 815 Fourteenth street Telephone Mala SOI Offices: HZ Tenth street Hours: It to IS a I to 4 and 7 to I See MOSS Agent 913 I STREET PHONEp821 Ionard Hcrantnn for the Issuance to them of letters testamentary thereon when and where any person interested may appear and contest the same the Ingenuity of the builders to the utmost Their first problem was the construction of a broad highway For SO miles this traverses trackless desert snd for 48 miles more the road was literally carved from nan-yon walls or blasted from tha sleep sided mountains Dated March IS 1911 II MITCHELL Clerk By LKEK Deputy Clerk flrlffln It Carlson Attorney for Pe titioner mar18-11t JWILLISON AreliKeetaral Tteaughtamaa and Con trartor Concrete Work of all kinds aai hJdewalbs Bricklaying and Plat inriag General Teaming NOSE M77 BES Til MTU ST It Is now considered one of the NEWS WANT ADS BRiNG RESULTS CIRCULATION TELLS most remarkable highways In the CLAH8IHED AIM FOII RKHULTS world It opens up to the traveling public a country unrivaled In grand-.

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