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The Times-Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania • 1

The Times-Tribunei
Scranton, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WBATHCR FORECAST. For EUrn ti aoutfierny rain or snow in north por tion tonight, and vveanesuayi i YcatehUt Circulation, (ft ll' CITY EXTRA W1TOT ta. 1 1 ii ii ii ii 1G PAGES--SCRANTON, TUESBaT AFTERNOON, JANUARY 8, PAGES ONE CENT A COPY. 38TH YEAR NO. 7 A Staple ROOSEVELT WINS OUT IN CONTEST WITH SENATE OVER NEGRO SOLDIERS I- TWll MB -mtc -cmr THE ELEMENTS AGAINST THEM on military affairs when it begins Its investigation into the affair.

In this extent Senator Lodge, acting as the president's representative, wins Nineteen New Cases Today Raises tbc Total Fever Value at If Question of President's Authority to Discharge Colored Troops is Re-ferred to Judiciary Com-mittee, the Matter Will Sleep, at Least for This Sessions. out In his contention, and Senator Kor-aker loses. It is, however, entirely probable that a resolution will be Introduced this question as a sepnrute Inquiry to the committee on the Judiciary, which Is recognized as the proper one to consider what is purely a question of law. Senator Foraker's new resolution provides simply for an Investigation of the "affray" to ascertain the facts, and makes no mention of the discharge of the colored troops by the president. Senator Lodge yesterday introduced a resolution of slmllur tenor.

If the question of the president's authority to discharge the troops is Anally referred to the Judiciary committee it Is expected that It will not be heard from aKiilii, at least at this session. Once more, therefore, the president wins out in his contests with the 15c Wednesday Washington, Jan. 8. Whether the president exceeded his constitutional authority in tin Urownsvilln affair will not be among the questions to be In Record to 1003 Another Force of Men Put to Work in Cleaning up the City A Statement Issued by W. W.

Scran-ton, in Which be Advises Use of Elmhurst Water. Average Number of New Cases is Decreasing Eacb Week, Still the Spread of the Epidemic is Not to be Denied Precaution Taken Weeks Ago Should be Continued. quired Into by the senate committee BISHOP PLANNED TO BIG SISTERS OF CHARITY HERE TO ACT AS NIRSES members of which devote their lives to It became known this morning that Right Rev. Hlstiop M. J.

Hobau the humane work of nursing the poor "The slaters would be quartered Ii Knit Underskirts. made in grey and white, various lengths, to suit ladies, misses and growing girls. Full width about to secure a corps of Sisters of St. Joseph's Foundling Home during Charity to come to this city and care their stay here," said the bishop, "an for poor families among whom the would go on dally trips In different sections of the city. In much the same driaded typhoid had claimed lis va an lid the i Ntru-t nurses unae line.

The apparent, i batvmenl of the the direction of Miss O'Halloran." The thousand mark tias been reached and passed In the typhoid epidemic. epidemic has caused1 the bishop to ibandon the plan, temporarily at least, and unless there is a fresh outbreak Their object-would be to bring relle and comfort into homis where povert; adds to the misery of sickness, regard Ips nf rresil Thn vnlualilp asslstanc Wjth nineteen nfw cases today there Is an epldemlclof 1.003 cases In it Is not likely that the sisters will come. tho city alone. When a Times lcpresentatlve saw and good medium which they Would render in stumping nut Mtifilamlf inn smrcplv bp over him this morning, the bishop said he Dunmore has ft rises and a record of five deaths, whtBnlffht properly be estimated, inasmuch as the sisters are had had the plan under consideration weight. for some time, but on account of the conceded to be among tne most bkiii ful nurses in the world and their wld pYiiprlpiipo tn nrimlnlstpiin? to the slcl heavy demands upon the members of the order in the larger cities at this In the poor quarters of large cities season, he hadvbeen unable to secure would aid them greatly in meir worn horn positive assurance of thi-lr coming.

Had It been impossible to secure the Sis The bishop has decided, however, to ters of Charity, he would have mdea- vored to arrange with the Sisters or nwait further developments btfore tak Ing any definite action. Mercy or in fact any other order, the PITTSBURG GRAFTER NICELY Th6 low price at which these Petticoats are offered may lead you to believe that added to the. city, owing to their close proximity and the source of infection. Be-idea this November had a typhoid record of seventeen cases. The unusually smalt number of cases reported yesterday and Sunday gave encouragement that the fever was rapidly abating.

While nineteen cases for today la a gratifying decrease as compared to some of the daily reports. It behooves all to take warning that the danger point has not been passed and that there should be a continuation of former precautions. Do not neglect to boil the water. No deaths were officially reported, but there was one in the State HospitalFloyd Gilpin, of Gibson street. The Increase In the number of cases today was not altogether unanticipated by the city authorities because of the extraordinary small number reported on Sunday and yesterday.

Ten of the nineteen cases today wtre reported by three physicians. TRICKED BY $70,00 0 BRIBE OFFER In cash was subsequently placed in Pittsburg. Jan. 8. Sensational testi they are imperfect safety boxes, first at the Colo mony was given In the $70,000 "graft" scandal In connection with the ordin nlal Trust company and then at the "AWAKENED CHINA" MAY PREVENT WAR BETWEEN Union Trust company for Martin.

Mil- ance to give the Pittsburg and Tube City Railroad company an entrance hojland held the key to one box, and the key to the latter box was deposited Into Pittsburg, when William A. Mar In another safe deposit box at the tar mers' Deposit National bank. tin, a member of the common council, was put on trial in the criminal court He also swore that Martin ordered yesterday, charged with soliciting a him to deliver the keys of a safe de bribe for the passage of the ordinance. DAILY TYPHOID REPORT. AMERICA AND JAPAN Among the witnesses were J.

H. Mll- posit box back to Cameron, remarking as he did so that he "had been trim 1 hey are not Every skirt is guaranteed perfect, and the price quoted for Wednesday is lower med again, for the monej was not mere. holland, a civil engineer for the railroad company; C. B. Richardson, a broker, and-C.

S. Cameron, president of the Pittsburg and Tube City Railroad company, who are also implicated hardship for the moment to the people. It la necessary and must be done. Some means will have to be found to do ft. There are many other things affecting Ing the public health that constitute a peril that will have to be done.

We cannot let them go on any longer." The mayor also pointed out that with respect to open privies, that the health department had served more than a thousand notices during the past season. He referred to the menace of such places at the Mt. Pleasant ravine and the open sewers in West Scranton, Indicating that the administration Is fully aroused to the deplorable conditions Wi the various parts of the city by reason of past inactivities of former administrations. His annual message to councils will treat particularly with these conditions and remedlcal methods. It will probably go to councils on February 1, Instead of In April and It promises to be the most' Interesting document that any mayor of the city of Scranton ever sent to the lawmaking bodies.

This afternoon the mayor will call the police force together and direct them to enforce to the fullest extent the sanitary laws of the city. District Nurses. C. B. Richardson, the broker, told If Japan Is given her conge In the Total for Otctmbir 840 January 1 37 January 2 22 January 3 31 January 4 11 January 5 29 January 6 January 7 9 January 8 19 present Instance the sleep producing of the mysterious disappearance of the $70,000 which he had loaned President Cameron and of Martin's refusal to be In the scandal.

dose will have been administered dlplo Mllholland testified that he had plac niaticaiiy. That the Chinese govern searched for the money when it dlsap ment is sufficiently modernized to plan ed a $60,000 certified check In a safe deposit box, which was to have been peared, and which was subsequently such a coup Is regarded as significant found by a local detective agency, The interpretation placed upon the which received $10,000 for Its recovery given to Martin, and was told by president C. S. Cameron In Martin's presence that the alleged bribe money was Total .1003 Invitation of China to join Great Brit aln, Germany, France, Russia and the increased from $60,000 to $70,000 in than the mill price. According to Richardson, the scheme of fooling Martin was worked In his very presence by means of two envelopes, one containing the money and United States to Join her in a confer Diplomats Assert That Sunrise Kingdom's Insatiable Ambition Would Sooner or Later Bring Her Into Conflict With United States China to Block Japan in ence to discuss the commercial future of Manchuria Istthat It shows her de order to get sufficient votes to pass the Tube City ordinance over the mayor's TYPHOID PATIENTS NOW AT CITY HOSPITALS.

the other, identically similar on the termination to hemd off Japan from ob outside, containing no money. Mllholland also testified that 70,000 talnlng a preponderant influence In Manchuria. Stat Hospital 95 Moms Taylor Hospital 39 Hahnemann Hospital 39 Wast 8cranton Hospital 23 1 here enough to go 'round if the rush is not too great The plight of Corea, where Japan E. M. BIGELOW HAIf A The city now has fifteen district has established a suzerainty, made the nurses, Including the chief nurse.

Miss Alice M. O'Hollaron. An Indication of emperor a virtual prisoner In his pal Total .196 ace and monopolized all trade, has been how dearly the city has to pay by reason of the pollution of the water sup PEEP AT CARNEGIE'S WILL sufficient warning to China of what will happen If Manchuria falls under the ply can be gained from tnls one Item sway of the Japanese. If other nations can be Induced to of nurses alone. The nurses cost the city $28 a week; $21 for salary and $7 a week for board and other expenses.

become bidders for the Manchuria trade China realizes they will speedily Pittsburg, Jan. 8. "What Is Andrew At this rate the Item for district nurs Carnegie going to do with his fortune Note the fact once, more ing, counting fifteen nurses is $420 a Pekln, China, Jan: 7. The "awakening of China," ot which so much has been heard lately, may save the United fitates from a war with Japan In the of nearly one billion dollars when he limit Japans Influence there. Once other nations have sufficient in terests in the Pacific to demand protec dies? week.

It Is not a question whether tne nurses are worth It. Their work has Edward M. Blgelow knows, but he tlon the entire Pacific possession would not distant future. Diplomats agreed that we will sell on won't tell. not be left to the United States alone that Japan's insatiable ambition would sooner or later bring her Into conflict been and still Is one of the biggest forces In stamping out the fever, but it simply shows that the Infected water supply Is going to cost the city a pret Mr.

Blgelow recently returned from a trip to New York, where he had a heart-to-heart talk with the laird of If Japan's ambition led her In assuming a danaerous attitude at present. 'China'sneat plan for checking Ja with the United. States. "Awakened China," however, proposes to put a check on Japanese ambition even In Sktbo. Mr.

Blgelow, who was former "A pan shows to what extent she must ly a director of public works of Pitts the Orient In the future be reckoned with. burg and who has done 'more than any one else in providing the city ty penny. Additional clerks, men on the outside, lime and other materials will bring the total away so that the $5,000 appropriated' by councils will In all probability be eaten up before the city Is once more restored to Its normal healthy condition. (Continued on Page 7.) beautiful parks, has been close to Mr, Carnegie for years. DETTRY SAYS THAT MITCHELL If AS lt.

Mr. Carnegie Introduced the subject of the disposal of his fortune after he was gone. He showed Mr. Blgelow his will, which had been drawn' recently, but pledged him not to reveal any of NOT INSISTENT I BETTER WAGES its contents until he Is dead. W.

W. 8cranton's statement will be found on page 6. MARKETS That the provisions of the docu ment are unique and that It provides for the expenditures of many millions Special to Tht TlnW sford, Jan. sford, Jan. 8, In for philanthropic purposes Is admitted by Mr.

Blgelow. Pittsburg, upon which Mr. Carnegie has already spent something over $20,000,000, comes in wages, I think you should grant It." The point inferred by Mr. Dettry Is that the convention 4 'i Sliirts for Mr. Mitchell was not Insistent enough Today's cases are distributed as follows: Central City- 7 West Scranton 5 South Scranton 2 North Scranton 1 Green Ridge 4 Total 19 'JEATHS OFFICIALLY REPORTED.

December 36 January 1 3 January 2 6 January 3 5 January 4 2 January 5.... 7 January 6 6 January 7 3 January 8 0 Total .67 Twenty-five additional men are being employed by Director of Public Works Acker, to help clean, up the city. Two new ash dumps have been secured by the department, The Lackawanna" railroad has granted permission to 4ump otj, waste ground near the KlBJ street bridge. Permission was also secured to Jump ashes' on the vacant, lots In Qreen Ridge, at the foot of Clearvlew avenue. A man from the departmfent of public works supervises the dumping and sprinkles the ashes with lime.

No rubbish Is permitted to be dumped In with the ashes. From Unlondale comes a story that Miss Pauline Coleman, a young woman, is down with the fever, contracted from the water In this city, during a recent visit. The Stat experts say they know rirthlng about the story that Dr. Wilson, of Moscow, had reported a case of walking typhoid fever In the village three months sgo. as Is declared In sorn of the public prints.

i Closets i it was formally brought to the attention of Mayor Dlmmlrk today by The Times, Jhat hundreds If nqt thousands of open privies are being maintained In the sewered districts of the city by people who- have closets Inside their houses. 1 rf. "Do-jrou not think that in view of the pretrent condition they should be he was asked, to which he replied: I '') i "Generally, yes. They are all over the city, but I believe they should be eliminated, and the unsewered fllstrlcts Jaave to be i sewered, whether It Is a of me Seventh district mine workers today. William HtDettry.

who declines for another big slice. When Interviewed today Mr. Dettry told exactly why he was leaving the During the course of the converse tlon Mr. Blgelow said Mr. Carnegie re organization.

"My reason in withdraw Ing Is because the lack of Interest on the part' ot the men has made It so marked, "Yes, here I am willing to give more millions to Pittsburg, but they New York, Jan. 8 (10 a. The stock market opened Irregular, with narrow price fluctuations in the majority of Issues. Great Northern pfd. was the strongest, opening 1H higher and gaining another H.

St. Paul was up Vt Reading and Canadian Pacific Union Pacific lost K. and Erie 11 a. was current comment that stocks were for this morning on all rallies and a belief prevailed that profit-taking In the f.ilgher priced Issues continued this morning, The price that there Is not enough revenue com don nave the brains there to use it, Ing In to pay the expenses of the tils Mr. Blgelow took it that the steel king trlct." meant that Plttsburgers do not pos ThnaA eolrlnv aaniinn at iha itnn sess the business Insight to carry put to continue In the office any longer, mad several remark's that seemingly were to shift the blame for the men in the Lehigh Valley company's employ In the Hazleton region not Retting the wages they ought to get on John Mitchell.

1 He stated, that when he Mr. Mitchell and others went, to see: President Thomas, of the Lehigh Valley com-pany, in relation to an increase for the men, that Mr, Mitchell said to Mr. Thomas: 1 you think these men are entitled to an increase-In the rate, of Ventlon and who now have nra.cttca.llv E. BIOELOW. his plana the way he wants them, a clear field are: J.

M. McElhenny, of movements In the first hour were Panther- Creek, for district president Andrew Mflttl. TTaxlutnn vit nrnal Later tbia nott was substituted with another for a like amount, but when Mlet Getter Irregular, the Hill stocks being strong. There was a good deal of bull talk on iST PAY NOTE OF GIRL left bit. employ Kleckner contested He pay dentr P.

J. Lewis, Lansford, secretary, And P. S. Gallagher; Freeland, national Pennsylvania. Colorado Fuel continued ment.

Judge Trtxler sayt there It ad tvi Its upward movement uuHru memiwr, Government bonds unchanged; other deace of fraud, tnaamuca at Kleckner when be gate the girl tbe vote malated that tbt bonds steady. have It recorded, and went so far st to In Noon-After an irrra-ulnr reaction patched and quiet, trading during the greater The engineers, who hate been taking the clots his photograph and send her to' tht court boutt to bate It entered. Kleckner de-claret tbat ht will tpend $15,000 to reala part of toe forenoon. Just before mid- ROOSEVELT'S MESSAGE LEADS TO L4B0R TRUCE dav the market made a decided Im place or the striking firemen on tbt Southern Pacific, will withdraw sad the firemen will go back, Then the liaus of membership will be takea up. The firemen wish to bold in -payment.

ft- provement, and prices of stocks that were the weakest In. the early "trading recovered Bharply, many of V.iem mak good net gains over yesterday'a RATGXJ7 Allentown, Jan. $. Judge lo the local court yesterday, refused to declare Invalid tbt judgment note of $1,009 given by Levi H. Kleckner, a wealthy real estate dealer, of this city, to his stenographer, Mist Mary A.

Getter, who has since left bis employ and become the wife of Martin Vo Buren.Raber, Mrs. Raber Is an attractlvt yoong woman, and while aha was 'la Kleckner's employ prior to her marriage be gave her tbt judgment In eonalderatlon ot her abtUnonct from Ca1 partita, straw rld, dances tad other social and conditional that the atttnd her church and Sunday school regularly. 7 their ttiiatlon Uht 20,000 members who are engiiMtera, but were formerly flremn. Tn brotherhood claims tb'ese men. J.

J. Hannahan, chief of the firemen, i expected to. receive, news from Houaton today, announcing tbat the'etrlke bu been called off. 1 Intergtate Commerce Comralaaloners Knapp au4 Clark helped bring about tbt truce. IU80N.

rXNWtCX 4 LA WRING. Fttent Lawyers and BolMtora. CetaM1 "After ten weeks confinement In the Hahnemann Hospital with, an Injured leg, Phillip Rlnsland lias been removed to his home, 802 Adams avenue. He Chlcio, Jan. 1 Tht president's lnternt tlon in the conflict between the Brothorboddi of Engineers n4 Firemen bat boras good results.

A tentative baalt of agreement between the warring ornlation bai been agreed upon, Tit factional have beua 7 ed m. waahingtno, D. Scraotoe floema sad I. Mnle BnUriint. i Spruce atreeL W.

W. BATU i lt Ketatatlva IS-ite fabm iieiii, kea, f-'L-. I' i expects to be 'about again' In two weeks..

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