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The Wilmington Morning Star from Wilmington, North Carolina • Page 1

Wilmington, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE HOBUXHG BTAIL PUBLISHED DAILY, BY RATES OF Al VJKHT1S1KC One Square one r.TjV-J ,1 TO qjavedays ....4, V.i. I Ot one weak iW .1 Two wecka, 5 00 8 Two monthi.fF?. "JJhree 00 ORN WILMINGTON, nn MAY 6, 1875. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Cap Pear Artillery Company, WnjaNTON, fT.

May 6th, 1875. ORDER NO. Thewwillbemeetinir OPfiCIAL ORDER NO, of this Compaay at the Armory this THURa- DAY) evening at 8 o'clock. As business of lmport-acce will be brought before the meeting, a fall at- By Order of the Captain." maye-lt k. W.


G. PARSLEY CO. Spirit Barrels. 200 Selected Second Hand New York Country Spirit Barrels jast received and For Bale by- may 6-lt DkROSSBT A CO. Hay, Corn and Oats.

2Q0 Bales Hay, 2000 Burticls fQQ Busheis Oats, may 6 tf KERCHNER ALDER BROS. Jtlcal, Rice, Sngar and Coffee. 5QQ Bushels. Fresh. Wat er Ground Meal, fQ Barrels Rice, Bbls Refined Sugar, JQ Hhds DeBiarara Sngar.

2Q Sacks Coffee, For sale by may 6-tf KERCHNER CALDER BROS. 1 Spirit, Casks, Spirit Casks. Standard Casks. "For sale by may -tf KEUCHNER A CALDER BROS. Bacon and II.

Mol asses. 5Q Boxes Smoked Sides and Shoulders, 100 Boxes Sides and Shoulders, 50 Hhds S. IL Molasses, 400 Bbls B. II. Molasses.

For sale by may 6 tf KERCHNER CALDER BROS. Sixty Books WERE ADDED YESTERDAY TO OUR CIRCU-latiag Library. You can loan a book foi only 7 Two Cents a Day. Call and examine our new stock cf Blank Books, Fancy Paper, etc. BLAKE A DANFORTH, miy6-3d Second street, next to Post Offic el MISCELLANEOUS.

A Fine Assortment QF WAI.NUT AND LOCOMOTIVE CLOCKS. JUST RECEIVED AT LOW PRICES. GEORGE HONNBT'S, aprSS-tf 1 53 Market street. Wanted, T7 VERY ONE TO KNOW THAT I WILL MOVE JJJ my Stock of Watches, Jewelry, To the Store on the Cerner of Front and Princess streets, on the 1st of April, where I will open A NEW AND FINE ASSORTMENT OF Watches, Clocks, Silverware and Fancy-Gods. J.

H. ALLEN. Agent. mar 30-tf TTARDENS AND INVIGORATES THE GUMS! JJL Purifies and Perfumes the Jireatni cleanses Beautifies and Preserves the i-? i TEETH Use It daily, and yonr teeth will be the last cf Na- aJits to iau you. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS.

may 3S-eodlyth sattn Pure Cold Soda Water. HAVING LATELY RECEIVED NEW AND IM nrnv fA annnrams and fountains tor the maiiu facture of boaa Water, 1 am now prepared to furnish this healthy and refreshing beverage for the summer, with Fruit and Cream Syrups; and warranted At S. G. NORTHROP'S Fruit and Confectionery Store. April 18-tf Establislied.

TTnr Ritvmsrn DOUBT THAT 8HEPPARD A. can execute the fines jobs of Painting with the greatest velocity and least fxpense, for various reasons: vix He buys Paints.Oils, from the Mann-faiMrer, which enables him to sell stock at 15 per cent. 1 ss than any oth in the city, and he employs the tiem Workman. For proof of the above, call at his on Princess street aiitWatisfy youitems. mnyiim Parsnips, EETS, CARROTS TURNIPS AND ONIONS, i For sale at 1 1 -f-tf RUNGE'S, Northeast cor.

Market and Second Sts. April89-tf SBnilders Hardware. A FULL LINE At New Hardware Store. i 1 GTLES MURCHISON, mayi-tf SSFront street to BAM8 Uue year. (by mall) postage pa f7 00 Six moB 4 IK) a 25 1 00 rhreemoni one month, nth, not authorized tot advance.

tfor outuxks. British government will send a vessel to survey Baffin's Bay and North Atlantic. London Standard severely criticises Gladstone's letter. New York mar- cnirits turpentine, 35; gold, 115J115. Montgomery Alabama, elects entire Democratic city ticket for" first time since reconstruction.

3--r At hla i inaugural yesterday Got. Ingersoll condemned Louisiana usurpation. Loss $100,000 by colliery fire near -Pal. -r- Germany- has sent another note to Commissioner Douglass, Internal Revenue Department, was suddenly notified that ex- geuator-Pratt would take ma TIIK HERALD AND THE CENTER The Morning Star and other Sout er jo nals ha vlng rebuked the Neff York Ilerald tor it sensational attempts through its correspondents to disparage the; vNortU Carolina Centennial of Independence, the Herald replies inaijisi aim is; to popu- 1rize and stir up interest in the mat- I ter. It wish is to( make the Oenteunial Celebration a means of re- reviving in that section of the country a sense of indebtedness to Southern patriotism and zeal, and to obliterate the alienation by Ja mutual apprecia- iluii between the South and the North of the noble deeds performed by each when they struggled together for the independence of the The Ilerald says: The illustrious services of the South can never be disputed- The author of the National Declaration of Independence was a Southern citizen; the Commander-in-Chief of our armies in that heroic war, the moat resplendent name in our history, was also a Southern citizen.

Patrick Henry, tbe forest born Demosthenes," whose eloquence has never perhaps been equalled in modern times, and who was the first to declare, with he winged words of a son! on fire; We must fight!" was also a Southerner. The crowning event of the war, the surrender of Corn wallis, took place in a Southern town. The most important battles in the eatlier years of war, were fought in the Northern States; but, with the exception of Bunker Hill and Saratoga, those battles were fought on our side by troops under the immediate command of Washing- tou, a Southern General. series of battles by Which the war was brought to ita glorious close were lougnt on boutliern sou. These great and conspicuous facts, which call never be disputed or belittled, take out of dur bands and out of everybody's hands tbe question wnetber? tbe boutu did its full share of efficient service the times which tried men's souls." We are amazed tuat any Southern journal can sunt Herald is disposed to undervalue the ser- vices of the South in the Revolution.

All this is verv true. -The Ilerald could but recognize the facts, which it, dots wit suino approach to eloquence. But why," on the eve of the -vent, does np inthe hedges miid byways unreliable evidence that lends to the disparagement of North Carolina and 10' the iojury. of oor jjrt-at celebration? Earnest Journal ism would have suggested a different course. lo do our New.

York contempora ry full jtiitic6 wo will state that its Tuesday's isMte contains a long and interesting account of the Centennial preparations written on the fpot by us own correspondent. The letter is dated April 29. and throws all the light possible on the subject' at that lOKATH OP A PKOfllNENT NOUTU CAROLINIAN. We deeply regret 'to publish Infor- Tuauon of the death in Greeusboro on Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock of Hon. James T.

Morehead. Mr. Morehead was, brother of the late Gov. Jno. M.

Morehead, and was himself a noted man in State years ago. "He had not actively 'participated in affairs since the war. The deceased was quite an old man. That was a spectacle to wring the hearts of all agitators when half, the 'legro voters of Montgomery, Ala bama," voted the Democratic ticket. There was general jubilation Tuesday night at the great victory woo over the first time since reconstruction the first capital of the Confederacy has a decent govern m'ent.

One of the waifs of the unfortunate Polaris expedition died at GrotOn, This was Pony Pherbing, an jKsqueimaax girl nine years of asre. She was among those carried away on an ice floe and suffer with the rest of that party of unfortunates. 3She has lived in Groton since, being the Brst-Eqaimaux' child known to have survived the' change climate for over two years. i i i -The centennial of the birth of Daniel O'Coonell will be celebrated in Ireland on the Bth of next August. lie was born naar coun ty Kerry, and died HV 5, 1847, in wreno itaiy.

Vice President Wilson, did uot go West to visit w-Viee President C. VOL. XVI. NO. 39.

Spirits Turpentine A Boston house erivea $50 to the Mecklenburg Centennial. i George Avers, a Charlotte shoe maker, attempted'to commit suicide Tues day. The Centenniar Cariluta was again Successfully rendered Tuesday even s' I R. P. Wariocr.

is one of the Vice Presidents of the State Agricultural Society. The Branch Mint at Charlotte closes on 30th of June, in accordance with action of Congress. Bishop Lyman confirmed six per sons at St. John's (Episcopal) Church, Wil-liamsboro, last Sunday. 1 he municipal elections through out the State have gone Conservative; there is great rejoicing, thereat The i Charlotte Democrat "savs the wheat crop in that part of- the State is not damaged to half the extent reported.

The Heeorder savs about $100 was realized for the Mecklenburg Centennial by the festiyal at illillsboro last week. Union county has had ah enth u- siastic meeting in behalf of the Mecklen- burg Centennial. Ajslirring appeal was Procauigaiea. ine conservatives of JNewberri got a ma joritv of the Board of Alderman in the election Monday, and they will choose a mayor. Tobacco plants in Caswell.

Orange and the Leader is told by a gentleman just from those counties, are very scarce, A Brinkley vilje, Halifax county. negro boy caught a large hawk ia his hand while his bawkship was engazed in a fierce combat witii a ben. Mr. Wm, Bingham, a erentleman living in the Fifth Ward, Raleigh, was suot through tbe liana Tuesday by the careless Handling oi a pistol The Jtobesonian says if the ma nicipal election Monday that it passed off quietly. change either in the Mayoralty or lioara or (Jommissioners.

The sword of Capt. Black Bill Alexander," of Revolutionary fame, hangs in me XjiDrary or Davidson College, it will be on exhibition at the Centennial. The passenger depot of the Carolina Central railway will soon be situated at the cerner of Trade street, Char lotte, where Di. J. l.

K. tract crosses a more eligible place. The following is the result of tbe election held last Monday in Wadesboro fur Mayor aid Commissioners: For Mayor Dr. E. F.

Ashe. For Commissioners II. A. Crawford, B. ID.

Kendall, J. A. Little, John Stacy and W. H. Murray, VVarrenton without opposition chose a ticket headed by a Conservative for Mayor, and consisting of five Conservatives, one colored Independent and two colored Republicans for Commissioners.

Prohibition defeated in Warrenton town ship, -Raleigh ATeics.v Quite a full meeting of the Board of Trustees is now in session in thi city. As their deliberations Lave et reached no definite conclusions, we defer farther notice until our next issue. We will only add that the Trustees are hopeful that the will accomplish enough of their work to put the University in success ful operation at an early day. The new Chapel of Trinity Col lege has been completed with the exception of painting. It is said to be one of the finest halla in tbe State.

The College is now one solid building and is without blemish or defect of any kind. The Chapel will contain about 2,000 persons and its strength will bear ten times the number. So states tbe Kaleign jews. The Oxford Leader prints Mr. John Satter white's consumption cure: One pint of liquor, 3 tablespoonful of old light-wood-knot dust Dose 1 tablespoooful three times a day.

Instead of drinking CQf fee he drinks mulled tea. He has suffered severely from lung disease up to 1874, getting worse. Since trying the above remedy for a while he has improved steadily until he is now in perfect health. Although 63 years of age he plows every day. Statesville Landmark The con tinuance of tbe counterfeiting cases brought tbe Federal Court at this place to sudden close Wednesday of the second week.

The indictments were found defective wherein there was an omission to charge the overt in North Carilina in pursuance of the con spiracy. By consent new bills will be sent before the Grand Jury next week at Asbe- ville, when the cases will be transferred back to this place ior trial at ine next term of the Court. The bail for each of the sev eral defendants was reduced 33 per cent The requisite bail was given in each case. A number of worthy and respectable citi zens are involved in these indictments and they have naturally been clamoring for trial and resisting siouny me vexatious ue lays interposed by tbe Uovernment. Historical: Society.

1 Raleigh News. A meeting was held at the Yar- bo rough House last evening to or ganize this Society 'under the charter granted by ine last uenerai AssemDiy. Some twenty gentlemen were present including several who have been con- spicnous ior tneir interest in ine uis lory of the State, conspicuous among whom were the fiort w. a. uranam, Hon.

Wv II. Battle, Col. J. II. Wheeler and Gen.

f. L. Clingman. The meeting was organized by the selection of Hon. VY.

A. tiraham as chairman and Col. S. D. Pool as Sec retary.

flir. uranam i in laKing nis seat as chairman, addressed the meet- ioir iri. almost interesting manner, dwelling particularly upon the gaps land deficiencies iu the early history of the Stale and the cause therefor. BUbop Atklusou'fl 'Appointments Washington. May 2 4 5 6 9 James ville 4 Williamston 1 1 it Hamilton Scotland Neck.

Tbaxstzb to railroad companies, steamship companies, banks, merchants, manufacturers and others. They are enduring and changeless, and will copy sharp and for an Indefinite Deridd of time. Having lust received: a fresh supply jthese Inks, wears prepared to execute-orders promptly and at moderate Uonately low rates, i sar yunizaccE Advertisements taken at DroDOi- Five ive Squares eetbnated as a quarter-column, and squares as a haU-column. m- ten nxi MISCELLANEOUS, gtl' hiipers. -THE-- CLYDE fLINE -nt-'J Hew Tort aniWDsinitoiiBteafflsliiii Co.

TQ MERT THE WANTS OF THE TRADE added anotlier Steamer to the JLine, and will sail Hrom7 EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, fdtvu at ifroa Pier is North Riter. Senileekly fkm Each Port' 1 HEREAFTER SHIPPERS JAN RELY tJPON the PromDt and JteculAr S1Hnr nf thata fiteamers from New York aa advertised. As the vompany naa aetermmea to adopt regular sailing days, and with the additional Steamer there can be no cause for delay In shipments. t. utner steamers wm be added as required.

r. iiii nia' ri nkv.ktnr-!a-1 mar 16 tf WilmingtonrN. C. -La 66 Alvav; AhpnH If i'. 'lilt it BUTTER NEW BUTTER First of fthe Season Try ItNoae Genuine Whhout our "Stamp" on IU- fliyerOur New Procesa Empire One Trial and You wll Neyej cse Any Other 'For m'edicihal and table fisd havn1nt rvfnvcA alotoffhe vf Choicest tLiquors z.

mporteu; Old TLbndon Dock" Pert, Terr fine and i Bxiu vTOwn onerry, i r-J Hum; Old HoUand Gin; Dupuy Co. Brands 1848. OurStock embraces the Finest Brandies, imported and elected with narticular care tnr rht mrii.t Send for samples at 7' .7 MYERS', apr S9-tf i 11 is South Front St LARGE LOT OF FINBVy Gosnen and Cooking; Sutter. FINE STOCK OF lVorth Carolina and Canvassed iV! -i. --tt 1 7 J'lv EDWARDS HALL.

apr29-tf The Court of London, Mysteries of Court' of George III. wittfrns- Life and Time of i7ie. Prince of Widen, "II George the Fourth; The Court of London or. The Mysteries of the Court of George the Third, with the Lire and Times of the Prince of. afterward George the Fourth," contains all the facts and expositions published in a work issued in London in 1830, for which Volume a reward of One Thousand Pounds Sterling is offered for a single copy- which is supposed to be in America, all the rest having been suppressed.

Just received and for aale at HEINSBEBGER'S, 7 May4-tf Live Book and Music Store. Just Eeceived. A LARGE LOT FINE IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. Also, Fine Doable-Thick And Other Brands or Fine Cliewlng Tobacco. H.

BUEKHIIIEE, Nor Slarket Street. July Ptf i T7 i t. iBAEER-WHISKIES. 7 OLD. PORT; AlE AND PORTER, l.f, ORANGES, and LEMONS, Fresu Groceries, -tt-f-H i j.o.v.

by every steamer. s--i. ft jLiV. SHUKE," may 4-tf 81 North Front St. Y.

WABlliWEATHEE I SuggeW plpthing V7E HAVE A ASSORTMENT OF j-s'i lien's Slack Silk Alpaca Coats, MEN'S LINEN COATS AND DRAP D'lTE SUITS, itr Hif' Box's and Children's Linen Jf-UMt! AND ALPACA COATS, ALPACA DUSTERS, Gauze Shirts, Linen and Jean Drawers, FANCY LISLE THREAD SOCKS, may 2-tf SHRTER BROS. 30 Market St. The Mystery. EXPLAINED 29 Ho. Front Street.

apr30-2w i i Ilptice. 7.UR BILLS! ARE MADE UP TO THE 1st May, henceforth our transactions will be for cash ex clusively. Friends who are in arrears with us are respectfully informed that they will increase our obligations by a prompt settlement. Very respccttully, may S-tf BOSEOWTTZ A T.yrRTtg. Spring Axlcrj and Iron.

SPOKES', RTM37 BUGGY WHEELS, JlI Wagon Wheels, Sulky Wheels. Cart Wheels, Shafts, Seats, Trimmings of all kinds, the largest and cheapest stock of the above goods la the city, can be found at the Old Established Hardware House ef may -tf Nos. ia. 20 and SI Market kt WEDDING CARDS AND VISITING CARDS printed In the moat elegnnt style, at WM. H.

LNARD'8 aagil I rrlatiBg and PabUahiag Hobs. MISCELLANEOUS. ---V vl Sngar, Flour, lUU r.u' snoniders, i 200 Bces Smoked Bides s' tatldersy tJ! iU 150 BarrdeftMd -r 0A Bags Prime Rio Coffee. 200 Bales Prime N. R.

Hay; Via vl fh V7 00! hiry.yai OA A Hhds New Crop Cnba ICQ bbls JJ New Crop Cnba Molasses, g00 Bdls Hoop Iron, (, g0 Barrels jGlue, jj.ii 250 fiecoB SDtrit Casks, -0 Barrels Whole Rice. 12 000 Bnshels Prime White Corn, 200 Kegs Nails, 200 Bags Shot, 100 Bansila 8yrnp' Bbls Mess Perk, Tubs Prime Leaf Lard; 100 BoxeS Jmd Half Candles, fjf Boxes Candy, 60 Boxes Soda. 20 Cases Matches, 100 Boxes Soap. -t For sale low bv by I WILLIAMS may S-tf NORTH CABOLIRA State Proposals for Convict Xabor. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW PASSED by the last General Assembly entitled: 'An Act Authorize the Hire of Convict Labor In or Outside the State Prison," the Beard of Directors offer for hire the labor of 325 Convicts within the Penitentiary enclosure for terms varying fromfive to ten years, Scaled Proposals, addressed to the Steward of the Penitentiary, will be received np to 12 o'clock M.

Wednisday. the 19th day of May, 1875. i Bidders will designate the article or class of artl-tfes they expect to manufacture, how many Convicts thev wish to emnlov on each class of. art5r1pj how much they will pay for the labor of each Con- vice, per oav. ior amerent oenoas or, time, with or without the exclusive right to manufacture the arti cles specinea, ana state tnr nnmoer or square feet of shop room and yard -room which will be required.

acn oia musi do accompaniea ny a Dona wiut sureties, that the Bidder will comply.wtth the terms of his bid if it is accepted. The Board reserves the right of rejecting any or all bids, if they are for less than a fair and reasonable price for the labor bid for. Forms of proposals and blank bonds Will be furnished by the Steward. i. JACOB T.

ALLEN, President, Ralkgii, N. April 16th, 1875, apl 33-taw 4 thurs. u. s. QOURT ATTENDANTS AND OTHER Cash Buyers WILL PLEASE EXAMINE OUR STOCK TOBA CGO GOODS, With a view of investing to an advantage, at No.

28 Market Street D. IVGOTT. Tobacconist; May5-tf Binfbrd, Crow QFFERTO THE TRADE AT LOW FIGURES J000 Bbls Flour, grades, g00 Bbls Sugar House Syrup, 200 Bags Coffc3, 1 200 Eegs Nails. 0 Bbls Sugar and a fall Steele Goods in their line. Special attention oald to securing low rates.

freights in carload lots. BINFORD, CROW CO. TO MY, FRIENDS WILMINGTON, N. C. I DESIRE TO PUBLICLY INFORM ALL WHO have ever known me.

and especially mv friends and relatives, that the nuptial tie heretofore existing between myself and former wife Leah McNiell, was, at the Spring Term. 1875, of Bladen Superior Coart, severed. And the decreedissolvlngtae bonds of Matrimony heretofore existing between the undersigned, and the said Leah McNiell, signed by ms xiouor ioum Jtverr, wuuge presiaing at sua xernt, is now on file among, and as part of the records of said Superior Court. i ur i maya-iw tvtmru. turn IncjTiire Within FOR ANYTHING YOU WANT TO KNOW OR over three thousand seven hundred facts- Wortlr I Partlcularrr intended ss a book for Family Refer ence on subjects connected with Domestic economy, and containing the largest and most Valuable Collection Of useful information that has ever yet been pub lished.

A 1 CON0LE i City Book Store, No. 47 Market St. may 5-tf Nice; Alpacca Sacks $2 50, Good Cassimere Coat 85 OO, 'DRESS SHIRTS $2 fM-'iS l- 1JUJIES' TRUNKS, GENTS' TRUNKS s' all kinds of" CLOTHING VERY LOW. CO.1 City ClotbiTS. may 2 tf Hay! JUST RECEIVED PER SC11R 11.


ALSO TAv'OjrUNDRED SECOND-HAND SAFES FOB SALE AT VERY LOW PRICES, HERRING 251 and a BROADWAY, New York 7 56 and 60 SUDBURY ST. Boston. i feb H-DebdSmThSaTn- THURSDAY. Good Templars Excursion. The members of the Independent Order of Good Templars of this city, their friends and invited guests, yeaterdap had a very pleasant and enjoyable excursion to the little town of Magnolia, on the W.

R. The: irain started at about 8 o'clock from the Union Depot with the large crowd of happy excursionists, and arrived at Magnolia after a pleasant ride of about two hours. After the arrival of the train at Magno lia the throng wound their way to Temper ance Hall, where a neat little address of welcome was made to the visitors by J. Conoley, P. W.

which was respond-- ed to in an appropriate manner by W. M. Hays, Chaplain of the Wilmington Lodge. At the conclusion of the ceremonies the audience took their way to another hall, where the harpers, which the order had taken the precaution to take along, struck up the dance, and old and young alike entered Into the -festivities of the occasion, never ceasing except for refreshments, until the approach of eveninir warned them again to embark for home. I.

O. G. X. At a regular meeting of Wilmington Lodge No. 64 of the order of Good Templars, held at Temperance Hall last night, the following officers, having been elected at a previous meeting, were duly installed: C.

W. Yates, W. C. T. Mrs.

V. A. Orr, W. V.T. W.

M. Hays, W. C. John W. R.

S. Miss. Anna James, A. R. S.

W. T. Jones, W. F. S.

Mrs 2gic A Kendrick, W. T. W. F. V.jn.

W. M. Miss Faunie Jones, LG. Thomas Stoval, O. G.

James Alderman, P. W- C. T. The following appointive officers have been named by the W. C.

T. Miss Mattie Orr, R. H. S. Miss Mamie Skipper, L.

H. S. Tito Hock Ingham Election. The election at Rockingham, Richmond county, on Monday last, resulted in the choice of the entire Democratic-Conserva tive ticket. The vote for Mayor was as follows: Vc S.

T. Cooper .78 W. R. Terry 47 The Commissioners elect are Dr. R.

W. Stansell, E. A. McDonald, R. L.

Steele, John Morgan and W. I. Everett, all Democratic-Conservatives and among the first citizens of the town. City Court. Tbe following cases wero disposed of yes terday morning: A white man was arraigned for fast driv ing and fined $10 and costs.

Three parties, two colored and one white. were arraigned for neglect to employ the city scavenger and refusing to pay him for work done at the direction of the health of ficer of their district Tbe defendants sub mitted and one was fined $10 and costs, one fined $5 and costs and judgment was sua pended on payment of costs in the case of the i To Cltjr Subscribers. Beginning April 1, Mr. Samuel Davis takes charge of the entire city circulation of Thk Mosntno Stab; and from that date all subscriptions will be payable to He will serve the paper early and regularly, and hopes all his subscribers will pay rproniptly, ashe has to meet his engage ments with the proprietor whether the sub-cribers pay him punctually or not. tf Book Jtouruio 8ta Book Bindery does all kinds of Rinding and Ruling In a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices.

Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness la the execution of their orders. A Rabx Ckakcx. Now open for an energetic and industrious young man who would go In the most re spec table and paying business of Photography, and who would be bis own doss with a small capital. For particulars call on Hi. Geo, N.

Shisbmaeian, Photographer, 43 Market street, tip stairs. may4St r' Copt or Tsstmoxiai. Hammibu May 30, 1874. Messrs. J.

W. Tolley, 99 Maiden Lane, New York OmL: The Gun which joa built for me, No. 8093, has arrived safely to Allow me to thank you for the fidelity with which yon carried ont my Instructions. The general outline, beauty of proportion and excellent finish, axe all that could be desired, and more than meet my expectations. am more than ever impreesed with the idea that it is as necessary for a man to have a gun bul to mess-' urement as to hare a boot so.

built to enu a good fit. The pattern 175 and penetratiou 40 are very superior. Tbe pattern is as close as I desire, and the penetration I think Is seldom attainei. being far ahead of any public record which I have seen. Respectfully Yours, .,4 in G.

W. l'OBMAN. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. We Have Eeceived To-day VER ON TON OF THE FINEST GILT1DGE Table Butter, AND TEN TUBS CHOICE NEW Sweet Hay Butter. Best Butter Forty Cents At retail in quantity from thirty to thlrty-ftve cents.

CHAS. D. MYERS 5 7 North Front st! may 6-tf All Will EEARL HOMINY REDUCED IN PRICE TEN cents per bushel Sold to grocers at five cents. less than any other mm in tne city. Apply for sup ply to the cape rear iour sous ana ean aominy Manufactory.

.4. ALEX. OLDHAM, I ap Proprietor THE GIT The Malls. The mails will close at the City Post-Of- fice until further notice as follows: Northern (nigbt) mails daily M. and; way: (day) ''11 mails A.

M. Southern mails daily. 5:15 P. M. Charleston direct daily: 5:00 A.M.

Columbia night M. Augusta Western mails (C. C. R'y) 5:30 A. MJ Smithville (via Easy Hill and lown Creek) Tuesdays and Saturdays 6:00 A.M.

Fayetteville, and offices on Cape ear River, Mondays and .1:00 M. Fayetteville by C. C. R'y, daily 5:30 A. M.

Onslow C. H. and intermediate offices every Friday 6:00 A. M. Mails delivered from 7 A.

M. to 7 P. and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A.

M. to 12 and from 2 to 6 P. M. Money order or Register Department open same, as stamp office. NEW AUVBHTlSEnENTS.

Uarrison Allen. Straw Hats. R. W. Price.

Artilleiy Company. Kerchnkr Calder. Bros. Bacon, Chas. D.

Myers Co. Table Butter. -Blake Danfortil Books. O. Parsley Co.

Sporting Powder. DeRosset Co. Spirit Casks. Local Dots. 4 A string' band of runsic is being formed in bar Wilmington is to have a spelling bee soon! Oh! won't it be Invful.

Tlicio was iio busliiess of impor tance transacted in any of the Magistrate's Courts -r Two arrests yesterday, for drunk- enness. One of the offenders was furnished with a ride in a cart to the guard The Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Company were out on trial yester day with their steamer, the "Little It is very important that nil the Managers of the Ball to be given, to tlie Press Convention next week should meet this evening at 8 o'clock at the Purcell House. i' To-day being Ascension Day in tbe church calendar, services will be held at St. James' church as follows: Morning Prayer and Celebration of the Holy Eucha rist at 11 o'clock and Evening. Prayer at 5 o'clock.

O. K. M. Parade antt Ball. The Improved Order of Red Meu will parade in this city on the 12th inst.

The same night a ball will be given at the City Hall. Black Hawk, Wyoming and Pocho- hontas tribes of this city and the Pee Dee Tribe of Laurinburg will -be present and participate, both in the parade; and ball. The above Tribes comprise the full mem bersllip of tbe Improved Order of Red Men in this State. It is the purpose of tbe committee in charge, to make all necessary arrangements in order that tbe parade and ball will be interesting features of the oc casion. The different tribes will appear in regalia, having in the procession emblems of the order.

This being the first parade of tbe kind that has ever taken place in the State, it naturally awakens some interest to witness the display of Ibis order, which has only been In existence in the State a Bhort time. Centennial Committee. The Centennial Committee met last even ing at the Cape Fear Club Rooms. A motion providing for the organization a Spelling Bee, to take place at the Opera House, was carried. A committee, consisting of D.

McRae, Maj. J. A. Engelhard and CoL A. M.

Waddell, was appointed to take the matter in charge. A committee, consisting of T. H. McKoy, CoL E. D.

Hall and Junius' Davis, as appointed to ascertain what number of our citizens will attend the Mecklenburg Centennial with a viexv to securing the necessary transportation. Theommittee then adjourned. Jllemorlal C'L U'l 1J A A meeting of the Marshalls recently appointed for Memorial" Day, took place last night according to previous announcement at the Wilmington library Rooms. Messrs. G.

H. and Joseph Bowden were appointed "Assistant Marshalls in the place of Messrs. John C. James and W. H.

Bernard. The committee then adjourned to meet again on Friday night, wheh all the neces sary arrangements for tbe observance of Memorial Day, will be completed. 8. District Coart. This tribunal convened yesterday at the usual hour.

A great portion of the day was occupied in the hearing of several minor cases of retailing liquor 'without a special tax. Eight other cases were continued. The case of Hart Bailey vs. Steamer Brandt and Owners, was continued. Official Visit.

The Board of County Commissioners, accompanied by -Dr. J. F. King and Mr. H.

E. superintendent of the county Poor House, will on to-morrow, pay a visit to that institution and the Work House and Hospital of the county. It is tbe purpose of the commissioners to observe the order and condition of the different institutions. Press Association. The Raleigh News, requested by the Secretary of the North Carolina Press Association to make the statement, says, that suitable arrangements have been made with the railroads for the members of the Asso; ciation who may wish to attend -the Convention in this city on the 11th.

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