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The New Berne Times from New Bern, North Carolina • Page 1

New Bern, North Carolina
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1 ,1 A. LIBERTY1 AND -UNION. NOW AND FOUKVKU. ONE AND INfcJlCl- Itu.XJUE:.--lJani- V.ltr VOL! IS. 2TOl" 4r3.

ITEW BEIUTE, N. C.f F-ItlDAY'r SEPTEI2BEH 1, 1871. PIUCB FIVE OBIJTC 'ill New Bbbjts. N. SdL 1st, 1871.

To itie lfembeet of A'ew Jkme Lodge, Xo 245,, Buethkzm: You are hereby summoned to at Jons S. Mask, Ical Editor. tend a regular Communication of this Lodge, to be held this (Friday) evening, at 8 o'clock. SrpeolcU. Notices.

Tt heroaHtc Across the Atl.intio not Uncle BamueL He attends to his aa usuaL Spying a tw grey hairs on hie vener.tblo eapvt, vbat does he uo He resorts at once to the only at tide of it kind in the wide world, which ia at the jsame time urx and paarscT, in other to- CHSISrADOSO EZCSLSIOS BlIS DTE. gu.rrinteedhaniileM by PioiesaorCHaros and other dHtingniishett cheaussa. and tho most voy wora 1st degree i WASHXKOTOS-5rB2tL-i--In this' city, August 31st, by -Hendren, Homnann B. VYaahingtoa to -Miss Tmina, daughter of the late David W. Bell, 1 WETIC1A1, Eetwrn of the Vote for Attorney General at the Election Tuld on the 4tVday of August, 1870, and of the Vote polled on 0 3rd 'day of -Av-fvet, the- qvxttien of Convention.

By order of the W. 31, i Thos. Fowxbs, Secretary. There is every prospect now that we will soon have a first-class (white) brass band. A com plate" set of new iustruments have been pnjrvhased for the nse of the Atlantic Fire Com.

pany from vhona members- the band Will formed, and as there are already some first rate musicians in the Company the presumption is that with a little practice, and in short Gme, the band will be in fall and successful operation. On former occasions efforts have been made to establish a good, permanent band, but without success; they have been allowed 16 languish and'fiually become ertinct. "We hope, however, that a' different fate awaits the new band, eadT that such" interest vtill be taken in it not only by its members bat by the community, as will Official Vot. I To fho; Moiiiitains or tlie Sea Shore ARRANfc KMENTS II AVE BEEN' MADE UY THE 14 MLROAD COMPAi 1 lilES FOIl RUNNING. A WEEKLV EXCUKSION TKAIN FKOil fe Houiitaihs to tM Sea Shore A'N phoh vmm -THE ISEA iJSHORE'iTO HE KMOUNTAIKS I Attositex Gesibal's Office, 1 I Ealeiqb K.

C' I- 7 i ubur dye iu tmotica, because it iinpiita tue Whereas, In obedience to section charp. 311, jaws 1870-71, the undersigned met in the pfflce of the Attorney General, ia th. city of Raleigh; onThuraday, the 24th day of August, I B' corarWr a -g 1871, the Preeident of the. Senate and Secretary DURING THE BEMAINDER O.P THE SEASON. of State not being present, and -compared the 1 esnli in estabKsbing if as permanent institu Arrirai Departure of Mails; Post-Office, New-Berk, Aa.

18th, 18714 tion. returns of. vote cast for and against at an election held, on the first Thursday 902i 1043! 788J in when it was found that 8G.007 votes had been 'given for Convention, and 95, moss natural anaaes 01 coiof witn tne grtatest certainty nd in the sht test apace sf time. TUia 1'amoaa article haa 4 SPlkSP TVS GZr2f3; of its would rivals, and is new rsaater of tie situation Aa a dressing after dyeing, ne CURl rADORQ-g liAOt if FOR THIRTY YEARS I Perry laYisv YegctaWo Tain HAS BEES TEST tb IN EVERT- VARIE TY Of CLiaATK AN'iBY ALJIOST E7E11Y NATION EN'O H'N TO 4 AMEBR'ANS. '-4' tvUialmoUhs rQnttast snrl friend, of tka tnlainarv antt -5 Fifty dollars have' been realized at tue.Ettie town of "Wcldpni" in froaa.

fines imposed for violation of town ordinances. 281; 177 504 158: 377; Mall Closes tor auu uuum Alamance, A'exander, AHeghany, Anson, itt Ashe, Commencing Monday, August 7th, 1 87 1 and on each Monday following for six weeks, AN EJCTRATRAIM, consist-. ing of a sufficient number of eJogant coaches, will lC -v be run from end W. N. C.

Rat Sroad to More- head, returning on following Thursdays. "f.i. TtTri' i'nft'V' A 'RTCTTtn-Nr Tint rrrhrrT nw icnv rvr "a "919 25A votes against i 9861 -1052 Now, therefore, Attorney 638: 791 -i 1346! -1505 13261 TTie Eenoalct saysf From almost evrrv General of the State of North Carolina, and 1S91T r-887 12231' 111 .1178 530 -314 .1031 589 1205 .919 .1306 768 "1013 651 540 915 direction, we 'learn thai iaa Tcotton "prospect throaghout this section mloen Bevcrtly dam BeaaforVmc. Brie, HruHswick, Buncombe, 1 Thomas' jrJalrviarSpcaEt'r of the House of Eap-resentativea of said State, by virtue ol the power rested in us by the act of the General Assem aged; within the last two weeks the rust has ROlD TRIP TICKETS il LE 6931 80: seized the greater portion' of it, but more espec- bly declare that the people of this t-l tf 851- 963 liarfee, Cabarrus Caldwell, Camden, iilly upon the high lands, and the crop in this -44435-1429! Il66 639: 8085 737J 1544f 276! 410 251:" 638 and the ad joining counties has been State, as appears by their votes cast at the election aforesaid, have declined to call a Convention. Accordingly the" persons selected as dele 526 623 i 821: Carteret, cut short, from a quarter to a third front what it no rac'turn.

promised the first of this month.4 What is call gates in the various counties of the State wuh lit 1043 not afisemble -iWWj 7- O0erintdmvaiiatoiinsis ftnl oth viRhlrt the Va -'rious MiwrnlSpiliigs, and the i IwusrlRnf -HrfiMfUtititi of 'Htiii 7 Ca'oli4ia or yititinjl the SeS Sljoreiud ewjoym4he I .1265 1220 1480 ,440 "588 .213 ed the second crop has been Beri'Ously the third or List drop will be almost a tola! failure. This wilT prove a severe bluw 1861 221 i 603 it Attorney GeneraL seal Lrwze, boating, Hsbirsg: and surf 218 i Tim 3. Jabvis, i be 'surpass oil, the iAtlant-c i 1117. Mail Closes for Beaufort ana 11 East, at 5.30 M. V- Mail Closes for "Washington, Swift Creek.

Ilviifi and Thursday and Saturday, al5.30 A M. Mail closes or Pollockville, and Swans' Wednesdays and Saturdays at 6.30 a' AC v-4 Mail for FTaUeras.ew York, stmr day a at 12 o'clock, M. Mail closes for Oantshoro, liny River and VaDdemere. Tuesdays Tiiursdnysaad tfatur-r- -days ate AM. ifTC lrnm tho yorih.

West and South at 6 opened fdsrjdeliTery attJPM.r. i i ,,5 Kmm Boanfort and i lie East at 70 A M. From Wsshingtnoi'rft. JfondHy, Wednesday and Friday at 4P Tcentpn, and Pollockrille, Tuesdays i "ml Fridays at t.80 M- From GrantebfflHi. Bay -River and Yande mrre, Mondays, Wcduesdays aftd Friday at Office hours 8 1 M.

to JI and 7 to 7 30 Mundavs froral2-30 to i OEO. JrA Poalmaster Melons and feache ar now scarce TLis' ha been1 a poor season for sun srroka. XM fi7: 1 To-nnorroxr one jeai ag'w tapolao aur-. ajre now aeHisc from six fo flight cents -12121 937 to our farmers, as they had fondly hoped to place themselves somewhat-easy increasing crop. v.

i Speaker House of Representatives. Caswell, Catawba, Chatham, Cherokee, Chowan, Clay. Cleavetand, Columbosv Craven," Cumberland Davidson, Davie, Duplin, 150ffl 1715! 236!) RATES POIi EBTURH TICKETS i 1741 951 1483 1481 "681 194 12C2 Mayor KUbura presidins. 1124? 304 692i 174! n314! 487 2764! 1 1C71! 327i 16 "nm 6831 952; 2876! 1014; 1437! 696! 8-10 Camp Bleetfag; 14 I This tribunal was in Bession yesterday morm Thew wll be a camp meeting at Jumping 2m 1210 ing. and the usual number and variety of cases L-'! i- -9 disposedot; i FROM v.

i 5 -O'-iFas the old camp ground, two miles from Tos-carora, commencing on the 26th of this month. The camp meeting is being arranged under the supervision of the Elders of the A. H. E. Zion 3 76.

1505 77G 954 Elizabeth Willett complained, of William. Edgecombe, Brinsou for throwing at and striking her with the- traveler, on at a and iucd, on should travel eh our Lakes or Bivcis irithout It. 4 tIt.b- been before the putlie over thirty years and probably lm a wider and bettor ie- putsUKM tlwp t.ny ether proprietary luedicine of present At Ihia period tiers are bu few wnacquaiutcd wilii the tseritt of the Pain Kille-; but whHc otr.o nxud Jt they know but little of iU power in easing pai when taken intetpally, while oilier ue it iH-teriuitiy with grent auecew, but sre equally lg norant of lis Dealing virtues when aphtd We therefore wUh to say to ail-that it li 1 equally succetsful whtOierked Internallf or extDally and- jt atanda to-day, wivalled by ail the great taUlogaa of family mediclnea It jufflcient tvidenco of ita virtues at aian-dard nieUiGine, to that it is new used ir all parts of th world and that ita sale Is con- aUinily increasing. Nv curativo agent has had such widespread sals or given such neivmal satisfaction. is a putt ly vegetable pound, and petftctly ife even In nikiilfal" 4 After thirty years trlaf, Is eEH recclrlni th most teilimoniala to its vlrise, from persona of the highest character and r.

aponaiUility, Physicians of the nratreapect-aUlity, recommend it aa a most effectual pra-paratton for the eJttiottibnor pain. It is net only, the beat k-cmctir vr known for Bui Cuts, Burnt. Arc. but lor Lvienterv nr '704 1421 1236 :936 ,1414 bm "765 1991 332 1 1321! 420! "-93011 1379! An investigation being" entered into From n4 VorehMd Citv, -67S 660 tC 7C0 793 S00'1 810 a3V 9NT BOO "flWS 1CC5 11-fO J170 New Hers P56 WB HCS'1035 1 1CC5 Church, of whom idl necessary information can -958 be obtained. i-i-V no re-turn.

the ase was- found to possess lio merit and the accused was accordingly KGoMsboro' 700 HC0 15 925 1000 1050 IrT.j 656 it .725 8S5 675 50 1000 I 2368! 2008 600 700 675 775 6jS M0' SHJ" ItwCtta.i-"."'..-";.-. 686 Willis Patrick 1 Wasr reported and charged 79-il 1793 The first new Craven' County cotton? of the 1741! 1745 1347 Forsythe, Franklin, Gaeton, Gates, '-A Granville, Greene, Guilford, v. Halifiix, Haywood, Hertford. -Hyde, a- IredelL Jackson C-; tQT Tickets sold at the gon'd bit ExciirsxoHlfrain ohly and i will 'i (Lonly 13 recognized whri lha passenger gets on the train at i.VJi-IoSitts of jpurchase '--p -in 3584! I 5901 84d "with violating a ordinance by "rolling 'a wheelbarrow- on the. sidewalkr" lit "view of mitigating circumstances' the prisoner was discharged.

i- i 390! -''1006- 1717!" 3230; 5G2! 401! 555! 2731 5 629! 401? season was brought to. this ciiy; there Ijeing two. bales whicn, were grown by Messrs. er Flncher in the upper part of this county, and was classed as strict Low Middling. Messrs.

723 per ooart. st 5 The Boarcf of ICdrintv'CommissioiJra meet 297 Ann Maris Simmons, an old offender, one of 751 Walker, Jones, Co. became the purchasers at 1556 816 733 338 "772 703 1467 710 1447 523 958 843 GOIxaWEST-tTnuWDarsi 1263 GOING EA.S'1V(Mosda.) --4 17 cfsl per pound. DeunqnenWshtjcrfajist their atytawLles with 229! 587 st at i it the soiled crow fraternity was arraigned charged with 'drunkenness and disorderly conduct. For this offence, the first by any she wasfined twenty-five dollars, but The Messrs.

IShclfer Flucher, slates they tli fHorV ''J rT 737! 855! i 542! 777! 1325! I 575; i nivna i 553! I "176! I -sSStf. 'i t.i. 519 559! could have had this cotton in market a sooner had they wished." They have scv. 1224 510! ,911 82'i i 1. rat otherbales on hand ready for market 530i the Mayor afterwards reduced the penalty to $5.00 cr opUod of going to "jail fox thirty daysend-not "haTing" the funds she Waa-accordlngly escorted! to Ilotcl O'Hubbs for Johnston Jones, y-Lincoln, Blacon, 1 Madison; Martin, Mecklenburg, Mitchell, 51 2m I 4S9f ,1107) 551! Seathtrn Historical Society CJIAHLOTTE.

12:00 M. SAWSBtJIlY; 11:32 12:54 1IL "LEXINGTON, 10:38 i i vriiGllEENSBORCXuT ,4:29 v.riiCOMPANVt iii6i 739 562 I 576 (2026 era, or any toit of Iwwtl complaiut, it Is a 599 It will be seen by an article, published in the m.n; 10:40 M. 6:16, thirty day's accommodations. 488: 20891 623! 2161 Southern Home of this date that it is expected 11:30 A. 12:52 10:45 5:00 M.

Nelly Parker and Mellissia Willis.twe members "47li 4 r28o; 4G9 481 i t4al of alightj sicknesa. in lh.9 city at' Jhi4imey.T5j mol ff A number cf ybTmg nienm' Eakih are about TOgaaiilng a Tbespiaii' i.5 i' i Jo-iiy is. tbe anniviarsary "the 1 famous lbattla of S.9da.fob2ht ia J870. n-t To-day is the first of eptemtberind the fiat of the antamc or i. The Henderson Fair commences on the 10th and lists nntilhe 13th" of OetobefJ13 ,1 Further news fronCharlessbn wonld, indicate tuat the j-low oyer is rapidly abating, Major Seattn-Jije-D(B(i; to lectra-e St Tarbor 4:10: ma 98ffl of the Soiled.

J)ove raterinty, were charged with drunkenness and disorderly For this offence they were-- fined $25 X)0, but this amount was afterwards reduced to of me as Vice President of the Society for North Carolin to prepare record in what the State did in reference to, secession, seizing of forts, it, and confederation." I will be unable toconip.y with the task unless information. 11:00, GOLDSBOUO, 1:03 pliM MOKE HE AD CiXT tJ ovt ilf J- 20271 1184; ij 181 3 5123 ass Moore, New Onslowj t-4 Orange, 788 $10.00 each or tMrryday jatNdt 'having 412! I 660 1299, fl752 rrmcay uusuipaaseu for. eiucieucf sua rsptdi' ty of etioa. in lbs gr-al cities of India, and otbor but fUtiiatci, it una btcxvma the standard Urdic.isa all tuch complaintt. aa well as Tor Dyspepsia, Liyet Comphtinit, and othvr kindred iiis)rdera.

Foe Oonghs mud Id Caukcr, Asthma, and Iiheumatic difficslnts haa been proved Ly the moat abuudaut snd convmciag lestimoi.y to be an iuvalsabls mad' line. USE 0HLY HPPHAFS 6EEAT B. STANLY, AI.T.EU, AMI. MclX TATIL -k- Priidt A 4 It 3nl Ticket iAjft-N B. the necessary funds pay-jt heir fine they were is farniahed ma by the proper persons.

I would be glad be put- In eorrespondenca with all ,8371 lOolj. C38 both escorted to Hotel CHubbs there to re .855: 684 .6561 1092i main for thirty days. In this prompt' and familiar with those matters and 'with the part acted ty the North Carolina soldiers hi the war. The people of the State feeling an interest in a signal puniement 'of these woman Mayor Kil-burn will commend his action to the entire 189) 128G 'Atlantia MNortli Cardlim 'sfli lit: a Wedaesdayuly; '13ri870: ou yesterday in aid of the Odd Fellows. i The hosa tor Department is ex- truthful history of thotfe great events, will please copy this card.

D- H- Hill. 791! 788! "2914 991! 920! 765I- 3.HH 1212! 1164' 1623! J143.L v' 973 1134! 945! L. 4521 560! 502! I 328! 634! 3504! 2206! 798 community. Much compliiint haa existed against this nuisance, an the manner in which the Mayor has dealt with it when brought before him, will give much satisfaction frSSFJP frint Newf rk. 1590 Pro-ride fo Ue "Winter-.

Ferquimana, -Person, pitc. poik, R-xbesony Rockingham, Rowan. Rutherford, '5 S.imfKtony. I -Stonley, Stokes, ti h. -Surry, Transylvania, Tyrrell, 14591 898 Eeaj Dovra- We desire to call the attention of our people.

The "Vyeinstein baildingyp -apidly completion, aiiid is assauing magnificent 1397 white as well as colored, to the propriety of pre a1 ,1 GEP, MAN; BIT TEES JTew-Berm Aeatf nay 5 LEAYR paring for the winter. The fall has now com 593 -989 ARRIVE. LEAVE. STATIONS. ARRIVE.

proporaoasts-ji EZIVL One of NewrBern'a cay yonns Belle's Tester- cjir Will open on the first October, 1871, Geo. W. NeaL Principal. Afeis- menced, and the chances for saving and making 100 845! 1144!" 1322! 1003! 1207! 1210! 5r 929; 115; 367! 664! 915! a. 11171, 1117 848: 341h' 923" 1724 2oa 1226 790 1288 1422 1398 i 596 1339 1627 i 853 i 826 393 1 291 773 3103 4 988 U58 I 489 1615 872 1141 627 1462 MILES.

day become Lady The haDwv 367 8.15 P. MJ 5.15 A. M. jMorehead City, 5.4G i bsTevport. 7.45 P.

tantr male teacher, in Latin, Greek and High English to be supplied. Miss Bsookfield couple took the train for for York aster- a little money better than at any other season in. the year. The possession of a few extra dollars should not cause you to indulge in useless pleasures, but should rather serve as an incen 429 788 3112 aiy moruuig. i Haveloct, 6.10 6.31 8 in Higher and Primary Mrs.

Esther Stanly in Primary Department. 1 Yesterday was pleasanVit; being a sort a fill day. The thermometer indicated, in the .531 tive to an effort to save still more, in order that 11 The course of instruction will be graded 7.30 s.04 AM. -c? 11 Washington," Watauga, iMIKUXES. bo n- 44., 4 -33 is 25 18 18 4 15 a fosr schools, em 500 176 813! 263! 911! 7.44 7.20 6.5; 't 6.00 5.26 5.07 1 4.41 406-.

3,27 3:12 6.31 7.15 ,8.03 .8.22 sS.48 9.17 9.42 I0.6l; 10.18 10.45 bracing the Lowest and. Highest Branches of r7.20-M- 6,59 6.15 5.0Srfi- 4.13 .3.43 3.12 2.45 4 when times grow duller, and the cold weather is upon you there may be something to fall back upon. Now too is the time for the poor to pro-; vide for the season of frost and snow. Fuel is much cheaper now than it will be then, and it Wilson, 1 1191 jCroatan, Tuscarora, Core Creek, Dover, Kington, Falling Creek, Pi-Grage, "Goldsboro, 'x 51i Yadkin, 9.244" 9.43 8791 an English education including therein the privilege oY 'the raost advanced studies of auaae, euaegree3. jt A.J.

Yopp, for twenty seven years connected with the "Wilmington 'Jimtnal, has Beveredhis connection with that paper. f- The New-Bern police force, for it size, performs more and a greater variety of work than any police force in the country. 590 245: YSncey, 6 0 9 Ida. them tics; the Natural Sciences with Ex 10.03 would be wisdom to lay in as much of this much 95,252186,207 perimental Lectures; Ancient and Modern Lan- ao.i8 needed article as circumstances will permit i We 183,426,0071 gnages, thus affording students ample prepara 74 1 tion for the' practical pursuits of life, or for. would suggest' to the pastors of the different churches, particularly the colored, the propriety 4,221 THE EUKBAR3 BITTEHS OF Zmm.

BE9 IT TZ PUTS1C1AM lETXL'B 9AU.T PBAST1CL I Ltppmaa'a Qreat Csrmas Bitters atsasnUieaa sb debiliisted. Uppnuui's4ireat 0 arms a Bittara cares Eiiasy Cess plait. ts. Lippman's Qrsat Great fisnaaa Bittorv carts fsssale CoiutiaiBt. Uppoaaa's Great Osrmaa the saoal delirht.

fl ana eSectivs ia tka world. Ltppmaa'a Qtttt Oermaa JJiKsra aaraa "asvse wsll" people. -i- Lippman's Great Csraaaa Bitters fives aa sppedto. Ltppmaa'a Groat Ccnaaa Ittsrs sar( LivstXapi Ltppmaa'a Great Osnaan tltUra xiVsa teas to jfr sut orsaaa. -r Ltppmaa'a Orset Carmsa BlUsra flvss sasrey A Llppmaa's Orsat Ssnoaa Sittsrs care's Xervoasase Ltppmaa'a Crsat Qtjrmen BitUrs, tie ff Xedtuius.

Liprmaa's firstt s3eiaua JHttan nxahrtea Aa Bowels. Llppmaa'a Orsat flsnnaa klttsra xdtae the 7etfef Liver. Lippiaaa'a Croat Oersaa BUtcra wiO felve TsatVXa Vior. Li ppman's Great Slttwajprsysata CWJla sad Fever. i Bold by U.

ADEIA2C A TOLLIRS, I'dminstsn. K. C. FLead. ii l0 tn fall isapproachirie we wonld again urge the propriety of organizing a New Advertisexaents.

if of calling attention to these suggestions in the hope they may be productive of good. Osncz A. N. (DostPAwr 4 -K 1 i Jtfeto-Eernc, N. July 11, 1871.

-(' -V 4,4 4EL- T7tf PRESIDENT4 7 '7Tri associationi or debasing FALL TRADE OPENED. There are six pigs ia the city pound which A Mystery. Quite an excitement existed in the vicinity of be Bold to-day -at 12 o'cloak, unless re- chine for donblc the amonutjJaid for it, provided couju not replace it. awjpww uior --aa tune Dy tne owner or ASDBKW COATS. liespecLf ully yours, the market yesterday by the statement thai on Wednesday night loud noises were heard in a stall in the People's Market, and the watchman supposing that some one had gained en 1 jl.fMYEllli THE South Front St.

CROCER, LAEGK STOCK OUicer Tucker has also be-n detailed to act as sanitary inspector. It ia to be hoped that entering any of the different classes in Collegiate Institutions. ll -J Pupils should be present, if possible, at the opening of, the scholastic year, to enter fully upon the studies of the schools, i Parents in entering their children are under stood to subscribe to the rules of the Academy, akd not to withdraw them before the close of the session, except in case of necessity tp b. stated to the Principal, as this is one of the great safeguards to a high standard of scholarship. 1 A certificate of proficiency can be granted to students in any one of the four schools' when properly earned by industry.

These schools are free oi chiu-ge. to all white students in the County of Craven, between Che ages of six and twenty-one years, Apply for. certificates' of admission at. the trance, entered the market and the stall but no one was to be; seen; the weights and other our citizens wni afford the officers every oppor-t unity to make thorough inspection. J.

E. ASH. Kcisr Bern N. C. AGTEXT-FOB -i4 THE MOST COMPLETE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE '4 IN THE WORLD, at It oe every kind of that hht her Pewin.

Machine can hid mbtB? BOTTON-HOLKS and OVEliSEAMlSG which bo oiker Scwin' Machine caa accoirpht-h, i Every MO'-kineM' arranted to give Entire Satisfaction. THE AMERICAN BTITTOX-lIOLE OYEB-- SEAMING AlsD COMPLETE fc 4 SEWING TheSrrtaiiJ oH- and 8KWING MACHINE comhincd. thm has ule ita adfent In thia or any other cmnlry. Th tollowiug reasons arc givtii articles were scattered about the floor in promiscuous confusion, but no clue existed to the GENERAL MEECniXDISE, -North Carolina has the smallest foreign pop- New Berne, N. 0., Aug.

55 1671. I.Kah: Dear Sir -The American Bnttoa ttole and Over searainsr Sewing Jfacliinc" I t-nrchtecd of yon 1 flnd to be all it was recomm-nded easy 10 learn upon and stichinff beautifuilT- 1 prefsr it to all others srd would not part with it for doable the pike il I could nst procure another like it. Vary rcpactfn'ly. uANMA Hundreds of other erdoremi-iitd the American can benwn at --v J. NASU'S Book Stum HOT1CK.

O'OH Sij KEfiS 0P.DBT 6 0 0 3 author of all the trouble. The place was put eongiatins el bxotjk, PORK nunon of any State or Territory in the TJaion, it being but 3,029. Little Rhode Island has 55, 39S, and Delewara 9,133. "And yet we are to rights closed up, when at about 3 o'clock carsea witn Oh my! i COFFEES. Thursday mornlngtne same sound and noises were but as before, an investigation being made no one could be discovered as the -rr SOQAUa why thisis Ihe iopt 1 MEAL, The notification of the Sanitary officer Vp complishing much good, occupants of lots very R3nerally coroplyins.

nnrl mnvinT th author. The one conclusion consequently aiv rived at is that the stall is haunted and thai LAUD, office of the vundersiened, on the corner of BUTTER, niiqaiat spirits -are- having a high old time at CHEESE, the streets where it is placed for removatPTf MOLASSES, the expense of the stall- proprietor. This Hancock and Pollock streets, before the commencement of the school. As the school is expected to befull the next session, it is de very important that immediate measures SYEUPS. Bingulai 'affair was 'the 'subjact of general re Ha lonj; beea xepardsd as ths uatt and cnesr-ewt Jlakiae VowAte ia nse.

ferfeotiy pare acl be: It mokes, at 4hert iMtice, delieums Ikscaita, iujv Ae. There need be no wast of food pcepsnd wwo it, oa it is always sfihs bet quality would to those wko safe never eaed it -that vary fnr trials will eaabie thea to ass it, wt eoly with eF satiattotoa, bat witUasoaway. Put ap TVUJitet wsifht, rojnseoteX 4Bnsetaan4X) laiassUitr vj taen for the r3moval of the garbage to some- A DOSIEariCS, Ac, Jkc mark and conversation in the vicinity, and sired that students shall procure certificates of and. in faot evervthincr wantei bv the oeonle. vn lub xaty umitf, many were the opinions offered in explanation.

It has been ustrested tn if Of course the credulous are but too ready and willing to believe the ghostly view of the matter. Consignments of cotton aid other produce solicited. I Liberal advances and pronpt returns made Give me a calL I will injure BatitsfacUon. admission some day before the school opens. r.i E.

STANLY, Treasurer, of Che Trustees New-Bern Academy. 13-tf." ri uu aw vwuaiA ax a good idea for the Mayor to request two gentlemen in each Ward to act as sanitary inspectors. They could forni a Board of. Health, and would relieve the police force of the dutr tw DOOLET BROTHZB, Trap's, flow Strot, xzrr tcgxz. crrr AUEAN HOUSjTJ FLEASAX71Y 1CCATE0 AT "We give the suggestion for what Meat mess.

13 wortn. mES FUBLIO are RESPECEFTLLT INFORMED Jl that Mr. Johueon. aided (by the will continue the meat bufinesiw tier old A Tirginta editor has at last come to the con stand. to 1 elusion that a man might as well undertake "Tiot.l himself" at arm's length and then turn at the Pepple's plarket ramiiv r.iacnmo 10 rurcnase.

1. Because it wilt d-rcvvrytliins that 837 machine can do. sowiu trum the; finest to tiic coarstrt mat-srial hemming, ullinfr. eoTdlne, braidinffi binding, raffling qnilting. etc, heller than any other machine.

2, Becaape the tension, are more easily adjafted than anyother machine. S. Because cn work a lv-anil'ul button hole, making aa fine a pearl as by the band. 4. it will embroider orer 'the edirc, mating ancotand benati e) border on any cannot.

8. Because it will work beautiful i-yetet hole. 5. Beraase it cau do ower-lnd aeaminc by which pillow cases, sheets and the like are sewed over and over. Because yon can eatrkty raise or lower tb feed to adapt it to thick or thin c-lotb.

8. MeeHVse yo have a Rttort desp bobbin by which the thread is constantly drawn from the ecclre the teosioa is consequent, even, and does sot break l'i tt. Becaase the presser foot tnrtia, back; that the cloth cairac easily rtmoved aitir being ewtL 10. Because the best mechanics pronounce ts ihi best flaished and marts, on the brrt principle of any niachiae manufactured. It hut bo prig to break; nothing to get oat of ordef.

Becsase it is two machines tu one. A TIctttos Uols Vorems and SmKS Mcir omMned. 13. Ho otbe- Machine eaa aceampiish the Viad of Sxwing stjilcd in Ivoa. B.

'4, 5 and 6. Psrties Oiiins a family srwing mscbtnc want a WI10LK MACHINE. oi, with nil tbo improvements. It is to last a LIFETIME and therefore is wanted that will do the most work and it best: and this machine enndo several kinds of sswins: not done cm ANT OTHElt MACHINK, betides doincevery kind that any other cau do. Price, THE AMEIUCAN OB PLAIN MACHISE.

(Withont the BottoB-Hcle partsj.doca all that Is done on the Combination exebpt button-holes and seaming Price 40,00. City Referrences, Kewbern.H.C.,irb.8.187l. Messrs. CaEUKJftniiHaKBV, Ojtsts: Mother directs me to say that she coctin-nea to use the Machine on all manner of work Ub entirs ease aqd sacees. -c Very rcspcetf oily.

1 WAtTKffDrFFT Jan. 23, 1671. AH Retail Oj-tliers ar-ioantincr to ana 4 rcr deiiVercd in. any part 1 v. 4 tlie runfry 4 FREE or EXPBESS CIIAHGES.

HAMILTON JeASTICIS KOSZ, OF BALTIMORE, Ta or4erthbrtr-r tomt ti wants af their Setaii Castomers at a 4it-m-. a Kcft- 8AMPLB.BUBE1U, and will, span apiVicaiia prompUw trite' If mail ft' line, of ---a 9. the Nw-n and 'ahionblt Oo.1 of FfifyNCU. KNGI.Iail and 1MJME3T1C ilAy rPACTUttK. gnarauterinz at all tiroes 40 e'J at Mr -if- iot at its prteet, any huass ia iti BniZ onr poods from the largest and most nle orated mantifactnrers in tb? diCeient parts of turor import ine tl" mama bv Steamers direct to Haiti rnwe, oar stock is at ail tiinss promptly supplied Milk ILe novelties of the London and Pans markets Af we buy and sell only for coe-l.

atd make no batt drift we are abls and willing to sell at rnon Tiw FirruK pes cekt less puuit ttiau ii wszars crcdiu tending for tamnlee specify the kind dr.tirvjt We ket-p the grades -of elasa of goods from the lowest to the most eostlj. Ordsr vnotcomvanieb by tluteugktrAllhettntir. O.D WHOLKALK BUYElt rr invHed iaspect tbe stonk in oar Jobbiaz sod Park-age itepartmcMt. Address HAMILTON UASTKB A SOWS. Jifft, tSO, 8ui and Jul West Baltimore 8t OctfiT.

has nsz nznysmK. champaioxf, wisrrs BOB1580N COUUTT -8 Alt A caOIX" KOM. and SCOTCH VJUSSSY THE BEST HADE, rov.9sht D. T. Cirraway general Life and JVte ic-sii ranee agent, S.nti rxont sLeet, New- Bern, do-ible somersault over meeting house" steepl as to attempt to publish a paper that will suit MR.

MANLY, AND AT STAND OF the entrance of the Marks Fresh Keat always oo Orders punctually attended The steamer Ellen S. Terry, Capt. Salyer, mil sail from New xork, for Newbern on Tuesday, Atigust 29tli, at 12 M. The new steamship Zodiac, Capt. Chapin, will 7 follow the Terry, sailing from New York on Saturday, Sept.

2d. GeoTW. Thxij, Agent. Dissolwtlom of The firm of Wade Dunahue, doing business as Hotel keepers, at Morebead City, is this day dissolved by mutual consent All claims against the firm will be presented to D. who assumes the same.

Mr. Wade alone is allowed Jt a Bign in Aug. 5-tf. v. Wanz St Dvxahttx.

everibody. And hence in our opinion, in view A Trgnlar cnpylj of and goods oi its lmpossioility, one is very foolish to at- If JlAJSlX, -ropi it- a lot Matrimonial. a The total number of marriages In Craven County for the month of August was twenty-one, of which seven were white and fourteen were colored. The following are the names of the couples that took the reckless step: Whites Alfred Gatlin and Emily Augusta LatMnhonse; Samuel R.

Street, Jr, and Laura Johnston; Thomas C. Clark and: Maggie Fnlcher; EpenetuS Holland and Clarko Ireland; Nathaniel Smith and flattie S. Richardson; Herrmann B. Washington and Emma E. BelE; Christopher C.

Flowers and Mary B. Ireland 7. Colored Damon Barnes and Cynthia Evans; Edward Skinner and Dilla Warren; Charles Mouten and Nany Rhem; Peter Rounntree; and Clarissa Faison; Taylor Newby and Mary Rouse; Henry Stephens and Lidia Moore; Daniel Tripp and Charity Nelson; John E. Moore and Emelino Green; Owen Bryan and Sarah Jane Eborn; Abram Bryan and Caroline Green; CoUison Bryan and Francis Beaman; Richard Heywood and Srah Jones; James Jones and Margaret Jones; Henry Moore and Rebecca Fair I In endeavoring to correct an- error that oc- enrredin Wednesdav'B issue of the TnrEs r-ference to the citv (it. Mmud inaA vertantly to make another.

This time we deKiratn THIS LARGS tnd -CejrMOPKKTS KOCSJ 0 bicn tbororghly rs-Sited atd iuTUlaUfO, sua i -oar pee for tlrsreeepHoa of viMtors. Ita iocafio is directly In front of the WKXS JUd ia ios to KorehjHl i'Hj, Jort Jaacon, Cape Lo koit LirM Hoose, Ac Tb ABLS wl he seprdiW WkB refT tejsry tb and adjviijnr markets Sotd. Afcd tUU servants are in constant sttedJsnco. BAtt is sppptiud with choics LKJITOKS ati CIA ftalooo is also connected with lbs Eooso. Good Music will bain sltejidawo lor evrnif is or, Ths Xail Bl and th tria of the A.

A t- at Uorsbead Uty, ud ist.d at HoU-i brf -Tb Propriety, alaas mae this SCOX2 to f0X in Ue btate, every jU tMiSOade to make L'KbTo oopi'orliOJe 1 be siKeilhersoidraintfnny solicit Vpt agwl his unmerous 1 ririuis mid the S. STREET, Prcp'r, aate it as it is. The City Government proposes to jvy a tax of fifty cents on the one hundred lar valuation for euiTiit rmmwi Belhel Near Wgrrentonf Fauier Cmmfyfi Prepares Youthsj for Collegf UniTersily, or for Business. BOARD A3MTTJm01f 175 per session of JOmontis no extras. Locality nnearpassrd for hftltu and uioials- For farther address -ALBERT G.

SKITtf, WM. Wi 8M1TO, A. Principals- tf tional or special tax of fifty cents on the one urea a-r valuaUon, making in all the same tax as Removed. Bv D. Hancock, dealer, in clothing, hats, caps, shoes, tronka, 1 valises, umbrellas and gents' furnishing goods, has removed to the new building of Baez Eppler, No.

39 Pollock sfceeL -i. Aug. 27-t -v -tuvuo uuuot tux on the one hundred doUars- valuation ofprop- Mfn. froskmar aiv? Cffiry: fienu. ill's C.

aat Uwi ue would Cpt ecllom na r.t nr. if August I1 i.

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