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The Times-Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania • 10

The Times-Tribunei
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SATUIiDAV, JArCilAUV Lllj fiCIlAK'JLv it stril. run-hire worliiTS at1 UuM vJ Li Li C81H.ER HAL REPORT fi. Mii l1IU0DO0D cv Ocg'2 Uirrinla Writes to friend from Charleston, under date of Sept 8th, 1902, it to be a very effective and, indeed, very powerful remedy iof ve llaiy Steppe Big' Valuco With Deep Cut Prices. btomacn troubles, i ao not Hesitate to recommena to au persona wha have weak digestive organs." Indigestion is mainly due to a lack of some of the elements which constitute natural digestive juices. Kodol Dyspepsia Curs supplies these, and reduces the food to a condition required for transforming it into living tissues.

Kodol is unlike all other reme dies in that it combines both digestive and tonic properties. Its use enables the stomach and digestive organs to digest, assimilate and transform all of the nourishment contained in all of the whole some food that may be eaten, into the kind of blood that makes lone, sinew, tissue, muscle, health and strength. I'Men's $1.00 Stiff Bosom Shirts, Cuffs to Match, CURE I A is BOOK SPECIALS 01.09 Gopyriclit If the stomach is disordered Kodol will correct it.and if diseased Kodol will, cure it. This famous remedy lays the foundation for health and' the upbuilding of strength by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the glands and membranes of the etomach, and by supplying the natural juices necessary to perfect digestion, assimilation and nutrition. Or.

flayeoof naohlngton, D. Gr Writes an autograph letter to one of his professional saying: "la a number of chronic cases, after exhausting the materia medica for even palliative measures, with negative results, I have prescribed Kodol with marked and increasing benefit, from the first dose until the stomach's disability has been permanently relieved. My experience in a general and hospital practice dates Each Two in Boys' ndJ Children's all wool Overcoats, a 5.50 value. Come in gray and navy for large boys, and blue, red and fancy pitterns dren. Special 03.79 5 The J53 75 kind for.

$2.29 McCutcheon. Pidgin. "Quincy Adams Sawyer' By Pidgin. "Eternal Hall Caine. Boys Clothing.

irom ltsz, ana i am positive tnat in those thirty years, none in my effective as Kodol." tiodsl Digests what You Eat. Belching of gas, sour stomach, fullness after eating, and all tha tymptbms of Indigestion are relieved by the use of Kodol. Kodol gives health to the sick and strength to the weak. BottlM Oaly-Rafular Six,, holding time nacb at th trial all whlci sells tor got Prepared only ay E. DsWitt 4k Ce Chicago.

U. S. A. ah wool suits ia any styie, Sailor, Biouse, Norfolk, Vestee, double breasted and 3-piece Suits A aai Were Were 4.43. 2-79 Were 5.00, 3.29 Were 6.00, 3.79 JONAS I MGS SONS! mi gytnpathizeiM, cli.tscd tlie li.di-uiiimi men up sunt down snvris and pounded klckel everyone tluy could get hold of.

For three weeks the strike In the carriage factories has befn simmering quietly and the manufacturers have gradualy fillod the place of the men who quit work with the other strikers of the twon and other cities. The mob also seeing men at work in places they may have occupied, the striliis lay in waiting for the new men when the factories shut down last night. A flHt fight was started between two of the rival factions and, dashing the polU-e to One stile, the strikers fell upon the non-union men. Foreman Walker was knocked down and kicked In the face and head. One of his assailants was arrested, but the mob had control of the streets and marched up and down for hours.

Casper Huber, Practical slater and tyler, 1007 Prospect ave. New 'phone 1359. J22-eod-t3 SADDlFillSE PRESIDENT President Roosevelt may soon become the owner of James J. Nealts' trick saddle horse. "Jack." It is understood that Congressman William Connell Intends purchasing him from Mr.

Nealis for the purpose of presenting him to the president. The horse Is a handsome animal, and ts one of the best saddle horses in this section. He is 17 hands high, weighs 1.300 pounds, and has all the saddle gaits. Congressman Connell examined the horse at noon, and Mr. Kealle stated that Mr.

Connell intended buying him to present to the president. Record for Quick Loading. Southampton, Jan. 14. Tha American liner fit.

Paul has mad a record for quick loading. Between 10 o'clock yesterday, when aha went out of dry dock, and noon today ah loaded J. 600 ton of cargo, l.GU) tons of coal and her provision for th voyage, embarked eighty-one sixty aeeond-claa and 370 Steerags passouger, and sailed for New York. Duryea, Jan. 24.

Mrs. John Gallagher visited friends In Plains Wednesday. CurcG Dran.iarda Gccrotly Free Package of the Only Successful Cure Known for Drunkenness Sent to All Who Send Name and Address. It Can Be Put Secretly Into Food or Coffee and Quickly Cures tha Drink Habit Few men beeoni drunkards from, choir or Inclination all welcome release from tha awful habit. Golden Specific will cure the worst habitual drunkard.

Thla wonderful remedy can administered by wife or daughter. In food, tea, coffoe or milk, without causing tha MR. AND MK3. HARKY Bt'RNSlDB. slightest suspicion.

Its cur is sure, with out Harmful results to the system. Manr a home ia now happy by the uae of Golden Bpe-clflc. "My huxband got into a habit of taking a drink with the boys on his war home saya Mr. Harry Burnside. "After awhile fa came bome drunk frequently, lie soon lost bis position and I had to make a living tor both of us and the little At times be tried to sober up, but th habit waa too strong (or him and then he would drink harder than ever.

I heard of Golden Specific and aent for a free package. Th treatment cured him. 1 put It In his coffee and he never knew It at all. Ha regained hla old position and now we are happy In our little home again. I hop you will sand Golden Specific to erery woman that haa suffered aa I have, and save her loved ones from the drunkard's itrava.

Send your nam and addrea to Dr. J. Haines, ZSt Glenn building, Cincinnati, Ohio, ana win man you a ire package ot Uoldrn Specific In a plain wrapper, accompanied by full direction haw to us It Enough ot th remedy la tent in ach fro package to giv you an opportunity to witness It marvelous affect on thos who ars slaves to drink. Do not delay. Ton cannot tell what ma happen to th man who drinks, and you would never lorgiv yourseit tor waiting.

SPECIAL. English Derby Ribbed Wool Underwear; perfect fitting; in blue and grey. Former price, $1.50. Special, for this week, at, each 'QQc. V' LOUKS II.

ISAACS 412 SPRUCE STREET, 309 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. (Other Bargains.) CUT THIS OUT And on making a purchase of $1.00 or more we will give you 30 8TAMP8 In addition to those you will receive on your purchase. Bring this Coupon with you to get the stamps. LOUIS H. ISAACS.

1 I WwAii.IAa.ls1 In your present business? Co yon waet an opportunity to improve your condition said salary Wewnntmen capabl of filling such position Caslilors.TeJIere. Boofatary and Trea, SU'er of buslnee hus. flupwinien. doriut, Vtmagmrs and Knitlueors ot all grade; Kxpail ookliolrs, Traveling Ki-Auia, Onllel men ot ail kinds. aio form partnerships tor legltisnsta businesses.

furnish inplnvers with lunwlor wien. Wilt for puin and Bwwistratlon for busme men. High gru only, THE HAPGGCD EUHSAU, Room BOl, nt Broadway, New Tot k. 9 lilFIT FOB Tb Liter's Verdlst and lm IX Grehsm Disregard It. "The doctor said I was not fit for work and that if I wanted to live I would have to give Up buslnesH," said J.

Graham, of No. 126 Jefferson .1 a Til "And I wus lnt'ompacltated," he con tlnued. "It was a kind of incipient paralysis and it is due to Dr. Williams' I'ink Pills for Pale People that I am now in perfect health again. First I would be hot, then cold and clammy, and at timesmy body felt as if pierced by needles.

-TRJiere were terrible pains all over me, anSl then I would have no feeling at all. numbness sometimes came over me and I could not move, With it all were agonizing headaches and a pain In the region of my aplne. I look back on it now and wonder how I retained my reason through that long and trying ordeal. There, were months and month when I got no natural sleep and my nervous system was a wreck from pain and the opiates which I had been obliged to take. "One day I read the statement of a man who had been cured of a case like mine by Dr.

Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and I began taking them. The first boa did so well that I continued until six boxes were taken and I wae entirely well. That was about seven years, ago, and I have been In perfect health ever since." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People contain, In a condensed form, all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for euch diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis.

St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the aftereffects of the grip, palpitation of thq heart, pale and sallow complexions, and all forms of weakness either In male or female. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are sold by all dealers, or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price, fifty cents a box, or six boxes for two dollars and fifty cents (they are never sold In bulk or by the hundred) by addressing Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N.

on the carelessness of some physicians In treating suspicious cases said: "We have recently dlcovered that three persona In North Scranton had the disease and were treated by the attending physician for some blood disease. No precautions were taken and the people of the whole neighborhood were exposed to the contagion. We did not know of these cases until the patients were convalescent. As long as this continues It would seem to be impossible to completely eradicate the disease." Dr. Allen, declared that every Dhysl- slan.

having a patient suffering from an eruptive suspicious disease should immediately report it to the bureau of health and have it at once investigated by tha smallpox expert OBITUARY. Mrs. Helen Rapp died at the home of her riftllirhtpr NTr epacher, at 9 p. m. Thursday at the go or is years.

j-unerai service at 6 m. today. Interment Sunday at New York. Deceased Is survived by two daughters, Mrs. James Maden-spacher this city, and Mrs.

Julia Schneider, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Bridget O'Brien, wife of Patrick O'Brien, died last, night at the family residence, 307 Stone avenue. Heart disease was the cause of death. Deceased was well known and highly esteemed In South Scranton, where Bhe resided for many years.

She was a member of the L. C. B. A. The funeral announcement will be made later.

Mary Elsey Benedict, the two-months'-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. OtiB Benedict, oof 445 New street, died this morning at 11 o'clock. Funeral announcement later. VIADUCT CONTRACT.

Will Be Signed by Burke Brother and Recorder en Monday. The West Lackawanna avenue viaduct contract, recently awarded to Burke of this city, will be sle-ned by Recorder Connell and Messrsi. Timothy and John Burke Monday next. The contract price for the viaduct is $09,000. Work on the viaduct, it Is expected, will begin early In April, or as soon as the weather breaks up and the Scranton railway company can build its temporary tracks around by way of West Linden street The contract calls for the completion of the work January 1, 1904.

A Surprise Party. A very pleasant surprise party was given on Thursday, In honor of Mrs. J. R. Ace at her home on Irving avenue.

The ladles of Camp 101, Patriotic Order of America turned out In goodly numbers and contributed bounteously toward the grand dinner which was served at 12 o'clock. Solos, games, and gymnastics were the diversions until a late hour when the guests departed for their respective homes much, refreshed after the day's enjoyment and greatly pleased with the manner in which Mrs. J. R. Ace displayed her ability as a hostess.

Those present were: Mrs, J. R. Ace, Mrs. Andrew Frantz, Mrs. Edward Frants, Mrs.

E. R. Milliard, Mrs. Leah Cramer, Mrs. M.

T. Ace, Mrs. Wm. Northacker, Mrs. Col- vin, Mrs.

Norbeck, Mrs. C. O. Swarts, Mrs. C.

Dedrlck, Mrs. H. B. Sweet, Mr. John C.

Ridgeway, Mrs. Muller, Mrs. Sendee Allen, Mrs. Dowrlck, Mrs. Edward Blsblng, Mrs.

Wm. Payne, Mrs. T. E. Gtllman, Mrs.

Danner, and the Misses Vera Dedrlck, Jessie Wright, Edna Ace, Nettle Mott, Mae Rice, Flor ence Sweet, Lillian Colvln, Mlna low-rich, Gussle Rum bolt and Beatrice Gill- man. Revival Meetings Continued. The revival services which have been held at the Penn Avenue Baptist church during the past week have been attended by large congregations. Much interest has been manifested and many have accepted Christ. These meetings will be continued during the coming week, and every evening the pastor, Dr.

Pierce, will preach, and various ministers will participate in the services. TERRORIZED THE TOWN. Amsburg, Jan. 24. A mob five hundred persons, compod at Too Late for Classification.

FOR SALE IN GUEKN RIDGE, A COZY homo, 7-room hoiws and bath; all Improvements, ooncrotpfl collar, fine lawn In front and rear, wIlU burn; on blodi from each street car line; price IS.T'W, down and balance on long time. Addrasa House, Tlnms OPKKATOTta WANTRU ON 8IimT3: steady work aod (mod pay. Mulherlu a Be.olt, corner Ilmnipton and NinUi strea'a. KOR TONS OK rWlACR coal. F.

O. Smith; new 'phone iai-u WANTl I Jjoi' lor 1. i' beio aud -l. '-rtintoa i COUNTY'S FINANCIAL CONDITION IS EXCELLENT KEPT AHEAD LAST YEAR. (jUAkUIAIi I UK tULUlLIA County Controller Edward A.

Jonea presented his annual report to court this morning for the year ending January 6, 1903. The report was ordered filed of record and will later be pass ed upon by the court The report summarized Is as follows: Cash on hand, Jan. 88,105.27 Less warrants 8,169.96 Controller's balance 28.015.J1 Receipt for the year 8709,91:2.03 Cash on hand. Jan. 6.

3103 38,150.83 Expenditures for year 1902... Zres surer 's balance, Jan. CMOS I 38.4SS.98 The report show a good financial condition, and as will be seen, the county came out several thousand dollars to tho good. COLCHER TO HAVE GUARDIAN. There wa another hearing before the court this morning on the petition to have a guardian appointed for David Colcher, of Green Ridge.

Colcher la the blind man who Is well advanced la years and who recently married Maggie Jones, of the West Side. Hi8 relatives have asked for a guardian on the ground that he is unable to care for bis property. The court directed the parties to get together and agree upon a guardian. If within a certain time they are unable to do bo court will appoint one. ORPHANS' COURT.

Judge Sando In orphans' court this morning finally confirmed the accounts of administrators and executors la the following estates: John Ransom, Ellas Beemer, Adolph Ruth, Catherine E. Staples, Henry Plt-taway, Nicholas Voting, Irene D. Lake. Louis 8. Wright, James F.

Green. Oscar S. Maines, Evan H. Williams, Frank J. Grover, Sarah Swift, Annie E.

Shoup, James Milton. E. C. Fuller, Frederick Howard Swan, Ann Owens. In the estate of John Williams the rule to discharge the administrator was made absolute.

STAGE HANDS ORGANIZE. Attorney Frank E. Boyle made an application to court this morning for a charter for the Theatrical Mechanical association, composed of stage hands of the several theatres in the city. The subscribers to the petition are: Dave Martin, George Lowder, T. J.

Barrett, Thomas Mulderlg and Frank Mangan. The association has no capital stock and its purposes are purely social and beneficial. WANTS TITLE QUIETED. Sarah Dinner and M. Dinner, by their attorneys, Vosburg and Dawson, filed a suit In equity this morning against Wm.

F. Van Dyke, administrator of the estate of the late W. W. Van Dyke, to compell him to satisfy a mortgage which the estate holds against the plaintiffs. The Dinners owed $2,000 to Tan Dyke which was payable in one year.

They kept the interest paid, but when they tendered the last $1,000 on January 22, they were overdue and the defendant refused to take it. They bring the suit to compell him to do so and to satisfy the mortgage. SMALLPOX SPREADS AND CAUSES ALARM Case Now In 8outh Scranton, the First There Since the Out-break. The new discovery of smallpox yesterday rather startled the health officers. This is especially true of the discovery of a case in South Scranton, the first In that section of the city since the outbreak occurred here more than a year Special precautions are being taken to prevent its spread In that section, and It Is hoped that the disease will not become prevalent there.

Adolph Saar, a 17-year-old boy, of 822 Willow street, is the patient He has the disease in a mild form. Saar was removed to the emergency hospital to day. Dr. Allen, superintendent of the bureau of health, yesterday, commenting NOT DUE TO CLIMATE. Catarrh Is Found Everywhere.

Catarrh is at home anywhere and everywhere. While more common In cold, changeable climates. Is by no means contlned to them, but it Is prevalent In every state and territory in the Union. The common definition of catarrh Is a chronic cold in the head, which, if long neglected, often destroys the sense of smell and hearing: but there are many other forms of the disease, even more obstinate and Catarrh of the throat and bronchial tubes, as well as catarrh of the stomach and liver, are almost as common as nasal catarrh and generally more difficult to cure. Catarrh is undoubtedly a blood disease and can only be successfully eradicated by an Internal treatment.

Sprays, washes and powders are useless as far as reaching- the real seat of the disease is concerned. Dr. Mclverney advises catarrh sufferers to use a new preparation, sold by druggists, called Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, because actual analysis has shown these tablets to contain certain anti-septic qualities of the highest value, and being an Internal remedy, pleasant to the taste, convenient and harmless, can be used as freely as required, as well for children as for adults. An attorney and public speaker, who had been a catarrh suiterer for years, says: "Every fall 1 1 would cntch a cold, which would settle In my head and throat and hang on all winter long, and every winter It seemed to get a little worse. I was continually clearing my throat and my voire became affected to such an extent as to interfere with my public peaklng.

"I tried troches and cheap cough cures and sometimes got relief, but only for a short time: until this winter, when I learned of the new catarrh cure. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, through a newspaper advertisement. Two. fifty-cent boxes which I bought at my druggist's, cleared my head and throat In fine eliftpo and, to guard against a return of my old trouble I keep a box of the tablwU on hand, and whenever I catch a little cold I taKe a tablet or two and ward off any serious develop ments." Stuart's Catarrh Tablets deserve to hr-ad the list as a houwhold remedy, to clwk ami bn-sk t'p coughs and colda, because, unlilie many other raturrh and cures, taliM contain no opiate, toulre or any injurious "Let's choose executors and talk of oi au uc is hands has proven so thoroughly there to pass upon the testimony, but that he coirt over him was to do that. Nevertheless he refused.

Thereupon Mr. Ballentine threw a bomb into the camp of the Connellltes. He told the commissioner to take down what he had to say. He then told him that the counsel for the contestee, that is Mr. Howell, withdrew the agreement that he had entered Into, waiving the necessity of all the witnesses signing the depositions, that they had made before the commissioner.

MUST SIGN DEPOSITIONS. Under the law the witnesses must sign their depositions to have them made good and qualify them for use before the congressional committee that is to pass upon the contest. That legal right was waived by the counsel for both sides, ln order to expedite matters. It was entered Into by Mr. Howell on the presumption that the contest would be conducted fairly by Mr.

Connell and those who represent him. But when the unfairness of the content became so manifest this morning Mr. Ballentine decided to withdraw that and compel the witnesses to sign their depositions. It stands to reason that some of them will not do so for the reason that they have been asked questions that had nothing to do with the contest, and things have been put down as their words that they will not put their names to. This will leave the contestant In a bad way.

WAS A HARD BLOW. The Mow was a hard one to the Connell lawyers, and then Mr. Holgate made a speech which he had put on the record. He stated that the coun sel for the contestant objected to the counsel for the contestee withdrawing the agreement which they had made and declared that It was in line with an attempt made by them at Mooslc to withdraw It. All agreements are made by mutual consent, and when one0 side violates It the other side ts no longer bound by It.

The lawyers for Connell will find that fact out. Mr. Doyle was angry all through. When he left the room this morning he said that he would never again come back for Connell. "If I come again it will be for the man I voted for." CAUGHT IN HIS OWN NET.

The wind was taken out of the sails of the counsel for Mr. Connell by another witness this morning. They had called Benjamin Bowen to testify. He was supposed to have voted for Howell, or he would not. have been called.

While he was upon the stand he said that he and two other men, Watkin Harris and George Jenkins were all in the booth together and all went into the stall at the same time to vote. Bowen marked the ballots for all of them. He said that the ballots were all marked for Connell, as well as for all of the other candidates on the Republican ticket, except Jordan, whom they cut for Calpin. There was three illegal votes for Connell that his lawyers never suspected when they called Bowen to the stand. It was a bitter dose of Connell getting a dose of his own medicine.

WITNESSES MUCH TROUBLED. The efTect that the contest-will have was shown this morning by the anger of many of the witnesses. It was pay day for them all, and naturally being men with less money than Mr. Connell has, they wanted to go to the works to get their money. Many of them were prevented from doing so and will not be able to get their pay without considerable trouble.

Mr. Connell has not made any friends by this method. The men felt it and did not try to hide their chagrin. Connell and his men have been giving out that many of the rotes in Jer-myn were illegal and that many of the ballots cam there were defective. An officer of the board from that place stated this morning that if they were they were made defective ince this contest was started, and were made so by some one Interested in the contest, for the board conducted the election properly and he was willing to swear that there were no ballots made defective by any action of the board as was given out.

The following are the wltnefises that were called today: Inane lienjsniln, Thomas E. Boecham, Bn-Janilu Bowen, HVury Drowning, Charles liKlla, Second Borl, Nicholas Hoila, Btpphen Hnwsn, Joanph HruadlM-rg, Jamcit A. Ouliiln, Lianlol ravanmigb, Anthony Cavanaugh, William II, Davis. Kdwanl Dunn, Mlk-s lJlmar, IIukU 11. imvls, lwln iJavln, Jarnm Dunn, llniy Julin pHKKnr, Waller Di-lmer, Tuonim J.

Donnelly, Kolwrt B. Pavls, Roderick Dunn, William D. T. Dr' tl, Henry A. Davla, rYunk Dunkonky, Durill Donavan, John Dunn, Thomas Donnelly, John Kvans, Wulter Kdwards, Thomas D.

Kd wards, Kvan F. Kvans, Danll 11. Evans, Mh-hael Karly, John O. Evans, Tlioiiiaa piliuumls, Jutne Euriey, John Udwards, Kred L. poster, Charlea Fox.

Jnrnes Flannery. Thomas Feeney. Anthony Ford, JtmU)lt OrHIiltii, WILFUL RICKERY USED. (Continued from Page would have to get a dupltcste, and vhen Mr. Howell was putting in his rase he would, recall him and.

have him make the vote good. Thereupon Mr. Doyle was allowed to go from the stand. FOUND THE STOLEN PAPERS. He was not out of the room five minute before he returned and, handing over a piece of cardboard to Mr.

Ballentlne, said: "There they are." Sure enough, he had his papers. He found them on a chair in the outer room, where the other person who had stolen them from his pocket and substituted the blank piece of cardboard had left them. Mr. Ballentine asked Mr. Holgate to recall him and give him a chance to qualify, but the latter would not do it.

The vote as It stood on the record would not be a good vote and, therefore, he would not make It good, as it was to Mr. Connell's interest to have it bad, and if it were to be made good Mr. Howall would have to do It when his side was being heard. FIGHTING AGAINST TIME. The Importance of making Mr.

Howell do it is apparent, when It is realized that the time is short and the time he spends in qualifying votes that Mr. Connell's attorneys have proved to be bad is deducted from the time that he has to prove the allegation that he has made against Mr. Connell. While Mr. Ballentine was cross-examining the witness and trying to prove that he had the papers when he left the house and that he had them when he came to the Connell building, Mr.

Holgate protested and instructed the commissioner not to take any of the evidence down. Mr. Ballentine was not attempting to prove that the man was naturalized, but simply endeavoring to show that he had his papers when he came. He had no right to prove by oral testimony anything that is a matter of record, and he knew it; therefore, he was not trying to do it. EDWARDS OPINION OF EVIDENCE.

The commissioner refused to take down the testimony in accordance with the Instruction of Mr. Holgate. Mr. Ballentine called his attention to the fact that he wa not there to pass upon the testimony. When Mr.

Ballentine asked him why he refused to take it down he said that it was because It was not the best evidence. Then it was that he was told that he was not 'TIS TRUE. Tbs Proof Lies in Scranton Tcstioionj. Is not hard to prove the claims made for Doan's Kidney Pills. Scores of people in Scranton testify to their merit.

Surely the evidence from friends and neighbors, plain statements of their experience, is better proof than the testimony of people residing In Bome far-away place. Read Ujo following: Mrs. Charles Ibell, living on Avenue near Archbald street, Bellevue, says: "I suffered for many years with marked symptoms of kidney trouble. In vain I used many so-called kidney remedies. I was under a doctor's for months and he pronounced trouble Inflammation of the blad but this medicine did not give i' more than temporary relief.

One 1 read an article In the paper (. Doan's Kidney Pills, which de- I'j! A my condition exactly. My went to Matthews store and pot me a box. I used 1 i arcording to directions, and they po row good that I kfpt right Thy banished the unit pains through my i -Filiated tin? gecreilonB. by all dcalois.

Price CO i r.nffaU), N. for the InRed States. E2it-, Doan's, Shakespeare, K. Rich, lL IN CHOOSING AN EXECUTOR it is important to select one who will be impartial; who will be financially responsible who will not make extortionate charges; who will outlive the trust and'who will retain the capacity for wise manage-ment. "l.f Is there any individual who so well meets these requirements as The Title Guaranty and Trust Company of Scranton, Pcnn'a, created and developed for this purpose, and equipped in the fullest manner for handling estates, large and small, effi- ciently and economically? We accept executorships, guardianships and all forms of trusteeships.

We act as a coexecutor lxr trustee. If you have ideas ofyour own to be carried out, call and sec us. Your own attorney will act with and for us if desired. Wills receipted for and safely kept. May be changed as often as testator wishes'.

135 WASHINGTON AVENUE. THE TITLE GUARANTY TRUST CO. at an the'treJ-" dings. They, can't ret along without me. I'm the rich, yellow, lSk.

wedding ring, and am to be had In any shape, alze and weight." f'But hold!" cried the enffs re-Went ring; "I'm on hand before you. I'm to be had In even greater variety of style and price than. you. Just come to ee, me. I'm at 3I7 Lackawanna Ate, PENNSYLVANIA.

ilio Denial Chair. TEETH EXTRACTED and wlihout ta ay cur lat sdaU8a buUmmL Csd by as enly. ara aot aompstlag with chaap 4.ata sUblktuanti, but wltls flrst-clas dsntlsts at prks Ids ftsaa hft that chargoa by thma. Tbos srs tls ealy Dental Parlor fat Sftrantea that bar att4 an hir.r,a tract, til and assay 4 tm. lain cram (iiwtawwtRV, tram t.t.h 1 ysat lvast partiol of (a-a.

PAINLESS EXTRACT! 3 TRZZ. COLO CROWN1 i tfc. I rf TCETH WITHOUT FLATS r- rpariai aa4 tuaria.4 i 1 1 1 SCHIHPFFS OF SCRANTON, do Wore Dread of FULL' tT TEETH (Fit or no cay.) COLD riLLINQ si EILVER FILLING 53c To ran Isafs your er1r for tth In th siren, ah or dons 6r arsdnsl? ontist tvsnty ysara. rxamlnation aoiJ Milmau-a of HOUF.3, 8 TO 8. SUNDAYS, 13 TO 4, A r-i 0--' "J-, i jlf-j', Jino ad.

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