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The Jasper Weekly Courier from Jasper, Indiana • 6

Jasper, Indiana
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MONTHLY DEBT STATEMENT DUN'S COMMERCIAL REVIEW. LET OS EE rHANKF.R I EMPEROR NICHOLAS II. The Near Approach of sa Kclf Flection Make 1'rarte Indication I'rwwUln, this advantage over Alexander that, from his earliest years, ha has been brought up as the heir-apparent, whereas 1he latter was years of age before he came into that posi- President leveland Inea Ills Tliancl Ins; Proclamation, Appointing Thursday, "He Proclaims Hi8 Father's Death -Hut It Is Satisfactory Tha the olerae of Production la Well Mainlained.No Mou- Jioreiuber Kt, as a Day of Thanksgiving and 1' raise to the Supreme Kuler of tha t'nl verse fur ostertPcVare aud messlugi and His Own Accession. mcTntTesAppear amTIlceaasruns -tion. He has -ahavMte his- father, ai A Sketch of the New Czar A Ciood Sol ltestowred.

Washisoton, Nov. 1. The presideut has issued the following: tier. a (iood Linguist and in 3Iaa Way Resembles Ills Father The Future sarina. By the President of the United Statesof Amer Plato believed that diamonds wer formed by a vitrifying quality i.H5rt-cd to certain portions of pure watct bv "star-shine." Pliney says that dinmofxl is the hardest as well as th mostTvalqable of the precious stones, and that ean only be softened by iin.

mersing it seven days and seven nights in goat's Wood! Itooetius declares that is a sovereign-remedy against the fague and all poisons; it also drives srvay evil spirits and bad dreams." Serapius a.vribes to the diamond the po-wer of healing various eruptive disease, and also says that it insures the safety of the wearer in -time of great temjiests. llabinct says: 'For all maladies of a nervous character the amethyst the sore and sovereign cure," ica: A Proclamation. The American people should gratefully render thanksgiving aud praise to the Supreme Kuler St. Xov. 8.

Emperor Nicholas II. has issued, pnx-lamation Announcing the death of his father, Emperor Alexander iind conclud ing as follows: "Slay we be consoled by the consciousness that our sorrow is the sorrow of the whole of our beloved Showing a Srt Increase in the 1'olilie Debt for Octulier of Over Thirteen Mlllloua or Dollars. men issued yesterday a ternoon shows a net increase in the public debt, less cash in the treasury, during October of The interest-bearing-debt increased the non-interest bearing debt increased and the cash in the treasury decreased The balances of the several classes of debt at the close of business, October SI, were: Interest-bearing debt, debt on which interest has ceased since maturity, Jii; debt bearing no interest 42 total, The certificates and treasury notes offset by an equal amount of cash in the treasury outstanding at the end oi the month were a of The total cash in the treasury was P754.51ii.011.o2; the gold reserve was net cash balance, In the month there was an increase in gold coin and bars of the total at the close being Sri.V'lV Of silver there was a decrease of Of the surplus there was in national bank depositories S1.406.247.S4, agaipst at the end ofthe'prewd-ing month. people, aud may these people not forget that the strength and stability of holy Russia lies in her unity to us and her unbounded devotion to We are, in our search for happiness, like an absent-minded man looking for his hat. while all the time it is-on his head.

Sydney Smith. us. We, however, in this sad and hour, when ascending the certain shyness, which, in his also, has been mistaken for haughtiness. At home he was brought up in the most loving manner, like all the other children of the imperial family, but the consciousness of the dignity of the position of the czar was more deeply impressed upon him than upon his brothers. To him the czar was higher than the father.

"He has never yet displayed an opinion contrary to that of his father, and it may be pretty positively affirmed that he will tread in his footsteps, liut one must reckon with one factor namely. Nicholas is very easily influenced, and there is fear lest his younger counselors, whom he will have to select later on, should not be inspired with such pacific intentions as the majority of the well-proved counselors of Alexander in whom, though unconsciously, the traditional friendly feeling for Germany still slumbers. TUB FUTTRE CZARINA. The little princess who is to be czarina may have considerable influence upon the future of Russia. Half German, half English, bright, intelligent and possessing a' mind of her own.

she may furnish the qualities which her royal husband lacks. Princess Alix is 23 years old, and is said to be the most beautiful and most witty of all of Queen Victoria's grandaughters. She is the daughter of Prin Ancestral, throne of the llussian of the universe who has watched over them with kindness and fostering care during the year that has passed: they should also with humility and faith supplicate the Father of All Mercies, for continued blessiiur according Vt their needs, and Ihey should, by deeds of charily, seek the favor of the Giver of every rood and perfect gitu Therefore, I. Grover Cleveland, president of the Cnited States, do hereby appoint and set apart Thursday, the 2'th day of November instarnt, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer, to be ke pt and observed by all the people of the land. On that day let our ordinary work aud business be suspended, and let us meet in our accustomed places of worship and jrive thanks to Almighty God for our preservation as a nation, for our immurftty from diseases and pestilence, for the harvests that have rewarded -our husbandry, for a renewal of national prosperity and for every advance in virtue and iu-telligence that has marked our growth as a people.

And with our thanksgiving let us pray that these blessings may be multiplied unto us. that our national conscience may be quickened to a better recognition of the power and goodness of God. that in our national life we may clearer see and closer follow the path of righteousness. And In our places of worship and praise, as well as in the happy reunions of kindred ami fl Low Water Level In Rivers, Ponds, Wells, and other sources of drinking water threatens danger from malarial germs. This condition is usually found in tho Fall, and it point to- Hood's Sarsaparilla as a safeguard against attacks of disease.

Hood's Sarsaparilla makes pore blood, and thus guards the system from all these perils. It creates an app tite and gives sound and robust health. Flood's Sarsa- I 1 paHUa "I have been using Hood's Sarsaparilla CS occasionally for tho $LV WEH AND YEH AFRAID friends, on that day let us invoke Divine approval by generously remembering the poor and needy. To Face the Anger of Their Imperial Surely He who has given ns comfort and 3 Master -Other War News. London.

Nov. 2. A Central News despatch from Tien-Tsin says that plenty will look upon our relief of the destitute last three rears, I and our ministrations of charity as the work of hearts truly grateful and as proofs of the sin cerity of our thanksgiving. Generals Well and Veh, who were recently disgraced for cowardice at Ping Vt ilness my hand and the seal of the united States on the first day of November, in the lang, have arrived at Tien-Tsin, but have suffered from malaria fever for five years, and have tried many kinds of but found no relief till I commence to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. I have all confidence in it, and believe it to be far superior to anv other tonic." P.

J. Fitz-Oerald, 121 Ninth So. Boston, Mass. are afraid to proeeed toPekin because of the anger of the emperor. year of our Lord eighteen hundred and the independence of the Cnt.ec1 States the one hundred and nineteenth.

Signed Groveb Cleveland. The Japanese have placed three bridges across the Yalu river, and Hood's Pills cere all liver Ills. Emperor Xirhoh IT. By the president: empire and the czardora of Poland 000 Japanese soldiersafe reported to be W. Q.

Gbesham. Secretary of Stat. and the grand duchy of Finland, in- L. Douclas iissolubly connected therewith, in the in mna. A dispatch from Chee says that Admiral Freeniantle, commanding the NEMESIS.

presence of the Most High, record our I THE BEST. NO SQUEAKING. $3 SHOE Violent Screed of Banished Nihilist solemn vow that we will always make our sole aim the peaceful development British fleet, has returned from Tien-Tsin, where he paid a visit to Li Hung 5. CORDOVAN. rnrurLi rkiiun i r-r, i r- of the power and glory of beloved Rus Chang.

The viceroy gravely offered sia, and the happiness of our faithful to buy the Centurion and three other warships of the llritis'u The proclamation concludes hy rJ.5-FlNEGAlf&KANGAROtL 3.5. P0LICE.3 Soles. EXTRA FINE. 2.1.7BOYSSCHOOL$KC1 'LADIES squadron. When the admiral ex reetinp that the oath of allegiance to plained that the sale of the vessels would be impossible the vice roy persisted in his offer.

The Chi SEND FOR CATALOGUE BRoCKTON, nese imagine that Admiral Freeman-tie is holding off for a higher price. The Chinese fleet left Wei-IIai-Wei October 24 and a naval is expected at any time. There are only four foreigners among the officers and men who man the Ciiinese fleet. Prinre AHx ttf Iltiic-Ditrmitiidt, Are Higher. New YoitK(j Nov.

3. 0. Dun Co. 's weekly review of trade issued today says: The last week of October, with an exciting election near, cannot indicate much of the true condition of business. In some trades the season is too far advanced for great activity, and in others the supposed effects of the voting hinder operations.

it is satisfactory that the volume of pnluction is well maintained, and in one or two branches increased: that no monetary difficulties disturb, that breadstuff are a little higher, and that no material decline appears during the week in manufactured products. The fact that any decline appears, with slackt ening demand for some products, may perhaps be attributed to uncertainties, mainly political in while every increase in the working force helps to make a basis for more business hereafter. At present the volume of business transacted is, on the whole, smaller than last year, and much smaller than in 1S92, though a presidential election was then close at hand. Payments through- principal clearing houses for the week have been per cent, less -than last year and 34.4 per cent, less than in 1892. In both comparisons with decrease outside of New York as well as here.

Comparisons of railroad earnings is less valuable because passenger traffic a year ago was extraordinarily large owing to the World's fair, but while the freight movements outside east-bound shows some gain, the east-bound movement from Chicago is. a quarter less than last year, and for the month has been tons, against last year, and about 200,000 in 1892. Earnings for the last week show a decrease of 4.0 per and for the month of October thus far 4.3 per compared with last year, 'and 1 1.3 per cent, compared with lv92. While the loss is not as great as in September, it is enough to justify some weakness, and the disorganization of the coal trade and depression of coal carrying stocks helped, so that the average price of railroad stocks declined 75. cents per share for the week, while the average of trust stocks declined 79 eents.

Corn has advanced 4 cents, with western receipts about a third and exports about an eighth of last year's. Pork and. hogs arc iv lower, with lard al-oiit the same. Wheat is three-quarter cents higher for spot, and 1 cunt for December, and looks as if strength in corn had, prevented a further' decline, although western receipts were only -bushels for the week, against 0,503,171 last year, and Atlantic exports increased to (i9fi.noR bushels, against last year. The irresistible force is.

of course, the enormous accumulation, which contiu-aes, although producers may naturally be inclined not to sell at current prices. Cotton is again lower, spot being .15 cents; with receipts so heavy that large crop estimates are favored, though it makes little difference in the real prospect whether the yield is or 1,000,000 bales greater than the world's great stocks of old cotton in sight. The depression of cotton and wheat and the par-tial Soss of the corn crop must be reckoned important because of hestancy in retail distribution of products. This heritancy affects industries-very differently. The boot and shoe manufacture is retarded only in continued preference for low-prioed goods, for the number of pairs produced and shipped seems greater than ever in five weeks 417,001 against 288,864 last year and 385,648 in 1 892.

There is still a large demand fon cheaper goods, crowd'hg beyond theip capacity the producers of cheap and women's shoes, and while jobbers in wax and kip boots and shoes report smallest sales fur years on the whole, the sales of low-priced goods are larger than Orders have fallen ofE of late, but most factories are still well employed and many have good orders for 1 Iu toe iron industry the chief activity 13 in structural work, bridge and other plates, While the demand for sheetn is somewhat diminished; bar and wire show no improvement, and nails are weaher. The average of quotations for various kinds of iron and steel is 3 per cent lower than in July, 0.5 per cent, higher than at the lowest point in April, and 20 per cent, lower than in July last year. The, government has sustained a heavy deficit for- the monthijof Octo hers and customs receipts are disap pointingly light Otherwise the money markotanwflect only a remark-bite absence-of commercial demand though the possible reduction of interest on deposits may lead to-some withdrawals of oouotry funds. Exports for She past four wteks were 3fi per cest. cess Alice of fcmgland, and was left an orphan when she was 6 years, old.

While the loss of her mother was Yob can iQTe tnoney bj wrnring (be W. L. Douglas $3.00 Shoe. Tleane. we ar the largest manufacturers oT this graUeof sboes Id he world, and guarautee ibrlr value bj Stamp In? the name and price on tliar bottom, which protect you against high prices and the middleman's profits.

Our short equal custom work In style, eay fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold everywhere at lower prices for tbrt value Riven than any other make. Tnke no substitute. It your dealer cannot supply you, we can. misfortune in many ways, she was less hampered by court etiquette than her royal cousins, and was allowed to develop an individuality which is as marked as it is unusual among roval girls.

She is said to be really in love with Xichbias and he with her. be taken to him, Emperor Nicholas and also, to the Grand Duke Ueorcre. his lineal successor, until Uod shall vouchsafe to bless with a son the union into which the emperor is about to make with the Princess Alix of Hesse-Darmstadt. Sketch of Nicholas II. The accompanying.

sketch of the new-czar is from a recent edition of the Colonic Gazette, a journal of high ing in Germany: "The scientific training of the young prince was superintended by his gdv-wnor and tutor, (Jen. Danilovito.h, a man keenly alive to a sense of duty, highly educated and with a habit of looking at all things in a strictly gentlemanly manner, although of a somewhat dry temperament. He brought np his pupil free from prejudices of all and this was greatlytoTiis credit, since this early education had to be carried out at a time when the hatred of Germany and Germans was at its height in Russia. The scientific education was excellent, but not after fashion of a German gymnasium. AS A YOUNG OFFICER.

the wish of the czar, more attention was given to modern sciences than to the classical work. Dead languages were not taught at all, and ancient history only up to a certain point, while, on the hand, the records recent centuries, especially far as they bore upon Russia, were Renounce Report That Nicholas Would the Throne. UPRIGHT! GRAND A NEW $900 Against the Dying Romanoff. London, JCov. 1.

The following circular promulgated by the refuge Nihilists in Switzerland and bearing the usual red bomb, revolver and dagger, is circulating in Switzerland aud London: "To Our Brothers, the Oppressed in Russia. "The tyrant Alexander.autocrat-czar, hangman and assassin of Miehaeleff, Russal'loff, Kibaltchik, Nctotsoff, Sophie Perowskaia, Jesse Halfmann and many others; purveyor of the Siberian galleys, persecutor of the Jews, is on the point of expiating his crimes. "He is dying of a mysterious illness, a well merited punishment. Venal hyena, his Zacharins, Hirsches and PQpoffs can do nothing to prolong a life which has been devoted to violence and oppression. "At length the monster is goingi-to disappear.

Hurrah! "The day has passed when a man ought to be able by right of birth to' dispose otlhe Jibertyiand of other men. "Let his son, the czarowitz, as well as his ambitious rivals, the Grand Dukes Vladimir and Michael, who are ready to assassinate, in accordance with the traditions of the Romanoff family, to get possession of the bloody heritage let all thoroughly understand that every hour and at each step they will find themselves face to face with the inflexible will of the revolutionists. "Let us leave to the hypocritical liberals the task of covering with flowers the horrid corpse of the scoundrel who is leaving this world after hawing too long dishonored it. "So long as the Russian slaves do not possess the land, so long as an infernal autocracy, served by a rapacious and shamless feudality, makes Russia a disgrace to the civilized world, we shall always applaud any blow of des tiny or provoke it. "Long live liberty and London.

Nov. 4 It is reDorted that the prince and princes of ales were summoned to Livadia to strengthen the hands of the czarina in her effort to STEINWAY GLOOMY FOREBODINGS Of Coming Troubles Among the Mlneref Ohio. York, Nov. 2. A Recorder special from Cincinnati says: A.

K. Johnson, one of the largest coal operators in the Hocking valley, prophecies, the most serious labor troubles Ohio has ever known as soon as lake naviga-tion closes. He says: "The coalJbusUL Bess has been very bad this year. Prices at the head of the lakes are demoralized, and there has been some quiet cutting. Coal shipments at present to the lakes areheavy, as is usual at this time of year, when it is toward the close of navigation.

AVe are all fearing morje Serious trouble than heretofore. The operators paying scale wages will inaist on a reduction to what the Cleveland New York company is giving itis men. If it is not accepted there will probably be a general shut-down. The seat of the trouble brewiny is the Pittsburgh district. Ohioperatora are--9ontented to accept the Pittsburgh scaie with the usual differentials, but tfte rate of mining must be-uniform.

control the czar and prevent him from acting rashly. PIANO One story has it that the young man would like to take $150,000 or 8200,000 a year and abandon the throne. to his younger brother. fa offered us a premium to agents selling mosli CHRISTY KNIVES by Dec. 31.

1W. Writs- for particulars. CHRISTY KNIFB: Vfeement, Ohio, Box K. WALTER BAKER Grand Duke Vladimir, the dead em peror's brother, is credited with being privy to this idea and standing ready to step into the breach as regent for the boy Michael. Tlie Largest Manufacturers of PURE, HIGH CRADE COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES: AT THE RUSSIAN -CAPITAL, Ob thb Ceatfarat, tin nfai Received The Young Czar's Manifesto HIGHEST AWARDS with Delight.

London, Nov. 3. The Standard's St. from tha gitat Petersburg correspondent says: "The A DEFAULTER. ia! and Food young czars manifesto is received open delight, probably unparalleled in the history of Russian official declara EXPOSITIONS.

ll tope and alike the Dutch ProctM. lit Alfcs- tions. The dignified and almost affectionate tone is freely compared with that of the proclamation published upon the accession of Emperor Wil- 1 1W or othrr Chtmicilsor Lye ira Dfrd (n iTiT of their THOSE WHO ROB THE MAILS. Rewards Offered for Their Arrest and Tnetrdeoeiou Kilt. a ntam tut uaii atwoiuieij paraad soluble, and cou less than one cent a cvi.

lam II. Dispatches from Moscow say that A Huntington (W. Rank Employe Ten Thousand Dollars Short. W. Nov.

2. It was annonncad Wednesday night that Charles Wilkinson, the recognized social leader, Sunday-school superintendent and president of the Y. M. C. is a defaulter, ile has been assistant cashier of the First national bank for five years.

A week ago he resigned, ostensibly to take a better position ini Cincinnati; and a warrant was issued for his arrest, charging hiia with stealing 810,000. He was to have been -married SOtD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. Conviction. Washington, Nov. 1.

The postmas WA1TEB BAKER CO, DORCHESTER, oppressive stillness and mourniui expectation overhang that city. Theaters and other places of amusement. ter-general has issued a circular offer banks and exchanges have been closed and business is at a standstill. ing the following rewards tor toe de-tectionv arrest and conviction of highway mail-robbers and post office burglars during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1805: Ely's Cream Balm dlVCKLV CLUES GOLD IN HEAD "It is expected that the body of Al exander III. will lie in state at Kieff and Moscow before it will be brought to a daughter of the cashier after the holidays.

His friends are trying, to First One thousand dollars for the to St. Petersburg." ISjH I make up the deflciemey to keep him out The Standard's lenna correspond of prison, but are not meeting with Apply Halm fnt each nostril ILI ent 'says: "Some time ago a deputation petitioned the czarowitz to inter arrest and conviction of any penson, in any United States court, on the charge of robbing the mails While being conveyed in any mail-car attached to a railway train. r. (I rand Duke George. Heir Apparent.

'carefully At the same time a good deal of Muscovite history and much that pertained to the rise of his own family was kept back from the prince, l'he necessary amount of mathematics andr-a very thorough knowledge of geography were' stilled" into him, and particular attention was given to the language and literature of his own country and of Germany, France and Englaud. j. A GOOD I.IMiltST. much success. There, is no explanation offered as toi the disposition he made "oi did not drink to excess and was never known to gamblei vene for the Russian Jews.

A member of tells me that thi czarowitz replied: I despise and con demn the expulsion of your- country men, but my hands are tied. FRANCE IN MOURNING. "All these langues Nicholas speaks OUT FOR THE STUfrf. Brewer Will Shoot for Money, Not for Glory Only. KassasCity, Ma, Nov.

2. J. A. R. NDFOff rOR UURAB LrTY.ECOriOMY A and writes fluently.

He was also thor Cnlvenal Grief at the Death of the Czar, oughly instructed in constitutional General blacking is unequalledl Has An annual Sale of 3.ooqt.ons. Paris. Nov. 3. president Casimir-Perier presided over the cabinet meet Ellitj the local wing shot who re history, law, the.

administration of the country, finance and political and so WE ALSO MANUFACTURE TH3 ing held yesterday morning prior to Second Five hundred dollars-for the arrest and conviction on the? charge of robbing the mails being aooveyed over any post route and who wounds the earner of the mail other than a railway. hundred and fifty dollars for the arrest and coniviction on the eharge of attempting to rob the maSls being conveyed over any post route and who assaults on- threatens the person carrying the mails. Fourth From $100 to $200 for the arrest and conviction of anyperson on the the charge of breaking into a post office and stealing therefrom. All rewards must bei claimed within six months from the date of convictioa offenders. MOTSffllili the requiem services held at the uus- cial economy.

The best masters were delected ami care was taken that their instructions had not been warped by FOR 71 AFTER DINMERHlNE. OR TO sian ehapel. At 11 o'clock the president, wearing the grand cordon of the Legion of Honor, together with the Dolitical views. TOUCH UP SPOTS WITH A CLOTH HAKES NO DUST, IN CENTliN BOXES. itiE only perfect Paste.

Morse Bros.pRop's. Canton.Mass. 'He entered the army at the age of cently signed articles for a sioot with Dd. Carver, has received a letter from Joha L. Iirewer, of New Ywk, declin iiigt to shoot fiw matches fr the championship of the world, bind accepting Elliott's proposition to shoot fi matches for a money consideration.

The first two will be shot at Kansas City, the following one at Pittsburgh, other twooni grouads near New York city. ministers, all in evening dress, went to the chapel, where they were escorted 18 vears, and was little more than to seats. child as regards his way of looking upon life nt that time, lie abhorred the of court nud official life, and was i--ally happy onlv when he After the services in the chapel the president and M. ltnrdeau went to the pantheon to salute the tomb of the lata President tarnot, in conformity to the AND KISSED. KILLE Raphael, Aogelo, Knufii.

'laMQ could frolic in an innocent fashion with his younger fellow-officers, when the' elder ones, especially his tutor for whom lie has always entertained the irreatest esteem were out of the French custom of visiting the dead on All Souls' day. Col. Chamoin accom less than last year, while imports vire 9 per sent, greater. Failures. continue smaB, and for four weeks ending October- 3i, liabilities were of which 93,1401455 were of aiannfacturingf and of tradiag concerns.

Souttuern failures comparatively smali, and the eastern and wwstern about equal. During week failures have been 249 in the United against 358. last year and 50 in Canada, against 2S last year. A TERRIFIC WINcTsTORNK. Three Churches Wrecked and Much Other Damage Done.

Wilms, Nov. 3. A terrific windstorm struck this place Thursday night. Throe churches were wrecked beyond repair, residences and store houses were damaged to a greater or less degree and outhouses and fences were entirely demolished. Many houses in the country were destroyed and fruit orchards laid waste.

No lives are reported lost so far, but full returns are not in. The town, ot Mont-, gomerr suffered severely. A Wroneed Hnshand Stabs Ills Wife and panied the president and M. Burdeau Kisses tier as She Dies. Nashviixk, Nov.

1. W. F. lh this way his character be- "bW the of M. arnot.

way. The "MNBNK'ara the BwtandMMtKconom leal Collars and CvlTs worni taer are made of fine sloth, both ildeaflnlshedallae, and, being rcreril. ble.onecoliarlaequnl to tw-of anjr other kind. Tlvvflt wrll.ararwrUeiiHilnokwrH. A box of Tea Collare or Flw-ralri of Cuffe for Twenty-Fit Cent.

A Sample Collar and Pair of Cnfftbrmall forJU Cents. Name style end size. Address KKVBBSIBI.R COLLAR COMPANY. tFrnnklla New Vork. 27 Kllby Bso- MacOrudder, a prominent citizen of White Sulphur Springs, stabbed his wife to death yesterday.

After he had GOOD FOR GOKF. He Refused a Ten-Thoasand-Dollr Brine to Betray Ills Trust. Nkw York, Nov. 2. The Evening Post says that it has indubitable evi.

dence that during the course of the present investigation Mr. (JofF was waited upon by a person who offered him 810,000 as a fee for examining title to real estate whish was worth less than 83,000, on condition that he would not call as a witness a certain captain of police. Mr, Ooff declined the offer, and called the name of. tUat can. tain the next day, intercepted a letter from a man to her came more independent.

He became a good officer, and. anything but a passionate soldier, he is in a po- sition to recognize mistakes and to appreciate efficiency. He is dcoted to duty, and does everything that he undertakes thoroughly. he asked her father to come and tako sive. Mine.

Casimir-Pcrier has wired a message of condolence to the czarina on behalf of the union of the women ol Prance. The congress of Ladies' Asso i eiations for Succoring the Wounded, sitting at Lyons, adjourned until to day as an evidence of mourning. i Dennis llomau, a Ki-year-old despera her home. While talking over the Fl tiumt in fit 111 i trouble together, MacGrndder suddenly became enraged and plunged a knife into his wife's heart. As she died he kissed her tenderly.

He was 30 yeart Caurh STrua. TulM Gooft Vat B.JBoet HIK FATHKIt. "In many ways he resembles his father, but is, in scientific in advance of him, aud tlua Hold dt aropziw. her senior. do, was in-rested at Elkhart,.

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