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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 3

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

NTS FlICT IDSWIEBEST LI Higher Education! World Follows New York lo lo Win FuvlhfM- Honors. I'lans oS 'avis Hero HAHUY Press Staff WASHINGTON. Wi.rrr Lindbergh goes tiie worlds ftxium oi Amcr- ifnn received new Incidental lo an- of the snialor's plan 1-jr a fliyhl to Japan and Cliliin. Over four years have since oil" iroin Field for a non-stop flicht lo Paris. The iri 1 niendcus interest that.

his (ramp.ll.imii: has sUtc-d yoars. iiid to a of aerial Thr.s? have 1 anv trnt- ilir- firs! the- result of hick. Tn years sine? he tr.e world lie lias the olijr-f. of attempted exploitation in 1 respite which he still is iilcntificd for his contributions aviation. After his return to the Unitcr filatcs in 1927 he sonn embarked on a nation-wide lour, iindsr auspices of the Guggenheim Foumla' lion, which aimed to bi.ild irj poi-'- ular interest in a word to help make the public "air-minded." This eventful and safe torn was estimated of great iniporianc an encouragement to commercial aviation.

His next great effort, sc-mi-iiiplo malic in character, was a "goo; will trip" to and in the Caribbean region. Ahliougl the Immediate purpose friend ly contact, the trip in fact tiie forerunner of a far-reachins of American ii the enlire region. The Caribbean tour started witl non-stop flight from Washing ton to Mexico City on Decembe- 13-14, 1027. and ended ivilh 1500-inile non-stop from Havana Si. Louis on February 13.

Ifi28. Th total flight was about 9.000 miles and it was accomplished in the sain of St. Louis" with v.iiic! had flov.ii the Ailantic Liiulbergh's next important con tribution to the progress ot aria tion was as consultant engineer in the projecticn of trans-contineiila! joint air-aud-mail service, whicli was In IfiKi tlndhprgh piloted the inauguration of an air-line down lh? Antilles to Paramaribo. Dutch Guiana, on the north coast- of South America. In ihe year Lindbergh had a new thrill in stor? for th? co'm- Iry, a feat which lie sharra with his wife.

Mrs. Anne Morrow bergh, soon to participate in his fortuics on the Far Eastern flight. The couple Irfi Angeles in morning, stopped at Wichita, in tho afternoon for refueling, and the same night hurtled into Roosevelt FieU. N. i new trans-cantinrntal record.

The flight of about 2.7M miles was inn-J? in hours -13 minutes 20 seconds. r.t an average of 180 miles per hour, boating the previous record of Cant. 'Frank M. Hawks by 2 hours 5: m.n- uies and 44 seconds. The Lindberghs' to! rlishl was made at hish from 10.000 to 15.000 feet, and for the announced purpose, "to Steelc.

Socicly Persona! PACE '1'liC-y married (iie-y freshmen, wurkcd their way fhrnti-h Slate Collr-jr-, at Tiflon. had it when they were juniors, ami nt (lip end of (heir senior year, Mr. and Mrs. Carle Collins, have tird fur highest srlinlusllr honors in their clays. Baby Doesn't Keep Georgians From Winning College Honors HIGHER KDDUCAT10N--FEA They went to work.

She Hy NI.A Sen-ire cconnmical. and FIS ney lived T1PTO.M. Georgia. Poverty i in lilt i h(msc mi from the could not. blemish their romance college they found they nor quench the fire of their en-; -They "'avert ihe fire of thusiasm for an education.

And now afur years of strutulc. I Mr. and Mrs. Carle W. Collins have been Marinated from State College here, lied for highest honors in their class.

With wifely generosity. Collins has her band lo be awarded the money and bouglit a cheap car in which to drive to work and their classes Worked Cheerfully Together Collins gradually increased! their income. lie was appointed an instructor in the summer rchcol. Eventually his salary for the year reached average of I $73 a monih. support- His wife, happy bv ris- i- Mrs.

hus- hon- tribute ors. undoubtedly as to his fine courage in support-1 His wife, happy and cheerful her and their baby by thl lr homc ing nt 4 o'clock many morn- their meals. They studied and going to work. together. Good-hmnoredly they Reared on a farm at Morvcn.l vied for excellence in their studies sUins accustomed to hard Uic irie'idK- rivalry which devel- laiwr nnd long hours.

And when pcd spurring theni to greater ef- he cclkije he go! a jub as. fnrt. janitor which forced him to star; Their instructors were proud of His day r.t Ihe crack of dawn and Collins even found time to end it late at night- take jjsrt in fraternal life some- Aflc-r a childhood friendship! ihcv went to social functions which blossomed inio love ii didn't cost too much the freshmen year of each. Collins married Lois Belcher, the chl with whom he had played before in Movven. Together they facod life and tiie dnubly dilTicult of making a living and f.r.rr an cducalion.

Cvuvlid in Sr.ire Time 'liabj- Dm-sn'l Interfere rn August. 1930, fine baby bov born. The named him Carle Jr. Forced to remain out of month. Mrs- Collins lost net- i ground in the race for scholar; ship honors, and her husband forg- cd ahead.

She gradually over- No one. guested lhal he. a pcor took him during the year and iuun nun working -vay a v.T.3 over rr.ce 'hroujn college and a declared bv college authorities'to vifp, shine as a student, i "dead beat." But they checked on ihe coilins claims her record would marks they discovered he was tied have his if his wife hadn't with his bdh ahead of nlllniissrd that month. c.thcrs in their class. Hack in the fall thc-y entered cr.lle^e.

Hie job as janitor. By tutoring and she is 21. Perhaps llie'fricnd- 192'i that they are through col- when they plan to teach in the He schools of Georgia. He is 27 Rot Mrs. Jack Fillii and two of IJrinkley, arc the ol Hev.

and Mr.s. (i. K. Kills. Mrs.

llntili' Walker and children of HoL Splints lire visitinu friends and relulH'i's here this Mrs. Ashmift lo iu-r honie til Ola, Sunduy af'c-r several visit with sister Mrs. John Tucker of Cooler. Misses Wiulad and Sallie H.mir.i lefi Sunday lor several d.iys I with friends anil ix'lutlves in p-jints of Oklahoma and Texas. Dr.

and Mrs. Alvin Stephens, 11. I K. Doerner and Miss Hilda I'liim- user huv; returned home several vacation at Mr. Doernt-r's cabin in the CVarks.

MLw Sue Etta Njil retunpd to her home in Memphis Suiuliiy 1 1 spemlm'-' (ho pasl week here'ITS the i Rucsl of her sister. Mrs. J. Q. U.uv: aiul Mr.

U.ivls. Mr. and John- had as thrlr dinner guests Sun. dny evening. Mr.

ar.d Mrs. Uixlc I Crawford. Miss Isube-1 Fields and Fanner England of 1 Elwood Brown and JOL- Alexander visited In Cooler Sunclp.y nielli. Mrs. Frances Terror and (er, Joan, Louise Hayes.

Gco. linslr-y and Mis. Dovie Windell of Joiner, accompanied Paul E. Mlllebrandt lure Sunday lo splint everal weeks visit willi his motlier. Mrs.

L. c. Spencer. W. H.

Richie who is seriously ill is no better Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie and Mrs. J. Phillips and' tlifh llattic Walker spsn! SniKlay at Wolf Bayou.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howell had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. M.

D. Gates nnd Miss Lula of Memphis. Miss Rubye Spencer spent Ii week-end with friends at Cooter. Mrs. G.

W. Dowdy has as- her (his week lier sisters, 'Mrs Sarah Frances Blue nnd Mrs. Sam Scarborough of Vardiman, Miss. Hcrby Ballentinc and F.sco Hughes visited friends ai Porlagc- ylile; Sunday afternoon. Mr.

nnd Mrs. J. D. Anderson had as ibeir guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs.

C. B. Bryant of Ilnl- lanel and Mr. nnd Mrs. C.

A. Annderson ot Bragg City. Dr. T. A.

Michic. visited with his sou. T. A. in Nesv Madrid Sunday.

Mrs. Vclnm Daucett of Blythe- yilb visited with her parents hero Sunday. Mrs. Curry Albritlon and Mrs. Elbert Brown motored lo BlyUie- vjlle Sunday Mr.

and Mrs. T. P. Weaver attended church services-at Holland Sunday. Miss Agnes Overlurf spent tVn latter part of' the week with iinr sister, Mrs.

Elmer Howell nnd Mr. Howell at Tyler. Miss Golden Marshall spent Sunday 'vith Misi Nellie German near Cooler. Mr. ar.rl Mrs.

J. n. Burden spcn with Mr. and Mrs. Earnie- Howell at Gibson.

Miss Ettalinc Milner of Tusca- locsa. and Miss Patty Jordan of Lspanto, houseguests ol Mr. and Mrs. George Cooke. with Mr.

and Mrs. C. C. Limbaugh. Misses Jane Bognl.

Olga KiiGiiry, Joe Travis. Butel Lowry Wil- bcrt Bishop enjoyed a picnic at Barficld Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. C.

K. Mihier. Mr. nnei Mrs. New-berry Johnson.

Roy Harper and Charles York enjoyed picnic supper ot Mosley Sunday iiioeilnu will IK- hi form! Hum Watson nlti-ndi'd Hie b.illiprni Friday nlnia wllh her sister of plrnlo nl Bai-neltl to whli'h alltunmi' at Owotn Similny Siinnncr.s with tlieir liusbantls I Mr. 1m jiis. (loodman 101 Mis.s livne Calledgo entfiuineil Elsworlli- Watson ol Cottonwood' a niunbr-r of her frit'iich with was a KtiTle Wednesday nluhl. Alur Mr. mid Soutlii'rn ul! In the Os-i'oln pool nrj-tv Ullison sjirni Sunday with tlislr.

prou'ixled to Miss paivnls. Mr. and Mrs. 1,. Soutii-1 when- were played nnd cm.

111 Rtn'lc. i ty were Mis. lU'tile Klnx of IX'riijii Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry U'li-diuan vlsiiini; her aisler, Mts.

W. R. liit-lcf Ulytluvllli- were nui'sls of fhio. who is very ill. and Mrs.

C. Nichols Simdiiy, Mis. J. U. Jone.s ol Cooler Sjieni Friday with lier s-jii.

AutU'r rnil'L aixl Iiniiily nt Miss Djiilon lofi Friday far kansi. will speml Hie D.ivtd Sjn'iicer em i tLilii. 1 number liule folks vvllii 11 parly ftl home Friday ailerimn 1 June 21st. the blrlh of dtnujlitcr on June Mr. and Mrs.

Cl, J. Wlillllc at- Iciidrd ilii' ball same ill Number Mini; uficrnoon. Holwn and j. j. Moore- nt- li'nded dunce nl Mr, Uaylord 1 Iisura I'iilvliiiril had as her ijiiMl 1 Siind.iy Misie-i U'lui nnd Vena Johnnie Craln of Wilson was Mi? Dainrs, MiinsUi'itl.

Mnynic Ju- iif Miss li.n Kuth Junes. Wi'clnesdiiy. i Mr. and Mrs. Clovls nl i sin, Hie 5tti blillKlny ol (iicliardson.

Wilson were nf Mrs Wilson Sunday. Mr. anil Mrs. Jcssh Victory announce Ihe blilh of Sunday and Mrs. Joe Wad.s ler molurrd to Suii- n.A<; HAY, i.UPl A American ling llml rjeiieral Sliennnii on Keixcr Newx and Mrs.

s. Aiirtilln were Bursts of Mr. nnil Mis. Ed Wuisnn Sinnlny. Mrs.

Jennie Web.ftcr spent Mr. niul Mis. Howard LK-nbyi week-end her bon Nu ID Illj iheville Sunday for I Nine. a ciiilds nnd Harvey Wilsnn. Frlilny'' In Memphis.

Cm l.iylor, Ch-jrlrs Nichols, i vory 111, is iniprnvlng rapidly. Virginia Elders ul Vurhrn Hoy Kersey. Ilauiion wilsmi unii I Miss Mnrch lo liio Sea has been (o the Clarence Noble posl of the Vfleruns of Foreign Wnrs Tlie ling flew from (he loji of lookout Mountain dur- llic Civil War. Tlie Pi-cncli Air Ministry has do- rldcd lo replace Baseline motors on all military airplanes with oil- burning L-milnes. 666 LIQUID Oil TAH1.KTS Itelltvfs llntil-irhe Or Nruralfll In :10 iiihuilcs, (he Ihsl (l.iy, uinl checks Malaria In Hirer days.

Siilve for Hiihy's Cold Dr.PaulF.McCutchen Dentist STEELE, MO. Phone 85 r-ttidrnts he make a month. was able to He conned icfti theory airplane speed Belcher in lm sp.irD mon: and effiriency are to be- sought he-re weren't many. On Christmas dr.y they were ly' rivalry will develop again ns lined tlisy try to src wliii-h can pro- uenls niotcd They aren't goini arjas.

in rare ntmos- above storm pheres." This ochicveinen! kept the Lind- berghs at the peak of national tceni. from a tr-hnical as well as popular standpoint. It proved lo ijV.alien authorities liini fff not inclined lo "stand still' in Ills profession, but dir-posc-d to i onward for new successes which would be of practical value to aviation. Aviation experts ore convinced that Lindbergh's Fav Eastern flight aims at specific technical results of which the public has not yet been fully apprised. The llisjlit.

therefore. command nltcnlinn of technicians as well as of the in many find in "Lndy's exploits." r.j- lial story of never-fading interest. Driver Grove Rev. W. H.

springer ot Tilythc- villc v. ill preach at Driver rasY.t. Ooincs spent the weekend with Mark Konller of Shady Lane. Mrs. Clarence Jewell of SI.

Lnuis is fponding a wvcks wilh her inrcnts. Mr. Mrs. Charlie Springer was Ihe dinner gr.ef! of Jti? Freem.iit Rt Blythe- vil'r- Saturday. Mr.

niul D. M. Alexander of I.o.u-hville sprui (he week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Clauilc Mr.

pud Mrs. R. Brock en- a ol (heir friends wilii a p.irty Salurdoy night. Zeb G.iiucs was the gucsl of Wi- Taylor of Reese was the "nest ol Springer Saturday R.ickrider wns a Blytlie- yllle visitor Wednesday of last week. Howell Alexander of Blythevillc spent Friday night with ShO'ly Alexander.

Hlr-liard Hall of Cnlnmet wns the There wasn't honcy- earr.rd (lie marriage. They ar.y riijht (o bo happy Don't Rasp Your Throat With Harsh Irritants evening. Later (hey motorca to Oi- rccla where they enjoyed a in the Osceola pool, iii" MiM Val Casey. Golden Mirto he separated arvvoav They've 5ha and 1Irs Vcmc Casey were visitors Wednesday Thomas spcn! Friday nigh: with relatives Trashy Lane. Hen Gardner of UlvJ'nevilb a visitor hrrc Wednesday, guest, of Marlln Bracken Saturday night.

Claude Jonei attended the uall game at Dell Sunday afternoon. Messrs. Henry find John 'Green were Gosuell visitors Siindiy. Mr. and Mrs.

A. J. Wickrr Saturday and Sunday Mr. Mrs. C.

T. Wickrr" ft BlylhevilV. Mrs. Butl Walker of lane Oak was the guest of Mr. O.

A. Brooks Sunday. A larfte from here atinrl- ed IIiv baptizing Lone Oak dav. school only the ages of ttvo years bcUveen eight and ten. and ThLrfday.

The missionary society met at the home of Mrs. N. Khoiiry Monday afternoon. Besides the members there wore tsvo visitors present. The "Reach for a LUCKY instead" Touch your Adam's Apple with your imger.

You are actually touching your lorynx-this is your voice box-it contains your vocal chords. When you consider your Adam's Apple, you are considering your throat-your vocal chords. Profit by the statements of American physicians that LUCKIES are less irritating than other cigarettes. Don't overlook that periodic health examination they recommend. LUCKY STRIKE'S exclusive "TOASTING" Process expels certain harsh irritants present in all raw tobaccos.

That is your throat protection irritation cough. And so we say "Consider your Adam's Be careful in your choice of cigarettes. Don't rasp your throat with harsh irritants. Reach for a LUCKY instead. Huffman News Mr.

and Mrs. Her.ry announce ihe birth of a daughter on Friday, lOt'n. Agues and Mabrl McKay spent the week-end in with friends. Misses Lora Mae and Maxinc Ccpelar.d and Martha Adams arc sprndini a few days with their grandmother. Mrs.

Ix-rma Copclanrl nt BIylheville. Mr. and Mrs. E. M.

Huffman and son. Elbert of Blytheville visited friends here Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W.

A. Pnrham We eii-sts of Mrs. Marv Merrill Sunday. Mrs. L.

Moore- visited Mrs. Cecil Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A.

F. Bon-Ids and Mr. and Mrs. Muck Ashley of Tyler. were guests of Mr.

and B. II. Williamson Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gray of East Prairie.

are the guests of Mrs, Oray's mother, Mrs. 'Minnie Kirk. nonlamtii Franklin Notice to Tax Payers In District No. 17 Taxes Must Be Paid By July 1st To Avoid Penalty And Costs It is impnvativp tlial lln; intorosl on tlio 15ontls due KclmiJiry Ip: 1 ho paid nnl lalcr Ilian July 1st. To dn (his will lie necessary fnr tlin taxpayers to pay tlicii' taxes now.

Under the vnry roduclion in tiie lax rate for the current year il is expected ilia! (lie taxpayers will co-operate with the District fully and pay he'foro penalty attaches. CLIFTON 11 SCOTT, Receiver Drainage District County, Arkansas. No. 17 of Mississippi "1 NS TUNE IN- TIKI. Tfcur.Jo, and Saturday ttepln, N.B.C.nmraU.

Including the use of Ultra Violet Rays Sunshine Mellows Purifies Your Throat Protection- against cough.

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