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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
Issue Date:
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-6IVEH AWAV- and RAZORS In exchange for with Ohewlria and Smoking" only XNTMEIWOUSi ANTI-DYSPEPTIC I and NICOTINE NEUTRALIZED) TOBACCO. JACK KNIVES and PEN KNIVES, Stag Handle; JRazor Steel, First quality, American manufacture, hand forged and finely tempered. RAZORS, Highest Steel; Hollow Ground. Gonponi explain bow to leoiire the One Coupon in tack 5 sent (S ouaet) Pnckanr, Tico in 10 ant (4 ounn) Mall Pouch Tobacco Is sold tyr all totlm. will bit accepted cmiponn.

Emjt'JHaa at one Coupon. 4 Empty fay cut (ico LUST RAT ED Cataloout ValuMe Artidtt with explanation imir fa (jet them, Mtlled on The Blooh Bros.TolaocoCo..Whullng,W.Va. Kll HflOlf Jlllj 1,1807 THE RAILROADS Projectors of the New Line at Work. VANDALIA INSPECTION General News of Railroads and Railroad Employes. LOWERING STATE DEBT.

Treasurer Scholz Ha.s Paid $600, ooo Thus Far This Year. STATE NATIONAL BANK l.OOAX.SI'OBT. IND. OftPITflL F. Johnson, President.

I S. W. Ullcry. Vice President. H.

J. Heltbcink, Cashier. DIRECTORS. f. T.

Johnson. S. Ullory. J. T.

Elliott. W. M. Elliott. W.

H. Snider. Buy and sc'l Governmont bonds. Loan nonoy on personal security and Issue spi'clii! cmltlcates ot deposits bearing per cent. Intoreat wher lelt one rear; i per cent, per annum when deposited months.

Boxes In Sarety Deposit Vaults of this tank for the deposit ot doeds, Insurance policies. tnortsraKes. and other valuables, ranted at from J5 to J15 year. THE Muflson typewriter Is a Good Machine. liulhuwipolls Journal: Talhutt ami Myers, president ami secretary of the Indianapolis, Logansport Chicago Riiiilrotitl CompiUiy, with Messrs.

BryaJH and ConivIIns, local representatives of road, held a long conference with the directors of the. Conimer- Club yestvrday ivfteriioon. As siarod In the yesterday the di- reeroivi been asked ro examine Hie project, the of rlie road Ifovliig'tihey will-l iind It worthy bfinfi recommended to Hhe Board of Piiblk Workn. M'onday tlie Hoard sent a com- immiearlon ro the siKTetiiry of the mereial Club stating Mint ir would IIP glad to receive suggestions from the George wns pres- on-tat rlie conference. He was iheve ra pr.m'st agalnisr.

proposed right of way for which the company has pi-tl- Hie Board or rubl-r Works nn ami other interested propi'i'fy owneiT-i, On gpr.prai pniu-i- pies Mr. Merritt has no objections lo the but sa.ys he thhvks a better route could be chosen Mian that allied for in the petition. He hud another mine to snggiwt. His ideai-i were carefully shlered. as we.ll as the- chuiu or the company.

No llna.l action was taken 1:11 tlie by the direotoi-s. Anotiier mppting will be held for further consideration any are made to the Hurt.rd. Sfifto Auditor Dally sent a draft for ro Ijuilor tiia.t amount, of the StatoV bonds wlilluli will be due until April 1, ISOf). Tlicse live part of tin tomiwrary wimc.ii wtrc Is sued SBvorul yeatis were niud at the option of the Stnto after DmriiiK tills yt'ar Trim-surer Jias paid out to cnncoi lilie debt of the State. Of tlite amount was paid Mvireli.

'2 on per cent. boiulB nintiired n.t that On AprU 1, of oprtuiu'd boinls duo ta 180!) were ixiltl now inoi-o of the sn-nic kind tire fo Iiu paid Alienist 1. with tlie money forwarded yiwrmla.y, Tli'tw; optlatui'l bonds bear per eenl. Interest. TJiis on those bonds iinaUcs a snvln.c; to tlie Sl.ate lu Interest.

which would iijuoimt lo abo.n.t rlie lioudis siiouild not have been paid until maturity. LAB03 IS AGAINST SILVER New En glanders are Flocking McKinley. She Ailgti stanUard o( eieelience, nsera ol the coDnlJer it You will nhil It a valuable nsslstaut In lour ot- ttce. Address for p'artlcnlata THE MUNSON.TYPEWRITER CO 240-314 WtiF-t Lake CliIcaRD, 111. SIX SIX.

Special Train EXCURSIONS "TO- Maxinkackee Lake VIA THE VANDALIA LINE luly ipth, 36th, and August and, 9th, idth, 23rd. Fare for the round trip $1.00. Train eaves Vandalla station at 6:50 a m. AN INSPECTION. Indianapolis News: TI, 1.

Miller, general superintendent viio VaudKlia, and a number of oltlcials are making an inspection over the lines. They liere last night. When Mr. Miller was asked if the Vamlalla property 1 rha-t the Pennsylvania at t'hls point were to be consolidated, he replied tliar it was a matter about which he knew but little. "We are protly well fixed said Mr.

Miller. -In fact, we have the facilities for more business thiiu we are handling at this time. There are a good many ai-garmente In favor of consolidation, nnd there are nuiny against It. 1 a-m not sure yet what will be done. But we are waiting to what ttie country is going to do before going extensively jiito i'liiprovemcii'fs.

If tlilx free silver carries, it will pnt pvory railroad in the country In 'bad shape. So Car as we are concerned there will not be nnieh'-done ou the Vimdalla in the way of spending money until utter the election." KA.THEK A SKRIOL'S JOKE, with a party of last Wednesday, Hlalr Howard of War- Mr Lain that, they get married, each Mipposcd llie was jesting. A friend was dW- il t'cii 1 a Hcriise. which was drawn up due fiirui. 'I'lie weildin-x niiomu-cd In lucnl papers to rake place at the.

residence of liev. 0. IS. Curri'y, of Sacri'O Han i-lmrcih. l.hnr night.

At the ap- piilnteil li'nic the Couple went to'(he resi dence, but Father Ctuwy hail several visitors and they did not remain, Thursday ino'rniug they went back and oiwinmi-y was performed a great dea.l of dialling, rli-o ciiiitrnctl.n'g partJivi still believing ir to be a joke. The bride and groom went about I heir ordinary duties and were no more to each other thiMi friends. Last nigiit Mr. Howard desired to pall upon a friend andannounced Ills inifeiitlon at Coin- mercial iiotel, where he boaruVd. Fath- who was at rhc table, accidentally heard it and Informed young num that he was legally married.

He went to the home of tue bride today aud rlie two are now living together. CHAS. L. WOLL, UNDERTAKER 417 Market Street. attended to promptly.

ot intral Union and Mutual Office, No. 16; Residence. No. 12L If lit Cei L. G.

PATTERSON Bw opened Firs and Accident Iniur- office lit 410 Broadway, up italn, and a chare of the public rone but Flint Clani Companlei Repre- iHIGAGO MUSICAL COLLEGE Mini MHiloi Hill, Chlcigo, Or. F. PHI. Ytar twllni 1 OowwMqtt tht toremwt ImlltvUm of Amirlca. DoviOAlIed Taollltles for a thorouitii oonno In MUSIC and DRAMATIC ART.

Ftrx mt I'm. JLppUciiKloni or the an if fo raotlTod to Aoiiost 1Mb. WANTED. Agents for ratbo- rllM "iivts OKHcKIVLKI ana H0DART" 9 PHM, slcgmtlr llla.i.i- "il. Price only II00 ui best and obenptst, uud all-others per ornt to igenu anrfwight paid.

VBooks Off 'Sava time undlDf; 60 cents In tittft lac in aunt Mtacf. Address, HBrttord, CODD Marlon Chronicle: Majcr Steele wns Logansport Sunday attendlDg r. icetlnp of the.CONS county Eepublicfln onunltte. He reports Uiiiit the Eepubll- ftio outlook to Oaas county encourng- The mflnagers In that county are rrnnglng to establish system of nclal schools for tire education of the otens on tlie money question." Jhamberlaln's Cough Remedy cures, tide, cnwp and -n-hooplngTOggh. It la eawnt; wore and reltoble.

For gale B. F. EcMUng, druggist PROMPT ACTION. The Poimsj-lviMita railroad company has taken'prompt mensnrc to-prevent any 'infringement 'on the United States postal laws, ad In few days the otQc- Inls of the eoimpnoy will reclve orders not ro take any matter from any connecting lines that oghut to pass through tiiemaib. This law lias been the of this for a unmber of years, nnd 4s said tlui-t there hns been no reason 1'or -lit to be broken, ns nil the vaiilroad business done-by letter, was between Its own oBiciiils out! employes.

The circular contains speclllc dlroctlous for the carrj-lnc O'f railroad mnil niat- ttfi 1 and Idi -ft will be stated that nothing font that which pertiriiis to the affairs of the company 'uvnst be taken lu the railwaj' uvall. No personal letters are to be sent and the various agents are to see tlwt the rule Is THE COKS 'MOVEMENT. The reduced rates.on from the Northwest to tho seaboard have started an unprecedented movement.ii«d there Is a car famine Imminent as well as a blockade on, some of the roads. On the other It Is stated that r. D.

Armour has a-bout 7,000,000 bushels cribbed on the Chicago, Milwaukee vt St. Pail sj-stom wlilcli lie declines to move at present and will iiold for better 1 prices. Other holders, controlling about 25,000,000 bushels, relying upon the judgment of Mr. Armour, wi'll keep their holdings off fhe nlsp. He- ports froni liiat region Indicate an indifferent corn crop tills year, and all farmers who can will hold to their old coi-ti In the hope'of securing a better price.

i RAILROAD NOTES. 1st, T. R. Sewell, chief clerk tO; Master Meclfcinlc Penivock of the sfliops, wJU leave on a two yncaUon to be at Wash- itogton, BalMmoi't), Philadelphia Yoa-ki His wife aral daughter, are now Jn the wHl return It lias developed that "Tames Byera, the Vandalla agent at Mbrab, who sul- cliled by shooting liliniself Monday, wns short Ms accounta with the. rail: road company, and vrns also behind $300 with the Adams company.

The unfortunate young man told hjs promised wife his.troublts and.that.he. I'ntendeil suicide. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications, as they can reaeh the diseased portion of the Tliere Is only one way to cure deafness and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by en Inflamed condition of the mucoua llninjg of tbe Eu- stacblan Tube. When this tube gets Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness Is the rosnlt, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its r.or- nial condition, hearing will be fleo- troyed by which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of tlie runoous surfaces.

We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (cansed by catarrh) that connot'be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. CHENEY Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c A dispatch from Washington says Kupreseutatlve Ashley.

VJee Clialnnai ol' the Republican Congressional Com iwittee, is back from another trli through New England. Tho talk free sliver nmklug ijiroads in the labor Ing of the east, he dedaws lo he nonsense. "instead of hea of alleglimce free silvei among the of my heard nwinji- asyjer.tions of Democrail' intenitlon to bolt Bryan, Sewall and pla-til'orm. Sevciul told me themselves, tlnut they wen- uua.lte.rahly opposed ro Hie tic-kot." Keiirweiirailve tcday that the Cougr.a«Hiojiii.l Coni-mitree McClenry's on the rela- tLcii of tree silver ro r.h« laboring mau. 'Any," SJIJ-K McCIeary, "wlio w.lll the daily quotations ot prices us j-opoi'ted In the jjewspapors, will dlscovui 1 riiat flif.v change 'Mm! ihiy lo day.

and oliange i-i'i-y Ju MIL- coiiRii; or a inwntli, Bti't every iiia.iv who ea.rns fa- ni'lliar with tliv rhat clwugu an of 10 per cent, in a year brlnx (juire gaJu. Prives wages chaiigo slowly. lot grant 1 llie advocates of free silver rliat go-lug ru Hie silver liasis would 'tloii-ble lilie pricus of Docs hi'lieve that wages wnuiiT lie doubled too? Even it' should be, how nunrli would Hie prol'ii by Ihe No Intelligent working man for a ininuie that hi? would lie inprnsMd by linili a per that is. while iiis wages might lie uouiinaHy increased the pi-Ire of fin; thiiigs he has to IMI.V would be increased very rmicli more. So the real purclinsing pr.w.M 1 of day's wo.rk would he greatly dliuin- All fixpfrieneo shows that any debiisemenf in tin 1 moiipy syslcau uf country raises prices further r.lian Jt does Tins mrglit inflii- ent-o soiine -employers to consider proprleity o-f debasing our ciiri-eney, bnl it i.s precisely rlie reason workingmen should oppose Ir.

"So as workiiiginea con. cenied tihe whole silver ouesrio.ii Is to be sun-med up In one tjueiy: 'Do yon wajit your wages cut down? If so, vote for the free coinage of silver." Drawings of AH Kinds Made by BYRON B. GORDON. 'Draughtsman Patent Attorney. Spry Block.

Logansport Logansport I i Gas 3ill5 da 3 trie pirs of eaci )nth. ten clay's grace. All bills paj- able at the office of thelCompany, 317 Pearl AX OB.7ECT LESSOX. of llrnis iately received n.bout 1,200 Jlexlcnu. si.l- vei' dollars by express jir payment of an account, and n.5 tlio baaks were not desirous at! handling them, wore forced to use thorn in payment of the (inn's oininloyes.

The dollars were slven tlie nicYi nt tlieir nehin.1 value and still those who received them at- 50 cents on tlie dollar objected to taking them at all. and several of the anen who professed sllvcrltes ait that. XWs seems strange Indeed -wlien ou'e takes Into consideration the fnot tlut there Is more silver tlie Mcxlenn dollar thfl.u in the standard dollar of tlie United Stated how in use. A few more practical les- HOTIS of this toind will open the eyns of the deluded, and light understanding of the true condl'ttqn of affairs will then come those who heretofore refused to listen to reason. RAISING THE LAKE It Is dalnieil rhat ihe levels ot tho hikes I 1 the nortlicni part ot county, tOiroiighout this jx-irt of Iii- diaua a're firxm one to three feet higher Chtin l)bey have been In the last live- yeaw, In- thut period there boon a marked deficiency lu tlie rainfall, a.nd the creeks iteit feed the lakes, many of were frog ponds, linve dried up, while the quantity of water by springs -luis been greatly reduced.

As rmu'lt the water has gradually receded ti'onn the bnufe, leaving wide expansopi iiifliisli, grown up with reads, and, as In the case of Round Lake at Luketoui It looked as though many-of the stnaMer Ixxllos of water would coise exist at all. The licavy nilns of -this have imist of tlie lakes to their old dimensions, ami thougn' the present waitcir levels cannot be maintained the lakes year or two will enjoy some of their former gloiy. Low rates on heaters during the months of May, June. July, August andJSep- tember. FULL or THE LEADING HUMOROUS PAPER IN DOt'BTS THE DIFFERENCE LABOR.

"Tlie red-uctlloJi -wiMah we have mnde to tariff upoai immwfacturc-d articles ikj a pren't Teauctloai In existing snhed- itles. It ta not ns great a reduction as inJgUt made. I believe tLmt we Uave leflt far mwe taiHtf than shown be necessary to provide for any -difference, If there npy difference, be- tlw cost oC imauufactiires here ncd Bryan. Jiust IMW, when Jill par.Mes have de- cStlud tiiat protection the- policy for well known radical free- trade views at Mr! Bryan in.ay be lu- A GREAT THING-FOB TELE STATE. Indiana countlas have become Interested in a movement'to drain 'the Ktuikakec region, the State's fam- ou-s humtliig grounds, stops have been tuikenT-to incorporate au-assoclatlon under laws of ludtuia and by sysr temallc drainage reclaim for cultivation the thousands of aeras ot Innd now covered by water.

The plan Is to 'deepen and widen the which 1 would open Cor settle-, mwi't a large area In Joseph, Laporte tnd Starke counties. Engineers pronounce the project i feasible. It is stated 50,000 acres will be reclaimed. OUT EVERY The Cyclist's-Necessity. I POND'S WILL JURE COTS, BURNS, BRUISES, WOUSDS, SPRAIKS, SUNBURN.

CHAFINGS, INSECT BITES, ALL FAIN, AND INFLAMMATIONS. USED INTERNALLY AND EXTERNALLY. A CHILD ENJOYS The' pleasant flavor, gentle action, soothing effect of Syrup of Figs, -wlien In need of and If the father. ior mother be costive or irillons, the most gratifying results'foltow'lto'user so' that it the best famUjr remedy known and every family have a THE BUFFALO MOTH. Wabasli Platodoalcr: Tihe pestiferous Insect, as.

the Buffalo moth la at in tills section. of them ihuve attacked Hie upholstered furniture and carpets of Captain M. Thompson) on Mfrln street. It seems almost to get rid-of them. The captain has taken all the upholstered of the He will Itave ttxra to pieces and thoroughly ialeancd before putting It back.


R. AT ST. PAUL. Special Rntos via Pennsylvania. Liues for National Encampment.

Subscribe for The Journal EXCURSIONS TO THE WEST AND NORTHWEST. Oa August 4, 18, September 1, 15, 29, October and 20, 1800, The North- Western Line (Chicago North-West-, ern, R'y) wMI sell Home excursion tickets at very low rates to a large number of polnta In the west and nortli- apply to ticket agents of connecting or dress W. B. Knlskern, 'G. P.

T. Chlcogo! Ul. St; Joseph a moBtuellghtful resort- during this estremeij torrid Fare for tlie 'round trip, $2.00. Train; station at 7:00 a. m.

every, August 30th. and 31st and September 1st are the date, upon which low rate round trip tickets to St. Paul will be sold via Pennsylvania Lines, the iTOtte'througli COiltaga Tickets will be good return-tag until September 15tli, aud If deposited with the ilotnt ag'jnt ait St. ou or before September 15, the return limit will be ex- teiiJed to Jactorte September SOtli. Tlie f-r tills occasion- will bo cxccp- tiomi.lly low vJiii Pennsylvflttla Lines.

t'ie only tsystem of mllwflys over which trains run from Western Ptnnsylvaula, West Virginia, Ohio and Indiana to Chicago. Union Station, tlie natural gateway from those States to tbe Northwest. Daily trains-from Pittsburgh, Coluin- bus, Cinclnmitl, Indianapolis aud Louisville make convenient connection at Chicago-with. St'. Paul rrauis.

may be made by G. A. n. Posts or parths. of friends to travel together ou special or special cars that will go through from starting point to the Encamptueiit without change, If tlio mmi'ber justifies It.

Information on subject will be cheerfully furnished by reprftscnfattves of tlie Pennsylvania Lines. HALF RATES TO OMAHA. Via the North-Western Line (Chicago Xorth-Westerii R'y) August 13, 10 and 1S9G, one fare for the round trip. August 24 excursion tickets at very low rates will also be sold from to. Denver, and the famont Hot Springs of South Dakota.

For fnll Information apply to ticket agents of connecting lines or address W. B. Kntekera G. P. T.

Chicago, lil. LOW RATES TO SALT LAKE Vfci the North-Westera Line Nora-Western R'y) August 0 and 1896. For full Information apply to ticket agents of or address W. B. Knlsfcern, G.

P. Chicago, 111, Oeo. Harrison bw the bammocki In the dtr-.

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