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The Jasper Weekly Courier from Jasper, Indiana • 5

Jasper, Indiana
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Fur Ynur HARPF-TR and A TTTTXIrR En Td SEE THE LINE i ALBERT SONDERMANN'S. OIL CLOTHS. LNOLEUMS. LACE WINDOW SHADE. WATCHES, RINGS, he gradf-i of the public in Jasper closed Wednesday.

USPKR COUMEB tetfrhr Wejrfbe returned Sunday. IT IS A MATTER OF HEALTH m- I'lau spent Sunday in Henry Eckprt returned VSheriii Vic Cas-idy went- to Bvsnsville. M-Mts. brank r.c 1 uuifa from Louisville Sunday rilersnurg luesday to attend the Tate trial. PIANOS, JEWLLHY, ORGANS, I MUSICAL GOODS, GOODS THAT SATISFY.

J. E. STEIKTK.AMP, THE RELIABLE JEWELER. wwmwww4WHHtH the last day going delin- teyN'-xt Monday i to pay taxes without' Sc" ir li'ii'lit dance at hall Monday night wa weii WChas. Kgg spent IB Louisville ou business.

jJitis. Salb cnnip di wn from Saturday for a weekV rpuent. SfSjuMr. Katterjohn, of Roonville, visited Jasper on Cutnb. Telephone Monday.

attended. KiR. M. Unburn went 'to PJ tersburg Monday to assist in the! defense of Howard Tate for the I murder of Hodgt s. Bffi-When a man di-continnaes taking a newspaper, he should have pride enough of character to pay upswhat lie owes for t-The County Commiis-i merg1 will have a regular session next Mon-day.

ipVFrof. Wni. Wellman left Sat-. I unlay for Terre Haute to attend 'the State N'ontual. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, GROCERIES.

The best stock in Jasper for the Price. Come to FRANK ECKERT Eckert Block, For Extra Bargains. POWDER Pure "The new uniforms for the ball team arrived Wednesday. They areyjf a steel gray color. terr Albert Schuler has secured a position as book-keeper with the Jasper Machine works and has began The Best Family Salve.

QeWitt'a Witoti Hazel gives instant relief from barns, cures cats, bruises, Botes, eczema, tetter, and all abrasions I of the skin. In having Witch Hazel I Salve it is only necessary to see tleit you get the genuine De Witt's and a cure is certain. There are many 'liea counterfeits on tlie market, all jf which are I worthless, ami quite a few are danger-eras, while Hewitt's Witch Hazel Saive THERE IS i yO? I visit. "Otis 8chubelc5m home from pt. Louis Sunday to spend a jreei with his mother.

Just received a large stock of; "Portieres, Lace Curtains, Carpets and Mattings. Call and look, at Sonderman's. 9136 tickets were sold at Hunt-ingburg for Petersburg Tuesday to persons attending the Tate murdei triaLJor ulayir.g Hodges. r'Poitmaster W. s.

Hunter left Tuesday for the Republican convention at Indianapolis. In tl.e time of Cleveland, the traitor, this was classed as "pernicious activity." (-Ve underetand that George S. Fry will soon add toTiis saw mill machinery for the manufactory of hames, and will buy a lot and remove his present machinery to it. CASTOR I A For Infants and Hie Kind You Hav- Always Bought i Messrs Pen and Frank Kue- SMrs Edward Lampert came IB ami cures. Sold if ashionable up from Winslow Wednesday to vifit Big Spring tly harmlt huan.

i- perte M. Krie Stock of Goods. bler, of GoiConda, 111., are in Jasper this week visiting their uncle, Mr. S. Kuebler.

mother. sheriff Cassidy and (iood Spirits Pat Cassidy took Howard Ti Petersburg Sunday. They through. Tate's trial began Tuesday, alter the Judge refi continuance to him. ne from is the er made nt reme-- and-one The Jasper Putter and Cheese Factory is getting in a good deal of milk daily is shipping butter and and is getting a good price, and those interested seem satHfied that ised DISTRIBUTING DEPOT rO, PITTSBURGH' PERFECT" FENG ALL GALVANIZED STEEL WIRES ES, hnancial mvest- it will prove a 'o in i rules now adopted, pay tanners now to cows, nd enough the necessity of i fertilizer, and justi-f bringing the milk FOR FIELD, FARM AND HOG FENCING.

THE ONLY ELECTRICALLY WELDED FENCE. EVERY ROb GUARANTEED PERFECT, ns. loc a pnir an pet L'oc and Hem jr man's. rain and ha is locality Mondai Tuesday, mal ft again. The g'-t unday was a weathi very rained Bears the signature of storm and it to the faetory The DURABLE Fence.

i ing the ro; ial Si ring breeder. None, sri STK'ONO. 55i! i A Great Sensati'Hi. Wednesday pur and Tinware bus- Charles Egg on cbastd the Stoves. All Inro-ft wires.

471 I I I ML There sen Br sation in Leesvill own, of that blac Mary Barth arid ill 38 of I r-n ID tak. iart I Highest EFFICIENCY. life Makes Clean Sweep. Tie-re's nothing like doing a toroiizhly. 0 all the Salves you 0 was expected to die, had his ed by i'i.

King's New Discovery for LUWlibi CUbl. 32- i ji aE ti Sumption. He writes: "I endured ill ird Bnc At all druggists. Portersville Poiats. Jin Schna.rr has the material on round for his new residence.

No possession May 2d, Mrs. will continue to conduct the ware department. A Thoughtful Man. M. M.

Austin, of Winehester; knew what to do in tlie honr of Hie wife had tacn, an. unushal' ci Wraps klen Arnica Salve is ps aw ay and cures grj Cute, 'Boils, litcers; 6 I l'iles. It's only 25c, It. It BWI res, Bruisi uptions ai iran teed to hold 5 fnd. il Moisture jn bv I insufferable agonies from Asthma, hut your New Discovery gave me immediate relief and soon effected a com-I plete enre cures of Consumption, I'neumonia.

lironelntis and Grip are numerous. It's the peerless remedy for all throat and lung trouble--. Price 50c and $1. Guaranteed by M. Fried-! man, druggist.

Trial bottles free. give satist drUfrgiei. Kriedma i elomach and hv and cause Rust." trouble, ph; He thought eould not help her iiciant and .1 cored New Life I'ills a i ami was finally tried Dr. King eat relief at on Friedman dr.rg Friedninn Only '2'k at M. stu "I'lTTsm nuu 1'eefect"

(Spccla. t'tyle.) absolutely STOCK PROOF, We can HW YOU MONFV on Fencing, SCI IT. Married Albert Mendel and Miss Henrietta Fisher, daughter of the late John were married at St. Joseph's church Tuesday morning. They will make their hme on a farm near Jasper on the Troy roadi Best wishes for good luck.

Lr. Gray will build a dwelling here this spting. Wlo else will come Hnd build here? You could not find a nicer, quieter and. more peaceful village any here to locate in. There isn't a vacant house here.

Mr. and Mrs. Coon Senning entertained the musical club Saturday night in honor of Mrs. Senning's sisters, Ida and Gertie 'Schnarr, of Winslow. John Foreman and Miss Cora Rudolph were married at the bride's home Tuesday morning.

A large numbar of guests were present and a nice dinner was spread and a ball was given at night. May their wedded life be full of sunshine. DEALERS IN JUIRUWARE, STOVES, Tinware Sporting Goads. KaS" Edward McXerney and Cor nelius Gugtsell went to Louisville Saturday, where the former to Miss Katharine Rush od Tuesday morning. Mr.

Gutgsel acted as groomsman. A wedding dance was given at Kunkel's hall yesterday evening in honor of the event. The married couple will make their home in Jasper. Success to them. Robbed the Grave.

A startli'ntr incident is narrated b. Birdseye Battle. Last Saturday Elmer Harris came to Birdseye and went into Glenn's store. While trading Wesley Kindle walked tip to him and asked what he struck his brother John for? Harris said, because he came to my farm and commenced cursing me. Kindle then commenced striking Harris with some kind cf weapon, which he held in his hand, and John Kindle, his brother commenced showing foul.

play. The two Kindle brothers got Harris down, and beat him up very bad, cut several holes in his head and gave him a pair of very black eyes. They are running at large yet. FniESD. 1993 Agents Wanted To sell TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, BAKING POWDER, EXTRACTS, to the consumers in Jasper, and surrounding territory.

Liberal commis Md2X2w Digests mm mlm mm I what yu Pete. Gehl and wife visited Pill. sion paid to agents, and Merchant and wife last ek and wife, of Pe at Charley Co fi John Rhodime tersburg, visited man's Sunday. large inducements oflered to the consumers. Address The Great Atlantic Pacific Tea Louisville.

Ky. 2t. A Great Piano Opportunity Ilealy, Chicago's largest music has just bought out the western for Webe. Piano and other cel-d instruments. Hundreds of Ly house house ebrat John Oliver, of Philadelphia, as follows: was in an awt'ul condition.

My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite, growing weaker day bv day. Three physicians had given me up. Then 1 was advised to use Electric 1 titters; to my great joy the liret bottle made a decided improvement. I th'jir use fo three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them.

Only 60 cents, guaranteed by M. l-'riedtiian, druggist. Lemington Lights. Elmer Himsel is no better at this writing. Mrs.

A. H. Trny'or and daughters, Fanny and Ruth, are visaing Dyspepsia Cure A hriilthy stomach, capable of digesting a good, square meal, is a great blessing. It keeps the body strong by insuring plenty oi nourishment. In fact, it means perfect health.

must be done whe the stomach is so tired that it can't digest what you cat. fur undigested food poit.ons the blood. We can recommend a preparation that completely digests all classes oi foods that is Koddi, Dyspepsia. Cuke. It gives the stomach perfect rest and allows you te eat and enjoy the variety of food that is.

so necessary lor maintaining health. It neve Tom Hays has started with his peddling wagon. The Teagu huckster wagon from Otwell aiso, comes through our village, and the toot, toot of their horns can be heard again. arren Cooper, formerly of this place, who died so suddenly of i heart failure near his home in Ot-1 beautiful pianos that crowded the big Weber salesrooms on Wabash avenue will now he sold by Lyon A llealy. Prices will be quoted that will make it possible for almost any family to secure a Weber or other high grsde piano.

All pianos are selected by experts. Pianos shipped anywhere. Write today for bargain list. It contains new pianos as low as J125; and second hand pianos as low as $100 and every instrument is an' exceptional bargain. Write to-day to Lyon A Ilealy, L' Adams Street, Chicago.

fails to cun; indigestion, even alter every tmngeise has lailed. is nleasant to take and can be used in all conditions. at Indianapolis this week. Wilhurn Travlor visited at F. Franks' Sunday evening.

Bro. E. J. Bouher preached a very interesting sermon last Sunday afternoon. Services next Sun "For inany years I suffered from chronic indigestion, and iu seemed as though nothing was ever going to do me any good.

On the advice if a Friend 1 commenced using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It gave me immediate relief and I continued its use uniil now I that I am cured." I ienry N. Kramer, WendelviUe, N. Y. It can't help but do you good JIakrieb: John Rottetand Misi Lizzie Deinderfer were married at the residence of the bride's father, John C.

Deinderfer, near St. An; thony Wednesday morning, Judge F. L. Betz olliciating. The bride was attired in white silk with veil and wreath and was attended by hei sister.

After the ceremony dinner was served to a number of Here's success to you, John, Good For Children. The pleasant to take and harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives immediate relief in all eases of Cough, ('roup Hid LaGrippe because "it does not pass immediately into the stomach, but takes fleet right at the seat the trouble. It irawa out the inhumation, heals and soothes and cures permanently by enab-ing the lungs to contribute pure life giving and life sustaining oxygen to the blood" and tissues, due Minute Cough Cure is nleasant to take and it is good m. MisS day at 3 :00 o'clock p. Philin Mann and Spring Marv the sllfl.

Prepare! 'y B. C. IK-W lit Chicuiro. ILv 11. buttle coutuius J'i Sold by Martin Friedman, Jasper.

Braun were married Sunday. SMm farmers, Look to Your Own Interests! wellfewas buried here Sunday morning. He belonged to the A. O. and the lodge here took charge of his body at the cemetery': Rev.

Ketchem," the M. E. minister at Otwell was the pastor olliciating. Mr. Cooper leaves a wife, seven children and a host of friends lo mourn bia departure.

The family have the sympuhy of the entire community. Rev. Bouher will preach here May ist, at 10:30 a. m. C.

E. at 7:30 p. m. Everybody George Rudolph and wife visited the latter's paren at Washington Sunday. Mrs.

Geisler received a lot of nice goods Tuesday. Misses Willu, Jessie. Golda and Master Bruce Cox went to Cannels burg Tuesday and gave an entertainment for the benefitof a church Mr. Horrel of that place came over after them, i hey report a good time. Pole Coffman passed through town Tuffltlay on his way home to IVVJIVM I their life be long and happy is our wish.

A B. B. Association met Monday right" at Miley's and organized, and are going to have a pie supper for the benefit of the team ou May 7, 1R04. They are only going to plana Saturday evenings. All in favor of this come and help all you can.

Peach JJlows. A Cure for Headache. Any roan oman or child Buffering from "headache, biliousness, or a dnll So 1 hv Mar- alike 1'ir young ami oio tiin Friedman. jjajuThere were about twenty from Jasper went to Evansville Saturday to see the torpedo boat" Lawrence." By Buying Tnrning, Shovel or Gang Plows, Seeders, Planters, Cultivators or Harrows, or THE BEST WAGON ON FROM 1" KUEBLER SCHIMDT, BUGGIES i CARRIAGES Factory or Home made work. They will treat you right and give you such bargains aa will make you steady customers of theirs.

In Dry Goods and Notions. All the Latest Novelties, Etc. Clothing, Shirts, Hats and Caps. Full line of Straw Goods. Staple and Fancy Groceries.

lways ready to deliver. We have both Phones. JOSEPH BUCHART. W. 6th JASPER, INI).

ilrmvsv feeling slinniu ratie uuni and l.i tie Karlv Risers mailt piils are mnrnimr. These fariiou-i little Among them were: R. M. Milhurn and wife, Joseph F. Friedman and wife, A.

B. Krempp and wife, Mrs Cpnrad Krempp, Misses Carrit Krempp, Maggie and Haitie Kuebler, and Cora Fry, and Messrs Vic Cnssidv. Eil Troxler, Frank Betz well i hPi-aiiwe tbev are a tome as the BV8- 'u a While th'ev cleanse 4 u.o,- otrpnirthen and rebir.iu oy llllil shinglon. Correspondent. Oct.

9, 1903 y. their tonic eMeotH upon: im- nv howelB. Sold by M. Kned man. Railroad Excursions.

Muotimr (irand Lidge I. I In-I' tipoii 16 to in. May dianapolis, I ml FIRST-CLASS BLACK SMITHINC Horse Shoeing and Repairing. Champion Binders and Mowers, also the Cele- brated Stevens Thresher, The. best made.

Satisfaction Guaranteed. Give us a Call ood the 20th, and Arch Doane. Are You Dyspeptic? If vou are a dyspeptic yi owe it to; yourself and your friends to get well. I Dyspepsia annoys tliedyppeptic's friends, because his disease sours his disposition as well as his stomach. K.

dol DyBpep" sia Cure ih not only cure I indigestion and sour stomach, but tins Dilatable recom-truetive toni? digestant trip go ntation ot certilieates. omandery K. T. of Indiana. for the roun proper pres Grand Co Tn.lionaMnli (j.4l) for Mav 11-12 trio, eood until 18th i Mnaieal Festival, I'm einnau, round ALBERT SUMMERS, BARBER, First Class Work.

Cleanliness a Specialty, East side of I'ublic fquare. Jasper, Indiana. the ntrenetheas the hole chgeetive appara- May 11 to it- tft.0tp SKuebler Schmidt the lus ami sweetens the life as we Jockey U1SV When vou late R.0 st Dya-1 joyed. nensia t'ure the food you eat a May 1 ami ill for the round good uniil May to. Spring Meeting ilx Club, May to L'O.

g. good until" May 19. J2 trip ou morning trairis samp, ('onditions May iiitn- nodiinilatfed and its in id good until Main Street, 1 door from '9th Street. JASPER, INDIANA. Alar.

28, 190.i-lyr, Mav good until eut properties apropriated by the bloodj ami tissues. Health is the result, bold by M. Friedman. 9, Mav good until 6th. Sundav rates begin May Jst.

V. K. Olavcomh, Agent..

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