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Delaware County Daily Times from Chester, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Chester, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CHESTER TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1923. THREE MANY VACATIONS AT COURT HOUSE Jilany Officials and Em- ployes Taking Their Two Weeks Off LOCAL NEWS FROM COUNTY SEAT Daily Events of a Various Character in, Media and Nearby Scarcely an office in the court house which is not feeling: the loss of one or more of Us members on vacation. Those who are not taking xheir two weeks oft now are taking advantage week-ends, and stories ot long' motor trips, enormous fish and unusually fine golf courses nre heard on all sides. Judge Johnson and a parly of friends spent the week-end at the Jackson Fishing and Gunning Club, on the Patuxant river, He reported a pleasant few days and that Jio caught a number of "small ones." The admission places one more mark upon the Judge as an unusual man. He was accompanied upon the trip by Jlr.

and Mrs. George Allen, Mr. and Kent Kane, Frank Allen, Mr. and Mrs. n.

Dean White, and the two children of Mr. nnd Mrs. Allen, George and Frances. Another fishing party at Tucker- ion consisted of County Controller George T. Wfidas, Coxinty Commissioner Harry Birney, Francis A.

Taxson, chief'Clerk tho county commissioners, and Mr. Birncy's son. Kenneth. The fishermen claim that they can prove the size of their catch, as a number of other Delaware county people who were fishing there can be called as witnesses. 'Robert C.

Jones, deputy register of and Samuel inheritance tax clerk, were caught in the severe rain storm while visiting Coloner Franklin P. Haller, register of wills, at Mt. Gretna. They were the camp when Company of Media arrived while the storm was in progress. Many tents were blown itown and the camp presented a very uninviting appearance to the Media men when they arrived after waiting on their train until the worst ot the storm was over.

Richardson Shoemaker, clerk of 1 he courts, was visiting friends at V.uckhill in the Poconos over the week-end. M. S. Trustrail, of the. sheriffs office, returned Monday 'from a.

visit at Atlantic City. 'William Rlpka, of tho commissioners' office, is spending his vacation at Atlantic City. Francis A. Paxson, chief clerk of ihe county ofllce, will return the latter part of this week from his vacation. William M'eNalr, of tho treasurer's office, was nt Ocean City over week-end.

George Rockett, clerk of the com- rnlssioners' oflice, spent the weekend fishing at Bowers Beach. It is rumored that he made a big haul. Mr. Jtoclcett is also famed as the captain of the Kddystone baseball team. Miss- Charlotte Hoskins, of the prothonotary's office, Is spending her vacation at Ocean City.

Mrs. Mary Keith, of most any place in the court house, but particularly tho jurors' dormitories and ihe judges' ollices, which she keeps (Mean, has gone to Niagara Palls for her vacation. She will also make a trip into Canada. "Mary" is accompanied b'y her daughter, IDIIzabeth. Klhvood IT.

Ottoy, of West State street, was the week-end guest of Mr, and Mrs. at their home at Glcnloch, N. Ho hsul the pleasure of seeing some rare antiques. Mrs. Athy Reynolds, Miss Mnbel Reynolds and Miss Hsinnah Reynolds, of Colora, motored to -Media and friends.

David Wright, of spending this week with her daughter, Airs. Howard Boslcr, at her home on South avenue. Miss Lillie K. Schur. of Philadelphia, lunched with West State street friends yesterday.

Warden at the Delaware County Prison George AV. Allen, Mrs. Allen, sons, George and Francis, and Judge Isaac Johnson returned from Jackson, where they spent the weekend at the Jackson Gunning and Fishing Club. Master Friiiicis Allen had the honor of landing the largest fish. -Mrs.

Frank Brooke Worrell, Mrs B. Minshall -tfnd Miss Sara Carson, of Media, yesterday enjoyed an automobile trip through the upper section of the county. Thej visited the stsiblcs of Joseph Sen-ill on the Paoll road, where thej saw the young stock which Is being trained for ihe track. Mr. stnd Mrs.

'Wlllitim C. Hammer of Philadelphia, entertained at dinner at AVillow Grove. Their guests WILMINGTON GIRLS GO TO MEDIA CAMP Clifton Heights "Italian Jack Dempscy." from whose Christian name Is, company with ompiihlons was dropped oft un utomoblle near Juckson street In he East ward, about midnight Sunny night and soon after the trio roceeiled to uwake the ootl by staging a battle-royal which tided when two onnon- nts were sent to tho hospital suf- erlns from divers Injuries to the nee and Delaware motorist happened at the bccna ut this 'attic, reported what he had seen Chief of Police. McClownn aiul the hlef, with Oflicer Dlnyon, arrested ho three the other two to he hospital, and lodKCil "J'Jcnipscy in he borough Jsiil. At 11 hearius be- orc Morgan yesterday, Jcmpsey was released under $500 Kill for-a further hearhiK tomorrow Ight.

Th'o inim, who 1-s a professional mglllst, reported to lie. possessed extraordinary strength. Ills ac- 'ompllslmients in the. way of inju- les Inflicted on his opponents, hears his out. "The two of 'cm tried to me," he lold 'Magistrate- Morgan, "and I fixed 'cm." their labors and are now enjoying tennis tilts nearly evening.

expected that after tho ghls have become (nmllktr vith the couit, ft tennis tournament bo urransreil. Twenty tons of coal, the supply foi next win tor, were chutcil into the bins of tho Clifton Jleiglits K. 1'. 1, yesterday by J. Walter Joiies men.

The work took up tho better v.urt ot the day. Paul D. Force, of AVulnu'l street, Is nursing a slight laceration the fore-linger of his left hniul. Patrick Kelly and Charles Mac- Honnld, assisted by Kd ward Marcus, weif, at woik yesterday continuing ihe paintinB of" tratllc, and, parking on Usiltlmore avenue. Tho llne.s to Riiido tiullle nt Baltimore avonuc and Penn street woro completed.

On tlui uoi th 0 of iMiltlmoro avenue, the siiaco allotted will stop preparatory to making the left-hand turn down I'tnn streot, was marked out- Marcus Hook Police officers of Marcus Hook nre Thcaffalr will be held on Sunday next, when 1 the club members and 'rlends will travel in buses to Lcnape J'ark, where they will pass tho rtny. committee to take care of details was appointed and will meet on J'hursday evening In map out a pliin of the day's aclivitlcs. The Indies' An.xiliiiry of the Clifton Heights Fire Protective Association, Xo, 1, will hold their annual picnic on 1'YItlny ot this week a I Woodside Park. John of- Broadway avenue, had a narrow escape from prnb- The United Girl Scouts of Delaware, are now at Camp Tall Trees, where they will follow not the woodcraft and the f-iniple regime of the Scout law. TUrs.

.1. I.obnch, captain. Is in charge of the girls, who left Wilmington ye.s'terilny for the camp. 'The party which Intends to be in vamp for twelve, duyn is headed' also by Mrs. Iiohach'B daughter, ic-niint Jean Lobach and Miss Lucia 'Turner, second lieutenant.

The program which will constitute the daily life camp will he as folii.w.s: Aviso at fi.35; setting up ex-, breakfjist, camp papers, studies, lunch, rest hour, rncrcation. Kindles, supper, camp lire and to bed in o'clock. Those on the trip nre: Dorothy Turner. Audrey Johnson, Cicriilcllnc Davidson, SIar- parp I Abbott, Dorothy Wagner, Anna Ulricli, Boris Dorothy "Olrlch, Kvelyn Stein, Frances Klchards. Ulennor Alice, Sfmtnpnn.

Kalhcrinc DarreH, Ann Robinson and Dorothy Minikin. Aliss Kathryn Johnson Is the honor having attained the most points in carrying out the Scout rules. She is the daughter ut Mr. and Mrs. George H.

Johnson, West Twenty-first, street. Wilmington. MARRIAGE LICENSES The following'rlngc licenses were granted in the bllluc of clcrU of' tlie Oriihans' yesterday: Lewis and Alice .1. ICeiser, both ot nailing-, of Hteclton, and Susie Bouts, ot Charles E. Campbell nnil Kntliryn A.

CSoi-man, both oC Cnmnroto rind PlncircllI, both oC AVIIIInin Jlooney. of Atlantic-. City, anil Jennie Carroll, ot" AVchsler Beam and Uertha' Mill, both of Philadelphia. H. T).

niauiul and Doris Carter, both of Philadelphia. .1. Duffy, Philadelphia, and i Josephine AT. Spjjfriefl. of Lima.

nicliard Morvissey and Mary Fitz- palrirk. hoth of Phlladelpliia. Clifton Sherman and Kathryn liolh ot J'hiiadelphia. Mogan. of Ardmorc Cecelia.

M. Fuestin, of Eliaj-on Hill. iiiirultl N'ordin and Mildred G. i.f Philadolphia. Thomas V.

O'Neill anil Lillian 13. boih of Philadelphia. T'Vtlors and Elsie Leyrcr, both Philadelphia. i'red Ximmcrmnn and Ruth linger, both of Philndolphln. Wjlliam J.

and Klsie Boockoff, both of Philadelphia. Media Sick List Mrs. George A. niifby. nf Kast Fifth Ktrect.

who has been ill. Is able to tro out In the automobile awhile each flay. Berlin drinks just about half as much milk ns did before war. milk substitutes still belnp used In larpre quantities. Included Dr.

and Mrs. I Dickeson, of Mtdia, and Air. and Mrs Wassili JLeps. Mr. la the well- known orchestra leader.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Bosler am daughters, Frances; Kutb and ot South avenue, have been down to Poiitickl, New Jersey. MIHM Jane S. Harvey, was hostess to the Monday evening "Thimble Circle." 13dwin Brown, ot Bowling Green spent, the week-end with his fnnill) who are at Ocean City.

Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Cooper J-laiv nuni and ditUKliter, Dorothy, of Fron and Plum streets, are spending todai ivlth Mr.

and Mrs. llallowell a't thei home at Liniu. Iillssv JDllzabdtll Hall, Instructor ii English a.t Alcdia, high schoul. i tourinK in the She mailed hotin friends cards from the Nationa Park. From there she was going iortland, Oregon, thence to vtsi points on MIC Pacific -slope.

liysle Gebauer and Moore ot I'hiladelpbia, visited at the bom of Sir. and Mrs. Preston W. Ware on ISast Ktate street. At State and Olive streets, a o'clock this even ins, member ot! Washington Camp, No.

12(j, meet. Miss TJ. Anna SInlln resumed be duties as chief stenographer in th of District Attorney AVillian Taylor, In Gleave Hall, ycsterdaj jifter a motor trip 'through Vir ginia. Miss Catharine Jordan, stenos rapber for Marry J. Maklver, re turned to her duties yesterday afle a.

week's vacation spent at her horn nl Clifton Heights. Mrs. Hannah Miles, of Springfiek a Mcdlu visitor. William ij. Suler, of Kast Slat sti ec-t, is enjoyinf his vacation Canada.

Thomas M. Meloy, of Front street, 'la entertaining Mr. and Mrs; D. Meloy, ot Atlantic Heights, New Jersey, and Mr. and Airs'.

Hmalley and i-pn, John, of Mount Union. Miss. Anna Baker. one the clerk's nt the First National Bank, is enjoyinjr her vacation this week. Miss Anna Gibson, ot Jefferson street; has arrived home from AL- k-nlic City, New Jersey, where she been sojourning.

The contractors building the new public school In Nether Providence, have promised to have 1L completed by August thirteenth. Mrs. G. Marc Phillips, ot Philadelphia, called on friends in Media. recently visited New York City and called on Dr.

and Mrs. Brodhead, former of (he county seat. Miss K. Clair Powell, a member of the clerl xl force of the First Na- will go to I by boat next week. Airs.

Nelson who has i been spending a week with relatives in Baltimore, Maryland, has returned to her home on North Jackson street. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Schoff. of West Washington street, left Sunday for Saratoga, where they are house guests ot Mr.

and Mrs. Samuel Kiddle, of (lien Riddle, at their villa Mr. and Mrs. lid ward E. Flounders and.Mr.

and Mrs. Alfred L. Flounders, of Kast Sixth street. motored to" r.ettcrlon, -Maryland, for the weekend -Mr. and Mrs.

Frederick Knlrlamh and Miss Dorothy of Sixth street and 'the Providence road, are in Colorado. Air. and Samuel J. of the Providence road, near tho Hose Tree entertained at dinner. able serious Injury Sunday morning Mhs: Uobert Mullen, East i Mary Shoemaker, was a Choi tor visitor nt the'home ot her Mr.

and Mrs. 15. Jlnn- Mve Bartow, Delhware tivenuo, Sunday. Samuel l.uig, of Delaware, avenue, who IIHS been very 111 for some time, will receive treatment, in neurby hospital. Mr.

and Mrs. William off. with Mr. nnd Mrs. Benjamin Robertson, of r.ootluvyn.

motored to Chrystal Beach, Sunday, Tlio mimes.ot Harry Huebcr and Chillies WillUiui.soii mo now prom- incmtlj' mentioned ns 1'or horoueh from tho Klrsi Agnes was on tho Moro 'tlinn 2,000,000 bicycles woro manufactuicd In 1SD7, watoi bo compressed. TRUSSES Seamless elastic hosiery. Abdominal belts other surgical appliances. Lady Attendant. Open Evenings W.

NIVIN WHERRY 813 EDGMONT AYE. Phone 2577. AMERICAN i when his car, which he was driving, An important ot tho ofllclal board ofCokcHbury Method- Isl church, to bo held evening, will tnUe up tlio matter Improving ihe oond-ltlon of tbe (liureh' Interior. Mr. nnd Mrs.

Wood ana tho 1'eaco 1-onis 11. to Tolchester -Hohoh ond Oelterton, during; the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jruvtes frrabs-on find Mr.

and Mrs. Amos motored to Jted J'olnt licacb, for the week-end. George Smith nnd family, Mr. oiui Mr.s.• Ijcroy Smith visited polnt.s ward. Miss al lid wood, Siindny.

John Galoy. Clifford Smith nml A. Houper uniont; tliu recent visitors HI Mrs. bnura Becson, lilslo nnd Pi ice Becsun. Mt.

and Airs. Jack Booth and lltilo daughtor, Botty of Chester; Mrs. Fulton, West Fifth- street. Chester-, niul Kugene MoSwocney aro spending the week at Mr. nnil -Mrs.

Itlchnrd Casperson, 1U'2 Greon street, Chester, visited rc-ln lives at Salem, X. recently. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Cooper, Yates uvenuo.

wllh llieir two (laughters, Mnrpnrpt and Dorothy and Mr. P.alpb Parkinson spent Sunilny at Polchpster Beach, Md. James Craig and Miss Holon Mar- overuirned after skidding on the wet surface of Springlleld avenue- Although the accident damaged the machine -considerably. Mr. McShane escaped without serious Injury.

The car belonging to John Clark, of Walnut street, was considerably damaged in an accident in Philadelphia last week. Nelson of this borough, was driving at the time. Mrs. Catherine Carlln, of Bnllimoro avenue. -Mr.

and Mrs. Charles A. McShanc and daughter Theresa, -Misses Sadie and Anna McShane and James McShane. of Oakvlcw, visited friends in Mauch Chunk on Sunday. Mrs.

Charles Gallon, ot Marple avenue, who returned home from the hospital several weeks ago, continues to' improve steadily. She Is still obliged to travel to the institution fit intervals for treatment. A party of fishermen, employes of Kershaw's Mills, enjoyed a li.shing trip al Capo May over the week-end. They reported JL large catch. William Osborne, of Nashville, Tennessee, is expecled here the latter part oC this week to spend two' weeks with his daughter and son-in- law.

Air. and Mrs. B. F. Sweeney, of Baltimore avenue.

The four young tourists. Bill Austin. Bob Walck, BcrL well and Ijud Sblmp, who are touring lo California In Slump's car. arc making headway along the route, according to word received here. The young men of tho Clifton Al.

U. church, who have been bard at work constructing a tennis court adjoining the residence of J. Frank Wise on Oak avenue, have completed ot Interest up-stale, on a week-end motor tour. Charles Do Avlcro, John "Bernard, Pole and Willlnm Myers mado a suc- rcssful crabbing trip to Jtivcrvlcw Bench, Saturday. They encountered a severe storm on their return trip, Sunday evening.

Anna, the eight-year-old daughter George W. Smith is improving after a serious lllno.H. Charles M. Peterson, who recently underwent an operation in Chester Hospital was reported resting easy last, Norman Savlllc. Spruce street.

Model Village, is gelling around again after being laid up for several the of falling out of a. tree. Alpyer SaMis and daughter. Bertha ii'oloreU to Baltimore yesterday on a visit lo relatives. They expect to return Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matthews anil child, from Manchester, Kngland, are expected to arrive Saturday on a visit to Air. and Mrs. Harry Dodd, Hevves avenue.

Llnwood. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Howard moved to Philadelphia. Harry 'Warren, of Fronchlown, iN, .1.

visiting nt the home of Mr. vrl were ihnvrlcd Snturdny Si. Puul's church, Chos- tor, llov. Wands Al. Taitt perform-.

inn the ccrcmonv. Tho' cnnplo ntlcndcd liy Mr. and G. K. nnd 11 I'M.

Cluirlc.s lllnst. Mr. nnd Mrs. will rosUlo for tliuo with Mr. and Airs.

Hitllcy, l-'lfth street, Chester. NOTICE A meeting of the Democratic voters of the Borough of Media will be held at the ofllce of Frank B. Rhodes. Media, Wednesday Evening, July 20, 1925, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the Borough ollices. READY MONEY FOR EVERYBODY!—«nd borrow from thii institution.

Your word your Loans Made Up to $300 Al legal rales of interest. no In- vesiiaations. Inquiriet incur obligation on your part. Licensed by Banking Dep't. AMERICAN LOAN COMPANY 525 MARKET STREET Office Hours: Bell Phonal to 5.30•.'Dally.

Second Floor. Chester 3118. For Indigestion and acid ttommcH. HUSBAND'S MAGNESIA IM33. IntUt upoa All druggttti Rough Red Hands Whitened by 2-MmuteTreatmeiit Now, no woman need have unattractive hands.

Beautiful hands arc yours at lasil A marvelous new scientific discovery sives you almost exquisitely soft, iiandseveryone admires. Roughness, redness and coarseness vanish almost magically. Here's the amazing test that can prove it to youtoniRht. Just rub a little of this wonderful cream on your hands before you retire. You'll be deliKhtcd nnd amazed at your hands in the mornins.

Just ask your dealer for Thurston Hand Cream. this wonderful new cream doesn't make a marvelous improvement in your hands in a it back and have your money refunded. At all good ilrug and department stores. Caring for the Eyes in Summertime Important Things to Know. Eye authorities urge greater care of action In looking after Irritations that como from particles of dust, cold or Inflammation caused by wind, and tho glaro of tho summer sun, especially' at Iho Bon-sliore.

Tho'main point do not allow any of'thcso things to progress too far boforo giving thorn attention. Taken In time, most of these things can bo stopped boforo real danger can como. A remedy that can bo depended on for Just such troubles Is known as Eytal (SKF) and is mooting with great favor. Thoso who have used it keep 16 handy, ready for any emergency that may arlso In connection with tlio eye. Kciiort.i prove that Eytal (SICl keeps tlio oycm healthy, that It quickly removes all Inflammation, and that It la' Ideal for tlis family first-aid modlclno chest.

Is Just as nccMsary to keep Kytal (SKF) on hand ready for Instant uso for oyo troubles as It is to have Iodine ready i for cuts and sprains. Eytal (SKF) la refreshing and pleasing to uso and a ilnglo application brings a comfort and satisfaction hard to beat. All first druggists report that they keep (SKF) constantly In stock. Is a prescription for Colds, Grippe, Vlu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. It kills the germs.

AILMENTS OF YOUNG GiRLS Relieved by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound School Teacher's Experience fewyonrs ago I hnd troubles every month.uuch. nsfrirlspftenhhvc, tind would suffer awfully every time. I wns teaching school and it tniitle it hnrd'for me as I hud to go to bed for two or throe days. Ono day fny mother Quality in Business Training count Jilsl ns does In pvnr.vlliint,' else.

moms belter iniy'to stnrt nnd nioro nilvfinccmcnt. )'clrco Soluiol trcilnlni; IH tor UK lliori)iiK)iiioHH another lenn Cor In njiii-a- lion." COUHSUS: niihlnr.H*! rntlnti Sccrrtjirlal Ai'riiiinlhiK niul C. r. A. School Optni Srpl.

8 HilU Sclmnl Openi Sept. 14 far Yimr Soak PEIRCE SCHOOL of Bushtcsa Administration ft PHILADELPHIA TEXTILE SCHOOL OF THE Museum and School of Industrial Art WILL OPEN ITS FORTY-SECOND SEASON DAY; CLASSES, September 16, 1925 EVENING CLASSES, October 5, 1925 Enrly Application Cor admission Is advised, ns the classes nro limited' In nnd consUloriUlon Is to application in tho order ot their, rccolpt. Two Diploma Courses are offered in the Day School: Tho REGULAR TEXTILE Years CoinurclicnMlvo mid 'highly recommend eO. Tho CHEMISTRY, DYEING AND PRINTING Years litchulua nil Icxllla. fibres Tlio School nlno oltorn Two Ccrllficato Courses In cither Cottons, Woolens idlllts, Jacciuard DoalRii, or UyohiK.

AdiiilMHluii lo Ihono may bo Imil by sulisUlutlnK liraotlcal ox- pi'-rlouco for a portion of tlio colloso cntrnnoo units roiiulred In blliloniii Conr.i>'s. Tlio ISvnnlitK School permits thn ntndontK to innko cortnln nolcc- tlonn of of prf.snrllicd course ol to tho LOvoiiiiiK School does not refiulru collORB -rntrnnca units. L'lrciilur KivhiK dolnlls of tho L)ny and Evonlns Schools may hud liy uiiplylriE to E. W. Broad and Pine Streets, Pa.

Have You an Auto for Sale) Use Classification No. 5 suggested that I take Lydin E. Pinkham's VOK- ctablc Compound, which I did, and it did wonders for inc. In the course of ycnr I mnrried and lifter my first baby was born I got up too soon and it caused diaplacc- nicnt. This troubled me so thatTcould hurdly walk or do my housework.

I knew what the Vegetable Compound did forme before so 1 took it iigain. It strengthened me and now 1 have five little kiddies. The eldest is six, the baby is five months old nnd I huve twin boya three years old nnd boy of five years. I dp nil iny own housework, washing and ironing, and! never felt better in my life. 1 owe my health to your wonderful medicine." Mrs.

VERBENA CARPENTER, 127 2nd Avenue, Evansiton, Wyoming. Certified Household namcdics Frnv.r- j- Bemii-'-ncr, H. i M. -fTlURSTON'C IHANDCREAMJ St. Theatre Pride of Del.

County" Monday, Tuesday anci Wednesday, July 27, 28 and 29 Florence Vidor and Edward Everett Horton, "MARRY ME." HOPKINS Piano Tuning Special Prices During July and August We employ only the best mechanics. Write or phone us today. All work guaranteed. HOPKINS 531 MARKET STREET 1 You Build on a Secure Foundation that is sound, safe and substantial, when you start an account with the First tionnl Bank. And you will find it a Very good 1 incentive for savtnjj part of your income regularly each week or month.

Open Friday Evenings from 7 to 8.30, BRST NATIONAL BANK OF MEDIA 'THE BAtm OF SAFETY AMOSERVTCt" MEDIA, PA. $2 down A YEAR TO PAY THE BALANCE FOR YOUR OLD GAS RANGE AT SUCH UNUSUAL TERMS, BUY NOW YOUR NEW Cabinet Gas Range ROPER QUALITY. VULCAN CLARK-JEWEL ACORN The allowance on range will lie credited toward the purchase of your new range and $2.00 down payment, the balance will be extended over a twelve-month period. A FEW BARGAINS IN SLIGHTLY MARRED RANGES PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY 867 Main Street DARBY 6th Welsh Sts. CHESTER 19 E.

State St. MEDIA Quick Safe Relief CORNS In one mlnutc-or Ic.s-the ends. Dr. tare. he.Hng corns.

At drug ind i DZS choll's Zinp-pads oac on- pain it Closed Wednesday at 1 P. M. UMMER CLEARAWAY SALE A Ten-Day Event Offering Savings of 10 to on Summer Dress Materials Six Attractive Values for Wednesday at 1 P. M. Wednesday $2.95 Printed Flat Crepe and Canton Crepe $1.69 yd.

A fashionable fabric for street, afternoon and evening frocks in a host of gorgeous new figured, floral, stripe and dot patterns, in various colors and combinations on light and dark inches wide. Entire Stock of 49c and 59c Figured and Floral Voiles These are in the new large and small flowered patterns, dots and an less variety of smart figured designs in every conceivable color and com-' bination, on the most wanted light and dark grounds. In the 40-in. width. 25c yd.

$2.45 Striped Tub Silks, $1,69 Yd. This group includes our remaining stock of silk broadcloths, radium silks, and some silk crepes. In a variety of smart two-tone and multi-colored stripe patterns. Genuine Kalburnie Ginghams, 19c Yd. Choice of hundreds of patterns in small and large checks and plaids in single color, two-tone effects and multi-colored patterns.

32-inch width. Heavy All-Silk Flat Crepe, $1.85 Yd. A superior quality pure silk, pure dye, flat crepe, that sells rapidly at the regular price of Your choice of fifteen of the best shades while it lasts at a yard. Striped and Figured Broadcloth, 45c These arc exceptionally, fine quality highly mercerized broadcloths that will make admirable frocks. They arc shown in a variety of colored stripe and dot patterns on white and dark grounds.

In the 36-inch width. The Pound Store WEINBERG'S 17 West Third St..

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