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Delaware County Daily Times from Chester, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Chester, Pennsylvania
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S. RESPONDS TO ROOSEVELT'S CALL I FOR FAIR WAGES I N.Y. CITY; TALK OF NEW FLIGHT OF 32 HOUR WEEK James and Amy. British Justice Agent and County Program Affects Yards Where Government Work Is Undertaken Atlantic Aviators, Still Suffer From Crash Li tod Out of Plane From Bridgeport, May Hop to Bagdad Police Are Confident of Making Arrests Uelicve Fatal Shooting of Upper Darby Realtor the Act of Amateurs In Other Areas a 36 Hour IMan Is to lie Effective; Wages Agreed On WASHINGTON, July 35 AmcrIcfin NEW YORK, July 25 (UF Pledges of Allegiance Pour Into Washington Following President's Radio Address, Appealing for United and Immediate Offensive Against Depression "It Will Be Done," Is Slogan Idea Telegraph Companies Put on Extra Personnel to Handle Wires 10,000 Messages During Day, Seen Executive Explains Proposition Asks Employes to Sign Pact for Better Pay, Shorter Hours shipbuilders have acceded reluctantly to the firm demands of Administrator ames mul Amy Molllson, not recovered from Injuries In a The slayers of Frank Mc Clatchy may be arrested before ths body of the Upper Darby realtor consigned to the grave. Police of Lower Merlon township Hugh S.

Johnson, of the National Recovery Act and agreed to maintain crash nt rid Report, at the cud of their transatlantic ill ulit lulked today of attempt Iiik lo break the lo(r distance record with a Illnht a sii hour week in shipyards wher construction Is under taken. and special agents Df the United States Department of Justice this morning left on a secret mission after' mmmm llatrdad. In oilier yards, and In repair work, a 3li hour week will be maintained, Their plan thev Mel; oil fi whin nine! provisions of tin; Pe ml In Siuttls, Wales, S.Uisuiuv in the Seafarer, was to tly lo New York, thence to J3di((iiid, and Uien return hliUlne they were following out the first veal clue they received since the he abductors tired the fatal shot Into the body of McClatchy, last Wednesday. Lieutenant Chirenrn drafted code of competition for the sliii bulUlii ludoshv as accept! by uie ounaeiss, leaves uim lumtscrl at mh mm j. mam lo London.

The crush lo have the minim C( lhat lie! ihrv r.o.lil mi'. BUSINESSMEN the boosts to JO the Lower Merlon police, and Paul Kchruder. Depailment of dismiss the ambitious project lieei their minds, mul American friends urged them to borrow a plane. WASHINGTON', July 25 UP) Pledges of allegiance approaching war time fervor poured In on the government as American. answered President Roosevelt's coll for a united and immediate offensive to mntiuor the Diicuiv of depression.

ascau, adatltted thr.t thev were eoinie lo Newark, N. J. DISCUSS CODE minimum for northern wurds. The acceptance ended an impasse lhat had nnehed serious proportions since the adjournment Friday or the 3 day public hearing of the shipbuilding code. Mae," Molllsou said.

He said that JJucu still luaintnbis (hat the men 'Irotliet! Mr. MeClaichy were ama No Decision Yet On Work sail 1:1 ship mtv'S'lien: vsi iintcd." His smile Indicated that while la The employers proposed a 40 hour Every store, factory, orifanialiuti and establishment thai eo owrales with the over nine Ill in its Rlganlic recovery whose rs are paid and work the number of hours prescribed by the various codes, Mill display this seal before lemg. The seal lias been approved by President llooscvell. Kvaneline Hire is shown dispbiyinj; the i in icl ne ecus reformed eanester appreciated Die oiler he would tioi v. cek while labor insisted on HO, will neither consentine.

lo compro Sllss VraiHTK Koblnsmi. 117. lias an till tort lint posit It. I NIK A (do hav lo tell yuu that means National Industrial Hevovcuv A ,1 mi ids I si Hen I She Is administrative assistant lo Hugh K. Jobnsim, NIKA.S head.

MISSES MILLIONS BY CLOSE ARC IN 'd told detertive.s Upper ing Hours; More Sessions Coming mise. Labor asserted the clause in the are to use the in moils round Hie voiid ship In a hazardous flight. Post's eenerosily ess nn he Industrial Recovery Act which stum ine, mat i I lnt parent when reporter risked him I Tl will be done," was the slogan of thousands of messages which streamed lo the White House in re to Pi esidfmt Roosevelt's appeal to all employers, large and small, to sign an agreement fixiiiy fair and uniform wages 'tor all and spreading employment by shortening working hours. "A common covenant," the President called it a covenant "in the name of patriot ism and humanity." The way to belter times for all has been carefully charted, Mr. Roosc SCHOOL BOARD More than 100 merchants rcpn nting.

every type of business a1 he Intended to give the Winnie Mac latcd that a 30 hour week be observed on all public works projects applied clearly to ihe naval construction pro train on which bids will be" opened Wednesday. Management replied that to a ine tn.ormatlon we have, which mu st neeessailly be kept secret, is not tended a meeting in the Chest! i wouldn't give It lo ROBBER SUSPECT IS APPREHENDED Screams of Three Women he replied. LETS CONTRACTS Club yesterday afternoon, to discuss ine liymg Mouisons lookei filer's statement, but we nrc Newark. "The stone we have been im the National Recovery Ac CHICAGO, July 25 (INS) Creditors today begun llrpttdatlng the Recounts of lidwurd Crawford. sec teniae trader wliesa: suspension finn crease the cost of the Navy program plan JHident thine but fit for co operation with Floyd Bennett ngalnst has definitely been broken ill port (torn Bridi yestertluy as port at 13:08 p.

scngcrs In nn all tritdltiu privileges by lite Board ot On Saturday Johnson summoned both croups together, emphasized the necessity fur early promulgation of a for inphlbian. pllolad by The inonnn last night, and ageous action' Low Bids for Supplies Approved by Directors at Regular Session ended a flliur in tlte in; 'iai)cil on pillows Khli: end in Aronimink Home Lead to His Capture rely had linished com and laid uown ills liour prop and ncromnm.iecl hv wliich stalled on a shoe string and id Duke before his departure. usition. Labor the 1:1 ml 11 urn) i ui uiu isixiy nintu Business red si: stir: ploy crs declared with heat that such mm to million bushel proporlioi Crawford and Leon A. Slranss Upper Darbv police endured a sus ington were Jammed with messages tbe I' ont for the slayers pi ii i tin mi ii At one time dm me the discussions.

The Chester School District ha survived Lhe fiscal year without hav Roosevelt's request. The meeting 'was presided over by Ralph Swarts, president of the Merchants' Division of the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce, who, aided by William I Delehahty, manager of the Chamber, explained just what will be expected of ench merchant during the period of the President's emergency re employment drive, which has been set from August 1 to December 31. There was a diversity of opinion amone the various as to pect after a burglar terrorized Mrs. presldciiL ot the tarper, Straus and Company ot Des iiisociaLion of Com employers snid Johnson threatened meree of Eastern Delaw; Moines, yen saspenried by Hen pjcagmg support at oig corporations, LJ businessmen anil cull.stlnicr.s. An official of one telegraph com i estimated the number of mes unity, ing to borrow nounced by An is eniicti a meeting 10 consider offer vrssoy.

ncr uauglltcr unci a il ijuest in tiieir home Drexel iiuc. Ai on i i at o.4S a. tmbtv. Mrs. Yrssev awakened to see "a physicians, their arrival ul thch intended destination was not the triumphal eilr I Tiie trip was not without ceremony.

Four planes. Including one flown by Frank Hawks, accompanied them, flying in formation, and a crowd of 2.0QQ cheered thein at lhe airport. Two husky policemen matte chair with their hands to carry Amy from the plane lo a walling automobile. Molllsou also v. as carried.

Hi was ade directors for "irmhlllty Lo meet oblllmllons." ovsue! JJ sard, at a i seer men iur.e.5 fcr Mr. P.nnsevelt would reach ing held lasL evening in lhe Lartttr OPENING STOCKS Negro ransacking her dresser. She 10.COO beiore tbi; day ls far advanced. Craw foul's vast holding's In grain were held largely responsible lor the Police declined lo disclose whether Building. A resoluLion commending u.n.uiv iie.r.i tin ee times the (hey had been nbin the ADVANCE I POINTS pension muting.

I'Titiuy una ual number of employes to handle men, arousing tier uaugiuei ey, 1G, and Margaret WicV Ifi, of 01b Cornell avenue. calibre Spanish type pistol which unanimously' ap ijir: i cd Saturday when he wa.s nimble to fur foimd in ILc car wit the hours they would remain open, but finally it was agreed that there the rope, two proved. heavily bandaged. 'Hie fliers were imink. and ran to a window for aid.

The iiHrttdti fieri NEW YORK, July 25 (INS) uirts lor school were varded and bills In 1hn amount of hours, even though it1 means tin'. President Roosevelt's radio appeal to i it I 1 i is 1 1 Continued nn I'lujjeTeri ttir sireair. responses maL came in ilat ire: the night. He said he could recall no such response to a Presidential appeal since Woodrow Wilson, in 1917, summoned the nation to a different kind of war. Calling for the co operation of the entire public, as well as employers.

were approved to: payment. nisii ampin margin, Jie is a ecnicu with having attempted to, corner on La Salic street traders agreed that had the speculative market held and had he unloaded he would have gathered' In one ot lhe nation's big additional help will have to be em the girls aroused Mrs. John R. Biggs, TRAINER RESIDE N' lhe notion to support his Jobs program stimulated a further recovery in security and commodity markets FATHER OF ROSE ALLEN NEAR DEATH ilovcsl under provision: el The act provided that in a city the size of Chester no employe, with the exception of reRisteiea pharma including those for insurance on the new IDougiass school. Seventh and Central avenue.

The matter of bids took up the entire time of the regular and executive sessions. The con FACING CHARGES Opening at noon for the second day cists, shall work more than 40 hours a week and the minimum wage shall Chartted with inaklnir Mu enleninir tract for janitors' supplies was enc snonciicu iraaing session stocks scored cnins runnlnc to 4 son, Jock, who chased the intruder with a shotgun and notified police. Acting Sergeant Armstrong and Patrolman Beuley answering Hie call, arrested a man running across a field near Stale road and Lansdowne avenue. Mrs. Vesscy identified him and sevna! articles found in his posses arded to' the Gnley Hurdwi Horace Alleh, of Wynnewood road, McrlDii, father of Edward H.

and Rose Allen, was reported. near death night at GermatUown Hosnlln! telephone calls to. a Brookllnc physl poims in nenvy iraoing. jniuai oiocks pany, at its bid SHD; the eat the removal of ashes was awarded This raised a question as to what must be paid part time employes, such as clerks who shall he hired for SHOWERS; COOLER held In $10011 ball lo keep the jicflec by Magistrate Hoy Blackburn, yes Allen, retired wool merchant, haa 10 Joseph S. Html, whose bid wn: Grains In Chicago were genera higher, the advances running to WEATHER FORECAST S430; tor 2500 tons of coal, Story Coal ilnco the summer of 1931 sion, including a watch and other The preposition simply Ls this: "If all employers will act together to shorten hours and raise wages, we can put people back to work.

No employers will suffer, because the relative level of competitive cost will advance by the same amount for all. But if any considerable number 'I'rairau was arrested on eeamlatm r' COl la 1 I I cent bushel and more. Cotton and silver were easlei: on profit taking of Dr. Theodore M. Tlach.

of 10 Tiie first floor of the house had at S5.B5 per ion; the Chester Hardware Company bid for and received had frenuent heart attacks. nd cooler weather are Kastcrn Pennsylvania, I mi it. TAKES PA. HIGHWAY PLAN TO WASHINGTON said the man threatened "bodily predicted hern ransacked. Clothing and 0Lh( I valuable articles had been piled I lhe floor.

iijifl son. i was at his lather's bedside hisL night. William mimes fee the rebsmdhie. of le 'vjln recovery nere. but did not i lela and Maryland, The dollar sagged furthe: When he ai re: ford suspect gave his name rem t'ae I'm to rush, lo the hospital.

Miss Allen township ixilli Wilson. 'JO, of Nurris street I is to he mnirlrrl HARRISBURG, July 25 (VP) Governor Pinchot took to Wasltins i to 71.3 cents gold, as sterling rose 1 cents to Allied Chemical was the day ma kel alar, opening 1 points, high" uli iill ideit rveti on lilin ctuirKlng larceny utoinoblle. lie posted 11)00 Kenneth CoolbaiiRh, of 228 Avon chareed with breaking and SPRINGHAVEN CADDY TEAM UNDEFEATED bond for his in Central is at present living in spending SlB.BDO.OOh i xl I on mi 1 1 Auburn was up 3 and Case threshing except in the northern part of Eastern Pennsylvania, where It will be generally fair, Showers are possible tomorrow In Delaware and Maryland, and it probably will be fair else The highest temperature here yesterday was uii degrees, at 5 p. and the lowest was 7:1, nt 1 a. in.

The avcrtiEo of IW was six decrees above Police Court, Philadelphia, today, Another warrant was served mi coXthatVt i i eoi TROTZKY WANTS TO him for appearance in Media to an should las; or shirk, this great oppor tunity will pass us by and we will go Into another desperate winter. This must not happen." That is the gospel that wilt be hammered home in every city and hamlet of the land. The President's address set the keynote for thousands of speakers and campaign workers under direction of ihe recovery administrator who will carry on the drive to obtain every employer to agreements setting a minimum wage of a week for industrial labor and S15 for "white collar" employes. The chief executive warned of pen allies in the law for the laggards but i 'It i i iv le i. 1 RETURN TO RUSSIA further forced selling from Impaired obite license plates.

arson accounts, ami llns held Lhe When these eharec.s were made additional funds for public works in the state. The Highway Department's program Tor spending the federal money on roads is ready for submission to be approved. public, residents of Trainer who have normal for the date and eleven de RAISED MAID'S PAY; TELLS MRS. F. D.

R. Washington, juiy 25 cup) Among the thousands ot telegrams that poured Into lhe White House foUowliijt President Roosevelt's friendly appeal" to the nation, was grees above the average July 'ii Inst WOODR1NG MARRIES been acquainted with the defendant for many years, were stunned. One of the number, fairly imminent in year. Maximum temperature lor ine dale Is 34, established in and MISS COOLIDGE the borotiKh. stated that Trainer was Tiie Springhavcn caddy team, un defeated this year, is about to elnim the championship of the Philadelphia area.

Ten wins and no defeats, the team bn.s successfully downed Concord, Hallow. Rolling Green, Philmont, Manufacturers and others. For three straight years Sprlnhaven bag toters have Ll: Pi Caddy Tournament trophy al home, and inlend to keej it this year. The team consists of Joe Dougherty, Tommy Hayes, James Bell. Jim Raymond, Joe Castor, Charles Charleston and Matthew Drrcn.

Tom E. Il. the caddy master, is tiie captain. The Sprmchavrr. Chib cat tlv Inlmum 50.

In Sunrise today was at 5:53 a. id smi.sel will he nt 7:112 p. LONDON, July 25 (TNS1 Leon Trotzky will meet the Soviet foreign minister, Maxim LU.vinoir, at Royat. in Ihe south of Trance, ond will ask him far cancellation of his exile and permission to re enter Russia and aid in the. building of the Soviet icymie the D.ilb Herald mated a from Pans today.

The paper also slated that France's ban on Trotzkv was lifted only alter Lilvitioff had grained permission. always Known tor lib; nub mess and When Code Should Begin to Operate thai lt om opinion FITGHHURG. JlllV 25 id never, In his knowledge, been ived In any trouble of any kind. il iiuarcssccl 10 Mrs. Roosevelt.

After listen lug to your underfill appeal, have raised mv blastem ilaylighl Saving Time. With President llooscvell's eldest Continued on Tanc Ten i wages 10 per son. James, as beat man. Asslstnr Secretary of War Harry Hin said O'CON NEL US RE LE ASE lit Great lortner Governor ot Neck, N. Y.

Longshoremen Get 20 P. C. Raise nlai the govei HURRICANE MOVES TOWARD PORTO RICO SOON, IT IS HINTED should be put into opcratioi UAKHERS approve plan daughter of ii. Senator Marcus i ALBANY. N.

JlllV 2.5 INS) played as usual nhnn: rled Here today. Joiin O'Cc nneb, '22, nepliev or Si. TREASURV BALANCE WASHINGTON. July 25 (UP) he Treasury not balance for Julv 2 wns Miscelianeoits itemnl revenue receipts for that av were S2 3iafiasa4 i i i luiiuilci ii 1 tie in a year and a half aealnsl ishment.s between Ai in August 31. The provision banning child labor does not become clTective until August 31 and businesses may put the code into effect without cm rvintr out the child isiior provi background of Washington ijolltics.

Ktlward J. and Daniel P. Gonneii, powerful Albany county Democratic leaders, will be released by ills abductors within 4a hours It wa hinted today by persons clone to tiie Demo Anri'itmccincnl was nude today by lire Chester Stevedoring Corn pit ny lb at the wages of all longshoremen employed by them on coastwise vessels automatically lias been Increased 20 per effective at once. The Schedule Include: iaboreis, v.lnehme.n and dockmen. Approximately 100 men share In this increased scale.

the wcddlnit was held at noon at the bride's Illosom street home in the Living wages and shorter hours, as advocated untier' the "fJew Deal" i promised by President Roosevelt, approved by the Master Barbers' Association of this city at its meeting held la st night in Goodman's Hall, Lhii West Third street. Michael De Cellio was elected president of the organization. Other officers are: Andrew Jockorokenmy. secretary; Lawrence Landino, treasurer. ceipts far the month' through July 22 were 516,012,130.61.

SAX JUAN. Puerto Rico, July 25 I 'UP) Governor Robert H. Gore asked the Hurricane Relief Organiza tlon and Red Cross today to stand guard for the next 36 hours, warning of an approaching storm forming in lhe Windward Islands. Tt was moving west northwest with Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands in its path. HOLT DEAFENS 40 JAMES M.

HAMILTON SEEKS SHERIFF POST i some The Rev. Max A. Kanp, minister of lhe hitchbure i vc rsa list Church, days aco from in front of his home and held for $250,000 ransom. Topicsof Ta nies i M. tiamiltun, of otliciatcd at the single ring ceremony Friends of Jan Middlelown, fori and widely kno held in an interior Karocn or darts county olucia Chester manu etreen evergreens ami iiiiauniui lines.

PCRchv" GormeHu nf BALBO STARTS re busily enyaged olden big leaguers, not only surprised PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia. July as i INS tieve: persons were killed and 10 deafened when a bolt of lightning a The bride wore an ivory moire gown, period of 1830. and ivory tulle veil with plaited cap and orange blossoms, and carried a nosegay of gardenias. She was given in marriage 1' "Ul sevcrm oi nva Iriend3 when he took a night the other dav. Mr.

Hamilton RETURN FLIGHT AIMEE BACK FROM TRIP TO EUROPE Returns Vowing Her Love for Hutton, Singer IIus handWho Sued Her YOUNG STUDENT BANDITS PREY GRANTED PAROLE ON AUTO PARTIES One or Three Prisoners Police of Four Townships Released on on the Main Line Cct Fourth Meets Refusal Numerous Complaints oy ner lamer. le ipcarcd a Texas leaguer in his op. SuncIa7 commi SSrioncr In which otflce served two terms or four years i and four years age he ivas ft ca Twenty four Seaplane KEIJEI, MOVKMIINT ItEI'OJtTKO date for shenif. A grojn knnvyn as can shake everything but the de Leave Jiimaica liay for iJ i i UilV 25 (INS) HORSES WITHDRAWN FROM RACES TODAY is being organized and the members Rumors that a rebel movement has declare they will wae an active cam broken out in the state of Sao Paulo, Trip Back to Rome pression, remarks Henry, the big accordion man. It's already clear who will be the "Forgotten Man" in 1934.

None other than the prohibition enforcement COHASSET, July 25 (INS) ABOARD S. S. CITY OF HAVRE, Three men have been liberated Police of Unner Darbv. Havcrford General Italo Daiho at the heiM from the county jail on parole orders and Radnor townships, are making OFF NORFOLK, Va July 25 (UP) Officials and Business filed at Media by Judge Albert Dul Aimce Scmpie McPherson liutton returned to the United States today of his Italian flying fleet pawed hci at 12.20 p. m.

NEW YORK, 25 (INS) Bound for home ant! another ma II I edit across, the ocean, the 21 se Despite the popular belief that ths oman pays. Pete McHugh, big in talmcnt man, can testify differently. Men Aiding Boys' Club lon MacDade and one niups in has been refused a parole. i the A.a i ei lurm? the pa George D. Moore, of Upper Darbv.

V' 1 couPlcs in who is a student at a Plnitnicinlna rcl cars. colics, was placed on three years' The latest robbery reported Is that probation, with lhe understanding a. mi bpp Oaroy man, who.e n.ur.e that, the fine ol SI md 1 vbo clat c.ed paid. Moore entered a plea of guilty s.i.e along a wooded enroutc to Los Angeles to tell her husband she Ktlll loves htm. The fact that Hutton, the "Angcius Temple baritone," has indicated his love for the evn iiac bit has rnnlrrt trom distant Italy tonk oil Flovd Bennett airnort for VC tlctalLs.

Pbrbahlv trvlncr t'n Ihw Kleiners. Sam I'alch Tad eastcr. Uncle Julia Irene, War ricdpte, Vegy Gat. Clicrrv ass. HluiTv reirgie Miss Ovrrbrook, Rctty Vcc, Miss 'Carnival Queen, Shadow Dawn, Golden Ruth, Oscaloosa.

iti.imtain rvtan, Spring Fiight, Pdithe, lVmi patic. 1 Krigbl Wine, Pal John, Laura Kiev, Gold, Hoosiers Pride, Dono, Kepis Play. Pnpo, Bonnie cMarita, Mifihtv Atom. Ocean Flight, Xewshawk. Aided by donations of gravel, slag; id snnd.

as well as the loan ai trucks keep us In the dark about it. Shediac, N. on the first, stretch of i nn I'J la vioiatum tie: iictinr their return voyage. 1 laws. his pruson icrm era! Halo IJalbo.

dress tinl Mike Dochcrty, the big traffic cop. centlv learned that, thp rtiii nh innlhs to three vears His father appear fiCi and roboed lllm Of $64. leal tors, lhe Chester Coys' failed lo dLscouragc the tawny haired preacher of the gospel. She always will love him she said today on her return from ParLs. where she said she underwent an abdominal operation, "I love Dave still." she said.

"Of form of white cliatiged to one of jectlon to broadcasting bagpipe musio orkln? blue, shot away from Jamaica and if anyone had such a piece of machinery they would like to loan for this purpose, the club would appreciate Its use. At the club house. Front street and Concord avenue, a space is being partitioned off in the recreation room on the second floor to be used as an office. This section Ls about 10 by 12 feet and will be finished with a large informed the Court that he Accural vtci mi, two of the Club has been enabled to begin the ii i id in i i 1 1 11C(1 revolvers on him, work of grading and IcvcllnE; off its 11m rinrn, 1J It 1 I i I Bay al 10 a. m.

(EUT) with clock me radio is that it still sounds bag pipe music. like prccLsion. the other seaplanes fol Mooie was represented PMkcM. The fourth man. he sam.

end and Perm streets and the prop I course I Jove him." lowed im, imgsnip into me air. hich the city garage Ls lo 1 Edward Froncfisld. uuu iiuiuiiiijuuu eriy 6 i u. hj i and disconnected the wires. rasr ri Captain Harold T.

McCaw. of the i Blaced on orobauon' w.t peri, oil Al 12 similar ruses ha' th the club he been Boys connected i i rcnoriea the nasi mont iVeatber, cioudy; track, fast. of grading the flcl olli i la'a lini hod. will be used poucc can the The Weather WASHINGTON, July 25 (UF) lir. wcalher forecast: Eastern Pennsylvania: Clonrtr.

huskv voice about her hus wiiue tnc sKy was overcast aoovc the airport and a brb wind was blowing, weather conditions to the north were reported as General Balbo had postponed hLs takeoir yesterday, due to fog alonn the route from Boston to New Bruns i three months ja.l, 'ot: say and the similarity of v' i or mectmit.s euro contcrenee.s. band, David, who wants to leave her AT AKMNGTOX of" in Mi'h c' cads the author I haul sand and other The pool tables in the recreation wnen ne pieaacn tinny believe the used 1n the worK rrom one ol the room are being recovered and It is steel plants in the locality. i expected the work will be completed probably occailonat showers tonight iK those who have contributed this week. appreciated at the um, as tne pilfer Three cases have been reported in the neighborhood of St. David's Parth, Quid: In crouns of three, the.

Rnanlnnrs teriais and supplies to be used Is has been donated to the rluh hv etincsJay; shglUly cooler in outheast portion tonicht. New Jersey: Cloudy, probably oc asional showers ton! in lit and skimmed like f.o many aerlat skaters he usual custom among employes enurcn. Wayne, while Isolated sections i Thor F.sXimo, hapirtarv. Prose a Impblacit, Red Casi: to become a vaudeville actor. 'Ihii I can't believe he wants to leave me," insisted the pastor of AiircUis Temple, and heroine of half a dozen front page features since her celebrated desert kidnaping a decade ago.

"This divorce action. It's all so hasty," she explained as a nurse (jentiy smoothed out her skirt. "We have received no word from him about It. section "of the city. Charles over the choppy waters of Jamaica Bay and soared easily aloft.

Each triad loafed lazliy in the haze been the scenes for tl 1 idits' Garland T. Galey, a local merchant. The game has become popular with the boys and it is hoped that other sets will be donated in order that all the boys can have an opportunity to enjoy the FIjinff rilgrim. Hour Zcv, Stroll acUvllics. VLiV.erde.v liiat Continued on Page Tcr FIRE DESTROYS OLD TREE Wednesday; si iff tly cooler tonight.

Western Pennsylvania: Cloud tonight ml probibly showers in is ccsireo to Chester and Montgomery counties have the field put li onin pemon; nine cnane in teni' Continued on. rge Te ESCAPING 'REDS' KILLED A score hoard for ndol. shuffleboard. I Billmore, Dark Sisler, Flat Kc Uur Kiev, Bip Gold, Hoosit Pride, Bono. fim BiniJy.

Prefer, Longus, Rattling pinfrpone. checkers and quoits has been installed in the recreation room "The last word I had from him was that he loved me so much and A big maple tree, said to be more he: omr.L!. in Fmsttotvn. Trcdyflrin i have "any 'contractors in the city ho than 200 years old, on the grounds Xcwtown reported robberies were have trucks which thev arc not or in of the Concord Country Club. Co: staged there.

nr.d help vn the eordwlle, was completeiy Due to the reluctance of the vie Held i lit, yesterday, by fire of mysterious origin, tims to give Information, police claim with him Members of the it doubh dm si: them to oh uncd that a roller an LANDSBERG, Germany, July 25 i INS) Three arrested last year for the tabbing of a Nazi he wns just counting the minutes lor scoring tne various tournaments, which will soon becin. The score TODAY'S TEMPERATURES m. 74 a. i a. 74 Noon 80 a.

m. 70 1 p. 83 ft. 76 2 p. 83 board Ls so arranged 'that both the "My, yes' Interrupted the nurse, made valiant i i hat rr it lead an leri tl 'IK off youin were snot, ana kilted today while trying lo escape during a jail scores of the Juniors and seniors can 1 forts to save the tree.

pieimusion oi me gumy pavues. to roll it to a hard smooth surface oe Kept independently. Cnlin4 on rg Ten.

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