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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 2

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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PAGE TWO BLYTHEVILLB, (ARK.) COURIER NEWS TUESDAY, JUNH 23, 1931 Society Calendar Wednesdiy Mrs F. B. Joyner is having the Wednesday club. Thursday Mrs, Ross D. Hughes is having the Thursday Lunclieon club.

'Friday Mrs. Talmadge Huey is entertaining the Sas Nak Ha Rook club. The Woman's club Is meeting at 2 30 clock at he club house. Saturday There will be a story hour nt Ihe Blylheville library. Cwacil The Woman's council of Ihe First Christian churcii mcl wllh Mrs.

F. 6. Winford yesterday afternoon when Mrs. W. D.

Berry and Mrs. E. K. Latlmer were also guests. MrS.

Winford conducted the devotional, followed with the reading of the poem, 'The World Call." The 14 present included Mrs. George HcLeod and Mrs. Jack Wilton who had been absent for an extended period. In the business session, presided over by Mrs. George W.

Barham, the finance committee reported $730 made in the past week. The hostesses served refreshments in the social hour. Have BiMe Mrs. Marsh M. Cnllaway was leader of the 1 Bible study of the Woman's Auxiliary in the First Presbyterian church Monday aflcr- noon which met at the church.

The lesson, from James, was glv- en with the assistance of Mesdnmes George R. Crockett, C. J. Crane George W. Dillahunty, Ray Worthington and J.

E. Bell. Sentence prayers closed Ihe mect- ing. Son Born Mr. and Mrs.

J. W. Scbnuijh nounce the birth of a son this morning at their home on Mis '-souri Avenue. The wh weighed eight and halt pounds, has been named James Theodore. GtossoiirBateman.

Miss Opal Bateman, ot Bruce- ton, and Mr. Elmer E. Glosson, of Osceoln, were married here terday by Justice E. D. Walker.

Tucker-Bibb. i The marriage of Miss Sammle Blender and Mr. Forrest Earl Tucker, of. Dani- phan, took place here yester- day with Justice R. L.

McKnlght performing the ceremony. Have Membership Program. Mrs. H. L.

Reynolds, past presi- dent and now membership chairman of the Business and Proles- sional Women's club, was in charge of the meeting at the Goff hotel last evening. Ways of interesting new members were taken up by- the 12 present. A fruit ice, with cakes, refreshed those present. OT IN THE VEST WWERt MEN ARE MEW.aiRLS 1 IOOK MIGHTY LIKE THEM TAKt AlONG COIORFUL SUBSTANTIALTHINGS' AND REMEMBER. WHERE THERE'S ROOM TO MOVE ABOUT; YOU MUST CLOTHE? THAT HB youHS LADV ATOP TUG- OOBRAL FEWCt VJEARff AM ORANGE SHIRTMTH DARK A GRIGUT BANDAWNA AND A PAIR Of eOfJDOy BOOTS.

INFORMAL TWILL BREECHES', APtAlO FLAUN6L SHIRT AKID HIGH IEATHER CONSISTS' OF A WHITE: WA9MA.61.B JITWlTHH MATCH Bib of News Mostly Personal BRIDGE Guild lias Final Meeting of Sanuner. i The guild ol the St. Stepcn's 1 Episcopal church had the last mcet- ing of the summer yesterday af- terncon at the home of Mrs. J. Louis Cherry.

As the members sewed plans were made for fall actiyitlcs and other business taken up. The hostess served freslunents. dainty rc- Cireks Circles of the Woman's Missionary union of the Second BaptUt church met Monday afternoon. The first group met at the church with seven members present. Mrs.

J. W. Bishop led the devotionaV taken from the 12th chapter of Hebrew, ar.d Mrs. A. S.

Smith offered prayer. After the business session, led by Mrs. Bishop, chairman, Miss Cordelia Wilhitc taught the mission lesson and Mrs. C. Hires closed the meeting with prayer.

Circle 2 was entertained By "Mrs. Frank Simmons when seven attended. The 51st Psalm iyas used for the devotional, concluded with a prayer by Mrs. Simmons. Mrs.

T. H. Baynes, chairman, led the business session for the seven present. Mrs. E.

F. Blomeycr, chairman of circle 3, was hostess to the group which had five members and one visitor For tire lesson Mrs R. A. Malian used a portion AcU. Delicious refreshments were served.

County Well Represented at College Summer School JONESBORO. Mississippi county persons attended the first summer session at Arkansas State college, at which 604 students enrolled. Arkansas Li now a four year college, flic only state-supported senior college in Eastern Arkansas. Mississippi county persons attending the first summer session were: Edna Doon, Txiis Field, Clifford Hallmark, Lois Hill. Mrs.

Pearl Hill Elizabeth Halslead, Maxitie Hnl- steacl, R. P. Lashbrook, E. J. Mnr- shall and Mrs.

Jeste Reeder, Blytheville; Thelma Thomason, Dell; Mrs. J. T. Davidson, Etowah; Florence Speaks, Etowah; Louie H. Walker, Huffman; Maude Groom, Oma Hodges, Nora Layne, E.

E. Pick- ns and Iza Watkins, Lcacrivlllc; M. Cleveland, H. S. Games, Jollal Mike, Mrs.

Vera Price and i-a Caraway Teaguc, Manila. Miners Start "Go Slow" Strike in China Mr. and Mrs. J. S.

Edwards left Friday for their new home, Trumann, whera Mr. Edwards was transferred as manager of Piggly Wlggly. While here they resided jn the apartment, of Mrs. Charles F. Wood on Dougan avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Ross Nicholson are In Lula, this week on busi- Hcnry Clay Patton, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.

G. Patton, is visiting 1 relatives In Newport and Little Rock for several weeks. Jack McHaney, son of Mr. and Mrs. John C.

McHaney has returned from two weeks visit in Kennctt, Mo. Sheldon Hall will have as his gucsU Thursday Miss Arlecn Batrd and Dr. C. L. Denton, of Dyersburg, who will be among the out town guests at the dance given, by Mr.

Hall. Mrs. N. Johns Is visiting relatives In Joiner for several days. Mr.

and Mrs. Hubert Potter spent Sunday In Dyersburg, Tenn. Mrs. E. Ii.

Jones, who has been quite 111, was taken to a hospital at Murray, Sunday. She as accompanied by Mr. Jones and Leonard W. Holt who returned that afternoon. Mrs.

C. H. Hall Is spending today in Memphis. Miss Ann Galbreath and J. Nick Thomas Of Memphis, will spsncT Thursday here as guests of -Mrs.

William Potter nnd will attend the dance Thursday night. Mayor and Mrs. Nelll Reed and family have returned from a visit In Little Rock and Hebcr Springs. Mr. and Mis.

Hubert Potter have as their guest for an extended visit Mr. Potter's niece. Miss Margaret Fay Potter, ol Clarts- villc, Tenn. Mr Mrs. Louis Aldrldgc, of Chicago, have moved to this city and are at home at the N.

F. Knight residence on Hcarn street. Murdock Mendelsohn, of Nashville, is the guest of his cousin, Isaacs. Mr. and Mrs.

John A. Rlggs have returned to their home in Little Rock after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. Conway.

W. Tanner is attending to business in Joncsboro today. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burrough and son, Claxton, ol EdwardsVlllc, 111., spent last night with Mr.

and Mrs. Louie Waters. They are vis- iltng In Osceola. Mr. and Mrs.

Meyer Nudleman have returned to their home In Terre, after month's PEIPING, than stay with Mr. and Mrs. Ike Miller. COO miners employed by the Kalian Rowland Wolfort is expected to Mining Administration at Ton g- return today from several days vis- shan, near the Mnnchurian bor-, it in St. Louis.

His daughter, Cecile, der, have Instituted a "go-slow" i who accompanied him, will remain for a longer visit. Mrs. M. C. Denlcy and son, Bert, spent yesterday In Osceola.

Nathan Welnberg, of Osceola, Is a visitor in the city today. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Little and family spent Sunday at Hardy. Big Springs, and other points In suited in the order.

Coal piled up I the Ozarks of Arkansas and MIs- BY WM. E. MciCENNEY Bcmtary American Hridfo When you have a long suit that must be established In order to produce game, It may pay you to Jose a trick Immediately in that suit in order to conserve the entry. Tlks iollowine hand Is an interesting example of this play. 410-9 47-4-2 declarer could make at least four! no trump, but his tafe play Is of the Poplar Bluff (Ustrict.

conducted the morning service at 8-4-3 VQ-10- 1 5-3' NORTH 2 uj fc Dealer SOUTH 6-2 V9-8-2 4Q-J-7-5 VA-K-J-4 8-6-4 normal at Memphis, spjnt the week end with her husband here. Mrs. Robert Dorteh, who has been very 111 for several weeks, is no better and will be taken to th; Barnes hospital at St. Louis Friday for further treatment. A Bro presiding el- cad the deuce of clubs from diun- ny which East wins wllh the jack, the Methodist church Sunday.

leclarcr playing the four and West Corns motored to Memphis discarding the five of hearts. Fri(lll morning and was accom- liather than return his part-' panicd home by his wife and small icr's spade suit, Eabt decided to son Hugh jr. lead his long and strong diamond! Mrs. Cecil Brannum, who is at- Biilt, and leads the fourth test-j tending the summer session at the six spot, which the declarer: Southeast Missouri Teachers col- wins with the ace. Tlic six of; Icge at Cape Glrardeau, spent the clubs Is then led by declarer and! week-end with her husband.

Specials West can discard his queen of dia- Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bidwell of 242 'ilie Biuuinf The hand was played at contract, neither side vulnerable South, the dealer, opened the contracting with one heart.

West ov ercallcd with one spade. North bid two clubs, East passed, and South bid three no trump which bought the contract. The Play Somo players with West's holding might prefer to open the heart suit, especially since South has bid three no trump right over the spado bid, but either opening will not' stop the declarer from going game if he plays the hand properly. Even though South has bid one no trump over the spade suit, It Is the longest and strongest four of spades is the correct opening. The trick is won in the dummy with the nine of spades.

There are six clubs in the dummy and three in the declarer's hand. Generally, with nine ol suit, in.sight, no finesse is taken there are exceptions to thai monds, as by the rule of 11 he Gideon were the week-end guests knows that the declarer dees the latter's mother, Mrs. A. E. hold a diamond higher than the.Scott.

six spot. The declarer wins the Mrs. Frank Clark of St. Louis ar- trick In the dummy wilh the fclngjrtvcd Sunday for a few weeks visit of clubs which picks up East's ivith her sisteif Mrs. John Jlage queen.

This makes the three and family. In dummy good. All three are led, llve D3Lislc of Porliigevillc at- East discarding three hearts, de-1 i cnl 0 business here Monday, clarcr discarding the torn- and Galc nan 0 Memphis relumed Jack of hearts and Hie five of dm- nome a ft a short visit monds and West discards the three. Kl nls a ner a ac( and eight of spade's and the three fhr- kliie of lc daughters, Virginia and with the king of 1 then cashes his ace of spades and leads the 10 of diamonds which East wins with the king. By carefully counting his hand up, the declarer could see that, only five club tricks are necessary to produce game, bill five club tricks must be made," therefore no chances are taken and the club trick is lost e-irly while the declarer still had an entry into that suit.

In this manner he made contract of three no trump. Litile Virginia McCoy Is-quite ill this week. U. S. Currency is printed with 08 pounds of ink on every 100 pounds of pnpsr.

Each sheet ot paper money is counted 18 times 15 by hand and three by machine Hayii ule. Supposing the clubs do nol break, tbe diamond suit will be started and the declarer cannot a possibly go game. He should count an( Thirty members ol the local B.Y. P.U. attended the monthly meeting at Mars ton Sunday.

A large crowd enjoyed a very Interesting program. Ivan Allen ol Hayti gave on "Christian KetTL-alion," ss Jewell Williams ol Calls hand as follows five club' ru thcrsville gave a rrport of the tricks rather than six; the ace of s.Y.P.U. state convention held at diamonds, the ace and king of learts, and the spade trick already made, which will give him nine tricks for game. His correct play is the ace of clubs from dummy which holds the trick. It is true that if the club suit did break, the Hannibal last week.

Miss Catherine Thompson of Memphis was the week-end guest of Miss Vernic? Mrs. W. T. Nclhery, who is taking a secretarial course at the stale It will tlfy in twenty miuiilei! A Summer Spor.ccr, juit for yea of ilieer, opcn-weavo fabcic wilt reduce your hipt INCHES; f.atten diaphragm ar.d abdomen, and your, MRS. J- J.

DAVIS Registered Sr.encer Cwsettcre 110 Fulton Street, Blytheville, Ark. rhone 421 WHAT strike in protest against the action of mine authorities in closing down the mines two days a week. The compsny is joint British- Chinese concern. A dispute between the company and the Pctping-Mukden railway ins caused difficulties which re 'exas Oil Fields Get '10 Cents a Dance" Hails at the during mines In huge the dispute. Now miners' union, with several thousand members, Is de- nandlng that tire Chinese government take over the company (rom quantities sourl.

Joe Wright, of Osceola, is the guest of his sister, Miss Era Wright. Mrs. Clarence Vollmer, Mrs. W. J.

Wunderlich, Miss Eva Cook, its British nnd Chinese owners. yesterday in Memphis. accompanied by of Luxora, spent Blind Boy Runs Fast 75 Yards in Race Entertain Class. Misses Winnie Phillips' and Lu ciDe Lewis were hostesses to th Olad Girl Sunday school class the First Baptist churcii last eve ning for a picnic supper. An appetizing lunch was serve at the Floyd Simpson park on th Herman Davis highway and late Dr.

Edna Mies, the teacher, made a short talk. Each of the. 12 present was urged to bring some one else lo Sunday school next Sunday in an cdort-to Increase the attendance through the summer months. Sbnpson- taonds. A marriage license was Issued yesterday to Miss Pauline Simonds and William Simpson, both LONGVIEW, ents a dance." The laxi dance, formerly pccu- ar to New York's Broadway, Chiago's Loop and oilier melroiioli- an hot spots, has come to Ihe East 'cxas oil fields.

Within the sound of puffing rigs along the Gludewatcr-Longvlcw itghway several long, low frume tructures have sprung up, and icre the oil man may dance for a dime. Each establishment retains a rc- inuc of Hostesses, selected for heir ability to guide even the most hcnvy-foolcd over the oaken floors. Cnlrary to Ihe popular conccp- ion of such dance halls, the proceedings here arc extremely decorous. The customer buys as many tickets as he desires, dances solemnly wilh the lady ol his choice, then rclires to the stdclilncs lo watch. Just to make sure thai no "rough stull" takes place, brawny "bouncers" are on duty.

MUSKOC-EE, (UP) Windncss was not an Insurmountable handicap to Raymond Johnson, student at the Oklahoma. School for the Blind at Muskogcc Johnson ran the 75-yard dash In tlie national telegraphic meet be tween schools for the blind In 8.5 seconds. The Unllcd States amateur record lor the 60-meter run (about 18 yards) is but 7.5 seconds A trolley-like device was the only means he hail of guiding his course. Former Baseball Pitcher Kills Rat With Brick iVullmer Is attending' 'to El Paso Muny Golfers Annoyed by Flier EL PASO, Robes', airplane pilot and ron of Police Chief L. T.

Robey, has been ordered to stop stunting his plane over the municipal golf course because he annoys the golfers. City Attorney J. JI. McBrooir was instructed by the city councl to write a letter of protest to R. L.

Airways, asking them to stoi Robey's acrobatics. Alderman Leon A. noscnfleld said he had received protests fron pjaers, on the links that Robe: "swooped ovrr them." FREMONT, (UP) Clyde llch. former Fremont hurlcr. who ert, pn the local ami-pro loU and later wilh the Nebraska and Cherokee Indian earns, recently demonstrated Ihe ontrol which won many a dia mono struggle.

Clyde, who has been retired lor a number of ysars. a rat run ling 30 feel ahead of him as he was passing through an alley Peking up a hall brick, the former pitcher hurled a last on which killed the rat. Tenr), Courier News Want Ads, 1 Mr. and Mrs. O.

P. Moss were visitors in Memphis yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. W.

B. Tanner at- to business in Memphis yesterday. Gene Sykes. graduate ol Junior high school, is spending a three weeks vacation his graiulpar- cnU nnd other relatives at Oxford, Miss. Mrs.

Alvin Huffman and daughter. Jettyc Claire, have returned from Hickman, where they visited relatives of Mrs. Huffman. Mrs. M.

T. Moon has returned from St. Ixjiils where she spent week with her daughter. Miss Marie Moon, who is attending the John Hanley school ol dancing for a sis weeks normal courre In ballet, toe nnd tap dancing. Mr.

nnd Mrs. Virgil Greene and daughters. Misses Elizabeth and! Eveljn Blythc. spent Sunday in DcWill. Ark.

Miw Svclyn Dlylhoj 'cinained for several weeks visit' wih Miss Margaret Blytlie, who brmerly lived here. Miss Edwlna Mtlhom, or O-cc- oln, is the guest of Miss Margaret Moore. Mrs. Afflick and chiklrrn. Mary Jean and CnarLss, hme re- is going to get the Free Trip to the heart of a Vacation Paradise hidden away, in the Jemez mountains.

Eight Thousand Feet High In the Bosom of a Million Acres of Forest Preserve away from the crowds, of all the traveled trails, Ranch Rea is the ideal place to bring your family for a perfect vacation. Every day teems with activity; all the rugged sports of the cowboys, trail riding, pack trips, polo, hunting, fishing, swimming, archery, trap shooting, horseshoe in fact, you can't name an out door sport that is known to these westerners that won't be found at Rancho Rea. VOTE FOR ONE OF THESE GIRLS Aithea Edwards, Blytheville Hospital Notes W. A. Hgslip, Scnath.

Mo. was admitted to the Blytheville hospil ol. Miss Lorinc Montgomery, Man Ha, nnd Robert Bcrryman, Cnrulh crsville, were dismissed. Martha Robinson, Blytheville Maurine Branson, Blytheville Evelyn Harwell, Blylheville Alberta Elliott, Blytheville Marion Burns, Blytheville Ruth Whitworth, Blytheville Ruth Butt, Blylheville Margaret Cross, Blytheville Carolyn Pride, Blytheville Margaret Milner, Blytheville Elizabeth Martin, Dell Rosa Lou Cook, Luxora Dorothy Gideon, Wilson Orine Hutchens, Manila Mary DvWecse, Hayti Virginia Burton, Caruthersvillc Just a Few of These Left Shirts Lot at Half Price Men's Wash Pants Values to S5 Choice Boys' 1 Wash 'ants Knickers and Lonyees Values to $2 Choice 95c Interwoven Hose 7Jc Values CARP OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for kindness and sympath extended us during the Illness and death of our loved one, Annie Lee Seaman. Mrs.

P. Seaman, mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.

Seaman, Charllne and J. J- Hargct. turned from a visit in Misses Belly Clialt and crine Shalcy, of Miami. arc guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Frank nions. Mr. and Mrs. J. T.

Alford luue as their guests he Rev. and J. Allan Webb, ol Osceola, Mo. Mrs. Webb Is their daughter.

Mrs. C. R. Jarmon and J. p.

Jernberg. of Sumner, weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. r. E.

Webb and family. Mrs. J. Louis Cherry ar.rt Cecil Shane are spending tori-iy Memphis wilh Mrs. B.

A. Ljiuh who Is 111 at the Methodic AT ANY OF THESE STORES Don't suffer from—]. us Oil or Rciwir Hut Old Kan- Walpolc Klcctrie Shop rh.iiw 3H Barnes Nu-Wu Cleaners New Mead Clothing Co. New Dixie Store Co. A rk-Mo Power Co.

Phillips Motor Co. 777 Service Station McMullin's Cush Grocery Elois Beauty Shop Gillcn Furniture Co. Borum's Drug Store The Bootery Central Shoe Store Hubbard Hardware Co. Hubbard Tire Battery Co. Guard Jewelry Store New York Store.

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