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Delaware County Daily Times from Chester, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Chester, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

DAILY AVERAGE NET PAID CIRCULATION FOR APRIL 52D 16,043. "JfZSSf MOBILE" 1926 IS HELD AS INCENDIARY MEDIA BLAZE Mrs: Vivian Page, Former County Seat Resident, Arrested in New York by County Authorities After Male Friend, Who Drove Auto, Tells of Trip to Scene-Woman Awaiting Extradition Hereto Face Charge of She Was Firebug FINAL EDITION With All Latest and Best News of the Day TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1928 Vivian PRRO. also known as Vjyjan Daly, Vivian McDonald, and a.i "Miss Mobile" winner of tho third prize in the Atlantic City beauty pageant in 102C. nnd Frank "Morganstein, both of Xew York City, wero arrested iu Xew York, yesterday hy Assistant County Detective S. Troslrail nnd Assistant District Attorney William 'R.

and, upon Governor Alfred E. Smith's signature of extradition papers will be brought to Media, charged with being' responsible for the $30,000 fire in an apartment house at State street and South avenue, Media, last Wednesday night. Although it may take two clays to complete arrangements for bringing Mrs. Page and Morgansleln to Media, to answer to charges upon which. were arrested, county authorities today expressed the belief that Mrs.

Page will bo formally charged" with arson. When arrested, the woman denied Die but a statement mado by Morganstein to pollco bore out tho contention of local county authorities that the woman had visited the apartment house in Media a tew minutes before the fire was discovered. Morganstein. who was the first to he arrested in New York, 'yesterday, told Assistant County Detective Tres- trail that he nnd tored to Media, in a on the night 0 the fire. DEATH PENALTY ASKED FOR JAMES; Prosecutor Wants Jury to Convict Confessed Upper Darby Man Says He Robbed Dunstan and Shot Him 5 Tiriies; Father in Court Mrs.

Page mo- borrowed c-ar Upon arriving in Media. Morsanstein said. Mrs alighted from the car and went Into a store, where she purchased a box of matches nnd some cigarettes. on the South had parked the, Bell Telephone building, avenue, he said. -Moi-gajistciH further stated that e- aftcr oliasiijsr the "a had left the building and was there fur "several minutes.

Finally, when she came A. thC ai)smmen t. Morganstcln -MIS. Pago was excited ami ran to the parked'car arid told him MorgiHistein said he did not understand why the woman was so ei- cited. hut that she had told h'im she was going into the apartment to locate her trunk.

That she had been a resident of Media, living in who bv en, owner of the bulldine said that Page was mil f01 to my thrce months' rent and that her per- DOVI.KSTOAVX, May 5 (I.X.S.) The -Commonwealth demanded a first decree murder verdict. with the death penalty, when presentation of testimony in the trial cf Calvin E. James, Upper Darby salesman, for the inimlcr of William II Dunstan. 34, of a month' a r- Cfrim in llle Caun Court today. Attorney Arthur M.

Eastmade the opening to the jury of ten men and two women before Judge William Ji vil James THOUSANDS CHEER FLIERS IN ST. LOUIS ST. LOUIS, -May Thousands of St. Loillsuus, at Louis J-'icld ami Korest 1'ark, flioerc-ii the arrival into yesterday of the trnns- Ailaiitlrt Rrcincii Huron IChren- Otientlicr von Ilueiipfcld, Cap- Hermann Koehr, and Major EIGHTEEN PAGES CITY ALDERMAN WAIVES HEARING IN MEDIAARREST H.M.Kecsc, Charged With Motor Uw Violation, Enters Protest AHhouBh the city's formar welcome, a military pariule, is set for to- 'l'iy, many could not wail so lomr for burn Contlnued on Page Seven CHANG PLANS TO EVACUATEPEKING Report Says Marshall Is Moving Gold and Valuables to Mukden MOSCOW, Jlay report was received here today Ironi Harbin, Manchuria, that Marshal Chang: Tso Lin, dictator of the North China Government and Generalissimo oC the is preparing- to evacuate Peking. 'According to tin's report trainloads of Chang's treasures, including gold Jewels and ornaments, are arriving at Mukden where they are lilaced under heavy military -guard.

Chang- is said lo have -ordered the conscription of male Maircluirians betwcen the ages ot CO and 35. Marshal -was formerly Known as the "Manchurian War GLENNA COLLETT IS AGAINW1NNER Defeats Mrs.Dobell in Third Round of Tourney British Golf WASHt.VCTO.V, -Several 'messages from Chinese organizations and individuals have been received by the State Department asking tho United States to its good offices to eiid the Chinese- Japanese controversy over Shnntiine it was said at the Department todny' here were strong indications a'll these appeals would go unanswered. GEXI3VA, CU.P.)—For purely informative Japan today submitted to the League of Xations copien ot two declarations made by the government tit Tokio. One explained the necessity for sending military and naval forces to Shantung province, China The uj amrnl Japan's intention to withdraw tho forces ivhe'i thcv i longer werp needed. HUXSTAXTOX, Jand.

-Uay J5. Miss Cilenna Collett, American Champion, totlav truimphantry throi. the the BriliK VVomeVs Championship tiES ot Temple JDo- bell, a sk.jif ,,1 British veteran, and tM-o to go. lobc11 1V open cham in him Jll in cash, a knife and fountain pon. all of Wlllc wcro tatrr found in James' possession unr wns packed ain um of 6(lll children as-iln playing "hookey" to attend the session.

Tho Bucks co truant ollicer. however, woed- them out nnd sending them to irchool as court opened. A. B. Jajiies.

the a cd father of (he defendant and Disbrow Petty the Upper unrby police ofllclal from thn 01 'v lo have stol the revolver Vfth tho fatal sho wore fired, also were In court. bC aa a Common- oppor- of the fried tain James Kitzmaurlco. They will bo the cltys Kuests two days. In tlirf Junkers monoplane F-13 sister ship uromen, the two liOrman fllors and their Irlshvcom- panion cnvorod tho 350 miles from i one miim'''" tlu co hours and thirty Laims oiiceman Has No MmCS Uighl. to Alter Original Speeding Complaint Insisting that he ho given a hearing 0" thn orlRhut on which was arrested.

tl lnt trnvolltiR ut miles an hour through nowa'Tv St Ci; nw" Ward, this city, walked 'out of "ll'io 00 vo.Mord Kl "vhon oo or Joseph itiitler! Noose, wanted lo u.c orll-Jual cnnrt'o to "faillnj- i 0 stop when called upon to do fi an officer." local maKlstraio 1 hV given' fVvp Hays In which to unswer to the hitter charge but Reese inlimatod Ihat he ZvV rl m.iy ho brought against him find will demand u. trial by Jury. bcin ot wait so long their ilrsi view of ilio visitors. Approximately 2000 persons were -it Lambert l-'iold. A Ki-oup Oerman 01- kan zaiions was nc 0 to c.v- jena iho ilrst welcome lo their country nicu.

a fpw minutes of lively soy in tho fliers wero ln- viieii into biplanes and taken separately to Forest A crowd of nearly 10.000 wns nt park, wlir-re (he fliers were extended mi official welcome by Or. M'MI Consul. Victor and other city officials. BKltUX, ernment ollk-ials today denied imports that Captain Herman KoiMil nnd Baron Khrenfrwl You lUiencfoH r.criunn fliers h-id been recalled to Germany They stated that tlie filers h-id merely been tuioricd'as to how niid when they so that on program could be The German Bov.M-iiment has no intention of shortening the flier's stay In bo United ficials declared. States, the of- PRICE TWO CENTS'' i -I K.LLED IN PLANE RWLEYPARK YOUTHlS KILLED AS NA VY PLANE PLUNGES INTO RIVER Lieutenant Frederick R.

Buse, Son of Burgess Drowns When Speeding Ship, on Test Run, Crashes Near Washington, D. Squad Finds Body After Dragging River Several Be Buried in Arlington LIEUTENANT F. R. BUSE TEACH ADULTS, PLEA Yosterday'M scheduled hearlns an echo of a against motorists who were arrested In Media. Katur" d'vy when hief 0 lk ,1, llmbor of Scorns assist the pollco in rounding up Conllnued on Page Eigkt rend fom- 1V open champion Elizabeth, Curtis." wa of rjintbn' or tho third (hel terday son.

by was beaten Elizabeth Will is apparently up to the final, when expected to meet Enid Wilson the best British competitor. Mrs. D. Campbell of Phil- 0 11 Amcri can France. up and" 5 round match.

ctty will be called wealth witness. James appeared nervous this morn- Ine and a hit lacking of his usual debonair manner. AH eyes were fastened on Mrs Mary Dunstan, 30, the wife of the -slain man, as, accompanied by her Jr. John J. Sweeney shn th ''9 om fc minutes before the trial ot umierwnv.

Duns ant. due to a highly "nervous condition following the trascdy has never heard the real story ot tho ox tho tale is unfolded to the jury it. will be her first tumty to learn nil the detail; murder. Fifty-one members of the panel of challenging and examlnins were necessary before the twelfllf juror had been selected yesterday Mrs. Gertrude- D.

Oiillin. 35, wifo of the principal of the Morrisville schools and Frev. 32 of I'erkasie, mother of two, arc the women members. foreman; Moore. 6-1; Oscar C.

Sine, ss- Sattcrthwalte. 60 Joseph -IS: Henry Gvalin, 22. 36; C. Fin- -Urury, 5S; JIarry Foreman and $227 Payroll Disappear With Taxi Driver Police Seek Lester Ramsburg, Seen Boarding Cab of-Palmer Davis Here Had Told Wife He Was Going to "Great Bought Gun in Philadelphia-Wanted to Drive Powerful Car Session at. SwarUtmorc Hears That Phase of Work Stressed odu- they SHOOTS HUSBAND AS HE SLEEPS IN BED WASHINGTON-.

3fnj- changes in the Chinese mili- tary situation in the last few days pointing- to early capture ot Peking liave convinced authorities here that Americans and foreigners in and Pelting- arc reasonably safe jind that there will ha no i-epetition of the or T.sinan disorder in cither city, the United Press was informed today. This confidence was based on information showing that certain tin- controllable elements In the -Nationalist and Allied armies, which are be- Hevcd to have been responsible fnv the Xankincr and Tsinan outbreaks have been definitely suppressed. STOLEN FROM HOME A. month's rent, $20. lylns in tho cjoset of the home of Mrs Mollie of 2222 West Third street' wis stolen early this morning.

Mrs Stickler prepared to pay the rent due on her house today and found thn money gone. Mrs. Stickter arrivrd home at midnight and shortly after Kbe retired she heard someone walking- downstairs but believed it was the dot: l-'poii investigating this'morning lu rent was gone nnd several pieces of silverware missinp. This is the second time that'th" home of Mrs. Stickler been robbed.

The first time the all the food stuffs in tho kitchen. POTTSTOWX, May UEt '-ouldn't stand it. I led a dogs life," Mrs. Edna. bri ht mother of five children sobbed today as she confessed to the shootinsr ot her husband, Mai-old.

30 as he slept in their home near Pa A German pistol and nn emptv cartridge were found on the floor of tho bedroom. 3n her confession Mrs. Rubrigbi explained that she shot her h.isba-i.I alter thinking the matter over last It was while I was pelting- medic no from the kitchen that I got the idea of killing him." she said tohc '-husband. just couldn't stand it any longer 'the were goin.c. slipped the pistol beneath Harold's pillow and pr it against his temple.

Then I let him have it." The bullet passed through Ru- MAN AHACKS PILOT WITH HAMMER IN FLIGHT POXTIAC, Alav 2000 feet in the air by nn alleged maniac, with a hummer, Unrry Anderson, a commercial pilot, after losing- conscMousues'a, and nose diving to within n. hundred feet of tho ground recovered in time partially to right his plane. Marry Frechette, 2S years olrl. of Detroit, whom police believe is charged with attacking the pilot, after employing Mm to tly from Rosevllle; to Ponti-ic Both men were, taken to a hospital because of injuries tained in the forced' landing here. Neither was seriously I Freschettc refused to answer po- ICB when queried re ardin the attack.

A letter addressed to a Miss Pontiac, found in conducted bv local near 1U 0-723 ac- thc REBELS TORTURE WIFE OF NICARAGUA MAN MANAGUA, Xicarapua. May 13 A rebel band terribly mistroitrd wife of lc for but his recovery. hold us t- hopes BREMENRELIJEF FLIERSFORCED DOWN May The armys relief is-f U.P to ro- two Germans and an Irishman flov- across the irom the elements that ass-, BISHOP RICHARDSON MAYIOMETO PH1LA. Ucpovts were current in Philadelphia today tliat Bishop Krnest nichardson, of Atlanta, has been selected, at a secret conference, to succeed Bishop Joseph K. Berrv, of PhilsuJelphia "'f tllc -wcrct conforcncc of the delegates to tho general confcr- Ftice of tho Methodist Episcopal Church in Kansas City were revealed by one of the delegates in a letter to a relative hero.

TRUCK AFIRE Corporationr 1 and it Was questionable when xvouu, be We to muh the tc nn American His River Coco plantation Mon 1 i 1 revcn Be tor' lion he bad given the mark was learned loday MIHcr was away wlien at thc ine forces, th value and tion. carried off evcr'-thinjr hen wrecked the pranta- atrocious were the wife an' Investigation beinc detectives of the local ment in roimectlon with the "dfcaii- pearance nat SaturdJ morning of aimer Davis. vcars ol( 'lerracc a chauffnui- George Hawkins, holder of a "private aulomohir- WU 'l autonioblle. a Studcbakcr sotlan bearing- fonnsytvaniu license has revealed Ihat DM vis companied by another man. on obtained by the pollco latter is suspected of the a payroll and that lie cat-' a loaded revolver when ho left Chester, gives basis for the theorv that harm may have befallen chauffeur.

The other missing man Uoster Kfttiisbui-g, 35 years oH. who was employed as foreman by a sprinkler company, havln a contract to sprinkler system In a plant in the Bcctlon of city, and who. tlio police say. w.intcd for the larceny of a payroll of Freimutli began their" following- JDavJs 1 reported iey wci-o informed by Lewis another taxi chauffour. that lie bad seen man.

known only as I-ester. enter Davis' car at 11.30 o'clock Saturday morninp; and drive away. Jt was not until tills morning that Kreliniith. workinir on tho mca rc ohie. of a ninn's clvc succeeded i.n'.i*liibl!.ii,iiiK his Ascerlalnin that ho living with his: wife on East I'-road Blrect nenr sfrnr-t dcteutives went there found MI-H Katlierlno ftamsburK- who IT-IVP formation that resulted In tho offlc'ors able to trace Ramsberc's movcmcnta and to verify that lie cr ill-day mornlnfr.

Mrs. Kamslmrg stated that on Frl- i ay husband, foreman, re- payroll of hut. instead nt paying tho workmen the installation of it sprinkler in a plant near Kourlh and Knclr. rC wM lc a taxicab Wlun i wcnt 10 AVhcn ho did not return homo Frl- "Islit, namslnu-K. liavln that on a previous occa- lie bad stayed at a hotel on K-j-it --ixth street near visited Place an.l In one of the rooms Vounrt hr-r husband, who hail been help jwoiile to Ueop outlnff iliomsoti'os ns long live!" to further Ihat prosram were discussed ypsitcrday au the, opening so.viions of tho Ihrf.o-.lay annunl meet UK- of (ho Amorleau A.sbocintlnn for Adult KdiiL'iuion, nieotliiK llouso.

Mwurlhinoro Ciilk'se. More than one hundred oulsUandliiR oilu- leaders from parts of" tbo Linllod Hlntes nltoii.liin.-P. One In ndmvi- Uon for Ki-own-ttps WIIK reni-cscutcd H.v tho. clmh-mnn for the oponlns Mtn- a on, I'rofOHaor .1. liiclmrdson, director of tlio rxtoiudon division lijilvcriilly of California.

Thai Slato university, which more ban any olbcr university Hi Atnerlon has taken on the added job of nldln Htlulls to keep ni, eilnoalli-iK' them- It uinv is 7000 IICM-- Ni'ns thruiiKh corroHi'iojideuci' cnnrBP.s' find uti finrotinu'iit of OOU in iiHlviTslty extension classes In all pans of California. Morse Carl cxocutivo dlrcc- i-, 10 Association f.n- Afliilt announced Unit the Unlvcidlly of a had beet! chosen to conduct a study of what nicthoibi work best hr insirucdon. 'J'h 0 ban marltj jrrant of S5000 for that luvestl atJon, So of ailiill. '7ilr reported, that iho n.fHoclntlon now in contact with Home '100 orgnnlnztiona ot morn Umn local the taxi chauTfcu'r him to and from in company with who had driven -Philadelphia. ejecting the chauffeur from Jlace Uamsburfi said she her hiiHband to task for his tions and jbat ho had replied: "I'm Continued on Two CO-ED BURNS TO DEATH- TRAPPED IN DORMITORY GUARDSMEN TO SAIL SATURDAYTOR PARIS pnn i IP Accompany the nalllc Monuments IRI.D.

Mav 15 NT Sipe. freshman." of Khclby UIHo. was burned to rleath. and thr-c other.s were injured, in an early morn- 1115 fire which partially destroyed Woodlawn Hall. :1 small dormitory whicn houses 22 younp women on the pu8 Ul College t'olIcK" aiilhorltlfs esprosucil th" ef tliat Slpc fainted when trxlnK to escape.

The body was recovered by firemen. Miss Mary Lcvenjjood, of Reading P.I.. Sl7 of former Vnv K- rmer Mayor John McClalm, of Ohio sra sprained both the oa Air Service THIEVES FLEE A milk truck burst into yes- Milk thieves whu-operate i tcmobile todav I milk- from a dairv an au- rjuarts of out into 'c street rchr an ashe rlc bv two quarts of milk. Y7 CLEARING HfJUSE Frencli spent today in drilling in Philadelphia. The men are quartered in (iie l-avalry Arm ory and will Iwva eariy t-atiirday mornin for Hobokon, X.

.1., "-here tiioy will embark on thc S. S. for J-'rancc. K1WANIS SPEAKER J. AV.

Roberls, general superintendent of transportation for tho I ennsylvanla Railroad and chairman of the contact committee of the Atlantic Stales Shipping Advisory Board, will be the -speaker at the weekly luncheon meeting of thc K'l- wanis Ciub, to be held tomorrow noon in thc V. C. A. build ins, Seventh and Sproul streets. Mr.

Roberts has been secured as the speaker for the meeting of the Kl- by Clifford X. Allen. Jocal freight agent for the company. FALL KILLS TAMAQUA. May Jelcn, 37, was dead today as thc result of injuries received when he fell down a night of stairs at his home in Summit Hill.

U. S. TREASURY BALANCE WASHINGTON-. Treasnry balance. May 12, cunoms receipts, $17,438,510.21.

COOUDGE TO SEE HISTORIC PAGEANT A.VXAJ'pLI.S, V.d.. Historic events in the Colonial history of Annapolis and Ibe thirteen original states are beinc rn-' enacted today at a Colonial Day festival at the State Capital. TJiou- f-ands of landers nnd out of state visitors are included in the throngs that arc in this quaint little city on the Severn President and Mrs. Coolidgc will honor tho occasion with tlu-ir presence late today. They will sco Gen George resign his commission in the old State and witness nix other episodes of the Praises Times Ads In speaking of thc results ob- 111 jl3verli! in thc ter olumns of Chos.

Ra 1 0 W. Walters, rifth strect nnd roll twenty-. a fy icnntH 'he Job, at a time when painters and paperhangers arc much in demand PREDICTS GREAT QUAKE FOR MORNINGOF MAY 20 'KABXJSA. Italy, A great that would bo recorded on all seismographs tbo world, was predicted today tlin early morning of 20 Rafnele Bcndandl, seismic expert. snl.l' thai 11,0 would he of Hiron'gcnt degree "IlK accurate loc.ilion," he' added is moat dillicult.

But very it will be felt In Siberia, and the Mediterranean reRlo.n. with in Italy and the Central Andes mountains of America." The National Comimmiiy on, wllh li'-'tidiHiiiru-rH Kwarlh- orn, has Hlnrtcif odiicatluiiiil pro- -ams In nixl.y towns of lha Middle The tniti object of Dr A. Miller, netlnp prusklunt Of In -N coming ihu cwivciili'on. KM "(n pio prirc us lo livo fully when we arc- oO. Dr.

Kob.jrt .1. f.oonard, of Scliool of' -gc. Ctdumblii aa'ld study naturo, of people arut the Prof, NEW JERSEY VOTES AT PRIMARY TODAY TRKXTOX, Afay 3 rt CrS tCrS arC f(ln t''" Is today in one of the most tangled priii.nry races in years. te choice for the DIRIGIBLE ITALIA ON NEW ARCTIC FUGHT ngi? 1 Italia Knnf cf i a t0d Ijmbprto the Tt.iiia's builder and commander, hid been en by Tromitoc that weather condltJon of bo Inti-iiMliii-d anil Rested the UKO of and tlio radio by unlvcrHltiCH to aid this worU. Thcunns K.

an. former Pt-miHylvniila of Kdu- ontlon and now with UK, Kastinan Kodak ComiHiny, told of (IcvflopiiiK motion pic- tiireM, manned cxjicrts in oiluca- tion. How clasps for adults conducted llio Institute of Xnw lire U-anbluK adults to "enjoy thlnkljiK' was told by I'hillp loiiu. of tho fnmlluto. An Investl- Katiori of (hf; rcadlni; of adult-, for whlcn a K'mnt of 10,000 was made by tbo Corporation, is In f'rellminary report was presented by, fi.

Only, of tlie of neat Ion ot the unlvci-Kily of Clilc'iRn, At I a-it Kcusion on "Teit- in llit'lior na Rv- latcd to Adult Kducatlon," Dr. ClmrlpH U. director of Council of Kducatlon porccl thn of thn 70,000.001) in tills r-ountry are reached by no rithor cdu- CflMvc fdctorn man "the movies, thc radio and the a 1 Ap of College, the utnndjtrd American universities bv which educators are rated J.y nnd deBrne.H, rather lhaii by fiualltlc.i of InUMIpcliiiil curiosity. FAIR WEOETfODAY- SHOWERS TOMORROW wentbcr promises fair and nightly warm'-r wpaihcr todav. to be follownd by im-rrwulnj? rloudj- nesa and tho posHlblllty ol showers nl.Kht.

With 100 per sunshine 3 day. the bighrst dosi-fscs. the lowest -18 decrees and Jim SS as compared with a normal of C2 dpfrrecs for the date. Tho 54 0 ock lllls mornlriK- nnO is Kciir-dulnd to set at S.fjn oVlr.ok (Daylight-Savins- Time) this evening. l.ietitcniint Frederick Rowland, Kun of Jliir KU ss Henry U'.

Huso, of Uldlcy I'nrk, was killed yes- Irrdny afternoon when hla piano ninniced into Iho J'oloinuo Ulver whllo ho WHS (lying- 'with terrlHc surpd ivt a tow nltlutdo of 150 foet. Mc-liloiuint Unso yeraa old. Tim occurred flflocn mllfa liLlinv iihoitt o'clocit while Llouteiinnt JJUHO was jirac-" for the to ho hold next Pultn-day. Tho youthful aviator. i body WHS recovered several hours afterwurd by number of moil from the reseuo ti'iund who imt out in Bileedy niolorboats.

When tho rescue sriiind reached tho tioono they could iiml trace of iho body. They located the piano aflor Bliort Rciiri-h. 'I'he air onu't had out by the terrific impact with which it struck tho water. Tho olllcera hnvn been un- nlilt! lo determine whiit en used the rrnsli due to tlio condition of Ihe inncblnr. Tho youthful lienlennnt was trylnj: out iv Votight observation senplniin for tho Curllsn Troimy nu-o noxt Siityrdiiy.

when tho ship tl a'. detily described a sliorl. curve, iitungotl Into Iho river and sank immediately. A niimljei- oC employed SAYS TO MAKE GOOD Dr. Frances Berlingamc Speaks at Clul Mother and Son Banquet tlial the Joy todny Is a anxious lo mnko ood In lifo as Hi hoy of many yearw K0 nnd admon- iHhitiK DIB inolhcri) to allow (belt KOII.I to learn by at tin satiin time guiding them alons th.

way analust harmful inllucnccB, professor education nnd teachors' a College, spoko last nisb IH the nnniial Mother and Him ban nuet and meellnfr of the lli-r club of Cheater. 'J'ha In tho build of tho 1'oiiiik Chrlsllni Association. Ninety-six, persons'wen lircHenl. nuttf.n MncDnile, presidoJi of club, wiin tbo toastmasler. Thc (Jf-ynlloiial period was c-omlucted bv litixr.nhl HIII" AlUjn A elilclccn dinner was nerved by mombers of tlio Club of tbo Institution'.

Murker Todd, vice-president of the senior chaplor, extended tho club' welcome the Mru. OcorK rcsponrled for tho moth nearby held pulmotors in icadmess In CDSJ, the young was dlscov-' alive. After a half hour hojioo for suvliiR the lifn man wero abandoned. Ucui. 1'Juso was passed' the alr- ic imval sorvk-o to tho iraiiKforied from lho As an alrnmii, ho Rained many time and was attached to the bat? lesltp for a time, in ton f- 8t IB CU 0 1 ion jj.

to Keattlc, AVabh nnfl hack, over the "Lindbergh all" a stance of lOOO milea. 'Upon com 1 a 3 Baitol his avenue. Htdtey Park Ono of the iitr trips on vhich ieu tenant lso made startling time HC 'o SanD distance o( more a. 'in and a half I ours nverage miles per ho fa her, iiurtress Huso, staled "BUBO received telephono last ni In hN by Tienton i'odlosv were Kivei Alice Tonpc. with Miss ninKloii an accompanist.

Oil ring the whort business session announcement was mado ot the re of ibe election of ofllccrs fo ye lr: Klllott, presidont Xortliam. vice president OeofKO Hecretary, and AVcslej I'oilloiv, trpa.Kurei-. Announcemcn also was made that tho JD-V Clu! inombers will thc Fort plant, on Thursday afternoon SELF-DEFENSTPLEA IN CHURCH MURDER PITTSflUItOrr, May Kear for his life, inspired by a. serlca of throatR, cnused J. TyrrMI, Mun- Imll m-hool Miporintendent lo shoot rhIIJf) Clark, husband of church cholr-slnRcr to death In the church Sunday, according to a Htatc- r.ioiit Issued todny by J.

Thomas Iloff- coiitiHcl for Tyrrell. Hoffman Indicated that Tyrell will base his flftht for freedom on selt- He said (hat the niRht be- for tlio church ulayinK an unidentified friend called Tyrell at his homo and warned him to "watch out for Clark at church Sunday morning." Tyrell, an attorney, had been retained by Clarlt's, trstraiiRcd wife to Hccurc 11 divorce for her. PRUDENTIAL CO.LOSES $8,000 TO FIVE BANDITS H.UtUISo.V. armed entered the branch ofllco of the Prudr-Mtini Insurance Company hero today, covered the and live t-mployts with Kims, nnd escaped in an automobile willi J8.000 in policy receipts. Thc safp had been opcnt-rl ot a few minutes the hold-up Invaded tbo office.

CAMPAIGN AGAINST ROMTSNUDE ART May fU.C.)— Rome, lilrthplace of modern art, is confronted with purity campaign axalnKt nudity in art, with the Vatican lending- the campaipn. I'rlnco Potcnzlant, Governor of Home, in expected to have to umpire the flr.Ht protest by tho Osservalore Romano, official Vatican nrKan. asalnsl four nude female figures that adorn a new fountain. STRESEMANN ILL QUARANTINE ON DOGS POTTSVn.K. May J'riloliard has orrlered a 100-dnys' 'nmrnntino on ail dogs in Ibis city as the result of several cases ot rabies rcsultlnc from doc bilex tion of Dr.

Gustav Slrcsernnnn, Foreign Becretnry, which was originally reported as ot a slight nature, has developed into a severe alimentary and Uldney complaint. The IK confined to his bed and has been obliged to cancel all his scheduled erection speeches. TWO CONGRESSMEN HURT CITY, May (I.X.S.»—ConRressman .1. Howard Swlck. of county, and Kd- ward Beers, of HvmtlnKton countv, are in a Baltimore hospital todaV suffering from Injuries sustained when Swlck's rar crushed into another machine in Baltimore, accord- Ins to word here.

TWO tN CRASH PITTSBUnOH, 5 dJKnil pt ot was Jellied, and Ins -R'ifc, Mrs. Bevilah Knapp. 35, was seriously injured today when a Harmony route street oav nrapiied Into their automobile at Jnzomar crossing neat- thciv home. Continued on Page Seven FOLK TOPROTEST Assert Proposed Quarters for Road Workers Will Be Menace to Health fU'sldenls or Tillage Green, in Aston township, m-e' theti protests to the proposed establishing- 't commissary nnd bunk workmen who will bo liousfs for employed on a double, franio Btruetuie" iita tWi The for rt that roisis TOT me protests, tho cluJinlnsr that tho unsan'roirj ''1- Vl)1 ticnitli of the community rim work of pavinjr "th to the la H. was not until yesterday Hnou-n th.n the Bp oup nd been to the.

1 IlOUslnR ot workmen and stcns GETS NEW POSITION urm er) Seated nt tho Rn ronrt itauroad. been promoted to the prtJco ol superintendent of lumbus. Ohio Division. becomes effective the Co- Tho change tomorrow. Topics qf Mall carrier en on aro recclvlnfr i bccolr '0 versed in thc knack of female carrying.

A drop from the second-story of her vLT 0 Cm a irl A drop from n. few stories higher up generally cures all aches. Ler a lonlo year, but. after each one is convinced that locomotives can I ways beat 'cm in laco to the A news ftom tells us that thp pnca of Klraffes has doubled since the uar. Uarn the war, nny way.

A stream in Marcus Hook caurrht tiro yesU-rday. That, to suj the least hot news. The thinks tliat radio vaves may be causing- some of tha )ad wcntiier. Maybo the radio-so- iranos arc taking the kind oC ether. Parailoxieal ay it may sound, few vho arc sitting- on top of tha go near the North Pole.

If you don't think lots and lots of ho to political conventions The Weather WASHINGTON, We. sd cloudy, with lo.y lg ht ram west extrem. outh. win TODAVS" CALENDAR 5.45 m. Sets S.07 llph water J1.21 a.

in. and 11.50 m' water 6.13 a. rn. and 6.J4 p'jn Hourly Temperature Record Midnight 1 a. in.

2 a. 3 .1. -I a. n. fi a.

3. a. m. in, m. m.

m. 5" a. m. 34 9 a. m.

3210 a. m. 50 11 a. ro. JCoon 1 p.

m. P- 4S 52 5S 80.

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