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The Wilmington Messenger from Wilmington, North Carolina • Page 1

Wilmington, North Carolina
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XiA Ll x'l iJ J.L "yv A. 'V- VOL. XI. NO. 2741 WILMINGTON, N.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 898. jlUPE 5 CENTS i if ROBESON AL1S RIGHT a point where theyfvrilf use every lawful means to restore white supremacy. There has been i no disturbance 'except at threejJaees -and jthere Is apprehension felt except In two or three counties th contest is hottest and even "there the conservatism of the people probably will; avert trouble, i In Wilmington, the democrats pay ml Another Big Democratic iRaHy Held in This Good Old, Cqtmfy. 1 iWHITE SU PREMACB TH CRY Of the Sterling Men of Robeson County---ACf Old-Fashioned Demo-i cratic Rally Five Thousand People Gathetlrx Hear. True Ienio- i V.

cratic Doctrine cnarics li. of the Campaign- Robeson Democrats at "Work for the, Redemption. of theSftate 3Iany Populists Return to Democracy, Lumberton, N. November 4j The great ciiiaign waged in Robeson county fon the past three.months for the cause o4 white supremacy was rounded up here today with a big rally and' barbecue. It was the occasion; for the general pf the white i unions or'the county.

All day. yesterday night and this morning the white people from every section of'the; c4untyvarmed into Lumberton, until the town was literally a mass of the train arrived -bearing the powerful champion of white Castries who was to be the speaker of the occasion, a grand spectacle Iwaa presented. There were, lined up on Main'street, leading from thje dept, mounted men red a large 'number of carriages and other together with about 4,000 on foot, making a grand Croatansj who greeted the speaker The -feature of i the procession was total with of Robeson's fairest daughters, singing th4 natiopal hymns and the North State," and it was especially paign is being waged, more than for 1 Leaving the the procession; moved td the inspiring, music of "Dixie" as it came from the' band just behind the carriage in which the speakers and the chief marshal rode, through the jpriijicipal streets. The procession at 12 o'clock rounded upj jn te dourt house square and the adjoining lots and streets and there heard wlpt greatest speech delivered in -Robeson yers AVcock is the best speaker in North 'fully demonstrated than here today. the" attention of 5i000 people standing on ifoot forla'n hour and three quar-ters on political-issues: or any other subject, (but Aycjock did it.

successfully in Lumberton today as he pictured the fusion rule. The effect was powerful. White affairs should (not continue. Men who stated that 'they would not be the means 6f bringing further their race and especially upon the wdmen, the and swore allegiance to white supremacy, PeoDlej tfi all classes said thai 1ft SI Views of the Editors of Leading! Dailies. A SWEEPING YIGTORY For the Demomtlc Ticket Pf edleted T-bf aIl-Thejudlcial Ticket 'Safe by JIaJorfly-rA Decided Cain in Consteinen-Tbe LegUIatdre to bej Democratic; will! Cloie Iajorlty In the Senate nud Good Plurality in th Ifoue.

Washington, Nov embfr' 4. The As sociated Press ha4 received the fol- lowing signed statements on the polit leal situation in North iCarolina frora- thf-1 editors eev ral of the leadings mornlogr papers in fche C. November 4. Oil while-, suprenlacy Iparty in stal if? how only the Stq of Novembj-ri it. to aehievf the victory ever recorded, irestoring law and order and public confidence by thq election of the- judiciary ticket, atj least-five of the nine congressmen andj nigtjority in -each jslat ur.e.

Thej slate close? but there wil branch of the letr- senae will be vveryjj be ai good working! majority in the house. As I to the situation in it iP stjll but the' probability of aj very serious race' contlict is growing less Tjhe' decision of the repub-licaji! managers to place no county tickejt in: th field -making a demo-cratit' county out pf a County having 'a republican majority of 750, was the last move iney couiu mane 10 -preveiiu extreme JACKSON BELL, Jditors Wilmington Messenger. Wilmington; November 4 All indications now 'point jto a. peaceful election in Wilmington, and it is highly probdble that) the 1 itenubUcan majority of about tin this will be overcome; miy bet explained as follows: "There has been fin increase of! about 5u0 in the negro registration has fallen off abouTr 200, ana rt isestimaitea tnatitne.raiiure "ofvthe-republicans fx nominate candied a tes'-s for eotinty- offices has so dis- the tired' -them pgroesl thatj several hun-wilL'iiiot go to the polls. iThere will ho iintiniddation here; levery negro cl in vote witnout moiesLa- "tion but a great to resen 'reat many I of them are the jiction of their! white leaders 'by taking ho part in the: election.

1 The general unparalleled- situa its ion in the state is history. There is a i gen ne, uprising of tha whites, brougSit ja-bi jconditions- oxisting; Carolina. The a re a ut by the horrible in eastern- North deeply interested as the men, and th leir acitivity and en ergy '-are faietors! in the cam ja-igm Feveril tho.usa.ndj white repub-licanHi, tVjo, liaK-e conjie ovf r- to apd tKere doubt tha-t ot the populists will vote for what they. U1 the next Ticsday. white man's In tr'irs (the ixth) congressional xlis- triet, democrat, will he 'elect- led, overcoming.

an majority of he, demoeraCs are sure -of three kongrfiSismen. I with hstroiig probability M.u-y viileloot five. to "be going, the and indications all political re1olutiln. The Star Xtu-ecast Is-that the demodrats will elect their Jjudiciary ticket by not less than Avill decided majority in thf lowerjious of the legislature and, at least tWc-nty-eigftt of thf- prty members ojr the senate. A strong point of democratic po- i.sition thpt t-liere ill be a decrease I in, the republican amd fusion' vote andi ji euiiyiaeraoie increase in the straight vote.

This, augmented a pf. the poplilist Vote, will uh- dtuKtfdly give the democrats" the state, fl WM. IT.t BERNARD, or Morning Star Cha.TloT.te- N. November 4. Whi the snuatmTvijn this and pnnieularry at state: is verv tense Wil in rrt rn not btlieve that thek-e will be between ami, election day, or then, anv vt um peace.

i nis opinion is Aased -cm the fact that both sides are so well prepared for trouble. It is such a case -as that of jthe nations, whii -are best for wJar being the nM'iy i ii intormation received here tlnft the Wilmington ire lar Jess aggressive than thoy have "beien. and the -of the repu'tilid-an ticket there unduubt- niy ma kes peace. no-danger of -any of he central or counties, though inferestin the approaching lis very keen. ThevoJiger I pflht is! in those counties of tns''east wjhore Vhe negroes either predominate very numerous, and ot" these New Hanover, in which Wilmington is sHuaed is the storm centre, Present -lndiciatidns I democrat will I w-rtt are that: the thje legislature from the usinnists elect their judi ial tickets and gain the upper hand ot iour representatives Sn congress.

fThis belief Is based npon unquestion-iable facts many nopulisis and Avhite- republicans are flocking to the democratic standard! Some of these, is for' instance Major Wj A. populist! candidate for governor two years, ago, in taking- this step, an-ncfunce that they have hot changed their political jfaith, but pay the erri-prencTes of the situation are such as to suggest the union of the white forces ior this election, if-no longer. J. P. jALDWELL, r.uuor viiariouq UDserver.

N. i November 4. The political' tension is such las has not been known lh North Carolina since 11876. In North Carolina where the political Odi vision is along race Jincs, the white people are aroused lo uf i The Orator oMnp Uri Ble n.a?0' rrmiic.nilf In ttrlottp Charlotte, CJomWer- of the. largest democrXtic raUiie of th campaign held Jn Charlotte' today.

There were abut mounted rn.eri; fn -the paradei! Senator Ben. Tillman, of, anl Senator John Daniel, of Virginia, were the speakers. were -entijusSasti-cally received. jj -Senator "Tillman began bj-fj an. arraignment of rover Clevekd, and, after reviewing the conditions jli North Carolina, urged 'the democrats and populists, to shake hands andpret to gether, as no man need Btay oiii of the democratic party now on; acount of Fusion in NortfV Carolina pow Is nothing The' way to kill fusion is to ltt'te pbp-u'b'sts back as brother and ts white men who love, North Caroling but If they do come as survglas the sun' shines, the 1.i0,(mh) 'demoi'ts will no longer submit to the state of say this," said he, "because you -people; the raceij outh Carolinians.

In South Carolij no negro, editor) rould; slander white -women oft the state as negro -did. That negrci now to be food for catfish in the iittomt of the Cape Fear river, instead going around above ground. Thejii negroes ruled is down in South Carolina once, but titey never slandered oiiig wonjen nor were they- allowed to insult them. There jwere -white men in South Carolina who fold the poor whit; not1 to followj Tillman; that- he wpyld, disfranchise them; but they hftijj ne er been disfranchised. You neeif any white people jp neither need you disfranchise! fmy pe-groes, but if you do ndt you Svjlte people must stick together.

i-i fa question whether you can, jtogether and keep out the thieves: TihSf source of government is the individual citizen. stream -cannot rlsfe? hlght than its source.1 But whena siJte wnth .100,000 jwhlte majorUy -gives itself bad government and puts ignora'ntf negroes in the saddle, -it hardly deserves so much sympathy. Senator Daniel made a verv- conservative speech, eulogizing ths, party and arraigning thgi republican partyX- lie said he leai jfd that" "the canvass here is not; bef jg conducted on i thexrefihements of political issues, i but in favor of good ment and the rule of intellijfjnce: I If there is a race question1 hereiMt is ino novelty for the AnglorSaxonl f4o cal -Senator Daniel spoke of 'tlTjej feeling toward the negro, in the. north, and said thqtt jthe b.est-friend of th wasthe southern man the greatesfenemy the-black manad vias the white! man who tried the negro in "rule over his white, Ahbetrs. ngro.

has no betterlp" rjenlj said ''than the southern nlifi reared at his' i to whom he. ks his but Virginia. Miisppi, Florida. South Texas; Arkansas and iGovernttp Tan ner. of Illinois, have come to I the con Jv nsinn in.1t; Tne nprro.

is a tnii-e ttii in his blace. but nut in' charrd of the srovernmejit is not a sueees-k. 1 thesigns are. that North will come to this same conclusiofelon the Sth day of -November, I haij he.frd with re.gret that an pffort" rUj b-r-n made not long ago to bring Soldier? here to! intimidate th" white nf North Carolina. I do not Aih- Sk- Kinlev to fend his soldiers, hnu.i I dt I of the election in this state favor 'of the democrats, they will sendiphe sol- know that when a great freW People determine they- are going tJf estab- lish honest, free government vSith offi- f-cers in charge, of.

it whom i. they can trust. to preserve, their honon and the honor of "their wives, and children, ho power on earth" can prevent ut." i to. bed -ana early to pre- a man for hfs home in" tt skfJ-s. But early, to bed -and a X.ittl Early itiser, tneipiu tnat makes ni lorrgpr and better and wiser.

R. It. BeSIarhyJ -i- FKECII CAlIlM-r IT Its Policy Outlined by the Njw Pre- inter on AMiemmlug of Chamber pf JJepuile i Paris, November. 4. ftj The thaberf deputies reopened today ed assembly; after its adjournment on 6ctober 23th, the day the fail of the cabinet presided over by 1-isson.

A Amid' great animation premierj Dupuy, read -the! KiSnis'tj-rial declarations He began by.fdeelar-ing the cabinet fully the difficulties and responsibilities trie task undertaken and afHrmeihe supremacy of civil pjwer as tfiefund44 mental principle of. a republican state and expressed c6nfidence In th arnly, whicb, he added, would faithfully respect thje laws of republic! M. Dii-puy thejn jemphasized the1 Imperative necessity 'of fulfilling the i obSasrations of the and continued i' The' government's" foreign will be inspired by. the clear-interest of the country, and- care will be takr t-hajt our efforts are-only proportWue value iof the object at The rrtlnisterial declaratlonj.n'as in hth the chamber olf-ideputieis and in thej senate. i 1 M.

Dupiiy'said that the goyjernmerjt did not iintendi to Introduce lawt; as those Satready existing sufficed to guarantee "order and protect army. As to ithe Dreyfus case, the premier added thaf Ughf will be fhrowh hpon jt the day'the court, renders, its' d4cisioo', which will be enforced the v-. '-''--'it: The chamber' approved the -niiniste rial declaration by a vote of 423 to 64. When. ypu ask for De Witt's With Ilazel Salve don't accept a hunter xeiLor imunon.

xnere are mose cases of Piles "befng cured by this, tian alt i.r- -yf i-BJ not think he has the right1 do i-o, do not vant any man to doi y-hat pis as no right to if thf pepabli- IK'. i i i ilrnv ik-iri-" the speech could not be and 1 in ''those who heard' it. V. A sneaker never received greater commendation than did this worthy son FoifJ Shortcomings of Uic 'f flluban Campaign. GEjiaaWTON TESTIFIES Hi-' i ii IXtfOf Tr lnTeUgtiB fommif Iof I' Admit Jbe KtUunre if 'fnlcure mod omr Irt rations ofitl llrforr Santlflso Kat lUj'f tr Due lo the Rilernrf or th Sie-jn-The MktMlle Attribute K'iy to thr Cllmwte.

vT.t November 4. ArUnf; for War Investigating commiKfiJii. Col'ljf-t Denby Is taking the testimony of fffrl Lawton. to was In' nini mai-t f- the Second! division1 of tho Fiflu.Ts in the Santiago campaign has but recently bvn lievil 1 the of th Santiago. pv-V- barf tfi'.

of troops" at "Tampa. jot the voyage over, he isaltl the vj jsports'. were furnished, as well as J. beJVxpected, a they were not i trooj The medical and commlM-saryjt'pplles were sufficient to prevent jsolute discomfort. True.

1 thcro was confusion owing to mfsun-' derslKfellng of orders, but the general' did 1 fjtbelieve that any rtal, hardship, had -vm occasioned thereby. the result of the bat float It? Clancy, he s'aldp "tjjjia-- received very Imperative or der move to my left, to the right of efctvU but my 'Iation wras such that It. was lm praf4f for" me to leave Caney until ianturea it. ol Law ton Bald his division lost 410 killed and wounded and that, all wounded had, been accounted for. Inhere were -no lambulances, but som; litters, how many he did not kno "Iviowing there was -to be i fight howraoes it happen that you did not "enough Utters, enough surgeons and.

Xha proper hospitial Colonel Deby asked. I 1 ''WeH, I cannot say there were not enobghw" General Lawton replied. "How; do you account, for the fact that the medical men! did not provide themselves with everything necessary -for taking care of the wounded?" "I think they did provide themselves with everything they thought necessary, considering the material, they had to choose There was, no time to do more or get more surgeons! than we nau. ney were distributed to their various commands." Tne general said that while it was sujirues to tne, Jay -In the. trench from "'na to thf-l'th of 3 uly, he-thought the quantity war Fufftlent.

worth mentioning "ntl1 1)161 campaign. Thery had tents except -the shelter tentft f3 a'r untiljust previous to tor ipe Lnitl states. HS respoiibililfy about it. Tho nl'a fm the" ships; for lack of time and fariiitfeji There was very littlQ on account, of the tents. Complaints did not cone to me and-1 wa-s with mjJ merr That thy should have to lleout as they did W(w on- of the contlnsricles absu- lut-Iyiif-cissary, in te conduct rf the "It was trtu as reported," xlie paid, Vthat men had to wear their shirts for possibly three, dayswfithout a- change.

Thifc was because" they had wvay tneir etctra clothlnjr." lie. hlfl t1- climate responsible for' the iidck- ionowea tne campaign. though it was posfiblie that with! more appropriate food, better cooklriff' and 'Shelter, some the sir-Kness might. have been prevented 'It is 'mviopin- any one going m.Mii 10 cuoa win nave to that acclimatlnir fever th I doubt, if one per cent, have escaped absolutely." Summing General LawtonTpaldr "Taking into consideration the conditions hat. We were obliged to face, the character of thei country, its climate and other things being c6nsid-ered; jl say there were no eriotts or gross.

made. I. caft pay therf Vas no lack of care on the part of ly af thd.4e In 'authority, whoso dutf Vt was to look after the interests or i corps." Powder vji4 wnufc XI UU1 pUTlS i cream 01 tartar. I l-i- the food vagainst alum -V i i Altsn baking powders are the greatest mcnacers to health of the present day BAKINQ PQwOCT VOWK. ''-vau-i.

x. ilium i IIHTU Jhs: 4''' i Ai-: Safeguards voice in public i affairs. The condition is "so intolerable that the business men of parties hatp advised that the man's ticket, be "elected without opposition. The republicans' of. New-Hanover agreed to' this 'and, there will be only one ticket in that county.

Thousands of peopfe have returned to the democratic party and huhdred? of republicans will vote with the democrats on local tickets. I spoke tonight at Southern' It is. practically populated -by northern settlers. With possible exception, the northern settlers of that 'resort will vote the democratic state and local -tickets, though a majority (of them are republicans upon national issues, if. This is true also pf the northern settlers In otherpartsj of North' Carolina.

rMany of them are1 fc.mong the most active workers" for jthe success of 1 the democratic ticket. I The campaign has resolved: itself moi-e- into a fight for white rule and -protection- to property than one of political divisions, democratic victory it seems, will i be won--by the aid of jthe best, element in the and -populist parties. Nearly all the men of these parties with large property. interests will vote i with the In the recent pa-i rade of 1,000, men wearing red shirts in i Richmond county jthere was a number of' white populists iind white republicans. This their deep interest in' the campaign and the tremendous issues involved.

JOSEPHUS DANIELS, Editor Raleigh News and" Observer. flattery Not Ordered to Wlmlogt (Special- to The Messenger.) Washington, D. November dispatches sent from Wilmington night to the effect 'i that Datery I. Second artillery, now at Fort Caswell, would arrive in that city Monday night and fepend the -next day, so as to pe there in case-, St riot, and then, leave Wednesday morning for the point of embarkation for Porto Rico, were empIhAtically denied by the adjutant general and th secretary of wak to me today. Under no conditions can -the troops imove to Wilmington without orders from the department here, juhe- entire regiment to which jthar, battery is at-itached-.

is under orders to, hold itself in reidiness ta go no orders yto move have "been issued and none will be for probably two or three- weeks to 'come, official at, the war department said-today that there is need for stating that "troops wilTbe sent any point in Xorih Carolina-on as he hsjit on the auihorky ijhati thi' president has himself opposed- to any such The resident said i a riend sending troops to North Carolina at -the time would be a mistake and would be disasfrous to republicanism in North A number of democrats who are" here in office will leave tomorrow and Monday, to vote at their homes. Some were unable to, obtain leve at this time. -Carolina Wiu si-Foot Kail to Tile Messenger.) s. Ghapel Hilt, N. Novjember 4.

The university football eleven defeated Virginia, Polytechnic today ln; Win-ston by the handsome score of 2S-to G.v Touchdowns were made by Ben-nett, Gregory, Copelanci, -Shuil and Howell. Two goals! Were' The repon says it wasa good game, and Carolinarplayed fine ball. The boys here happy over victory, as this! is jthe first1 The students wired congratulaitions to Carolina in fine form. Overcome evil with good! Overcome your coughs and, colds with One Minute Cough Cure.It,is so good children cry ior it.

j.t cures croup; bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and all, throat and lung diseases. R. R.Bellamy. j- -'Jr J-7'- V-if To Hasten Troops to Cuba 4 i Washington, November j4. Advices from the military commission ioday are to tne effect that the Spanish evacuation of Puerto Principe will take "earlier than November 22nd, and that it will be desirable to1 send' the troops designated in the order issued yestreday as early; as The transport Cfester, ifwhich: i ill carry a' regiment.

probably will sail from Savannah on tho Sth, fwith the Fifteenth which is to go to Ihe town Of Puerto PrincipeJ The Eignth cavalry Third (Georgia will foS.ow soot af-tert ard. i Dry Goods Jlarket i NewYork, November 4. Business in the dry goods market was' not above thvj rectsnt average proportions and in other J-espects without any new material consequence. Special spring lines of cotton goods wereXin mruest. but.

did not suit Fine printed fabrics are gettincr -well tinder orders without the larger buyers operating upon extended scale. There was no business in regular, print cloths reported today. Grand Reception for the1 JTIarla Teresa Norfolk. November 4 The board of -trade and business? men's associa'-ition have taken up the proposition to give the Maria Teresa, I magnificent ovation on her arrival in; Ilhmpton Roads. The day -will be made a gen-eral holiday in mercantile and shipping circles, and gaily decorated craft of every.

description jHvilJ constitute the reception fleet; j.viBaS 1 I I AycocK trjKcs me tvcvnoie i. of at least 5,000 white men and loud huirrahs. the white' floats bear ng a number 1- i fitting, as fbr the women this. cam- any other claims. is admitted to be the i It has been said that Carolina, and at bo place was this more I It possible for many men to hold condition of i North Carolina undsr 1 I 1 rzr ltdok the iew that this state of had been populists before openly injury upon boor white women of the state that it infused increased "ardor l.

Vv aonlau se a'd" more cbmplimentary of North! Carolina at 'the hands cf. I- the call dv democratic, counties is i i Hevjer Formidable Feet j. Washingl5Yi; November Bunce telegraphed the navy department! toda thekcruiseri: CommandeHemphill, had sailed at; noon for this: Philippines'. via Suez. The gunboat Hi'iena sailed yesterday for.

the same digtination. With these ac-, cessions coring immediately upon the heelslof Cffctain Barker's squadron of hattieshinrf Admiral Dewey a formidable i fleet, orobablv offensive in power to only tone IJ, trbpeah nation, namely England, waters. It is not believed, that he will have need of all and he doubtless will begible to! spare some of the1 vessels whic may bein need of repair to return Mare Island. i Constipatiji prevents the body rrorn rififllnsr itself 'of. waste matter.

Pe Witt's LattteifEarly Risers will remove thei trouble nd cure Sick Headache, BilliousnesJnaetive Liver and clear the completion, mall, sugar co. dont gripe if cause nausea. R- Bel- TVt I DUsensIoiJ.ATmons the PUIlIpplno, "r1' "rr lies ot oppc-feing: Americans. i jr. -t file white men and wThite women of Robeson county, After the speeches great dinner and barbee was given to the- assembled multitude and at this time (about 5 o'clock! the town is still full of 1, il-1 people, manv of whom live too far away in county to go home tonight.

Every section and every precinct in the county was The' ladies showed great interest in th'oj'rally kijd it was to their efforts that the feeding of the crowd should be i -ii 'i. nxeu tne repunibij- nTot- waving tents- there. 1.wtV" repjiea: i. don't fix otl ae-n tWi-i. In.1.-.

As an1 indication of the-good behavior ofi the not af arrest was necessary, to be made for disorderly conduct. The success of this big gala'day for white supmacy and good ment is due mainly to Berry Godwin, the chief marshal, and to Geo. B. Mc-Leod, chairman of the executive committee. now over 70 years' age, was attired in a red shirt andlheatTfd (he procession with the speakers, and carried out the programme with vjpr and success.

citizen of theNiounty has the welfare of Robeson couiity'. and the cf the 1 rf J.i- 4 pf. t- IF democratic party more: at heart than he, and been Shown -by his work throughouthe campaign. Chairman i pvicLcfj has done morje. any man, in North'Carolin'a so far as actual pdjnal is cpncerped.

Not since "1876 has there been so much- work-one in Robeson cpunty as has been done in this 'The good pQfle of the; county have drunk' of the bitter cup of fusion rule; they havfeltith. blight of negro domination and- insolence and they-are. deterbin? to throw off the yoke f. that oppose them. Rbbeson will be heard from.

when made next- Tuesday. The ISorth Atlantic Squadron Washington, November 4. It is said at -the1 navy department that the New Tork, the flagship of the North Atlan tic will proceed from New YnA tn Newnort News as soon as she nmvuinnpfl 'd Rimnlied. At New- port News the vessel will coal andf then lie at anchor in Hampton Roads awaiting orders. Commodore Philip, commanding the I i North Atlantic sqnaaron aurmg jmiral Sampson's absence, will be aboard New York.

Probably oth-ier i vessels of the squadron will, be gathered in the Roads" in view of Ihei fact that is a strag'eiical. point forf flying squadron in iiny i direction at short notice. It is said At the siavy de-ipsrtment that this move is also in ieonformity. with the; usual winter policy of the department, the warmer Climate of -vfrginia" making the sailors tnore comfortable aboardship than 'they would be the north. It was also stated that there Is at present no intention of dispatching warships to Cuba in addition to those already there.

cases, We reeommertd it', xcause iv R. R. Bellamy. 1 .4 'if- n' -a i 2.

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