The Jasper Weekly Courier from Jasper, Indiana • 5
- Publication:
- The Jasper Weekly Courieri
- Location:
- Jasper, Indiana
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 5
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
JASPER COURIER Corn vs. Wm. W. Handley, and I Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest 17.
S. Gov't Report big force on the streets of JasjXT nxmg ineni up this week received from the Wheeler Wil son M'f'g a draft for $4,700 jQTThe County Commissioners' Court meets next Monday. "viu.ij iicu itt Witch Hazel Salve is promptly ap- Bueklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for cut, bruises, tores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever" sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblaiM, corns, and all akin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Martin Friedman. April 1st, 1894 ly. Besides this the taxable costs in this case were paid by the Wheeler Wilson M'f'g through its agent, MM i'mcu. iuis eiaiemeni is true.
A perfect remedy for skin diseases, chapjied hands and HnB anil nwnr failo in It's all the same, a slight cold, ron-eested lungs or severe cough. One Min- Mr. Handley. Out of the amount of the taxable costs in this case I I Muia I 1 111 Lg rijcumttii. Friedman, mm the amount to which you are entitled, including the $50 deposited "Boating parties on Patoka Portersuille Pointers.
Nice weather, aint it. White river falling, with no dam by you when the suit was brought, get "awful damp" once in a while. It not only relieves it does more, it is $280.40. To this sum must be added $250 additional, which you AESQUUTELY FUflE age. cures.
We refer to One Minute Cough Cure. Suitable (or all ages, all condi paid me as security for costs in this New Dude in town. "Oh nshnwl tions, at all times. M.Friedman. November, 17, 18g3 ly.
case. whar did you get dat hat?" As I told you when you were here lr" Lawed to poverty is a famil Miss Francis McDonald tt'flu in May 16, 1894, my fee for services iar expression on the streets this DABBLING IN PATENT RIGHTS Otwell, last week, visiting her PERSONAL. Mr. Jos. Egg visited in Louisville since the final decree this case sister.
DKALKRS IN FARM MACHINERY: We carry in stock a Complete Line of Champion Binders and Mowers, Moline Smith Wagons, Bug- gies, Surreys, Carts, Harness, Whips, Lap Spreads, Cultivators, Plows, Hay Rakes, Harrows, Hay Loaders, Sewing Machines, and Repairs. week. T. F. Anthony, Ex-Postmaster of Prom was entered, and by that I mean last week.
Mrs. Hollv. "Milliner nf Al- ise City, Iowa, says: "I bought one bottle RUINS FINANCIALLY JOHN T. CORN, fordsville, was the guest of C. W.
Mrs. Bott and baby, of Louisville, services making settlement with the Wheeler 'Wilson Mfg. Co. for past infringement up to this date, is ol 'Mystic (Jure tor Kheumalifm and twt uuuoipn last Sunday. doses did mo more good than all the medi are visiting her parents, Mr.
C. Egg, in Jasper. Henrv Rudolnh and wifo nf $250. The $250 which you paid me as security for costs and this Risked His all la Big Suit But Falls to Miss Sadie Minor, of Dale, cine I ever took." Sold by M. Friedman, Druggist, Jasper.
Nov. 10,93, 8mo. Sometime ago I was troubled with -an Hays ville. were here visiting relatives last Sunday. $250 balance each other.
As I is visiting W. S. Hunter's family. attack of rheumatism. I used Chamber and other relatives, this week.
Memorial services held here last showed you when here, the total costs in this case, including my fees Get Enough to Pay His Costs, and Leaves His Family and Creditors "io the Soup." Mr. John T. Corn was one of the Misses Tillie Buettner and Emma and expenses up to and including Call and see them before purchasing. Sunday were largely attended. George Gramelspacher and Jos.
Eckstein and families nassed Schuhmacher went to Anderson, this week on a visit. MILBURN JASPER. INDIANA. most prosperous farmers, when he attended strictly to that business, in Mr. James Corn made a hurried through town last Sunday.
the argument of the case at final hearing and entry of the decree, amount to $3,284.80. When you deduct from this the, $280.40, Fred. Schnarr. who hns been at Dubois county, and owned one of trip to St. Louis on Friday last to see his brother John.
which you get back from the Clerk tending school at Princeton, has returned home looking well. Mr. Louis Egg, of Louisville, New Spring Goods. the finest farms, of nearly 300 acres, worth $12,000. But in an evil day for him and his family he became enamored with the glittering pros of the court, the net expense of this litigation to you is $3,004.40.
is visiting friends and relatives Paw. Peck and his chum lain's pain balm and was completely cured. I have since advised many of my friends and customers to try the remedy and all speak highly of it. Simon lioLDBAUM, San Luis Rey, Cal. Forsale TiH Friedman, the Druggist.
IfcirS. Kuehler received a large new stock of fine shoes last Monday. Early Risers, Farly Risers, Early Risers, the famous little pills for constipation, sick headache, dyspepsia and nervousness. M. Friedman.
Improvement. Mr. John Kueb-ler, has added another story to the former residence of the late Charles Kuehler, on Church lane. in Jasper this week. probablv a free entertainment Under the contract between Mr.
pects of money in patent rights, in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, of Perry county, are visiting their children LATEST STYLES S. S.
Weinintrer' savs that he Cora and Mr. Miller, Mr. Com was to pay all the 'expenses of this litigation. If the litigation was unfavorable to Mr. Com and Mr.
and bought one after another, an interest in several. He finally bought an interest from Mr. Anthony in Jasper. will not attempt to try his luck on Miss Washing Miller, of Huntingburg, in an at Mrs. C.
Hochqesanq's, Miller, Mr. Com was to recover ton, is visiting at the home of Hon. tne nnny tribe any more. "Gourd Head" is a lone bachelor and wishes to advertise for a tachment for sewing machines and nothing: but if the litigation result W. A.
Wilson. Cor. N. Main 14th Jamar. fad.
ed favorably to you, Mr. Com was housekeeper. Bon Jour, girls, here three years ago, with Miller, brought suit in St. Louis against the Wheel Mr. J.
II. Osborn, Supt. of the The public are invited to call and to be reimbursed to the extent of hve- Evansville Cotton Mills, and his 1 am. Mama darling, Papa pet, I have two lovely vellow 'eves, and er Wilson M'f'g for infringe eighths of whatever expenses Mr. inspect my new goods, of all kinds, and leam my son, spent decoration day in Jasper.
He has a son attending college here. such pretty green hair, I am 144 Com might have paid in the way of attorney's fees and expenses, and Very Low Prices I ment of the patent, lhe suit dragged along in U. S. court, the Company being a wealthy one, evidently expecting to finally wear out Misses Arda Posey, Lucy Fleener, inches tall, and weigh 999 pounds, my aee is not ouite 100 vears. I Mr.
Miller was to be paid of the Kate Fleener and Emma Hunter, am rich; got 50 cents on interest; fees and expenses which Mr. Com had paid. After the expense had of Petersburg, were visiting W. S. the plaintiffs, and break them up.
For everything. My stock of staple groceries and dry goods is always up with the best, i Country produce wanted the highest market price. write soon, ems, and avoid the Hunters family last week. MUier naa no money to law wiin, been accounted for in this way, any rush. Gourd Head.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in one io three days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly 75 cU.
Sold by Martin Friedman, Druggist, Jasper, Ind. Nov. 10, '93, 8m. -The Petersburg Base Ball Club and Huntingburg B. B.
C. will play a match game at White Sulphur Springs on Sunday June 3. The Petersburg Cornet Band will enliven the occasion. Mr. Geo.
Beck, of Princeton, balance be divided between and Corn had to furnish it all. He claims to have spent $6,200 in the came up with Aliss Mat tie Mil burn Messrs. Miller and Com on the I have two little grand children who are to visit her parents this week. Mrs. C.
Hochgesang. Apr. 6, 1894. litigation, and expense incident thereto, besides losing his time for same terms, that is to say 7i to Com and to Miller of the balance. They returned to Princeton yester teething this hot summer weather and are troubled with bowel complaint.
I give them Chamberlain's colic, cholera and diarrhoea remedy and it acta like a day. The net costs in this case, after most of the three He mortgaged his farm to raise money to Mr. Will. HATalbot, of -Orleans, giving you credit lor costs charm. I earnestly recommend it for children with bowel troubles.
I was my the Grand Master, of Indiana Odd spend, and finally lost the farm returned by the Clerk, are $3,004.40. The suit was decided in March last Fellows, spent a short time in Jas Mr. Corn is entitled to of this self taken with a severe attack of bloody flux, with cramps and pains in my stom in Miller Corn's favor, and an in per, Wednesday, on his way to he amount which is $1,877.75, and Mr. Miller is entitled to which ach, one-third of a bottle of this remedy cured me. Within twenty-four hours 1 junction issued preventing the Com onnon services.
i pany from further use of the attach is $1,126.65. Messrs E. Hopkins and Gen was out of bed and doingmy housework. Mas. L.
Di'gas, Bon-aqua, Hickman ment. Now the gross of money Wilson, Receivers of the L. E. Then came the question of dam Tenn. For Bale by M.
Friedman, the Druggist. which I have received is made up of two items: a $4,700 draft of the ages for past use, suit for which the St. L. Cons. R.
R. Sample, Allen, Chief Engineer, Wheeler Wilson Mfg. and court at St. Louis decided must be brought at the home of the Com Dubois Pleasant weather but rather cool, the amount of costs returned by the Campbell, Gen'l Pass. Ag't, and Barton Road Master, come over the R.
R. on a tour of inspection to PLEASANT pany in Connecticut, An jafter. jwas Clerk, $280.40, total-of and the 7 so-called cut worm' is made by Corn Miller to compro Jasper on Monday evening last, and $4,980.40. If we deduct the net costs, $3,004.40 from this it will be DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cleanses, purines and heals. It was made for that purpose.
Use it for burns, cuts, bruises, chapped hands, sores of all descriptions, and if you havepilesuse it for them. M. Friedman. In Memoriam. By an oversight the Courier neglected at the time to notice the death of Mr.
Joseph at father's house, two miles north of Jasper, on May 14th, Mr. Klein was ah industrious young young man, but 25 years and 30 days of age, and was well liked by all. His death was caused by in-flamation of the stomach, and his body was buried at the Ireland Catholic grave yard, followed to the tomb by a large concourse of sympathizing friends. Peace to "lis ashes. took into consideration a desirable mise for 25cts.
on each machine that' had been sold with it, which would be about $50,000. This was found that the balance is $1,973 enlargement of the passenger wait Now in addition to' of the net of dealing with us are the unfailing courtesy and fair treatment you re ing room at the depot. They also rejected bv the Company, and final visited the gas well and took a drink of the sulphur watermlxed ly the matter of settlement was left to their attorneys. Last week Com ceive. We uou like, to speak these things ourselves, but they are hobbies with us, and juat as much part of our bnniiietu system an low prices aud fint-clasa Roods.
with natural gas costs Mr. Com is entitled to of the balance after deducting the costs, (that is $1,976) and of this is $1,235. From this calculation it will be seen that Mr. Com is entitled to $3,112.75. got word to go to St.
Louis about the settlement, and left Jasper in No better aid to digestion. No better cure for dyspepsia. good spirits on Tuesday. On The Popular Store of Nothing more reliable for biliousness Mr. Miller is entitled to fi of the Thursday his wife got a letter from him with $300, to pay a mortgage and constipation than DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills.
M. on some-land of which he Friedman ry had borrowed money, and a debt to West Side nf Public Square, Crystal Wedding, Indiana his daughter for borrowed money, and saying he would like to come back to Jasper, but had no money Mr. Wm. Uardner and wile were completely surprised on Sunday GOOD Wlllism balance after deducting the costs, and foi $17976 is $74i. If we add to of net costs of the balance after deducting the net costs from $4,980.40, it will be found that Mr.
Miller's interest is $1,857.65. From this is to be deducted the amount of a note from Miller to Com, amounting with interest to $55.07, and $30 due me in another matter, leaving a balance due Miller of $1,782.58. to pay his debts, and couldn't face Jocbom and Mrv M. Hawley, of are never without a bottle of Chamberlain's-- cough remedy in the house," says Jacob Brown, the leading merchant of the place. This remedy has proven of so much value for colds, croup and whooping cough in children that few mothers who know its worth are willing to be without it.
For sale by M. Friedman, the Druggist. Marriage License. J. Steinert and A.
C. Schierman. Da less eountv, will bars at Aogoit night last at their neat home on 7th street, by being visited by a large number of their friends, with nearly getting in his work. The recent cold snap killed such plants as cucumbers, beans, and some corn is badly injured here. Oats in this locality is looking badly, but wheat looks well, and some of it will be ready to harvsst in three or four weeks.
Messrs Pfaffenberger Harker have moved their saw mill to our place, and are busy sawing all kinds of lumber. They will remainlill, threshing time. Mr. Coon Beck will build in our town in the near future. That's right, Coon.
We understand that Coble Poe have ordered their stock of drugs, and will have them in shape right away. We need a good drug store. Girls you can always be beautiful on the principle that "handsome is as handsome does." "Do all the good that you can not to be seen or heard." Quit chewing "gum," get to studying and don't "talk" about your neighbors. The best teacher in the world can do no more than offer to instruct you, and it depends on you at last whether you will be instructed or not, and to what point you will push your instructions. (This applies tomboys also.) We would' like to know what has the people, and he wouia go on ana hunt work.
The same day Mr. Isidore Schuhmacher got a letter Kaegin's stable in Jasper, during the aeason of 1894. beginning April 1st two One stallion -one a half Nor a wagon load of crystal dishes of all kinds, and an abundance of cake and other refreshments and the man on the sirs's side, and three quarter Rsitler and one quarter Tempest from him with $1,200 pay some other debts, and telling him the same thing. This caused a great surprise to our people, and left a little Kentucky Orchestra, It was on the dtm's side. The Other Is a Gen.
The amount coming to Mr. Com the 15th anniversary of their mar from this litigation is $3,112.75, to Washington on ths sirs's side a Boll Pup oo the dam's sh.e. riage. 1 he visitors filled the house which must be added $55. 07, number of them who had crusted him, and let him have money, in a ers, who want nrit class stocK, tre in and yard, and it was but a little amount of Miller's note, vited to Impact these horses Im time till a bed in one of the rooms quandary as to the condition of af overpaid me by Mr.
Com, May 12, was taken down and the carpet re fairs. His brother, James uorn, to so that the total amount coming to whom he was indebted over $3,000, Com is $3,292.72. moved to make room and a good time was had. May they live to Accordingly I stand ready to send MACHINE SHOP. enjoy a diamond wedding.
Mr. Com my check for that amount, started to see him on Friday, and came back on Sunday with $1,500 of his claim, and the information that John had no more money. and Mr. Miller my check for Two Lives Saved. Con bib or Newton snd 7th JASPER, Phceba Thomas, of Junction Mrs.
Corn received a letter, on I would send the money to-day, Died. May 30, 1894, of consumption, Frank, the 13 year old son of Mrs. Vollmer, on 7tn street. He was buried in St. Joseph's graveyard the next day.
The bereaved mother and family have the heartfelt sympathy of all in their affliction. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Elec-Jricjiittera-sing the. song of praise.
A purer medicine does not exist, and is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Klectric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria-from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation rnd City. 111., was told by her doctors she DANIEL F.
J. MILLER, Proprietor. the day her husband left, from his attorney. Mr. Paul Bakewell, of St.
but for the fact that Mr. Miller has employed Mr. John" F. Tieman as had consumption, and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's HAVC 1b thli hp iTtry luillty for rtpi ty ll kind nkil id Mp.lrlM 8TSAM KNOIMK hp iTtry luilitj for rpltiB Louis, and upon reading it found become of "The Boy," "our calam- turn nck of balldlDg (New Discovery completely cured her and the terms of and that in MILL WOBK.
his-attorney, and therefore until understand rdm both of you gentle men that you are satisfied that she says it saved her lite. Mr. inos. 139 Florida St. San Francisco, ity howler come ionn anu nowi us another howl.
"Lone: Tom" also Ulto ktcpi hand er 5Hmnu. riri stead of getting $50,000 from the od will tarn thiftlat tat ill rtqatnrf. suffered from a dreadful cold, approach Miner lor I. iHKH AND RUIIKKR Wheeler Wilson Co. "the matter shall distribute the money in the ing consumption, tried without result ev is gone and hid in the shadows of the mistv nast.
Come out of your BRLT1NO, lid will fnralih im lion nailci. Will rcpilr THRRKHINU -V iMKS. SIPaHi- had been adjusted for less than ervthiii? else, then bought one bottle of manner stated, I do not feel justi TORS. HOR8K POWgRS, iF, mo thus leaving Corn out of hidine place and let us hear fromjD Dr. Kine MNew Discovery, ana in two fied in paying it oyer.
FARMERS llHM 10 fit! weeks was cured. He is naturally thank you again. Kingfisher nil i ehinc niti tblr.iy 'will, win ill Blndin. RiiDin II II tllj ful. It is such results, of which these Yours, very truly, Paul Bakewell.
pocket over $3,000 and three years work. Mr. Bakewell puts the taxed costs at $3004.40, but in fact the GOOD AS NEW. ud it lit lllllfciT.i If are samples, that prove the wonderful pro Dinni iirid li two urnid," rut. toi nur dici ine in coughs una indigestion, try Electric Bitters.
Entire- efficacy, of this mei dollar! toil wit. Try it, colds. Free trial bottles at Martin For the Jasper Courier. Obituary. Died at his residence in Hall larger part of the costs in PHILIP ArGUCKES VAHIHLi I.
4 Mr SO. 18S1 Friedman's Drug Store. Regular size Kiich actions cannot De laxea, ana 50c. and 1.00; 5 by his statement (which Corn had Carries the Largest and Best Stock satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price ijOots.
and $1 per bottle at M. Friedman's Drug Store. 5 Trounced 10 to 1. The Jasper B. B.
C. visited Hunt township, May 18, '94, of heart failure, II. H. Pinnick, aged not seen when he left) the taxed SPARTAN Dentistry. X.
H. Wilson. Dentist, desires to in oovnnt v-tliree vears. of FURNITURE, form the public that he will continue to make regular visits to Jasper; notwith-stiindin? the report to the contrary. The The deceased had resided at his present place of residence since 1839.
when he came to this county Bay horse hands record, cost? paid by Corn, amounted to within $108.35 of the sum he received, so that the net receipts to Corn of his three years lawing is the loss of his farm, a good deal of his good name, and $108. We publish 2:33. Sire of Spartan 2:26. Uldiron, time nf which will be published in the Of all kinds, in the county. columns of this paper and the Hunting- 31, Balsam, 2:33 and others.
Sired by Happy Medium 400 the sire of from Orange. Few men in this county were bettor or more favor- bure Signal. He 1ms no connection wim Nancy Hanks. Kiley Medium Mr. Bakewell's letter herewith.
TW V. M. fireen. F. A.
Brown, and nlilv known than "Sauire Pini.ick,' embalm I have received a set of Maxecob, Happy Cou a llnwns. professionally. But has Mr. Corn left his wife and four having served the township in that rier, 2:104 and sa otners in uie md arrangements with Dr. B.
A. Mos now pre- ers' instruments ana am children without -any available list. Spartan oam, miss iuu vj Hero of Thorndale 649; son of Thorn- by, of Huntingbnrg, to attend all urgent cases during his absence, without extra pared to do capacity nearly twenty years. As a citizen no one was esteemed more highly and respected more ingburg last week and did the so-called ball club of that burg up in a jiffy. The Jasper boys pounded 10 runs out of them in the first inning, and it made' them so sick they wouldn't play any more; and the Umpire decided the game 9 to 0 in favor of Jasper.
Sudden Death. Mr. John Hoffman, of Louisville, an old soldier of the 49th regiment, Came down a short time since to visit relatives in Hall township, and while at the home of Captain Alles, (his brother-in-law,) was taken sick, and died on Wednesday. He means of support, and unless he gets up the courage to come back dale 305; record 2d dam, Uountry Girl by Country Gentleman, son of Ham charge to patient. tf.
sincerely than "Uncle Hamp." Trustee's and "face the music," ana Dei-in life over again among his friends, Boone Township Notice. Indeed, it falls to the lot of few men to receive nothing but universal the family will be liable to rather a hard exDenence. tie snouia come praise from his fellow-man both be back. The following is a copy of fore and after death, out tnis can tnil Raid of Mr. Pinnick.
The EMBALMING At short notice. I have i Full stock of CofHns, Caskets AND- Burial Robes Of any size or style. PHILIP A. GUCKES. 1 AV C.
most of the attorney's letter: The undersigned, Trustee of Boonel towhship, Dubois county, hereby gives notice that he will attend to all business pertaining to the office of Trustee, at his residence 1 miles south-east of Porters-ville, on Saturdays of each week, and re-nnests all persons having township busi deceased was buried in the Bayley ilton io. Also the Imported Spanish Jack MU Imported from 6pain'rby Perry and Lester, stock importers of Tennessee, 15)4 hands high, 8 years old, aad has a noted record for food colts. These animals will be at the Wilson farm, 2 miles west of Ireland, during the season of 1894, where persons who want good stock can see them and learn terms. Hamilton Alexander, Owensboro, Owner. J.
N. Harbison, Keeper. March 30, '94-3m, Paul Bakewell, Attorney "1 and Counselor at Law. grave-yard, in presence oi a large St. Louis, May 21, 1894.
ness to present it on Saturday. tStwens hooks from the Township li number of friends ana relatives. I "There is a land a sunny clime, itri.n will nnrt no more. Mparts. Miller Corn will be buried at Celestine Friday morning.
He leaves a wife and family. He was a brother of Mr. Jos. Hoffman, of Jasper, and Fred. Hoffman, of Mt.
Vernon, who are each in attendance at WS funeral. brary, are notified that the library ia' kept by Wm. McIIarris, in Portersrille. To-dav settlement uorner accson turn i uurvu Where funeral knells do not chime, We'll meet those gone before." A. A.
IL was made of case of Miller jfct Jasper, Ind, HkNBV B. BRKIDKNBArOH, irostety May 18, 1893-y. Oct. 27, '93.
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