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Arkansas City Daily Traveler from Arkansas City, Kansas • Page 4

Arkansas City, Kansas
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fg CHAMBER OFCOM CAILLAUX CASE CENTERS STAGE a WAR 1 COMMITTEE "Buenos Aires -telegraphed the fol lowing: 'Caillaux has left. Buenos Ho control. A small "Doara or viewed by tbe committeemen; as tho most feasible plan. "The new plan for making the Aires after a short stay and is going direct to France evidently on ac uu Fred Maloaey made a business war industries board a co-ordinatin count of the (group undecipherable) body having now been etiacted the scandal which he regards as a per statement asserts, "your committer Eonal attack upon himself. He speaks contemptuously of the presi trip to WinfiVM this morning.

Charles Paterson went to Wichita today on as business trip. Judge C. L.Swarts has returned from a short Islt to Hutchinson. Mrs. It.

II. M-MCuilouh was over from SilverdaLe today on a feels it essential at this time to'recou mend to the beard of directors puo dent and the rest of the French gov "jL CLEAN.UP SALE OF RE ADY TO WEAR 1: cation to our members of a state ernment with the exception of Bri- I ment which while reviewing the situ and. He sees through the policy of ation will make clear the divergence England perfectly. He does not an between the views of the committee ticipate the complete overthrow of ihort visit. Walter Jarvis has to Kansas Cit to attend 4 he implement dealers convention.

and the policy of this new -plan. It France. He sees in the war a strug sle for existence on the part of Eng heartily approves the steps taken by the secretary of war in consolidating land. Although he spoke much of Mr.Ms. N.

T. Stewart of East Bol the organization of the war depart the 'indiscretions and clumsy poli ton was in the eily today on a busi- If you are interested in Coats, Suits or Dresses take advantage of these Money Savers this week. At the rate they are moving this week will see the of them sold. Do Yoiir ment increasing the personnel and cy of the Wilhelmstrasse and pro I CC5S visit. ironing Mrs.

II. A. of Oxford was In improving its elnciencv by a rawing in business men of experience in or the city today for a visit and to do fe ssed to believe in German atrocities he has in essentials hardly chang ed his political orientation. Caill ganization, but it cannot agree with funic trading. In Comfort me statement that such re-organiza W.

Burnett of West Bolton township went to today on tion of this department takes tli aux welcomed indirect courtesies from me but emphasized the extreme caution which he is obliged to show place in any degree of a department a business trip. It. H. Ithoads and K. Miiean of munitions or a board of central as theFrench government he said had ieturned this mornius; from a short him watched even here.

He warns control. bimiiar improvements visit to Wichita. NO WOMAN NEED BE WITHOUT A COAT. Notice These Prices on Coats. Up to $17.50 Values, now only $4.59 Other values up to $20.00, $27.50, $30.00, $40.00 Your choice now $10.98, $14.98, $17.50, $24.50 other departments boards and admin U3 against excessive praise bestowed C-orce Xorris of tl Santa Ke re istrations would but tend to develoi) upon him by our papers, especially turned this mornine from Oklahoma the Neue reie Press, and desired on a.

centralized systerm of purchasing fnsiead of providing for a centralized en train So. 40fi. the other hand that Mediterranean Dr. Harold J. Kdwiirds inadft his and Morrocco agreements should be i system.

However efficient the war department, the navy department, the war industries board, the shin- au-erseiy criticized, uur praise in regular business trip the Chiloc co Indian school today. 8 with a clean, smooth iron which heats as you use it. No long waits for an iron to heat, no walking between trie ironing board and stove. You will enjoy the ease and the saving of footsteps. Besides, with this iron, the ironing is finished an hour or two earlier.

Try this iron in your home and learn for yourself its'advantages. Just phone 27 and we will send one out. KANSAS GAS CO jures his position in Fiance. Ca'l- Mrs. A.

J. ole Is assisting as a laux's reception here was cool. His ping board, the trade board, the cashier in one of thf departments fuel administration, the food admin report about Brazil had nothing new. r.t Newman's during the present sale istration, the railway administration On his return to Fiance he will begin to reside in his own constituency. ct that store.

may become, the need for central G. U. Derby, superintendent of ized control is but teh more emphas He fears Paris and the fate of Jaurvs. the Oklahoma division of the Santa ized thereby. Fe, went to Oklahoma today on com (Signed) 'Bernstorf f.

Another message which Count "If a department of munitions, raiy business. Bernstorff had forwarded wa.s from Mrs. Newliirk war industries administrator or war supplies board with full control over and responsibility for the nrom la ll.ivana as follows: trim has been here to visit her At Your Service. "Tol, Kio De Jauieio, telegraphs daughter. Mis War I.

returned to ment of munitions and supplies is SUITS Just a few numbers left. In Blue Serge and Green. Make your selection of these REAL BARGAIN numbers. DRESSES Come in and see our wonderful dress values. Dresses that have class, all at a wonderful reduction.

$12.50 values in serge, navy blue, black. A very neat, inexpensive dress $6.98 $15.00 Dresses. Styles that will please you. Range of colors, all sizes. Now $32.50 handsome tailored garments, finest quality, modish styles A new shipment of Dolly Varden Basketables have arrived.

steamer Araguaya left Buoons Aires home Tuesday. January The captain is carrying now established it is still necessary to provide more complete co-ordination II. S. Gibson who has been on the fick list for several weeks past, is papers. C.iptuiv very de sirable.

Caillaux is on -board. In case of caDture Caillauv slimiM in now able to be out and around. He was no town today shaking hands cr the various new administrations and agencies of the gcvernmeat whose separate activities affect the QUALITY IS ECONOMY USE LESH GASOLINE unobtrusive way be treated wilh with friends. Miss Hula Hlair has returned from jiiu cousiuei anon, un you elbcient conduct of the war program 3s a whole. We do not believe it is necessary or advisable as the situa- Kl Dorado where she has been work a a iniorii: our -ruisers? (Signed I Bern AND OILS FOR YOUR int in the telephone office.

Miss storff." lion now exists to bring the food ad Ulair is a sister of Mrs. Frank Alex i ne instructions of th German AUTOMOBILE ministration, the fuel administra ander of this city. censorship to the German press on K. F. Hurley of tooo North Third June 1 follows: uhn been verv sick, is For political reasons, it is ur if ported to be improving at present His tkitichter Mrs.

Stella Wills. of gently requested that nothing be writ ten about the roriiK-r French premier Caillaux and that his name bo ta "BEST BY TEST" SERVICE STATION Earnest Bigley, Mgr. 110 North Summit St. Missouri is here to visit him at. the 2 present time.

not mentioned under any circum- Karl Baxter, who is located at stauces. 3 I.i.wton and Fort Sill, representing Phone 97 u. i Tiiinougn no Wichita Fxcle. and who has tion, the railroad administration, war trade board or the shipping board under the control of the authority responsible for buying-- "At the same time the work these agencies involves the maintenance fthe financial and economic strength of the country and the -H'-fectivo use of our industrial resources. Wo therefore believe that there should be created some small board or eounnl with no other duty timn to have constant supervision over and general direction of the work of these administrations.

Our view is that such a small council should sit in continuously, devoting itself" io I official to WHERE DOLLARS GO FARTHEST. leen home on a short visit, went to I I.l.-v i I'1' 1 1 .1 Wichita this morning on a short -cntftx, atigeniont with tJie French goveru- fTTTTTTITTIITITm which desired its exposure Caillaux now is waiting trial France lor treason on rpvohiinnc velopcd hy the celebrated Bolo Pasha case. EXPERT ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Books audited and new books opened up. Can you make income tax re-Vy. port without? business tiip.

Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Henderson are moving into the Fred Gould rMtqce.

4 West Wellington which they purchased recently and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Could are moving to the H. Searing home on South Second street. Charles Watkinson.

son of Mr. r.nd Mrs. Thomas Watkinson, of UC South Fourth street, is here for a and to help his rather ret ready to move to Carnott. where they will Anotlvei" Arj-et. Paris.

Jan. lGn Louis Louistalon. constructive planning, and settling conflicts which mav arise from tim. member of the Frencli chamber of deputies, from Lanes, whose immun to time between these adminintra tiuus anu ooarus and adjusting the activities of one azenev to ity recently was suspended in connection with the Caillaux case was arrested thiri morning. the war needs of the country may require." Fir.t Day in Prison.

make their future home. Mr. Wat kinson has a fine farm at (larnett. i 1 1 ma xs com pko.m is NO 3IORE SWEARING Get a Push and Pull Kim Tool. This Him Tool is unlike all others, docs not and cannot No pinching of fingers or injuries.

So more rips or tearing breaking tools, or hammering rims out of shape in effort to remove' or replace rims from or to tires. Made to lit any size Split Rflh. Simplest of adjustment but one screw to adjust. For Sale Only by A. C.

Oil Company and Grimes Service Station Corner Chestnut and Summit Street SIN)FKMAXX SPY CASK. I'olitical and Military Parties Paris. Jan. 1C. Every detail of the first day in.

prison by Caillaux is being eagerly read ty the public. I am one of the new boarders." he began to say to tho head warden on arriving at the v- You Use Flour District Attorney's to AvoTTT Friction'. London, Jan. 16. German news IhtfNii't Slum (iuilty.

papers as quoted in an Exchange Tel Baltimore. Jan. 15. United iiison uui mat onicial did not stop to listen as the rules forbid conver egraph dispatch rrom Amsterdam say li States Distiict Attorney Samuel buy ii. oi us rt'suu oi conierences, an sation with prisoners.

Dennis declared today that arter a thorough examination of the papers and effects of Walter Spoeimann al At the request of M. Caillaux. the Let us suggest that you use the best. Always POLAR BEAR NEW ERA MILLING CO. director of the nrison obtained understanding has been reached be tveen the political and military par ties in Germany in order to avoid fu; ther friction.

ii Mr. and Mrs. Poplar avenue, mission for the former Mac A. J. Cole, son of Cole of East pecice offers us a reply to th' speeches of President Wilton and Pre in- Lloyd enjoy the treatment allowed polit The Lokal Anzeigcr of Berlin says i reported to be on the sick, list and ical prisoners.

In consequence he was given two mattresses, two blan the basis of the agreement is that fcThe Lokal Anzeiger declares the is unable to attend school at Russian people reckoned on favora Chancellor von Hertling's viewpoint kets and a table whieh aro not ai leged German spy arrested at the new army aviation depot near Newport News he did not believe the man in the Baltimore jail was guilty of anything more serious than violating the provisions of the president's proclamation concerning the movement of enemy aliens. Mr. Dennis added that if the naval intelligence agents havefno more evi in regard to eastern questions (ac A lowed ordinary nrisonprs. quiescence in the Russian program M. Calllaux was placed in a sec of no annexations or indemnities and ble results from the negotiations ana that the Bolshevik government will have to bear the consequence should it prove they have been deceived.

The Vossiche Zeitung says that Russia tion of the prison which is enntfnn- the right of self-determination of IT WILL PAY YOU 3lly under the observation of a war peoples) is to prevail, whereas Field TO den. In nearbv ceils are Marshal von Hindenburg will have can have complete peace at home the asha. Deputy Louis Turmel. M. moment she comes to an agreement I full liberty in the west in case of a I I -r dence than that which they brought to his attention nothing will come of the case.

with the central powers. i IGerman victory to deal with any pos Jacques i.annau. respec lively director of and reporter on the Bonnet Rouce and Paul Seized Coal. Kansas City, Jan. 16 More than flie ex-premier was surprised to find eight thousand tons of coal at a re- irCStOnC hat he was compelled to submit to Le recording of his finger prints and Shot 1IU Assailant.

Kansas City. Jan. 16. As the result of an altercation today oer a practical Joke. Joseph Pratt, ears old.

is In a hospital with a finery of the Standard Oil company near here were seized todav by offic- I i in rnl lh torn tube to fur putchinc an! Cs-Inc thai wo rann( rvMnrr to ertlceabl condition nmt hue wort abu than ie-ult front ordinary rauf. If cannot af you ma-y I.y Tulranixfnc we will save ii for you itinc you our frank opinion. RED CROSS GARAGE Orpoit rbene 234. was distinctly displeased on being made to disrobe after emptying his sible annexations there. Attack Von Kuehlmaiin London, 15 Pan-German newsptpers continue to attack Foreign Secretary von Kuehlmann violently.

The Rhenische Westfalisclie Zeitung remarks ironically: "Von Kuehlmann would win the prize for showing how a brilliant miii tary position may be utterly The question is whether the stru-i ials of the local fuel administration, The coal will be distributed among i lullet wound in the abdomen and pockets and his purse containing le local manufacturing concerns to lieve the coal shortage, it was Goodyear vKing -Portragc Keystone Bycrus Pullman Paramount Congress Mc Graw an- i 1. H. Murdock. T-. years old.

is held the police pending the outcome of tie wounded man's injuries. The nounced. phout fi.Onn francs. Only personal I'spers. some books and pencils were left in his possession.

"Are you Caillaux?" asked one v.ardeu. who handled the prisoner's ticket and who was unaware of the be A part of the coal also will took place at a local manu distributed among retail dealers. Seizure of the coal followed a visit bj H. R. Oglesby, transportation! of of the idtntity ex-premier i commissioner for the Missouri fuel Tires Tubes facturing company's plant where both wcie employed.

Arcording to police repot ts Murdock builta fire at the plant this i-oniinc and returned to find some ere hnd thrown a bucket of water upon it. He a cased Pratt of play th trick. "When Murdock IT IS BETTER TO BE SURE THAN France. "Yes. answered the Mil t'aillanx 0.75 prisoner.

"I Joseph Oail- "2.90 14.45 16.25 20J5 When you buy a piet of ral estate ou invite by takint: it fr granted that the title perfectly tlear and valir. It 1 the unexpected that happens, and before oti out money to consummate your deal be trrtain that jou are in posssion of complete, detailed, accurate and absolute knowledsie reaardins the antecedents of iK Brnfrtv a administration to the oil company's I 30x3 Plain refinery. Company, officials explained that 30x3 Non-Skid 'the coal was being held for ship- 32x3 ment to other branches and tha.t 33x4 they were willing to turn it over to the fuel administration. The coal seized is said to repr- "jX 1 gle at Drest-Litovsk will be a victory for Germany or for the clever advocate Trotzky, who fully reveals his intellectual superiority over ti representatives of the central General von Huffman alone saved the situation but it can sared permanently if he in supported by -Derlin." Count Reventlow in the Tage? Zeitung. admits the strength of the pace movement and says it wouid inevitably ruin Germany's future.

He declare? it is no secret that the entire body of social democrats a considerable proportion the liberal and centre parties and a stiil nis rane towara rrau. me say. the latter leaped at the 21. .95 If th propertf Is located in thi town or county we can give you the 'older man seizing him firmly by the 24.00 exact information jou need in the fottn of an abslratt takn from the public record and checked and by our own 1 1- trl. which ar complete, acenrately nysteniaUrtnl and indrrd.

Wa wilt pl.t nthl.iiii rf til ot- ti.r vmi sent about 198 cars. Standard Make Tires" our whiskers. iring the struggle which lolloped. Pratt retained his grasp i.pon th ewrlskers. Murdock drew a revolver and shot him.

lanx." Caillaux obtains his meal from outside the prison. His first luncheon consisted of broth, two ejrs. butter and half a bottle of claret. When he ordered another half bottle for dinner, he was informed that only one-half bottle was allowed daily. He wrote until 11 o'clock at niifbt.

The next morning he saluted the eye at the peep-hole with "Good morning, my friend." Paul Comby was arrested Tuesday nipht in connection with the govern XO PKACE PliOPOSKI) ftBd it convenient to call. been STAFFORD ABSTRACT COMPANY. Would Alo Kxeiupt. Washington. Jan.

Secretary Or Other Communication lias liecivel iermany. Washington, Jan. 16. Itoee 74. Wiitiiebl.

Khhvi ti-t nth Avenue. Wide- more considerable part of German Baker has advised the senate mili-1 any Motto, with Large Sales and Small Profits. A. L. LIPPERD AUTO CO.

608 North Main WINFIELD, KANSAS diplomacy hold the view that the sub-J spread rumors, untraceable to I ta ry committee the war department had re marine war cannot accomplish its. source that the United States Germany aim'and can only delay peece. He ceived directly from adds that the socalled majority ar? proposal or some other commu-1 'A. C. HOUSTON LTOIBER CO.

Dealers in all kinds of Building Material, Fire Brick, Fire Clay Sewer and Drain Tile. Lincoln Paints. W. W. McAdam.

Manager. ia MftPTH R1IMMTT tpt rotinwr arn ment's investigation of the activities of Former Premier Caillaux. favors discharging from draft liability men wh ohave passed the age of CI since registering on June 3. 1917. and without hatiug beeu tall-d to the colors.

every effort to enforce from nication. were denied today by the enirLre fresh Lansing. the leaders Picture frames, Cornish studio, tf-30.

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