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The Daily Notes from Canonsburg, Pennsylvania • Page 8

The Daily Notesi
Canonsburg, Pennsylvania
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FRIDAY. APRIL 22. 1921 THE CANOHSBTJItG DAILY NOTES PAGE EIGHT MAKES RAPID HEADWAY DEATH RECORD LOCAL HAPPENINGS Imported China at reduced prices 15-tf Johnston. mm; Aw elites A revival of house building is noted in a number of boros in Allegheny hr Perches and Windows county. i a is a i Welty's Wall Paper Sale begins Wail raper bale LOT NEW PAPERS AT HALF PRICE We have bought a lot new paper that viil go on sale'to-lnorvcw and all next week at ABOUT- HALF PRICE, Suitable for any room in the her.ce.

See cur big window display. 10c Papers, 5e bolt. 15o Papers, 8e bolt. 25c Papers, 12i2c bolt. 40a Papers, 20c bolt.

ft Holmes Bower Harry Bower of White Lawn Terrace has received word of the death of his brother, Holmes Bower of Hul-ton, Pa. Mr. Bower's death occurred at the Columbia Hospitcl; Wilkins-burg, at 5 a. m. on Thursday, the 21st.

Mr. Bower is survived by his wife and a Sarah 1 Elizabeth; his father, John W. Bower of Homestead; one sister, William Williams of Butler, and two brothers, John W. Bower of Pittsburgh; Harry Bower of Canonsuurg. Death was due to a stroke of paralysis and hemorbages.

The time cf the funeral has not been certainly fxed, but it will probably be on Sunday or Monday. -Tfiffl kj jv mousy will h.zxe its life Add This Fact to Your Store cf Knowledge Kidney disease often advances so rapidly that many a p2rson is firmly In its grasp before aware of its progress. Prompt attention should be given the slightest symptom of kidney disorder. If there is a dull pain in the back, headaches, dizzy spells or a tired, worn-out feeling, or if the kidney secretions are offensive, irregular and attended by pain, procure a good kidney remedy at once. Your townspeople recommend Doan's Kidney Pills.

Ask your neighbor. Read the statement of this Canonsburg citizen. James Hotchkiss, 31 Iron street, says: "I have a high opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills for they are fine for disordered kidneys and weak hack I always keep a box on hand and use them for the above symptoms. I always get excellent Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr.

Hoachkiss' had. Foster-Milburn uBffalo, N. Y. tomorrow. Lot Paper at about price.

i 4 6-1 Cleo Eagan cf Orchard avenue arrived home last evening from Chicago, where she attended the convention for recognition for Irish freedom. The eclipse of tfce moon forecasted The Reliance Brand The kind that will give more than a year or two service. Made from the best daek and dye, strictly fast colors. We are hanging awnings every day :p.ore each year because we guarantee satisfaction. Let us quote you prices on your needs for porch or window awnings.

READY MADE AWNINGS of a lighter material, including- frame, ready to hang. In several widths at S2.50 up. for last night crime off according to schedule. i i i MANY ANXIOUS HOUHS OF WORRY- bout That Croupy Child Avoided for 30 Cents i How Can You spend 21c to a better advantage than by purchasing can of Uur Taicum. Any Talc shown our window this week 2V cents.

THOMPSON DRUG CO The Thompson Drug Co. sells a pre-1 I New Glassware for Every Day Use Glance over this list and see the many items that come into use almost daily. Claps, 10c. I lb. covered Butter JMsh 25s Footed Jelly Dish, 10c.

Medicine Glasses, IQc. Celery Trays, 20c.T Custard Cups, iOc. Fruit Dishes, 8 35c, Footed Cake Stands, 35Ci paration called SIM-CO SALVE that I til I Porch Swings Of solid oak, mission design, high back, some with shaped seats, nicely finished, in 4.. 5 and 6 ft. lengths fitted with strong' chains, at S4.98 up.

will afford more real relief In one tight for croup, cold on the lungs, etc han all the old fashioned Internal emetics and syrups you nave ever Concerning Ideas. An idea, like a ghost (according to the common notions of ghosts), must be spoken to a little before It will explain Itself. -Dickens; tried. It is an active antiseptic salve that reaches both the outside and the inside of the lungs, that is why it 1b April Special for Saturday so unusually effective. It Is the new antiseptic salve to kill the gera and at the same time is soothing, healing Candy Sale Saturday.

Reymer's Fine assorted Caramels, GO cents the pound. Thompson Drug Co. 4G-2 Almost clearf gkies last night afforded a good view of the total eclipse of the moon," first as a partial eclipse, began soon after midnight. You will save money on your Wall Paper during Welty's -Special Sale. Begins 0G-1 The board otjdireetors and staff of the Canonsbfirg General Hospital are requested to meet in the-Sabbath school room' of the Greenside Avenue U.

P. Church this evening at 7:30. Pickholtz Jewelry Store is now located throe doors east of the old location and is. better prepared than ever to care for it strade. 45-3 S.

D. McCloy of Ridge avenue has recently made many important improvements to hs residence, and has others in contemplation, among them the erection of a sun parlor and portico chore. Saturday, April 23 mercerized, size 21x21, a real bar- 1 $2.25 dozen 'Table Napkins gain at WINDOW SHADE PAINT Make your old blinds look new by using specially prepared pajnt, colors, tan, white or green, at 33c caji, Next Week hundreds of yards this nice fast color Gingham to go at 15c yard. See our big East window, filled with this special item. Aluminum Convex Kettle vvh aluminum cover at $1.58 SPRINGTEX is the underwear with a million little springs in its fabric which "give and take" with every movement of the body, and preserve the shape of the garment despite long wear and hard washings.

It iatheyear-around underwear, light, medium or heavy weight, as you like. "Remember to Buy It Yfffl'U Ferfet You Hare It On" Atlt Your Dialer 5c Men's Indigo Blue Working: Handkerchiefs at- and refreshing to the fevered child or adult. The same salve that Is pehe-eraling from without by application to the chest and throat, lsreaching he inside by inhalation at the same time and without the use of patent nhalers or expense other than the trifle paid for the salve, only 30c, and besides The Thompson Drug Co. sells it on the "money-back if it falls" plan. SIM-CO SALVE does what home ability can never do; what remedy tor these ailments can compare with srM-CO SALVE, which reaches the Inside of the lungs? The name SIM-CO applied to medicines is your assurance of quality, purity, uniformity of strength and iccuracy in compounding; it is used K3 an abbreviation or nickname for the name Simpson Co.

It is used successfully as a liniment for sprains. I i 1 I WATER GLASS F02 TACKETG EGGS AT SDc QUART DISH CLOTHES The extra heavy knit woven edsc very serviceable, only 20; BOYS' BELTS In a nice black or tan leather, bright nickel buckle, at 25c ami 50c. 9 MAIL BOXES N'ieely japanned in wire for holding papers, zincs, at 25c. black, masn- CLARK'S 0. IT.

T. CSOCHE'i EOOKS New, only IQc. UTICA KNITTING COMPANY, Maktr Sales Room, 350 Broadway New York, N. Y. INCH.

SILK RIBBONS AT 23o YARD We sold hundreds of yards sore muscles, rheumatism, neuralgia, this special value ribbon. Now ame back, or other similar affections. oG down to The Thompson Drug INFANTS'- CASHMERE HOSE Silk and wool, exceedingly fine just what you want for the little tot. Of pure Worsteds yarn and silk threads at 75c Pair- OTJR'S IS ICS What is your house number? We have the nicest number you have seen. A porcelain always clean and bright, figure, at IQc each.

drug store and get a jar today and try it and then tell us which is another little lot, every thread silk, heavy cord edge, don't miss getting a yard or two at this price. 0 0 0 a a a 4 the best ointment on the market to CHARLEY STEVENS 1211a West Pike Street day. Sold at 30c, 60c and $1.00 per jar. If your druggist dos not keep it, order from the Wm. M.

Simpson Drug Wholesale Druggists, Wil-kinshurg tSation. Pittsburgh. Pa. THE WELTI STORE We are always busy. It is because we pains to onr Cnstom en.

But we are never too busy to ser ve yu. Furniture. Stoves dud Carpets Correct' Picture Framing and Skill frj rumitur Ratairiii' Sharpening The Island of Guam. The Island of Ounm, ceded to the United States by Spain In 1898, Is miles from San Frhncisoo and i.fiix; from Manila. It Is ISO miles Ions ml has a pcpiihuion News Briefly Told The Edmonds bill providing for salary increases for public school teachers passed the State Senate unanimously yesterday.

The House at Harrisburg defeated the anti-rent profiteering bill, 64 to 60. Seventy-nine members did not vote. A redraft of the army bill in Con-press provides for an army of 166,000 instead of the proposed 156,000. Tit i Ligi, the Italian held at Scran-ton as a suspect in the Well street (New York) explosion of last September, denies knowledge fthe blast. Union workers 'in the paper and pulp mills of the United States and Canada voted to reject a proposed 30 per cent reduction in wages.

The Knox peace lesolution probably will bo reported lo the Senate Monday hy thp foreign relations committee. Bernard .1. Myr-rs, is to be appointed Secretary Of the Commonwealth, trt succeed Cyrus E. Woods of Crecnst.urg, who is expected to resign soon to become ambassador to Spain. EAGLE "MIKABG" PMI1 '-EOT M11 if i mmm a A FEW DAYS OF jg to Renuiar I.enKlU.

7 iaches ALHAMBRA L1TYLH LEVER Vvr StAti it your Dealai-, iii fira gradea Conceded to Lo tho finest suidlfs for 1 WILL DO MORE FOR YOUR COMPLEXION THAN ALL THE BEAUTY DOCTORS IN CREATION. DEMAND THE GENUINE EAGLE P.rC.:.. 8ay8 we can't help but look better and feel better after an Inside bath. tearing Signature I ''Say you arc my wife' he pleaded. I And she did Today's Fashion Note "Many mc be ray real wife," he asked.

And she did! "Trust me no matter what you learn about me" It you want to Bee the glow of healthy bloom in your cheeks, to see your skin get clearer end clearer, you wo told to drink every morning upon arising, a glass vi hot water IUi a teaspoopful oi limestone pnosphato in It, wblci a harmless means of waah-ng the wast" Material and toxins from the ntou.cb.. liver, kidneys and bowels, thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying the entire allmentarj tract, before putting more food into in the fcrra of ashes, bo the food and internal sanitation la Tastly more Important than eutside cleanliness, because the skin pores do not absorb impurities Into the blood, while the est is to enjoy an Inside bath each morning to flush from me system the he insisted. But could she, when she knew him to be a thief 9 C5i Katherme MaoDonald Pictures Corp aration presents. DOO'GLAS "OVER THE TOP" The Stogie that has never cheapened. THE QUALITY- "Mild and Sweet" Sold by All Leading Dealers MADE BY SACKVILLE CIGAR CO.

I KA1 previous day's waste, sour fermenta MACDONALD Monday and Tuesday 111 In an adaptation of C. N. and A. M. Williasnson's novel, "Tho Second directed by Edwin -Care we.

Star Theatre iHY Uons and poisonous toxins before It is absorbed Into the blood. Just as coal, when it burns, leaves behind a cer- Men and women with sallow skiDs, liver spots, pimples or pallid com-phosphatfcd hot water drinking and are plnxlon, also those '-ho wake up with coated tongue, taste, nasty breath, others who are bothered with headaches, billious spells, acid stomach or constipation should begin this Rssured of very pronounced results In one or two weeks. A quarter pound of limestone phosphate costs very little at the drug store but Is sufficient to demonstrate that just as soap and hot water cleanses, purines and freshens the skin on the outside, so hot water and limestone phosphate act on the Inside organs. We must always consider that drink taken each day leave In the alimentary organs a certain amount Indigestible material, which if not eliminated, form toxins and poisons which are then sucked Into tue blood through the very ducts which are In tended to suck In only nourlfihrnent to sustain the body. Jeautiful Bust and Shoulders are possible if you -will wear a scientifically constructed Bicn Jolie Brassiere.

The dragging weight of an tinconfineil bust so stretches the supporting muscles that thi contour of the figure is spoiled. mWm BRA5IERE5 I The key to the heart of a woman who married 5 in haste but didn't repent. TODAY Buster Keaton, the screen'. great comedian, in his big success, "The Saphead" Five reels of real Joy tho kind that you'll enjoy. Bring the whole family to see thia one.

TOMORROW A knockout of a picture that Jack Perrin in 1 "The Knockout Man" has some of the best westevn stuff you've seen for a long while. Jack sure knocks things In great fashion. mm MERCHANT GIVES WIFE GLYCERINE MIXTURE TODAY AT mmr put the bust back where It belon(r, prevent the full bust from having the appearance of eliminate the danger cf draeinRinueolcs and confine the flesh of the shoulder giving a graceful line to the entire upper body. They are the daintiest and roost serviceable garments imaginable come in all materials and styles: Cross Back, Hook Front, Surplice, Bandeau, etc. Boned with "Walohn," the rustlesa boning permitting washing without removal.

Have your dealer show you Bien Jolie Erasures, if not Rtocked, we will gladly send him prepaid sumplea show you. BENJAMIN fc JOHNKS SI Warren Street NewarU, N. .1 rm Jim A AM v5 mm 155 HIM IIIMitniKii i.i. i. Mnili.t Shattering the best style traditions in that it i3 neither Parisian, nor American, but simply individual, this model is in fine men's wear serge.

It Is trimmed with silk braid in self-color, nnd small fancy buttons. The front of the dress is cut out forming a panel effect, with straight sections Inserted between the panels. Medium size requires 34' yards 54-Inch material. Pictorial Review Dress No. 9112.

Sizes 34 to 41 Inches bust; Price 35 wiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiHir.iijiiiiiiiitiiu.iiiiimiiiiiHuuiuuiu illUUllllllllllHMllllllllllM.llllliiliUIIIIIIHUIIilllUUIIIIIlit A retired merchant whose wife suffered for years from catarrh of the stomach finally gave her simple glycerine, buckthorn bark, as mixod In Adler-i-ka. ONE bottle produced great results. Because Adler-I-ka acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel It removes all foul matter which poisoned stomach. Relieves ANY CASE sour Btomach or gas on stomach. Often CUKES constipation.

Prevent? appendicitis. Thompson Drug Company. Got a Bargain. The gieut of Newfoundland tvus lioiiyhr by tbs British for Sunshine Comedy Coming next Saturday Art Accord In the greatest success of his career, "THE WHITE HORSEMEN." Don't forget this one. Buy at Home; see what you md save money cents..

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