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The Times-Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania • 15

The Times-Tribunei
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

13 Tin: SCRANTON TIMES. S.ITUIIDAV. JUNE 2. 1017. ICOAL RUSSU REDS" SEIZECOMDT Times Scranton Business Directory A ClsuLkaUon of Card of Scranton Buslneii inJ relation! Ttopli Compiled In An Alphabetical Manner, I 'hone WOO FDRTHOUR YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN CRAOUATE IT J.

(AL FALFA) GEHRirTTO LEAD SCRANTON SPORTING LEGION IN TOMORROWS BIG PARADE fi filter DC 1 4 III A iM I tfc l-to4Mk4lk tur Kfct ll. -f IM Wwll 9 rfjut ift i ft cw4rvv Hc Ik (fMi A IM fftMkt W)4f MH'tilMiai, I i tty a (imiMMr, lwf iiwtii im IM I 4 IM IWHI ('4 lb 14 Will a Ml 44l4 iomi IM HlUMi lt IM Ail la RvM4tr llM'lkliteM 44 iM in Ik Hmi 1 kflft lfe II44M Mli lllft i MR MUit4 I IMN ll Ml MR! III Kh bl4 A Mrii cut If Ili44 Ml tfe fct44f I lb I ivr44 mm A r4k lb 'Wat VMlR (im ill A i ttvm IM 41 4 Af4 4 fMIMIM Mil fv l4 IM mm 4 nr 4 l.44f win tt'l WM kM lf Vllft IM I vfettb I RMtM IM Mm II Ik 0 MR 4 KftfiHMMk k4 e(Mr will 4 MVf4 AU rNfMMlR m4 flt4 lb Uf rru in rtr tu. (. $NHsr 114 lkA 14 A TMlr. iM It tilt Tt ir rMr.

ik ngbi i jt nr All bl1 nirkTli'l pirrir. rMMmRi fwtU Wtrkt Wmnlo Mir HIT E. J. Coleman To On of Grand Marshal Davis AldsAthletes' Division Will Form On Sprue Street Between Mifflin and Franklin Avenues. WORKMEN1! AND I0LDICRV COUNCll.

TAXI! POIIIkiiON OR fORTREtl AND RiCUkCS TO RECOGNIII PROVHIONAU GOVERNMENT. Patrograd. Jjna 1 T1 provtioal will anlea.or to o-'caia la.ovatioa of Iba cats of th rou 1 of workman and ye'erdey aa-auming control of tha rtr of ('roa. atadt, tha principal dafeaaa of pwtrw. grad.

journal of tha workmen's and aaldlara' announr.d today that onrtalion of property and ntunay may naca.ary owing to th alow I regreaa mad In obttning uba-rii ttooa to th I. Party loan. Vat Wag TIP 40. Th vota by hi, I ha rouactl timid control of wag lid to 49. eight not cotirg.

Henceforth, they announce. Cron.lajt a ralatlont with ttrogra1 and (h re-reainder of Itu.ii Il bo rgulat, aolely by tha Poungred branth of tha deiegatea .1 The Lo, al workman' and aoldlck lioba.n. In preaepung the dlplomea bad 1 Cronaiadt proclaim that tt a word or two relative to th. school th. hat taken In hand CciunJ lw1 fMtrdar nm4 Ed.

ward J. Clmaa aa ana of hit eld la march at tb th per ad Earlier In tb th apurtama ea I I i Mr CaUmw aa grand marahal thair diiion and auil hold, that rang Mr Celatnas 111 be on hand to gat tha mmtra ef th tgtn in lir and a hr Ih priK.utan mw Ui join Coloaal Iu and hi tT Th legion will then ba In rharg of Jr4 At ralfel Oarrity. who wtll act a command.r In chltf Ur Oarrity la a member of Th Time ate ft end ei.o en athlet Innr member or the Cetholio tlug, il A. and the thoetew A. C.

CieeandM rr itjCa RtaS. t'omniaadar Oerrtiy today earned th fnlloaiiig welt knnan young men guard, of honor In the aportlng legion: E. W. H' ho. director at Wa.ton field and on nf ty rlly a beat known athlete Tommy Connora th fiellevu bfil Tummy Karguaon.

tha prlda of Iuodll. Jimmy ghe. th Nativity ITac f.vorlt TJaard K'l well known (Ira rv ftldg and central city ballplayer. Tommy Ulnty, Pina linv.k a fa vorita An Charles Hbtion North Hrranton twAt)ail L-ayer. Thomas All K.

bn rant tor (A turnout c( fimbtri of Tb. Tim. trtui in to. re.rro" a of for.nina yuo man who fur military under Ih.

prtitl.lon. of th i llv. draft It. Alhlalea, hoi.ra, baa, ball, football and ba.katbalt playar and men aouva tn tha aport will march with th l(ln, hluh ha baan aa.ignad lb placa of honor in th pro caaaion. diractly behind th rolloanien and at tha ha4 of th tirade Colonel f'avld Iuvii chief of and Captain John SJ, Court hav approved of th orianiaetlon of (h lof.on but.

din fua ef ni entr Uffu keure II le tl I I A and I I I Sunday I ba I It Ann rdAAOoN FLA ST Ml AP RlFFtT CO Cement. a piaaer la aar deird fMRiuwe 1 4 1 1 ewA Idge etrei betfe pbaA and deciar tha niember of ll era an- Heddlngtnn pre.ideht of tb Keyaton. titled to a place of honor e.gU Herald klurray fre.iderjt of riANO TTJS I 'CL ctaTirfEn fiblic AomnrrAjfT. Mannbars of th logion will form fer th. parade gund.y at 2.30 o'clock In th TOO black of Ul rj FI A NO Tl'rE MABB A CASEET fdun( plane lar Fiawo tuned rfu Inlnd a ad a4nd.

4 m.t.oi. JOHN G. SHERWOOD Cartlfiad puklle eccwaatAAt. Ml IM Ears a tea L4t bu 1 1 i a a SeraaioA. fa tea, be ef rwr.r.ere.

furei4 I Iprwo. etrwet. which It batwoan Prank 4 44 If ire III Lie 4. etrwet lift and Mifflin snd th (Tty league, and Mat! IjnoU, former er retary to the rlfv rlvll rv-lc rommleaton and a member of the Town Hall A rLlMblhO AVD IlKATIkU. CLKAkrao Ann rsKsanvo.

bvmuh bAk bslwv TK imn ff'CA. If you havt not yot rogiatorad you can da a tom.r. Vn 1 of th' leg on raw while th lag. en is making raedy IS wt. the popumr pugl'lat.

will march. If you ar an athlat th banner No on will kind com around and join th colors. Joaeph Naradaroek, Scranton a champion pttl'ih wrrelllrr 1 rarry Old r.d a unlfirm In th Irflon and all will I oryirra mi ihiit rrss ivyM'g i4sfdAArA fkiumk'rif is4 kssdnf llnnliS NfhH Ak4 kvUilKA At4vS fPlA AM riUSSCM, r1 tlAt sod Clkawiwo Ubltl in te.miea at v.iwi twar. rwSr.leg at i.Mine Work eaiiw fee aa eel I -ere lar Hub Py. w.rka 111 Laeaewaaaa.

SvITm, arrmiip Timra coirosL power of Cronaiadh that It do nog rcofnla th provisional and that It ha removd all th goraw mnt ri rnttiva The mlnleter nf Justice hat notlfl! hla colleagues of thi development, and bv their direction ha communicated with the Cronatadt council writh a view to IndJ'-tng It lo revok lta orders Six Thousand Cl wok 8tnka Th unrt In Petrograd ha bB augment-! by th tnk of I W0 clrk in ahop They ar demanding doubt wages, retmaitlve alnc th start of th war. which would an qulvalnt of from I0 0O0 to to end rouble (l.00d to gtoonoi jar c)rk Many shop wer cioaed today, proprietor declaring thv would remain Pom owner Instated ven If the clrkr demand wei acceded lo th men wouldi not work Twenty-flv hopkprg complied with their employ demand a No additional detail wer received today on yexterday a rioting at Kiev, where IS boo wer aa tn have org.inl,! a formidable dcmonatralion In proteat against Minister of War Kernk va rigorous order punishing deaertlon with penal The latest Information waa that a number of rioter wer killed and wounded. Lacks. Double-Xread Tiie 411 Undsm Ws r(rss4 old tir maa! (a Bv, far It IS up to It 4 Boll Till DERVAS DERVAS CO. WIrImeW etrsrs iskssss hf esh fr A41 kinds (hr 0 frRhlls TAIlfAH.

rcBrrrm rmouiTFaco. SCHANTON TAXICAB CO ONI TAXI- sb Mmpsti) is (s 4tn busts wtk mtrs srsrchsvf Nw quipmsol i FAoo. I. fOo. Dcksvsnn iusa LACK.

UPHOLSTERING Co. Furnliur msds rdr, rufslrad spkt.L psrd, rssonsbi rtrAA (21 MutM.ry fbn miJ a4 Tb a draft Clfjr OrdiA I An a mr4I a lb MRtcii IM tlr bt Amnion, CHAKLti tttaTPrAHU Artlnf Off Mb FILE or THE WM IL SO 1. ml I AS rtUlN40l rrnl4if fer An lm ErdiMf On Na1i4 Thn4 fluri U444 of cur o4 far ik fu'imH Part fa jj Inpli jilnei tn4 Fof4 Mif i tar nit Addi tion I 4t Nd I In Krarl And u)9 hiM for ompr I. Ai ittrul far nend Fr in. Auta roc'll for HtImsa Fir 4 A'arm.

A44i 1 1 Ml I fc4frQd Wiring Snr Trn miKir for fir nd Fiir Alarm Tt- I 1 Widiatu t'alvn rr lAf(t rrM Sk mi Mrt fffr(. AfpB kt Rrid. Pr-hM of Two TfukA e'ptr'mont of Pabiir Wrki, Cltf 0M(i 1hdrtr itrt Frh of Aphll Hallf, (on ttrwrtia of EitBtna 'Rl Ninth AviRR. Kplm Nrtk Min Aviim Hlfia Block firrmtni Wt L(a4 ca Huil And C4r An oppH LArl Lin btnfion aa4 Oi bf HfMii an tt a Alphili Cempltti Mutld'nf Nr Am FrM tlRaron of FrMU GrrtbHJM, I Nr An For tA4ninff and Impio- mnl North 4 of Mrkf K(rt, 5 Buas Kortb Main And b'lrn Anu. I Comfort ftiAdon Providoar Aquar.

RMitar nd Comfort Atanan Ai Nor Af Fork BmdHnt Cttl Mif Entrkpc CM(rurlion of 1 lvrt at Stafford A nuc end Locuit ntrt and I'roidinA fr lh Croatian of a kinkinf Fund for tb Kadrrap ion Tbrf liriion It ardainod by lb Council j4 mt (h Mr of Scranton and "I I Mr by ordeintd by th gthorUy of tb tlul for th purpooAi hrmfir forth In thi ordiMBc. ik mayor to brty uiborii4 to iu city coupon or rfltr4 bon'4 to an amount not -dtn on bun 4rd tbouaand dollar if 140 4491 and maa Krvifiua to nail th am Said band hail of th dnomiawoa of thousand ill SO tarh, with tntnrant coo fon atiat h4 If datrd by tb purrhan, and ahali numbarsd from on to on hundred tl to 144) inHusiv and ahatl ha aifoed by th mayor, and th of th city ehatt ba affti4 and duty attatd by th city clrk Ha id bond hall ba datd July lit 1P17 and tby ahall redeem Able Mmlnafter epaclflad, and ahnlt War Internet at rata not aicdmf four and ae half par cent (4Sf pr par annum payable semiannually on lb first day of January and July in each year, at th of fir of the City Treasurer of th City of Hrraoton without deduction for tare tax tb pymn I of which la her hr umed by th city If Interest coupon Are de'rd by the purrhaer they shall executed by th Itthofraphed eianatur of th mayor, and ehail paabl pml-Annually on th first daye of January and Ju'y In ea year at the offli of th City TTeaeurer of the C't of Hrraftton Hc Wald bond hal) rdemable and paid by the ('tty Treaeurer In th order of thetr number a follow Bonds numbered on to four (1 to 4) In elusive, July 1st ISIS and four Mi bond TrLCAMHO. DEKTIRTL high orade tire am tube rcfair work don so short nolle Alo bi Us nf-fsod tirs Auio ttr r(islr ihap MuiMrrjr irt i STRATTCi.V T) 111 CdaI Ei(Mr affair of th diatrut and rloal by I uiglng Ir Spark, auditor to r.morn-bar ri4 put Into practlr auggra-tlon coulalnMl in th noted 1uitor'a ta.k Talk On Obdino. tk Ith a awing and a dash, th pro-rm tartd, th flrat part being given ovr to a aong recital Dunmor high not only turn out fin achelar It ha Ih hppy faiulty of developing many good volrra They rr, heard to ad-vantaar night, Thr wr number hf tn high achool chorua boy' choru. glrlF chorua An orcheatr romid of atudenta of th arhool wa heard In evraj niiml.ei Dr Spark wu right at hom In hla talk on "Utiedtenca" Hi them, -ud, 1 to plav no amall part tn th war Juat ntrd by the l'nttd Statea the doctor pointing out that one reason fur calling on th younger men of the nation to antwar th flrat call la th ahlllty to train them Inataut obedience to authority ()b diene, the head of Ptat said, hould taught In the home Th boy or girl who la taught to be obedient In and about th home will gii hla or hr parmta little to worry about In after day Doctor Spark did not hea.iat In aayln that thr la a at difference In th obedient on And In the average Immigrant and native.

Tha former hold officer of the law In reapect. Invariably tha native ha, nothing hut contempt for the man In uniform. Mu, Stem Get Honors. Mia Anna 1 Pteln carried off tha honor In the academic course and Mitt Margaret Kennedy waa awarded tli at place among the graduate In th commercial department. Thoe given diplomas follow lAtin Scientific courae Belva Pamta Willard J.

Da via. Ethel Dterka. Kmily K. Devine. John J.

DMigherty, Thomas Evane. John E. Griffith. Anna Gilroy, Walter B. Harwood.

Wellington Jarknn, LYank Jon, Gertrude I. Miller. Florence J. McLane. C.

hamhnm Teikene, Kenneth Potter, Anna Stein Helen Smith. France Twaddle, Maud A. Wilson. Oommerclul courae Thomaa Allen, Elliabeth Barrett, Ruth M. Gardner, G.

Frd Hower, K. Willard Hallock. Margaret M. Kennedy, Kretchen Lord, Florence E. Marsh, Angela Manley, Mary E.

McLane, walk M.mhor nf th rn carry mall Amrrtran flag If thy lalr Th following r.d-hlrwlnd apnrta-I mn wr In th l.arion tnd.y 1 Jnhn Hannon, William Ci'tHo I Vltr Whit Frank Hnn Vfiiton SihHlrr. Sam Sura-1 (III Jam, (To John Corhy Thoa (Var Chrl FVly lnrg I.o Fla-tr Tar.rk Iannn Jam i'rriian Mlcharl Hya Arthur Andrr.nn Wlll'im and Marrtty, Sam Rl.kin Mlk Vanon rntrik liftua, Joi)rh MrCron, Jam Horan. Jarpra Conway, Fnrbr Quinn, Frank Catanaugh, Jocph Flnlny. Muhael FXrrll, John Fnnnant. Ftanly I'onkO, Krr.

John kmirlik Jam Mc-IVmald Jk Hendriik and Marty Tic, all haartall pUcveia Ed Fanning, Tom Conrad John Tennant, Jo Roger and Jam Kelly Hill McHugh, of Went Horanton. who I a atudent at the i'nlvaralty of ntta-hurgh reaohnet Scranton today and Immediately nllied In th aportlng legion Martin Harnark. champion heel and tow walker of th Catholic club and handball alar, alao enrolled today Thre letter received today read: Sporting th ellglhl member of th Mohawk A C. dlr to enroll In Ih Sporting Legion that I to parad undav Mid club hi, made OI AS CCTTEBS WANTED kMOOTHERf a nam for It-elf In amateur porU Applv Vlirkhm Cut (II. compmny.

Gib- I thick hire enough patriotic and hlood In tl to participate with thej legion In th pa rd nd Wyoming avenue, hcranton HAT CLEANING. LAUREL HAT CLEANING Shnp I2X LsrkiwERRS. Mst lsnd sed r-mndtisd to Any stflA Fric rtMOGabls CHEVROLET WOTDR CAR SALES 1 ICHEISIG RAPIDLT HERE HONEST Cr HO LATE AIR O. Fur rtA lo Th TIovaa Scrsntoa Busi snd a rsprs- HONEST UPHOLSTERING Hont work At hint yrls IrnnlMl Upkoisiarins C. 411 LIa4sa Hotli pboAA nas Dfrctry pboo I 404, sntAtlvA will csll you LEOAL.

MALS HEir AMKD, fnr tM iBCorportUoQ and nfslsOAQ of er-tstn corporations spprorsd April 24th 1474, and th oupplamanis thsrsto, for th ehtrior of sn lntndd eorporatloa to csHwd Automobll Company of Rcrsnten. i th (hsrsctsr snd ob)ct of which is ths i msnufsciurlnf rspsirlnp buylnf sailinf loACinr snd dtlins In nutomobiks, motor i truck And othsr vshlclss sutomoblls sup-; pUs snd Accsssortss And for thsss pur WAITER ED A ADDBEM 0. Get Outof the r.lonos A ST Tlraa CA I Price ef Various Medela Remarkably Lew, Quality and Srvic Con-aidarad. Recently th aalaa of the Chevrolet motor car have been advancing In tfila city by leapt and bound. Thera la a reason for tht.

and the reason If that th Chevrolet la a car that ery man can own. Its lnltal coat la within th reach of almost every purse. The upkeep coat Is also remarkably low. Th car may be purchased according to It varloua model at prices ranging from I6S5 to fS75. Each model will malt twenty-five miles on one gallon of gasoline and a guarantee and aervtc go with every Chevrolet car sold.

Ilm-mediata deliveries aro also to be obtained. Among the local people who hav recently taken advantage of these things said have purchaaed Chevrolet from th Scranton Motor Sales com- WANTED A TORTLR BACK I 8 217 Washington avenue poors to hs posaosA snd snjoy sll ths 1 hsnsflts snd prlvtlsyss of th said w. jci and Its supplsmrnts HUBLKK, Rolloltor Fsr tbrAftsr. 194) Thl hy Crorgm I.o Plter, Pal rtk O'Maller and I.eo Langen. ftportlng Legion Th manager, of th KTton Amateur Bewhall leagu In regular night, unanlmoualy Toted to postpone their garnea rhduled for Sunder Jun a to take part In th aportlng legion rtioD of th parade.

Tb mamirera rafled a reaolutlon eom-endlng 1 Time, upon lta fortght In WANTED GOOD RTEADT MAN FUR night work In lunch room good pay for right pArty Address U10. Tlrns BALER SEEf WANTED. 'WANTED MAN TO ASSIST AT LUNCH counter Apply Seranton House Wantd Young marrlad man, mbitio worker, for almn outdoor. Fifteen doll wkly and oommlaion fifty dollar -ourity rguird. Don't apply un-la you want atady work and ar looking for advancement.

Kolba Bakery. rranffitipr thU motion wrv niann(nr LiicIIf E. McCarthy, Edward C. Nal DISTRICT RKPRE9ELNTATIVER WANTTD Make $304 a month sure Wntroouclng Quick sailing automobll device and appointing agents Writ now before some on else gets your territory Oxygenerator company, )919 South Michigan avenue. Chicago.

Hi EXPERT FORD MECHANIC WANTED TO I take charge of shop, must hav six years xpaneac, good wages, steady position, ex-iilpt opportunty to right man, must be married Address giving reference, wages, leu Box Ri Times ous. Mary A Ruane, Anna M. Rutledg, Joseph Reilly, Harriet Wwlft, Florence Walah. Catherine E. Webber, Floyd C.

Walt. WANTED SALESMAN LABOR WHOLE- ale grocary company with aetabllahed trad In Rcranton district wants experienced grocery salesman Apply by latter to A Hammond Jerniyn Hotel, Scranton. Appii cation will be treated in confidence SALESMAN A LIVE, AMBITIOUS MAN; MUST BE AITOMOBII.E INSTRUCTION BOOK. driving repairing, examination question. rente postpaid Money bark if r-, fil Thoma company, Dpt Grnt- OVER 31 YEARS OLD; CAN SECURE A DESIRABLE, I hufti-ers we pat jc each for names Rand for contract in tour section Inetant Vuicanlser, Dept Chicago PERMAXE POSITION General course Claude B.

Spencer. I pany, 236 Adams avenue, are. Inger-Latin-Sdentlflc course with college oll-Rand company, 610 Spruce street; credit Frank J. Lyons. h.

J. Sutton, of Coal Lands Security Certificates for studies completed company; C. O. Sutton, of Coal Land Marguerite S. Butler, Mary M.

Regan. Security oompanp; WlllUra Jeffrey. Underwood, Canlo L'Andrea. undertaker. Dunmore, Mrs.

Prank Mack, 625 Noith Main avenue, Scranton; V. B. Birtley, Scranton. A. A.

Walter, International Salt company; H. Madden, Hotels Holand and Nash. HATE SALESMEN WANTED EXPERIENCE ITN-ncceeaary, ears while you learn, writs for large list of opening and testimonials from hundreds of our members who earn $166 to $504 a month Address nearest offics Dept 244, National Salesmen's Training association, Chicago. New York, Ban plaver for tb draft promised to mrh Bnnilnv. Your, 'loan sport n-1 pfroMm, THOMA5 KDDI VC.TON, rrealclsDt Kytoli League.

ftportlng Lcirn Th City Amateur BahJI liMtgit of Krmnton. will out In full ilrrngtht with th aportlng Isglon tomorrow in! will In 1 brsnohe, nsmrlr Hvd Park hr WlllUra Srhrodr, Llnonln Hlghta led bv Stanley Rdnmndu riindll bv Harry ONeill: Pnnmore hr M. -T Twn Smith Side by Martin Nealnn Bellerue. bv Jak Relden-baoh All hranrhri will contain the plavr of aoh team and lta followera. We will mt In th 100 block of Sprue afreet at 2 oclock and will be readv to march Hoping that tb legion will make a good showing.

I am Vary lrnl voura, OFRAI.n MCRRAT. Praaldent Cltv I-engue. Everything I get now and It I tip to the young men active in the world of aporta to mnke a good showing Show 1 AMERICAN FLIERS ANTBODT CAN INCREABK THEIR IN-coma $10 00 (o $40 Oft weekly, spare time, rstalng mushrooms in cellars sheds, boxes Success guaranteed Free illustrated booklet Htrsm Barton. 333 West 48th Street. New York 8ALE8MEN, $40 44 WEEKLY AND $5 444 44 yearly from reorders, we give merchant $1 Oft chewing gum vending machine free.



FITTY DOLLARS PER WEEK AND Upward contracting new process advertising film, delights public and advertiser; only capable responsible men considered; splendid proposition Artfilm Studios. Inc, Box 418, Cleveland. WASH MAN WANTED AN EXCELLENT position is open for the right man Apply Immediately, Heeeler Laundry company, 143 North Main street, Wilkes Barra. Pa. SALESMEN TO TRAVEL ON COMMIS-sion selling retail trad Shrlts, underwear.

hosiery, ladies' and children's dreeaea waists, skirts general merchandise Samuels Manufacturing company, 503 Broadway. New York. DRAUGHTSMEN WE HAVE AN OPEN-In In our engineering dpartment tor a young man who aspires to a tool designer and who haa draughting experjece and ability and ahop experience Apply to Mr Hsgsr-trom, Victor Typewriter company, Wyoming avenue and Poplar street. WANTED A PORTER APPLY AT Backua' cat. JIT North Wajhlngton PORTERS WANTED.

BELLBOYS AND Hotel Jermyn BOY WANTED FOR SODA FOUNTAIN; must be over 16 Apply Matthew Bros WANTED A MAN TO ASSIST AT LUNCH oountar. Apply Scranton House WANTED IS LABORERS; OUT OP TOWN Construction work, Ho per hour, also ton Journeyman brick miwna 2o per hour; steady work Herbert L. 'William Co 42 Coal Exchanfo. FOUR SALESMEN Men who can me4nr up to th standard of an organization whro Incoma rnf from $5,000 to $20,000 per yar Tho dean Mt, moot profitable talas opportunity In Scranton; I want man of character and orc who will appraciat eo-optratioo of tha highest grad and opportunity for prompt advanosmsnt to managerial position of trust and permanent income. rrencs required Writ Box CIO, Scranton Times, arjlvetoUjTonejiumber DRIVER BOT WANTED OVER 16 Allen, 601 Washington 8LAO ROOPERS WANTED: GOOD WAGES Ehret Booting and Manufacturing company.

Illl North Ninth street. Philadelphia APPLY FIRST-CLASS MACHINE MAN. Washburn, William A Co 8TR0NO BOY, It TEARS OLD, FOR wholesale store; reference rogulred Write to Reliable Provisions company, city WANTED A FIRST-CLASS BHOE9HINER. steady work, good wagex, short hours, no Sunday work Ball utek, 109 North BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES KEEP BUSINESS RUING, ROIIiSES HUPP COUP The Hupp Motor Car company ha sent a letter to the Bates Motor Car company, of Scranton, pointing out that it is necessary for the United States to keep business going as usuai although the nation is at war. Similar letters havs been sent to all agencle of the company throughout the coua try.

In part the letter reads: "Keep business as usual; keep every workman supplied with an income by purchasing the products of his skill. You have as much money or morn money than you had yesterday, so do not curtail your purchases. Economlz on food because the government need the utmoat fqod production of this country to feed the armies which ar fighting for democracy. IX not be travagant In anything, but do not economize to the Injury or the nation on those things which ydu have been la the habit of buying. "Do not stop with your personal efforts to keen the business of the nation on an even keel.

Preach this gospel tn every one you meet. Tell your friends, your congressman snd senator, the editor of the newspaper you read tell every one that you, as a loyal American, have confidence in the security of your country. Ask yourself and ask your neighbor how long your earning power would last if all patronage ofl labor and skill was shut off. Take tha lesson to yourself and carry it home to every man, woman and child you meet. Make It your business to teach tha value of living, buying and thinking today as you lived, bought and thought yesterday.

"In doing this, each one of us will be "doing his bit for the welfare of tha United States quite as much as by carrying a gun in Prance. Keep the nation sane and prosperov-t. so that wa may the better meet the obligations of the great moral war on which tha country has embarked. 1 ORDERLY WANTED. APPLY MOSES TAT-lor hospital.

"PERRY AUTO LOCKS SAVE 16 PER cent- to 30 per cent, on Insurance premiums; splendid opportunity for capital investment. Parry Auto Lock, 1240 Michigan avenue, Chicago. Sc I 8std bonds shsll bs Issusd In sr-eordsnes who th provisions of tbs set nf jrsnrl sassmbly ntltlsd 'An st rulst Inc (h msnnsr of inorsssinf tbs lndsbtad-Bks of muntolpslitlas snd provtdlnc for th redemption of th ssm. snd imposlnf panslMs for th 1UrsI tncrsss throf Approved 20th dy of April. 1174 And slso undr ths provision of th sot.

ntltld Art for th fovernmant of citi of th Ascend cissA. Approved 7 1 dsy of Msrch. A 1101. and tb amendments snd supplements of said arts hsc 4 Raid bonds shall dnom1nstd 'Munlripsl Improvsmtnt Bonds 1417, snd hall prepared for issus by th City C)rk And City Roltntor snd shall duly sifnd and ssld aa provided by Section 1 of this ordinance Sc i Tpon th Issue snd before ths delivery of said bonds th City Clerk shell provide book In whirh a rrelstry of eatd ponds hsl) bo Wept, and sld liende shell marked by the City Clork aa rKistered. how i rtf the book snd pat where such refistry is kept, and If said bonds are is-sued without coupons ths City Treasurer hall pay ths principal and Interest to the psrson or persons named as the holder of said bonds In the refistry kept by ths City Clerk But If said bond are leaned with Interest coupons attached the City Treasurer shall pay th principal to the person or persons named ss ths holder of said bonds in th refistry kept by ths City Clerk and ehail pay ths Interest to th person or persons holding said coupons Bee 4 The maor is hereby authorised to sell and dtapo of said bonds for ths best pries obtainable, at not less than par and accrued Interest, with ths rlfht reserved to reject any and all bids No proposal hall be considered unless accompanied by cash or certified check on sn incorporated bank or trust company In th sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000 00), which said sum hall, upon ths awarding of said Issue of bonds to the successful bidder, Immediately Apply on eatd bonds, and In the event of the successful bidder failing to pay the balance of the money on said bonds when they ar ready for delivery, the one thousand dollar ($1,000 00) shall be forfeited to the oity; ths proceeds of said sale, together with any premiums which may ba received In connection with said sale, shall be paid to tha City Treasursr as provided by law The money that may be realized from th sale of said bonds shall be used for ths purpose of paying the expenses Incident to such issue, and the balance shall be used, applied exclusively, and is hereby appropriated for the following purposes Two triple pieces and two Ford motor care $14 450 0ft Renovating engine houses 3.000 Oft Additional funds needed to erect and equip bouse for engine company No 3 3.000 Oft Auto patrol for Second precinct 1,000 00 Auto truck for division fire and police alarm Additional underground wiring New transmitter for fire and police alarm telegraph Widening culvert ever Leggett creek on West Market street Repairing Spruce street bridge Purchase or two tracks.

Department of Public Works City share Theodors street subway 13.000 Oft Purchase of one asphalt 1,100 00 Construction of retaining wall along Ninth avenue Replacing North Main avenue Bel- tlan block pavement. West lnden to Howell, and Cedar avenue, opposite Laurel Ljp eta-and and other streets, with asphalt Completing soo building. Nay Aug park 7,800 00 Extension of present greenhouse. Nay Aug park 8,000 00 Widening and improvement ef north aide of West Market street, between Norti Main and Wayne avsnqe 3,800 00 Comfort station at Providence Square 10.000 00 Shelter and comfort station at Nay Aug park 10,050 00 Remodeling city hall entrancee 2,000 00 Construction or a culvert at Stafford avenue and Loouat 1,600 00 Sec This Issue of bonds will be guaranteed as to genuineness and certified to by the United States Mortgage and Trust Co of New York ec. 8.

Until said bonds, issued as herein provided, shall be fully paid, there is hereby vied and assessed annually upon all subjects now by law liable, or hereafter to do made liable, to assessment for tsxatlon for city purposes, a tax sufficient to pay the Interest on said bonds, and also the lum of four thousand dollars which la hereby appropriated and applied as a sinking fund for the payment of said bonds and interest when and aa the same become due and payable. The amount of sa4d levy being sufficient to realize the sum of money required to pay ths Instsllmsnts of a-ld bonds aa they fall due in accordance with ths terms of this ordinance, and also to realize sufficient money to pay ths semiannual interest on the bonds authorised to he issued by this ordinance Sev. The funds realised from ths sals of thts issue of bonds shall be paid Into the City Treasury, and the City Treasurer and the Mayor shall caiee the said funds to be Immediately placed at Interest in such bonks in tha City of Scranton as have been designated by resolution of City Councils, until such time as said funds may be usd In accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. WANTED MARRIED MAN OF THE first class; houae-to-houae canvassing and delivering, tea and coffe business, good aalary and commission Ad dree, Bb, Times MAN AS 81 ROOMING HOUSE FOR 8ALE, CENTRAL. good condition, full; parties leaving town.

Address Box G9, Timas office. GOOD STRONG PORTFR. APPLY TENDENT, MAIN GLOBE STOKE. By WILBUR FORREST, United Preas Stair Correspondent. Paris.

June 2 German aviators are concentrating their hate on the American fliers In the Lafayette escadrelle. No machine flying the Stars and Stripe is given a fair chance in single combat, the enemy trying to overwhelm it with a number of fighting planes. Dr. Edmund Gros, chief organiser of the famous corps, made this state ment today In voicing an appeal lo Americans "back home" to give the eacadrUle moral and material support. When an American aviator appears In the sky It is a signal for an enemy attack In fore, he declared.

"The American flag and the Indian head, the squadron's emblem painted on their planes, have but one meaning to the enemy and that is revenge against America. Our aviators are not given chance to fight an equal' fight; they must fight against several, and they are doing It with a bravery that ought to be better known in the United 8tate. These men are upholding America's honor with their lives, and mostly on funds scraped together by interested Americans. The American war department has not even sent the uniforms yet, although they fly the Stars and Stripe. Let the American government back up the flag and this American bravery with real support; let them grant these men st chance to fight the enemy on equal terms.

I am sending this appeal to Americans through United Press an appeal for support and for and comforts for their compatriots. "Take the case of young Clyde H. Balsley, of San Antonio, Tex. He worked his way to Europe on a cattle steamer, landed with $3 in hla gKcket, offered his services at the Pau Aviation school, fought with the Lafayette esca-drllle at Verdun and is now in a hospital, his body shattered by an explosive bullet which may make him an Invalid for life, if he survives. He needs comforts and the support of his fellow countrymen." AP- MAN WANTED TO RUN ELEVATOR, ply at Stat hospital CHIEF AMERICAN.

AGE S6. WITH BU8INE8S ability, will Invaat 11.000 with service In going business In city or country; give particulars tn reply. F6. Times. WANTED FIREMAN APPLY engineer, Hotel Jermyn.

WANTED CHEF AND WAITER; GOOD pay Apply between 6 and 7, 626 Penn avenue WANTED YOUNG MAN FOR GROCERY store. Address F2, oar Time. FOR SALE FRUIT, CANDY AND CIGAR store, doing toed business. 1609 Jackson Street, West Side. FIREMAN WANTED.

APPLY STATE Hospital. WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED SHOE-makers. Apply 801 Washington avenue Bella's Quick Shoe Repairing company. 811 PENN AVENUE. BARBER WANTED.

Picon. GET YOUR SHARE OF MILLIONS BEINO made In oil fields at Sourlake, Texas; 11 down, 91 monthly nine months, buys lot with Interest in co-operative well; may make you 110.000. Send for free map) particular and proof Mid-Western offlcee, Sourlake Texas Oil company, 9002 Ann, St. Loula, Mo. WANTED HOUSEMEN AND PORTERS for th country.

Apply Early's Employment Bureau, 249 Wyoming avenue. WANT ED ASSISTANT 'DRUGGIST; qualified Address FI, Times office the public that the sporting fraternity Is mad lip of elean-rut chan who are readv to do thHr "hit" for tn Star and Stripe Rememner that If you havent regleterpd yet do so tomorrow afternoon with Grand Mnrshal Coleman, Commander Cerrlty or any member of the guard of honor of the legion. MOOSIC LAKE SCHEDULE Commencing Monday, June w. h. 4, and until further notice, cars will run every two hours, com mencing 6:15 a.

m. last car 4:15 p. m. Last car leaving lake 5:15 p. m.

Adv. J3t3 DEMAND INCREASES FOR THE TRUCKS The Maccar Sales corporation, of 529 Linden treet, Scranton. Is being kept buey at this eeason distributing the famed Vim delivery car, W. A- Christ is the prealdent of the company and P. K.

Crtblet la the treasurer. There are 20,000 progressive American merchants paying for their Vim trucks out of their delivery savings. The Vim delivery car is hailed as the only delivery unit scientifically built to help a merchant out with his delivery expenses. It doesnt take much time for the purchaser of a Vim to get back the cost and also some dividends along with it So that all people may have the opportunity or getting the benefit of the Vlgn truck, the Maccar Sales corporation has deferred payment plan that will be presented on request. The chassis Rells for $665: complete with open express body, the machine sells for 9715; with closed panel body it sells for 5745.

GOODRICH TIRE C09M IKES EXTENSIVE TESTS To know a tire, you must test it on the touchstone of tire merit the road. Six fleets of the Goodrich test cars putting the road test dally to Goodrich Black Safety Tread tire confirm the unit mold unbroken cure that Goodrich has unwaverlnig championed, as the beet construction for fabric tires. While three fleets are pounding Goodrich tires on the Pacific coast, over the mountain trails of Yellowstone and Glacier parks, and across the plains of Kansas, three other fleets are testing them agralnst different trials, and different climatic condition in Dixie, smldst the lakes of Minnesota nd In the hill of New ETngland. The durability and all-around service of Goodrich tire are proved bv the million of mites of rough roads they cover without trouble of any description. The local Goodrich distributing station Is'at 817 Linden street.

Subscribe for The Times. SITUATIONS WANTED, WANTED TOUNG MAN TO RUN ELB-vator, Mears building, must be 19 yaar old. Apply Room 614. ADVERTISER CONTROLS REMARKABLE process for manufacturing important necessity tn building construction; ready world market; no competition; will revolutionise building Industry any one having few dollars to Invest, write today. Universal Firebrick corporation, HO Weat Fortieth.

Naw York. AMERICAN, AGE 38, WITH SELLING and exacuttve ability, who would travel, aeok opening with local firm; have own car. Address F7, Tlmss TEAMSTER WANTED LUDWIG T. BTIPP, 1222 Union Bank building. BOT.

16 YEARS, WITH BICYCLE. of any kind for Saturday afternoon and avenlng. Address P. 709 South Irving YOUNG MAN'1 FOR HIP- ping room. Experience not required.

Address Shipper, care Times. BUY AMALGAMATED OIL. 9f BUTS 1,000 twenty producing well: many valuable lease to drill; atock may double in price eoon Writ for free Information Amalgamated Oil company, 1109 Coloord building, Oklahoma, Okie. SITUATION WANTED BY GIRL FOR GEN-oral housework in a grown family In th city. Pleats call or address to 622 Wyoming avenua COMPOSITOR WANTED.

STEADY WORK. Tha Horn Printery, Cxrbondala BIG PROFITS SHARPENING SAFETY raxor blades; great opportunity; bladee going up; permanent; lecal and mail order; no experience; little expense, free advertising service; easy payments. Odell Manufacturing company, Lo Angeles 8ALESMAN. MARRIED, AGE 80, FIVE yeara selling experience, would like local work, inside or outside; would consider clerlcal'work. Address Times.

WANTED TWO BOYS. ONE 16 AND ONE 15 yaa.r old 423 Raca itraat. UNCLE SAM OIL STOCK. 19,000 SHARES at sacrifice pries; dividend payable July 6th. T.

J. Coughlin, Edgerton. Kans. YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES A POSITION at houaework, whers a three-year-old child could ba taken Address Box FI, Times office WANTED 164 OPERATORS. WAGES 82c to 42o par hour Living quarter provided Apply employment offlca, Aetna Chemical company.

Ntwton Hamilton. Penn. CARRIAGES, WAGONS, ETC. SIXTEEN-ROOM SUMMER BOARDING and auto tea house; three acre track Ideal location; money msker; price 3.000; 91,000 rash; Immediate possession. Gardner Farm Agency.

Stroudsburg. Pa SUPREME SATISFACTION IN DRIVING CADILLAC CAR The majority of owner of motor ears are more or less satisfied with the makes of machine they are driving. This Is because they have never known the supreme satisfaction to be obtained by driving a Cadillac, a car sold in this city snd Wilkes-Barre by the Susquehanna Motor Car company. For the man who has never owned a car any make will seem to satisfy. But once he becomes acquainted with the Cadillac reliability, service and comfort he will long for and demand the Cadillac as his car.

The reason Is that no other roako will supply that demand. BOS HAND BACK IN a Bobby Hand, whose one distinctJot Is that he hasn't been out of jail In si summer for th past twenty-fir years, has again been committed to the county Jail to await trial on two burglary charges He stole a mandolin from th home of George Hand at 15154 Jack-eon street and some lamps from a shanty of the electric light company ths rear of ths 1500 block of Sandaraoa avenue. He waa given a hearing In police court this afternoon. THREE TECHNICAL HIGH school boys wanted to work on carts afternoons. The Scranton Times Circulation Department.

SITUATIONS WANTED. GOVERNMENT TO BUT CYCLES That the United States government Is preparing to use motorcycles In army service on a gigantic scale Is Indicated by the announcement that bids will be received on June 13, on from on1 to 10,000 motorcycles, 5,000 of which are to be equipped with sidecars. Ths purchase of these machines Involves the training. of men to operate them, which will become 4- Prt of the duties of th motor transport committee of the council of national defense. Shelby A Fa lor, manager of th motorcycle department of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber company and president of the Federation of American Motorcyclists, has been appointed a member of this committee, having been chosen for his wide experience in motorcycle affairs.

Hazleton, Pa- Juns 2. Lattimer local, U. M. has adopted a resolution that its members shall not remain idle On holidays except Christmas, New Tear, Good Friday and Eaater. SITUATION WANTED BT A WOMAN AS a hooeekespar, where I can bring a 18-year-old boy.

lira A. 187 Flttxton avenue. WANTED. APPLY HOTEL PORTERS Jermyn. Jitney Bus Bodies Oar Specialty CILHOOLS Washington, and Wyoming Aves 8ITUATJON WANTED TOUNG MAN, 91 years old and having ons year's experience.

desires position aa stenotype-atenogra-pher, typewriting or clerical work. Address E7, Times WANTED. BT REFINED LADY. Position aa housekeeper for widower; can furnish beat of refarene- Address Et, Tima. WANTED TECHNICAL High school boys to work indoors afterpoons.

Salary $10 per Box B-9, Times office NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN application will be made to th Governor of tb Slat of Pennsylvania or June 11th, 117, st 10 oclock a by Ward, Wolf end Herry Hubler, under tb Act of Assembly of th Commonwealth ef Pennsylvania, antltlsd, "An Act to provide SITUATION WANTED BT A YOUNG OER-man lady to do housework In a small family; can give good ref ere ace, E6. care Times I.

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