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The Jasper Weekly Courier from Jasper, Indiana • 5

Jasper, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Free luue to Jbvansvilie. Ue Unlly says, lor one he expects to JASPER COURIER. Bv sending your application to E. T. u' aw nig salary regularly.

We surruUed BIBS. T. ilgcnt for as much. Meu who Want to cut down McNecly, bec'y, giving the name of the laborers' wages are never willing to the boss store tor person woo will ue tlie ticket, you wi assortment in the We hope he ST TTrTJ. (CrL.

Spayd lias stoves. The largest county. "cut their own profits, will not allow his dread be supplied with a ticket to Evaneville Retail Trade Excursion Co. 'strain, which tf. or atmocinung with editors hereafter to cause him auv leaves Jasper, June 15th, 7 A.

Tickets not transferable. ALSO A tiSK ASSORTMENT OlP HEATING AND BvfflRiSJ STY fcSS ft (ErMr. Abbett of Pike County, wag In Jasper Wednsesday looking for Mr. Ash-croft, a crazy man, who had escaped from tbe custody of the Sheriff of Pike on Tuesday. BCDo not take quinine for malarial disorders.

Ayer's Ague Cure contains none, nor any other injurious ingredient. This preparation, If taken strictly In according with directions, is warranted to cure all malarial diseases. lossof sleep. The hymn says i "While the limp boldi out to burn, Tbe vilest uluner may return." We will heartily welcome Brother Koerner, aud his associate Commissioners, to the elysain fields awaiting honorable editors, if they will show "works meet for repentance." We have no Use for the other place, and had no reference to it in our remarks, but wished him to go to his better nature and learn wisdom. If he lives long enough he' will also learn that editors don't allow themselves to get angry in a discussiou of a Dublic mm irt COOKING STOVES County Printing Again Comity Commissioner Koerner contributes an Article to the Independent last week, which, asido from its personalities, which really have no place in a discussion of this character, has a few remarkable things deserving a passing notice.

Which would be the best subject for a rumen a County Commissioner offering to make a contract for work Tinware, hardware. over which he ha no control, as he ad- FANCY LAMPS, BIRD CJtGtS, CUTLERY, XOtlOXSa Set, affair, of any kind. mils wheu he says the "old auditor" uave out certain work, in contravention What is It? Aud what It is. Paplllon (Clarke's extract of fUxl Skin of the would-be Gods ou the Board, ''and Bargains on Demand! Cure, like many otber inestimable benefits to mankind, was discovered by accident. The proprietor, engaged in the preparation of certain plants, from time to time noticed tbe effect of working in the pulp vats on the skin.

If there was present any cutaneous eruptions, warts, tbe Board was compelled to pay for it!" or a public officer who after finding out bis lack of lawful power by experience, still persists in an attempt to usurp power, or a publisher who, by a bona fide offer, is willing to try and save tax-payers money for advertising, and snlaries ax well, is submitted to Koerner' own Absolutely Pure. lie powder nerer Tiriea. A marvel nf nnritt Side lmbl.c Square, JASPER, IlVt atrengih and whoteeumenees. More economical than tbe ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition itb tbe multitude ot low teat, abort welKbt alum or phosphate powders. Sokd oai.t ix okb, Rotai.

Bawu niemtsnes or scrofulous svmDtoms. all judgment. 108 Wall St, N.Y. Feb S4. Isss-rWt.

disappeared as if by magic. After experimenting ten years, it has become a scientific fact and a priceless boon to the Friedman, Scheirich Co. nrii (CrSeveril ciiizens of Iluntinirb'urir were in Jasper this week and say the (i. A. R.

4th of Jnly celebration at Jasper will be largely attended by the citizens of that place. That's right, gentlemen, you will bo heartily welcomed. Jasper folks went to Iluntingburg and etijoyed last 4th, and will be glad to see you here this 4th. (rMr. John Mundi, oue of tbe oldest citizens of Dubois county, died on Thursday of last week.

He was Dearly 90 years old, and bad been blind for years, and comparatively belpleBa. He came to this county with one of the first companies of immiirrants brought from Europe by Rev. Father Kundek. when he determined to locate a Catholic colony in this county. (CrMr.

"Billy" Moore, of the Cottage Saloon, of Unntingburg, said to be the finest fitted and arranged saloon, of any kind, in the county, with latest style billiard tables, was in Jasper and gave the Courier a call this week. He says he is bound to "keep up with the procession," no matter how the Evm ville or Louisville men lead off. When the people will have such attract iou the nicer they are the better. numan race, flrom giving away a few DRUG bottles, the demand has increased k3 UfiEj. tbe sale for the past two years amounts to 1,032,000 bottles.

Large bottles only His assertion that "county expenditures ought to be managed the same as private business," we heartily concur in. Would he, in his capacity as a tie and slave dealer, attempt to sell property belonging to another man? VVe do not believe it. Neither is he justified, as an officer, in selling work of any kind, which the law of the State makes it the duty of other officers to sell. Taking last year's contract as an instance, and supposing w. 2ii, Why will too cough when Shiloh Cure will give immediate relief.

Price and 81. 28 all of the officers had been like tho "old A Sound Legal Opinion. E. Bainhridge Monday, Coun Att'y, Clay county, Texas, says: "Have auditor," possessed of pride of character enough to discharge the duties of their offieit, without interference from those without, right, the county tax-payers used Electric Bitters with most happy Corner of 6th and Jackson Streets, JASPER, IBJDIAMA, (GRAMELSPACHER'S OLD STASD.) I have opened oot at the above place a full assortment of FRESH AND PtTKfl DRUGS of all kinds, to which I invite the attention of Physicians and others uecdinjf them. I will five careful personal attention to fillingall pre scriptions.

PAINTS AND OILS, PATENT MEDICINES', CIGARS and TOBACCO, of the BEST VARIETY Toilet Articles in Great Variety, Oct. 16th. 1886-ly JOHfJ P. ALB, Ftl. Di results.

My brother also was very lo would have been obliged to have paid with Malarial Fever and Jaundice, hu Du fendach the $73.99 contract price, and was cored by timely nse of this med have paid other publishers, in addition cine. A satisfied Electric Bitters saved for every bit of printing done- for the his life." County, as be admits their Annual Report Mr. I. Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave of last year, which is the only article of ades a like testimony, saying Sunday School Festival. The boro (Madison township) Sunday-school will have a Strawberry and Ice Cream Festival at Uillaboro church, on Saturday night, June 16 next, for the benefit of the church.

The school has appointed the necessary committees; arrangements i 1 Iff-Clililii: ordinary advertising a county board is positively believes he would have died directed by law to have pubtiehed, (wai had it not beeu for Electric Bitters. This great remedy will ward off, JOS, FBIEUMAN, GEO. FRIEDMAN, N. OBERST. B.

published,) in contravention of tbe con tract, iu another paper. As a matter of have boen made for an abundance of wen as cure an aiaianai uiseases, an for all Kidney, Liver and Stomach di fact, the editor of tbe Courier was asked by county officers, if he wanted certain orders stands uneqnalsd. Price 50c. and Home Economy. jobs of printing, and he replied: "JNo $1, at Mebringer Bros.

Drug Store. 6. Home is woman's domain, and she is since Lkifeuuach made-such a tool bid let him have enough of it. Crowd it to May 27, 1881, 51 entitled to everything that can be added to spare her much annoyance and hard him all vou can," and Dufendacb strawberries and ice cream, and the handsome ladies of that neighborhood will furnish vocal music. Everybody Is Invited.

The Ireland Brass band has kindly volunteered to perform, also. Married. On Jone 5, 1888, by Rev. P. Fidelis Mante, Mr.

Joseph Kuebleb and Miss Barbara Fitter, of Jasper. The bridal reception at Kunkel's ball on Tuesday night, was the largest attend Jacob Gosmann, aged 64 years and months. wouldn't do the same amount of priut labor. There are many conveniences which if brought in use, are inexpensive. Mr.

Gosmann was a native of York. ing for a merchant patron of Hunting-burg for three times the amonnt he got and will materially lighten the burden and labor of tbe housewife. Prominent born there February 35, 1831, and received a fair education in tbe common from the county. among these conveniences is tbe Wapa- Again, in Mr. Koerne'V private busi schools of that locality.

On May 13 ness, which be alludes to, does he at 1856. he was married in Adams county eaneta Porcelain Uhurn, wbicn is meet ing with such remarkable sale and suc Pa, to Miss Snsau Neuhauser, by ed social eveut of the season in Jasper. Tbe wedding couple looked handsome, all friends were joyous, congratulations tempt to jew down tbe prices of the men who oversee, and chop, and shave, and cess wherever introduced. Who ever FRIEDMAN, SCHEIRICH PROPRIETORS OF1THE ECLIPSE PLAMXG Al SAW MIS, JASPER, II, WHOLESALE AKDEETAlL MANUFACTURERS CI ALLlNDS Of ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF BfJILDING MATERIAL and Bt'ILDEKS HABDWABE. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE and such is the case with those that buy their Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Finishing Lumber, Moulding, Brackets, Stair Rails, Newells, Balusters and Trimmings, Doors, Sasb, Blinds, Frames, PainU, Oils, Glass, Pntty, Common and Steel Nails, Steel Wire Finishing Nails, Casing and Flooring Brads, Locks, Butts.

Hinges, Bolts, Screws, Galvanized Wire and Staples, Sash Weights, Cords and Fasteners, Lime and Cement, Plaster Paris and Plaster Hair, Laths and Shingles. Also agents for PATENT! IRON ROOFING. All onr goods are FIRST CLASS, and will be sold at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, All those pntemplating to bnild of needing anything in onr line we cordially invite them to call and see ns and examine onr goods and learn prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we are prepared to furnish a complete outfit or bill for houses. Mills, Ware-rooms, Store House and Office, 2d and Jackson whom he had one son, who now in sees these churns will need no explana haul, and count his timber for bim, be universal, and dancing indulged in by tion of the reasons for the great demand. the service of the Air-Line railroad near Evansville.

His wife died February 11, low what is generally fixed as a living young and old, till the coming streaks of This chnrn is sold solely on its merits, rate? If he does, we are ashamed that goia and gray in the eastern sky gave 1879. He came to Dubois county i and we do this knowing that wherever Dubois county has a Commissioner of me excellent string band an opportunity April, 1864, and settled in what is now it eoes it will make a clean record. Tbe that kind. A a pnblic officer he should Marion township, buying a farm, an following are a few of tbe many advan not do it either. "A laborer is wormy tending it in summer and teaching school tages conceded to the Porcelain Churn of bis hire," whether in timber, stores, to suggest that they were tired.

Tbe Courier wishes Joe and and his fair bride a happy existence in pure love. May tie alwayg be good to "Fit' and when temptations assail him. may she in winter. Farm work proving too hard bv all who nava UBea ipem.viz.: isl for him, be moved tof Jasper in 1879, and zreat savins to labor. 2d, It is so con on railroads, saw-mills, farms, shops or printing offices, and none but men of small mind attempt to deprive them of serin red work at copying In the county structed that it absolutely can not leak I offices.

In tbe spring of 1889 he started 3d, The quality of the butter the inside a book store, and had built ud a Dro fit- TAnn.f a 0 parts being such as not. to injure tne 4. eaova aia iUEBHI B. JX JJX, DWCOUCy, able basiiiess id books' and wall-paper, it, whether In public business or private, and Mr. Koerner will find all mechanics and laborers recognizing this truth.

Mr. Koerner thinks it "uncalled for Al, Jb. Uurlanf, Jos. b. Friedman, Chag.

grain of the butter. 4th, The quantity which took all of his time. On Octobe Kraus and M. J. Friedman left Jasper Sunday to attend the Democratic Natiou- 14, 1830, he was" married the second time, of the butter; the construction of the dasher being such as to subject all of the Street; Near R.

R. Depot his wife being Miss Caroline Segers, by that you name the allowance of $26 60 illegal before the court decides it," as the al Convention at St. Louis. whom be bas bad several children, two cream to an equal amount ui agi isuuu causing the butter to come very evenly. Thanking our patrons for past favors, we solicit a continuance of the samii Miss Alice B.

Barnett returned from a of whom and his widow survh and will endeavor to give entire satisfaction. thereby producing more nutter lrom him. He was a kind and loving bus long visit to Leavenworth on Saturday, Mrs. Em. Dillon, wife of Mr.

John P. sit en amount of cream than any other We Kemain, yonrs respectfully. members of the old board declare it legal to pay extra for all printing for which the county is reimbursed, that they will "swear that was the agreement." If they do, we shall be much surprised. It wa. band and parent, an industrious and cbnrn can.

6th, Tne ease of removing Dillon, of Pierre. Dakota, came in moral citizen, and an active, enterprising FRIEDMAN, SCIIEIIifCIt CO. on Monday's evening train, to visit her the butter and washing the churn. The eutire fop of the cbnrn is open when the AdHI 10th. 1885 ly.

business man, who will be much missed in our town. Before he started his book parents in tioone township. not in their order, nor publication asking for bids, nor were we ever informed JOS. BLCHABT. A.

C. cover is taken off, thus giving abundant access for removing tbe butter. All that store he had taught in the public schools Mr. Will. A.

Wilson, of Cannelton, paid a short visit to his parents and such was the intention. To give one or the county about 12 years, giving gen required to thoroughly cleanse tne man a ctiance to bid for work on one era! satisfaction as au instructor and in Jasper the first of this week BUCHART KRUTSINGER, PBOPBIETOBS OH" THE BRICK FOR SALE! HOCHGESANG BROTHER, Bare taken the yard formerly kept by their falher, and1 churn is to Dut in some hot water and specification, and another be asked to trainer of tbe habits of the youth under zive the crank a few turns. In appear bid for the same on an entirely different nls charge. Mr. Frank Posey.

of Petersburg, the man the Republicans onght to nominate as their candidate for fiovenor, was ance, it would be an ornament to any specification, would destroy the very DUBOIS COUNTY LIVERY STABLE! room in tbe house. Mr. Gosmann was one of the charter members of St. Fedilis Branch, No. 119, essence of fair competition, and we do in jasper Sunaay, visiting relatives.

To responsible parties we will give not believe anv honest man-would be Uatnoiic Unigbts of America, who at this churn on ten days, trial. For sale by Mr, C. W. Dnfendach, of the Ind- guilty of it, let alone a public officer! Friedman. Scheirich Hardware tended his funeral as a body, and in which organization his life was insured Mr.

Ivoerner must certainly be mistaken Store, corner 2d and Jackson near over Monday," looking after the lean picking on his contract with the County Commissioners, and tryinar to now om preparea to rurman mi jjbst of BUCK in any quantity desired, at th YARD ON THE TROY ROAD. Particnlar attention Will be paid to (Tiling a FULL HOUSE! PATTERN, and special terms given on large orders. WK WILL ALSO CONTRACT for BUILDING and FUBNISH ALL XATEE1AL8. HaTGivo us a Call. A.

HOCHGESANG BROTflKR. Jon 18, 85 ly. i Have furnished It with additional htorse ad flrst-claas drlrera and carriages to accommodate the public Commercial Travelers for $2,000, for the benefit Of bis widow in this, as we are ready to testify that no such offer or agreement was tendered us R. R. depot, Jasper, Ind.

to bid on. Catarrh Cured, health and sweet His paragraph abont our duty to ap BE SURE AND TAKE THE breath secured, by ShiloK's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal In peal from other illegal allowances is tbe Will be furnished good fofttMMEB WAG sheerest balderdash. It was as much jector free.

38 ONS and team at reasonable rates. bis, or any other taxpayer's duty, to ap mitigate that trading of his vote in 1886 We would think it would hurt his conscience, though he didn't seem to have any of that troublesome appendage when be pnt in his bid for printing, and charged more for it afterwards. Mr. Michael Sweeney left Jasper Sunday last, to be assigned to duty aB a railway mail, on the E. T.

H. Ry. on peal as ours, and right bere we would Con Democratic Representative vention. ask bim Why he insults his fellow-mem bers on the Board by calling their allow IF TO0 WANT TO GO TO FRENCH LICK, OB ANTWHERR IN THE C0CNTBY, OB TAKE A BIDE FOB PLEASURE, GIVE CS I CALL. (Louiavnxz, Xvakstiils ass St.

Lotria K'r.) WHEN YOU GO The delegate convention to nominate a Democratic candidate for the Indiana ances "illegal," without first having test BEST WACON GO lO ed the legality in Court, as the law pro Jiionday morning, at Terre Haute, Its Legislature to represent Dubois and WEST! EAST or vides? On this score "honors are easy Martin counties, will meet at nara work, but we believe Mike will prove eqnal to the task. He asks, "Why was your bid for the FRENCH LICK, June 13,1888, A eooi SALE and FEED STABLE year's Thomas Jeffer Sergeant Taylor Leraing, of Troy, of THE GREAT SHORT IiOTE for that purpose. in connection witn onr ijivery. son, Benj. Franklin, Tom Paine, and no John L.


2d, I88f-tf. merous philosophers since "their day, have endeavored to inculcate in the minds of the youth of our country (he MAKING DIKEC-T UUNKKCTlOJf AT sr. IMUia taJaper. J. B.

Seal, TRAINS FOB ALL POINTS IN Ch'm'n Martin Co. Dem. Central Com. MISSOrRT. belief that it is as great a wrong atd dis NEBRASKA, COLOKAHO, IOWA offmEn Eonse! KANSAS, TEXAS, grace to an individual to knowingly mislead another by innuendo or infer BTJCKliEN'S ARNICA SALVE.

And the Great West and Northwest. Main Street, JASPER, IND The Best Salve in tbe world for Cuts, ence, as to mislead by a positive untruth, P. B. COFFMAN, Prop'r. Train arriving at Lonlaville at r.

tnakei direct and we believe it is. and are sorrowfully Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil None bnt THF BEST MATERIALS surprised at our esteemed Commissioner connectlona with trains on C. a 0 for white sulphur Spring, Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and all principal HAYSVILLE, IIVO. USED, and EVERY WAGON WAR blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, Koerner for attempting such a thing. RANTED.

We beat South Bend. Ra Butern ciuea. and positively cures Piles, or no pay re We never Dut in a bid for the year's quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect cine, or any other foreign wagon for da- rability. TIME TABLE FROM A SPER IN EFFECT innua umo Volunteers, 8th-and 4th Lnited States dragoons, covering a Period of 13 years, embracing all of the late "oiipleasantness," was in Jasper Visiting relatives and shaking bands with many old friends and comrades on Wednesday.

Capt John G. Leming, of Daviess county, the boss pilot of White river, gave us a call and joined in a hearty ngh on Tuesday, Mr. Hnuter, of Perry connty, was in Jasper, Tuesday, visiting his children, Mr. W. S.

Hunter, and Mrs. S. Cooper. Mrs. Dr.

Hunter, of Portersvllle, returned this week from a pleasant visit to relatives in Perry county. Dr. ZenasC. Kelso, of Nevada City. Mo.

ig visiting relatives in Boone and Madison township. Mr. Geo. E. Bosler, a popular saloonist OfOwensboro, who with his wife n8 been making a visit to relatives in fTAVING taken possession of this ArKiL.loin, lass.

REFEBEHCES Anybody who- ha satisfaction, or money refunded, rrice 35 cents per box. For sale by Mehringer Hotel fformerly the Seilz WEST BOUKD. BAST BOUND. printing at $o00 or anything like it, and Mr. Koerner knew it! Our bid is on file in the Auditor's office, or ought to be, and we suppose is, open to the inspection of any taxpayer, and our bid for the county printing, in the control of the I solicit the pnblic patronage.

Good Jasper. tripd wagon. Not. 25th, 1887-ly. FX FX.

I AM AU. meals, clean rooms and beds and courte Feb. 18th, 1887. ly. oos treatment, and good stabling for s.oo!ii.W) 45 horses, will be accorded patrons.

FX. AX. jaaraa abT 9.40 55 a. HUMTutoaraa as. 8.10 (.25 uscou 8.31 1TAK8TII.LS 00 BOCKrOBT XT.

6.15 Board, if we remember it aright, was SS5 i 20 14T nso 1150 PM. 13.41 Gitb me a trial. April 13, '88-y MONEY IN TlIE TREASURY. -t i NOTICE is hereby given that all outstanding Orders of the incorporated $35, at least, it did not vary far from that The bid will show, and we are NEW HARNESS SHOP ON HILL STKEKT. OPPOSITE THO CORN HIU, JASPERa ITVI 05 150 writing from memory, not having seen Town of Jasper, Dubois county, Traina biln al 11 and 1 :30 a.

m. maka eonneo- ill JJil til it for over a vear. will be paid up to No. 897, issued Nov. Uona wltlt trams tor Troy, leu mj ana uauneivou.

He stickles at onr figures allowed last 14, 1887, and interest thereon will stop FX. AX. FX. AX. IPX.

IPX. XAIN LINE. year, for printing.Tand attempts to ex on same from and after the 16th day of HAS LOCATED la JASPER and OPENED A BOOTandSHOESHOP! plain a part by sayinsr it was for adver June, 1888. 05 11:45 lv. Lociaviu as.

S.M 4.15 0 15 4.40 :5 KK 1:50 On the South Sldeof Puttie Square. jasper, left with her for their Kentucky home Wednesday. Mr. E. W.

Pickhardt, editor of the Me 145 PH. 1AM Charles Souga, Treas. of the Town of Jasper. May 25, 1888-3w. BTCVmGaiTBO AX HAS opened oot HARNESS SHOP and solicits sv ahare of patronage, as he SELLS CASH.

ALbWOKKGtAXANTKgDTOOIVK SATISFACTION. A large stock of UAatNKSS, SADDLSS. In FX oignai, and Col. C. Schreeder, editor of 10:15 100 it.

Tsmvow rr. Lotria 41 T.35, I. 8.H fact, yon will (ml everything usually kept in a FIKST- HOFFMAN Train narked ran dailr exnpt Sunday. Train to select lrom. -tf Don't aak for credit, bat Uase giv leaves Eociporl at 11 a.

m. on Sundays. If inrltes all who want first -elaaa work dotia, glre I 1 him a call, as he guarantees to give satisfaction hi me a call and learn prices. April ta, lass-ly. LOUIS TROALtKi ATTENTION of Kmlffranta Is tapecially inlttd le the all braackee of his trad.

And to his mends and tnaoj customers of Ireland and 'vicinity, he would be pleased MERCHANTS! to have them oall and see him and give bim their orders -rgus, gave the Courier a pleasant c'1 Tuesday. Come again, gentlemen. Mr. John Reifle and bride, nee Miss Mggie Nohr, left Thursday for their luture home at Connersville, Fazette fonnty. Mrs.

Eeifle will take with her, WTe.rhe mav th8 best wishes of a in Pnbois county friends who have her all of her life. The Courier -wlZT weekly tha Dew lrom for work wanted in kis line. ANTONY SAIiXKKT. tising in German Uuder Dufenrtacn'a contract to "do all the printing," German, English or French, or any other language, if ordered by the Commissioners, would be subject to it, and if be failed to comply with the order, the amount should have been deducted from his price. Was the connty "reimbursed" for this? Mr.

Koerner says we have 'no rigut to comment on the motive" of a public servant. With due deference to bis high position, we have the best authority ir saying "public'office is a public trust, to be administered for the benefit of the public," and the prerogative of a free citizen is to comment on the public acts and motives of any of our servants, aud we will not ask him at to our rights. Xay 4. 1888 ly. HAYSVILLE, IXD.

SPLENDID CHANCE II For T0U. FVrmanent position the year round Good pay guaranteed No experience needed I JL JLSood character and il'ingneM to work alon rp-2J37uired. Omit fre. Send for terms and com Just Goinsc Both ta tfia Gatif' aad Cff other Popular Baiaada. at book fccau faCaSej followinr advantages offend bj Uu LU.

IT IS-SHORT LINE TO St. LOUIS. CONNECTS at St. Lonis In Union Depot with trains of all roads leading West, North-west and Sooth-west. ALL TRAINS ARB RUN SOLID between Loalarilla and 8t Louis.

WITHOUT CHANGE. Dajtreina from Loaiaville have elrant chair can. Night trains aae Fallman Palace sleeping cars. For fall Information call oson or writ to A. M.


W. CCRTIS, fteaeral JUnageTt Gaal.rasa.Agt. Dff-Goods, Groceries, is of sheet Mnaic. Scju, port-paid, fer OSLX FOUR CENTS. Stamps taken.

menc at once. nt AUSTIN SHA at JfurTVai. April li, Bocnasraa. V. com cough can be so quickly Pb' Wa guarantee mSSO rauaKxaa Ave, -uaciiui VeotDber ISSI liw.

Adfertiej in the Jasper Coww NOTIONS, Max 18, 1968-to..

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