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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 7

Brooklyn, New York
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LEGAL NOTICE3. Warren C. Hubbard will preach to-morrow. The music at the evening service will in- dr. rain H.

SITU CATiLIC illHVl THE I'EOIJLG OF THE 6TATE OF N'E elude organ prelude, Chauvet; Magnificat and YOUK, by the grace of fre ami Independent TO jonannes nuneim jonanna Nunc Dimittia, King Hall; anthem, "There Were Shepherds," Vincent; organ postlude, moderato for op. 42. Merkel. The orcnnlst FOB ft SETTLEMENT SOME Heine U. iJoriB Mel! mann.

CaiJutrine Mueller, Lester K. P. MopIUt. Frtdfirtok Miller, tiertru'lu Mueller Wilhelm MivjIUt, William H. Moelter and Chriatlan or Fritz Moeller and Gorg Moeller and Chtirlus Moelier.

the names Georra and choirmaster is H. Brooks Day. In the Central Congregational Chureh tho ami Charlt! beinK nr-tittuu-s. their true Christian names htng unknown to petitioner, and cannot pastor, the Rev. Dr.

S. Parkes Cadraan will after 11 Kent maulrv be iif-crtainnl. they navinir been two of the Huns ot LudwlK Mueller, deceased. be In his pulpit at to-morrow's services. At the Albany avenue branch Mr.

Ten w. brother of Henrv Moeller, hereinafter mentioned. if Ilvlnff, iilaee-i of rehtdnct? are tinknuwn The Noted Missionary to Open His American Conference Work There. and cannot after Inquiry be ascertained. bridge will conduct the usual services.

Monday. 2 P.M., meeting of the Zenana Band. On Tuesday, 2:30 P.M., at the monthly meet- Auxiliary to St Vincent Do Paul Society Hopes to Establish One for Italians. and if dead, their wir or wivrs, it any, una any and all unknown pernona, their hm-baml or husbands, wife or wives, legal representatives, leptatees, devisees, grantees, asHlKn -es, heira at law or next of kin of said Oiristian or Frlti Moeller, and of Charles Moeller and Georse mg ui iue vvuman oreign Missionary Society, the Rev. Howard Bliss, of Beyrout College, Syria, will give an addrnss tin Thursday, 8 P.M., there will be an important Moeller.

the names Cham-a and ieorte Being and Mof1Siws1 IMPORTANT RELIGIOUS ITEMS. flotltioua, their true Christian names bemf? unknown and c.innot after dtlitjent Inquiry be aacer- LECTURE WILL INCREASE FUND. quartet will sing "The Lord Is King," by Buck, and the solo. "Lead. Kindly Light." by Shoppard, will be sung.

Wednesday afternoon the Women's Alliance will hold its regular meeting. "The United States a Nation Without an Established Church, but Not Without a Religion," will be the theme treated by the Rev. Canon William Sheafe Chase to-morrow morning, in Christ Church, Bedford avenue. The Rev. Reginald H.

Scott will preach at the evening service. In Simpson M. E. Church, Clermont and Willoughby avenues, the Rev. William J.

Thompson, pastor, services preparatory to the special evangelistic services will be hel.1 Wednesday and Friday evenings, at 8. The evangelistic services will be from February 1 to 11. The Rev. Dr. CM.

Boswell of Philadelphia will preach at each service and Miss Duncan of First Church, Wllkes-Barre, will sing. An entertainment under the auspices of the Sunday school will be given in ths chapel Monday evening, by Edward P. Elliott. Frank A. Home of Simpson Church has been elected to succeed the late James H.

Taft as member of the board of managers of the Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In Embury Memorial M. E. Church, Lewis avenue and Decatur street, the Rev. Bcrtrand Tipple, pastor, the special evanglistio services will continue each night of the coming week, Saturday excepted.

These meetings- have been, growing daily in pewer. and Interest. In the Greene Avenue Presbyterian Church, between Reld and Patchen avenues, the Rev. tntrmd thev havinir been two or tne Hons oi Moeller, deceased, a brother of H-nry Moeller, Professor Monaghan's Subject, "The Consecration of the Church of the Good Tidings Special Services. hereinafter mentioneu, wno are ana wmise name and parts of n.imea and place or places of repl-dence, are unknown and cannot after diligent inquiry be ancertatnod by petitioner, and the leaal representative, legatees, devtsees, grantees, assignees, heirs at law and nxt of kin of any of said unknown persona, who may be dead, their husband or hunbands.

wife or wives, all of whom are unknown to petitioner, whose mimes or parts of names and place or pluses of residence are un Game of Empire" Catholic Church News of Interest. meeting oi tno deacons and workers committee. On the same evening. Thursday, the Dorcas Circle of the King's Guild will present tableaus after Tennyson's "A Dream of Fair Women." They will be assisted by the Adelphl Mandolin Club. Prayer meeting will be held Friday evening, at 8 P.M., when Dr.

Cadman will give his second lecture in the series, "Our English Bible, tho Men Who Wrote It. and How It Came to Us." In the First Presbyterian Church, Henry street, near Clark, the pastor, the Rev. Dr. L. Mason Clarke, will conduct the usual services to-morrow.

The choir, under the direction of R. Huntington Woodman, will sing at the morning service: "Lovely Ad- Very Low Rates and Thro' Tourist Cars Daily Feb. 15 to April 7, 1903 At the Pouch Gallery to-morrow evening known and cannot utter diligent inquiry do aacer-tained. and to all persona Interested in the estate a musicale and lecture will be giyen for of Henry Moeller, dereaed, an nexi of kin or the benefit of the various committees mak otherwise, JUllUB m. iviayer, Attorney "jenwrui tit the Stato of New York, and Henry W.

Brlstow, Public Adm strator of the county nr Kings, Ing up the Ladies' Auxiliary of the St. Vincent de Paul Society attached to this bor send greeting: Whereas. Mury Moeller of the Borough of Hruoklyn, County of Klnnp. City and State of New York, has lately petitioned our Sur pear trrterr Gounod; "SeconJ' rogate's iviurt ol tne couniy or iving. to nave a ough.

The lecture which will be preceded by the musicale will be given by Professor James C. Monaghan, ot the Department ot Commerce and Labor, at Washington. His certain Instrument in writing bearing date the Psalm." Woodman. At the afternoon service, "Incline Thine Ear," Hlmmel; "Rejoice in the Lord, Ye Martin; "Blessed is He Who Cometh," Gounod. Midweek Bervica In the lecture room.

The pas- subject will be: "Tho Game of Empire." 11th day of December, inn, relating 10 rnui and personal property, duly proved as the last will and testament of HFMKY MORU.ER. late of the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State of New York, deceased. Wherefuie, you and each nf you are herehy cited to appear befnr our Surrogate of the County of Kings, at a Sur The object of this lecture 1b to raise Tickets from Chicago to Pacific Coast points will cost $33. From all eastern points to same destinations the rates will be proportionately low. Thro tourist cars will leave Chicago for the Coast every day during the low-rate period, one line via Denver and the Scenic Rockies to California, and the other via St.

Paul and the Great Northwest to Puget Sound, This combination of low rates and thro service assures an easy, interesting and economical trip for you. Daniel H. Overton, pastor, Frank Young of Janes M. E. Church will lead the men's prayer meeting at 10 A.M.

On Wednesday evening the Rev. J. Edward Farron will give his celebrated sermon-lecture, "A Pilgrimage to Sacred Shrines," Illustrated bv beautiful The Eagle welcomes to this Saturday Religious Column all Real Kews of the Churches. In order to give the apace necessary for the reporting of Sews, it is necessary to exclude mure Calendar Announcements. For such routine facts and notices readers are referred to the advertising Dr.

Arthur H. Smith, who is considered one ol the leading missionaries the world, will preach In Plymouth Church to-morrow. Dr. Smith has been connected with the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions since 1872, and since 1880 nas been located at Pang-Chuang, in the Province o( Shantung. The board has sent for him for the sole purpose of addressing conferences, which are to be held In fifty cities.

As a speaker he is forceful, racy, convincing. He will tell one of the greatest tales ot missionary bucccss and opportunity In the history of missions. Dr. Smith Is a graduate of Beloit College and of Andover Theological funds to assist the auxiliary in its work of charity among the poor and needy of rogate Court, to De nei'i at tne nan or nenorus In the BoroiiRh of Brooklyn, on the fifth day of Febmarv, 11-06. at ten o'clork In the forenoon, Brooklyn, in visiting patients in the hospi than and there to attend trie prooaie or the Ha colored pictures.

No admission fee will be tals and bringing comforts to those confined In homes and in jails. The Woman's Auxiliary comprises a number of committees last will and testament, and that the above named Infnns then and there show catiRe why a special guardian should not bo appointed to appear fur charged, but a stiver collection will be taken. The union prayer services of tho last two them on tne praume ai sum msi win unu weeks In the Eustern District Bhowed their results in the regular Friday night services made up of the 180 charitably Inclined women comprising its membership who at t. jonn Methodist Church lust night. will be In charge and the Rev.

Dr. A. Woodruff Halsey will speak. Dr. Halsey is regarded as one of the most gifted men connected with the Presbyterian Church and his services are greatly in demand.

He has just returned from a tour of the mission stations In Africa, and his accounts of his recent travels are intensely Interesting. The special evangelistic services which have been held In Janes M. E. Church for the past two weeks have been markedly successful. Large audiences have been in attendance and a work is being accomplished.

The services will continue every evening this week except Saturday. On Sunday afternoon, at 3:45. In the church auditorium, a mass meeting for men only will be held. The Rev. F.

Watson Honnan, pastor of the Bush-wick Avenue M. E. Church, and the Rev. Luther R. Dyott, pastor of Union Congregational Church, will be the speakers.

Good work in the various fields assigned to them. It is the hope of the auxiliary to spread the lecture room being filled and Dr. David G. Downey led one of the most enthusiastic meetings that have been hold in tho Eastern District in a long while. On January 28 Dr.

throughout the diocese as has the St, Vln cent de Paul Society, to assist which tho Just take ft minute and a postal card and tell me where you want to go. By return mail I'll tell you just what you want to know. Downoy will go to Toronto, Canada, to talk auxiliary was formed. Tho Rev. Dr.

William on souio spcclul subjects. Seminary. The Hev. Dr. Howard S.

Bliss, of To-morrow will be an interesting day at the Syrian Protestant College. Beyrout tne strong fiace Baptist Church, the Rev. A. H. C.

Morse, pastor. At the Bible school Syria, will preside. Dr. Hillis will return to conduct the midweek service, Friday even- an orchestra will bo present. The achoo In testimony wncreor we nave causea tne seal of our an hi Surrogate Court tn hereunto aillxed.

WitnesH, Hon, James C. Church, Surrogate of our Raid county. (I at. the Borough of Brooklyn, the lSth day of December, tn the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and five, WIT-MAM P. PICKRTT, Clerk of the Surrogate's Court.

Hugo C. Gollmar, Attorney for Petitioner, 134 Broadway, Brooklyn. N. d3J flw a THE PFJOP IE OF THE STATE OF York, by the grace of God free and Independent To Anne K. Brnlnerd.

John W. George E. Knowles, Henry M. Knowlua, Cyremua O. Knowles, DeWltt C.

Knowlert, John A. Knowles, Nathaniel H. Eaier, Will If. Esler, Amanda Buekhout, Klla HarRreuve, Ellen fieyn, Jane Leighton, Georgo Ksler, James Esler, May Belle De Motte, Lulu Farren, send greeting: Whereas, Mary V. Knowles, of the Borough of Brooklyn.

City of New York, County of Kings, has lately petitioned our HurroRnte's Court of the County of Kinpn, to have a certain Instrument In writing bearing date the 9th day nf August, lft5, relating to real and personal property, duly proved as tho last will and testament nf KATE A. BRKJCJ6, late of the City of New York, Borough of Brooklyn, defeased. Wherefore you and each of you are hereby cited to appear bofore lug. gospel singing is a special feature of the lias so grown during ihe month that tho Dulchcr uiblu class has had to remove to W. J.

O'MEARA, Eastern Passenger Agent, 379 Broadway, Hew York. J. White, rector of the Church ot the Visitation, is president of the auxiliary, and its spiritual director. The auxiliary has been in existence about four years, and during that time has created two settlements in' the downtown section of the borough fur the beneiit and education of the Uul-inns and their children. One of these settlements Is on Front street, in the neighborhood of the Church of St.

Ann, and the other is in conjunction with the Italian Church of St. Michael, on Lawrence street. eek night services. In the Moravian Church." at rftet near the auditorium of the church lor its ses I960 sion. All men welcome to this service.

In Ihe evening a big orchestra will play under Myrtle avenue, the Rev. Paul M. Greider, pastor, a change of hour of the second service to-morrow and hereafter is noted. It will be held at 3:45 P.M. tho direction of W.

J. Klbby, the pastor's assistant. At the close of the service an after-mooting will be held. Last Sunday tne In the Classon avenue Presbyterian Church to-morrow the pastor, the Rev. Dunn Burreli, will In the morning continue the series on the Parables, and In tho even- WHEREVER WOMEN DRESS The auxiliary is now striving to get a permanent settlement house lor tho Italians large enough to meet all tho demands made upon It lor tho social, educational and moral welfare of the Italians, and where they can have a resident worker in addition to the volunteers.

The Italians are ever responsive to and snem to appreciate the work In their behalf, and the greatest regret felt by the members of the auxiliary 9 the fact that It has not a larger mem WELL ng the series on Sins and Sinners nf the. Bible. Morning anthem. Martin's "Hnlv Spirit, evening, "Grlove Not the cnurcn was nucd at tnis service The customary maetings will be held on Tuesday and Friday evenings. On Wednesday evening an entertainment will be given in the upper clmpel in the interest of the endowment fund, and ou Thursday evcuing the first men's dinner will be held.

The guest of the evening will be Frank Harvey Field. Staff Captain J. Kemp and four Salvation Army helpers, detailed by headquarters in New York, tor such service, are assisting the pastor, the Kev. W. H.

Burgwin, In evangelistic services in the Eigluecnth Street M. E. Church, near Fifth avenue. Meetings will bo held at 10:30 A.M., 4 P.M., and 7:30 P.M., to-morrow, and every evening at 8 o'clock during next week, of which the Rov. James V.

Mealla is rector. Next Sunday, the fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, tho devotions will begin in the Church of the Holy Rosary, Chauncey street and Reld avenue, of which tho Rev. James McEnroe Is rector, and In tho Church of St. John the Evangelist, Twenty-first street, near Fifth avenue, of which the Rev. Wlilliam S.

Duhlgg Is rector. The Church of St. John the Evangelist, together with three other churches of this diocese and several charitable institutions, were the equal beneficiaries In the will of the late James Quhin. Holy spirit," stalner. Tuesday night the Church Aid Society will give a reception In tho church parlor to the members ot the our ourrogfite or tue county or Kings, at a Surrogate's Court to be held nt the Hull of Records in the County of Klnifs.

on the 23th day of January, l'JOG, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, then una there to attend tha prubate of the said last will end testament. In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of our Surrogate's Court to bo hereunto affixed, Witness, Hon, James C. (L. Church, Surrogate of our Bald county, nt the County of Kings, the lfith day of December, In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and five WILLIAM P. PICKETT, dtfl (Its Clerk ot the Surrogate's Court.

congregation. Mrs. Herbert W. Stebbins, of bership to assist in carrying along the work. It is felt that all Catholic women of leisure and particularly those who have Boston, will give a brief talk ou "The Women of Scandinavia." illustrated with graduated from Catholic collcgos, should Join the ranks of the workers and assist in songs.

Wednesday night the Boys Club will have a Salmagundi Social: Thursday night, meeting of the Men's League. the philanthropic purpose. the membership become large enough It Is tho purpose of those In charge In St. Ann's Church on the Heights. Clip- on and Livingston streets, tho rector, the In the Ross Street Presbyterian Church to have local conferences in all the parishes of the diocese.

A local conference has already been founded In tho parish of St. A very successful euchre and reception was given last Wednesday night In the parish hall attached to the Church of St. Francis of Assisl, Lincoln road and Nostrand avenuo, Flatbuch, by the Holy Name Society attached the sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be Rev. Dr. Reese F.

Alsop, will preach in the morning to-morrow, and the Rev. Walter F. Prince, Ph.D., in the evening. Preceding this administered to-morrow afternoon at 4 In the Church of the Pilgrims, Remsen and Henry streets, the pastor, the Rev. Dr.

H. P. Dewey, will be in his pulpit morning and evening. Morning anthem, "Consider and Hear Me," Pfluger, and offertory, "Lead, Kindly Light," Dicks. The evening anthem will be "God to Whom We Look Up Blindly," Chadwlck, and the offertory, "Divine Hope," Rhelnbeiger.

The annual business meeting of the church will take the place of the usual midweek service on Wednesday evening, at i o'clock. In the Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church, tho pastor, the Rev. Dr. Cleland B. McAfee, will to-morrow morning officiate at the sacrament of the Lord's Supper and new members will be publicly received.

Regular monthly praise service in the evening, "The Glorious Christ." In the Tompkins Avenue Congregational Church there will bo the regular services through this week. Tile pastor, the Rev. Dr. N. McQee Waters, will preach in the morning on "The Fatherhood of God." This sermon he has prepared as one of a course on the Apostles Creed.

This course is to be delivered in Westminster Church, Elizabeth, N. by rkrjf'esentatlve ministers of New York and various denominations. Dr. Waters opens the course there to-morrow night. In the Tompkins Avenue Church the sermon will be by Dr.

Mott, pastor of Westminster Church, who preaches in exchange. Dr. Mott Is an old friend of Dr. Waters and is considered one of the ablest of Presbyterian ministers and a favorite with Tompkins Avenue Church, where he supplied last summer. On Friday night the King's Daughters will give a missionary concert.

The programme will consist of addresses by Miss Sharrock and Mrs. Blackman, with singing by Miss Mundell. The pulpit of the South Congregational Church will be occupied by the pastor, the Rev. Dr. A.

T. Lyman, to-morrow. The following music will be rendered: In the morning, anthem, "Round Jerusalem Stand the Mountains," Hiller; quartet, "Christian, the Morn," Shelley; evening, anthem, "I Praise Thee, God," MendelBsohn; anthem, "Blessed Are the Merciful," HUes; bass solo, "Judge Me, God," Buck. On Tuesday evening the Young People's Alli Michael, oniJerura street, East New York. clock, and therclora there will be no even and Miss Christina Gbockler, who Is In charge of this committee, with the women making Ing service.

Black Dress Goods ARE KNOWN AND WORN. The manufacturer' name (B.Priestley Co.) is stamped every five yards on the under side of the selvedge and they are rolled on THE VARNISHED BOARD" which is the Priestley Trade Mark." Satisfactory Wear Guaranteed. Write for interesting booklet FREE. B. PRIESTLEY CO Manufacturer of Dreu Goods, Wooleiu, Mohuit, Cravenettet, Etc.

71-73 Grand Street, New York Gty. service organist William A. Goldsworthy will give an organ recital. to the church. It was tho biggest event ot Its kind In the history of tho parish, being attended by fully 600 people, and reflected great credit on the management.

The mem In the Greene Avenue Baptist Church the The service of consecration of the lecture up the committee, are dong great work In bringing comfort to the Inmates of the KingB County Almshouse and to the Consumptives THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NHW SfOHK, by the grace of (iod free and Independent To James McCauley, William M-'Caitley. known as William Olcnnon; Mary K. Hurke, Maria John-fon. Belinda Rutledge, Helena- Lvnoh, Kfttu Shev-Un and Annio Benson, sxmd greeting You and each of you are hereby cited to uptwar before our Hi.rrogato of the County of KIiikh, at a Surrogate's Court, to he held at the Hull of Records, In the County of on tio 2Sth day of February 1908, nt ten o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to attend the judicial settlement of the acoount of Ellen Cavanagh, as administratrix of, of the eetate of MARY CAVANAOH, deceased. And let the above named InfantH, if any, then ftnd there show cauwi why a special guardian uhould not be appointed to appear fur them on Bald Judicial settlement.

In testimony whereof we have caused the Peal of our paid HurrfNgato's Court to be hereunto ntllxed. Witness, Hon. James C. Church, Surrogate of our said county (L.S.) at the County of Kings, the 3d day of January, In the year of our Lord on thousand nine hundred and bIx- WILLIAM P. PICKETT, JM Clerk of the Surrogate's Court.

room of the new Unlversallst Church of the Good Tidings, Stuyvesant avenue and Madi bers of the society had worked energetical pastor, Donald 11. MacLaurln, began last Sunday morning a aeries ot sermons on Paul's great prayer for Ephcslans and for Hospital, In I latbush. Tho Ozanam Home committee, under tho for the success of the affair and succeeded In securing 100 prizes which were awarded son street, will be held on Wednesday even The subjects announced on the church direction of Mrs. James MacBrldn, looks after the Inmates of the Ozanam Home for calendar are tho following: "To bo strength to both players and non-players. Fully four-fifths of those present took part In the ened With Power: a Prayer," Christ In the Frieudless Women.

This home has proved a ing at ciock. Tne service will be conducted by the Rev. Charles Ritter East, pastor, and the pastors of the Unlversallst churches of the Metropolitan district. The consecration sermon will be preached by the Heart: a Prayer," "To Know the Unknow- ble: a Prayer," "Filled With God: a games. Very few of those present left before th reception which followed the games Father Dudcke, tho pastor, has long en safe haven for many friendless women, and the committee always to find employment tor the inmates.

nev. nr. uinaor rerin, of boston. deavored to prcmote the sociability of his there are two hospital committees under Prayer," "The Summit of tho Mighty Prayer." These sermons are delivered through the suggestion of one who heard one sermon from the present minister, In In the Bedford Presbyterian Church, cor parish through the receptions that follow the various parochial amusements and they the direction, respectively, of MrB. Walter Shaw Brewster and Miss Lily Good.

These committees look after the homes of unfor ner Nostrand avenue and Dean street, Presi another place, from this great text. To-mor- Are beginning to be looked upon as among the soprano, Koehnle, and con the mott social event In Flatbush. People from other parishes are invariably found tunate patients, and look to the comfort of the latter bb well. dent W. G.

Frost of Berea College, Kentucky, will speak to-morrow night under the auspices of tho Men's Club. On Tuesday evening there will be a mass meeting, to be at these reception as well. The proceeds The prison committee Is under the direc of tho affair are for the benefit of the tion of Miss Emma Fortune, and visits the addressed Dy Mr. Weed, who Is Bald to be tralto, Miss Hathaway, of the quartet choir of the church whence Dr. MacLaurln came, are to sing at both services.

They hav been during the month ot January studying In Manhattan. The first benedictory service of the present pastor was held with encouraging results last Sunday night. church. Those In charge of the euchre were: penitentiary and the Jail, doing all In their one of the most Intelligent speakers on Mor-monism. Mrs.

Annable, of the Kings County THE PEOPLE OP THE STATE OF HKW YORK, by the graoe of (Jod frep and independent To Alice Josephine London, John NHnon PnweU, Ida M. Bailey, John Ellsworth Powell, Martha Holmbold, Archibald Powell, Emli J. Kaxter, Alfred J. Baxter, Annftta Smith. Thomas P.

Raster, Cecil Baxter and Bertha Bradford, send greeting You and each of you are hereby cited and required to appear before our Hurrogate of the County of Kings, at a SurrogaUi's Court of the County of Kings, to bo held at the Hall of Records, In the County of Kings, on the 2Kth day of January 1906. at ten o'clock In the fin-noon. then and there to atti-nd ths Judicial settlement of the acrount of Martha B. Powell, as executrix Otto Grossman, Frank J. Curran, James Tlmony, David Dickson, E.

J. Dlx, Thomas power to urge the Inmates to a better life. They also endeavor to secure employment tor the prsoners on their discharge. Miss Sarah Dermody has chnrgo of the Kings County Hospital committee, which co-ope Little, Henry Beavers, Charles McDonnell, women unrtatian Temperance Union, will preside. On Wednesday evening the Men's Club of the church will be addressed by the Rev.

Edwin Fairley, his subject being "Ben Edward Smnllmsn, George Knight and DELICIOUS DELICIOUS Four services will be held In the Fifteenth UKRCEllEB Street Baptist Church to-morrow. At 10:45 FOR PURITY. Thomas Byrne. The Transfiguration Lycoitra Young Men rates with the almshouse committee. Miss jamin Franklin." ance will meet.

The Wednesday evening A.M. the pastor, the Rev. H. Allen Tuppcr, CANDIES. QUALITY nraver meeting will be followed by an ex Grace O'Brien has charge of the Lawrence street settlement committee, while the Front FLAVOR.

In the Church of the Reconciliation. Nos D.D.. will deliver his sermon to the children and at 10:16 his regular sermon to tho congregation. At 3:30 P.M. he will deliver an nd trustee of tho last will und testament of JOHN POWELL, dereased.

And let the abrvs named Infants then and there show cause why a special guardian should not be appointed to appear for them on said Judicial btt lenient. position of the Sunday school lesson by the Rev. Boyd Edwards. On Thursday there will be a church social conducted by the street settlement is looked after by Miss Annie Cunningham and her committee. address to the Bible school.

The evening Orgnniratlon. attached to the Church of the Transfiguration, Hooper street and Murcy avenue, Is making elaborate arrangements for the coming euchre and roceptlon to be held on Thursday evening, January 25, at Knapp Mansion. Ros treet nd Tledford avenue. Handsome prise will he awarded Ih auxiliary has already extended Its sermon will be Illustrated by Incident In trand and Jefferson avenues, the Rev. C.

W. King, now of Scranton, but formerly pastor of the Bttshwlck Avenue Congregational Church, will preach at both services. On Tuesday evening next a cantata will he given by the children from Grace R. E. Sunday school entitled "Santa Clnus in Japan." Ladles Bonevolent Society.

The Rev. Dr. Charles Edward Locke, pas' work to Queens County, where tho Jails and hospitals are visited and where settlements he life of the late Professor William R. Harper, of Chicago University. have been started In Astoria, Ravenswood tor ot the Hanson Place M.


125. ST. YORK. A'tfi-T AND 4M Ft LIU 6X BROOKLYN. and Long Island City.

to the auccensful player. There will also in lesnmony wnr(or, we nave caused the seal of our said KurmgHtn's Court to torn hereunto affixed. Witness; Hon. Jams C. Churrh, Hurrogate of said 8.) County, at the County of Kings, on the Sth day of December, In the yar of cur Lord onw UiouMund nine hundrsd and five.

WILLIAM P. PICKKTT. Clerk of the tiurrogatfs Court. William Murray. Attornev for Exucuihy im been holding successful revival meetings, Special meetings are being held In Sumner be prizes for non-players.

It Is expected and the sermons to-morrow will be In line with these activities. Revival meetings will thst this will be tho most successful affair On Wednesday an interesting business Avenue M. E. Church every night and will continue throughout January. The Rev.

M. held under the auspices of this orgsnlsatlon continue each evening except Saturday, as meeting and sociable of the Epworth League of Grace M. E. Church. Bnv Rldce.

wa held Swearlngen, of Ohio Is conducting them It I In charge of the following committee follows: Monday, Epworth League night, Montague street. rirookln. S. Y. d86w Robert J.

Crnlg. Wllltnm J. Bnrnes. John and the Interest Is growing from night to nlRht. Ho Is a forceful speaker and a fine subject, "Joseph In Prison;" Tuesday, of at the home of Donald L.

Ballantyne, 254 Eighty-second street. One of the after amuBoment was an old-fashioned Norton. Joseph Doyle. Richard Hanlnn. Hon! THE PKOPLK OF TIIK PTATR ftU- VBur ficial board night," Esau and His Birth On the second Monday In February MIfs Berth RoBenfeld of St, Roso's settlement, Manhattan, will address tho members of the auxiliary, on "Charity," at the Osanara Home, on Concord street.

A group of women of the parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel, banded together for the purpose of assisting their pastor, tho Rev. J. J. Ihtrlck, to raise funds for the new parochial arhool and parish building now In course of erection on Modlson street, between Ralph and Pntchen avenues, are mak singer. fnre Ryan.

Peter McArdle, James Cameron YORK, by the grace of Ood free and Independent right;" Wednesday, "The Cities of spelling school. Refreshments followed tKSWtS SFNT BTRYWHERE BY MAIL Oil EmiS. Thorns Magulre. Clarence J. Tohln, John Ri'fuge;" Thursday, Men's Club Night, io r.uwar.i u.

huto M. Howard. Mary m. Labatt. Emma L.

Hhavr and Ellin H. Hmith. Services at the Second Presbyterian The pastor, the Rev. Dr. George Adams, will Bracken, Edward M.

Shelvy and John "Samson Grinding In r'rlson:" Friday, nd ureeting: Wherea. MutlMa M. Kmith of tha Church to-morrow will be conducted by the iveny. Sunday school night, "Bolshazzar Feast give the second sermon In a series tomorrow evening, on "The Young Man and It I announced that the Rev. Henry F.

pastor, the Rev. L. Van den Burg. music will Include the anthems, Come, The attendance Is large at these weekly the Home." Last ght Dr Adams rlellv Murray, rector of the Church of St. Rose of Every One That Thlrsteth, services, and all people are cordially In vlted.

Lima, Falrview avenue. Rnckawav Ilesch ered an address to a group meeting of Ep ing active preparations for ft euchro party 'Send Out Thy Light," uounoa; "Now tne will soon begin operations for the erection worm i-esgua at uanen, conn. Day Is Ovur," Barnby. or tne new church that he hsa In mln.l In All Souls t'nlversallst nut-' Ocean DENTISTRY. In the DeKalb Avenue M.

E. Church, near and Dltmas avenues, Flslbush, to-morrow, In Presbyterian Church. Stuyvesant Father Murray ha secured alto on South Chase avenuo for his churrh, the erection Franklin avenue, the Rev. W. A.

Lavtnn. and Jefferson avenues, the Rev. Robert H. or wnich Is to cost ,..0,000. It win be frnmn thore will be denominational services and preaching will be by men who can ably present the t'nlversallst faith.

The Rev. Dr. I. M. Atwnod, secretary of the t'nlversallst structure nd will be built to acoommmliit Cnrson.

pastor. On Tuesday evening there will be a stcreoptlcon lecture entitled "A pastor, at 3:30 P.M. to-morrow, the Sunday School Missionary Society will he addressed by Mrs. Etta B. Fenton, on "Sacrifice for Others." Tho 6:30 P.M.

Epworth League GEO. E. TKAVIS, E.D.S. PalnltMi Dentistry, tut clatw work. mtxiriHta prless.

It (JriANO bT, Brooklyn, New Turk. the Increasing parish, the member of which U'Tougn or Hrnuklyn, city and mate of Yora, haa lately pMltiuni-d our Surrogate's Court of ths County of King, to have a certain Instrument In writing, bearing date the nineteenth day of Sfptr rnh and a codMI tlux-to Ln-arlntf data the first day tt Octhi-r, relating to rt'al and personal projrty, duly provrd a tiie last will and tesianitfiil of JOHN MlTIf, IhIh of Brooklyn, King County. Nw Yrk, dfcatjed. Wherefore, you and of you are hurt-by cited to appear IWor our hut of th Cuunty of Kings, at a Hurr 'gate's Court to be hfld at ths Hall of ItiH-ordf, In the County of Kings, on th 13th day of Kfbruarv, WA. at ten In ths forenoon, then and there t' ntti-nd the probata of tha wld lam will and tenttment.

In testimony whwrfof we havs caused the test of our Hum giti''B Court tu be hereunto affixed. Wltnss, Hon. James C. Church, Hurrogate of our Mitd County. (L.

at the O.uuty of Kings, the 2th day of lieo'rntHT, in tha year of our Lord on Oioubund rilii hundred and five, WILLIAM P. PICKKTT. flSi) a Hork of the Piirrogatf's urt. are outgrowing the accommodation ot the Winter Kden Bermuda The Land of th l.lly and th Rose," under the auspices of services will no conducted by Mrs A. Brown General Convention, will preach the morning service, and the Rev.

C. Ellwood present church. the Sunday school. topic: "A Spirit Filled Life." There will he fc'aah, the denomination's field secretary. pedal music at both services by the choir St.

Paul' Church, corner of Clinton nd under tne leadership of Professor Loroy W. will address the evening Ion. An especially fin musical programme has been JSCHIOD, Dr. J. Hoyt, Dentist, 4nt1 II TON BT, NKAH JAY.

tltautirul ttrtifkiMl i. Pt it set; 1 1 it Inriuded Teth rvtrnctd without Tisln. Tvctti flllt-d. II. Al.l.

WORK a AR A Carroll streets, the Rev. W. E. L. Ward, rector, will celebrate Its paternal festival ou St.

Paul day, January The first arranged. and reception to be given at Lyceum Hall, H28 Madison street, on Jauuary 20. The women stylo themselves the "Parish Euchre Circle," and tho following will have charge of the coming event: Mesdame Cant well, Kcnrns, Fellows, pehneldcr, Tosslny, Hurd-Ing, Faustmann, Kelly, Hnekett, lloylnn, Ci'oko, Hannon, Crime and Greehy, and the Misses Cummings, O'Keefe. McGrane, Martin and Kernan. The euchre and reception connected by the women of St.

Rose's parish. In the school hall, Wednesday evening, proved ft social and flanclsl success. More than four hundred tat down at the table to play, while nearly as many looked on, waiting for the reception, which started at 10 o'clock. Fifty prlte war awarded the tortunnt winner. To-morrow, the third Sunday after th Eplphiny, the devotions of th forty hour will begin In Ihe Church of St.

Michael ths Archangel, Fourth avenue and Forty-second itroet, of which th Kev. William T. Mo. Gulrl Is rector, and In th Church of St. Special music will be a feature to-morrow vespers, with solemn procession and Te The Lenox Road Baptist Church, corner of Nostrand avenue.

h4 renovated It lecture room and ha had laid on the floor Imported corking Instead of carpet. The Yoiinn evening at the servlre In the Central Baptist Deem, will be held on Wednesday evening at clock: on Thursday morning, St. nurcn. me nv. m.

uates, pastor; A. I). Fobs, organist and director, has arranged rt'llof of th nfefly parlnhlonem, Two matl- Paul's Day, there will a choral celebra Th Rev. Thomas B. Carroll, rertor of the Church of St.

Vincent de Paul, on North Sixth street, haa arranged for laughable entertainment for his parishioner to hn given In the parish hall on next Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. The how la entitled "A Barrel of Fun." the entertainment this year being new mixture. A lml-lar entertainment was given about this time year ago and was greatly enjoyed by Ihe parishioner, who felt that they wora amply repaid for their aaslstanra In good cause. Fftther Carroll I ever striving to have his parishioner emulate th example of the patron saint of th pariah In looking out tor th poor sod needy, nd the entertainment thl time each year I given tor th purpos ot raising fund 'tor speclal dies Association and the Helping Hand Society have had the work don and assumed th financial obligation. The Young People's ii be held, respectively, on the siter dooiis of the day nii-nt toned.

fine programme. Including numbers for the organ, piano and orchestra. Miss Elola tlon of the Eucharist at 7 A.M. On Thurs day evening there will a parish recep tlon In the parish ball. Chichester Lloyd win be at the piano.

AN ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. Hicieiy oi v.nristisn bnueavor I co-opernt. Ing with the pastor In ion service or nr. The annual meeting of th People' Mr. and Mm.

Edward Harrlftan, nf 810 teen minutes before the regular evening Church, corner Bedford avenue and Clymnr In the Couth Bushwlck (White) Reformat! Church, the Increased attendance of Sunday school scholars has been marked. The Rev. Edward Miles, the pastor, always has part Park place, hava announced tho ntae- servic. loung Men League ha Just street, will be hold on Friday evening. Th mrnt of thftfr daughter, Adelaide, to Lou I a UniKhran, of 2238 North Broad atwt, I'falla- report of all societies connected with the or tne morning sermon especially for them IM PT'flHf-'AW'K OtT AN OHDKH t)P THf! Hon.

JanifB C. Church, 8uiro(ut of the County of Kings, notice Is hereby kIvu, according to lew to all tietsona having clulms against JAMES HTAS'LKY CONNKK, lata of ihs County of Kinis. d'l-eaned. that tht-y are requiisd to exhibit th sains with the vouch 'TB thereof, to the vob ntlt't-r. at ths onY-s of V.

McjoldH k. No. lt Montsaus street. In the Bomush nf Brooklyn. New City, on or b-fots tha 10th Usy of February neat-Laud July Wh.

WILLIAM WHAT Fiseutor. T. MrOoidrirk. Attorns fwr Executor, 111 Montagu st, Brooklyn. fa traj.

IN pUHHUANCn OF AN OHPKK OrTH8 Hon. Jam c. church, Burnout uf ths County of mas, notice Is hereby aivsn, acctrlirg to law, io nil person havtnx claims tAVJI klKKPATItl' lata of tha Hrutrh Prook-lyn, deceased, that they are rtutied to exhibit the Bams, with th vouchers thereof, to ths sub rtber. st hr pisa of transact!" business, th nV of A K. Van Beuren.

2h Pine slrest. New Yurlt of Msnhnttun, on or bfnr tha 1st day of Marh nest 1 Aurn-t Edward, 8t. Edward street and Loo place, dolphla. To-morrow morning ha will rontlnu. the Been organized In connection with the Blhle school.

Th league meet every Monday evening. Th pastor I member of th league. Next Sunday evening th pastor' sermon will be In answer to a request to preach on th subject, It Possible to Be church will be given at that time and two deacon and two elder will be elected. Th young people will glv sociable on Tuesday thoupht of last week, portraying "Jesus ths Coriynter." Qeorge F. Booth will commence hli ihlrfy-flrHt year as superintendent of the Sunday school, which now enrolls over evening, January 23.

They hav prepared exercises of an Interesting character for th Moral without KllglonT" occasion. The sociable I not to eon-fined to the young people, but Ut for all twelve hundred. Th Clinton Avenue Congregational Church, th Kev. Dr. Nehemlah Bornton.

cas The past week has witnessed it Wsfrei treet Methodist M. E. Church ths most member of th church and congregation, Th winging to-morrow evening will led i by a choir of about fifty voices. I tor, I to hv vesper musical service tomorrow evening. The musical forces employed Mry Henry, violinist; Gertrude largely attended and effective evsngellstlc services ot the eight years of the pastoral of ths Rev.

Arthur W. Byrt. Former Police, man John E. Brown and others bav assisted EMMA APbAIUi. Admlnistrstrti.

U. K. Van Heursn. Att'y fr Ad mi ami Ira IM PI MSI'ANCK OK AN l. Itomnsnn, hsrplst, and 'he choir, Mrs.

A E. Chandler, aopraoo; Mary P. Mitchell The Rev. Dr. James Oliver Wilson will bo i In hi pulpit at both ervlre to-morrow In 1 the Nostrand Avenue Methodist Church and Jsmsa Church, flurmaata of the County ut In this work and goodly number will he also; J.

L. Janeskl, tenor, and James Nuno, under th direction of F. W. Rlesberg Kinist notli la ttrb siwn to all pfr.r, hav ing claims agatimt CHAKl.HM II HMITfl 1st added to tne rntirrh. while the greater part of the merbershlp havs been helped tkrouah in I mil-ay or Kins to iiin tha organist.

Anthem by Sullivan, Ruck and Rchnerker will be ung and violin, harp and their attendance these mentlnas. Meet asms, with virtu hem th'tit. Io th aui. rib-r, at her iUfa nf transacting nt th rfn'i organ will unite in works by Thome. Hnlf Ings will be held here nest week everr night mann, Van Ooens and Froehllrh.

The Rev Samuel Warner King will deliver the ad pt nonoay. jo-mnrrow night and Wednendsy and Thursday nights. Mr, dress. Dr. Koynt'in will preach at Amherst ir nsr attrn KdrJ a id.

hard. Cuurt street. Nw York. vr bfurs lb Uth day of June net. t)ati4 at Uroolilyii, tvrember JASK I.

PMITII. Kterutur. PdwaM A. attefmy for ssm i Curl irt. Mr Y.

Brown will sprak; Friday night "the pastor will continue his llluatrsted talk to young College to-morrow. In Memorial Presbyterian Church, Seventh venu and M. John a place the Hev. Dr. aivin McClelland win in the morning con tlntie ih course of sermons on "Jesus Idea the theme being "Jesus' He of Prayer A Seen Everywhere To-day.

There arc enough Eagle Almanacs In stxk to-day to satisfy all demanJs. By dint of extra effort we have been able to get enough on hand to give a supply to all newsdealers and booksellers throughout the city and to supply all Eagle offices with books for the retail trade. The rush for the Almanac this year has been highly gratifying. It shows that we are producing a reference book that is of value and one that is of value to people in active life. Incidentally the Eagle Almanac twenty-one years old this year.

the morning service Mlrs Grace Hornby will sing "My Atn mintree. The choir an Ihems for evening servlcn will be "Kuhen stein' "Jem, Lover of My Soul." Camtitnn's Tie Mnety and Mne Tsylnr Antliihoo Hsrnby'' "Com I'nlo Mo, Weary," and will also continue his series of sermons on the Apoe-tle Creed the fourth Week, follows: Monday, "Christ Sitting at th Right Hand of Tueady. hrlt Coming to Judge the Quirk and the Wednesday, "I Believe In the Holy Thursday. "The Holy Catholic Friday. "The Communion of Thes sermon evangelistic rather than doc-trlnal.

"The Evidence That Sustains the Tact of the Intplratltin nf the lilble," wltl be th piibjcet of the sermon In the aerie by the Hev. Ir. J. F. t'srsnti.

In th Central l're-bytrrlan Church. Jefferson nd Marry ve-nues. to-morrow morning II o'clork. Ir. Cnraon I preaching on the subject of tne illble on uicelve Sunday mornings.

Th dlnrusslon has awskened much Interest and large audience ttend the rrvlre. In th afiernoon at I dork th men meeting will he held In the rhitreh, Ih subject for dleiielmt being, "The lllbl and Prore." Dr. I'arann will ad this dlaeuaalon. On Thoridny evening ft subscription concert lll be given In th church bv Ih quartet, axolsted by other eminent talent. The mil- le-il cycle, In "Fairyland" will ren-dered.

Ir John Tlgert will prrsrh morning and evening In tlraee M. K. Church, Seventh avenue nd St. John place, lo-mnrrow. This will eniirlBile Dr.

Tirt'a Mtiatrv In Grace Chun It, About thirty persons havw been converted during the spa. ml tervlee Last mailt the Hominy school ttended th meeting In bi'dy, when from ten to fifteen pressed ft desire to tttr til ClirlaUsB lift. talnur choral Amen, In Puritan Congregational Church. Lafay rile and Marry avenues, the pastor, the Kev, Livingston L. Tsylor, wll to-morrow even psnple.

Hatitrday nlslit the tnlon Methodist prsyer meeting will In held In this church. After the successful celebration of Its tenth anniversary the Lutheran Church of the Molv Trinity especta to enter with renewed vigor upon the second flerada of Its work with enmtnunlnn services to-morrow, which will be held ttnih morning and evening, the psstor, the Itcv. A. Htvloila, ofnYlit-! In Ihe Sands Street Memorial M. rhurrh corner rlnrk and Henry sireta.

Ihe Hev. A. J. Ketl, ssslstsnt psstor, will lead the young people meeting at 45 M. to-morrow, (in Monday evening the Men A'etn-bly will be by Ira Jey Dtitlon, a ler In Manhattan, on "The immigration Problem.

be held Wednesday and Frldsy evenings. To morrow evening. In (he Blsth Avenue Methmllsi Rnlsmiil Chiiirh, ihe pseiar. the Hev. Dr.

W. W. ItoiviJiah. IM pr-, sermon In im-mnriam of Itlrhsrd Itlerkmsn, long a truntee of the church. The clai Servlrep v.

ill rontliiue every night nest seek ern-ept lUnirdsv. In St. Luke's 'hurrtt. Clinton avenue, the Rev, L'r. ll' i.rj C.

gweniM-l, lector, the Itcv. Ing continue hi course of sermon en "Th IV I'lMtKCAN'-K fK AV nithrii or THK a lite 1. Cbuirh tf 'K wf thm fVunt of Ktnas. noiirs her. by giwit, rdiii to Uw tu hvil viaima Hi H-Altfr I.

I K'I'th I late tha Hr. th M'ott. in City i New Y'rk. ibi re. quired to skhftilt the lit.

With trt VwhS thereof, ihi subscriber at hi fiu trams a. tin nt V. iur(, tn said It.tM.Mih civ York, on ur betr tha tutu day ot Msrib, liM n-tu-l t. IWi. ALliKKTw.

LKiiUETr. ai Cm a "in TTm an' nr "a tmi. it W''fTiK Hon Jaftir) hur- if.r,"s,i t' county of Htna.' 1- i'n, a'r-lu't t. '(w 0 ml htv i'Miiim M'fnt WILLIAM I TT tt 'h- r'unty that ther r(tiied to thi it tt sm.

ta'i tb tht-if Io (Mlt'Ka Plaa of I ti((ha bi(-sna st Dm (tub-'rd A at f-r ejMit.T, Court mreot. a 'm ta th day At July n-si l'9 Jnunr ilullLH J4 ln rif IN I'rutMV'f TK ('MI fK Tl tl Jimcl urrh. 'tir''flt i'f the Crtttit i mi iM h- i tjr rt 'i difs uw. all hvtm viiu-, siMi.t I LiZ M'K1 J'MlNtV l(e ths i mj? that they a nhi'it lh tO te Ml the ef S'M MM- Intel, 'i lAl l.rti Iva fti Hi 11 4a f-'risit, Jul Ik U.s. J4 ia Land of th Great Light." This course la senounred on Ih bulletin board follows "Hy word nd then by pictured light sacred seen re made to tell their story." To morrow evening the sermon will be lllus trsted aim Interesting views of Nannreih which will hown during the m-il hnlf hour following the servue i nder Ihe pice of ihe Women' Guild the will Iva Illustrated account of "A Puritan Midsummer Pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Good H'.

Anne" on Friday evening. In the Churrh of Hur Father the Rev, Dr. Thomas BirJ Fvtterton, mlulster, (tat.

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