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The Herald from Jasper, Indiana • 5

The Heraldi
Jasper, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

jacub svsors. cashier. ANARCHY REIGNS THE GLORIOUS FOURTH jonii siiti, rrt. A FRESH COLLECTOR. Jos.

Hoffman, constable and delinquent Farmers and Herchants Bank tax collector, met up with Fred Opel at In the Dark in Pike County Co w- Duly Celebrated in Modern Style Bakery $5,000. Haysville. last Friday evening, and attempted to collect taxes. He has a fine collection Fredy contributed in the shape of scars. The battle was fast and furious and all one-sided.

Joe ought Big Crowds Turn Out. ardly Cusses Shoot from Ambush. JAGPR. llNt 12. CAPITAL $25,000.

SURPLUS, Sute Bank uadetht Bnkinj Laws of lndlana.l We Tender You Our Services. to be more diplomatic in his manner and The Fourth of July was generally ob Petersburg, Ind. July 3. The author- do a Genera! Banking Business and furhish exchange to any part ot methods ol making collections. It is said he was told by the huskey Fritz that he had no money, when Jos.

said: Well, you ities of this (Pike) county will, be kept ex- served as a holiday last Saturday. A big picnic was held at Calumet Lake and the the world at a reasonable rate. tremely busy if they run down and bring dancing was enjoyed in the evening. Just Denosit vour monev with us. We ray Yle interest if deposited on time have watch, rii take that, suiting tne before the bar of legal justice the perpetra fnr nnvpar action to the words, when somethjng bit tors' of the many heinous crimes lately com after dark a heavy rainstorm came up and scared many people home, but more remained and enjoyed the dancing as the rain had cooled the air.

mitted, as one crime has followed closely on the heels of others. A few months ago DIRECTORS: JOS. E. BUCHART JOS. F.

Jacob Burger, Ja J. P. Sali. f. L.

Breti. A large crowd also attended the celebra an attempt was made to assassinate Mrs. Willard Catt. living eight miles west of tion at Ireland, where the grounds were purely Ctt literally packed with people from this and Pike counties. is headquarters for all .,.3 tr kinds of Fancy Baking I Bread, Cakes, Pies, Buns, Rolls, Etc.

Sr Bread shipped to any parts sE on' mail or telegraphic orders 'rs Toys, Cigars, Tobacco; Fruits, Nuts, Candies, i In great variety and 52 ofjjhighest quality. I HENRY MERTENS, 1 PROPRIETOR, ACKSON STREET. ASPER, 1ND. 51 the Fourth and here, a bullet being fired from a Winchester rifle through a window and striking her in the back of the bead while she was sitting at a piano. Wendolin Leighton spent Ladles' sandals for 1 at Melchior's.

THl Herald Is 1 'a year, 6 mos. 50. At the South Side ball park a game of Sunday at Ferdinand. Will J. Enthofen was down busebalt was played between the desk from Louis- mm war maue josepn win iy- clone had arrived ahead of time.

The sad but wiser constable came to Jasper and filed an affidavit charging the naughty Fred with assault and battery, and the belligerent Opel was brought in Monday, pleaded guilty and was fined and costed in the usual amount. He has not done with the constable, however, iand wants to know if a tax collector can lay hands on watches in his pockets and forcibly attempt to take his ticker. Others are also Interested in this method of collecting taxes. Opel Is a young man who not always lived at Haysville and it is doubtful If he was aware that he had any taxes to pay, until so In formed bv the Indiscreet collector. It seems A few nights later an attempt was made factory and the band mill employes.

The weather was fine all day but threat Best machine-made Mason Jars at Melchior's. Nice lace striped linen colored lawns at Melchior's. The Boad of Review will complete their labors today. 1 ening enough, to keep many people at home. ville, to spend the Fourth.

Mrs. Mary A. Barth returned home from Washington, Wednesday afternoon. Hugo Rothert was over from Hunting-burg, Monday afternoon, on business. At Haysville quite a successful celebra tion was also held and a big crowd attended.

Thus the 127th anniversary of our de Jos. Fry arrived Tuesday to pay his to blow up the drug store of James H. Mc-Connell at Winslow, nine miles south of this place. Two weeks later the postoffice building at Otwell, 12 miles east of here, was fired and destroyed with two other buildings. Ten days ago a keg of blasting powder and eight sticks of dynamite were placed in the ball of the court hoyse, and tbe former exploded, but the latter failed to go off, and the building was only slightly damaged.

brothers, George S. and Andrew, a visit. claration of Independence has passed into history! and nobody was killed or severely Injured that we know of. Louis F. Friedman, the dentist, came up fromTell City on the 4th and spent Sunday I to be the consensus of opinion that the collector exceeded his outhority in this case ncre.

Quality considered and quantity meas Tha county commissioners were in session Monday and Tuesday. Wheat worth 75 cents a bushel 'in the Jasper market, Lost 10 gold piece. Finder will receive reward for Its return to this office. 2w N0 fights occurred on the Fourth and cf late the Justice courts have had little to 'do. August Fritch moves to St Henry this week, where he will embark in the saloon Miss Anna Klein returned, Tuesday, In other words, to use a slang phrase.

ured, THE HERALD is the cheapest paper in she had visited a he was too fresh and got about all that was from Louisville, where Last Saturday morning the barn of J. H. Dubois county. few days. coming to him.

Miss Rose Vollmer went to Evansville, McConnell, of Winslow, was fired by an Incendiary and destroyed, and at the same time the office of the Winslow Dispatch Notice to Contractors. COMMISSIONERS' COURT. yesterday morning, to spend a few days visiting relatives. Notice is hereby given by the Board of The board of county commissioners met was set on fire and its entire destruction Commissioners of Dubois County, Indiana, that sealed bids will be received by said Miss Anna Megner "returned home, last was only averted by the heroic work of the in regular session last Monday morning, with Herman Teder, Henry Wehr and Henry Friday, after visiting (relatives and friends board at the Auditor's office, In the Town bucket brigade. George Wuchnej; came home sick, last Sunday, and is now laid up with.

a severe attack of typhoid fever. A special will leave here at 3 o'clock Snn.ijv evenint. lax the baseball came at of Jasper, said county up to the hour of 1 at Linton and Chicago. Landgrebe present. Not one of the perpetrators of these o'clock p.

m. on the Mrs. George R. Wilson Is spending the Reports of county auditor, circuit clerk. crimes has ever been discovered, although 18TH DAY OF JULY, 1903, lor the construction of 16 miles, 3835 feet the officials are in possession of good clews.

week at Evansville, visiting relatives. She left Wednesday morning. recorder and sheriff accepted and approved. Bills were allowed for the usual expenses. Bills for Inquests continued.

of Free Turnpike road upon certain high There is strong talk of a "good citizens' Mrs. Frank Eckert went to Louisville, Hiintifigburg, and will return after the game, i i net At thu Ireland olenlt. a cold medal. league" being organized here and at Wins ast Friday, to spend a week or two with Martin L. Keljams, road petition; viewers ways in Bainbrldge Township and certain streets and the public square in the Town of Jasper in said township, county and state, consisting of grading, draining and low to secure the arrest and conviction of her sister, Mrs.

Mathews. report received and viewers discharged. the guilty parties. It Is claimed by many Mrs. Chris Wunderlich came up from John G.

and Charles Goiter, road peti macadamizing said highways and furnish that most of these crimes have been com Evansville last week, to visit her father. tion; prayer granted purchased for SPOT CASH a lot of 17-Jeweled American movement, patent regulator, briquet hair spring, high-grade ing all material necessary therelor, in accordance with the survey, plats, profiles, mitted on account ot the saloons being Charles Sofiga, a few days. Herman Stork, road petition; received and wiped out in severak townships. Hon. John L.

Bretz and wife are ill at Francis Fischer, August Ahrens and John and specifications of said highways made by the Engineer, Surveyor and Viewe adopted by said board on the 21st day of In denouncing the attempt to burn bis Wiessner appointed viewers to meet at Ed office Editor Aldert J. Steuring editorially Hot Springs, and write they are being benefitted by the springs. Johnson's office on July 25th, to be sworn 1 will sell April, 1903, and now on file in lh County Auditor's office in said ceunty. watch, In heavy sllverlne. cases.

says in this week's Issue of the Winslow No bids were received for the Patoka Mrs. Negele and daughter, Miss Helen, Dispatch: Each bid must be accompanied by a good of Evansville. came up Sunday, to visit township rock roads bonds and the com them as long as they last For quite a long time there has been bond, payable to the State of Indiana In the Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schmutz.

penal sum of forty-two thousand nine hun considerable talk about lawlessness going missioners decided to re-advertise for bids. The board then adjourned. dred twenty-nine dollars and fifteen cents Mike A. Sweeney and Wm. F.

Beckman Hall township, 1902. Finder will be rewarded on returning same to J. E. Stein-kamp, Jasper. Tbe Cumberland Telephone Telegraph company has Issued Its quarterly directory, which shows an Increase In the number of subscribers.

Fritz Krone's brother arrived from Germany, Tuesday nteht. and will work material for the church He a stone cutter by trade. John who had a leg broken while unloading telephone poles some weeks ago, was able to come downtown, Tuesday afternoon on crutches. Tbe dance glvett at hall Tuesday nighty In honor of the marriage of Will Melchlor and Miss Nellie Beck was largely attended despite the very warm weather. The Ireland.

Oil Gas company expect a. on in an around this town, but few ex Signed with sufficient freehold pected it to break out in any such form as drove over to French Lick, yesterday morning, to look after some business. sureties, residents of the State of Indiana, AMENDED. this. Little did the proprietor of this paper or a surety company bond in like amount.

mo Miss Theresia Pfau returned Tuesday Countv Superintendent Melchlor left a conditioned according to law, to be approved by said Board of Commissioners. note on his office door reading as follows. morning, from Bowling Green, where expect that it would be the target for the fire fiend. But such a set Is in our midst, and we feel that we know as well, as we The successful bidder will be required to Gone to meeting at Indianapolis. Will be she had visited ber sister, Helen.

3 enter into written contract to furnish all Mrs. James T. Mattingtey of Chrisney back In a week or sov MELCHIOR. want to who perpetrated the deed, or, In A bargain that you can't afford to miss. Some friend who called to see him and spent -the Fourth with Mrs.

Theodore Eck materials, tools, and labor required to perform said Improvement and to complete said work within IS months from the date of the other words, the scoundrel who set the found the note amended it thusly: ert. She returned borne. Monday. match and the balance of the scoundrels In approval of said Miss Matilda Reifel arrived last week the deal. A little more evidence and a Said board reserves the right to reject "Gone to get married and that's no Joke either.

Meeting at Indianapolis. Will be back In a week or so and bope all troubles from her home near Vandalia, to visit any and all bids. necktie party will be held and a telegraph pole will bear a disgraorf ul decoration when her grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter herman teder, henry Landgrebe, henry wehr, IND.

JASPER Nohr. daylight again dawns. will be little ones, MELCHIOR. Congratulations," Leo Reiraan returned last Sunday to his 'This method is the only one that will Attest: Commissioner! Of course, when a fellow gets married home at Brandenburg, after spending suffice to stop such lawlessness. And we A.

H. KOERNER, Auditor. week with his relatives, Mr. and Mrs. for the first time his friends feel like taking June 26.

1903-3w. IO Ucin auvii a nisi, uiihci, arrive. They bave closed arrangements with a Louisville firm to sink their first welt. In this Issue will be found another artielt by Dr. E.

J. Kempf pertaining to the laws of health, doctors, people and the state capital. The doctor has an original style which Is very droll. An incipient cyclone passed, over Jim are In favor of putting into practice Just such a law. There is no use to try to Fred Kron.

liberties with him. Miss Rose Leber, who has been staying handle such sconndrels through the courts, with the family of John Goetz near Owens- for the courts are a farce, full of corruption EXCURSION RATES. Soldiers' reunion. Lincoln City, July 29 and deceit. bo ro," for some time came home Wednesday.

31, 1903. One fare for the round trip on "When a wave of lawlessness spreads Good. V4 wm. B. Moore came up from Ft.

Pleas 30th, good until Aug. 1st. tnr0UEi, community as It has here, re- Hummer Schuler's plaa northwest of Ireland, last Saturday night, blowing the wheat stacks and hay ricks all over the farm and laying One dollar to Evansville and return Sun I form must come from some desperate means ant, KyM last Saturday, ana returned Sunr day morning, accompanied by his wife and day, July 12, 1903. and a first-class hanging is a quick way to National Encampment G. A.

San son. Roscoe, bring about such reform. No one was hurt, however. George R. Wilson, Prof.

Alois Belter and "It has been threatened, we bave learned All the latest fabrics for warm weather wear, i la Francisco. Aug. 17th to 22d. $51.85 for the round trip, tickets good to return ha ladies- euchre club met yesterday Excellent line of Frank Mehringer drove through to French in the last few hours, that this paper would afttrnoaa at the fhome of Mr. and Mrs ntil Oct.

15th. Side trips to all points Lick, Wednesday, to spend several days T-r rr. i be destroyed, and we make this kind ot a Jos. Friedman. The first prize was won si the springs.

Hor Men ana womeini, by Philip Ouckes, second by Mrs Salb and daughter, Miss Maye. promise, that when ft Is, these parties who have made the threat will attend a third-rate funeral and be the chief attraction Seashore excursion July 30, 19Q3. From jasper, to points on the Atlantic const, 17 for the round trip, which Is less than one fare for the trip. Tickets sold on V- Yc ft i4 FinK! a er leftof terday morning, for LUy White Sul Andrew Krempp, third by Mrs. Philip JCunkel.

Lone hand prize was won by And also a good assortment of the latest-cut phur Springs in Crawford county for a stav thereat. Mr Wm, Bohnert. July 30, good until Aug. 10. 1903.

of several days. The people of this town are strung up to The weather bas been hot and sultry for V. E. CLAYCOMB, Agent, Mrs. Jos.

Stewart, Mrs. Mack Newdeck 5 a pitch equal to a Kentucky feudist. Tbe best men In the community are going armed the past two weeks. Our smoking tobacco Men and Boy and children arrived from It, Louis, las ARRIAf iH I.ICENShS. nas Deen loo moisi iw vurn ireeiy anu qui Saturday, to spend the week with Mr.

and to the teeth, and dare not go out unarmed. The following couples have paid Clerk rollers too green to do good printing. The weather affects the printer and bis trade as Mrs. John Egg. Dr.

B. B. Brannock went over to Loo Men who never owned a revolver before In their lives are going armed and ready at Huther for the privilege of getting married: In the newest fabrics. We can supply you with hats and furnishings. 9 well as it affects the farmer and merchant.

gootee, Wednesday to look after the oil well William Roudenbuh and Dora E. Wine Inger. Without rood rollers and good tobacco we any moment to take human life. We are in a horrible state of affairs, and the only remedy we see is a first-class lynching, NOTIONS AND QUEENS WARE fl cannot do good work. Elmer Lee South and Amelia E.

Katter- Tt) catalogue of Jasper College has been henry. and we earnestly recommend it to our best Usutd Cor the ensuing school year stocks always tun; for staple anqjancy citizen's as the only means ol protecting Correspondence from Dubois, Celestine, their lives and property." shows the' college enjoyed a larger share of patronage 'during the past year than it had ever enjoyed before. The outlook for the Judge Ely this afternoon ordered the Cuzco and St. Anthony arrived at 4 o'olock yesterday afternoon. We found It necessary to shorten a great deal.

Please try grad Jury to convene next Monday to in-1 being drilled there by the HoosierOil dcGas company'of Jasper. Mrs. Mary Fink left yesterday morning, for Colorado, where she expects to remain for some time visiting her son, Henry, and family. Misses Ella Habig, Maggie Wilson and Mayme Haller left yesterday morning for White Sulphur, Crawford county, to spend a few days at the springs. J.

J. Keerl, e-pastor of the Lutheran church at Haysville. but now connected with the Evansville Demokrat, was in town last Sunday renewing some ot his old vestigate the attempts to dynamite the college's, future Is bright and at no distant day we may hope that hundreds of students to get your correspondence in on Wednes court house at this place and to burn the will attend this Institution. i in Dispatch newspaper office at Winslow. you need seek no longer.

We have 'em and at rignt prices, too. vve days. Th Mthtr i to uncertain tht There was not a bid submitted for the Cincinnati Enquirer. 1 take Country Produce In exchange at the highest market prices, yau. construction of the new water works res TO KEEP PRETTY HANDS.

ervolr last Monday, at the appointed time for receiving bids and in consequence the "Tl wt at leaat to know What when we reach July tbe ith. It aurekr wilt not anew. Washington Star. Bettlaa; with Wa, Is It Ya rmr ttteatlaa Tkt. Bwaek letting of the contract Is being readvertised I I PRRNK.EeKE Cor.

Main and Fifth is strange that no one wanted the job, at "Daa'ta- Xmm Cmm Hav Taraa tke Year Araaaa. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waibel, two chil JASPER, IND. Clara Now, remember, jou hate be dren, Eddie and Miss Norma, came up from Evansville, last Saturday, and were the a box of lores, ad, if I win, yoti Don't visit your manicure too often.

'Ts. iC'd CA vk li -t i Too much manicuring woria than muM bur roe Juit the kind 1 like. Georre Yea: and If I win gqests of Mr, n4 Mrs. Christ Rumbach not enough. l)in't Klisb nails' too highly: they Clara If you win, yon hae tbe privilege nf buvinff ma a etieaper rt if mMnBMmwmummumnmunuBmmmwnmmmmmwmuwnwuuwuumuuumnwwKmKnxxxxnuuKnummumnKzzx9 should bare onlr a natural iflo.

Too ton are mean enonarb to do It, X. V. much polishina; makes them teptler. Don't polish nails without first rub- n. Weeklj.

Of Car. least at ome figure. The bids will be opened on Monday, Aug. J. 'George Brooks, the butcher who has been engaged to pitch ball for the Jasper Reds this season, moved his household effects and from Loogootee.

Wednesday morning fend will occupy one of Schuh-machrr's houses on North Main street. He has also been given a Job with Conrad Marks, who will soon open a meat market. The Hoosler Oil das company of Jasper, have been drilling a welt in the oil field of Loogootee and on Wednesday night the well was finished. It is believed that the well is going to prove a splendid producer. i bine on a little roetinted paste.

Use tbe palm of the band to polish. VThere la sort ot el called a la there not?" inquired tbt Don't cut nails without first holding' until Sunday evening, Mrs. Caroline Oosmann sold part of her goods and household effects last week and left Sunday for Louisville, where she will make her home in the future with her daughter. Miss Anna.

Mr. and Mrs, Frank J. Seibert came up from Tell City, last week to spend the Fourth and Sunday here with fea.t(Ytl, Tiilswas their first visit to. Jasper since their marriage, a couple of months ago. Wm.

Aleker, editor nd business man-acer of the filocke, a German Catholic them iu warm water or sweet oil. land-iubhrr, Don't cut them too often, or they "Sxire," replied the longshoreman; at rll become thick and ugly. "mUhUr that'll bold beer or the like Don't cut the cuticle or any part of o' that la Teaael." I'hlladelphia thefleh around the nails. Press. Rare Tkmhi, Don't cut the nails in points, but let 1 them be carefully arched.

but this cannot be determined for several She Wbat do vu think? I antered Don ue a file or emery paper on days a it has not yet been shot. '4. a crowded car thU morning, and a gen the flat surface or the nail, but only tleman offered me hia neat. on tne eipp, lo jrn n. The Plienlx Loan hooka have been examined by Gu Oramelspacher and Andrew lie ThntV notbine.

I offered lady Don't dry theThajsjiis with a towel. eat tM afternoon, and be but with a ilk handkerchief' which F. Cutgseil, constituting an auditing com thanked me. Life. ti mlttee.

The total asset of Series Is absorbs moUture more readily. paper published at Indianapolis, was In town. 1uedy, accompanied hy hl wife. The are making a tour of this part of the state. Henry Mertens was called to Evnnsvllle.

last Sunday, to see his brother. Wilt, who very low' with quick consumpHnn. "Spot" as he was called bv his Intimate will be remembered as the cigarntaker who worked here several years for raete la Ike Caae. Don't neglect to prr back the tU1n around th nail after walilnr the 72.434. 66.

There are 1196 share worth each, which have cot their holders Lawyer What is the ilaliitlfT at hands, so that tbe crt-sctnt, or half moon, ill sho. an 15.1.25 per share, leaving a profit per share of $7J1. Series has total assets of oti i titude In thi cane? WItiiewTrIlecorubeiit. lr. Lawyer llow'a thnt? Don't use ammonia in the bath with a it m.

out applying a cold crenm afterfard WltneKM lie lies about it cinntanl- Don uc lemon juice too oiten on escn, 01. wnieti nas- peen paia in by shareholders and a profit of 29 cents Cblcnpo Dailr Newa, Ibe hands. Try hite vinegar instead. Iicmon Juice shrlels and yellows tbe Freddie -You eaid you'd brlnj me anrface. aomc candy If I'd be jrood.

r- Don't wear gloves every night, or the hands ill become yellow. Occasional PrechteKand Quckes, Rev, P. 0111 of Nashville, who aoine twenty years ago was pastor, of the C. P. church at Ireland, passed through town, Wednesday, enroute to Ireland, to visit his grandson, Master Everett Oill.

He will occupy the pulpit in the C. P. church there before his return home, Dr. J. F.

Michaels and Wendolin Leigh-tan drove over to Loogootee, yesterday afternoon. The former went, to see the has been made on each share. A horse belonging to Ed Kuebler which was being driven In a log wagon, was blt- ten by a snake Wednesday-while passing through some brush. The driver did not know the horse was bitten until sometime Vncle fro sorry, Freddie, but I for use of gloves, however. Is adtii able.

trot all about It, Don't let tbe banda bang" down, or Freddie Well. I'm jrlad 1 forg-ot K. muut Y. Journal. the blood ill fill and stretch the velna be Don't forget that warm feet bare after, when the animal's side and teg llealaa Cvrlala.

much to do with white bands. gan to swell. Whiskey, was administered Conducted by the Rev. Benedictine Fathers. Full Commercial, Scientific and Preparatory Courses.

Up-to-date. and Retired. Terms reasonable. For terms, cata boutte'ia on fire!" erled tbt and the animal's life was saved but the leg new-oil well of the Hoosler Oil and Gas tbe feet are habitually cold, the banda are alwaya red or blue. Wakhlnfton The audience mvit bt "Tbe tenor.

mUed "'AU logues and particulars address, T- at quickly as possible." Star. BERNARD, was terribly swollen yesterday. The bite was In the horse's belly and it is supposed the snake was coiled about a bush which JASPER. rigbt. replied the manager.

company, in which he Is interested, while Wendy weut to make social calls among the Knights (and Ltdies) of Columt'us-'and Loogootee, IN P. fire. Go out The biggest and best in the county The Sav nothlnp about the aud ahiff Tit-Eita. the horse passed over in the timber. i HERALD..

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