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The Philadelphia Times from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 6

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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TUESDAY MOEXIXG. THE PHILADELPHIA TIMES. NOVEMBER 20. 1900. needed for ordinary Republican purposes for some time to come, and if Ashbridgo AT THE THEATRES ALL IS NOW IN FOR THE READINESS BIG CONVENTION directors are able to make good any loss to depositors, but the career of the bank is probably closed.

Of course it comes out now, as it usually does, that the man was a gambler and a libertine, that he kept horses, played the races, frequented fast houses and led an otherwise disreputable life. At least this is what is now stated. Such a "double life" is easy enough in a large city, or in a large establishment where the officers are not likely to follow up the private lives of their employes. What is astonishing in this case is that a man can have lived the life now attributed to the defaulter in a comparatively small community without arousing the distrust of the owners of the bank, who might be supposed to take a watchful interest in their own business. Practically a small bank affords more facility for embezzlement than a large one, because there is not the sub-division of work that requires collusion.

And if a book-keeper is sufficiently expert, it is not difficult to conceal an embezzlement against any ordinary examination, us long as it is not suspected. But even in Kentucky, or on the Ohio river, it might be thought that wine and women, horses and cards, though not regarded as generally reprehensible, would furnish reasonable ground of suspicion against a man with the run of a bank, and would lead to an overhauling of his accounts MV AM I A ((( DRlHHTiMDfrvvD vwu 'w ventlon will bold a conference. At 2.30 there will he a meeting of the executive committee of the State union. At 4 o'clock the delegates will conduct a prayer meet a high order. At the request of Presiding Officer Ball the choir of 800 voices rendered an anthem.

Supplemental to the treasurer's report that official said that contributions exceeding $4,000 had been given by the Philadelphia C. E. I'nlon. Not a dollar would he asked of the business community, as the amount pledged by the local union would fully meet the expenditures Incidental to the financial needs of the convention. Children's Itally on Thursday.

E. 0. Howell, chairman of the Junior Rally, spoke eloquently of the grnnd preparations made by the members of his auxiliary organization. (In Thursday nfteruooli, from 3 o'clock until 4.SO, boys mid girls will hold a rally In the Second Regiment Armory. Six hundred seats are to he reserved for State and city Sunday school (Superintendents.

According to Chairman Camp, of the convention committee, the registration of delegates nt o'clock last night was 7,010 for Philadelphia, 447 for the Stale and 125 for outside points, making a total of delegates already on the ground. At the conclusion of the routine and special order of business Chairman Ball Introduced John Willis Baer as one of the two (speakers of the evening. In eloquent terms he dwelt on the need of preparation on the part of the delegates for the spiritual success of the convention. He was followed by the Rev. Dr.

Floyd V. Tompkins, who spoke along the same lines. Under the guidance of Dr. Tompkins the evening's exercises merged into a consecration meeting. Interspersed with song mid prayer.

Convention Opens, at 1.30 To-Day. The convention will open Its session at 1.30 o'clock this afternoon in Grace Bap- fist Temple, when the officers of the con- and Durham will only exclude a few thousand more Republicans from the primaries the chances for giving Ash bridge and Durham the grand bounce will be greatly improved. Let nobody whisper into the ears of the close corporation that issues its or ders from the inner sanctum of the Mayor's office that the convention which is to meet to-day is in grave danger of making a multitudinous fool of itself. The Ashbridge-Durham party can't be made too small or too select for the pub lie good. Cops on state occasions are required to wear white gloves.

But what's the mat ter with clean hands all the time? Subsidies and Other Expenses. LL THE OFFICIAL reports that are coming from Washing ton now point to increased expenditures as essential to the pel- icy of the dominant party. The naval estimates are far in excess of nny previous year of peace; the various military reports contemplate a large increase of the regular army; the pension list, stiii growing from the war that ceased thirty-five years ago, is to have large accessions from tlie more recent service; the Commissioner of Navigation has just put out his argument for the ship subsidy bill. Senator Hanna has already expressed his conviction that the subsidy bill will be among the measures enacted at the coming session of Congress and that enterprising patriot Mr. Carnegie has shown his confidence in this prediction by starting some of his own lake steamers as a transatlantic line, to be ready to claim the subsidy among the first.

To him that hath shall be given. Ilanna's subsidy bill is in harmony with the general trend of Republican legislation in that it gives an immediate gain to the few existing steamship lines without making it any easier to establish others. The Commissioner of Navigation thinks it will cause a large increase of American tonnage, but the opinion is based rather on assumption than argu- ment, such argument as he employs be ing that which is familiar in the defense of the protective tariff. The. subsidy is, in effect, an extension of the scheme of protection.

A prohibitory tariff on steamships having proved insufficient to promote their domestic manufacture, it must be supplemented by a bounty. The effect is to tax the public for the advantage of the lurge combinations of capital that are thus enabled to control the business. There is no doubt that the present tendency in the ocean-carrying trade is toward the same concentration that is observed in other lines of enterprise and this tendency it has been and is the Republican party policy to promote. The subsidy bill is a consistent link in the chain. How much it will do for the American merchant marine is wholly conjectural.

It was noticeable that Pennsylvania took lots of ground from the Indians in the late foot-ball game. Still the Caucasian has beeii doing this for several centuries. TIIERI in De course a stem HERE IS QUITE room enough elaware Bay, and in the course past Ship John Light, for steamer and a schooner to pass in opposite directions without running each other down. Whether the fault for the collision on Saturday night lies with the Waesland or with the Elm City, their respective owners will have to discover. As each accuses the other, the question will probably be settled in court.

As uoliody was hurt, it is a matter of money damages merely, and in that respect is not of public concern. Where such accidents are injurious to public interests is in the impression they convey that the navigation of the Delaware is difficult and dangerous. This is not true. There was plenty of sea way for both of these boats and they could not have come together but for somebody's blunder. Collisions will occur through bad sailing or through the neglect of proscribed precautions, in midocean or in the most capacious harbor in the world, as easily as in coming in or going out of the Delaware.

To fix the responsibility for such errors is therefore of importance not only to those who are financially concerned, but to those who are interested generally in the commerce of the port. Uncut news Is now coming from the Philippines. Still, even when it was cut it's doubtful the Washington hatchet was used for the purpose. IIINGS have come to a pretty pass indeed when the men who go bail for ballot-box stu Iters and other election crooks are com pelled to produce their men in court or pay the amount of their bail bonds. It used to be different, but Judges Finletter and Sulzberger have both decided that the eminent citizens who went on the bail bonds of the absent Salter and his associates must walk up to the captain's office and settle.

An apienl to the Supreme Court will still lie, but that body has never yet been known to decide that a bail bond was a mere meaningless obligation, and it is not likely to do so now. Compelling those who bail violators of the election laws to pay the amount of their bail bonds may not directly discourage ballot-box stuffing, but it will discourage bail going, which in an indirect way may be quite as effective. If election crooks find they cannot get bail which the courts will accept, and thus secure an opiwrtunity to run away, they may tell the political bosses they are wont to serve to stuff their own ballot boxes. Kitchener's proosing to depopulate the smaller towns in South Africa proves the Roers are even harder to settle than their rugged country was. Announcement that General Mac-Arthur has at last aMished the censorship at Manila will be a surprie to some of the people who thought they understood the government to have made the same announcement many mntiths ago.

Other ieoplo, more knowing, who thought the same thing, are, however, not surprised because they know that this last censorship to be abolished, is that which was established for campaign purposes. Now that the election is over the news will come a little more freely, but my one who imagines that it will be as free as it was before we became imperialists does not yet realize nil that we are in a a 5 AUDITORIUM The Night of the Fourth BliOAD Self and Lady CHESTNUT The Sign of the Cross CHESTNUT ST. OI'EItA HOUSE. Hur ELEVENTH ST. OFEKA HOUSE.

Minstrelsy GIIiAKD AVENUE Pawn Ticket 210 OltANIJ Ol'KRA HOUSE Vaudeville KEITH'S Continuous Vaudeville LYCEUM Merry Maidens Burlesqiiers OTII AUCII Vaudeville, Curios PARK The Girl From Maxim's PEOPLE'S Siberia STANDARD The Buy Scout TltOCADEKO Imperial Rtlrlesquers WALNUT Hearts Are Trumps IpicftcD lip In passimj Mrw. Townsend, national president of the Colonial Dailies of America, is at the home of Mrs. Stevens, In Rittenhouse square. There will be reception at the Dames' Home at Stentou to-day, Mr. and Mrs.

Herbert Livingston Satter-ite, of New York, spent yesterday in Philadelphia. They were registered at the Hotel Walton. Mrs. Satterlee was Miss Louise Morgan, daughter ff J. l'ierpont Morgan, of New York.

During their brief stay here Mr. nnd Mrs. Satterlee went out but once, and then only for a short walk down Chestnut street. Her gowns, plain, but neat, were the envy of all tlie women who saw them. The bridal couple left yesterday afternoon on the next stage of their honeymoon trip.

Mr. K. Yamanoto, of Tokio, Japan, arrived In Philadelphia and Is registered at the Lafayette. Representative society people from New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia witnessed the wedding ceremony at the Church of St. James yesterday morning, when Miss Mary Hasell YA'iinon was made the bride of John Trevor Gibson, of New York.

Mrs. Gibson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilson and is closely allied with many of the old families of Philadelph-a. The church was beautifully decorated with flowers and palms.

After the ceremony, which was performed by Dr. Worcester, rector of St. Stephen's, a breakfast served at the resilience of the bride's pa rents, lioti Spruce stroecl. West Philadelphia was well represented at on Saturday at tlie Yaie- Prlnccton font-ball game. Among those were Mrs.

Samuel lluey, Mrs. Waller Moses, Katharine Colohan. Jlbn Ma rev Ciirtiu. Miss Cora Stihvcli. Mis Rm-roll, Miss Marie Prltchard.

I.ur-y Liliie. Mrs. Arthur It, Huey, Meridian. Miss Anna Grace Dougherty, of Philadelphia. an hostess to a charming Utile galhcring on Saturday evitiiiu; last, at her home, No.

2214 North Catnac street, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hinders Dixon. Dr. and Mrs.

Samuel (I. Dixon ami Catharine G. Dixon will give a tea at the Stratford on Friday, November from 5 until 7. The cards of Mrs. Samuel G.

Dixon and Miss Catharine (1. Dixon are enclosed. The Marquis nnd Marquise de San Carlos de Pedroso arrived here from Washington Sunday and they will remain at the Al-liine Hotel until they sail for Europe iu December. Mr. and Mrs.

Cioinnit A. Griscom have sent out Invitations for a dinner on Friday, November 3i, to meet Miss Mary Ludlow Fowler, of New York, at their city residence, 313 South Broad street. This afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Dr. William N.

Bates will lecture In the chapel of the I'niverslty of Pennsylvania on "Recent Excavations at Troy." (In Tuesday afternoon, November 27. Ir. Morris will lecture on "Hebrew nnd Babylonian Accounts of the Deluge." Admission free to both lectures. Judge Ferguson, of the Orphans' Court, was reported indisposed yesterday and iu Atlantic City for his health. Colonel Howard L.

and Mrs. Colder, of Harrlsburg. who have been visiting Judge and Mrs. Ilanni. have returned home.

At the lute elect Ion Colonel ('aider was elected to represent Harrlsburg in. the State Legislature. City's Appeal Proved Costly. For the second time in Court No. 1 within the past two weeks the city.

In appealing from jury of view awards In efforts to have the same cut dowu or set aside, proved a loser yesterday. The case at Issue was that of Robert Mitchell against the oily, Iu which the jury of view had awarded Mr. Mitchell for the injury done his property by the opening of Thirteenth strict at Oak Lane. At the trial of the apiM-al yesterday the city's experts made estimates from $20 benefits to damages, while the plaintiff's witnesses tes-litied that the property was damaged Iu various wins which ranged from $2,420 to Mr. Mitchell himself fixed tlie damage at If3.02ri.44 and the jury rendered a verdict iu his favor for that sum.

Washington Notes Mr. Hart. I'nlted States Minister to Colombia, is In Washington and called anon Secretary Hay yesterday to pay his respects. He is on leave of absence from his post. The population of the State of Minnesota, 11s announced l.v the Census Bureau.

Is!4. against 1.3i'2.S2(i in l-M). 'litis is an increase of or 34.3 per cent. Treasurer Roberts yesterday received a conscience deposit of $200 from Boston. The letter the money stated that II was due on account of Internal revenue.

The Naval Board of Construction yester-dav decided to udopt the plan of having the new wurships coppered lu government navy yards after the sheathing has been completed by the contractors. The President has designated the following vessels of the revenue cutter service to perform special winter Onondaga, Algonquin, Windom, Seminole, Woodbury, Dexter and Dallas. Many members of the House ways and means committee arrived In Washington vesterdav. The Republican members will 'meet to-ilay to consider a bill modifying the war revenue act passul iu ISPS. Instructions have been sent to the Consul General at Yokohama to have Ihe remains of It.

A. Moseicy. late 1'nilcd States Consul General at Singapore, forwarded to his home In Alabama for interment. Colonel Perley, the medical officer in charge of the hos-pltal at Nagasaki, lias no- tilled Hie UHr 1'epniiioi-iii. mat Victor G.

Lindermiin. battery Third Artillery, died of dysentery on the 1.1th inst. The hoard of army engineers appointed to Investigate the condition of the fort itiest ions nround Galveston nud report on the advisability of their repair or reconstruction, will hold a liual meeting in New York today. The Navy Department was Advised yesterday that the torpedobonts DoLong nnd Bllikely, built by the (ieorge Lawley Sons Corporation, will be launched nt South Boston, next Thursday morning at 0.30 o'cloct. The National Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, yesterday unanimously adopted a resolution reported by the committee on transportation, strongly urging the construe Hon of the Nlcnragtian Canal by this government.

Addison C. Harris. Fnited States Minister to Austria, reached Washington yesterday, on his way from his home in Indiana 10 Vienna. It' Is now known otllcially that Mr. Harris will resign, though bis resignation has not been formally submit ed.

It is learned that the reported visit of Governor Allen, of Port" Rico, to St. Thomas Is In 110 wise connected with any project that may be In contemplation look-lug' to the acquisition of the Danish West Indies by the idled States. Senator Representative Wnch-ter, Reiiroxentaiive-eioct Shim nnd Robert Ogle, of Maryland, yesterday invited President MeKlnley to attend the fair and liar.aar of the Junior Order of I'niieil American Mechanics, ut l'ultimore, next week. The President staled that pnldle business compelled Ulifl to decline the invitation. FUBUSHED EVERY DAY BY THE TIMES COMPANY DAILY TIMES Is eetrwl by carriers In this city end Biirrouniliug towns tor Six tents a ween, mall, Throe Dollars a year; per month, Twenty-five Cents.

STMIAY TIMES Fi rnt iwr row. Two Dol lars a vear: Twentv Cents iter month, by mall. DAILY AND Sl-XDAY TIMES Five Dollars a year; Forty-live Cents per montn. ny man. THE TIMES, Philadelphia.

PUBLICATION OFFICE. THE TIMES Building, Chestnut and Eighth Streets, MECHANICAL DBPAKTMKST, THE TIMES New Mulldtng, Sunaom Street, above Eighth. NEW YORK OFFICE, 21 Park Row. PHILADELPHIA, NOVEMBER 20, Freedom or Militarism. -ITH TUB MEETING of the next session of Congress on the first Monday of December, the government will be brought squarely to the parting of the ways between freedom and militarism; and all the inclinations of the successful party distinctly point to a denial of freedom in the Philippines, and thus necessitate the mastery of militarism, involving a large and permanent increase of our standing army.

If Congress would meet the Filipinos with the proposition to give them the rights of a territorial government, with permission to make their own laws in harmony with the Constitution and policy of our government, tliere would be peace in the Philippine Islands as soon as the policy of the government became generally understood, and our troops, now battling with murderous guerrilla bands and with a much more deadly enemy in the inhospitable climate, could be recalled to their liomes. Some military force might be necessary to maintain order in the Philippines, but in a very little while native soldiers could be enlisted to perform that duty much better than it could be performed by troops from the United States. If we shall refuse the offer of freedom to the inhabitants of the Philippine Islands, the proposed increase to the standing army is far below its necessity. It will require more than troops to conquer and maintain submission throughout the Philippine Islands, and a war of many years nmst be accepted if that policy shall he adopted by the administration. We are pledged to give the Filipinos free government, and tliey want nothing more.

There are disturbing elements there, but with the offer of freedom and self-government, the better elements of the Filipinos in a very short time would restore the islands to peace and prosperity, and invite capital and colonization to develop the matchless wealth of our new possessions in the East. We must now either offer the Filipinos freedom in the broadest sense, or wo must accept indefinite and costly war, involving the sacriliceof tensof thousands of American troops. It will be a costly war provoked wholly by ourselves and wholly unjustifiable before the country and the world. Instead of making a large standing army that is very odious to the people of the country and opposed to the whole genius of our free institutions, let Con gress offer free government plain and simple to the Filipinos; and the proposed increase of our regular army need not be demanded. We must now choose be- tween freedom and militarism.

Which shall it be? One ought should be added to the other figures claimed for Quay in the Legisla ture. He ought not to be elected. English and Vice. XD NOW our very own police force is to do something in the way of ridding the city of vice, At least the lieutenants have had their orders delivered in the most impressive manner of the impressive himself to that effect. Policy shops, pool rooms, speak-easies, unlawful entertainments and all sorts of disorderly houses and persons are under the ban.

The lieutenants have been gra-vely informed that a plea of ignorance that any of these places exist will not go hereafter, as it will be their business to know whether they exist or not, and they will be held responsible if such places are found to exist in their districts. All this sounds very fine, and if Director Knglish were as much in earnest Vis he professes to be the Law and Order lociety would soon find itself without an occupation. The police force is main-taied to keep the pence and suppress crio, and if it was required to do Jie it is paid to do vice in the various fornfi in which it has been heretofore most Rampant would he repressed and made skulk and hide without the aid of Lawind Order Societies, private detectives other agencies set in motion by privntecitizcns. The sudfirn reform spasm which has seized upon. Director English and his police for-e a little puzzling, however, to most people Tool rooms, policy shops, Wd entertainments and disorderly liousts have been prevalent ever since Director English came into office without inspiring him to any effort for their restriction or suppression.

Apparently a thifatened exposure by a private agency of police-protected crime has convinced Dirictov English that it has become necessary' to head off the Law and Order Society. An impression continuVMhat China if possible instead of paying the piper would rather hit the pipe. A Gny Kentucky EmWralor. -fc -rEWTORT, the Kentucky town on the Ohio river ophite einnati, is responsible for the latest example of the trusted bank official. This man was bonk -keeper and assistant cashier of th? Orman National Bank.

Ho is absent nt preset and nji examination of the books shows that he has got away with over two hundred thousand dollars, which is double the cap- TT7 A ZACCUR PRALL BOYER DEAD, AGED 68 YEARS before he had completely looted it An odd thing about trusts is that they freeze out others in their line, and yet are willing to take in the whole coun try. Try the Lawyers Again. Mi K. MOORE and Mr. Singer, who were recently elected City Treas urer and Register of Wills, were nominated by conventions which unanimously declared against the continuance of the fee system.

The nomination of both was dictated by Mayor Ashbridge, who publicly proclaimed his purpose to end the demoralizing fee system in Philadelphia. "When Mr. Moore and Mr. Singer accepted the nominations they gave an unqualified approval of the platform and policy declared by the conventions. The Democrats and the Municipal League nominated Mr.

Hartranft and Mr. Davis as the opposing candidates for City Treasurer and Register of Wills, and the conventions that named them also declared against the continuance of the fee system. When Mr. Hartranft and Mr. Davis accepted their respective nominations, they announced that they approved of the declared policy against the fee system, and proclaimed with emphasis that, if elected, they would not receive the fees because in their judgment the clear spirit, if not the letter, of the Constitution forbade the payment of fees to salaried officers.

Their position was made so distinct that every voter understood it; but Mr. Moore and Mr. Singer declared themselves to be so sensitive about any possible infraction of the laws, that they could not give a pledge not to receive the fees while candidates before the people. The reason given by Mr. Moore and Mr.

Singer for not declaring their purpose not to receive fees if elected, has passed away by their election, and they should immediately apply to their lawyers again to ascertain whether there is now any impediment to a public declaration from them that they are opposed to the fee system, and will obey the instructions of the conventions which nominated them by paying such fees into the City Treasury. We cannot conceive of any obstacle under existing conditions to such a declaration from them, but as they are super-sensitive about any possible violation of the law, they should promptly inquire of their lawyers whether they are not now at liberty to declare their purpose to refuse all fees, in accordance with the declared policy of their conventions. Mr. Moore and Ir. Singer either mean to receive the fees or not to receive them, and they mean to-day to do just what they meant to do when they were nominated.

If they are going to appropriate the fees to themselves, they may just as well frankly say so, as they cannot conceal their policy after they enter upon their official duties; and if they do not intend to receive the fees, they would command very general commendation by manfully declaring that they are now op-Kised to the fee system, as they professed to be before the election, and that they will not receive anything more than their salaries as compensation for their official duties. Lot Mr. Moore and Mr. Singer again apply to their lawyers. For policemen to interfere in elections is not the sterling gold of duty.

It's more like copper guilt. An Aslibridse-Dnrliam Convention O-DAY a factional convention will meet in this city in violation of existing rules to amend the Republican rules with a view of making the Republican party of this city more manageable by reducing its membership. the Ashhridge-Durhniu management during the latu campaign nearly 40,000 Republicans embraced the occasion to vote the fusion local ticket. Ashbridgo and Durham want these afore time Republicans to flock by themselves or with those who believe reform in municipal affairs to be of more moment than straight party voting, and propose to produce the machinery for kicking out of the party any others who may propose to do their own voting in future. The determination of the Ashbridge- Durham crowd to make the one-time Republican party an Ashbridge-Durham party pure and simple by a set of new restrictive rules to be adopted to-day, in violation of existing rules, is one of the most hopeful signs of the times.

Load ers and convention alike should be en couraged by every honest citizen to make the new rules as restrictive as possible, and add fine and imprisonment to expulsion as the punishment to be visited upon any Republican who refuses to wear in open sight, week days, Sundays and at night, Ashbridge-Durham badges hereafter. The country has been saved again for four years and the tariff is not As fitting mark of welcome to tlie dele- gates who will atleiul the fourteenth annual convention of the Christ Inn Kudeavor So cieties ot Pennsylvania, which begins lis sessions to-day In Grace Baptist Temple, Broad and Berks streets, the members of the Philadelphia Christian Endeavor Union held Its regular monthly meeting last night 111 the Second Kegliuent Armory, llronil street above Diamond. W. 11. Hell, president of the local union, was In the chair.

After the presiding ollieer had Invoked the divine blessing upon those present the various officers and chairmen of committees submitted their reports and gave brief outlines of the work to he accomplished during the convention. These Included George It. Camp, convention committee; R. M. Gibson, secretary; j.

S. Benson, treasurer; G. Gurrlgues, entertainment; Hurry E. Paisley, reception; J. Bnker Tuttle, place of meetings; II.

G. Lincoln, music; F. C. Ovlatt, press; It. W.

Howard, ushers and badges; W. Turner, finance; Hev. Hr. Charles Rhoads, evangelistic; II. O.

Howell, Junior rally; O. M. Hoknnson, decoration, and Wlllluin T. Ellis, printing. Koyal Welcome Accorded.

At this juncture the vast audience of 5,100 Fudeavorers rose to their feet to welcome wilh the Chautauqua salute the Rev. Dr. Floyd W. Thonipkins, vice chairman of the convention committee, and John Willis Buer, general secretary of the I'nlted Socle-ties of Boston, as these two distinguished Endenvorers entered the armory and made their way to the platform. Much enthusiasm also prevailed when II.

C. Lincoln, director of the convention music, gave assurance In the course of his brief report that the musical arrangements had been completed and the chorus and solo features of the convention would be of MANCHESTER WEDS AMERICAN HEIRESS Contlnned from First Page. say that he actually had sown a large portion of b's "wild oats" before be was 18, under the careful direction of his father. No one, they say, ever has tried to restrain him, and he began a trip around the world nt IS, In the course of which he went a pace which made much older men dizzy. His critics are unkind enough to say that be Is a rake and always will be one.

His friends Insist, however, that, having seen the world and its pomps and vanities, he Is tired of them and really Is settling down and becoming an ornament to society. Often lately It has been reported that Manchester was engaged to marry a woman whose fortune might repair his own, such as Miss Pauline Astor. Waldorf Aster's daughter; Miss May Goelet, daughter of the late Ogden Goelet; Miss Joan Wilson, daughter of a brother of the Wilson of Tranby Croft of baccarat fume or infame. Ami always these rumors have been promptly denied by the young women. Hut It was not always riches tbut the young Duke yearned to marry, lie paid court to Miss El hoi Barrymore and to Miss Gertrude Elliott, sister of Nat Goodwin's wife.

Lately the Duke's financial affairs were adjusted by a family council, and arrange ments were made to have him discharged from bankruptcy on December 1, when his grandmother will settle his debts. The family council decided that he should leave London and go to live nt Tanderagee Cas tle, In the north of Irelnnd, cut loose from all his fast associations In London and settle down to be a county peer. He was given an Income of $12,000 a year and the Tanderagee estate free of all charges until such time as the Manchester property can be restored from the heavy burden the late Duke put upon It. Helena Zimmerman Is the daughter of Eugene Zimmerman, of Cincinnati, vice president of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dnylon Railroad Company. His wealth Is estimated at from to $1,1,000,000, which she, the only child, will Inherit.

The Duchess Is scarcely more thau 21 years old, beautiful girl with golden hair. Her great-grandfather on her mother's side was Squire Igon. From her mother's side the lines run bark to George (ieorge Mint mother was Pearson. married Robert Evnn.s. George Eliot's name was Mary Anne Evans.

Abraham Evans, the father of Helena's mother, was Robert Evans' first cousin. Helena's mother died when she was but years old, and since then she has been under the care of her aunt Helena, who was her godmother. It was nt Dlnnrd, In Brittany, at the costume bull Riven at the Now Club by Mrs. Hughes Haelett, who was Miss Emily Schnninborg, of Philadelphia, that the dulte and his bride met. ZIMMERMAN IS SURPRISED Had Not Heard of Ills Mar-riiiKO and Defend the Duke.

Cincinnati, November 10. Eugene Zlnimer. man, vice president of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railway, and a director In several other lines, was very much surprised to-day on reading tlie press cablegrams announcing that he was the father-in-law of the Duke of Manchester. He stnted that the press reports were all the Information that he had regarding the matter nnd that he did not desire to talk about the mirrlnge until he was further advised. He Insisted however, that there had been false reports about the Duke of Manchester; that the duke had never been engaged to nny actresses; that he Is not a spendthrift nnd has not len as notorious as reports would ing.

John E. Dayton, of Wlillamsport, will lead the meeting. Beginning with this evening tliere will be simultaneously sessions at. the Second Regiment Armory and Grace Baptist Temple. Speakers of prominence in the religious world will participate.

Great Interest Is being manifested In the noon evangelistic meetings which will be held to-morrow and Thursday by 100 companies of Christian Endeavor workers under the general direction of Rev. C. A. Oliver, of York, superintendent of evangelistic work, and the Rev. lr.

Charles Iiboads, chairman of the local evangelistic committee. Cards of admission to nu evening service will be given out at the noon meetings. Evening services will be held In the Gaston Presbyterian Church, Eleventh street and Lehigh avenue, at 7.30 o'clock. Some of the most eminent pulpit orators attending the convention will lake part In these exercises. Evangelists to Have Charge.

Companies of C. E. workers from various parts of the State have been funned to con I duct the services. Well-known evangelistic workers are to have direction of the exercises, which will be a deeply Interesting character. The present convention will be attended by 0.

E. societies In this State, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, the District of Columbia and other points. Strictly speaking, It Is a Pennsylvania convention. Tliere are upwards of 4,000 Christian Endeavor societies In Pennsylvania, with a membership of persons. In the whole world there are more thau 3,000,000 Christian En-deavorers.

his inventions nnd patents now In use thrnuKhout the country are in successful operation, Ills chief Invention being an endless rope pump for deep colliery workings. Services will be held at his late residence to-night at 7 o'clock and will be conducted by the Rev. Dr. Dixon, of the Forty-second and Pine Streets Presbyterian Church. Interment will be made in Laurel Hill Cemetery, Pottsville.

Colonel Boyer was an ardent Presbyterian nnd was 8 warm supporter of the church. He was a member of the military order of the Loyal Legion of the I'nlted Stales and of the Veteran Legion of the G. A. It. A widow and Ave children survive him.

OUR FIELD GUNS HAD NO SUPERIOR IN CHINA Assertions to the Contrary Are Effectually Disposed of by General C'haiTee. Washington, November 10. Some dlsnnr- aglng criticisms upon the American field gun, as exhibited In the Chinese campaign, led Adjutant General Corbin to address the following Inquiry to General Chaffee: Adjutant General's Office, November 15. Chaffee, Pekin; Asserted our light artillery guns did not meet all requirements ser-lce compared with arms other armies. What are thv facts? Corbin.

The following response has been received: Adjutant General, Washington, November 10: Replying to your number 72, our battery better than battery nny other nrmy In Germnn battery Just arrived; some features superior to ours. Powder charge in case fired with trigger like pistol. More rapid lire result. Brake arrangement nlso better. Calibre gun not quite so large.

Onr battery highly praised, particularly so bv General Lluivctch, who said he felt like tnklng off his hut whenever he saw It. No bnttery so effective ns ours In attacks on Pekin. ChafFeei. Struck for an Hour. For one hour yes-terdny morning" thirty drivers employed by Henry Unit, who has the contract for hauling asphalt for Richardson Ross from the plant, Thirty-seventh nnd Wharton Front street and Glrnrd avenue, went on strike.

They wanted nn Increase In pay which would enable them to make more thnn per day. 1'hey not and resumed work. COLONEL ZACCUR P. BOYER Prominent Manufacturer and Inventor Passes Away After Long and Useful Career. Colonel Zncour Frail Boyer, one of the most notable business men of this State nnd well known a an Inventor and manu- 'facturer throughout the country, died at his late residence, 4805 Springfield avenue, on Saturday night in his 00th year.

Colonel Boyer had been In apparently good health until Friday afternoon last, when he was stricken with apoplexy. Ho lingered until Saturday night, when he passed away. Colonel Boyer was from an old Schuylkill county family of French extraction and was born there October 28, 1832. Hisgramlfnther, Valentine Boyer. was a prominent citizen of the county.

Colonel Beyer's father died when the colonel was only 10 years old, leaving his family with limited means. With the characteristic perseverance that has marked Ills whole career, Colonel Boyer, after receiving a fair education nt public and private schools, started In the mining business. The venture was not successful and when the civil war broke out he enlisted as a lieutenant In the Ninety-sixth Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers. He was afterwards appointed lieutenant colonel of the One Hundred and Seventy-third Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, by the Governor and saw much active service throughout the war. In August, 1.S04, he was mustered out and he entered the coal business.

In 1K77 he built the gas works In San Jose, Oil, In 1881 be became Interested In the cable railroad business with success. Many of Mr. Zimmerman said the fortune was dls. slpated before the present duke assumed his heritage. Mr.

Zimmerman stated that he had received word that his daughter was on her way to America nnd that he would go to New York to await her arrival. He had only the kindest words to say of his daughter nnd of whatever she may have done. The Duke of Manchester has met Mr. Zimmerman at the seaside in this country and Is not a stranger to his wealthy fnther-ln-law. Besides being connected with very many railroads, Mr.

Zimmerman Is a large stockholder lu the Standard Oil Company and locnl concerns, and Is one of the largest owners of coal and iron lands In the West. While he has been a widower for many years he Is known as a royal entertainer at his mansion on Mount Auburn. SAYS CONTRACT WAS BROKEN, WANTS DAMAGES Gray Brings Suit for 9200,000 Against a t'Bsunlty and Surety Company. Delbert B. Gray yesterday brought suit In the I'nlted States Clrculd Court against the I'nlon Casualty and Surety Company, of St.

Louis, to recover $200,000 damages for the alleged breaking of an agreement made In September, 1803. The plnlntlft Bays the agreement with the defendant company was made with the firm of Carpenter, Gray Hlncken, of which he was a member, constituting the firm agents to obtain Insurance In the territory comprising Eastern Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey and Delaware. That the other members of the firm withdrew and the plaintiff became the agent. It Is alleged ho nnri-pemeut was Jiot carried out. I.

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