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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 5

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1931 BLYTHEVILLK, COURIER NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Tuo word lor ant Insertion and omt word for cub tuhnqutiU laurUon. No talun tor INI tbu Me. Count wordi ud wad tin tub. Phone 306 FOR SALE FOR peaches, excellent for pickling. J1.50 per busn- cl.

Bliscoe's Orchard, Phone 58 01 81. 22C-K25 FOB RENT FOB 3 room flat 700 West Walnut. 6c-t FURNISHED Apartment tor Rent 305 Dougan. 18P-K2 FOR room, unfurnished apartment. Modern.

West Main St, Arcolu heat. Phone 4H 19C-KZ FOR RENT 4 room furnished apartment, 209 W. Kentucky. Call utter 8 o'clock. Mrs.

Slsk. 22C-K27 PAGE nvi IICUIM HEKKTOIJAV BIOKVL IIOHDEM kopr. Ihal a earttt Mill kelp ktt lutitl hnytlex loir Jor TOMMY LOST AND FOUND Police clog named Lindy, limps, reward- Notify Florence Ariau. at 150. 20C-K24 WANTED POULTRY prices, any Quantity.

Marilyn Hai- ttoery. 210 B. Fourth St. WXTP WANTED Family washings or general housework. Mrs.

2207 18th St. TP mr.NK. kke a'o-Jl nllk PlttiMrillS GAfLUKII IICH thai hr rlrk 1.1 10 Urn (run fci-r. Alltr Mxrtlicr Irr.c Inr kli nt.lrrn IHMHIT heavily, loii'i kli Job anil lulu, evil cnm- BerM r.ilrkri culd "Ting to Kn4 kin la lic( Ulm kli mmkolfiowe aiMir- clatri. Ifcroit irtreltil ux krr Ony.

u'krn I'urnmy realliri krr ke rrftfruift aod bark 1u collrKr. Irrne nunrrclB nltk OM-I uK.tlr nlih DIMIHV and etrmra koMe. Sht ilr- vltlrii tknl If UIUBI luvr Ihr woHrr. Bhe tvJLnCv to rr- pulN Taniiuy 1 tnvr. Skr iilnns to iiT Drrry iiMd Krcrrl urrllitc hul el II HI tkc Urrrr krr.

Tkr luru Jrrn? trim to llrp Drrry'a cur. Thrre la Hcrl- 4vnt and Jnjurrd. Mrnnllmr nVunuy II He Rtlll Invi-H Irrnr. Mr rftvuMii Ilrryl kMMie fruLM a vnrcjr. A IcIrRtluH from a) ullli ni-uji OL 'kr nrchlrnl.

Mils. KVIJH l-Vr'l 1 brrnnieji kyjlrrltal, lilninlnK rrrrilmdj fur kir dnupliln 1 triiublr. if ibe lirrn IIKI NOW (II) US WITH THE STOHY CHAPl'Ell XLVil appeal WFIS from Irene but ft ivaa not voiced by her. Gaylord sent It In a telegram, quite unaware that conicl or woitli! lie liilcrpreleil a Jirect oil for lielp. Irene, he said, uouhl need to have new one Of course.

Hcryl cmilJ not hisiiwl "Ves." (Jaylord answered ijuictly. tliat Irene was being cninl lor wlsli you hart let lleryl Imvc me. prlv.lo hospllal nurses nnd luxury. Nor could Bctyl 'helplessness" Irene was tlio final conquest uf JHRXE nol illllid bi-llii; lu Mi hospllal afler llio doctors tolil her slio woulil net he ured. The pain had been severa at; She's worth a rar loud o( girls like you hut I doubt It sho would have hail me.

I ilou'l ihlnk money cjunc vvlili Her," ho aaMctl bitterly. li'i-iio to sob and fiaylord iwn iiwuy tn send Hie that I inlu such an abyss be wns KOIIO Irene was Mirry she tnidu'l blin to lirst but it wus yono now and 1 "i' Tommy. If could could sls'o her altentlou to tho. 1 'Hli lier now, could bold tier rolo being an cxqiilsllo band for just a litllo wbllo Slio had a itmulcnrlst and Jialr. dresser In dally.

Aiul sue was S'jcli a dear, sweet little- tiling iho doctors admired lier greatly. Her nurses, naturally, did not with Iho medical men tlio conll- ilcnccs they each oilier. A few of Urn lesser social lights who were not suro of tho outcome of her separation from Gaylonl came to see her and urouglit her a i surgically applied slle ln st WANTED Hay to bale. C. G.

Smith, Phone 827 or 1502-F2. 6-6C-TP DEPENDABLE person wanted to handle Watkins products In Bly- thevllle; customers established, excellent, earnings. Write 'in own handwriting, J- R. Watkins 8015 Xentucky Memphis, Tenn. 'AMBITIOUS, reliable man.

,3,1 once. Permanent Rapid Steady, unrsMtent necessary. Honesty essen- tUl! Write fully. Address CXinrier News. tliey look her upstairs lo that room, he'd never want lo let her She'd bo suro ot him ttieu.

"HI send tor Tommy." slio consoled herself, "just as soon 113 It'a over." What sho meant wns that slio would send (or him as BOOU as sho wns a pretty patient aealn. Presently slio telephoned Gaylord to ask l( Iic'd scut (or her mother. Uo said that lie had. "Will you meet her at tho sta lavlFli miitntlly of (lowers. was'I 10 and bring tier hero?" Irene and (ancy sewing- Mrs.

Ira Crawford, 1236 Holly. 22C-K29 be kept lu the bOBpltal longer than was at tirst xupposed but she was doing nicely and the gr.ifilng was necessary only to Insure her against permanent disfiguration. She would like to have ber mother wilb her If that were possible. He would defrar the expenses. Mrs.

Everett was horrified. "I knew It! I knew It!" nho wept wildly. "I knew My poor little baby! Her sweet little knew she was hurt badly! Oh, aren't you ashamed ot the way jou talked!" she raged at Beryl. "Think o( your poor sisler out there all alone In a hospital anil bcr poor litlle face all toru to pieces'." Beryl left the room. She had to wilhlu tho realm of reason, us one of lbe.

callers expressed it, that tho accident would bring Gaylord and Ircijc together again. Thus Irene had an audfcnco to (latter her. Sho was auylhlng but tho abject and forloru little crea- tnro her sister had begun to pic- turo her. There was a chango when the doctors told her slio transfer of sliln. Tl came frightened and sent a tearful message to (Jaylord tc conic to her.

lie arrived, stcclcci aaalnst appeal for forgiveness. Irene studied his Vace tor a moment when he entered tho room anil tbxt it be useless lo expect more than ho bad glren her. "1 want my mother!" she walled pathetically. "Gaylord, 1 want ray mother!" He 'promised' to send for Mrs. Everett but he did not offer mote and suddenly Irene's mood changed.

She flew Into a rage and Gaylord of being responsible for her trouble: "You're a NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE TO PAY DEBTS OF ESTATE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as administrator of the''estate of Catherine Royal, deceased, will on the 26th day of June, 1931, offer for sale al the south door of the court house in Blytheville, Arkansas, at public auction to the highest bidder, upon a credit of three months the following lauds belonging to said estate, Lots 3 and 4, Block Barron and Lily Addition to Blythc- ville, Mississippi County, Ar. kaiisas. Said sale is made for the purpose of paying the debts of said estate, and purchasers at such sale will bo required to give note with approved security for the purchase price- Dated this 23rd day of May, 1S31. W. H- STOVALL, Administrator of Estate of Catherine Royal, Deceased.

Frank C. Douglas, Attorney. 1-8-15-22 go. Self-accusation swept over her. Had sue beeu responsible for this thing that had happened to her sister? Remorse drove her to thoughts of railed ot liim.

"You took mo away from a ioy who really loved me and asked. "I don'l suppose you'd iiifnc! It idio stayed al the BrlghtM-ell would The Urlgblvvcll was a fashloimbl' hotel not far away from tho bos pllnl and Gnjrlonl couldn't help thinking (hat Mrs. Kvcrctt mlgh bo more cbmtorlable elsewhere bu be did not say Ihls to Irene. Hi was anxious to have her recove: must have a a cciart from hl3 mm l-hcn Ireno be- spcc lll rao vaa 1(l willing (o spend It. Ho bad com lo seo 7.renc as nothing but glnraorously prctly lltllo female.

Mrs. Everett was Jranllc to read Irene but hor condition was no Ion ger one ot mock Illness. Slio found herself too weak and prostrated to undertake the journey. Anrl BO it was lleryl who was met at the sla- by (Jaylord and escorted to the where bo had i.iado a reservation for her mother. Irene's IbouKblfulness, however, designed Impress her acquaintances and iier nurses, was She gave ao ronndlnge.

get to her sister as soon as possible. Gaylord walled 1n tho lobby while Beryl freshened herself a bit kin and tbo kind, twilling lips, iho lear gray eyes that laughed or rero coolly soretio. could Ihlnk ot tiolhliig lliey woro llko now tiut ashen, ashes, pooling over eoinellilut; 1ml died. Was It' tbo spirit ot ho tlrl? llo watched her romlng toward tin afler slio bad lefl tbo elevator nnil lold himself that sho wns Ilka soinelhliig crushed. Hut when lliey Inlo bis cflr and wcro on vny lo tbo hosi'llnl bo heraino ot atielhcr chnugo that liad come over neryl.

Sho allowed a ili'cn, Iho ot cino- lloinl unrest. 1'acs Irene know (hat you aro and not your mother?" J.iylnrd asked uneasily hick ot (eclliii; toward ber slsicr was no secret to him. "No," lleryl said simply. Gayloril ejpcrlcnced tbo ndil sntlnu Ibat sbo was reading hla OUR BOARDING HOUSE By Ahern selfish brute!" she tli'en 7ou neglected me for your and your sports. You thougbv inore of soap and wild penance.

She must do something! Huc'xa th, you did of your wife. Her mother's crying camo to her vis'a IM flavor seen you! I wish through tlio closed door and flayed her quivering soul until sho believed herself solely responsible for all tlio Ilii that had befallen the family. I'd let Deryl tave yon! It wonlc hav? strved light!" Sb5 stopped short admitting that Beryl bat her from Tommy. Closing Stock Prices A. T.

and 177 1-2 Anaconda Copper 26 1-2 Auburn 118 Caterpillar Tractor 26 3-4 Chrysler 20 Cities Service 12 3-8 Coca Cola H6 5-8 Continental Baking 14 3-8 General Electric 435-3 General Motors 37 1-2 Montgomery Ward 207-8 New York Central D3 3-8 Packard 71-2 Radio IB Simmons 14 3-8 Standard of N. 38 1-4 Texas Corp 21 1-1 U. S. Steel 98 1-4 New York Cotton NEW YORK, June 22. (UPJ-O'ot- lon closed tirm.

Open High 024 923 9SO 063 July Oct. Dec. Jan. Mar. May 1005 10 1035 1055 1025 1035 1055 1015 980 937 1016 1038 058 9S8 1002 1032 1051 1075 Spots steady, up 70, at 875.

New Orleans Cotton NEW ORLEANS, June 22. (UP) Cotton closed steady. Open High Low- July Oct. Dec. Jan.

Mar. May 935 975 1000 1013 1035 1051 960 1002 1024 1029 1055 1072 922 962 985 990 1018 1039 Close 953 098 1020 1030b lOolb 1072 Spots slcady, up 66 at 953. llr Millc To Visit Husbla PHILADELPHIA. Cecil B. DC Mille, film announced while here that ha planned to go to Russia and study Hie country.

He made this statement when In Chester to receive an honorary degree from the Pennsylvania Military College. BV SISTER MARY Recipes for salaus ale always welcome, and the following oius are timely and quite out-of-ths- ordinary either in their composition or manner of serving. First of all is a rule for a delicious French dressing. This dressing Is particularly good with fruit, but blends excellently with meats and vegetables. One cup salad oil, 1-3 cup lemon juice, 1-3 cup orange juice, 4 tablespoons powdered sugar, 1-3 cup tarragon vinegar, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, 1 teaspoon mustard, 1 teasixjon paprika, 2 lea- spoons sail.

Chill all ingredients, and put in a deep bowl or wide-mouthed pitcher. Beat, with a dcvcr beater. Or mix in mixing bottle or tightly covered fruit jar. shaking as usual for French dressing. The following salad is served in slices of liiin cold boiled ham rolled cornucopia fashion and held in place by wooden toothpicks.

Cornucopia Salad Four slices ham. 1-2 cnp chopped blanched and roasted almonds, 1-2 cup cream cheese, 1-4 cnp grated carrot, 1-4 cup finely chopped celery heart, 2 hcard-cookcd eggs, mayonnaise. Chop whiles of eggs and combine almonds, carrot, celery and mayonnolsc. Roll ham to form cones and fill with mixture. Place on a crisp lettuce leaf and sprinkle the salad witli yolks of eggs forced through a riccr.

Serve with rye or whole wheat bread." Ric? and tomalo salad is colorful and Inviting. Rice and Tomato Salad Six green onions, 6 large plmcn- olives, 1 jiciiricr, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce. 1 dessertspoon mustard, 1 cup cooked rice, 1 small head lettuce. 2 twnaloes, French dressing, mayonnaise. Mince onions, olives and pepper.

Add to rice with Worcestershire sauce and prepared mustard. Mix thoroughly and add salt it necessary, but tho rice should be well salted when cooked. If freslib' cooked rice is used, the mixture holds togelher bcllcr than If rice Is used. Cool and shape into small balls about the size of an English walnut. Wash and crisp lettuce and separate into IC.UT.-.

Place in a salad bowl, pour over French dressing and toss lightly i with a fork. Add tomatoes VilPErtED -TH CRACKS -W OLD BLOCK WAS i'eaifvj6 ME of A. GET SOME OMB To HIM A BAluOOfi UP 2.5 1 Mii-es Ad 1 PRCF. PQCTOR Tat- we. i AM.

COMPLETELV BliT I MUST DO -Trlose T(WP VCLJ AS AS A TIPPLE AMP ALL TQ EAT SPARlMcbLV, CUT DoWri Oki AMP MouJ I AM I SICK! I've EVER isi MY LIFE; Ov "Irene and I wcro never real Dialers," she said mildly, "but cvi'ry- IhliiB Is going lo bo illfferent now." Gaylord ilh! not answer, bin pics- enlly ho (elt ho should warn her. "Irene lias not changed." ho salt! blimlly, "Perhaps not," fie.ryl said. "I did nol that. is 1 who liavo changed because you ECO it was 1 who was in tlio wrong." Ciaylord ilasbcil her look ot surprise. The steady Innaliig of that Inner llsjlil daunted him.

After that ho remained silent. lieryl bad nothing further to olltic-r. Slio did not oven ask about PCG. U. S.

PAr.OTF. 3l BY hCA SEIWKC, thS- BOOTS AM) HER BUDDIES Irene's condllEon. It seemed lo Gaylord that sho was ohacsscd some thought which.was nll-absorb- liiR. "Xollilng clso mailers, 1 Biicss," be decided. At tbo hosplnl he lold bcr be would wait aud take her hack to tlio liotcl.

Gaylonl hait-ienrLd she might ask him lo go up to Irene's room with her ouly Bald, "Thank thouylit to her sur- In volco so colorless lio co nU1 uot know if slio had under- slooil. For a long while ho walled from her railroad journey before wheu Ueiyl returned ho could dis- going to Iho hospital. cover iiotliliiE in her face to indi- Ho was shocked at tho change in cate Umt Ills fears had been real her. When she camo up to him at ized. If Irene Imtl treated Beryl to tho station -while ho was looking a sceno her expression did not re- for Mrs.

Everett bo did not know lier until sue spoke to him. about tho conversation. (aco was drawn anil thin. lie was HOI Eurnrlscd, however, Gaylord wondered now if he hac when she told linn, on the wny to betrayed his shock. tho hotel, her chief reason Cor com terrible! The Velvctan Girl! What ius to Oakdale.

had happened to her! Tho gardenia (To itu ed nmoiiET them in tiic movlo houses. They explained their thrills its OT KNOWING "WKK Of pudding, lemonade. Jlounrier, automobile and while muidcr wns nmotig the fav- salad with prune dressing, orites of both boys and girls. SODT-b VWTi WtYb WKTCVVtO pineapple trifle, milk, coffee. Of the 1,439 children 180 attended the movies at least once a u-eeh.

1B4 twice weekly and 3G attended three or four British Children Favor afler washing, in Western Films and Love Kulariaiis tn noosl Cliccsr. MADISON, Wisconsin. mayonnaise. Fn ms depicting murders, comedies. ar- ciitly in the demands of child movie fans here, according to the Bir- of Wisconsin cheese by be used place of their Such ca-n- inlltec's invesligation.

luncheon meeiiny. excilcmcnt, interest, to Tomorrow Menu BREAKFAST: Unliullcd piece of clicnse witli all rh were as reasons berries, potato omelet, graham and movies by 1,433 children whose I and may increase by raisin muffins, milk, coffee. LUNCHEON: Cornucopia Kilnci. ages ranged from eight lo 14 years, j.000,000 pounds, the U'hcn questioned by inquirers scut- FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS THK DHAWING! OcvTT -ibO No! I'M WHICH Pi-Acs 1 yWT of THIS. SHOULD SO So AHEAD AU-RIGHT.


SlMfcS WE FIKI1SR, and sliced and lice balls. over more French dressing, garnish wit Innaymmaise and serve. Sweet peppers sniffed with a I browned sweet potatoes, mixture of cream cheese and v.nls with Hollamlaise sauce, re delicious cut in slices and cd with a pinie dressing. Prune dressing Soak prunes. cold water to cover for one hour.

Similar in this water nntil plump but not the least bit soft. Cool and remove from stones and chop. Add with olives Pcur over pepper been thoroughly chilled ranged 0:1 LHtuce. dressing mayonnaise WMCSTR1CKCN. SVERVWHEB.E, TO EXPECT W.ftE<kDY THEV CAN THe ROW OF THE GUARD BOATS THE PISTA.NCE..

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