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The Daily Times-News from Burlington, North Carolina • Page 80

Burlington, North Carolina
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The Daily Times News SECTION, 24 PACKS LOCAL WOMEN'S NEWS CENEKAL AND WANT ADS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 197i BURLINGTON. N. Com hiii" Solution Muv He Near Mass Meeting Is Off Hid. im etmg iLlieuoitu tulitgM u'. lcred on the Williams High School (not bail lOjching position now held by A.

Frje h.n been postpored. The official announcement of the pol onemrnt came this mornig from hem F. Crawford, president of the Williams High Boosters Club, which was span ring the meeting. "Wi frt'l that there possibly lx a solution to the issue by he aid (Editorial comment, Page JA) At the same lime, students of Williams High School who have been serves a spokesmen for those supporting roach Frye alio announced the postponement An official statement signed by Light said: "The eight representatives mlererted in reinstating Couch Fryc have decided that in the best interests cl the total community lias been postponed. This committee will continue through every lawful and iegili niale means to press for its goal.

We ask that interested panics continue their support for the reinstatement and our objectives." The statement was signed by Bobby H. Glenn David Glenn Curler. Ken Jordan. Ken Simmons. Tom Shofner.

David M. I.MlKel lljl.r. MiilMU Fied Long. There was r.o official ar.r.oiir.ceirier.l sur rotimiing the speculation by Mr. Crawicrr! that a possible solution may be found the iue by lunlglit.

However, it is known that there have hcen almost continuous meetings held by groups in the conflict during the past two days. While the Chamber of Commerce has taken no official position on the matter, its officers have been serving in bringing various representatives together t.i discuss trie problem; involved. In lurn, c'oscd meetings were held this morning between the Board of Education anil representatives of the Williams Hign 'luCr nt body and later with the Rooster. Cub. The mass meeting tonight, r.ow postponed, was to have given summaries to the public on what occurred in these rire! "dumber officials entered the more as an interested group, rather than should be handled? One spokesman said that the effort was made to bring out what differences there were separating the various parties involved.

The meetings were held most of Ih? day and into the night both Monday and yesterday. There was r.o announcement to come From any oi the meetings. i Filler System Endangered By Industrial Waste This is the trickling filter system at She East Burlington Waste Treatment in industrial waste which destroys the organising thai live on the rocks hi Plant, where high percentage of sewage is receiving little treatment this basin and are responsible for purifying the waste. (Times News Photo. 1 before being poured into Haw River.

The trouble is Tumid with toxic material River Pollution Is Result Industrial Waste Big Problem GihsonviUe Seeks Housing Ordinance lution of Haw River, city officials believe. Industrial waste from Burlington Industries and Western Electric Co. is causing 50 to 70 per cent of the waste processed at East Burlington Waste Treatment Plant to be untouched or Improperly treated before poured into the river, according to WHliam rector. "We have a plant capable of producing effluent 85 to 90 per cent tree of pollution." been reached with Western Electric in which it will build a small chemical treatment plant capable of converting deadly cyanides into harmless elements and compounds before entering the city sewage system. Negotiations aimed at pre treatment of industrial waste also are under way with Burlington industries." of otherVunidpalitics, treats nomie chemical method.

(ttote: ThU li the first article of a tico part series on pollution of the Haw River as a result of the Inefficiency of one of the Cits of Burlington's tno uaste treatment plants.1 Dy JIM LASI.EV Times News Staff Writer complexes in Burlington are lulling the efliciency of the city's main waste treatment plant, thus adding to the pol Mr. BaVer explained that waste is treated biologically in a basin containing large rocks where microscopic "bugs" or organisms grow. The process is known as the "trickling filler method." "It's like a huge bug farm with the waste or organic matter from sewage the food substance on which the bugs depend to survive." the public "In other words, the bugs' See POLLTTON on 11C he said, "but now we're achieving only 30 to 50 per cent efficiency." A reduction or efficiency rate of 83 per cent is considered acceptable to the State Department of Water and Air Resources. After allowing effluent (0 pollute the river for several years, the city now has definite plans for solving the defining its water pollution or An agreement already has Aparlnients Disciis Operation To Be Split Western UnionOffice To Remain Downtown Elon Board Studies Zoning G1BSOXV1I.1.E The Gib sonville Board Aldermen last night authorized the town attorney to write an ordii.ance that would give the town the right to tear down unsafe buildings. The action came last night at a special mecling of alricr men.

at which Jack D. Child ers, Burlington's chief housing unsafe building and minimum Alter hearing Mr. Uiucers' presentation, the board requested Ihe town's attomey lo study Burlington unsafe housing ordinance and Ihfi model ordinance of the Noith Carolina League of Municipalities and Ihen In proceed to wrile an ordinance adapted to Gibsonville. Mr. Childers had told ihe board that he believes an unsafe building ordinance will be beiier for Gibsonville Ihnn a minimum housing code The housing inspector said that Burlington's program was aimed at maintaining housing al least tn minimum standards, but that some of the buildings are "so far gone that a man would be off without them." Mr.

Childers pointed out lhat there arc misunderstandings of just whal is required for a house tn meet Iho minimum standard. He said that most of his problems are with substandard hous'ng, and lhat although most pcnplc will cooperate in doing something abiAil subst a 11 a 1 property, "once in a while The Western Union office wiilibe rtmam in operation during tfii0 jr JZta; of operations announced yesterday. E.L. Hunt, Raleigh manager tor nestern union, said here a.m. sed Elon College campus and the business district.

Aldern Dean Jennings Berry brought up the matter in regard to the possibility of apartment complexes being built throughout the area and creating a furor among residents. He told the board he was "wondering if we should move to head this off." The board was informed there were restrictions concerning multi family structures in the rone and it should not be too hasty in cutting itself off from "what housing is ttwards." Another aldermen stated apartments were the "thing of the future," iince building costs have put bouses out of By DAVID KINNEY Times News Staff Writer ELON COI1EGE The Elon College Town Board of Aldermen last night made the first move in deciding whether apartment dwellings would be a desirable part of the town's central zoning district. The board recommended that the Town Planning Board make a study of restrictions in Zone RA 6 concerning multi family structures in the "interest of protecting adjoining property owners." Zone KA 5 'surrounds the continued at Holiday inn until p.m. On Saturday liohdav Inn will 10 ig p.m., and on Sunday from 9 am. until 1 p.m.

Mr. Hunt said the decision enure operatnn to be moved 10 Holiday Inn. pointed (0 the board as official clean up campaign chairman for the Elon College area. Mrs. Synder was appointed temporary chairman by Mrs.

Myron BJiyne, beautificalion chairman for Alamance County. The board also approved Mrs. Snyder's committee. The new chairman pointed out lhal she hopes that the present clean up project, will become a year round thing. Aiderman aliso moved to make formal application to the City ot Burlington for hooting Elon College onlo the city's sewer system.

The move was only a formality for a plan which has Li en approved previously. yesterday that plans to leave 'eep the downtown office the downtown location have been open during business hours willj revised. The office will remainaffo.rd coverage during the in operation at its present business day. localion from 1:30 a.m. to 5:30 Earlier plan called for the p.m.

aionuay mrrjugn raay. Alter me operations wui Presbytery Meeting Set Here Presbyterians of Orange Presbytery will study and hear reports on abortion, taxation of church property and the current status of (he Consultation on Church Union (COCU.I at a special meeting Saturday, May at the First Prcsbylcrian Church of Burlington. The Hcv. George Chauneey, director of studies. Division of Church Society, liaard oi Christian Education, Jtich mor.d.

will be the principal speaker, addressing members during Ihe morning session on current and uicent topics of concern confronting the church today. Afler the lectures, time will be allotted for questions the floor. Mr. Chaur.ccy will speak particularly on abortion and church property taxation. Members of the two reactor panels to Mr.

Chaunccy's addresses are as follows: Panel on nburliun The Rev. Robert Ledbetter, chairman, pastor, Yanccyville Pres bjlerian Church: Dr. B.A. Fewell, ruling elder in the First Presbyterian Church, Biirlington; O.J. Sikes III.

director of Ihe Caswell County Family Planning Program; Percy Wall, attorney, ruling Elder in the First Presbyterian Church. Greensboro. Panel on tai coemption for churches The Rev. l.ce Ad kins, chairman, associate pastor, First Presbyterian Church. Burlington; R.I).

White, ruling elder in the Fiist frcsbyterian Church, Burlington: I. Mackintosh. Jr See PPHESBYTERY Tn 14C Discussed Mot hi Lh.c members agreed that the would have to come from another govtrr. mer.ta! organiralion, such Lhe recreation commission, before the planning board cin act 00 it. The suggestion was an impromptu suggestion added 10 a ngm agenaa.

"ine oniy other majnr i'em on the agenda wai 'junk arj junkyards." A committee was formed to study the problems of junkyards, refuge junk and abandoned cars. The committee ail) he etrv'1 msVe ij study and' come up with recommendations for the county comrr.i to form an The report and program is exrierlrd In be civer, at May meeting of the board. the situation centered on defining junit and junkyard'. No firm definition was made. Burl ins Ion City Housing Inspector Boh Johnson spoke the board about the Burlington ordinance mering abandoned cars.

Mr. Johnson is employed the Inspection IVpartmer.t of you run across one thai won't." He suggested that the Gibsonville board also consider amending two of the town's existing ordinances to provide a lime limit for the validity of building permits and to require a S500 bond for the complete removal of a building being demolished. fered the help his department in gettine Gib sonville's housing inspection program started. He pointed out that the housing code is different from any other code enforced, since in electrical and plumbing codes, one must deal with lechnicalilics; in housing codes, one deal with people. "If you slick to unsafe buildings and vacant houses, then jw won't run inlo 50 much trouble as you would wilh substandard houses." he advised.

I htm llisaiil Snlr Country ham biscuits will be sold in the ma ior iiwooing areas of Graham and Buriington and at Alexander Wilson School Saturday morning. The sale Is sponsored by the Swepsonville Commurity Development As jsociation. "with proceeds to go the summer recreation pro 'gram for children in Swepsonville. Any children who wis to help with the sale should be at Alexander Wilson School morning at 9:30 o'clock. The sale is idiediiled ito take place between 10 a.m.

noon or unlil all biscuits larc fold. A bx co. iUini. a va. airay of facts and figures on Alamance County was presented to Ihe board for op ptoval.

which it received. Th, booklel was coT.p by the planning department under the supervision of Tommy Combs, county every phase of livirs in Ala mance County. Theb tcklrt will be availeble lo interested persons at a cost of $2. S3 bocklets were printed. A committee was (jtmed to seiirt ca tor a ocai Comprehensive Health Plan ning Council.

The council is expected lo be organised in Alamance County in ihe rear hue a twit 2.j After selection by the ccm u.i'.tee of lie jjrd, the inalions will he taken before ihe cstur.ty commissicners f. final approval. Other agencies in the will also rem in.ste memhers. The heallh planning program will be part of a 'arge regional pnogram. It will be sponsored by'lh Piclnnont Tn.nii Coancii of Governments.

AND IN TIH5 CORNER By David Kinney Event Well Worth Admission Stadium Proposal Planning Unit Has Question There (hey were, packed into the gymnasium where mythical figures like Larry Miller, Charlie Scott and others had played for the crowd in the "golden age" of Carolina basketball. Bui tonight's crowd was not interested in hook shots or rebounds. They hid. come for another reason, over 3,000 strong. They sat or sprawled on th court and up in the stands: hippies, vippics.

freaks, heads, radicals, liberals, crazies, maybe even a curious moderate or twu From all over the state they came lo tale part in one of the activities that made up the Mobilization Committee to Elni iiir nil's tfsmai (M LilY' Town Engineer Larry Alley pointed out. "We must decide whether this: is desirable or undersirable." The matter was referred the Planning Board with the Board of Aldermen's i structiuns. In other the board ruled that Vikon Chemical Co. must, within days of noli lication. find other means of loading and unloading trucks without otstrucling cither the sidewalks or the streeLs.

The ruling, effective tomorrow, also instructs the iedi ciieitiicai cumpany 10 insure one lane Is left epcn to traffic bypassing traffic during the 63 day period. The move came about when CD. Gattis. representing Wicker Pick t'p and Delivery Service Inc. of Burlington, appeared before the board in regard to a parking (icket one of hu trucks has received.

Mr.Gallis staled that the (rucking firm operates under mission rules which state that a pick up and delivery service most pick op goods of a company if the truck can get adjacent to the loading rack. "All I want is a clari! eation." stated Mr. Gattis. He riinled out he would have (he right lo refuse service to Vikon if the town tmnrd ruled, that in doing so ho would be violating a law. Mrs.

W.W. Snyder was ap crane up on stage In a red sweatshirt with a beard almost down to his navel. On his head be wore a crash helmet. He urged youth to change the world but not lo destroy it. He stated the choice lay between a civil war and capturing the system through the existing means As it turned out.

he was a rathe' conservative speaker. Then came Tom Paxlon. Tom Paiton, who came out of Oklahoma wilh a feel for Woody Guthrie and a head full or songs. A carryover oT the early '60's, In stood there singing, bald and muschtached, inffinp nf (ravrlinff drinltiTip lramrtiji loving" and peace. The music of Tom Parton filled the gym with a sort of longing but also one of glee.

He touched on (he war only a few times. One scng was abnul how pot grows wild in Vietnam in the "pastures tf plenty." "Our sold ers are stoned, the Vietnamese probably even our general staff is oj! or their gourds on boo." he said. "And that would eiplairl a lot to me." Ilia final song was about a soldier in a ruwjiiiat A wMifr who toy srv) epic, arsl wo net wake up to home. Alter the crowd roared its approval Paxton, the chairman of the program came on to make an announcement. Suddenly a group ol cigar smoking individuals in business suits came up and grapped him.

Th disrupters "idenlified" themselves as the university's board of trustees and charged everyone there wilh "listening to rock music, wearing long hair, smoking 'marvguwana' and generally disrupting the See EVENT on HC Events had beer, goirg on au day ana speakers and singers, including Tom Pai.J ton and Phil Ochs, were go to play and sing here at carmirruei. 1 Guys with long hair and bell bottoms stood at doors cflllcctlng the 14 "contribution' or admiss ion. But it was well worth it. By LYNNE IIAKYF.L Time Staff Wriier GRAHAM The Alamance County Planning Board jestioned its purpose and jurisdiction in initialing programs in the county at iis meeting yesterday. indecision was placed before the board by Graham City Manager Bruce Tu. He suggested the board recommend a study oi the feasibility of a siadiumwic facility for the to con 1y commissioners. Mr. Turr.ey suggested Ihe commissioners might a special commission to study the possibility. He said he was a small group of people considering a fund raising project (or sucii a complex r.Kii would not meet the total needs i the community, he said.

Mr. Turncy identified th i group as ihe Graham Jaycecs Mowing ilie meeting. The question of the board's jurisdiction ind right ip liale such a new program was brought out by several board members in the discussion. the cily and handles (11 fonccmcnt oi the ord.r.anc: by nin.s, was incorrectly names as Bobby dores in ihe story about the board mit lir.g in yesterday's Times New Mr. Johnson said Ihe ordinance, which permits the issuance of warrants for aban coned car owners nr property owners with abandoned cars on their property, has r.een enforced since OcieAer, IK fle said about JO per ccr.t of Iks city's abur.dorei! cars base been disposed of.

and nhV. the ordinance have arisen. A similar ordinance be included in the board'? recommended controls to the county commissioners. In ether malters. the biard received for approval a rough to a "70; Initial Uouiir.g Element." a report of ihe h' tisi sit'Xntion the county based on IW3 figures.

The report is a necessary pint nf an application for fe.l cral funds under the 701 Housing Program, and was prepared by the county planning depitment. The application and report are made yearly. 1 Hill rock band was piling. KINNEY Every now and then, someone would stand up and vrdie wilh the music. A croup of about six people stood up, linked hands and frcliccd about the gym floor.

The seemed very self consciouj and nobody joined llK'tii. Finally huffing and puffing, they hack down After about an hour, the first speaker wal introduced. Arthur Wastow. director of the Institute for Policy Studies Washington. Expecting some iind nf beau rocrat, was surprising to see (his cat.

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