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The Cape-Fear Recorder from Wilmington, North Carolina • Page 2

Wilmington, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Vv A mc noil the man vim rpkc rt-tf wa For the use of muse who arc (vaC of VALUABLE SOUND Twenly Dollars' Reward. Vm CALDKR, Co, Aiu 5 South yater ttrctt near market, dock, Offers for tale an extensive assortment ol Comnriwlrxr Rnuila Ilnnn A Ct-rJoge of cVf aize, Chain CiJci, Amhor. Oukuin, sUthhig rir Copper, N.u-ilt. tu-al Inrtrummtn cW, dMinWia) -FORALa-' The Subscriber oflcrs for sale, that trell known plantation formerly belonging to Col. Itickard iNiJon, lying on' Topsail front of the Inlet, bout twenty railes' from Wilmington, containing between 600 and 1000 acres," 300 of which are cleared and under good-fence, and about two hundred well worth ckorjing i the remainder well.timv bered end nn excellent range, for caUlo; ond hogs.

The qualit of' the eanal to that of an other, tract on' the 1 Carpenters' Coomrs'' and Shoe. I fiber ft Tunic 4W 11 SouniV ond situation. is healthy and 4 tu. l'Olts, Paints: Varnishes. and pleasant.

sist of a good Dwelling aud'all necespa. ry otit houses. Persons wishing to pur- chose, tocalj and view premises, which will ho shown by Mr. TWENTY DOLLARS and all reasonable char ges will be pnid for JLSUJ5 who ran instant thO tte TKN DOLLARS ami tn dollaps mors if taken out of the State. Bob has relations, at Wilmington.

N. where he was attempting 'to get tho last fall. lie is about lire fect (, Georcetdwu, May i) 44 Im $175. I v. AS hk subscribers intend leaving this P'acc.

request ptrsOns who arc in- debtcd them hy otc or econut, to call on iIr. Jeremiah ISicnoJs who is au thorised to fettle the same. i II IIOSKINS Co. npru -ai 100 Balea llay jf April 18 The subscriber is prepared to pay ft sc wna amcena 10 me amouni .01.1 pri- cond dividend to the amount oi 17 prut. j'vM iMM.flhA a ma ri a if An on err-' seven incbcR liiirli--verv liht colored fni npfrrn rathrr nrnmlnpnt frJiirs -about Jo years old, with aninte.U.gcnt acei 1 ran lunv on the -Tv- If taken 'Within if- nerro.

and was as black at charcoal, a F01lSALE. T3iT BeU Here plantation, formerly ths Real- SLik Hen i In North CarpUna, ndtwoinilc l'cni WilminjtU to Fawtievilk waniioon, oniiwowRo i Thia nlantiifutn contain ut Uat U00 nrrea of two swamp 0 ot windij tra tinker una unco end now a ndcr In FtrtilUxj, don't know that it U-npn lor Xfl ther respect it combines msro mlrautiige' than rWplM j0 lKWat'- 1 tlu fir.a it ltutt ly In that riirheftiitiJ which esrimo ft ftoiutheeffiKis ofthe.U'W(iurMfnliaditiiopM,'t.M by KeodUixls ailjouiinff, tlmt my by tortn, aiiwt own very uh'oiihkhtiuc, u.i 's 1 1 .11. ihiii.liifM L.wtnoui;1inoi b'oHtjt iuaiTrr.tfl by Ibyererks, uhI in one UwhS ftJ ih mu-ha nmiiiirr, that it I iwrwwe thirfl li tini, an it woukl nthrrwuw tv Thcra aliout IXK) actra of iic Lm or CO acrM perhaps, whh hu a day foundation i 'I iiiiij iv 1 iu 1 11 wi 111 1 1 th5 rcat wauld nMi mtnuiv every )Tr, nnd with Mich taiid I iwyer loeiWIe. wdl a ffoodand nafol.l waur as can bo found in the lower mrt of the cwintrr- hnKhna one. and half atory with kitchen, waah- bonne, HWta, earring Jtow, winmi hon A hftTn 1 10 feet luij 10 fect wkk, two atones ht-jh, tn winch a thnhinjr anii otucriwocmnea.

an ocrwi rHhoivM and kitr hen. alt, which arc ofbrkk. put up ial manner. Therein another born mint ot wont --directly nt thS river, from whence, the net Can bo cocveniontiy thrown into a not or vei i ami any vrw. that Can come over the bar can conic to 1 1 nave cnueavoumj 10 rrnaer rcnuBiifiifc 11 1 alltheTenairaondiirtnrOvcmenU I have 'The buildinna are all in perfect order.

plantation highly, improved and capable of the" hanJsoraeiitand racwt Dleaaant reaidenee in thia nort of the country The were made with tlicexpecta-tinh, that it would chief reKidi'nco all ray life; but the state 6f my heulth nuirea, that I should resile mort permanently, 111 a hish and itf part of the eotnitrfw and on the same river, eontaining about 400 aci 1 of tide swamprof whirh 40 acTes afo under lnk in cultivation and ICO 'actMofwvll timbered nineland.lvhiiriuiliothsifliwof Vesides on the place. Tenns, which will be accordodating, ap ply to the subscriber in DANIEL Y. SHINE, Newtern, iIay, $3, Dissolution of CopartnershipV THE connexion in miinne6ahcre(ororecxiting' betwoea the aiibacribcra under the firm of content on the (at 8cpt. last. AU persona irulcbt-f to the said firm ill -plcose call and vcttlo thoif h'otes and Aocounta, on or before the Irt January next with John Dawson, who is authoriaed i tlo the buaincaa of suid firm and all person having claims against wid lirni are requested tfl haud thaui in for tieytocnt.

Vr JOHN DAWSON COPARTNERSHIP. The subscribcrahairur lornnxl a connexion hf bethe'Iate firm of Waddel) Deberniere, rIT have rcocive1 froeh in navrficni foe Timber. ff BP? Mi Summer Good-of th Ai fre in nuiT, TI, 4v i.ui..-'-i ii tnvimrvit njiiuu tvuiVll mil nitnit tl Nirv uiui. wiiL wi.w Tiw. vi.ii i.

Kn avm for aome tiw, but the foundation is perfect, and tne iiiiii dain enure i so that it caii beerect-1 edafflunatavBrytmunL'encnc, In addition tothe pine tiaib v. cypress end below the mill. a. uuauiuv VI VVJm A pounding mill and. thrashing machine can he erected witti great advantage.

1 I good Dug-a-whowoulditu iv the natural history and habits of A- merican came- whether animate of birds, fish or fowJt and for those, who tako pleasure in. the and other ostmnitcr of nc City of Baltimore, com commenced fn Rcpicroocr, jcy, me puoiicautn 010 monthly periodic entitled, the ameiucait Ttjnr heoisteh 7 AND SPORTING MAGAZINE F.Acn number contains about fifty ges, on very fine panrr, clcpanlV prin- Af 1 1 nr. ted, with my costly cncraving ofllor- 8es, Dog Birds, Fish, Ac. besides wpod cuts on various subjects of uatu 1 Besides original sketches ana ante Besides original sketches and anee jolcs 0f hunting, shooting, fishing, Eiv lllC ofliciftl "Prl fwnshc1 the Jockey C3ubs, of all.the rnces in tlic 1 United States; prolraitUTCs and memoirs 0f animals most distinguished on the VCierinnry -inionnauon. bi wio jium lirrers of aU thorouch bred, animals The two volumeit, of which ft fer J- -Annfa I ot tuC periormanccs 01 WC uouoipiim I Arabian, Duroc Sir Archy, American fanrU: ih niuminuio imported lying vnil- jcr8t imported Diomcd and memoirs I ui Kuan v.uvi voh.uiuu norscs.

1 nn it.inrnv a nnw 1 -r ensraved, portraitures Of Mambnno, I TreV llambletontan. gjjV Dungannon," Anvil, Baronet, Voluuteer, Eclipse, (English,) Herod- Shakespcare. Dormouse, Mufti, Flim, naD. procrenitors, of oar best stock and of American horses, as soon as portraits can be obtained, of Timol eon, Henry, Ariel, Gohanna, Betsy Ran som, John Richards, Monsieur Tonsori, Ttn- iti, I Medley, Kate Kearney, Folly Lady Lightfoot, Clara Fisher, Bonnets 1 lilue, ftiso imported norses, A.eviauian 1 and Ynnnir Truffle with manv others.aS i t. ti I rasi as eneravuiga can ni 11 1 13 iL.

A 1 all lovers of lielQ sports the A merican Spbrtin? Magazine ought to be nntArtniriinir nnri incrutitro nnH. nq thel' I mu.uji.ui uaiiuia 1 Tf. I ling and other vicious amusements but to all breeders or amateurs of the 6e Irom the mat. tney must refer to it for the likeness, history and performances of the most celebra nd ihe pedigrees of all thorough bred horses as well as for the best in- t. SirUCUOnS On UrtUAIIIi: IU HIK I hnrnpaa.

manao-pmpnt in Rick. 1 gauaie ana harness, mi ness and in health, 1: shoeing, 1 he Editor is without inclination or necessity to say any thing as to the cha racter or execution of his suffice it to state, thnt few impressions the second edition remain unsold, and that not one copy can be disposed of but upon strict comvliance with the I. I. lenus oi me puujicauoii, which are tivis yuyowMj nce cmyear. noir rt hn 5a-tn The subscription mo "1B BWC v.

A ik i Each year's publication, with the ti uc pugc aim uimuic iiiuca, win wane i A w.Mffr 1 1 ir Ti a year suosenpaon year subscription 3 Copies of the Engravings in the tiff vn 1, V.aA anliAnl "fp'vo- Hon at the office price, twenty-live cents single, or live lor one aouar. I I The price of the work, neatly hall bound in Russia leather is 85 50 per boards with linen a ne connection in Dusmess. heretofore existing between ths subscribers under the firm; of Janies Chambers and Compan mis pay aissoiveu oy mutual consent. Janies Chambers will settle tho business. E.

P. HALL. J. CHAMBERS. Anril2 38 3w.

Tne subscrilx'r lias bought the j. ock of Jmes, Chambers and V'Ompany ana SOUCirs-llie pilD lie patronage at the stand here tofore occupied by James Cham bers and Company. He requests 'all persons indebted to said firm rdcomc forward and make pay ment immed ia tel y. d. U11A3IUEI.

I I Pa I w-aitinir to- 1 I a oi i J3" t. my TCI7 I horse, it would seem to be indispensi-fitaWvcultivatexh and a Diirt ol it mav be convcr-1 F. J'ojujvunur 't W.C.L0RD Attorney for Assignees of tt DeB. April ,11, if. r- Henry ReDirriey Jr 'Stone Ware Manufactory, (Near the fork of 6ccond street andGcrmantown PHILADELPHIA.

vrucn ior urono warn gironca to mx jamrs Patton j. 0 jame. Fatten' 0f Wilmington, will meet tt with every attention have ut of pricea of jaea w. ration ts" vanoU kyul8 of war whl mAJ 1)6 ciaimtv cd by peraona wiahinff to order atone ware, Ndtice. i r.

rr unaer me urm oi in ive linen ana uai-1 i0Vjay," is this day dissolved by mutual consent, April 3th 1832. J. B. GALLOWAY. John B.

Galloway, will attend to the settling of the business, of the late nrm oi jYicivctincn ana uaiioway. ma TV 1 JOHN B. GALLOWAY i The subscriber berrs learn resnectfiil- 1V tn infr.vm tho nnKli thai ho id nn. v. i re.wl.urtL V.ecui',eu me nrm 01 lCtveitnen OC uaiioway and ft, 1 if i I iw i I.

in oe mucn ooiigea to nis iricnas lor continuance of their custom. J. B. GALLOWAY. May 2 42 tf.

'Y- WILLIAM WAKE. Offers his services, as aDentist, to the citizens of Wilmington, in place, ne wJl De lOima at his DOSt. at ail BCa devoted to this subject, for the four last yeft" ana ne is ampiyproviaeo wnn he is amply pi all things necessary tor the various op erauons on mc teetn. -urni ir i vYiuiam vare aoes not tnjnK it worth uai3 lor testimonials to ms aDiniy nay ian.btflTionarjr anaaUnont every article fotjnu in tha mod' citcrwive entubliiihiuenti. A very complete assortment '-of HaiLDWAElB rushes.

Glass Pultv: Drue '-ALSO- A WrC -assortment- Of SiinJp9 Wit rUh AA2! ngllStl AmCTl- Can TOUTld. SQUOTC 1 Scroll Band Hnnri rn shect Iron: 7 VV Amencan, famnantpCaat feels AViriicht and Cut naila and Iron Hollow fl Tin, Jappaned and Wooden Irpyisioiis.FlourSh Deakra in any ot the above artklca, suppliedat a very small advance On Niw York and Boston prices. jMay 4. jC. to.

ui in BVJ a. I II I i 1 1 I I I II II I 7 lasniuna ana lraponanons togethtr with an excellent ftwortment of Ladies and Gentlenien'a Boota aiid Shoes which they offer at reduced pri' XLSO in addition to their stock of they have iw Barrels ayetteville Floor, 20 'Apple Brandy, 20, Whiskey, 3 Hhd N. E. Rum, 1 Pipe Holland Gin, 1 Cocnne Brandy, 10 Hilda prime Sugar, -r-15 Green Coffee, 30 Kege Tongiuw and SonBclfc 2 Baxketa champaign, Kega Crackers, Kegs White Lead A. J0HW s- JAMES Co March 21 t.

Shtfl nf Tnrth PnMtlnrf vuiviiiiii. nun .11. nanovcr Vonilty, UOUrt OI 1'JeoS and Quarter Session.s3Iarch George Larkins and others Adminintrator of, John Larkins, Moses Larkins and others. Petition for aecount and distribution. WHEREAS appears to the antkfaction of he Court that James Rowe, Priscilla Turner and Molwy i Rowe or who are defendanta in the above suit.

nr nut inliuM'iinta fifth's Miat It is ordered that publication be made in the Cape- I.w j.v. ar weeaa, mat unicsa me aaia partiee come forward by the next terni of this Court, answer plead and dcniur, the petition will bo taken proconfessoand heard expertcnstothem. JUUiN VV. 651 AN Clk. April 18 40 fiw.

Copartnersiip Formed. The subscribers have entered into a Copartnership, for the purpose of transacting Commission business, under the firm of A. cVJ. MacRAE -kCo. Arch.

McRAE. JOHN MacRAE. 3IacRAE. For Sale ly A. J.

MacKac Co. Sugar in Barrels and Hhds. Butter In Kegs London Porterin quart ueam, Coils mr.Utro. Flrtiir! Crntoa nfC.rnrh They have also constantly on hand. opirns oi lurpennne put up in glued barrels, Bright Varnish, Bright and i- Shipping Rosin and Pitch.

SMITHVILLE. To rent for the summer season a vc ry convenient two story house, in the town of Smithville, siuated on Front Street, iri good repair and sufficiently large tor the accommodation of two small families. For terms apply to A. GALLOWAY. farch 2-43-4 1.

For. Rent or Sale. On the most accommodating trrms, That pleasant, healthy and well improved lot in the town of nmitnville. latrt tfi tpsi- dence of Mrs. Clitherall.

On the premises are two neat and conveni ent Uwelhng nouses, together with all necessary out buildings. An extensive ornamental and kitchen garden; a fine arbour of grapes and two excellent wells of wate. the hole under a good and handsome enclosure. Fr terms apply to Doct. S.

B. Everftt or JubnBiwD ia. SoiiJiriUf, -1 XJ in haa business under the firm of Kyle and Dawson oat the 1st Uept. last will condnct the Dry Good boar- nesa in aU ita branches at the stand occupied by the late firm of Kyle and Dawson. 1.

JOHN DAWS05T. They have just opened a Isrpe and extensive ac-aortmcnt of ST APLE FANCY DR OODS which they offer at reduced prices for CASH. Alone of the Fartncra iresklea in New York, they will continue to receive by every Packet mch goods a are wanted for thia tnarwMogrther wiui every thing in their line, which is Aw Fathimabbg and Desirable. deem it unnecessary, tt give a list of their prewnt Count ry Merchants with those wanting family suppltec, will fiml it much to their intercut in calling on the eufcy ecribcrs. KYLE Oct.

26-18 tf. i FIVE DOLLARS THE subscriber's shop was broken open on Saturday night. 12th, instant; and 4he following articles stolen, two shot euns one, from six feet and a half to set-en feet long, the other, a largo gun which he'stocked for J. Marblc. One ririe, yerv large the hind sight i raised with a hinge it has a holc-boam in the stock, near the end of the breech nine pistols four of which, arc larger pistols, and one with the cock off; one double barrel pistol, with an old fashioned lock the barrels copper one small biass barrel percussion, the cock of which, has been mended three amalJ iron pistols also one flute.

The above reward will be given to any person, for such information as shall enable me to prosecute the offender tt conviction, BRYAN MayI6 454 w. For Sale. At Auction Store, Pibis N. E. Do.

50 fKj KWd. Mdckercll, 100 Boxes Codfish, 200 Reams wrapping Paper. UM) Baps ColliT, ,10 Bbk Beci, By BURR April 18 40 tf. CORN: Just received per Schoohef Amelia from iVewbern for sale on Consignment 1800 Bushels Corn. G.

W. DAVI May 30 40 1, i Just Received, Schr. Portrait from Porto RJcfrM ,190 hhds retailing Molassos i 26 hhds prime Sugar 1 47 Bags Green Cofio v' For Sale by Lazarur WhitmarsW June 13 1S32 tf. TUE subscriber offers for sale, a small quand ty of sugar cane of good size and quality Tbichhe haa grown the present year at SnowV Point in Brunswick Countvt on light piney land, tolerably well manured, lie thinks that tho pcaranoe of the cane, willbesuflicienttoindticoanr who may have warm rich land, near the sea loar this State, to irive it a trial: and for hiniuf KK but little doubt of ita success. ted iiitoafaluabte brick yard.

'lt ia sosituaM aAto.adniit ol itaheing divided into two hue wuiement! value aiuiammarau- rhS is that wn the tides arc snort or the water brack- lah, thr-y can be supplied with water. i .1. the wilofthetideawamuisofthefirstnuahty, eleanllv bituatod for cultivation, and I am infor- iua.j, rued not a creek in it, except the one on which the mill otood. I will sell cither or both of these plantations, on an extensive credit and on reasonable terms, upon the payments beiii! satislactonly ai-cured. hnrjuire in Biy utecuco of Air.

JOILN WAL.KKK. a Wm. WATTS JONES. Jnae 29 JJr-'-3 months. 'i TMirnnMATrnM WATRn.

tifvpv rnnorv i- Vflnra re. left th ritv of Lancaster. Pa. in June last, and has not been, heard I of since.Anv ncrson knowine where be is, or has been at any h. hein at inv limft since, anil 1 "will give information to his father, Jacob I i)W2 i Vdiiors of papers throughout me Uni- 1 muaa a ua fc Ti.

wjt-" ied States, are resDeetfulIv renuested to give the above a few insertions. r' 1 -t Notice. y' IS VAC NORTHROP has taken Hi Bin MinDLEBRodK, into company with him, 'in the Tanning and Currying bus iness nd it will: in future be earned on kinds forcflsA and will nay cash, for terhy ftrst rate? tanner ana currier, can Have steaay employment, oy applying to said company. VI ISAAC NORTHROP. HIRAM MIDDLEBROOK, May 23 45--tf.

1 of OI ft to is by the ay cuizena aim j-assea through the trvinir ordea of first efforts. through the trv nc ord His office is immcdiatelv OVer the shon I fT 1 I inos vv. orown wnere ne can oe consulted or sent for. at anv time. zr rr xu ivciu.

ajmi possession on the loth tile Store one door East of Mr. Hos- a kins's and at present occupied by the subscriber THOS II WRIGHT Jan. IT 2M tf. IN ALL ITS VARIETIES, Is jiow neatly executed, QAT THIS OFFICE. For SaleV 1000 BuahelaSalt, v'- J.

XI. i.i!.V 1 1 nftn.r.nmnn April 13-10-tf a Just received per Damon i lor iew i orK on consignmeni 10 Brls prime rork, 10" Beef, 10 Cider. 50 Boxes Colgats Soap, For sale by A G. W.

DAVIS May 30 10 3tv in Notice. The copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, nnder the firm of Canton AUts, is this day dissolved I hy rntthai consent, s. N- Capnon is nu- ihbmed to settle the business of concern. S.N. CANNON, Wm.

M. ALLIS. P. S. Those indebted, are.

requested to call and pay, or their accounts will be placed, indiscriminately, in the hands tf an officer f.r collection. S. N.CANNON. June 13 3t. i SAMUEL rOTTER.

Price S-3 per hundred. Stock deUvered in Wilmington fStrathvillcy' Applvto Mr S.LANGf30N Wilminrton cr a LANTUD0N ia EmithviU.

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