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The Wilmington Morning Star from Wilmington, North Carolina • Page 2

Wilmington, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JMISCELI.ANEOUS. BUSLNESS CARDS. Intlmldatlon, Bert and There. i people in the thin disguise of a no-party candidate, as does bis opponent. He comes, unanimously nominated I and endorsed by the Conservative5 party, and they will endorse him' again on the 6th day of August.

S' We have BbowntHat JudgeBusseir 5 I WOT. D. BEBXABD, 1 J. Editors. CICERO W.

-HARRIS, Eight membere 'it Jidge Aylett Friday MoEiraro, July .10, 1874. North CaTolina V. -Election, A-StPEEiSTENDmST op PrXBLic In- struction Six Judges OF, the Str-1 JLEGISLATUHE, AND tOUNTY AND -TOWTTSSIP OiriCEBS-- ABE TO BE cnosEN.x Fob Supeeintendent op Public In- structjon: STEPHEN D. POOL, of Csaven. FOB JUDGES.

JFYr! 'District MILLS L. 1 of Gates, i if -rt-- i I Fourth District ALLMASB A. McKOy, of Sampson. JiA District. BARTHOLOMEW FULLER, sof Cumberland.

Seventh District JOHN KERR, of Eighth District THOMAS J. of Lincoln. FOB CONGRESS. 1st District- JESSE T. YEATES, of Hertford.

i 2d District ALFRED M. WAD-DELL, of New Hanover. 4th District JOSEPH DAVIS, of 5th District A M. SCALES, of Rockingham. Qth District THOMAS S.

ASHE, of Anson, i llh District ttlLTIAM. M. ROB-BINS, of Rowan. 8th District. OBERT B.

VANCE, of Buncombe. solicitors fob foueth and fifth judicial districts. Fourth District WILLIAM S. One of the worst features present- ed of our late civil war was the-wilful destruction bv of works of art 1 and beaut A sDirit worse than that 1 of the ancient Goths and Vandals often- seemed to i animate them, Churches, colleges, and other Dublio bnildinM were rjlundered and defaced. In contrast with this a foreign icfurnai speaks of the conduct of the French ana werman troops towaras property that was temDorarUv fused I The chateau of Mr.

Charles Freder- ick Worths the famous dress-maker of Paris, is situated about six miles from the city, on the" road to Verr. sailles. It is in its'situation and furnishing one of the most superb and elegant places in the world. Its con- age and country, its museum contains the finest gems, coins, vases nd rich tho finest Kern coin ind rich This palace was occupied in the war, byF'fench and Germns successively, kid th Tmnrtv Prvpd iJl and the property was preserved in ta'cti The birds were ared for, the; grass plat protected by wire fences, and the plants covered by deal boards. A.

crime blending i meanness t. Wednesday of the little lad, Charley: Brewster Ross. of the wse, we take it to -be beyond An ua VoiDO Ltioed away by the two men who took him to and that their sole mo- tnaa 4kaf aF mnnA'rt- UT.g noo luv Vf. CAbVl tiUj uiuuc lui ma ransom is.nis circurasiance which akes the Forelfish gain, a couple of grown toetv lie in wait to coax awar two lit- 7 tl6 and thereby inflict uliut- leraoie anguiso on an uopnenamg i' Ibis, is the ancient gypsy practice returning to the full, light of the nineteenth century, and to our happy city 'of homes. The thought aoa xne resoive in ine mina oi every father and mother, every sister and every good citizen of Irhua-delphla, should be that this cowardly It ast be ferretea it8 perpetrators punished, withithe greatest possible severity.

I Magnolia 1 Of all things on this good, green earth, give us candor, open enemy, be he ever so, bitter, we, can re8pect evenaai wo--resist him. but when one finds coiled in path; the object with which' we have Xu "h7 T-iAo raau. uenueraieiy sireica iortn. nis hand to be struck by the1 reptile? The Present cempaign is one (anyone possessed of even the most ordinary possessed of even the most ordinary intelligence, must see and feel) which ana domestic issues oi toe most any man wno deliberately Duts himself un as an obstacle tathe success of the Conser- Vative cause is no friend that cause, nor in fact, is he a friend to anv cause save the cause of 6elf. Enough has been spoken and written all over il.

1 me iana convince tne most ODtuse Mn 4k.v-. a. party bvt'ranmnt; atrainst the nominee of. that party; that 'ant'man thus deliberate! vMisrV: garding the expxessed rules lution-oHhatr-party-is: no and, reso- friepd to Democracr; and therefore ot entitled nor deserving of, the support of any true Democrat in that party. A Delawar Woman Living who was Present at the SlgniDK of tbe J9ec Uratlon of Independence.

about IOttT miles from: TemDleville. jQst over the Delaware side of-the Wrm VX-U -i j. dependence- Hall, Philadelphia, in 1778, andas then 14 years of age. She has a daughter with whom she is now livine. the third child afterimar- riage, years old.

The old lady is quite active, and V18it8 Phila, delphia pn the cars once or twice fa year, io see ner grana-cniiaren. -A ITIexlean Romance; Baltimore Sun. girl, daughter a wealthf Don, together hu8baDdnd two ooxes or mexican specie, were taken o. tleman waaODDOsed to the ladv' iover, oat; love laughs at opposition. i t- Went Indian tonr.liAfl at.

Rrnorna Totoq 1 hie appeared on board with his folio w- I would not eive ud the bride without i 'ah order from the municipaF: rri.1 authori- t.hfi stpam. mi ,7, ns uuijf nia-bccu, tue yuuug mail out little Tbe Intellect or Women. The Dean of recenty made ti 1 a Ennaon in 1 tvru.h ia. nnntnd l-i opinion of the examiner of Latin at the collegiate schools to -the effect 1 that, comparing the girls with the t. 1 3 1.

1 1 uyys wuo iiau-veen siuayipg aunng the same time, he would give a ver- diet decidedly in i favoxf Vof the girls. I 'xns tenaency oi modem inquiry is to show conclusively that the long ac- cepted.rthl?0ry that sex affects the mjndthat inen inherently morftinteiiectnai tnan is oi anuusu auu euuuuuon: woav is Utiir'r' 1 ri? Vaf I eadSaume Amnnrr -ha TWonnTQvi. hir It is said that in Paris, since the Metternich Montebellojuel, before a lady gofes to a the whispers nervously, "MMy dear, pray be civil to Mr. or, "Euge- 'me, for Heaven's sake, don't frown at Count CaskowhiskL" The ladies, Drofitinsr bv the circumstance, induce their timid lords to comply with ail their 4 VHenri, if you don't ouy me inai Donnes iubuii, au. Trow Etbilesr abof "Hippolyte, if you don't bring that diamond spray home this evening I'll calliBaron Saussard 4 A WoIe Faikillr Poisoned with Arsenic.

Special telegram to the Dispatch. Manassas, July -7. 18t4. "3 ftAP? KtltJ SVVV? ppy. wx administered, and the- patients, it is thought, will recover.

-A Chart Blown Down. During the storm on Saturday, the hoontifnl H.moennal nhnrnh at. KAlt.a. on ran or "V5 aiumore ana I ihir rfti rnnn wna nlnwn nnvn find completely, wrecked. The structure 0Slu.a"y material ndw left of lt-and tit for its rebuilding are the bricks the timbers of the ruin and the wood work of the interior oeingcrusueu auu uron -nMint Aa Snnajai i.t wrto.

dayMbe melancholy tidings; reached nflVhat Thomas De- Large Sumter, eldest son of the late i f-i TT Col. Thomas Sumter, XL S. Minister Plenipotentiary to Brazil, and grand- sou of the "old Gamecock" of the I American Revolution had breathed his last, at his residence near State-burg on the samo evening. The recently widowed Mrs.lSlurphy to friend." Well, thin, Lannu in 'the joog, de ye mind, for I thought, ye know, he'd eelm more content- ed there nor any other place at all. The ECIdTSE" EOIISPED.

A EX AMIN 'V THE J. U1TBY CEXT CORSET, of which I have Just received i It is far superior to any Corset that has ever been offered this nmketatnouBLB the MONEr. HAVE received a large lot OP LADIES' BELTS, Which I will sell at ASTONISHING LOW PRICES. Belts worth $1 for 50 Cents. The Balance of my Summer Stock White Goods WILL BE Closed Out 1 Oheap Aril BROWNp Milliiiery EiDorini," Exchange inly 9-tf Notice.

ThEBE WILL BE AN ELECTION HELD AT the usual polling places in New Hanover on. the 1st Thursday in August, 1874, for the election of: 1st. Superibtehdeut of Public Instruction; 2nd, Member of Sd. Members of the State Officers, viz; Five County Commisaionerg. Sheriff, Qoonty Treasurer, Register of Deeds, county Sur- I vevor.

Coroner and Clerk of the Superior Court: 5th. WiuaNOTOir, N. July. 8, Frl journal ana rost copy. Official.

oincE treasdrbr'and tollector, 1 Crrr oi' WnjaNGTOK, N. 8thl8M. INOTICS IS HEREBY; GIVEN': THAT Dog Ordinance for 18T4 ju)y94f City Clerk and Treasurer. Packing: TriinkC AT MAN UFACTURERS' COST Sole Leatlier Trunks, Ladies' Trunks, Bags, and Satchels. Elegantly Tlated; MCKSON City Clothiers.

July9-tf EXTRA CARGE; f.i.- No. lNewFat Mackerel RKTAILIKQ FOR Ten Cents Each 1 r.i i't t.j P. MYERS 1uly04f; 5 and 7 North-Front St Ground1 Heal, TRWSTT TOT "i 7 i -i i 1 "'Jiil' july 9-ditwtf BINFORD, I mav THOMAS G-R-2EME, Genl.Insiirance Agency. AMD UFG. Princess Street, between Front an4 Water Bta.

may 10-ly A. ADBIAK. TOUXB8. I A DSA BT 'is OLLEBS, Corner Front and. Ooek.

HOLES ALB GROCERS ALL ITS BBANCHSS. Country merchants wUl do well by calling on us ana exainuung our toca. aw iwi If. F. WITCIIELiJL 1c SON, QOJOUSSION MEECHANTS 3 And Dealers in Grain, Flour.

Bar, and also Fresfe Groand neal, Pearl Homing and. Grits. Nos. 9 and 10 N. Water st.

Wilmington, N. C. Proprietors of (be Merchant's Flooring Hills. nov as-tf MISCEIANEOUS 77 Establisbed 1840. B.

W. PAYKB SONS, Corning Foundry and "Machine Shop, COKKINGj STEUBEN Manufacturers of Stationary Engines, Boilers and 1' iprtM i Enpes 1 Tor Platrtatidn Use. I Delivered Free on Beard Shin in New York City. Bend for Circular. feb 15omDW4m Charily Begins 'at Home! AND MAY IT EVEB, BE THUS.

T7 OR THE BENEFIT OF THE POOR OF OtTR citvwe have determined, until further notice, to eive the net profits of our retail sales of every first and last Friday in each month for the benefit of the poor of our city, the amount to he deposited in the Bank of New Hanover, subject to the order of the President of the Ladies' Benevolent So-, clety. This we' feel justified in doing for the fol lowing First. That we are young men, and our expenses areugnt. Second. That we have met with unexpected suc cess in the way of patronage from all classes of our people, inereDy largely increasing our eates.

Third. That we feel it the duty of some one to aid the poor, and who is better, able to- do it than the mere nan lb We are the Dioneera in this cood work, and hope through the continued confidence and patronage of. our people to be able to carry out our good inten tions. BOSKOWTTZ LIEBER, Wholesale Retail Dealers, Dry Roods, Ac may30-tf 29 Market street AN ORDINANCE, Concerning Drays, fapns, Carts, rrnB board of aldermen of the city rpHE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CITY JL OF WILMINGTON, N. DO ORDAIN.

That aav Dra v. 'Ituck wagon, or uartiouna in use witnin tne City limits wil tnont tne Badge or Eegistered Number as reaulred bv City Tax Ordinance passed Mav 9th, 1873, shall be subject to seizure by the City Marshal, and the owner thereof subject to a fine of Frvx Doulars for each and every day the same is used in this City without the prepayment of the monthly tax, or without Having on tne Badge off Eegistered Number as the Ordinance of the City requires. Any Ordinance or parts thereof conflicting with Ihe foresobiaT are hereby The above Ordinance was passed by the Board of Aldermen at their meeting February 16th, 1874 T.C.SERVOSS, feb 18 IT tj--'- City Clerk. Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. MAU Vir Oo.

Tie Oldest Largest Manufactory of Safes amaW M.AIamaUaWaV.'Walam. iHESE SATES ARE MADE WITH" THREE AND four flanKe aroood tiie door, of refined wroueht iron rrames, wun angle corners, ana Warranted Free from 'Dampness! Tromfhe Scientinc Americas, May 84, Smce the Boston Are we have elven some atten tion to the ial merits of vexions safes, with a. view ot supplying our own omce with the best article In the market, and nave steflafltoedb? vav iaanaIcted a dry filled Alum and Plaster Marvin 265 Broadway. We will deliver these Safes in Wilmington atsame price-as cnargea oy marmractarers in ixew xors; JuneZ-tf Agents. RTILIZERSi PEEUVIAII GTJAirO.

XjABaxBs, AGKicxn-TUBisTS and DaAUEBsia Fer: X1 'tilixershavenow an opsortonltT of obtainins DUX-: pose oi aeuvenng vrenuine jreruvian unaoo to con-, somen at any accessible port railway etatioa in the country, Full particulars, given In cfrculaxmajl-: cu live uu appiivaLiuu BAI.OAZAR. N9. 53 Beaver New York. RKFKRRrJfJKS WT PKRVTSSTOW Hobson, Hurtado A seats of the4 Peruvian government, 5J Wall N.Y.r, Vn.rl.'fr.ijM ..1 "KT -J 'n 1 I Tracy, Peruvian' Consul, 26 BroaO- ii- snayiiUAWlOms Pay YoraGity Taxe av Office STreasurer A collector, Cnr of WiLiMnSGtoN, Ni Jane 29thr' JL HSr CITY TAX BOOKS' for 1874 are n6w to possession of the undersigned, and ALL are hereby notided to call at this office (commencing July let prox.) and PAT THEIR CITY TAXES WITHOtTT BELAY. T.

a 8ESV0SS, June 80 tf Treasurer and Collector. N. STEDHAN. Attorney ELIZABETJBTOWJC. .4 in the State.

All kinds of Binding executed neattr Hi-. 1 npHEJWOUNINC STAIl flOOK BIND- -ERY la compleu in 401 all tt i i I .1" i and is in cnanro oi one nr mnat ablilfni nwhnm 1 sa -mm a vji -m iix.iua;8 Americaii Cyclopaedia New IteTiied Edition. Entirely rewritten by the luilest writers on every jeci. rnnwa iiuu type, ana Dlustrated wltb Several thousand Engrarings and The work orfeinaUy publkhed undpr Tm Naw AjtEBiCAH Ctclopdia ia comDietS 1863, since wnicn tuna tne wide circulation whirhu haa attained In ail parts of the United KtV. ch tne signal developments which have taken every branch of science, literature, and art, hvf aotnd tborougn revision, and to usae a new tion entitled Thb Aiobicak Ctclopdu Within the last ton years the progress oaiBcovcr.

In every department of knowledge has mmtea ni! work of reference an imperative want. The movement. of poUtical affaire hna with the discoveries of science, and their fruitfni IZ plication to the industrial and useful arts and tfc and the wars and consequent rat rations have occum aUonai changes of peculiar momn Tr LCOmmerriol commenMl so BccewuunB.tu our Keoeranmcai have been made. by the indefatigable explorers Africa. woul The great political revolutions of the last dec.

w4th the natural result of the lapse of timely brought into public view a multitude of newZ whose names are In every one's mouth, and nt every one is curious to know the particulars ureal oacues nave Deen rougnt and important giew. maintained, of which the details are as yet present only in the newspapers or in the transient publi. a uons oi tne aay, dui which ougnt now to take thl, permanent and authentic history. UMar In preparing the present edition for the press it has accordingly been the aim of thp editors to brine uown una uuuuiuuua kuu jstesi possible datpa and to furnish an accurate account of the most ri. cent discoveries in science, of every fresh modaT tion In Uterature, and of the newest mvenUoZta the practical arts, as well as to eive original record of the progress of political, events The work has been begun after Ions and esuf, preliminary labor, and with the most ample resonrcM for carrying it on to successful termination.

none oi me unguuu Btereotype. plates have been used, but every page has been printed on new tvnp forming in fact a new Cyclopsedia, with the same plan and compass as its predecessor, but with a far greater pecuniary expenditure, aad with such im provenience in lis composition as nave been ed by longer experience and enlarged knowledge i The illustrations which are introduced for the fit time in the present edition have been added not for the sake of pictorial effect, but to give greater lucid ity and force to the explanations in the text. The-embrace all branches of science and of natural hutti ry, and depict the most famous and remarkable features of scenery, architecture, and art. aa won processes of mechanics ani, manufacturers. Al- tnouga intenuea ior instmcuon rather than embel- -lishment, no pains have been spared to insure tbeii artistic excellence; the cost of their execution in enormous, and it is believed they will find a welcomt reception as an admirable feature of the Cyclopedia and worthy of its high character.

This work is sold to Subscribers only, payable iycrj vi eocu jLt wiu pe completed in teen larse octavo volumes, each 800 pages, fully illustrated with several thousand Wood Engravings, and with numerous colored Lithograph i i i ricsand Style, of Binding. In extra Cloth, per $500 6 00 7 Of In Library Leather, per voL In Half Turkey Morocco, per vol. In Half Russia, extra sriit. nee vol 8 I in jfTiu morocco, anuaue. em easres.

ner vol inn. Hi Full Bussia, per vol io Three volumes how readv. Succeeding volnmo. until completion will De issned once in tnri months. Specijnen pages of the Amxbican Ctclopsbdia, showing type, illustrations, will be sent gratis, on application.

FrnsCLiss CAKVASsraa Agents Wanted. Address the Publishers, D. APPLETON 549 651 Broadway, N. Y. jan9-tf the British; Quarterly Eeviews.

EDnmURGHEEYIEW, Whig.) LON DON, QUARTERLY REVIEW (Conservative). WESTMINSTER RE VIEW, (Liberal) BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEW, (Evangelical.) AND Blaclf odd's EMell Maiaziiie, REPRINTED BY THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISH- ING 140 FOLTON iBTV, NEW YORK, By arrangement with -the English ltbltsherst who receive a These periodicals constitute a wonderful miscellany of modern thought, research, and criticism. The cream of all European books worth reviewing is found here, and they treat of the leading events of the world in masterly articles written by men who have special knowledge of the matters treated. The ruuuBuen urge upon au intelligent reau- ere in this country ajlberal support of the Keprints American Publishers urge upon all intelligent read- feeling sure that no expenditure for literary matter will yield so rich a return as that required for a subscription to these the. AA1CHM JJ, ifl JeadiBg Periodicals of Great Britain- .1 iht price tffa For any one Beriew.

4 00 per annum. 7 00 For any three 10 00 For IS 00 For Blackwood's 4 00 Fr Blackwood and 1 Renew-. 7 08 Fr Kaood imd8 For Blackwood and th Postasetwocentsa ror juacKwooa. ana Heviews.i i io oo 13 00. the 4 Reviews.

15 00 number, to be repaid by tne quarter at the office Of delivery. i a I CLUBS: A discount of twehtyper cent' will be allowed ta clubs of four or more Dersons. Thus: four copies of Blackwood or of Review will be sent to on ad- drs for font oopie of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $48, and aoon. To clubs of ten or more, in addition to the above diaoeunt, a copy gratis will be allowed to the getter-upofthedub. a PREMIUMS- New subscribers (abnl vine earlvl for the year 1874 may have, without charge, the last volume for 1873 of such neriodicals as they may subscribe for.

Or insfead. new subacribera ta mnr two. three, or four of the above periodicals may bave one of tbe "Four Reviews" for 1873: snbscribers to all five may have two of the Four Reviews," or one set of Blackwood's Magazine for 1873. i. Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to clubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted direct to the publishers.

No premiums given to Clubs. Circulars with further particulars may be had on application. 111K LKW AKO SCOTT rUBLlohlUNU tU, 3 an 3-tf V-f-----140 Fulton St. New York. TlyrEaleigh News, weekl PUBLISHED BY STOM3 UZZELL.

DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF the State of North Carolina to the success of the Conservative party, the development of tbe hid rtr. the development of tne ma- den wealth of the State, tbe inviting- emigration in- den weaiin 01 tne state, tne inviting emigrauuu to nnr mirfaf. And HrlvftrirniRnL nf the welfare of onr people in everything that serves to make a State prosperous ana independent its ADVERTISING COLUMNS will be found of great advantage, as both the DaHy and Weekly circulate largely in every portion or tne State. Rates moderate. SUBSCRIPTION BATES: Daily.

One Year 00 3 00 Weekly, One Year. i- Subscribe for 1874. STONE fc UZZELL, i -4 Proprietors. jan S-tf The Ilillsboro. Uecorder, THE OLDEST PAPER Cf TBS STATE.

CIR-culates extensively in Orange and adjoining Subscription price 60-per annam. Published Oct9-tf Editor and Proprietor. PIEDIIOUT ASXIHCrlUIi IiirtlnsiiJance Company Ulclimond, Virginia. Over 15,000 Policies 4 Aiflmal Income Orer $1,500,000 Prosressire Prosprois Prompt 4 SHALL EXPENSES. SHALL LOSSES, SavUKB.

INVESTMENTS, AMPLE BESEEVE; AND GOOD i SUBPLUS1 Annual Division or Surplus. ATKINSON GEU'l A6HtS -c Insurance Booms. 5 N. Water st W. C.

CarrlELgton, President; John LI Vice" President; D. J. Bartsook, Secretary; J. J. Hopkins, Assistant Secretary; Prof.

E. Smith, Actuary; B. C. Cashier. Insuraiice i Rooms.

$27.000,000 XfiaEINSURANCK CAP" PATJXO BOSTOTTLOSSES. Queen Insurance of Liverpool and London, -Capital $10,000,000 ItonOa British "and; Mercantile Insurance Capital. 10.000.000 Hartford Insurance Company, Capital. 2,500,000 National Fire lnsuranee Company, of japitai 600,000 2,500,000 100,000 Cbntineni ital Insurance Company, of New York. Caiutal Phoenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, Capital Virginia Home Insurance Company, of MARINE The old Mercantile Mutual of New York.

LIFE The Connectlcnt Mutual of Hartford. nov z-u vtenerai Aceniy. T7NCOTJR1CE -re JCJ yUOME INSXIIUTIONS. i SecuritT against Fire. -THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COSfPANY, RALEIGH.

C. This Company continues to write Policies, at fail rates, on all classes of insurable property. All losses are promptly adjusted and paid. The "HOME" Is rapidly growing in public favor, and ppeais, wun conn deuce, to insurers oi property in iortn Carolina Agents In all parts of the State. isi R.

H. BATTLE, President. C. B. ROOT, Vice President BEATON GALES, 5 --.) PULASKI CO WPER, Supervisor.

ATKINSON MANNING, Askhts, sag l-tf Wilmington, N. C. H. HAS ALWAYS ON 'P. Vi- hand the finest brands Mnu.

an WAirr kintn? AND NORTH CAROLINA Chewing and SloMn "Toliacca! Also, fine Imported and Domestic Cigars, at I No. 6 SXarket Street. r's Office, CITY OP WILMINGTON, May 18 TJIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT MY OFFICE up to June 1st, 1874, for the nr. 11 tsia. JraYing.OX JELniDerry Street from T0nt street to theEiyer, WITB GOBBLE STONES.

Specifications can he-seen- by applying at THIS OFFICE. Bonds required for the faithful performance of eon tract. i W. P. 'ytf Hassey's Phfladelphia i ilc XX Ale, Porter Beer.

"C.18 80Li, Milmington (with but three Maeset Ale for1 Its purity, and so iuiu uw veuejicuu renuwni aeDiuiaxm TuinprmL; no atti other make should beldjotdrankv bbL $7 50; Bottled Ale 75 eta. per berry, and GJncer BeerZ6Q eta. Tier do fnriniiatrv -trade; Shipped try steamboat or1 "railroad in the patent spring lock hiDmn caBefk-oBtJnin iojt' eacn assonea wnen oraered. Freight to beprepaid M. KORDLANBR, Sole Agent, -Wilmington, N.

C. and'Syrupf -Tl i WtV A tJTJ BT CSV' tn'i AND Mest IMia Holapjses, For sale very lowby i 'Mt-tf'-'-i 1 GEORGE HALL; Mo, la Market Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. aprl4-tf lOjOOO Persons Read THE ABBEVILLE MEDIUM, 1 PUBLISHED AT Abbeville- Court House, S. C.

i. A HANDSOME SHEET OF THIRTY. xA. TWO COLUMNS. ArcDresehtativelonrnal of the enterprise, wealth and intelligence of the Upr 92 PUB ASTNTJlI TJT'' In one' days travel from Atlanta, Sen A' imlMertnt tiona and advertisements to iiiWVHLUa St CO.1, Proprietors, decl8-tf AbbvUle, 8.

C. 1 I is acknowledged leader of the Radical Party ofthe Cape Fear, sec- UCiau. auu jre uc gcbD uiuusu iro- ore the people as a candidates for Jadge without a nomination, without Bvfin an announcement. Was eVer such a stratagem to win Conservative votes! Bah I We have received from Onslow county a strong and just tribute' to thelBloqient atid: talented gentleniatf who is now in the field gallantly fight- ing the battles of It is a recognition of the eminentViirit of Horn WaddelL vand we. would print it ftiU but foe its length and the pressure, upon columns, Vv -pi our.

The election law says that "when demand of any citizen of the Stifte, it shall be the duty of the inspectors of the election to require said voter before being allowed to vote to prove by the oath of some other person known to these judges the fact of his residency for thirty days previous thereto in the county in which he pur- poses to vote." All that is necessary in this cam paign is for the Conservatives to jbring out a full vote. We can easily de- feat the Radicals with anything ji.B i erest a full party vote. Stir up in everywhere, Do white men wish their ch ldren educated in schools with negro children That is the issue in jthis PJKOffll DDPIilN. rCorrespondence of The Morning Star. I Wauce, 2ST.

C. July see some interrogations, in. your paper of the 3rd regard to some of our so-called independent- emm It iS probable, vliat an candidate from T7 nas oeen tov-umington noo jioo- bing" with Judge Russell's Radical' friends for the purpose of bartering e'ffJM ttfo .7" I VpnseTvaave votes ror auicai he only had them to barter. Tint Mr VAUnr fpr nnt. ftrr i I JJuplin, she is -wide awaice.

sleepeth not while ner ioes jwouia shamble her, weary footsteps, but "with an ever vigilant eye Vwill ternal rig1 keep" "over the portals pf her nnTTi "in ri Anil or ill urit IiitK1 r-r'e-r and her name: onltheiproud banner of victory" arid trmr. A she has stood by the noble Vaddeli, I sowUl fihe nandby bergaJlani Stan-; dard and at the Au- st election will sing the deathnell gust of -Ra4iismijkepubKcanism dependent eanclidccteisms es, j11 xww? bv desiPTJiner thoxrerh- the wiaa of advendlv mav blow against r-i a her, though storms, may come and Bald MounUiirrAaTjgrumble and Ui nmpt. mw rrr5with frirv the errant imrriensitv of soace. with ita fierv ap- I tx- -l jj, ano TZ L- 7 aA Uhe HlndeHtidenecaniiderefe to above the benefit of htsf statement that, the information we had received was incorrect. Eds.

Star. Dr. RIcCosli Defends the Standard, of i.u Aiucnu ovuvianuipi The Rev. Dr. McCo'sh, of Princeton College, who xnly Emw -S TI Aftsnn.iat.inri.

laf.filp nt. Tw; YJnrtr in ",7,7" irrf, wmf.n T.nH nr cm. Ik.t 4 A I "ofnlonln fvoro cant nnt. nf Afiioridan colleges equal tof tne nest in tne uia Wnrlrl avpram of t.hd orrarln. i onnn in stnv mar.

nvor wera Tiirnan As to accusing American universities accusing American universities 0f 8ectarianisra he would like io know wr)at sectarinism can be fpnnd at Tale. of sectarianism he would like io know Would Prof. White have a college a mixture ot rotestantism and ropery, and partly Christian and partly Athe- n. rni eA I lofi, 'I ha nnllacroa nr AmprwA ttotq the nation to 1 promote higher eduoa I .1 .1 "PD om uie couniry suouiu give I grants tot the colleges was another thing. it WOuld then be th4 institu tion having the best lobbyist that would succeed in obtaining the most money, wonld get Doth lnS i.

i. xvuuu tuo luuu uiakeruai asov.iu viro rjiishlfor a railroad, pass. mishior a railroad nass." I penoagejet.oia, siapa: firm, hold rin her head and allow ho I 4a1uii Qnrav I distinsmshed Scotsman I rpmOvedHa th ITnitedh States ft rir8, 1 a few years ago, opon aninTita-' i I I I 1 I i I I I NORMENT; of Robeson. 5th District SAMUEL J. PEM-BERTON, of Stanly.

i THE JUDICIAL ELECTION. 1 We have nothing to say against Judge Russell's qualications as a Republican. He is a first-class party man. We have no appeals to make to Republicans to support Col. A.

A. McKoy. And when we say i Re mean ail who Bave termined to adhere to Kadicalism, I i notwithstanding its recent, close identification 'with Civil Riehts, We know there are men in this Judicial t' with the Republican 3arty, but who have abandoned the whole -establish- ment (including Judge Russell) be cause they are unwilling to go to the extremes to which that party has gone on the question of Civil Rights. But we call all men Republicans 17 I Radical Republicans who still stick a51al tQ dis th? 9ivil Rights abomination) and these men, we-ay, will 'and -ought to i vote for 'A iTu4ge'ilus8ell. "They n.

will be doing themselves -injustice if they do tiot frjJ4geiBassell.n?;r. TlZi I ret xriiuMeii u'r iee' a tatiyeman oi tne xaaicai pariy in ine a i a i I Tear section; he is the. oracle of wmypci-Buapiwio uw, and-i5ranswick, and bladen, andoth-, i er couDiien oi mis reeicra come xo Wilmington to consult rtheiir oracle, anaweywouiaxcaiiy Jjnnu- uaveusseu to irnpply them with, poUtical aminnni: .1 tion and show them how to use it. Therer can1 be no question to 'Jfrxdge usseU's power and influence asv a "Radicals politician. Wo aye nevr hqard fcim accttsed pf any usual degree of 5.

recklessness in the distribution of currency for party i but he does supply the party with brains for this and other' reasons' .4 i wiU "doubtless the full Radical vote of the i 1 llr. iuB. viuc. Biue. iitii .1 wiunopinese very elements tnat UUC IIUU OVICIIUbll VV1LU IUC XkilU IjSl .1...

a. 1" 1 I and Solicitor the rr pno was present ax tne signing or-tne I I UecIaTation of liuieDendBnee.rftt.Tn. .1 I WUl EO into ODeraUOn OH ana alter JK3.UA. ui5vTTi.rT I -HS nas -i 'i Vf, arrived here from Mexico and Texas, 1 stcwvosV ar I dard and gooverpthe enemy whenatftbeAmeriMir.o61Iewei1 i I field ism ful sympathy '1' 'i' rnpv navpj iriwrpn ipanpr in mo wi wieir u.un.yyie- a uiuii fighting their battles a man against whom the hand of detraction may be -raised but can never harm 0 r- r.w-' ijcuuoniwcicii uiiuicjuuiwu UliiU imxpex1' district 'ims fpr aU ne. OxfordVand Cambridge Will not Allraand KoymaWa: better' Judge than will 'J iDaniel; L.

Russell? We thinV he 1 1" s-, ue grauu, it Binices us every vonservauve iu tne District will go to the polls and -cast his vote for the candidate of his party, A A AfVKnv in ihL regnlarfy party, He does not come before the i 1 I.

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