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Brooklyn Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 8

Brooklyn Eaglei
Brooklyn, New York
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I A. n. Hodges. Statu chess champion banns not with an accident on Staton Some Good Score Hade at the Indoor Targets. The reaular shoot of the Zettler Rifle Club took place last evening at the indoor range and many of the soWs made were above the average.

Of the fifteen members that participated tea shot up some back scores, or, in other words, instead of Bring the regulation fifty shots, as called for by the rules, doubled up for the evening. Of that number William A. Tewes did the best shooting, eorln 2.445 nolnts out of a possible 2,500. v. was prevented (rom meeting i Nat t.r of Pittsburg in their fume thoir lamr in the maub between the I.

ea2 ie championship Then Will Come Succession of Metropolitan Circuit Dates. Ball teams tne rooms 01 flayers wiv" Kr.ishti and Kit Would Like Faculty Consideration of Greater New York League. Fine Programme Will Bring Together Star Military Men. ihc Knuiklvn Chess I lub. last nigm.

i ne Brooklyn Lively came was instead put down for Friday even mi, at which time Hudgcs expects to De on Under Southern Sunshine. He also had the best ten shot string, 248 pointa. Louis P. Hausen scored 2.437, Dr. K.

1 his fc asatn. Harrv Zirn. ex-champion of the Brooklyn Chess Club, met with a similar mishap and I im. at hoard 2 was also postponed. FIGHT FOR JOCKEY HONORS.

THINK SPORT WOULD BE BETTER VERSUS BACON, i VI Kromoerat Z4t: a. woser, Van Zandt," 2.416; Charles G. Zettler. 2.421; Cl-arles O. Zettler.

2.3s4; Barney Zettler, 2.377; Henry Fenwith, 2,335, and Major A. Rowland. 2,322. Unlv four games were decided yesterday, with, VALENTINE the result that each side scored two points. TO LEAVE COLUMBIA APRIL 3.

A long drawn-out encounter, lasting Chlt- Many Good Boys Have Come to th hot ween J. IV Elwell and f. a Of those wno nrea me usual nt siriu Henry C. Zettler was high with 1.20'.. Wm.

a mv scored 1.201: Louis Maurer. 1.1S; leaden, president or the nroo.Kin i the latter lavor. w. i. Only Four Institutions Now in Long Island Interscholastic Athletic League.

Game, to Be Played While Gradually resulted August Begerow. 1.179. and Thomas H. Kol- won from J. nans in ij-u.

Local Boys to Meet Seventh Regiment Team in One Mile Match Belay Race. Working North Home-Coming April 13. moves, and snutnwics Hausleiter in sixty-seven. The game between G. Russell and K.

Vill wag a victory for Russell in forty-one moves. frront at Crescent City Meet. With the running of the first part of the Bcnnings Spring Handicap at Washington today, the Eastern racing season under the Jurisdiction of the Jockey Club is ushered ler 1.17S. The shooting was done offhand at the ring target. 25 yards range.

The Lady Zettler Rifle Club had its shoot at the same time in another part of the gallery. Each member fired two ten shot strings, muzzle rest allowed. Miss Kate Zimmerman added to her fame as a rihe With the advent of spring there is much activity and bustle apparent in the athletic circles of the Brooklyn (Special to the Eagle.) Columbia. S. C.

March -Although 'LONG ISLAND BOWLERS schools. Tills year promises to De a shot by scoring the possible 250 points in one followed Jiauasei fortune mav hav The annual spring games of the Twenty-third Regiment will be held next Saturday night at the Armory, Atlantic and Bedford avonue3, this borough. A long programme has been prepared, and the sport promises to be of the highest order. Relay racing will be a feature, special events having been in. For three weeks the tnorougnorous win prance at Bcnnings and then ccmes the BEGIN THE CHAMPIONSHIP.

Millie, made the successful one. for a preliminary glance over ring, whlie ner sister. the material at hand shows that there Is opening of real racing on the great Metropoli tan courses. Never In the history of the sport has a best total 434 points, out 'of a possible 500 points for twenty shots. Miss Kate's total was 493 and that score was tied by Miss Anna Koch.

Mrs. Harry Fenwirth scored 489 Mips F. Muller. 488; Mrs. W.

H. 479 Mrs. C. J. Watson.

478: Miss L. Eusner. 463; Mrs. Henry Scheu, 461. and Mrs.

A. Kronsberg, 450. Of the Bro klvne the past lew especiallv in the loss of players, his luck in the matter of fair wcath.r for spring practice still remains. The Superbas, that is, a round dozen of the 1M1 team arrived hero yesterdav noon for their two weeks of preparation and brought with them the kind of base ball weather that rrevails in the North season begun under mure auspicious condi plenty of talent waiting to be developed. The faculties of local institutions have realized lrom time to time the necessity for good athletic trailing and In most cases have not stopped from securing the best tal- avinn aihiotlca in their schools.

111 If' 1 ITl added for the public, high and elementary schools. There will be a match race between teams of the Twenty-third Regiment and the Seventh Regiment of Manhattan. There Is much athletic rivalry between the two organizations and the race should be closely contested. "Young Corbett." Struggle for Individual Honors and Eagle Medals Starts Off Well. The Long Island Individual Championship for the Brooklyn Daily Eagle gold medals started last night on the Superba In conse- durine the latter part of June have to coach his Wanton did not HORSE DEALERS TO HOLD EXHIBITION IN GARDEN.

tions. Last year was a banner one. As a result of tho prosperous conditions that existed, nearly all of the big stakes have been increased materially in value. AH told close to $750,000 will be hung up for' ownere to race for on the Jockey Club tracks, between now and next December. Threo week3 from to-day the second half of the Bennings Handkan will be run.

Then GORBETT MEETS BR1TT The question locally resolves itself this year into one in which a radical change is demanded as necessary. Attention has been called during the past few weeks to the fact ihf.t Greater New York ha. not. at present, a real live athletic league of schools. There are several smaller leagues, but none that can really be called worthy of New Cl charges to do a few stunts in warming up practice.

They took to the work like a South Carolina darky takes to gin, a thev ritsolaved made the fans A meeting of professional horsemen and dealers was held at the Hotel Cadillac, Manhattan, last night, at which it was TO- There will be a contest open to the Churcn Athletic League of Manhattan, and the cadets of the Twenty-third and Forty-seventh Regiments and the Second Signal Corps will determine their prowess in a half mile relay-race. There are a number of crack athletes numbered among the different companies In the Twentv-third Regiment, and the light lor the muu i ej.ur.-. who turned out to watch them gaze wonder at so much auimation under atmospherical conditions. unit wrid hlazir.ll hot. and yet lb, with such pro- lib.

Phiraen to hold an old fashioned horse fair at M.tai mn Knnarn Gordon durina: ADril. Immediate alloys. Thirty-six games were rolled in two sections. There are seventeen men entered in the tournamnt, and each man will have to play three games against the others entered. In last night's series Tiedeman made the best record, taking five out of the six games rolled against Fred Egelhoff and Modicus, with 231 high.

Bert Allen made the next host record with four victories and two defeats and 226 high. The scores: The Record. and Washington all have leagues that are acknowledged representatives of fnr of school athletics In their TOT i vi raB. In New lork. ly after the circus leaves its The diggins fessicnaks cavorted mound the field down siwit uo torrid grounders, pim-sius i lions.

DUCH IB HWl raiuhows lis it It Shaoe Fran- linaru anrl ctiaSlUK 10tl frt nf league is appaien point trophy, which has been won tour times by the athletes of Company promises to exhibition will De in tne nature oi i show, the same as the automobile and sportsmen's event, and will be held under the auspices of the Horse F.tir Association of New York. A temporary organization to Fighters in Good Mill at San cisco. every year, when out-of-town s''n" pete in events held In and around New York There is invariably shown a strength in the was a habit wun tnem raiiu-r vation after nearly live months of Inactivity. This is against all traditions of bartfl ball law and order. There was only one member of the team on Lost.

1 Games. 6 be a hard one. A teature oi ine meei be the race between Howard Valentine and Charles Bacon, in the kSO-yard handicap. These athletes are members uf Company and will start from scratch, conceding handicaps ranging from 40 to 85 yards to opponents. At the lost eames of the regiment, Valen H.

S. 22fi 201 2 139 197 Name. Tiedeman Allen Medirus F. Kgt-lhoff Lehnert Cr" 'XeLnUUve such 6 6 big body here awaiting the arrival of the tourists, hut that solitary Superba was worth a round dozen ot tardy ones. He was Charley Uabb, the New York shortstop, who is e.ated to h.l mil nahlen.

Babb is destined GOOD BATTLE SHOULD RESULT. be known under that name was organized by those present last night. It was decided to Incorporate the association and Invite all horse fanciers, as well as dealers, to become members and stockholders. The shares will be $25 par value. On the evening of March 28 a meeting will be held at the Cadillac, at which a permanent organization will be effected and to arrange the details of the proposed fair.

league. Such well known men as B. J. Games To-night. First section Courtlandt, Sharkey.

Stoddard. Second section Ttaller, Vlnnlngton. E. Egelhoff. First Section.

ex-Harvard athlete and general athletics, and James E. Sullivan of the Amateur Athletic League have several times during the past year spoken in favor of and recommended the forming of a league in New Experience of Featherweight Champion to make a hit with the Brooklyn fans tf only because of the ginger he puts in his practice. In this respect, at least, ho decidedly different from "Bad Bill." Ho was the life ot the bunch on the field, putting animation and hustle In his work that caused the others FIRST SERIES. Expected to Win Out The Betting. 8.

S. B. .235 .460 .451 S. S. B.

Sc. Name 2 6 2 Kv Martin 2 8 0 1-V Martin 6 3 1 213 Mnrtin Name, Allen Allen Allen tine covered the half mile in the remarkably fast time of 2:00 1-5, and as he has been specially prepared for the coming race, he is likely to break the armory record. In the cne mile handicap, Bacon and Valentine will start from scratch. This event has attracted a good field. The public school relay event has attracted entries from eleven schools: Public Schools Nos.

2. 3. 26, 77, 127, 129 of Brooklyn, and Nos. ID, 25. 67 and 103 of Manhattan, will start.

The Seventh Regiment will send a relay team, composed of Victor Andrews. J. Rlaekledce. E. S.

Myrick and W. M. Hor BAY SIDE C. BOOMING. (Special to the Eagle.) i Bay Side, L.

March 24 The Bay Side Yacht Club is booming. A meeting of the board of directors was held on Monday night, at which the following persons were elected York. The general idea seems to ue ui league should be composed of the high school athletic associations in Greater -New York. One or two private schools might be admitted if known to be strong competitors. Such has been the contention of followers of school bev athletics for many moons 10 14 I 524 Total 10 17 3 51 Total The twenty round bout between "Young SECOND SERIES.

Name. S. S. B. So.

I Name. S. S. B. The situation in Brooklyn is one i.

immediate attention. This borough to membership: Fred T. roung, wew Samuel E. Miller. Bay Side; William Ras-quin.

Flushing; W. Brokaw Bamford, New York; Dr. J. F. Bloodgood.

Bay Side; Denis Allen 17 2 16i behnert 3 I Allen 5 5 0 226 Lehnert 0 7 3 Allen 2 7 1 lSljUhnert 2 5 3. Total "i 19 3 573! Total 5 19 6 THIRD SERIES. S. S. B.

So. I Name. 8. S. B.

ner to opposo four men picked from S. C. Vnrthridre K. B. McMlcken.

W. Stanley, C. Corbett," featherweight champion of the world, and Jimmy Brltt, the pride of the Pacific coast, will take place to-morrow night at San Francisco. The fight promises to be the greatest lightweight battle that has been decided in recent years, and it has attracted a great deal of interest all over the country. Corbett Is a strong favorite in the betting, odds of 10 to 6 having been wagered that he has alwavs turned out such good athletes that to fall' back to commonplace performances would be disastrous.

There is not a college interested in athletics that. In look Brown." H. Sedley and J. P. Cooke of to follow suit.

The result was that every- bodv cut loose and went the limit in all do- partments. The throwing from the outfieid and across the diamond was probably the finest first day's exhibition put up by any club. There wore a number of sore arms and legs this morning, but that is considered a good sign. First impressions are invariably the best In base ball, and the indications are that Hanlon is gathering together an aggregation that will figure high in the race and worry a few of the sure-thing champions. The Infield looks good, with Loudenschlager and Babb at the apex nnd Poyle and McCormtck in the field.

The latter two may be sup-. planted bv Dillon and Batch or Strang. On -their performance yesterday, however, it will require some going to replace them. "Loudy is a hit over weight, from the suanupomt of ttiA Twentv-third. In receiving entries for the games, the,i la dninr something unprecedented Dl ..541 197 2 4 4 147 11 13 6 536 ing over promising material tor uiuit.

on track and field, would not turn its atten Martin 3 5 2 174 Lehnert Martin 4 6 0 201. Lehnert Martin 6 2 2 21 Lehnert Total 13 13 4 tion immediately to Brooklyn. Ill win. The followers of the featherweight in the history or military aiiuenco. member will be allowed to take part, who ha failed to perform 60 per cent, of his Yet this year Brooklyn promises to oe rei- O'Leary, Douglaston; Walter s.

raouin, Douglaston; John W. Braid, New York; Dudley 8. Van Anwerpt. New York; George W. Sterling, New Y'ork; William T.

James, Flushing; Dr. A. W. Jaggar. Flushing; Herbert Wlggan Bay Side; W.

Clarke Roe, Great Neck; Herbert Funke, Flushing. The new club house on the shores of Little Neck Bay is almost completed and will be ready to be opened by the first of May. BAY SIDE HUNT CLUB ampton are not flitisfled with these figures, ei.ted to tho rear. For the want ot a nus- they think that the real odd3 should be tling leader, the local league, comprising now Second Section. FIRST SERIES.

Name S. S. B. Sc. Name.

S. S. B. Tiedeman 3 7 0 1W F. 082 Tiedeman 4 4 2 IfJ.P.

271 least 8 to 6. only four scnoois r-oiy rrep, ooyo duties as a soldier during the past year, or since enlistment time. The programme of the evening includes the 100 yard dash, handicap: 880 yard run. Both men are reported to be in first class 2 4 4 Tiedeman ..352 condition for the mill, and Brltt afrermonths School, Erasmus Hall ana Latin ocnooi win this season not be as prominent as in the past ten years. The boys who now make tho iioteeatea nnd officers of the league 485 novice; 4tu yara run, nuiuiup.

4 19 7 hard training, has reduced himself 131 pounds, the weight at which he will al i- r. TO HOLD HORSE SHOW. Total 10 16 4 SSiTotal SECOND SERIES. Name. S.

S. B. Bel Name. 17 2 lti71Me.l!eus F. f.

3 2 19i Medicus F.Egelhoff.. 5 3 2 1 Mcdtcus "Father Bill" Daly. Magician of the Turf. Has Some Good Things to Release at Bennings. there will be a wild scurry on the part of the owners, trainers and public followers to get back to New Y'ork for the opening of the Metropolitan tracks, which takes place at Aqueduct the following day.

Next will come the Jamaica meet, and then sport at Morris l'ark, Gravesend, Shecpshead Bay and Brigh elgh in. Although Corbett will" carry most apparently nave not seen iu that has been offered them to organize a big league. S. S. B.

9c. .3 4 3 Vi .461 .17 2 164 the money. Britt's friends are not letting an expert, but it would nanny from the manner in which he played second to-day. At the bat he sent out a number of screamers with easy grace. No less a critic than Jack Ito'vle was compelled to applaud the.

drives. Babb showed up strong at every turn, nnd if he keeps up the gait during the championship season there will be nothing tut jubilation over the Dahlen deal. Mc- r-rnv-i a hnv- 1n size but. like his an bicycle race, novice; one nine uicycio muo, handicap; 220 yard dash, novice; 120 yard high hurdle handicap; 220 yard dash, handicap; two mile bicycle race, handicap; sack race, scratch; 880 yard run, handicap; potato race, scratch; 220 yard hurdle, handicap and 150 yard three-legged race, scratch. There will also be the one mile run, handicap; 220 yard obstacle race, scratch; sxii vgnl relav race, open to cadets of Twen 8 16 520 Total 11 13 661! Total the chance slip by.

and every dollar ot Corbett money will be covered. By reason of his victories over McGovern and Hanlon. exnerts are picking the feather (Special to- the Eagle.) Bay' L. March 24 A meeting of the directors of the Bay Side Hunt Club was held last night at the home of President Charles M. Gould.

Among those present THIRD SERIES. Name. S. S. B.

Sc. I Name. 8. S. B.

Tiedeman ..811 Medicus 3 7 0 Tiedeman ..3 5 2 ITOiMedlcua 2 6 3 weight champion to beat uritt. uorDetiwiu oe fighting at a weight tar aDOve tne ieatner Tiedeman ..3 3 4 las Meaicus ty-third Regiment, Forty-seventh Regiment limit, but it remains to oe seen ae win and Second signal uorps; oou be at his best at this weight. Britt may Several Mannattan scnoois, an i strong individually, have declared them-r elves anxious to form a part of any new representative organization that might spring to The funds of the local organization are. strong, and there would be no trouble financially. Athletes of local schools have been approached and have invariably said it was up to their principals, yet this same boy would Invariably resent any hint from these principals pertaining to his athletics.

This has been the case several times. Should Dr. Gunnison, Dr. Mlckleborougn, Dr. Aldrich and Lane get together and ram for members of the Twenty-third Regl infnrA hia chances bv reducing too much.

cestors is not afraid of anything. The light- ning-like manner in which he gets the sphere away from him across the diamond is good look upon. Unfortunately he is apparently weak at the bat. That mav be the result of the winter's relaxation. He is a better fielder than Strang, and may prove Just as good an in- tnent: 880 vard relay race, puuiic.

The Californlan has assured his friends, how. were Ernest Melere, J. Russell Barrett, nen-ry M. Bell, John Turton and Clarence Rob-bins. No hunts will be held this spring, owing to the lateness of the season.

The annual horse show at the Flushing Country Club will be held on April 9 or 16. The exact date, will be determined after a consultation with the board of governors of the Total 14 9 7 668Total 8 15 5 635 INDIVIDUAL TOURNEY BRINGS GOOD GAMES. school boys; one mile relay race, open to ton. A temporary lull In New York follows, while the sport is transferred to picturesque Saratoga. The only thing that has marred the opening of the season Is the It will be several weeks before racing will be at its best.

Comparatively few of the horses that wintered in the Bast are in condition for a bruising race. Weather and the track about New have been such that even the boldest of trainers have not cared to take chance at. forcing their charges. About the ever that he will be strong at 1J1 pounas. athletic, league teams, uuw miic -ia race onen to interscholastic teams; The men weigh in at 6 clock, inis win give them ample time to take on weight hefnro the start of the fight.

If. Corbett wins, hih tumn. handicap; pole vault, "Sammy." by the way, is holding out handicap; 830 yard walk, handicap; 12 pound he will go after the lightweight title, and may take on Joe Gans, the present champion, The Record. crinst a cut In snlarv. He made the follow Flushing tJlub.

A numoer ot vaiuauie will be offered. The directors of the Hunt Club have been in communication with owners of fine horses on all parts of Long Island shot put, nanaicap; one mm iuia.u Twenty-third Regiment vs. Seventh W. L.H.S.I Name. 8 2 23fi McDonald Name.

lng characteristic kick against the proposed in a letter to Hanlon: don't If the latter win reduce to tuo ubiiitobii limit Brltt. however, has always ignored Steinquest only work that amounted to anything has been done over the Coney Island Boulevard. know what your plans are for the summer, Roberts confer on the advisaomiy oi saving tne local league from utter annihilation, there is no doubt that they would find it practicable to carry out the proposed scheme of consolidation so well indorsed by Mr. Mr. Sullivan and others.

Such a move wm.lri nnnreciated bv their students and and have promises tnat tne pic oi stables will be sent to Flushing for the Gans claiming that he would not fight a colored man. 2701 Flower 5 Mr. Hanlon, but see no strawoorry A1Ien cake for myself if I sign the contract you! Rothermel 23' 1 Nelson Corbett first came into prominence wnen NEW YORK A. C. FENCERS TO MEET BOSTON TEAM he knocked out Terry McGovern in two GOLFING AT FOX HILLS 5 dates 5 7 2771 Bauer 4 5 24M De Rivera 2 1 llley Selulltz Dickson would probably result in the formation of a rounds at Hartford, in lsui.

unti first attracted the attention of the experts Games To-night. league in Greater New rork mac couia mmi its head as high as those' of other big The move would have to be taken when he defeated former Lightweight Champion Frank Erne in seven rounds. Corbett is the more experienced of the two and, while On Saturday evening next, March 26, a team NOT YET FOR WOMEN. i -Women nlayers who feel to go a Gates vs. De Rivera.

Bauer vs. Allen. Wllkens vs. Efirelhoff. Roberts vs.

Dickson. nf fencers from the Boston Athletic Assoc! sent me." Up to date, neither side has receded, and it looks as if Sammy will eschew a few other luxuries beside shortcake this summer. Batch, the Brooklyn recruit, looks like an acquisition. His work yesterday stamps him a comer. He is a harder hitter than McCor-mick, but he Is not quite the latter's equal -In fielding.

Hanlon wants to see more of both before he makes a decision. I.umloy shaped up well in the field and at the bat, but he will be bettor when he shaves off ntlon composed of Messrs. Sewall, Cabot, he will be-lighter than nis opponent in tomorrow night's bout, there are few follow right now, if the present scnooi atnietic year is to be used in any way' to bolster up the'local league. As the students say, None ot the Long Island tracks is in anything like fast condition. The officials of the Washington Jockey Club have added to the sentimental part of the racing game a most praiseworthy innovation.

To the owner, trainer and rider of the winning horse in the opening event of the Eastern racing season, will be presented suitably engraved silver cups. The size of the fields sent out for the Washington races is a Pleasant surprise. Under more favorable conditions in past seasons, the fields at Washington have been small in general. It is to hoped that owners will continue to enter their horses at Bennings as liberally as they have started out to do. Racegoers, that is the general m.hUo like, hi? fields of starters.

Ttiitw Rothermel defeated Ike Sherwood on Hi-nr raan and James P. Parker, will golfing these spring days at Fox Hills, now ers ot the game who think ne win do ue-feated. fence for a trophy with the team of the New it is up. to tne principals. the New York alleys last night.

Ten games were necessary to decide the series. In the Athletic at ine latter wuu that the' bars have, been down, may interested' to learn-that they cannot be accommodated before June. There are abso- The featherweight champion is. a strong hoiiao. This is a return matcn.

puncher and is game to the core. 'His best nrnvlslnns lor tnem uicbcmi. Whist. 22 last the New York Atnietic uiuu team ,.4 ih. Rnsinn Athletic Association in I point 15 nis aoillty to rame during the course of a battle.

It is said that when he met Terry McGovern in their and it will take at least two months to make things presentable for the fair sex. There contest at Boston, ine new mm nuueuu ctnh will he represented by Dr. G. M. Ham last mill at San Francisco ne naa tne uo- will be a special nouse duui iuvwuiucu.

A hand was played -in a Brooklyn club seventh game the men tied at ivi. me scores: Kothermel-193. 209, 172. 211, 201. 167.

204. 201, 179, Sherwood-ISO, 169, 194. 214. 155, 194. 188, 201, 22, 1ETotal nins-Rothermel, 1.938: Sherwood, 1,816.

Averages Rothermel, 193; Sherwood. 191. On the Harlem Circle alleys Schultz defeated McDonald in six games. McDonald won his single game with a score of 165. The wanus bov so confused at the Stan ot tne mond, w.

T. Heintz ana u. oomuer. i.a.t. Satnrdav and sunaay.

oeiua about ten pounds of unnecessary avoirdupois gained during the winter. Jacklitsch and Ritter throw to second with the accuracy of long practice, part of which they gained at Washington Park before reporting. Cronin, Doescher and Walters, the latter a Baltimore pitcher, who has been sent down by Manager Jennings to get a bit of experience, handed tin a few siants for few 'days ago which, though giving no bout that he lost hie head. about a score of women players irom atw Jersey and Manhattan put in an appearance great exercise in the actual play of tne KINGSBORO SCORES. Britt has attended all or Cornells ngnts on the Pacific coast and says that he has The fight for the among the jockeys promises to be more interesting than ever and tvrf players who follow jockeys in bettlng are likely to have a hard time.

It has been some time since a season cards, illustrates extremely wen a point, iu The teams In the three men tournament at card reading before a single card had been at the course, ready ior recreatiuu. i were crestfallen upon being told that they were nine or ten weeks ahead of time, but Scores the champion's plan of battle down to a punch. The Californlan Is aware of Corbetfs taunting method and says he will not be able Kreyer's alleys last night broke even, FIRST GAME. the Superbas to hit, but was not allowed scores started with as many promising youngsters when they learned. tnat tney coum never Kenalngton-Sharkey, 179; Bleithner, 15 to work them to advantage, in nm uo Schultz-176.

169, 158 207, 208. 191. 161. 165. 150, 168, ls.3.

Total pins Schultz, 1,109: McDonald. 939. Averages Schultz. 184 5-6; McDonald, lSeVi. played.

dealt and picked up the following hand -810, 9. 5. 3, 2. H-K, Q. 10.

Q. 5. in tho rtnir Hritt nas neieatea iviu Palace'-Shrlever, 190; Hartley. 159; Hulsberg, 168. the links Saturdays ana sunaayo, iu uiuu to the usual prohibition of holidays and tournament dates, their sorrow knew no T.avtono Frank Erne Martin Canole, Jack in the saddle.

itn Kedtern, uaom, Burns, Cochran, Wondrrly, Shaw and others of known a number of new faces will be Been. Most interest centers in the appearance nf Phillir6. the boy that led the Jockeys Total, 607. SECOND GAME. to cut loose.

That Cronin should pitch good I ball for Brooklyn this year is Hanlon's verdict, and he expects Doescher to do the same. The Superba manager was Immensely pleased with the first day's showing. During a thunder storm that prevailed last night he gathered his youngsters in the parlor of MAJOR LEAGUE KESTJLTS. O'Keefe' Willie Fitzgerald and a number of other pugilists cf less prominence. Corbett ua mat tha host mpTi in his class since be c.i..Shriever.

146: Hartley. 225; Hulsberg, He declared no In answer to A's inquiry. said VI should Tti scores of the games rolled In the Royal 1S8. Total, 559. Arllngton-rRoae, 169; Pedly, 147; Hoffman.

1' bounds. From the first there has been no notion on the part of the club to give women the use of the links, even restrlctedly, on -busy days, and it seems strange that any other idea should have gained currency, especially as won the title, and he has nroved practically at New Or Vans this winter. This young Arcanum Major League tournament last night invincible at the featnerweignt limn. do? He knows that A must lead his best heart. He also knows that is not doubling Total, 495.

THIRD GAME, rmsT rtAMB. the hotel and gave them a bit of fatherly i follow advice, the first of a series of such sessions 185: Pedley. 211: Hoffman, 192. I Gilbert, on the strength of his heart wnat, Name. S.

S. B. Sc. Name. S.

S. B. Sc. WON TWO GAMES. timviern won two games at the Unl women are to be.cnargea oniy nan tne annual dues of men.

The remain at then, can have to justify 'him in doubling, 215 Bleithner, Leo Total, 588. Kensington Sharkey, 157; Klencke. 169. Total, 541. A no trumper? He surely has not diamonds versa! alleys last night, defeating th Central $40, as in the past, altnougn several announcements have been in error on that 16 3 lijll ieru 4 3 3 Ifill! Fuller 6 2 3 2 3 5 1491 Hagar 1 7 2 3 6 1 1ST! Chalmers ..253 12 7 1011 Van Tassel.

3 6 1 that will prevail while the men remain here. jack Grim, the Cincinnati hoy who managed the Salt Lake City club last year, has secured the franchise of the South Atlantic League team and is arranging a series of (limes with the Brooklyns. to take place April 2 and 3. The Superbas will leave on nor. clubs nor hearts.

It is highly improb Iirlll Anderson Sinner Ferguson and Salamander teams. Scores: FIRST GAME. AMERICAN WOOD IN GERMANY, able that he has doubled on general strength Central McKeever. 172: Marqulss. 156; Bennett, it nf wnnd Into Germany from the is forced to the conclusion that Las ster it is aid Dy tnose wno nave waicueut his riding closely, has an excellent seat, a fine pair of hands apd a head as cool as the provebial cucumber.

Together with this he is sai to be an excellent judge of pace and understands placing a horse in a race to a ncety. Witl all these qualifications, Phillips' path shouU be a rosy one. He will have a stanch rival however, in Hicks, the diminutive colore! lad, who had turf followers by the ears about New York at the end of last season. Lite Fred Taral in his best days, the little crlored chap never knows when he is beaten, jure pluck and energy gained for him what-)ver reputation he has, and many a race has he won or finished in the money when ho Total 11 20 19 7501 Total 13 25 12 United States have more than trebled since SECOND GAME. Fraternity.

I De Witt Clinton. 145: Sheridan. 170: Jacobus. l.4. Total, Salaniander-Lechenstein.

169; Rlchmlller. 160 Edwards. 178: Kelly. 134: Wnrk. 164.

Total, 86. SECOND doubled on the ace of hearts and A long apparently, set lip spade, suii. But hold 1880 amounting In laua to more iu.u 850,000. It consisted mostly of pitch pine, S. S.

B. K. S. B. Sc.

Name. Name. ing it s.iades to the 10. knows mat tne 3 6 1 lKt'! Robinson Tt.ii la more resistant to the weatn salamander Lechenateln. 197,:.

Rlchmlller. 171; STOCK EXCHANGE SCORES. Tho Stoppanl- Hotchklns--team defeated the SlmpBon Sanders; and the Ennis 8toapanl teams in the Consolidated -Stock Exchange League on the Grand Central alleys-last, FIRST GAME. Ennis Stoppanl-Roll, 166; Ds La Ventre. 190; Rolllson, 158; Masserlne, 102; Rcohe.

164. TctaL 763. the night of April 3 and proceed to RicninniiU for two games. They will piny at tithor Norfolk or Washington on the 6th and 7th, Baltimore on the Mh and 0th, Washington on the 11 and Baltimore again on the returning homo on the following day for practice at Washington Park. much lens than oak.

which aver 3 4 3 2 3 5 2 3 5 5 4 1 12 7 0 4 0 HSIConley 3 4 3 lfiOEngels 2 6 3 153 Hall .451 ltttiiLockwood Lee- Hiill Anderson Stotier Ferguson Total spades are not set up and that can- have no re-entry except the ace of hearts. He can count the five tricks, in B's hand with almost absolute certainty. decided that he was willing to take Edwards. 175; Kelly. 134: Wark.

lie.JTotnl, Fern-Bennett, 171: Swan. 166; Trescy. 14b, Ketcham. 162; WaMman. 187.

Total, 832. THIRD Central McKeever. 1S2: Marqulss, 125: Bennett, 13 24 14 Slj'iTotal 13 16 21 THinn GAME. Stoppanl Hotcnstn wauer. nuicimm, Grlmwood.

132: Kollmcyer, 180; Potter, 164. To-I 15S; 159- Sheridan, Jacoous, 14.. loiai. i Fern Bennett. 168: Swan.

191: Treaey, Ketcham. 165; Waldman. 185. Total, the chance against A's getting the two extra tricks, and went back, making the trick Gilbert i Dewill S. S.

B. Sc. So. I Name. value 48.

immediately went dbck again 4 RTJPPERT'S TOURNEY. The Eureka. Arlington and East New York teams broke even last meat In the three men tourney at Ruppert's alleys. Scores: FIRST CAME. did not look to have a chance.

There are also a number of other little fellows who promise well, including J. Hennessy, B. Walsh, young McCalforty and the Westerner, Cormack. Whether Jockey Fuller will ride in the East or not is a question. He is at Memphis ages $3.47 per 35.3 cubic feet, while pitch pine costs only for the same amount.

Owing to its utility and cheapness the pine is handled in the most remote parts of Germany. FORESTERS SCORES. Fort Greene Council won two gHmes In the Foresters tournament last ntght. Scores: FIRST GAME. Rldcewood-Cairns, 146; Muller.

142; Dlckslde, 156; Fisher. 135; Richards, 169. Total 748 tlantlc-Donohue. 154; Berliner. 147; laherty, 169; Lynch.

156: Lyman. 165. Total 821. hesitated once more, but under the con Name. S.

S. B. r.lerds 4 5 1 Fuller 2 3 5 Haanr 3 3 4 Chalmers ..334 Van Tassel. 2 4 1 Robinson lWlConley Hall 166 Lockwood a 4 4 2 6 3 3 7 0 3 5 2 WOODMEEE WANTS BASE BALL. Woodmere.

L. I March 24 A number of baseball enthusiasts of Woodmere and Hew- dltionc decided that the stronger B's hand was the better he would like It. Tricks were worth points each. went back again, making them worth 192. This set tal.

828. SECOND GAME. Simpson Sanders-Brady. 174; ftawl'ng. If Mulllna 111: Morton.

133; Sturgej 13). Total, -to. Ennls Stoppanl-Roll. 127; r9 Vtrt j. 139 Rolllson.

154; Masserlne. Total. 721. THIRD GAME. Simpson Sanders-Brady.

102; Mulllns, 88; Morton. 120; Tosl. .6.3. Stoppanl 138; Haikln, 196: Grimwod. 160; Kollmeyer.

149; Potw, Its. 815. now and may not come East during tne nrsr. 14 24 12 834 13 18 17 804 Total letts are contemplating the formation of a Total part ot the racing season. It is too bad that Fuller cannot Denave niniseu.

v-ueu at ui ENGINEERING EXHIBITION. best his peer as a musner ana an arouua to thinking. His hand was: s-A. 1. 1.

4. H-A. S. 7, 8. 7 good rider does not live.

Eureka Joseph Huppert, lut; M. floss, 112; P. Bellman. 143. Total.

47.1. Arlington C. R. Wichern. IC'J; C.

Wichern. 146.. Total. 4tl. SECOND 11 A ME.

East New York V. Dnr-rzaph. 170; .1. Doerzanh, 171: F. Herehenroeder.

Tolnl. Eureka Joseph Huppert, I'. lieilman. 1H0; J. Bellman.

146. Total, 4M. THIRD CAME. Arlington Helsenbuttol, c. R.

Wichern. 1S1; C. Wichern. Total. East New York V.

Doerzaph, ISC; J. Doe.zapll. 179; F. Herchenrocder, lii2. Total, M'7.

There was a possibility that had the team to represent this place on the aiamona this season. Woodmere is a good base ball town and as there is good material to form a first class team it is more than probable that the game will be played here this season. The record made by the old Modocs some years ago Is still fresh in theminds of all. and if a team is organized it will no doubt be well supported. BEN FRANKLIN LEAGUE.

The Bartlett team defeated the Evening Sun and SECOND (IAMB. Rldgewood-Calrns, Muller, 156; Dlckslde, 101- Fisher. 145; Richards, 159. Total, .10. Fort Greene Rerrehone, 143; Heltmann, 143; Buckler.

112; Henry. 128; Parry. 195. Total. 721.

THIRD GAME. Atlantic Donohue. 176; Berliner, 113; Flaherty 112; Lynch, 137: Lyman, 127. Total. 667.

Fort Greene Rerrehone 125; Heltmann, 12s; Buckler, 149; Henry, 161; Parry, 168. Total, 732. spades stopped, but it seemed outside human probability, and yet the repeated go back onnid mean nothing but an open declaration Glebe teams In the Ben Franklin League last night. Scores: A very interesting engineering exhibition has been inaugurated In the Peoplo's Palace, Glasgow, by the Lord Provost of the city. The idea is to stimulate and encourage artisans.

The corporation of Glasgow gave $250 for prize money, and the collection of models In naval architecture, mechanical engineering, electrical appliances and machinery in general. Is very creditable to the Inventive capabilities of the workers of the "Second City." The loading Clyde builders contribute ship models, and the King and HOPPE WINS AGAIN Frank Hoppe, the young cue pert, defeated John Taylor In the pool contest at the Columbia Billiard Academ on Fulton street, last night, 100 to 37. twice cleared the fifteen balls off tly table, while the highest run his opponentieored was 13. To-night Arthur Darrow wll' oppose Hoppo FIRST OAMK. Globe-Thetfoid.

164; Martin, 115: Pertln, 110! to that effect. doubled once more, making tricks worth 384. doubled, carrying them to 768, and at that score the hand was BOWLING GAMES TO-NIGHT. affile Brevoort, Gen- Btllenbach, 145; Compton, 1C0.

Total, 724. FLOATING THEATER. Evening sun-eiorion, raniees, iyo, clbu- A led tne or nearts ana neiu mo mm bn. 156; 176; i Kinney. 110.

Total, KJ. SECOND GAME. Bartlett Scelly, 195; Marshall, 128: ShuttlewortD. with the ace. On the first round of spades neither A nor followed suit, and tho jig was up.

A had not a single trick in his hand, and after taking off his four spades the Prince of Wales send interesting exhib 137; Sr.ow, 176; Andorson. 215. Total, 8ol. Evening sun morion, ramec. i.u; o.w ATHLETES TO ENTERTAIN.

The Eldort Athletic Club Is arranging a 'Stag wrestling entertainment to be held on 2, in Eldort Hall, Eldort street and fJushwirk avenue. The event of the evening will be a wrestling contest between Harry jenks and Leo ltofay at 125 pounds. Jenks Is open for a match with any wrestler that weight. EASTERN DISTRICT SCORES. The Lakewood team won tnn games on the In a pool contest tor iuu TJ.

S. P. TEAM WON. Last night the bowling tea of the U. S.

P. Company vanquished the F'nca nve on the Nonpareil alleys In three games. The Ion, 197; Simpson, 172; Kinney, 114. 'lotal, Royal Arcanum LenRue of South uroomy.i-Adirondaek No. 2.

Adirondack No. Consolidated Stock Exchange League-Maliett Wvekoff. W. E. Woodend George 13.

Whitfield. Fire Insurance League-Exchange. eaerai, Broadway three men tournament New Jersey, Chelsea. Fidelia. Arlington National-Lincoln, Sterling, Chucta- nUBath Beach-Turtle No.

2. Poodles, Idle Rest was through. Y- got two oaa incus on the play, or 1,536 points. is still wonder its. The main object ot tnn extnmtion is to stimulate the operatives of the city to vie with each other in Improving their technical skill and their inventive powers.

The exhibition has become an annual one. THIRD GAME. Bartlett Scelly, 163; Marshall, 132; Shuttloworth, One of tho most interesting of the new vessels on the Mississippi valley rivers is one built as a floating theater. The seating capacity is 1,000, with boxes for the elite and a pit for the orchestra. The vessel Is sufficiently large to admit of numerous sleeping rooms for actors, deck hands and all those connected with either the show or the boat.

It is fitted out with all conveniences for players and patrons. The theater at night Is perfectly lighted by a well equipped electric plant. ing whether ne overpiayea nis rami. a. tirrell.

194: Snow, 180; Anderson, 22i. Total. MM. Globe Thetrora, martin. io; rerun, Bcllenbach, 137; Compton, 151.

Total. 656. scores U. S. P.

i Reliance. 3.j 1st. 2d. 3d. Name.

1st. 2d Nonpareil, No. 1. Harlem Navy League Lone Star, Amphion alleys lad. nlKlit.

Scores; KIRHT OAMK. Henry. Ward Henry TEAMS BROKE EVEN. The Fifth Avenue Palace. Brooklyn Council and Colonial A C.

teams broke even in the Metropolitan sub-tournament last nisht. Scores: FIRST GAME. Fifth Avenua Palace Madegain. 172; Crowell, P. Becker, 17Y; Keete, 165; C.

Becker, 21a. Total 82. Urnoklvn Council Halloran. 160; Thompson, 117; Zutranrn, 143 136 148 129 Jrichumacher. 113 135 177 If 117 150 144 148 Total 764 683 Total 708 677 727 GOLF AI--SUFFICIENT.

ERuppert's three men tournament Surety, Re liable, Burr. Elmore Fapnacht, Hoske. -is- Pfoor, 1M: Zapnule, 1T. Total, Bedford Palace Miller. 11: Powell, 161; Williamson, Vti; Knplaml.

174. HECOXIJ GAM K. Burr 1, S3S vPINEHURST RECORD BROKEN. (Special to toe Eagle.) Plnehurst, N. March 23 Alec Ross, professional at Woodland Park Golf Club, Auburndale, to-day lowered the professional and amateur records of the Plnehurst golf course from 71 to 70.

The score was made in a four ball Scotch foursome. The best previous record of 71 was held by Donald Ross. Vardon made -73 and Travis 76. NEWS OF WILLIE HOPFE. Cunnlnubain, I Doers, 138; Wild.

102; Greenelle. 170. Total. 68,. Lakftwood Stutter.

Ellis, 21 iMi- Woodward. Maine, 17ft. WANT GAMES. The Lunham and Moore Base Bull Club has organized for season 1904 and is open for challenires from teams for Saturday afternoons. Address Charles H.

Irving, 461 Produce Exchange Bull 1-ing. Manhattan. The Thirteenth Romment has organized a base ball team and Is desirous of hearing from teams of strength within a radius of 100 mites from the who will otTer suitable guarantees. Ad BROADWAY TOURNEY. The Edison trio defeated the Broadway and Llnwood teams In the Broadway three men tournament last night.

Scores: FIRST GAME. Broadway-Chandler. HI: Ferber, 196; Arpa, 147, TEdlson-McCoy, 200; De Rivera. 210; Cadieu, 182. Total.

592. SECOND GAME. Broadway Chandler, 183; Ferber. 208; Arps, 231. Total.

622. Llnwood Daley, 182; St. Johns, 233; Kennedy, 169. Total, 584. THIRD GAME.

Llnwood Daley, 166; St. Johns, 161; Kennedy, 129. Total, 456. Edison-McCoy. 170; DeRlvera, 182; Cadieu, 193.

Total, 545. FIND 'EM EASY. Willie Hoppe, in a letter to his brother from Paris, savs that he recently defeated The links tb'Hnks! what place so fair? Fournll, the French expert, four out of five BedfoM Palace i "arfy. W. v4; Hurt, 191; Williamson, 116 Ensland.

177. Total. P'S. THIRD GAME, lakewood Stutter. Ellis.

r'unninirham, moa Fnnmll envn Hnnne fifty points in Its nutting gel, ltB with nihlicvcleek and driver we Try tor ea hle 1' tee to tee. nni tine' poor, the hole is lost, il'ViHn the next at any cost. each of the stings at 200. Young Hoppe will liWCU.MJ UAMa. Colonial A.

Wyman. 119; Rayan. 186; Sehll-JinE 173- Borley, 112; Bracken. 153. Total.

834. Hr'onklvn Council Halloran, 179; Thompson. 145; Dryers M7; Claus. 16S; Greenelle, 193. Total, 852.

THIRD GAME. Wyman. 179; Rayan, 216; Schilling. 157; Borley, 171; Bracken. 145, Total.

868. Fifrli Avenue Palace Madegaln, 133: Crowell. IV; P. Becker. 117; Kecfe, 177; C.

Becker, 200. Total, SI6. 146- Woodwnrd, r.b; Harnc. it. touu.

Zutrann dress Lieutenant J. S. Buck, 484 WUIoughby ave Klmorp Fapnacht. Vs Boslee. 104; 146; Pfoor.

-U; 131. Total a Jre stroke, the bunker's cleared, return to this country next summci. BEDFORD REST GAMES. Team No. 17 defeated Team No.

4 at the Bed ford Rest alleys last night. Scores: FIRST GAME. CRESCENT A. C. POOL.

Three matches were played last night In the Crescent Athletic Club handicap pool tourney. The scores: Class A H. Kryn beat G. F. Hardy, 75 to Kl; H- Kryn beat C.

E. McMahon, 75 to 80. Class L. M. Moran beat C.

House, 40. to '80; F. J. McKlttrlck beat C. B.

Dickinson, 20 to 18; H. C. Brlgharn beat G. V. Wykes, 50 to 41 nue, Brooklyn.

COOL. "It that bill collector comes while you are gone," said the new clerk, "what shall I tell him?" "Don't tell him anything," said tho callous and improvident person. "Let him keep on guessing, as usual." Washington Star. The hoi'8 won why nave we feared? Then 0 and on we go the round, The llile sphere skims o'er the ground. Dull ve begone! We'll naught of thee, polf Jl sufficient is to me.

1 Golfing. Mr. Church, in the Brooklyn department store: Where will I find baby carriages? Mr. Flatbuah: I ran across a few coming Team No. 17-Thompeon, 182; Gltlen, 155; Smith, VALUABLE INVENTION.

An Italian shipbuilder has invented an electrical device which will prevent the stokers on an ocean steamship from shirking their work. If the stoking is not properly done, the machine gives tho nlarm. The Invention has been sdoptad by the Italian navy. 1 i 07. rial.n.v.

143 1 Dsvlei, 146. CERTAINLY. "Now, Alice, you shouldn't use that expression, 'butted it's not polite." "Well, Isn't It just as pollto to say it as it, is to do It?" Yonkers Statesman. Statesman. Total.

3V6. Team No. 13 forfeited two games..

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