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Delaware County Daily Times from Chester, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Chester, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FOUR CHESTER MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1925. HAPPENINGS IN RIDLEY PARK Hospital's Youthful Appendicitis Patient; Firemen Meet Tonight One of the youngest, if ivot tlift appendicitis cases ever i operated upon in Tnylor'Community 4" HospJtal, was thru of Alberta the three and linK yonr daughter ot Chief of Pol ICQ Mrs. JUihert .1. Enrtcrlr, of Chester pike, Glenoklon. Tho operation j.erformpd itt noon on Friday by Dr.

i 13. A. Campbell, liospltnl nt- l.iches on Siitunlriy -said that thn Hula girl was petting very nicely. The Ridley Park flro will hold its August nieeltng ihls evening in the comrrninlLy chili house. As is usuHl at this season of ibe year, there will ho little nside from matters of routlno.

interest taken lip liy the fire fighters, It Is understood. Quito ii number of folks attended (ho union npon-nlr utrvlee last eveiiins at tl.e Tally Memorial Country Jlrs. Thomn.s 11. Ciarvln ami fiis- UT, Miss McLruisrhlln, of Sharon jlllll. who nrc spending the summer In Ocean City, plan to move to ihelr lecently purchased home in thl.s borough on ihoir return.

St. Mndolinc'B Catholic Club which was recently organized in Ihe bor- f.uph will hold a meeting Ihls uvo- 55iiifr Tho meeting IK to he nrl- by JXvkcis. who wiia on Connie team last year nnd a large attendance Is looltiitl for. of the Joseph F. jUarron, president; James vfoo-prosldent: Fninlr Mc- J.cughlin, reconjlnp.secretary; James anil Joseph Purcoll, lir.ancinl secretary.

Rev. .1. Gal: lasher Is spiritual director for thn club nnd 'Edward Frertet, formerly of Pitt. Is athletic director. Rev.

George T. Street, a retired Baptist, clergyman living at .118 Ixosemont avenue. Is filling the pulpit "3 of the Wayklde Baptist church, during thn absence of the Tlev. l-Ynnlc II. Wnnl.

who Ward is spending sovoral weeks In Chicago. Dr. Louis. A. Klein and family, former residciil.s of llilfi borough, now living in Stoiieluirsl.

Dtirliy, spending the' month of iu Heights. Iss Kathleen Campbell, of (his borough. who spent several wocks In j'f. Ocean City, bus returned to her 1 liome here. Miss Anno Craft, 'of Swnrlh- avenue, 'Is' passing suvertil 'w-elvfi nt Stone Harbor.

Mathues Dougherty, of Chester road, spent the week-end' nt both Bench, Delaware. Mr. nrul llnrry- OrlUln find of Sw.irthmoro' and HUlley iivo- r.ueii are at Ocean City for Collingdale James F. Fcehery, 211 avenue, suffered painful, burns on the wrists nnd fheelc, his nuto- mobllo and garage In llvo rtiir of his owe were destroyed Suiur- day afternoon.

Feehery was working on the ma- cblne In preparation for motor trip 1th his family, when the mnchluo becciino sh'jrl circuited antl hurst into flames. An alarm was quickly turned In vhlch was responded to by. Coinnp- fire companies, number, nnti iiuil j)arby riiniibor one, and of OUeoln. fought the lino and Slight damage was done to the ii'ar of Feehery'H homo from the flumes. The loss la partly covered by insurance, the owner said.

The lat- jter had his burns treated by A nenrby physician. I Two. hoys nbout twelve years old, vhoso names were wllhhold Ihe were forced to pay the for shooting electric light bulbs the h'orough a few nights ago. Tho authorities also confiscated thtt rifles were responsible for tho nils- Briclclnyprs aro pushing worlc ahead on tho erection of 11 pair, of modern homes nt the corner of I'arker and Wolfomlcn avenues. Cram Lynne Miss Bessie Springer, assistant postmaster nt Grum Uynno post fjfllce left Saturday on a lon-dtiy vacation, which she.

will spend ji't New York. Miss SprlnKei uccninpanlcd by her mint, Mrs Ida. Fouther, oC tbe Havcrforrt roud )n her absence Miss MarRrirpl Pr.mplCi sister of tho postninHtcr Miss Jfeunlo C. Sample, pixsunn-um- helping out nt tlio post Mis jMarpriirot Is a toucher in the township schools. The lawn fete of St.

UOKO of l.lm church came to close Saturday oxpoclef Eddystone Lieutenant Pater J. Is doing- his' tour of duty nt Mount Orotna with the National On return'the membeVs ot his Boy Scout troop will -begin their preparations to leave In a few days for tholr nn- nuul camping trip. 1'Ylcmls of Miss Mamlo Hftfidfiifi. of Thirteenth, street, who htis been Inlil up suffering; from a broken rlh for tho pnst flvo weeks, will be to know thai she Is improving satisfactorily. Kmmor Ruthvln, of Klevcnth -sti-pet.

left f-yesterdriy for a. weoh'i: so.finrn''In Ocenn City. was a attfiidunco (InnI nlgljt of tho Rose of LIm-i Inwn foto c-venliiR. Crist, of sired, returned on Suturdiiy from Asnes PhiladPlphln. where ho underwent operntlon for removal of tonsils nnd iiilcnoldM.

Mr. and Mrs. ClcorKe Kni-rliiKton and dniiKhter, of have several. us Hie of their uncle nnrl mint, Mr, Mrs. Joseph, of Thirteenth street.

Mr. mid Mrs. Charles rinlhi, of Xlnlh street nnd ICddyKione avenue, were reci'iit guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Osonr Funk, formerly of llils bnr- at tholr homo In I'lalnflold, ,1.

Miss Anna of Sivvlilr; ivenue, hn.H to Wlldwood for a week's sojourn. Jennie Hlnnkln, of ftnvlllc Is Hpcncllny sevcrnl days In Wlldwood. Olio Brown, of F.lovciHh street, IH iimoriK ihos Wlldwood so- journcrs. -Miss MnrRaret of Klov- onth slroet, Is a Wlldwood vlsllur. 1 LEG JON DRIVE Campaign for Endowment Fund Continues Scptc: her; Other Notes PROSPECT PARK NEWS AND NOTES Tlio members nl the Wosiny CruaH post, American Region', havo ilccklod to continue their drive for tholr Qiiola of the fund to ihe liulcr part of.fjeptom- FondB comlnp In Blowl'y, bill It Is the hope of thn po'KL that Thirteenth the nuiy ho raised by the tlmo tho drive com eg to an end, Tho Indian' iiuxlllnry of the post recently contributed a Huhstnnlltil HUm.towarl fund.

Mra. C. M. N'iifrle, of Del- iwnre avonuc, nunounee tho engage- unit of thnlr dniiKliter, Miss ICslhor N'nsle. to VOIIIIE, West Philadelphia.

HUM F.flKt of Soneca ivoiiue, left yestercljiy for a sojourn "it (-'ape May. Iho (riot tliat iho Lutheran Sunday school ynslordAy held HCS- ultinx In three different placw, wns a Hood uttendanco of inomhorn. Tho prlmiiry bL-Hlnncrs' not In the Shipley building, on non.i iiventift; die Juniors nnd tho nuiln school mot In Iho fire house nnd tho l.irolhtrhiiod 1'lble met In she Ainfrrican Legion building. Ji. Orlfnth, of Cho.sler jilke.

iricd Ills family ut their cottage nt Occnn City for a weo.k-end visit. The- 'Amtiflriiii post iind Itn IfMllcs 1 auxiliary enjoyed a picnic at (itriiin on Snturrtny. Mr. Ami Frank TaxHcui left Hutiirdny for a sojourn (it Oconn Clly. Matlhlaa and family, of Mohawk nvmnie, are among tho jccan City Band Concert Record Crowd; Town Landmark Passes Soon Saturday nlghl's hand concert In tho public park under the of the Prospect Park Open Air MII- 'Ical drew one of the argent crowds of the seiiHon Iho irogriini rendered by the Chester IMly b.ind.wa.s pronounced by Ihoso attnndanco as ono of thn finest Methodists hnd chnrgc of he various refreshment teaturen.

the. iYJehdly Class of Iho Snnilny serving thn The proceeds of the lawn felo will bo added to tho fund of the church. Within a few weeks Iho N'ormnn lore at tho corner of Klcvcnlh and Lincoln which Mr. Norman will hn a Ihfng of Ihe, as 10 building to be lorn down l.i ntil(o way for move modern slruo- Tills IB nnc of tho and marks, having Ktood llu-re for iboiu thirty-eight yenrs. At one Imc It tlio village store and Tost olllco combined, and was pr)- slrlnl over liy 1 Tiilloch.

Jlusscll D. of I''ourteonlh i nd nveniieK. ban lieo.i Cump'Mendr, where he doing his bit IIH. a. sril- 1.1 er for two weeks.

'While ICoiirns wns enjoying rigors of military llfo In ramii. MrK. Kcnrntt her tilntor, Miss' llnvitjl Dunklo, spent MI on.tiiyiible fortnlRhrs vacation at Cochraii'vlllo, Chester ciiuuly. Uni)lel 'TOO Prospect nve- been ailmlltcd to Cheslnr hospital to undergo suiglral trcnt- nenl. Cnuthnrn has leased ne of Iho new In courses of on Ijlncoln venue 1 near jlovonlh avnnuo.

Mr. nnd Mrs. n. w. Norman nre )lannjng a trip lo Cullfornln In Sopteiubor.

Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Dowdy urned yentcrdny from a trip to iViUertnwn and Ibo Thousand Is- mids, hringliiK with thorn Mr. and Wesley D. Bowdy, tit Lcoiila. Miss Knthryn Galloway, of Uafa- yetto avenue, who spent sovornl diiya In -Stone llnrhor, IIIIH returned homo.

Tho meetings of the board of health of tho borough urn omitted for tho following an annual custom, Sharon Hill r.lBht n.tter a run of nine niRhlH nnd vas a success in of tho fact ihnt consldcrahle hnd wenlher wns experienced during the proKross of the fetp, John Gillon. of this plnco has The monthly meptinR of the Uldlev (owiislilp commissioners In scheduled lor afternoon nl tlio meeting place in Folsom. Local weathc-r prophel.s the chirpInK of the ci icUetfl and kntydlds nitans frost in six weeks. Uev. Alexander Mncldc.

pastor nt Tully Mtinnrlnl F'rcstiytin-Ian cluirch IN mi II(M iinininl vnciulon. In abs-cnco Uev. 11. c. Mndde I iislor of Ihe N'ovl hminnlcr IVeshy- ifrlnn i-hin-ch of riiilndwlphia occupied Ills pulpit yesterday nuu-ntiiK i.i:d In thn evenhiR hud rhnrco ihc union oven-air service al Tully MoTiiorliil Uuunlry t'lub.

monthly mcptliiK Is licdulfd fov ovenhiK and It thut ninsl of iho business which will c( ino up fin- coi-iHlilorotUm will hp of rouiluc clniruclei'. Mrs. TluiiiuiK (Uirvln nnd Glenolden With free mull delivery service virtually for Iho' borough, word of Iho actual dale when It will lie. pliu'cil In operation hclnj; iinx- lously awaited hero Heforo letter cnrrlers will bn porrnKtod lo start (in their rounds filfjhly-flvo per cnnt of Iho pulrons of the local post ofllce mint have lliolr with i mnll box outisltlo of the door or a loiter slot cut in Dm'iloor. A NoKi'o, evidently livlupr not far from CilcnoldiMi nnd who.

boro only ton evklence of having Im- too freely of pro-Volslend llnnld, found himself surely "out of Hick 1 Friday ntjrlit. The aN'ogro. ac- I'ompanlcd hy a woman iind vounger man, rotiiriiins lo llu-lr ionic from KIR direction of Chester "pike" trolley, KOI ItHo an altercation wllh the uondimtoi- ovor pnyincnt of fare. Ho dually i(, ed lo pay thn fares for tlio Irlo nnd left Ihe at AMh lurid nvcnuo. sill! with tho conductor, In ils raRcnifss 10 convince (ho con- luMor that he was the colored man loft n.

full pint of "hooch" bc- on otio of iho car Keats. A insseiiKer found It and turned It over to tha conductor, while every- locly on tho car roared with mer- Imeat. Tnx Collector Howard n. Mc- i i- and family worn noticed mong the week-end Ihrong al Ocean Samuel MoKlnney and family, of avenue, are occupying iv cot- ape at Ocean City for the- summer. H.

V. Strickland II'IH! family havo eturneil from a sojourn In Ocean City. Charles I'rojrnti and family, of Scott avontic, are home from a sc.i- Hhnrn sojourn. The family of Charles F. Kssjlr-s- lon aro unions' Iho summer llirong it City.

NOT FOR THE TABLE a Tho scoter Is not esteemed as able duck, owing to thn nature tif In llol. and though Nportsmen shoot it town In a. desultory, way, they rtn so or lack nf better game, says Nature Magazine. Thus flavor bus pro- iorveit to UK, In something like the numbers of yesterday, a. Koa duck essentially InterpMilnt; nnd of Its oconn habitat.

TRANSPORTATION LINES Darby Cloud, well-known Memhora of the hoard of directors ot the Unrby frc company, number one, have a meeting booked for this evening. Marian man of ihe has j-c- lurned aftor trip of several In the Knfflnnd slntea. Joseph Kcstncr, of fourth street, wan last week HdrniUod to Cheater Hospital as it surt'lcftl patient, Anna Fix, of street, purchased the old Vandever 'propc-fly at Hook rond and 1-oplnr strcol, JIIH, where she move next with her mother brcthors. i MlsH Anna who nun been vlsllhU- friends borough has (Olurneil to her homo In Media. 'Mrs.

Harry 1'3. Hall, of Dnrby Ter- rnce la spending several days in At- luntic. City where she iho nuc-Kt of her ulster, Mrs. L. G.

Burlelgh. of Uiyn Trench ht-lrncU. twenty of ai-fi boInK used for fire huts by tf.o flro company, inn her one. Tlio August metllng of tha Bchool board will he liftld tomorrow Norman Bonwall, of Fifth streol, IB ht Ocoan Clato for a fortnight. T.

H. llerrlclt, formerly of Fiflh street, has returned to Itl.i In West Philadelphia after n. vlalt at Oceiin City and Atlantic City. A of boys, rfuiKinff In Hgo from srtvcn lo Uvtlvo years, who had from St. orphanage, hi whore (hey had boon jiluced' by tho city authorities, wore picked up by Policeman Jir.elhcrlok.'Chief of Police Thornton nfter tho hoys had boon Inkon In custody, conducted an InvcstiKallon wl'ilch roveriled the fnct thnt they Iind run nwjiy from tlio Institution nnd lie promptly returned lliom.

Piny Forrler, a letter carrier of tho Darby post onico today began his niial vriL-atlon. Lester Herman 1'YIU, of Lester, and Mlsw Rose-Hex. ot Chester, were united In marriage on Kritlay. evonliiff tinder poculltir circumstances. The wed- dins KChedulcd to take place on Saturday evening, but on Friday afternoon the mother ot tho brldo became seriously 111 and it was evident that she could not survive any length ot tlmo.

She requested her future Bou-ln-law be summoned and Ihe wedding lake pluco Immediately. The bridegroom responded and on evening the marriage look place In the sick chamber, witnessed hy the mother of the; bride. Ten minutes after the ceremony had taken place Mrs. He.v closed her ayes In death. Robert Smith, an aged resident, la seriously til at bis borne suffering from nHlhma.

Hov. II. Paeniiin. whose church cmiiu'll hn.i boon dissolved by the resignation of three of the members. Is still sticking to his 'churr-h.

Ho las issued a call for a special moet- Ing on Sunday, August fl. when nombors of Ihe church council and such other church officers as are lecessnry. will be elected. Today Is the forty-fourth anniversary of tho birth of Kev. F.

H. Sac- nan and tho ladles' aid of the church contemplate tendering 1 him an elaborate pnrty this evening. Tho season opened on Saturday nhd the hunters in this section 'were busy shooting the game. Vmotif; the niost ardent followers ot his sport la John veteran The was; made oh Saturdny that hosier 'will ho after the Justice ot the peace plum at the mltiK election this fall. Leak, property owner and business man of the town has Illed his papers nnd will be an active candidate In Kep- mhfr.

William. Goslln, who early in (lie removed to Pitman Cirovo, N'. on account of the dullness In lory. He will this week remove his household effects to Lester. jlarry Sllvey announces that al- thout'h urgent appeals have been made to to again become a candidate for school controller, that under no conditions' will he be a candidate for the olllce.

Parkside Miss Gladys. Lewis, of-Cherry Hill, is spending a weolc visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cass, of East Roland road. The fricndn of Mrs.

William J. fifmmondB, of Kdgmorit avenue, aro glad to learn she Is improved after several weeks' illness. Mrs. Kmnia llackett. of East Chcl- ten road, entertained out-of-town friends.

Mrs. Harry Halden and daughter Norma, of AVest Roland road, spent tho week-end in Pcnnsgrovo, N. J. Uev. Michael Davla and Mrs Duvis, of Ghfilten road, entertained Rev.

and'Mrs. Frank Prentzel, oC Bryn Mawr, and Joseph Ashworth. of 'Troy, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs.

Davis leave for a month's 1 vacation. During Mr. Davis' absence there will be ho service on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs.

Albert Taylor nnd family, of Wilmington, visited relatives in the: borough. Mr. and p. "tj. Post, 'of West I.CIbon road, entertained over the week-end Mr.

and Mrs. Philip Klllng, of South Orange, N. Mr; and Mrs. William I'applneau, of New York, and Mr. nnd Mrs.

William Halncs, of Nyack. Miss Roberta. Post, Roland road, Is much improved after being con- lined to her home with diphtheria. Mr. nnd Edwin McVc-y, formerly of ParkBide; visited friends and relatives In borough over the wcpk-end.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Irwin and son, Hobble, of West lie It road, have returned from -a motor trip through the Middle West, coming homo by way of Niagara-Falls. Essington Upland Considerable excitement In the neighborhood of Third street and Upland avenue was caused late, Saturday night when two men, brothers, John Cassldy, of Upland avenue, and George Cassloy, o( Cartcrtown, were arrested by Constable Herbert Seaman and a. deputy and lodged In the borough Jitil on Upland for drunkenness and disorderly conduct.

About 11.30 Saturday night the two drunken men began causing ii disturbance in the neighborhood ot Third street and Upland avenue by kicking the screen doors of a number of homes and breaking down a yard fence or two during their drunken craze. The constable was notified and with a deputy officer he noon arrived on tho scene and arrested tho two men und lodged them Jail for the night. A hearing was given the men beforo Magistrate Frank Alexander yesterday morning and tho men were ordered to pay a fine of $7.50 each. George Cassldy was unable to pay the fine nnd was lodged In jail for iho rest of the day, but the brother was released In order that ho might get the money for hla fine. Tlobert Castle, ot Upland avenue, while starting to hoard an Upland trolley at the corner of Seventh street nnd Kdgmont avenue, Saturday night fell to tho pavement and striking his head on the curb was knocked unconscious and was taken by the police patrol to the Chester hospital.

Joseph Dougherty, of Chestnut strecti Chester, while catching for tho Upland 'baseball team In a game with Fifth Ward, Saturday afternoon at the local ball park, was hit by a stray hall nnd WHS knocked out for the remainder of the game. The accident occurred In the fifth Inning of the game which was won by the Upland Club by a of 5 to -I. Tho Upland team plays AVIIlard at Wlllard tomorrow evening. William Haves, of Third and Main streets, and William Smlthers. of Third street, motored to Coatesville yesterday.

Mr. and Mra. David Cluelow. of Main'street, spent yesterday at Lans- dowhe. Jesse Wilkinson, of Main street, and Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Clampltt nnd family, of Race street, motored to Smyrna, yesterday. Mrs. James Richardson and niece, Eleanor Albrand, and Mrs. Mary Hewlett, all of Main street, spent the day yesterday at Capo May.

Ehvood Elliott nnd son George, of Fourth and Main streets, left yesterday for New York, where they will spend two days. H. B. Hayes and Owen Glatts left Saturday by motor for High Point, N. J-, where, they spent the week-end; Mr.

and Mrs, Ralph Taylor and family, who have lived in the borough for the last year, loft Saturday for New York and will sail for England this week. Airs. Redgreavcn, ot Fifth street, moved to Chester property the latter part of tho week. Tho house'vacated by Mrs. Redgreaves will be occupied by Mr.

and Mrs. John and farriily, of Chester. George Maiin, of the gruest. yesterday of brother, Andrew Jlulliv and family, of Main street. HOW BRITONS WORK of a population nt 37,500,000 persons there aro.

in all-Industries of, England, according to' the Blue Book published recently. Including repair and maintenance with production, only 489 in every 1000 so engased. Transport and communications account for eight per cent, commerce and finance, excluding clerical nine per cent, professional threa per cont, nnd do- n.esllc eleven per cent. Steeleoffhe, Royal Mounted James Oliver CunvooG 1 Friends ot Miss Edith Kline, student In the Upper Darby high school, aro glad to hear that she was Iho winner of a four-year state to a college or university In tho state of Pennsylvania. Miss Kline says she has chosen "Penn." Tax Collector John Sj.

Williams has completed making out tho tax bills and these will be mailed during the coining week to tho various taxables In the township. Tho services in the community church yoRterdny were well attended. The pastor, delivered a sermon on evolution. Ho said the only safo way Is to hold on'to 'tho Blhie truths as set down In tho great book. Tho Ksislngton Republican Club held a spirited meeting on Friday evening to talk over the merits of tho respective- candidates, many of whom wore in No action was taken towards endorsing any of tlie candidates.

HIGH HAT STUFF a lot of vice versa In thin heah iiublikashun. you mean, vice versa? "What, you mean to tell me you don't know vice versa is high hat fo' bum Tech. Stone 'Mm. WAS- HE SCRATCHING? First Jack make out In his mid-years? Second was caught ebon ting. "How conie?" "In physiology the question was asked.

''How many vertebrae are piano works, has been summoned I 1 and ho was caught rubbing to return lo work In the piano fac- his Punch Bowl. Setting Skinnier "THE PACEMAKERS" No. 7 "MADAM SANS GIN" Pnthe FIRST SHOWING TODAY THE PARAMOUNT THEATRE TODAY AND'TOMORROW- ONLY GUER1TE LA MOTTE With BOWER'S In a Drama of Mystery, Love, Romance, Thrills Hollows in Cheeks and Nock Growing Deeper Every Week Something' Must Bo Done and Done Right Tens of thousands ot thin, rundown and women, getting up all hope of over being able to take on flesh and look healthy and strong. such people can stop worrying nnd start to smile and enjoy life right now for McCoy's Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets which any druggist will tell you all about, Is putting llesh on hosts of. skinny folks every clay.

One woman, tired, weak and discouraged, put on in pounds in five ueeks rind now feels tine. "U'e. all know that Cod Liver Oil In full of vitalizing 1 flesh producing vitamlnes, but many people can't lake it been lisa ot Its horrible smell and llfhy taste and because It often up- Kots the McCoy's Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets are as easy to, take as candy and if any thin person don't gain at least 5 pounds in 30 days your drug- Kfst will give you your money nild only cents for 60 tablets. Ask Miller's -Medicine Store or any live pharmacist anywhere. TkH be sure to get McCoy's, the original and genuine, and bear in r.ilnd that for thin.

Hlckiy kids they are very sickly age 0, gained 12 pounds In 7 months. MKs CARELESS SMOKER DID IT than ,35.000 acres of woodland near hero were destroyed recently by a (Ire wan by a careless smoker. Avoid Embarrassment By Knowing What to Do 'Mr. am! family, of McUnuKhlln. Pllce, am I'ltv.

v. sls- Mrs. this loft fiturday lo spend two woclcs in WILSON LINE PHILADELPHIA-PENNSGROVE WILMINGTON Schedule In Effect, Juno 20, 1925 Daily Inoludlno Sundays nnti Holidays DAYLIQHT SAVING TIME Subject to Chnnoo Without Notice Leave Chester for Philadelphia nl 10.10. a. in.

4.10, 6.15 SIC 9.UO and 10.30 p. m. l.cnvo Philadelphia for Clicsicr ,10 MO.oo n. -12 noon, nl.30. 7.00 and p.

m. t.eavn CliBfter for Wilmington, one hmir nftcr leaving Phlladali'ilila. 'Mniis nt PomiMKrove. nStop" nt PciinsRriive on Snliirdnys only RIVERVIEW BEACH WEEK DAYS« 0 3 bl CO oon Ucavo Rlvervlew ct.OO niul SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS U-MIVU Chuwivr no l.oavf Ulvorvlew nnd 5.00 Mondays. cVUins on Trldnys nnd only WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THEM vomen In our contact with men and we come across liulo unex- problcriiR of conduct.

AV'e able to mciil them KH they arise. Nothing la more embarrnHKlug than i iloubL about what lo do in cort-iln How important It is, therefore, to the correct form and lifhed method of polite in nil sorts of social contact. little booklet cnlltleO "Kvorv- tiay Ktlriuette." which the ton Bureau of this papor free diRiribiition, will problomn in oU for It handy. will riuestlon-s. Tlni-ioBo tv.n return posiafto.

nnd mi ih'e Mai-Inn Ora AVldtloes and. Alice Hheplicvrt nre snemlini; 1 fortntfrht nt Cnpe The Home ttiiiUUiur'aiul I.onn As- uridatlon of Sharon 11111 and dale, oponed now series of stork r.t (heir meeting Saturday nlRhl In town hnll. Klin ran nvemi.i nml ftrrtnp street. Tlio nones, thr seventy-second, wns IHwMly suh- MM-ibed to. Tho association In'nnwin Iliji yeiir.

UK ofttoors in-c M. Anderson, president- Joseph Riih-il. vlco-presldont: AI hen S. Unrlser. soci'oiary; (i Douglass, treasurer: Albert J.

AVII- l.iuiis, Other members or ilie bonrd of directors nre Dotiprnn, William II. Dunonn, (looi-Ke AT. T3iinlap. James Fin-roll A'exfinder Maokio. II.

Harry AV. UnJstcm. Pom try to export OSK'? I tiie iSiatoK In nrdf-r to CTCHSW thp prlco there which. Is only Ifl to a dozen. High Speed II I roiley to Philadelphia "Chaster Short Line" From Tttird nnd M.irkct Square Chester THROUGH CARS WITHOUT CHANGE EVERY 8 MINUTES EDDVSTONE ESSINGTON LESTER ELMWOOD AND PHILADELPHIA Market Sts.

your Frederic J. Haskin, The Chester Times' Information Bureau, Washington, D. C. 1 enclose herewith stamps for return free cnpy of tho BOOKLET. Kama Street Director, two cents in postage on a ETIQUETTE i i 3 EXCURSIONS THURSDAYS $16.80 6, 20, 3, 17 and October 1 WILMINGTO PROPORTIONATE FARES FROM OTwVo SPECIAL TRAIN LEAVES 01 TSH ila (Broad Street Station) eastern stanaj BOUND TRIP FROM ROUTE" RIDE THROUGH Tlm 111.

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