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Rutland Daily Herald from Rutland, Vermont • 4

Rutland, Vermont
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I 4 71 4 V. 1-m -r-r -rf TTlin 1 Am i tr! ATmTrt VT A'CTtri rnTt) OOilOQl Justifies, Orderly -Wheat Marketing THE RUSTIC BY PAUL PRENTISS JONES. This highway beautification la something like If you do ft, nobody notices it or thinks anything about 1L If yon dont do it, thlags look bad enough so folk know ft. Of course that applies only to cleaning up and getting rid of. eyesores.

If one is going to do elaborate redecoration of a house, or fancy landscaping of roadsides that makes a striking change. 4 A 1 -v If we haTe to have housecleaning; as no doubt we do, we ought first to let things get dirty enough so we i can eee something accomplished when ws clean up. 1 i The aim In highway beautification Is not fancy landscaping to simulate a park, but removal of eyesores; and. preservation of natural beauty. A community "bee" for -this purpose lean accomplish much, hut no doubt the majority of folks would rather applaud from the sidelines.

They "did not attend, but thoroughly as Mr. Pratt so pointedly expressed it. The Rutland Herald Established 1791. Entered at the postofflee- la Tint-land. ae second-class Mall Matter.

Member Audit Bureau of Circulations SUBSCRIPTION RATES By'MallwPer month -SO By Mall, per year 6-00 Del Ire red, per .00 DtUTtnde per yitr 700 Always In Advance. Member of the Associated Press. The Associated Press la exclusively entitled to the use lor reproduction -f ell news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this Baper, end also the local sews pub-shed herein. HERALD TELEPHONE NUMBERS Business Department, (38 Editorial Booms ..30 or 617 MONDAY. NOVEMBER II.

193L CLEAR THINKING ON PROHIBITION LAW Judge Charles H. Darling of Bur llngtou, speaking to the lawyers of Chittenden county, lest week, dls-. posed of the shibboleth that the prohibition laws are something sacred, that ft la treason or high crime even to dlscusa their repeal or modification: "The proposition that because a law-Is on the statute books ft must be respected, mnst be qualified with a mental reservation. Judge Dar-v ling said, "because this view la fallacious. Judge Darling haa perhaps as much respect for the lew as any lawyer of forty years practice, hut he 'apparently does notrrgard a constitutional amendment as something which must never he reconsidered.

But shell the cltlseu pick and choose the lew he proposes to obey "The question." the speaker ex- "arises only over laws which nave been enacted -without a distinct majority, laws upon which the people were closely divided. Though the majority may have-been legal, it might not have been actual. -Wa 4liAnvh A 9 4s gtVWtt tO end ar strength of the federal government were deemed sufficient, back In 1911, lor the enforcement of the ISth amendment, without special endeavor. It should not be necessary." he continued, "for various organisations -and the government Itself to spend millions of dollsrs for the enforcement of this amendment. "A standing army Is needed, the Judge added, to patrol our borders.

There should ho a higher reason for the enforcement of the law than mere fact Is on ear statute books." 1 In other words, a law which haa not the support of the majority or on which the majority has not been allowed to pass. Is one of those laws which may or may not he more honored In the breach, than the observance. Such a clear-cut statement of the legal bearing of what everyone knowuvto he4 fact places the clear- thinking people of the state deeply in Judge Darlings debt I. church, one of 'the prettiest small vlllageX churches In tbe county. Is putting In a new furnace.

The Rustics home church put In that modern Improvement some years ago, before the Rustic had returned to live permanently in town, and alnce then has been nnable to heat the -church decently when the outside temperature Is below 40, Instead, the church services are held In' the "vestry" for about half the i This room has less than a third the floor space, and perhaps a fifth ot the cubic air space, of the main auditorium, and is plenty large enough to accommodate the present congregations! Modern Improvements are continually extending farther hack Into the country. Moat and many farm homes, now have electric lights. Bathrooms are still comparatively scarce where there Is no village water or sewer system, hnt their number Is continually increasing. OU burners are codling Into fairly common use In the smallest communities, even where for fuel is common- and cheap. Lumber Is so cheap that owners Of timber land are losing money holding 1L Msny people own land which might cat perhaps enough to be worth 61000 on the stump, after cutting which the Mad will he worth little.

Meanwhile they are paying each year taxes on $700 or $800. so that the Interest end taxes amount each' year to at least per cent of the value of all the timber when cnL As an investment, timber land, unless bought and listed at low figures, Is a poorer proposition than much of the stock on which dividends are now deferred. Farmers eke out their Income to some extent by cutting off a few cords of wood a year. Now oil heaters are removing some of the potential patrons for wood, and the farmer loses the chance for some of mis side-line income. The Rustic would he tempted to try an oil burner in the cabinet heater of his living room.

If he did not have se-mnch wood going to waste in his wood Bnt wood in the wood lot Is worth very little. ft stove length wood Is worth $8, as It is In some small villages, not Including packing in the shed. It leaves not over $1 a cord for ita slue on the stump. Brattleboro Reformer. By the way, alibis arenumerons at free "bees" for public purposes.

The Rustic knows of one bee for schoolhouse Improvement. Different folks bed signed to furnish amounts of mopey or work, as they felt able, with some furnishing bothOne man who volunteered work was unable to spend the time on the day appointed, but showed np tor the free dinner furnished to the workers by the women of the community 1 fr 4 Wilmington and Brattleboro folks whom the Rustle has met seem enthusiastic about their new road. One Wilmington man admitted that It had converted him from "cement or nothing" enthusiast to a believer In mixed-in-place" for roads rtravj eled no more than that route. In general, however, the Rustic agrees with his friend and critic, I Smith, that the construction of "mlxed-ln-place Is not popular. Most folks feel It ie Interior to ce ment, as ft generally la and that therefore they ere Cheated In not getting -the hesL On the other hand, for most of the places now 1 getting "mlxed-ln-place It ie really a choice between that and patching np the gravel for several more years.

H. H. of the Rutland Herald has once or twice commented on the Rustics rushing In where angels fear to tread. (You know who does that.) So the Rustle Is doubtless foolhardy In mentioning the unexpected hindrance to construction In Marlboro, doe to the selectmen desiring the choice of the Chuich Hollow road. Ae an outsider, who only occasionally travels the road.

It looks to the Rustic as though the proposed route, now objected to by tbe selectmen, would he muchrpreferable for Marlboro. and that the Chorch Hollow road, now favored by the selectmen, would he cheaper for the state to constrncL As the Rustic understands It. Gerald Adams, perennial representative from Marlboro, responsible for the road through the village being chosen ss part of the federal system. rather than the Church Hollow road. But even though there la a temporary hindrance, there Is evidence that before many years there wUl be a fine thoroughfare across the south end of the state, from Brattle-boro to Bennington.

We note that South Newfaue TO A FAITHLESS TOOTH 1 4 PEREGRINATIONS TORCH-BEARERS. Arthur the world la full of poets! Everywhere you hear them sing; ZJke the crickets September, -Like the thrushes in the Spring; Some in taint and piping treble. Some In numbers deep end strong; Some In grand, exultant measures Somf in tranquil even-song. O. the world la full of poets! You may hear them everywhere Making beautiful the landscape Making musical the nlrl In Siberias sterile spaces, Where the Tropic's son-rays scorch, i To the souls In desert places Bearing faithfully the Torch! Theirs Uo sow the seed end water With their tears i and tend with prayers; I But for alien hands to gather; For the harvest la not theirs! Yes.

the world Is full of poets May God bless them every one! Be their path ways ever upward And their facea toward the Sun! West Brattlsboro. Nov. 20. 193L 1 Thanksgiving Invocation, God of men of gentle grace, God of men of radiant face. God of men of valiant race, We thank Thee! God Pf men of lowly birth, God of men who till the earth, God Of men of sterling worth.

We thank Thee! of men who do and dare, of men who hardens God of men'who freely share, We thank. Thee! God of men who watch end pray, of men who light the way, rtf men who serve today. Wo thank Thee! God of men who deeply feel. God of men-of righteous real. God of men who help end heal, We thank.

Theet God of men who truth proclaim, God of men of selfish aim, God of men who know Thy name, 7 We thank Thee! I GRENVILLE KLEISER. New York. Nov. 1ft, 193L Dream World. Through dost end quiet comes -the i dawn-like glow, Of visioned vistas gay with ro-1 seats light; Gardens more beautiful than we can ever know, th fadeless flowers add golden fruitage bright.

Acroes-dim twilight seas of fragrant dreams A white ship bears ns soundless I to that I shore. Moved by the wordless muaio-hlnt-j ting streams Of soft, I still winds that purple skies outpour, i Green I banks expand with calm, -Hesperian grace And latent wander beckons and rsvivesi; Here any shed the last enenm- berlng trace Of pains and cares tht weight onr waking lives. The sunlit fields ere starred with asphodels; i forests echo to an endless song i Beyond the plains a violet mQun-j tain swells. While iq bright valleys brooklets wind along. A world, unspoiled, that shapes us all anew As down Its leaf-lined path our -spirits stray: How longs the heart to hold It clear And glean the' Joys of Its eternal day! Joeephlne Evelyn Crane Blossom.

Rutland, Nov. IS, 193L No shirking of the ec rhymes of the first foregoing -poem -of Mrs. Blossom; glow know, light bright Most of us think we have done onr bit when we have rhymed the bd or second end fourth lines In quatrain, hut every other one makes It pretty smooth. i Qur guest-contributor, Grenville Klelser, Is unusually; devotional In his- Thanksgiving prayer and we must air give tbankaTor Neighbor Goodanoughs exhortation carry on in the good work of 'making of it good, some of it a llttleworse bat all good within Its limitations -and tome mack better than tha i versge. Well, St.

Albans-High was true to form In losing Saturday's championship game after turning out half of the Railroad City to fill the stands in Middlebury. At probably the time limit alone SL Albans score Id the Inst qnsrter, butthe sport tSme too Juts. Same with Harvard. After -the toughest kind of play and Booth's Ions 'drop-kick 1 to beat. It was too late to start very mach with ascends left to plr.

As for Notre It Just had to come. The fighting Irish. with the Balkan Hae-up had licked Jut once, or they would have been hard1 to like with hereafter. But ft was tough to have to take ou their own grounds and lose drop-kick, which, by the way. nh of the sole surviving plays of old Hugh It by i is ot Bugbyj.

Welter iWlncheR, who hes been threatened -with horsewhips, gets and feminine finger-nails, predicts that'the Tnnney heir will be christened "Genie Lender." This would combine James Josephs fighting title and Mother Polly's 'family name. Fair, enough If Welter, has the right dope. Welter, by the way. Is something new on the air and will be finding himself In a Broadway show nexL In 'addition to-hlscolnmnin the Mirror no easy Job be seems to take part In most everything thats loose along the Great White Way. Go It while youre yonng, feller! i 1 t- Some tnr ley-honing writer on the Brattleboro Reformer reminisces as follows; -j Some.

things do not-change much as the centuries roll on. The following is. the menn of a Thanksgiving dinner served nearlySOO veara ago: "Roast turkey with -chestnut stuffing; mashed potatoes, boiled onions, squash: hot bread and apple batter: mince end pumpkin pie; apples and Tbe only thing conspicuous by- lta absence Is cranberry i 1 1 Of course, there may be folks who prefer chestnut-- staffing or even oysters to round out the sumptuous perfection of a roast tnrkey, but they are unworthy devotee anl deserve Trusted and cherished. Is it kis4 fair For you to be the root of my 4 pair? I who have loved you from earliest youth. By spying doctors now am told truth: The foe that works such evil 1 tooth! When friends prove false then bitter is the blow.

One cannot eopwlth loes doesn't-know, So faithless cuspid out today jw go! Never again through juicy steak er crusL Or or chicken shall your for be thrast; I'm going to get a false tooth 1 can trusL BY DAVID LAWRENCE. J. CHICAGO, Nov. 22. The Farmers National Grain corporation, the largest marketing organization -in the United States representing farmers, has Jnst completed an audit showing that In -the last 18 months It has made a profit ot $1,500,000.

Part of this profit will be used to build up a reserve and part of It will go back to co-operative marketing organizations, as. tbe first patronage paid since the federal marketing act went into effect. i This extraordinary development will come as a surprise to the agricultural world, but it was made possible through the orderly marketing of grain, the prevention of gluts at various terminals, and the' recent rise in the price of wheat. Chairman James C. Stone of the federal farm board has been In conference with the Fanners National Grain corporation here this -week and expressed himself as much pleased.

With -this evidence of the effectiveness of the agricultural marketing provisions of the law. Mr. Stone pointed out today that In the general discussion of the farm boards policies, so much attention had been paid to' stabilization operations, which were Initiated as an emergency measure only, that many. people had lost sight of the permanent features of the law whereby the farmers were to be aided In marketing their product at the highest possible return to them ana without the expensive Intermediate charges that used to go to the middleman. Middlemen Suffer.

Naturally it is this encroachment on the middlemans field that has aroused the antagonism of the grain trade toward the farmers co-opera-tines, but the Farmers National, which la wholly owned and controlled by tbe farmers, does for the producers what -tbs commission men used to do, except that Instead of trying to buy from the farmer at the lowest price rand selling on their own behalf at' the highest price, the Farmers National merely concentrates on trying to get the maximum return, since It represents farmers only and anyfmoneylt makes goes back to the farmers. Incidentally, the Impression gained here by talking to agricultural experts, Is that at no time In the last three years has wheat been bought on a sounder basis than -today. Thus wheat receipts at the terminals are below the demand, for cash grain. There la no doubt that speculators recently sent the market up too rapidly, hut on the other hand, the general rise in wheat' prices over the next 12 months la confidently expected; 7 Mills Need WheaL Officials here revealed that the farm board certainly justified its refusal to lock up In storage Its accumulated wheat, for if it had agreed to; withhold this wheat, tbe mills In the northwest might have been forced into a desperate situation. The crop failure In that section as It 'is, has made it difficult for the millers to get the right quality wheat except at.

a premium, and to some extent business is being lost to Texas and other milk. Wheat Is selling nr a premium at Minneapolis. The merchants who-sold their, wheat to the stabilization corporation, are buying it back now and while it might have been possible to charge them prohibitive prices," because they needed the wheat to supply the millers, such a policy. It was recognized by the stabilisation corporation would mean distress to the northwestern mills. and hence a compromise level hap been fixed.

iThe Grain Stabilization corporation is an emergency organization which la utilized by the farm board in emergencies to buy wheat but the Farmers National is a permanent marketing agency for the farmers. While there is a hotbed of controversy over the whole policy of the farm board, there Is no doubt that the Farmers, National Grain corporation is the real bugaboo. Never before has a farmers organization achieved such size or such success. The fact that middlemen are adversely affected is attributed by officials here to an evolution In marketing jnst as the growth of the chain store has driven many independent grocers out of business. It Is not going to be accepted, however, without a struggle and already the attack, oa farm board policies has grown Intensely In this region in the hope of breaking down, cooperative marketing.

(CopTriffct. for Th Daily Herald By David Lawrence.) 100 YEARS AGO From The Herald of. That Period. 5 WIT AND NEWS. Mr.

Curren Was once asked, 'what an Irish gentleman, just arriving In England, could mean by perpetually petting out his tongue. 1 -suppose," replied the wit. "hes trying to catch the1 English aecenL" The officers of the 3d Brigade and 3d Division of VL Militia, recently held a convention at Fairfield, on the subject of an alteration of the mll)tla laws of this state, who adopted spirited and able memorial to the General Assembly. If our representatives consult -the wishes' of their constituents, we may expect a salutary reform in our militia sys-tem, at the approaching session. i 4 Smallpox Caaea Scattered.

The smallpox situation in several cities and towns of Vermont Is rather disquieting. Following the reports of twenty cases In the town of Georgia, cam the statement that there' were a dozen or, fifteen, cases' in the town, of Bennington Now the statement Is made that there' are two! cases In SL Albans. Thus it wllli be seen that the disease Is by no means localized. Bennington is in the remote southern part of the state, while SL Albans is not far from tbe northern boundary of the state. This scattering of the disease indicates a 1 real problem ahead of tbe hoalth authorities 'and the pub-11c.

-Barre Times. Wjiy Not Run en Your Platform, I Dr. Butierf We see that Dr. Nicholas -Murray Butler of has framed a platform for the republican, party next year. If Dr.

Butler will please nominate the candidates for president and rice presldenL that will do away with the need and tbe expense of holding the party convention? Barre Times. u- Herald by Edgar A. Gsnt.) Depression History Repeats. The following editorial reflection seems timely if not especially cheers ful: "It Is gloomy momant In history. Not for many years not In the life- time of most men who read this 1 paper has there been so much grave end deep apprehension; has the future seemed so Incalculable as at this time.

"In our own country there la unlver-. sal commercial prostration and panle, and thousands of our poorest fellow- citlsens era turned out against the approaching uent and "In France the poll i seethes end hobbles with uncertain- JF Russia hangs as usual -'like a cloud, -dark and silent, under the horison of Europe; while nil the energies and influences of the British empire are sorely tried, and are yet to bo tried more eorely. in coping with the vast and deadly Indian insurrection, and with its disturbed relations In Chins. It is a solemn momenL and no man can. feel an indifference (which, happily, no man pretends to feel) In the Issue of events.

"Of our own troubles no man can AN ACHIEVEMENT BY NEWTON D. BAKER. Newton D. Bakar, former secretary-' of war. In a Boston speech said that tbe United States owed one great debt to the world.

America was responsible tor the preservation of world peace and should take decisive action to meet its responsibility and discharge its obligation. Immediate adherence to the world court, for one thing, Mr, Baker urg-jed. The United States, having taken steps to pay the debt it owes the world, then should make it possible for the debtor nations to pay their debts to i America by taking down the tariff and letting In their goods. Mr. Baker the Capper resolution in which the Kansas senator seeks to have the United States withhold Its financial and industrial support from any nation which breaks a treaty.

At the present. It would be apparent, the United States should cease trading with Japan er with China or with both. That policy would Interest tne American exporter. Mr. Baker spoke, at length.

In one respect he may hare broken all records In that everything he advocated was contrary to the interests of his own country. Not every inter nation-alls can do that In one effort Chicago Tribune. TODAY IN NEWS AND HISTORY TODAYS EVENTS. Festival of SL Clement, -patron of farriers and blacksmiths. Centenary of the birth! of John M.

B. Sill, Detroit superintendent- of schools, American minister to Korea. MaJ- Gen. Hanson E. Ely, U.

S. A. retires today. TODAYS ANNIVERSARIES. ,1749 Edward fftutledge, JurlsL pa-trioL South Carolina signer of the Declaration of Independence, governor, horn at S.

C. Died there, January 23, 1800. I 1 1825 Henry D. Cooke, governor 6t the District of Columbia (1871-75), credited with being the first man to send back dold from California (1848), born at Sandusky; O. Died In Georgetown, February 24, 1881.

1843 Henry C. Payne, '-Milwaukee capitalist and postmaster-general under Roosevelt, born at Ashfleld, Mass. Died In 1804. rrs 1810 Evart A. editor and biographer, born in New York.

Died there, August 13, 1878. -'I860 Made Bhshkirtseff, celebrated 'Russian artist and writer, born. Died October 21, 1884. William Edwin Rudge. American master printer, -born in Brooklyn, N.

Y. Died; June 12, 19 3 TODAY IN HISTO 1787 The 'Ohio company of New England made, arrangements for a party of 42 to set forward under the leadership of Rufus Putnam. 1837 Patent granted for the Crompton loom, one of the most valuable ot cotton machinery inventions. 1849 Murder of Dr. George Park-man by Professor John W.

Webster, in' Boston one of the most famous in American criminal annals. RY. 4 TODAYS BIRTHDAYS. Theodore Lyman, famous Harvard university physicist, born tn Boston, 57 years ago. MaJ.

Gen. Hanson E. Ely, U. S.A, who today reaches the statutory age of retirement; bora in Independence, la $4 yean- ago. I Gov.

George F. Shafer of North Dakota, bora at Taylor, N. 43 years agO. -L'. Henry B.

Joy, old-time automobile manufacturer, born ia "Detroit, 67 years ago. Edward C. Plummer of.the U. S. shipping born at Freeport, 68 years ago.

Sir Gilbert Parker, noted- novelist, born In Canada, 69 year ago. to he ted the cold-storage article, with ready-made dressing. That tastes about as much like! a real Vermont article as boiled dinner in a Chinese restaurant. (Or chop suey at a church festival, for that matter). Hot bread and apple batter mey be wejl enough tor those who hate the digestion ot a he-goat and the appetite of an ostrich, hut we suggest yon make the bread very light and small in finger rolls and serve the apple batter tor late sapper.

1 Celery from the side-lines, and a Waldorf are worth considering as gastronomic scenery hnt the real piece of the resistance is the turk. "Mirrors of 1932," another nn-sponsored' review of the great and near-great, also written by Washington correspondent, more particularly looks fnto the future far a nominee for president This would-be prophet Is about as mad with Hoover as tbe reckless three who wrote "Merry-go-round" and what he thinks ot Coolldge ought to have been suppressed; another example of repressed desires bursting forth, for this bird has undoubtedly failed to make C. C. talk Just as he 'failed to pin H. H.

down to anything worth printing. He also must have had a whirl at Albany, as hf bang it-on' Frank Roosevelt by saying Die Governor hasnt 'guts; conversely, he finds that Newton D. Baker has, despite his evident misfit as secretary of war. 11 1 A pacifist -who can help to win a war Is' some feller, according to the author of the Mirrors. AND he says Newt had the best working, foil-time set of brains at present extant.

Yes, wed like to eee Baker run on a platform ot the court, league of nation, policy of policing the continent and helping out In Europe, Asia. Africa, Australia and tbe Islands of the Pacific whenever the clarion calls, with army and navy big enough to make our kind words respected. i It might clarify things 'for the Washington muddlers and meddlers who cant keep their minds on onr own troubles. i Mirrors by the way, says Govi Ritchie of Md. could have been nominated In 192S 'if he had 'come out as a dripping wet.

And heres a prediction: Mirrors says that John Barleycorn Trill be, a 'candidate In both1 conventions whether the bosses know it or not. As he alts In on all sorts of poll-tical conferences; that prediction Is 'The announcement of a local milk dealer that he would at once install a pasteurisation plant In order to fnrnlsh his customers with sterilized jnilk is significant of the fact that such a demand must, after all, come frodi the public. Undoubtedly other dealers will follow suit as soon as We are not In a position to do or sy very much about the British tariffs, which go Into effect this week per cent. What we need to do with some thoroughness Is to organize dr own markets on the new basis. It is good news to learn that fever Is not readily transmissible from one human patient to another bnt the bovine disease from which It comes Is highly contagious among cattle.

Veterinarians so far have not been able successfully to cope with "Brucella Abortus," so the need of pasteurizing the milk of such cows becomes important. The management ot the local theaters Is doing the fine and generous thing in giving over the receipts of their midnight shows on Tuesday, this week, entirely to unemployment keliet. This runs into a substantial contribution by the theaVfers themselves, which make no charge for film rentals or the overhead ot their theaters; it also allows everyone sympathetically Infclined to enjoy a midnight show and help the Unemployed, too. I Senator George H. Mosee of New Hampshire i Is notable for tbe enemies he makes by his outspokenness.

If, ns some correspondents think, the Progressive senators will fo so far as to throw the control of the Senate over to the Democrats, rather than re-elect Moses as president pro tempore, the penalty for Calling the Progressives "sons of tbe tild Jackass" would eeem to be a lfle excessive. Elsewhere In this Issue, Tbe Her Old prints the first Instalment of a Serial story by Ann Forester, enl titled "Tangled Liree." This Is a new.departure and shcnld be gladto have the opinion ot onr read-pra about it. -As the show people jsrould say: If yon like the story, tell your neighbors; If yon don't like it. teU us. The story of ths special Christinas tree, which netted $1.3 Of or the farmer from whose land It was ent and which finally was sold for $200, Is sn extreme case, but not so ex-I erne ns it might be.

The- spread between what the Vermont farmer gets tor his Christmas trees and what ths buyers In the big cities pay for them Is altogether too wide. Farewell old tooth; comes now our parting day, Though long Ive tried to keep you from-decay If must get rid of you, ths doctors y- Down through the years Itb worn you In my gum, Fed yon and loved you; now- my heart grows numb; i They tell me, tooth, mjr, poisoner youve become! I After long years of friendship can it I be 1 That you, all unobserved, should I turn on me i And plot -wbrse tortures than an i enemy? i i Sharing my smile, my thought and i tender care, a LETTERS FROM, HERALD READERS REPUBLICANS AND ENTANGLING I ALLIANCES. To the Editor of Thp Herald: fA fair dissection of your mornings editorial construing Hardings election as a vote against entangling alliances Is In order. For Harding immediately called the conference resulting In the nine power treaties, negotiated by Henry Cabot Lodge, Charles E. Hughes and EH' hu R00L subscribed 'to both by Japan and the United States, 'guaranteeing integrity ot.

China, resulting in evacuation of Shantung by Japan, and other agreements. This line, of so called entangled alliances, was followed up to various results by Republican party to final Kellogg peace agreement which was likewise signed and adopted both by Japan and the United tates. Nor did 1 these Republicans depart from former stand. They never vded to kill President Wilsons peace treaty or league of nations, they merely voted as they said, and you may think them honesL to adopt some reservations to them. I In connection with -the 1920 campaign, you certainly have rot forgotten that the bitterest, criticism against Wilson was that he did not drive the Japs out of Shantung and the English out of Ireland.

Never were Issues more buried, not even when the Dry claimed a victory when they beat At' Smith because be was a Catholic. 1 That Harding vote was a conglomeration of the most inconsistent and antagonistic groups that ever voted for! presldenL it included all the hyphenates, both those favoring the allies and those favoring the Germans, and all opposed to the draft, food and fuel control, and cvery re-strictlve necessity of. the war period. To the Republican vote was added the vote of all The disaffected. Certainly, so far.

I have not noted single outstanding leader of either Republican or Democrailcpsrty who opposes this action of MrTHoov-ers. Yon might add National Grange and other powerful bodies to list of his supporters, I JOHNJ.WILSON. Bethel, Nov. 19K 1931. 1 7 L.

Good Work, by Ho wo Scalo Co. In the face of keen competition, the Howe Scale Co. ef Rutland has secured a government contract; for 6000 email, scales, the contract ptice being about $22,000. The order will, provide work for about 25 for three months. Three months work for -25 men la' a distinct sign" for.

the scale which has been forced by the dull times lay off many employes. Brattleboro -Reformer, I (Copyright (or Tho nndn-lant the demand arises, the world will be Interested In the proposal of the League of Nations for a surrey of conditions In Manchuria bat to such a labor without an armlstlco would seem to he abeurL 1 LITTLE BENNY By Lee Pape. Me and Puds Simkins was vast-ing along jus wawking along, aai we started to look in the window i the new candy store trying to 4 cide wlch kind we would taka case we had any choice and a EJ money, and all of a sudden said, good nite, look whose there. Meaning Persey Weever inside tk store wawking around looking waiting for the lady to get throsfi waiting on some man, me saying, C. you cant buy less than a werth in this store, lets go in keep him company.

Wlch we ve in and started to, me saying, Hea Persey, you been here long? No, not very, Persey said. 6 looking exter glad to see Puds said. Hello Persey, what ka you going to buy? No kind, Persey said, and Puds said. No kind, whats yon me no kind, how do you mean, no EM whats you doing in here then? I Just came in to look sey said, and me and Puds salaw yes, like fun, ha ha do you exp us to bleeve that? Wlch Just thej the candy came over, saying. Well, by? Looking at all of us vhew said it and meenlng what 4ii want to buy, and me and Pod ed to Persey saying.

He wonts sos thing, hes the one. I am noL either, Im ony for them, Persey said. me and Pads, and the ldy Well.then cleer ouL the whole caboodle of you, this is to bulla vard, cleer ouL Wlch we did, me and Puds Hay, that was a heck of a tries know darn well you was go buy something. How do you know I was, no" 1 going to prove it? Persey Us not even giving him faction of ansering him oa of him being the champeer are Ra-measurlng Town The action recently taken Johnsbury to ascertain tne mileage of roads In the tows mlleage to be divided into tar slons, namely, state roads, roads and town roads, comm.4. of self to the 7eople of t'rtrfV city in the state.

Now that ttr, haa taken over some of uj ways, it la well for each t0WfLis to know just what mileage to, the town or city to Furthermore, It is ment for each city and know mileage it hs for maintenance of which of Vermont makes aPPo-'tl0Trr4 to the cities and towns. see the end. They are. fortunately, as yat mainly and if we are only to lose money, end by painful poverty to be taught wisdom the wisdom of honor, of faith, of sympathy and of charity no man need seriously to despair. And yet the very bsste to he rich, which is the occasion of this widespread calamity, has also tended to destroy the moral forces with which we are to resist and subdue the The really novel thing about the foregoing Is.

the fact that ft was published In Harper's weekly under date of Oct 10. 1SS7, over 74 years ego. When the tax on gasoline distributed la Vermont was relied to four cents per gallon, predictions were freely made that -bootlegging gasoline would soon he as '-well known as bootlegging Intoxicating 'liquor. This haa not quite come to peas, but a man' in Stamford Is. in trouble -because of his activities la haying gasoline at wholesale out 'side ef the stated and re-selllng It without the formality of paying the tax.

He Is said to have gallons in -this bat -his profits (7)' of a few hundred1 dollars probably go very far if the maxi- mum flfle of 11000 should be impot-d. i i It is of coarse very fine an. -ru-slder-llke for Mayor James J. Walker. ef Naw Tork to dash across the continent to aid In treeing Mooney, convicted of a dynamite, outrage.

In Lof Angeles, hut there seems to he a certain amount' of business la his 'owa'dty that would profit by attention. Mahatma Gandhi In a loin-cloth, criticising the of British women would be a figure of unoon-sclons humor If his criticism were net eo characteristic ef.the topsyturvy East he represents. with startling suddenness. Great Britain Is merely doing what she might hive done with profit, years and we, the most persistent and profiting hlgb-tarlff nation, no doubt furnished the substance' of the so-called Runclmsn ptan which may tax incoming merchandise as high as 3 1 :1 V' I 1. i i -i -i 'I K' I i.

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