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The Daily Sentinel from Grand Junction, Colorado • 85

Grand Junction, Colorado
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JUCO 2001 Friday, May 25, 2001 21 The best of all time JUCO Commissioners select their favorite tourney stars ARNOLD Walt Bergman and Darren Starr were By PATTI The Daily Sentinel also on the selection committee and quickly agreed that any two-time all-tournwatch every game from field level, ament selection makes the list. They behind home plate. Bergman, whose father, Bus, coached at right The tournament directors, otherwise Mesa College in Grand Junction, wanted known as "The spend to know about the players with local ties the long hours of the Alpine Bank Junior former Mavericks, Western Slope playCollege Baseball World Series swapping ers who played at other schools, even playbaseball stories and critiquing players, ers from other schools who eventually past and present. moved to the Grand Valley. And when they get together in the JU- OK, so there will be two teams, a localCO offseason, they still swap baseball sto- ties team and an overall team.

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