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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 11

Brooklyn, New York
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CONNECTICUT. DTE A. 8 Mi RO ADSDDB9IG MUSES OTEiE YM'lL EKIJiY YOUR VACATDOM I The Bonsilene LN THE MORRIS HILLS Elevation 650 feet; 10 minutca walk (ram Ieadlng Hlfh clim Moderate Ritt Hotel. A I DC MAD I virinoui RLDLnlAnLC mct. nor, batning.

iv'ttuu ail iHfAii (tier. theaters, tc Coolest location open surroundings i 4.0(H) ft. porches; ltX) large, cool front rooms; private baths, elevator iceptlonally good hie fresh ve fftiblrt And see food from prWate supply; good rook, attentive, courteous pfrtlf. Specially catering to families and those desiring the comforts, conveniences end attraction of the luiurtous hotels without the n.vM In eont. Reduced July rate $10, $2 iSO up weekly; $2 up dally.

Booklet. L-tabiUJied ownerihlp manareraeot. J. P. COPS.

FOR THE SUMMER OR DAY'S OUTIIMG The coolest, most beautiful Beach, within 25 minutes from foot of Bay Ridge Avenue (69th Street), to the Beach a breezy sail on Municipal Ferries. Splendid hotels, cafes, restaurants, fresh sea foods, seasonable delicacies, at very moderate prices. Vaudeville shows, music, cabaret, music pavilions and every amusement feature. Ocean bathing pavilions on white sand beach. Fine fishing and boating facilities.


CO. Easy and Pleasant to Get There A Joy to Stay There You Never Have to Stand on South Beach Cars Seats for All Always A GOOD TIME TO SOUTH BEACH r.r av. AT 0H. tot HlahC on Ih fleflnel. i.isive i Hon cume htre Snaail.

1- or real rer-I'lmier S-plng i i K. bl'h'ng. ic. nil i or en Mi raren. 1'hone p.ri'he.

lenni K.aMr city suite ru-jslne 'ottttges (or rm tn.i n- LAKE VIEW COTTAGE flhlng. iiit; ess. MIMH, milk, vegetables from farm. A .1.1 re a F. F.

I'l NriEl.i). Ramp ton llltl, llrtnipton. Conn. solution; heautilui views. icUnt table; own proilucta; autoliiar.

driving, tennla; $9 114. Booklets. F. H. 8TA RKb.

Y. VNEir.rA RFST," Walnut Reah. Mllford. Conn. lloattng.

bat bin k. tlnhlng; rhun-hea near by; oi, table; piano; terms $1). U. L. QV1.N1M.

Prop. MONK 1SLAXP HOTF.U Btony Creek. onn. Uoatliis, haihlna, sea food, no malaria, or inosuuitoea; it up weekly. Dr.

K. A. 1AV1S. Proprietor. HOTKL ALMA.

Walnut Bears, Mllford, Conn. Fine rooms and board, IS ta 10. Fte dance hall for guests. 34 3 CANADA. uii PfiDn DRV uniice atoakera miLri'nil DMI nUUOb Oaoada.

lelurbtfully located: acommodatea 100 1 safS sandy beach boating, fishing, tenats, croqoet. dancing; golf links mile; good tablet purs spring water. Writs for booklet. ILESOET GUIDES. The Catskill Mountains a country of native grandeur, wildwood charms, many trout streams, walks, drives, and ether attractions make this a picturesque sod balUi-ful paradise.

The lister Delaware R. R. reaches all points In this mountain sanitarium aud great pleasure ground, and la connection with West Shore It. operatea through trains Including Pullman service. The annual illustrated book with revised map of the Catskill Mountain section, also map showing the great Anhokan Hetiervolr, aud containing corrected list of over 1.000 hotels and boarding: houses, will be sent fres on receipt of cents postage, W.

A. 81MS, General Passenger Agent, Kingston. N. Y. SPECIAL NOTICES.

BUFPLKMKNTAL PHOCBBU1NO. 8UPHKMB Ct)UHT. NICOOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT In the matter of the application of the Public Hervlce Commlnsloii for the First District of the State of New York, acting on behalf of the City of New York, for tnfl appointment of Commissioners of AppraUal pursuant to Chapter 4 of the Laws of 18D1, and the several utatutaa amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, relative to acquiring an chihi in fe Pimple absolute. In and to certain premlHos situate on the easterly aide ol FLAT HI THH AVhlNUH lCXTKN-HION, on the easterly and westerly sides of Hudson avenue, on the northerly side of Fulton street between FlnthviHh Avenue Extension and Ashland place, and on the southerly side of Full on street from Itockwell place to Ashland place, in the linrougn or urooatyn. City of Nt-w York, required for the purpose of maintaining: anil onemtlna.

free of Interfer ence and right of interference, whether by abutting owners or otherwise, the rapid ranmt raiiroau commonly spoaen or an me FOCKTH AVUNUU: HAl'lU TlLANMiT HAIL-ROAD. Notice In hereby given that the Fourth Separate Report of William 13. Hurd, Arthur S. Homers and F.untace Conway, the CommlstdnnerH of AppraiHal duly appointed In the above. entitled proceeding, which report bears date the UUi day of June, lsU, was filed In the office of th Clerk ol tho County of Kings on Juno 11, 11.

Notice Is further given that aald Fourth Separate Report will be presented for confirmation to the Supreme Court of the State of Nw York, at a Term thereof, for the hearing of contented motions, to be held In the Judicial District, at the County Court House In the Horough of Brooklyn, City of New York, on the Hint day of July. 1914, at the opening of Court on that day. and that then and there, or an soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be mado that the aald Fourth Separate Report he confirmed In all respects. Da Led. New York.

July lit. 1914. FRANK L. POLK. Curuoratlon Counsel.

Halt of Records, lioruugh. of Manhattan, City of New York. J18 dAau ij NH5W TORTC flUPItKMHJ COUHT, URCOND Judicial District In the matter of the appli cation of William R. Wllloa. William Mo-Carroll.

Edward M. Hassett, Milo 11. Mnltblo and John K. Kustls, constituting; the I'uhlla Hervlce Cnmrniesltm In and fur the First Dia-trirt of the Ktate of New York, by the Cor poration Counsel of the City of New York, for and on behalf of the City of New York for the appointment of Commissioners of Appraisal, pursimnt 10 napier 4 or me iawa oi isvi, aim the several statutes amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, relative to acquiring a permanent and perpetual underground right, easement and right of way In certain premise, and also a tempt. rary rlttht or easement In the same premises and certain other premises for the construrllon, maintenance and operation a rapid transit ratln-sd In, under or appurtenant to the said pp'inlses, situated on Flat-bush avenun extension.

It'ultnn street. Hudson avenue and Rockwell place In the Homunh of ltrooKiyii, i lly New Torn. IjA mh'su AVKNTK EXTENSION FOURTH AVfeiNUB 81'HWAY. Notice Is hereby given that the Fourth Separate Report of William H. Hurd, Arthur H.

Homers ami Eustace Conway, the Commissi on era of appraisal duly appointed 111 the above entitled proceeding, which report bears date the 11th day of June, 1914. was died In the ofTlee of the Clerk of the County of Kings, on June 11, 1'JU. Notice Is further given that said Fourth Separate Report, will be presented for confirmation to the Supreme Court of the Htate of New York, at a Special Term thereof, for tho hearing of contested millions to be held In the 8ermd Judicial District, at the County Court House In the HorouKh of Hrooklyn, City of New York, un the 3 1st day of July, 1914, at the opening of court on that day, and that then ami there, or as sin threuftr as counsel can be heard thereu n. a motion will be made that the suld Fourth Separate Report lie confirmed la all rospeciM. Dated New lurk.

July 16, 1914. FRANK L. POLK. Corporation Counsel. Hsll of Ttecorda, Borough of Manhattan.

ttr of New York, Uti Jisu xJ30 TN TMR DISTRICT COT "TIT TWR TTnlted Htalcs for the Knstern District of New York -The Knifed States of America, for the use and benefit of Charles T. Keebe, doing buslneHS uti'ler the firm itamn atcl stylo of Marker ft Hihe, and ot her credit nrs. If any, of Merrick FireprnoilNg Companv, cnmplaln-ants, nta1nMt Merrick Fl reproofing Company and The Tltl and Surety Company, defendutits pendency of Act Ion Not Ice Is hereby riven, pnriis-int to the Rijifuie, that THK STATES OF AMKRICA. In hehalf of CMARLEH T. HKKHK, of thi Town of Watcrfonl, County of NVw Lmilon, In tho State of Connecticut, doing buxlness under tho firm name, and style of lltirker Heche, Imi commenced an action In tho ni-'ive-eutltlcd court for labor and materials furnished by said Charles T.

Heebe, ilnn buslnests with the afoiesfild Merrick Flrepiooilng t'nmpany. In th making and addition nnd alteration of hoe-pllol at Fort H. i. Wrttcht. New York, and that any person who has furnished lHbor or materials to said Merrick Fireprooflne; Oom-p-tny In the prosecution of Hie uforeriuid work may Intervene In said action and become a party thereto, within one year from the completion of the work under said contract and not later.

VAX VF.KDEU, t'nlted Stales DlHtiict PROPOSALS. OOVKTtSnns INLAND, N. Y. II July 22, lPH-rieuled propoaala. In triplicate, for fur-nlnhlng forage ad si raw re.julifd In Eastern Department during nine month, commencing Oct.

1 1IH4. will Im- received Inn- until ly a.m., Aug- 7, 1114. Iiiforiniitlon ftirnKhed oo application to Di-parttucut juarteriuater. Institution Reports Catalogues Pamphlets Booklets and vry Iclnd of printinpr In the latest style, from new type nd on new presses run by electricity. Reasonable prices.

Bend for estimate. BROOKLYN EAGLE JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT FIFTH FLOOR. EAGLE BUILDLNtt station; 55 minutes out; 12 acre, fine view; ssddte horaea canosing newly erected; accommodates 75; moderate rates. Booklets. RICHARD VINCENT.


PKVN A Bummer Home for Discriminat ing People. All Outdoor and Indoor Amusements at their beat. Famous Shawnee GOLF COURSE (Bhawnes Oonntrv Clob) arrsans, US Inn. a. at.

wino. muuiw. N.T.iimca, Ml fifth An Tel. Mad. Sq.

SHADY LANE COTTAGE, Welcome Uk, Pa. Accommodate 1A. House new and un-to-data. Rooms lajrare and airy. Piano In house, and other amusements.

First-class table. Every thing strictly tresn. ine uwaiity and view. Healthy climate. Plenty of shade.

Elevation, $,000 feet. Lake mile. Heating, bathing, fishing. Postofnve and danctng pavilion near. Katea, Rtatlon, iNariowsburg, N.

Y. tjeutllea preferred. F. CA8K. PAXINOSA INN lm the sear ICa.too, Pas.

1.000 feet elerstton. maantflnt scenery, ei-tenalTfl prlrate park! ballroom, amusements, orchestra. Auto accouunodaUona. Rootlet anil Anto Bouts. A.

B. HELL1NOS. WALKRB LAKE MOI SB, Walker Lake, Ta. Open Judo 1 to October 1. lloatlna.

bathing, flshlnf. and 110. Booklets. P. FESBH, Prop.

WALKER LAKE HOUSH Walker Lake. Pe. Open Jun. 1 to October 1. rloatlnaT, fishing.

Booklet. P. FRSER. Prop, HIGHLAND FARM. Oeorgs Rlaggo.

Twt Lakee. I'lke iMtinty. Pa. Modern lmprovsmontj good fishing: rates 7 to la. Delawars Water Gap.

FOR THE WEEK'S END 0E SUMMER 0UTIN0 There's bo spot In the mountains of Pennsylvania that compares with WATER GAP HOUSE TUB MOUNTAIN PARADlfll, Del ware Wetter 1-ap, With Its high altitude, cool breesea, charming vlewa and high-class modern accommodations; 100 private baths, elevators, log tires, unfair passed cuisine. Orchestra; rafi and grill golf, tennis, saddle horses, bathliiK. water snorts. HPBOIAL JULY KATK8. Coaches meet trslna.

Booklet and auto map mailed. JOHN pmtl-t COPM. Motorists receive same terma ss other guests. DfLMRE WATtR GAKf. Now open.

Reason May to December. Superior In its appointments, cuisine and service. eat and leading hotel. Special July terms. Write for booklet and auto in up.

Motorists accorded same terms as other sues la, CHAS. IL WHITE, Owner and Proprietor. BRIDGE VIEW HOUSE Acc 10 Is to til. Central location. hXTINU A 8CHANK.

Stroudsburg. STR0UDSBURG, PA. CHURLEIGH INN ON THE BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS Lake, Tennla Court, Private Hatha, Fine Cnlslne. D. A.

SNYDER, Prop. RPHriAL RATKS BEKV.ICKINN ESSKiSST Shady grounds; trolley to eotranwa. bMklM. r. C.

iilCKJHSUN, to. stroudsburg. few PI.K.ASAMT VIF.W FA II Htroudsburg, Isrge. airy rooms nlenllful tnhle spring water; rate, reasonable. T.

F. CAHHK. R. 1). JHI lilt fssutu Mt.

Pocono. MOUNT PLEASANT HOUSE Mount riininO) ln. Rebuilt, enlargfd, niotleinlRed. liooms with hath and running water. Hells, gas, orchestra, dHiiclng It 1 Hooklet.

For road map and rates W. K. A 11. M. i.KKl'.n.

MAINS. SACHEM HOTEL, Ing, sear ocean. W. B. Prop, GRANITIC CITY and Morse Collages on the aea wall, with or without board; flrat class; ratea SMITH, Old Orchard, Mo.


VERMONT. LAKE-Vircw-IN-TIIR-PINES. lMk Ht. atherlne. In th.

shadow of the Green MountAlna. An Ideal Bummer ItesorL New mnnagement. Hates from fit up. Address Ultlr'KlTH Propa. Poultny.

Vt. MASSACHUSETTS. WANTT3D. few summer boarder. In quiet, comfortable horn.

In the country. Miss Q. P. WALKER. Kouthbrldge, Mua BKRKSHIEES.

HOTEL AS PIN WALL Lennx, XI nmttv li at-1 i m. In the heart of the famous lit liolf rourse one-iUHrter of a uii It from the hotel. Hadillc horses, ti-nnts. good llvr-ry, I' motoring, t-tr. A( i-oiiiiuoilatcs 61 Hi.

lioou on'iif'tttra. M-a 'lrnn ut'iuutfr itn. We niHkc a social rati- for young Writs for rircular. W. W.

lilliiWN, Manager. GRANLIDEN HOTEL tains, Take Sunapes, N. 11. Under same man agement, Ccuomal 3nn (iRKA HAHHIiTl), MAM, Betlnvd enTlronuieiit. Kifll'nt cutslns.

CHAS. 11. I.UNti. I.AI HKL I.AKK II 41 IT HK AMI 4IT-TA KM. Ie, Mass.

Heart of the l(erkihlrea. Rlegaot location on lak every attraction Butos accommodated. Booklut. Uro. Hoardman.

BERKSHIRE TAVERN Headquarters for tourists and boarders, best service; minimum rales. BLOCS ISLAND. B. I. word, blue, eod oass.

He. food, hi air, hot cold sea water bathe great health restorers. Capacity Bookist. HTOEIA HOTEL, CO. (New York 1.11 booking ofllts, fnoet Osorg.

llolsU NEW BRADY HOUSE The Leading Kiddle-Class Hotel. Arkansas mala tbocongbfae to Beads and tlllloo-Dollar Pter. larne, cool porch, open iiirroumimgs: use of baths, with hot and eold water. Bathing from hotel; suits taken care of attendants without charge. Music, dancing! new bed.

Table ha no equal. Hates $1.50 up 1i 11; $t) op wkly. Booklet. Mrs. CoWln A Bro.

GRAND ATLANTIC HOTEL Virginia av, close to beach and all attractions. Opacity 600. Providing every flrst-ctase bote appointment and comfort. Boa water baths, private aad public largo, cool rooms elevator i ferial re porches, to- ate. American ant.

European plana. Sped a I American plan. op weekly, $2.60 tu daily, Hooklet. A ore meets Ualtu. 1 bUAW.

THE LEXINGTON Arkansas A Paclflo Aw. Ground with tennis courts sdlolnltur Beach. Only hotel where Kiivnia tuny bto irom nonie to inn in tinthlnar ittlr without nalnaj streets), which la prohibited. Care of bathing suits and use of bath house la free. Running water la room; private bath.

Tango parlor; orchestra, ll.AO and op daily, to $17. SO weekly; American plan. White service, BookleL PAUL a BOSECKANS, Mgr. CONTINENTAL" ruarun near unii ui w.i I private bsths; running wstet 1. rooms levstor exoellent tablft whits wrvlrc

Atnprlonn plan: 12 (0 np dallj I10.0U to wwklj. nookbti. M. WAL8U DUKOAN. TFUMrCCrF Orvan end Trnnesaec con ILnntOOtC to R.

It. ttatlon and all amua. i tl.bO up i np tklj. A. ASBUET PARK.

New Monterey NORTH ASBURY PARK, N. J. NOW OPEN Bot ind Cold Be Water Baths. Long Distance Telephones. Barf Bathing, Sailing, Fishing, Oarage.

Dally Concert and Dancing S. 0. DENNIS, FRANK F. SHUTS, At Manager. Manatar.

THE SURF HOUSE 1st av, overlooking oceaji; dancing; capaolty ISO; booklet. J. WALTER BUTCHEJH. OtBAIM SPRAY HOTEL Unobstructed rlew of Ocean end lill lake sr.

Cool, Comfortable, Commodious. Culfllne Un surpassed. Booklet. R. Foley, Prop.

el4 lIM sutuths THE FENIMORE Thirtieth season. TIIOS. NOBLB. QUEEN MARY COTTAGE, I'm: English Inn; minutes from beach: run ning water in bedrooms. A.

W. VflUSLEY. nrtir DTTTj'D'rpnwr sis ASHUI1V PARK Booklet A. W. KHI.UKT.

JB-iat sutulhs ST. JAMES Asbury Psrk. N.J. tobeacb. modern Improvements; fnmlly hotel.

Address 1. Woebr, Prop, LLANYMOR patronage. Booklet, facing lake home cooklnr near re Hned 0. A. JUST1CB.

OCEAN GR0VB. THE ARLINGTON. Most Attractive Hotel In Ocean Grovo, Central. Cool. Comfortable, Table the very twst.

Katea reasonahle. DU. F. C. COOPER.

STRATFORD Ocean drove, N. J. BO feet to ocean. Modern Imp'v'n'ts. Booklet.

II ay lies A Layouts. THE CHAUTAUQUA, Brosdway. IfOtb season. M. WILSON.

J25 xnuestuth Plitan Embury Av, block to ocean; elec. liiieiBCU, trl(, ileu. porches: 98 to $12. A. W.


Ocean trout; capacity 200; rutes $14 to single; $-1 to 935. 2 In room. W. II. STOVLO.

2d bouse aagamoreMi 2d bouse from Ocean; 12tb cellent tsble rstes weekly; $2 dally. BELMAK, N. J. LAPS'UllTX A Dl ttA lOc). NEPTUNE HOUSE Nmri ocean trout.

Boating, bathing, fishing. i. i U. T. Hotel Windtor Overlooking ocean and lata; noiei winusor moarra.

4 dancing. Moderate ratea. Booklet. M. M.

Uwell. NEW JERSEY. The Ideal Twin Resorts Wildwood and Wildwood Crest Always a breese. Lots of life for young folks. Best for tbose who prefer It.

Fre band concerts dully. MuKnltVnnt boardwalk, Hoed with piers, th'-ateis, shops and plenty of amiiHemcnts. Finest bathing beach In the eoun try. Kifvlleut hotels at moderate rates. Fast, frequent trains oo Pennsy and Reading.

For iu formation and beautiful booklet write today to J. ritr Clerk, Wildwood, N. J. nili-6t sw THE WASHINGTON; a delightfully located Inn entirely surrounded by shado, catering to funifllcH, automoblllsts and weekend parties; 24 miles from New York t'lty, and 3H minutes from Jersey city via Krle; frequent evprees and morning Adiirc TUB WAHHINISTON, Hohokus, X. J.

Telepliono 1 0.1 THOMPSON HOUSE Under New Management. Surf and stilt water bathing. Popular prices. ltooklet. Modern dancing.

W. A. HOMA1N. Highlands, N. J.

PARKER HOUSE SEVGj.HT' On ocesn front 8rth season. Modern. Mend for booklet. THOMAS DEVLIN. THE ALLAIRE UIHECTLV ON TUB' liKAfH.

MAtU COI.UA'lig HOI. MRS. Rr.Mtlltn IIOUHrc. lll.blanla, N. hos 47, la hsdy grove, lawn, a gllntenlng ssndy beaeb, bathing, boating, Dahltig free to guests, Gerrasa-Amerlcsn cooking; Sit upward.

Booklet. likUZ. HOTEL MARTIN 'wk all rooms: room and bosi-d, $to jst week un dsy up; ocesn batiilug; garage free. M. GBItllltACIl.

WILIOW ItltOUK FARM, good air, fresh vegetables, eggs and milk! lame, airy rooms. Apply ALIiKRT AUDR1CSS, New-ton It. F. No. 24-3 UTArW HOUSE Directly HJUilil HUU8A tht Besch.

Orsndest location on the cooast. ItlHDOS CO. PINK HHAIirc KARM, frnsswlck, N. good, healthy place; lots of slisile; airy rooms; music; adults, children over 4 yours, ls.ijU, under Mrs. JoSI-il'll LAWYER.

BUNbKT Vll.l.A-UII- porenes; rler; watar sports; trolley pasae. door; omellke; 17. II; specl.l rat. parllM, CAM-kuL aLevnort. N.

J. I NVNLEY'S CASINO HAPPY LAND PARK MILLER'S HOTEL MAY'S MANHATTAN HOTEL KRUCS ROLLER COASTER PALM GARDEN THE OLD COLOMBO HOUSE FIRELLPS CAROUSEL GARTNER'S HOTEL RUBS AM fi HORMAN BELVEDERE HOUSE EUREKA HOTEL BRETZ'S HOTEL COME FOR THE BOCKAWAYS. pCHE MONICA, ROCKAWAY PARK, 21 HKAtH llOTIl ST (4TH Modern house; near ocean, depot: fine ooma; excellent board: families: transients: frea bathhouses phone 9 Ham me Is. AlCK I'j A KIS I The Ocean House The Belmore. Central At, Fnr Rocknnny, nr beach; spacious, abady lnwns large iiiazzan, tennb courtsi renovated thruughout.

E. (mmona. i.AMlL,TC)N'8 KnicKerbocker Hotnl. Falr- Tiew av, near ocean; splendid accommodation; modern Improvements; excellent table; tel. 211 pammais; June saptemper.

THJC LiAWRHNCK. Bockawa Park; suites and single rooms: overlooking ocean; fireproof; 6th av, near Boardwalk. GHESdEB. Prop. (KAND UNION, av.

Kockanar Park. near ocean, elation, free bathing, showers; rooms; board optional; excellent table. 111. MAC LEAN. Manager.

LONG ISLAND. HUNTINGTON BAY LODGE ON HUNTINGTON BAY. Commit ting fllHtiirwe. 100 guonts. Amerlcnn to $..

weekly Biiropeitn I'liiii. $2 to If 4 tiny. Bntliinir. hniitliip, tennis, Kolf i-xci llent music. Tel.

HWi Iliiiilinftou, or Murray Hill. PROSPECT HOUSE Shelter Island HeiKhts, L. I. Yachting. i ennis, raining, uon, Aioaern i-'ancing.

Ideal Motor Run. Delightful Week-End. Country and Shore combined. Booklet H. The Oxford House, Freeport, L.

I. On the Great South Bav. one hour out: large, cool and connecting rooms, en suite, with private bath; excellent home; plentiful HDie; large grounds anil shade trees; all onvunlences; rate $7 and Is; commutation boating, bathing and fishing. 25-7 FORT L0WRY HOTEL AND fOTTA'lEa. BATH BEACH, L.

I. U. L. lilCliAKDHON, Proprietor. ELMORE HOTEL Fayrllle, L.I.

Bathroom suites, also rooms, run ning water; music, tearoom, tennis court, goir; excellent bathing. Now open. John Secor, Prop. PAUMONOK INN Two cottages, furnished, for rent or sale. Building plots on cany terms, with shore privileges, llooklet on application.

FKEDKHICK JE.Nkl.Na, A1A St. and Broadway, New York. SOUND VIEW HOTEL. e. Cliff.

L. I. eyerlookln. 8onnd: ehote. eassMdaUona eieellent table; auto partis, ac-ejaswMtated.

Telephone U0 Olen Core. WiUll, Proprietor and Ownar. MORICHES INN "nebsa, l. i. Large airy rooms; excellent home cooking; moderate rates; all year round.

WILLIAMS. Proprietor. Je21 aututha-30t sea l. i. HILLSIDE INH tow rt- Booklet.

BOARDERS taken In small nrlvate fnmii- beautiful large home on water; table excellent rates, Jli, and 18 per week. Box 72, On. i report, u. i. i 22- PATCHOtrUJi mar nay boating, bathing, fishing, tennis; modern pl'b'g, elec; line table.

RttA CJ.rW rTftTFT. cutr, I. jd extern te rates mi gnu, caivi oanciug, uaiiiiDg, Doauug, ARID you looking for rest from Saturday in Monday Kvery thing the best to cover 11. Address KXi'LL'SlVE. Bagle branch.

224 kin av. Manhattan. THE nxHBNCE, flayvllle, L. 1. new bouse, modern Improvements; boating, bathing, fishing, tennla court.

C. S. WATERS, Prop. T.O(KWOOI)'fl, Centrrjx.rt, I. At tlio water's edtre; Imthlng, INIiltut.

honllug; excellent svrvlcs. Write for tt-rius ami photo. J24 xaii-2 THH OLD OS THK HllOltn, BI.UB POINT, L. I. Hliore dinners, cafe; r.mis Mwl.

lent bathing ft DnblDg. Htusrt B. Stlllman, Prop, TAN OIK It INN. Center Moriches, L. I.j large grounds; mugntlVent shade; near water; every convenience; accommodate 7 persons only; moderate, WALTON TTTT.T.

Norlhport, L. I. niLli monmil(). lnipii immuj i aeauort rnuns CATSKILL MOUNTAINS. GRANT HOUSE JelYerson CatsLUlu, IV.

Y. Ideally situated in a beautiful park of 25 acres of well kept lawns. Fine Orchestra. Modern Dances, Instruction. Ail outdoor sports on private grounds of hotel.

Motor boating, canoeing and bathing. Very best table and prompt service. Rooms with private buth. Hates moderate. Capacity 3o0.


Cateklll. High, dry, beautiful location and scenery cool, refreshing well water larg ventilated rooms; splendid Uerman cooking; 18 weekly. JOS. BART KB. HAYDEN HOUSE wmnham, n.

y. THOMAS UAYDBN. Eler. 2.000 ft. Table supplied from our own farm.

Pleasant sleeping rooms. Near large lake. Boating. Livery attached. MOI NTAIN FARM HOUSE.

Elevation feet; quiet; milk, eges, poultry, vegetables from farm; telephone; piano; livery. CLAKK CHAMBKRLAIN, Hunter, N.Y KISKATOM HOTEL, nt. Acc. 100; sanitary gas; superior German table; dancing; orchestra; 8 up. Booklet.

PARK VIEW HOTEL, Flelachmann's, N. large, light, airy rooms; all modern Improvements; high elevation; centrally located; Hungarian and American cuisine, alkx ANPJflK. MOIINiAI.M HOUh, Windham. op; large farm; abundance fresh vegetables, posi Ujr( feggs aalUt, Auuey, etc. croquet, tennis.

BI.M TRRF3 HOfSB. Jewett. N. T. acc.

Z5; large, airy rooms; sanitary plumbing; own larm proaucis; iiverv. j. r. HACrj. Haines Falls, Catskllls.

THE FENM0RJ5 "sines rule, Jf. T. xax, rtanuiujui, Bievatioti aw text. Select tajnlly bookist. W. Stamford In the Catskllls. COLD SPRING HOUSE Stnmforrl, nIavrare N. Y. Situated In Dicturesuue section of Catskllls.

Convenient to station; splendid views; excellent table; churches of all denominations; pleasant drives and walks outdoor anuiHcments. Vartlcu. lars and booklets. A. J.

CUUIIUIIII.L, or Itep. st Hotel Cliurchin 14tb st and ltrosdway, N. I. C. Tel.

SOOtl Stuyvesant Cairo. Eockwood in the Pinei, CATSKILL MOUNTAINS. N. Y. Modern throughout; capadtr tM; ratM, Is up.

Hooklet. MONT MILLER. Proprietor. THE ESTELLE VILLA, vine aeeommodntlons 97 to 99. Boating, tatalDg and flshlna.

tsble. GKU. B. KSTELLU, South Cairo. N.

T. BABATOQA BPBINGS. RTTE9TI8 HOtTSB. Saratoga Springy rt. T.

Now open. American and European plan, liarage Send for booklet. M. B. MONT.

OuUKllT. proprietor. JeS00t a7rTevvKARM, near Saratoga trolley lino; excellent board; rates free transportation. COIN. Uallston Spa.

N. V. K. F. I.

3. 2D-2 SHARON SPRINGa MANSION HOUSE Near celebrated White Bnlpbur Baths Iarge, airy rooms; every convenience; unsurpassed cuisine; open all year. Mrs. J. W.

SHARPS. JLDXBONDACZSw MORLEY'S Hotels and Cottages In the heart of the Adirondack; elevation 2,000 feet; overlooking more than 200,000 acres of solid forest, a hundred mountain peaks and two of the most beautiful la kea In the world trout and basa fishing, bathing, bowling, tennis, muaio, house physician, sanitary plumbing, pure spring water; aw pulmonary Invalids, Booklets. JOIl A. COLE, Lake Pleasant. Hamilton N.

Y. GRAND VIEW HOTEL, Lake Plarld. N. Y. Center of Adirondack attractions.

Pishing, boating, bathing, etc. Circular. GRAND VIEW HOUSE, Bcnroon ti. Y. Up-to-date summer botel, on bchroon Lake, In the Adirondack; th most beautiful summer resort In the world.

Open June 1, Uli. Booklet. ANTHONY aCHAKKER, Prop. BLtTK MOUNTAIN LAKE HOUSE tcottages), In Adlrondacks; per day up. Booklet.

U. C. POXThIK, Blue Mountain Lake. N. Y.


MAHailALU Mgr. Dir. chI MIDLAND BEACH i STATEN ISLAND Refined Amusement Amid Refined I Surroundings. Rftsrbed via titaten inland ferry, foot of Whitehall et, terminus of nab way. ele- vated roads and surface lines; 20 mto- bay and a snort iroiiey ride inroucn ia most Dicturesuue part or staton isiaaa.

cleanest ana saioss sewing At lanuc coast. HUDSON EIVHR COUNTIES. THE MOUNTAIN HOUSE VALHALLA, WES TCliEUTKH N. T. Sih season; mln, to 42d at on Harlem 70 acres; park and lawns; 600 ft.

elevation: 10 mln, from station: caDaclty 200. Own dairy and vegetable parden; muaio and dancing; ratew, $9 to Slf; Krage. Phono Uii While Plains. Hooklet. ORANGE CO.

cool rooms: fresh vene- tablos, eggs, milk, homemade butter; liberal tame nraitny location. Mrs. JAMbio WITNEY, Montgomery, N. T. 25-2 BRUNSWICK HKIGHTS FARM.

TVellkill, S. near larare creek; good fishing; own milk, vegetables. Mrs. JOHN STT.TTTRTER. WHITE LAKE FINN ER AN FARMHOT'SK.

No. White Lake, N. high elevation; heanltful grounds; comfortable rooms; table supplied from farm; 7-fS. HOTEL RITA. Nortn White Lake.

New York New house; all modern Improvements; Ideal location at this popular resort. 8HAWANGUNKS AND SULLIVAN COUNTY. MOUNTAIN LAKE HOTEL Cook'. Del. IV.

Y. Beautifully located. Prettiest spot In the Catskllls; elevation 1.300 feet; first class I. 'ery detail; large airy rooms, with hot and wat.r and private bath In sixty rooms: single or en suite; superior cutsln. and service; Illustrated hooklet.

Kates IS to J20 WMk. Now open. LAKB WOOD FAEM. Highest occupied elevation In Bull. Co.

Private lake, bans fishing; excellent cuisine; magnificent scenery. We cater to a refined, select patronage; references given and required; cet. tain restrictions. Hooklet and terms on application. June to Oct.


Y. WATERFALLS IIOI'HE. Kenoxa Ike, N. T. All sanitary Improvements; Hungarian-American cuisine; excelent bathing, rowing, flehlng.

dancing pavilion, orchestra, tangoing, bowling alleys. Booklets. Koaenzwuig. WEST END HOTEL, Livingston Manor, Sullivan County modern Improvements; batb Vienna cooking trout tinning, hunt rates up. CHARLES K.NAPP, proprietor and manager, 28-16t su tu th 8 Till: ItKMI Nulllvan Koscoe, Y.

Farm house uiodrn conveniences large rooms; two and three windows each; high elevation. Booklet B. ZIEKES. Grand Central lionise. Lake Huntington, N.

Boating, bathing, Uctiing; dancing; bvwl lug; sanitarj gas. Booklet. ULSTER COUNTY. N. Y.

THE CHODIKEE LAKE HOTEL AND BUNGALOWS Highland (TJInter N. a refined resort for accommodation of families or individuals. Useful activities or play for child and adult, tnubual table, perfect sanitation running water Id eaih room. Surrounded with the charia ef Seceoc. Moat reasoaabit terma.

Booklet. SAVOY HOUSE, Clster Connty, Spring Glen Station, N. or Ellenrllle Station. Iptodat. hotel; 2,400 feet abuvt sea level.

Moderat. rates. Eaosllsnt cuisine. New msnageinent. Apply UUHTAVK Wul KF.

Manager, on premises. Notify two dsys In advance. CATSKILL MOUNTAIN! lOCrUT Arkvllle, M. T. For summer rest; cool and healthy no me squltoe.

or malaria; shady lawn, wtd. ver udsuii UMe unsacellsi Booklelfk LAKE GEORGE. ALfrONOTTTN Polton-on-Lake-Georg, jj. T. AX.uviHtJXlV pomfortflMp hotel; Ideal location; modern Improvements, ex-oeUcnt cuisine sli amucnirnts special rati-a.


B. Cbaunrey, Prop. Largest and best on Lake. Dautlog every Prof. Donaldson from Castle Boue, Instructor.

Orchestra. All amuse-tuenta. Accom. 200. Booklet.

Telephone 12. SPEND your vacation and week-ends at Grand View Hotel, fronting on lake; 1.000 ft. elevation. Reduced rates Booklet. LAKE HOPATCONO.

NEW HOTEL BRESLIN On Like Hopatcong, P. 0. HI. Arlington, K. J.

Ideal mt. hotel. Elevation 1.4O0 feet. Son rooms. with hot and roM running water; 100 bath suits.

BoatliiK, bathing, fishing, golf, tennis, danelnf? Budillo horse. Orchestra, Cafe, grill. Booklet, auto maps. G. FKAXK rni'K.

ATLANTIC CITT, N. 3. PRnNTPKAP Kentucky av, 100 yds. from MUM I L.IIHU Uca-h. Center of attractions; modern, lilitb class, ns eooiI as the best.

Ca- puclty 2.10 elevator, etc. Special, $8 up wkly Sat. to ocean view rooms; metal beds superior table white service porches overlooking ocean, ltooklet. W. F.

WATTS. HOTEL SH0REHAM, Virginia av, near Beach best location. Capacity 800. Thoroughly modern: elevator, nrlvate excellent table. Special.

2 un dsn. Booklet. B. H. LUNOI.

THE WILTSHIRE beach. niiunint Ocean view. Grestlv improved and refurnished. n.n hnths, running water In rooms; elevstor etc Music.

Special, $15 up weekly; $3 up dally' Open all year. Booklet. SAMUEL H. ELLIS HOTEL BOTHWELL Vlrclnia av. sernnrt hmix fmm walk und steel uior: evcrv THKilnrmn, highest standard In cuisine and service' Booklet.

CLARENDON HOTEL, Virginia av, near Beach. Extensively remodeled; all modern improvements; private bathn: rooms en tsulte with hot nnri running water. Booklet. MONROE HUTCHINS. NEW HOTEL MERION F1KK-Iu Vermont mv ana oeacn.

capacity 35W. private baths, running water In rooms, ate 1'nexcelled cuisine. July special $17.60 uii weekly. Bus at trains. C.

B. PRETTX-MAM, owner. HOTEL MAJESTIC center of sttrartlons ocean vIpw; caparily aoo Hunerlor table. Special, flO up wwkly $3 uii dally. Booklet A.

SMITH. ODarlboronQb BlealKlsi ATLANTIC! CITV, J. Jv.lak A buna Company, Miller Cottage oui, to N. Georgia av. Capacity 2m; not and cold water baths.

ar and 11.60 dally, 17 and weekly. Kslabllshed 36 years. Booklet, ia. CItoUTHAMEL Mgr HOTEL FRANCIS Reach. All modern lio-prnvementj.

Dressing room for bathers, shower baths. J. F. M. C.

lJUNOVAN. ALTER HALL $8.00 up. 140 South Carolina av. Aaier. Ptaa.

Specie rates to families. KENTON HALL On Beach. IWlmont ay, CiicNes. rapacity Hotrl Mt. Vernon, Michigan and Pacific Running water, with private buth; elev.

to street ievei. airs. Jn. llenry, formerly iden UslU MRS. of Brooklyn.

605 and tu7 Boardwalk; allrautlr. rooms; table; up. HOTEL RALEIGH. Be Tomorrow'. Eagle for full particulars.

J14 jsiilt tilth. PHILLIPS HOUSE, Massachusetts av and Biaob. I'. PIULLIPg. CHANNEIX I'llnoln and I'nclnc avs.

1. (0 un. rrlvste baths. Csn. tOO.

1Mb. season. A. C. CUANNELL, ownY prop.

THE ARCHDALE amaj Mui.ui, management. Booklet. HTERI.1NO HOTEL I)., Mt, J.B4 place aad Boardwalk. mm isi.

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