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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 10

Brooklyn, New York
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I nf7E NEVER ha permitted I ST. JOSEPH'S Y. M. U. HONORS HEW RECTOR ways I the young men about St.

Jo-: seph's. and held It up as an example. I do not want to be an officer of this ooily," said the pastor, "1 just want to be one of the crowd, to come in and play a game of pool or blllarrfs or car Js and have the (ordinary rights of a member. You will III and never will permit ny one to undersell i If VY VM.iii.WaJUIiiiiilUiiiliii,,i,,iil:iiilii ii 1 ui.ll Mil 1 1' I i a' i 'i a lisi.ii;iiiiiii'.ii. I JJJ HE (troat.t store and the greatest builaeu In Brooklyn have risen here on the foundation of 1'I HI.IC SATISFACTION' with tin best service, the best assortments and the lowest prices.

The Store Accommodating. or successfully to dispute onr supremacy in any branch of our business. The Store Ac commodating. The Rev. Father McCuirl Completely Surprised by the Tribute Paid Him.

Telephone 610O Main. The Weather Tomorrow: Fair. August the Month of Unusually Little Prices. WORK LAUDED IN SPEECHES, I have my hearty co-operation in all your I undertaking. I have enjoyed this re-iceptlon The evening's entertainment was closed by a short talk by the Kev.

Thomas J. Leonard, the spiritual director of St. Jo-' seph's I'nion. He was Introduced by the 'chairman. Mr.

CufT, as "one who had I never missed a meeting." after Father i McGulrl had said that It was his Intention to leave Father Leonard In full charge of the organization. This statement brought forth cheering and hand-clapping that lasted for fully five minutes. Other Features of the Programme. During the performance the following, i men supplied various forms of amuse-nient: Lester Frank. -Jamee Tobln.

Ed-; ward Mnsca. Fred Sullivan, William Flan-' r.agan, Ray Conk and James Mullin. The committee In charge of the func-, tlon consisted of Thomas J. Cuff. Edward McCarthy.

Edward Moran, Arthur Downs and Edward Mosca. Frank Kenny, pres-; Ident of the union, presided over the meeting which preceded the reception. The social committee reported that the 55k The Sensible Sort of Saving- Union Organized by Hira Twenty Years Ago When a Curate of the Parish. Household Hints. Buy Your Wife's HAT little prices there are these days!" W4 That was the exclamation of of a well-known little Brooklyn woman yesterday in this Store.

And she was right. While the papers are discussing the cost of living and the high prices, the prices on tke most wanted goods were never I i i 1 Oi i ,11,1 M-fiaV -p. -j so low at teasi not ior many years as uiey are in inis oiorc 10-uay. im -A. 1 I TUrjt7T7 1 "C- Ti XTt i -11 The Rev.

William T. McGuirl. the new rector of St. Joseph's Church, as very much surprised man last night when at the Instance of the Rev. Thomas J-Leonard, one of his Assistants, he came Into the meeting of the Men's Vnlon attached to bis church, which was held in the clubrooms of that body, 7ul Dean street, and saw assembled there about seventy-five men, among whom were a score or more old-timers, who joined the union some twenty-odd years ago, when Father McGuirl, then a curate same 11 1 lie wuiuan uuugm iiijaii parasols, rur tins year inui at.

an iui ucai union would give Its annual outing to Witzell's College Point Grove on Wednesday. September IS. The members were earnestly requested to attend. season. That sensible sort of saving and permits her to dress better than those with more money.

at St Joseph's, organized it. The new ECONOMICAL CARE. The young wife had given her husband dance. "You've Improved wonderfully, Jack," she sutd as they snt down. "Don't you remember how ycu used to tear my uress?" "Yes." he replied: "I wasn't buying them then." Boston Transcript.

Fur Coat Now. THE MIDSUMMER SALE OF FURS CONTINUES. It amazed folks years ago when we offered women's Fur Coats in the middle of Summer. But the reason for it is so obvious that no one is surprised nowadays, except at the prices. The Fur dealers appreciate the opportunity of being busy when they used to close up and the public appreciates an opportunity to save at least 33 1-3 per cent, to 40 per cent, on a Fur Coat.

That is why this Sale has become an established annual event, each year doing more business. And we sold yesterday more Fur Coats than many stores sell in the Winter. This is a mighty good time to buy HER Fur Coat. If you wish to make it a surprise let her sister pick it out for you and we will hold it in cold storage till wanted in the Fall. Second floor, front.

(Vntrnl HnllHino. It is clearance time the edge of the seasons. We never carry anything over but we MUST carry stocks right up to the edge of the next season. At this time there are any number of stock ends at fractions of former prices not enough to advertise in many instances. And this applies' to practically everything in the Store.

The thrifty woman makes money these days by spending it. And this is the place to spend it. Every drop is good. By the Woman Who Knows. Astonishing how many important ideas a woman with litr eyes open can get these Summer days in the STORE ACCOMMODATING and the morning is the best time to stroll around looking at things and inquiring.

For instance: Baby and the Thermos. It is established now that the fly is a dangerous character, innocent and insignificant is it appears, dangerous to poor, defenseless baby. should be gu aided from flies uui kept COLD for baby. Two Thermos bottles, one for milk and n.e for 1ICT WATER, saves footsteps, loss of time and baby's health. At feeding time the cold milk is reduced to prefer temperature and mixtuio a method approved by leading physicians everywhere.

Pints are $1.00, $2.00 and $2.50. Subway floor, Kast Building. AMMO A Modern Miracle Blessings on the inventor who finds labor-savers and aids to housewives in these days of small apartments and smaller kitchens. And thrice blessed the man who discoverd the way to reduce AMMONIA TO POWDER. From a can costing 8c.

you can get more powder and use than from several bottles of the liquid. A pinch of it in the water makes glass shine brilliantly takes the smell of fish out of a frying pan, disinfects and thoroughly cleans sink and all the kitchen, cleans a cut glass carafe like magic, makes a bath a velvety luxury, no matter how hard the water is naturally and well, read the label, for everything it says it will do it has done for me. Grocery Store. Third Hoor, West The August Furniture Sale Supreme Most Wanted Goods at Lowest Prices Anywhere. 69c.

Gowns, 49c. UPREME in value is this Sale, whether you are looking for period Furniture in the hundreds of dollars "or for the lowest priced Diningroom set, or even one It has been proved beyond all question that you can buy it here for considerably less than in any other store and every piece may be absolutely relied upon as strong, splendidly made inside and out. During This Month Direct Savings of 20-to 50. The best time, to buy is as the very piece you would like the most may be the very one someone else might like. 1 Fourth floor, Central and East (Buildings.

EVEN children love "Clicquot Club." It does not burn or smart as ordinary ginger ale does (it's made oi ginger, instead of pepper); and the pure sugar and dash of lemon make it refreshing and wholesome. I'll toll von snm more In thin column later when there is more room for it. The Rev. William T. McGuirl.

-pastor was wholly unaware of the arrangement, and when he took the platform to speak he fully admitted his surprise. The social committee, headed by Thomas J. Cuff, had been quietly at work for the past mouth preparing for the event. Almost all of Father McGuirl's old acquaint, ances were on hand. He seemed delighted with the affair and spoke highly of the people of St.

Joseph's in his address. Joseph Keaney's Tribute. A close friend of the guest, Joseph Keaney, the attorney In chief of the Long Island Railroad, a member of St. Joseph's Young Men's Union, made an Inspiring address In welcoming Father McGulrl back to his old church Me re Women's Stylish Suits, White Stripe Crepes, (Pronounced Klcek-0 Club) Former Prices Were $19.75 to $44.75. CLEARANCE TIME NOW, and 150 Suits of silk serge, taffetas and light weight whipcords are to be sold at a fraction of their former prices.

But two or three of a style in the lot. The colors are navy, brown, gray, tan and Copenhagen. Suits that can be worn until late in the Fall. GINGER ALE On account of its purity, the absence of chemicals, and the fact that it is so combined as to be non-astringent, Clicquot Club Ginger Ale, is by far the most wholesome summer drink viewed the great work done within the walls of the union from the time of Us AN EXCEPTIONALLY good lot of Gowns, in chemise style, trimmed with embroidery and ribbon drawn; others with embroiderey edge; still others with medallions and outlined with lace; some have embroidered spray across front and lace edge. At 69c.

About 10 styles, made of cambric and nainsook, open front and chemise effects; others made with Empire yoke; some have bands of good embroidery and ribbon drawn; others with yoke of imitation filet; others lace trimmed. $1.50 to $2.00 Gowns, 98c. Ten different styles, comprising nainsook chemise effects, with yoke of pointed Val. and ribbon run; others have entire yoke of lace; still others in Empire and round neck; some of plain crepe, others of fancy flowered crepe. 69c.

Walking Skirts, 49c. Nainsook top, flounce of lawn with insertion and edging of lace. Others at 98c, $1.48, $1.69 and 39c. Cambric Drawers, 29c. Full ruffle with embroidered edge, headed with tucks others with lawn lace ruffle.

Others at 39c, 49c, 59c, 69c, 79c. and 98c. 39c. Corset Covers, 25c. Low round neck Corset Covers, all trimmed with good embroidery or lace, in dainty patterns; some have combination of lace and embroidery and ribbon drawn.

59c. Combinations, 39c. 1 5c. a Yard. PLISSE STRIPE white Crepes, in five patterns advertised as spe- -cial value by some stores at 19c, here at 15c.

a yard Rep Suiting, much desired for women's and children's suits, soft finish; special value at 14c. a yard Empress Nainsook, yard wide, soft finish; for women's and chil-V dren's fine underwear; each piece boxed; 12-yard lengths, Linen Suits at $3.95, $5.95, $6.95 to $12.75. A number of stylish Suits in the lot being copies of imported models. second floor, central Buiidm. Oiler "Clicqnot" Beverages: Birth Beer, Root Beer, Sarsaparllla, Lemon Sour, Orange Phosphate.

qSl.rt a piece Mttin floor, rear, East Building. $12.75 to $14.50 Porcelain Dinner Sets, $8.98 far sale by good grocers THE CUCQUOT CLUB CO. MillU, Mats. ill FTclLIIftATID I organization and gave the credit for it all to St. Joseph's new rector.

In addition to this, he pointed out the accomplishments of Father McGuirl as a pastor. His keen ability for gathering funds for new churches was particularly emphasized by the speaker. "The fact that you are In the same place as when you started your priestly career," said Mr. Keaney, "does not signify that you have not advanced, but demonstrates the unusual success that bas marked your work. We do not know exactly what the offfce of irremovable pastor means in the ennon law, but we all have an idea that it corresponds to a great extent to a 'fixed At this Father McGuirl laughed aloud.

Father McGuirl Lauds Work of the Y. M. TJ. In his address the guest of the evening paid a glowing tribute to the Union of St. Joseph's when he said that since he had left, that church he had organized many such clubs and always modeled them after St.

Joseph's. "Not only," ho said, "did I bear this In mind, but I al- 102 PIECES, iris or radisson shape, handsomely decorated with rich floral border designs in natural colors and gold edge on all pieces; set includes Soup Tureen and 3 large size Meat Dishes. extra oarfJ White Linen Suiting FINE AND MEDIUM weight, yard wide, pure white Irish Linen Suiting, 39c. and 50c. a yard.

Remnants of white and natural Linen Suiting at greatly TwoLarfefassSI Ginger $4.98 German China Tea Sets, $3.98. 56 pieces, prettly decorated in a variety of dainty floral effects, in natural colors and fold edge on all pieces. $5.25 Carlsbad China Fish Sets, $3.98. 14 pieces, richly decorated in a variety of dainty floral border designs; gold edge on all pieces; assorted fish centers. German China Chocolate Sets, 75c.

14 pieces, handsomely decorated with large pink roses and green foliage; set consists of Chocolate Pot and six Cups and Saucers. $3.75 Cut Glass Fruit or Salad Bowl, $1.98. OVAL SHAPE. Extra heavy blank, exquisitely cut In combination of fine designs, finished with deep soalloped edge. Store orders only and none C.

O. D. Subway floor. West Bulldlna. in tvery Bottle reduced prices.

Liners at utc, itc and eoc ii Second floor, Bast Bulldlnf. I Main floor, rear. East Bulldlnf. JJ rJ I 111 III Perfection Vacuum Clothes Washer $1.00 J. B.

Corsets, 69c. $2.98 Gas Lamps, $2.45. MADE OF BATISTE; model suitable for Summer wear; two pairs of supporters attached. Nemo Corsets, $2.00, For stout figures, in sizes 23 to 30; made of batiste, with supporters attached. COMLPETE WITH burner, mantle, chimney and 10-inch four-panel cathedral art glass square shade and four-panel glass crown in amber or green, bead fringe to match.

98c. Upright Lights, 69c. Complete with burner, mantle and fancy etched airhole globe. Acid Etched and Pressed Glass Gas Globes, 9c. In a variety of pretty patterns; all fit 4-inch ring.

THE DOUBLE S. H. Green Trading Stamps on cash purchases FREE rncc at 12. i Detore U. Premium Parlor, 1-ourth Hoor.

riecona noor, uum, wi.i Sj We ase during July and August at 5 except Saturday, then close Best Results Least Labor. THE WEAR AND TEAR of rubbing clothes over a washboard, say nothing of the tremendous labor involved, is one of the biggest labor items in housekeeping, and thousands of housewives dread laundry day for its excess of work. The VACUUM WASHER makes the clothes clean WITHOUT RUBBING simply put the Washer in the center of the boiler, permit the water to boil, place the clothes around the outside of the Washer, and in twenty minutes the cleaning is done to perfection the WATER SURGES THROUGH THE' FABRICS, washing it out instead of rubbing it out the cleanest, most efficient method ever devised. Demonstration here, and the maker's guarantee with every Washer. Price $2.50 Subway floor, East Building.

1 Gold and Silver Cakes. I Good Blankets, A From BakeshoD 1 Hemmed Sheets. Not yet, but soon; but as we will hold them until the "frost is on the pumpkin," and all you need pay is $1.00 on a pair now, and save a dollar a pair by select HERE IS A DELICIOUS CAKE something that pleases the esthetic taste of the housewife and appeals to the eye, which is acknowledged to be a part of appetite production. "Gold" Cake is made with the yellow of the egg "Silver" with the white. Light, delicately flavored, a pleasing combination of angel cake and sponge cake, with the richness of one and flakiness of the other wholesome and toothsome.

Vanilla or lemon icing. A Summer Cake particularly delicious served with fruit or berries 13c- ch ing them at this sale, why not select them bee? the BlanketVVise doing SO. Main Floor, Annex. 1 STANDARD bleached muslin Sheets and Pillowcases, very closely priced. Sizes are before hemming.

Sheets. yards 44c I 2'4x2'J yards 59c 2 x22 yards 54c 2x2 yards 68c 2x24 yards 74c Pillowcases. 42x36 inches. each 45x36 inches 15c. each Subway (loop, West Fresh from A.

S. Bake bhop. r.l nor. WORI iiU II I1K. JJ These Clean Up and Reduce Cost of Living 1 10 cakes of 20 Mule Team Borax ''Sparbon," the modern cleanser; Soap for 25 cleans, scours and polishes; reg- I ularly 5c.

each, 2 5c' Babywcar Direct From France. A Real Occasion in the Infants' Store. FOR THE MOTHER who wants something DIFFERENT in apparel for her baby, here is the opportunity to purchase dainty little Slips made in France and pay less than $1.00 for them. Store orders only. Hand-made Slips for infants, 98c.

Also a lot of slightly soiled Dresses at greatly reduced prices, beginning at $4.98 up to $35.00. Store orders only. the wash day king, Roach Traps, regularly 10c. each, regularly 5c. each, 2 for 5c can Stabrite's Metal Polish, 5c 2 for 5c i LJU Women's Silk Stockings, 39c.

THREAD SILK Stockings, with lisle tops, heels "and toes, in black, tan and white. Women's 25c, Stockings, 19c, Fine cotton, full fashioned, black, with unbleached split soles Main Hour, tnmt. Central liuildlng. Women's 25c. Underwear, 19c.

FINE QUALITY, low neck, sleeveless and short sleeves; knee Drawers, in regular and extra sizes, wide at knee. Mm in fl.xir. Mint. Pnntrfll llulMlnr. tiT i it a women "Arcnoupport anoes ior Limping Feet, $390.

Second floor, front, East Building. j' AUCTION SALES. VISCOUNTESS IS INSANE Fitter to the anatomy of the foot to help restore the fallen Instep and help to prevent them from weakening and falling. If you feel tired with out having walked a great deal, these arch-support Shoes will remedy that i and will give support and comfort to the body immediately. Made of the i best black kid, in lace, on a stylish broad round toe, with kid tips and low heels.

All sizes. Everybody Enjoys Yellowstone Park "TnITeij stair district roi rt kih Ihe F.a-lcrn District of New York-In tle mutter of Marble bank- To the rreilltnrs ni me runt Women's $3.00 and S3.50 Patent Coltskin, dull calfskin, gun metal and Notice In hereoy yen mi bankrupt Former Miss Margaret Knouer of Brooklyn Committed to Hartford Sanitarium. perm.nal pri.peiny heloim'mg to the the heroin will be un.ler the Russia calf Oxford Pumps and one eyelet Oxfords at $1.5 On the bargain table. fin Ti.ll KA Clfron Pnmno $1 9Q if Kdwurit Mullen, trustee, at lireftbin Mary Constance and Margaret Campbell, were married to Jean and Alan, respectively. Before Mary Constance had been Introduced to society, she met and became engaged to Henry Coleman Drayton, a son of Mr.

and Mrs. J. Coleman Drayton. Mrs. Drayton was a sister of the late John Jacob Astor.

She divorced Mr. Drayton and married an Englishman, Ogllvy Halg. Count Alan de Suzannet met Miss Margaret Knower while she was traveling abroad. They were married in 1906, when Miss Knower was only 17 years old. At the time of her marriage, the viscountess sued to obtain possession of the full Inonmo nf tn ,1, w.

anl v. ii. nubile auction, by fort. Mr and Mrs. Bergersen of 4809 Eleventh avenue owns that house and the adjoining one.

About 2 o'clock one morning recently a woman living on the to,) floor wanted to close one of the front windows and (n doing so had to remove the screen. The noise startled two men who were evidently working at the front door and they dashed from under tho awning across the avenue to the corner of Forty-eighth street. Thero one of them flashed a red light and a third man ran from the areaway, and all three sped up the. street to Fort Hamilton avenue and out of sight. The Bergersens wpro alarmed, but Mrs.

Bergersen Is a woman of determination. She dreissed and went to search for a tolenhone. but could find Light hand turned soles, round toes, with small leather bows; medium I to 7. height heels; all sizes, 2'2 You can't help but enjoy it foi Uncle Sam has reserved here a 2,000, 000 acre playground filled with th most wonderful scenery in the world Giant and baby geysers, mud volcanos hot springs, gorgeous colored rocks tremendous waterfalls, myst i i lakes, disappearing rivers sky-pierc ing mountains piled high everywhere Either by way of stage with hotel stopi or the more care-free camp routes. Yel lowstone Park will refresh your bodj and cheer your heart.

If you go on th (Special to The Eagle.) Hartford. August 6 The Viscountess Alan de Suzannet, daughter of the late Benjamin Knower of Brooklyn, has been mentally Irresponsible for some Dainty Summery Wear at Cost. Lawn Dressing Sacques, choice patterns aui tloneei at 0,. l.exinnion unmr, liorouith of llrooklyn, City of New York, on the ISth of August, 1912. at 10:) a.m.

The property to be sol.l consists of mnrble blccks mil slabs, marble cutting anil polishing: machinery anil the unexpired term or a lease for three yearn, ilateil May 1, 1M1 of the premises No. Islington avenue. Hor-ough of The property may he Inspected at any time on application to the trustee. The trustee n-serves tin rht to withdraw nny of sulo proper! for sale esse It shall not bring at least per rem. of Its appraised value.

Dated August ItcilIKItT F. TII.NKY, Referee. Irfingbind Thomps'n, Attorney for Trustee No. 2 Hector street, Horough nf Manhattan. Nov York city, ail8-ln-2t ui hud, luuu ailluUHbi'ifi a year.

Although she had been I tinnu nimllnliln i.nninanltii hv a nolph. time, her friends say, and Is now confined in this city In a sanitarium for the I bor she went In search of a policeman, Lawn Shirtwaists, with tucks and embroidery 49c. Burlington I'll see to it that you are re lieved of all bothersome little details insane. I The viscount who has been staying Saybrook, during the summer, has for some time had the illusion that i Bhe was under hypnotic Influence. Her Muslin Nightgowns, embroidery, tuck and ruffles Nainsook Corset Covers, with lace and ribbons Muslin Drawers, deep embroidered ruffles allowed only $6,000 a year by her guardian, the court decided to give her the full income in view of her marriage.

Her sister, Mary Constance, who had her marriage to Henry Coleman Drayton annulled, and became a Catholic in order to marry her cousin, Count Jean, received the same income. I I'm employed by the Burlington Routt Children's Brejsej, white and colored; sizes 2 to 5 years Infants' Lawn Caps, vith ribbons, lace and embroidery 'Children's Rompers, plain colors and checks and after a long time found the man on post, but he could do nothing. As a mat: ter of fact, this post extends from Greenwood Cemetery to Sixtieth street and from Tenth to New Utrecht avenuen, s0 the cuse was hopeleBB. The red light flash Is thought to Indicate that the burglars may have had an auto waiting for them on Fort Hamilton avenue. "The Kali re Line's steamships Roma and Provinoia Balled yesterday from thu Thirty-first street pier.

South Brooklyn, Each condition became such that her relatives decided to commit her to the care of private sanitarium in this city. At the request of her mother, who appeared before Judge h. W. Marvin, in the Probate Court here on July 27, the viscountess was committed to the Hartford Retreat. Physicians who examined 35,000 Yards Wash Goods Specials, 5c.

Yard, to help you plan your trip, engage you: sleeping berth, deliver your tickets intt your hands and be useful in even other way I can. Special rates star June 1st. Write me a postal, tellinf when you want to go, and I'll send yot finely illustrated books about Yellow stone Park, quote you prices for th entire trip and give you a lot of inter esting information. W. J.

O'Meara Eastern Passenger Agent, C. B. R. 1184 Broadway, New York City Telephone Mad. 5700.

BOROUGH PARK NERVOUS. Burglars Reported Active and No Policemen Around. Residents of Borough Park are decidedly nervous over the police sutuatlon In the section. Many robberies have been reported to hnvi; occurred and an attempted burglary on Eleventh avenue a few days 'ago ha not udded to their com her said that it was evident that she was TIMES CHANGE. Fond Parent How much la eight times six, Johnnie? Small Boy Fifty-four.

Fond Pajrent It used to be forty-eight when I Wnt to school. Small Boy Yes, but mother, you know everything has changed alnce your time. Brooklyn Life. 19c. to 29c.

Yard Grades, Short Lengths, 10c. Yard. suffering from mental trouble. Virginia, French, an American girl, cousin of Benjamin Knower was "the ior ne noma cans at i-ruvi-jilence, R. and carries a considerable fnumber of passengers, mnny of them tourists.

Both take cargoes of oil, pro-I visions, agricultural Implement antj general manufactures, 49c. to $1.25 Yd. Summer Silks, 29c Jd. Up- Ct7 1 I mother of the de Suzannet brothers, Jean aud Alan, Mr. Kuower'g two daughters,.

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