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The Daily Republican from Monongahela, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Monongahela, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ria Daily RepmMioiii MNTH YEAR MONONGAHELA CITY. PA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, PRICE TWO CENTS. Some War Stories. THE REPUBLICAN A Sporting Event. FROU THE IIAITUFUTDREKS So cf It is Eqiil To the Very Finest Tailoring Work Jia.a Joa.A.1 ALEXANDER CO.

MONOKQABXLA OlTT. PABXWAKfllb AttnacT-eMwa JVOmei: Peoples Bank Building. Monongahela City. Fa. AO.

X. DZIOWX2QOXT, JXt ATTOSNEY-A T-LA W. WASHINGTON, PCNNX Omci a Dohhak Law Bumnw an Flop qhas. a. rniiVAIN.

ATTORNEY-AT-LACT 1SS FOURTH ATKjrtTK, PfTlMWMH, Pa isngnci-3oe Mala St, Moaongass City. Pa. ATTORNEY-AT-LA Office la Young's Building, next to Town Ha WASHINGTOH. PA, P. MOMJUBOM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Uf Foartk AyeiM, PITTSBTJitQ, FA JOHML.GOW, ATTORNEY Al LAW WABMQfOTOM, PA.

Collections made and all other legal buslaes promptly attended to. The business of Boo utors. Administrators and other Trustees peolally solloited. H. HOCITO, DENTIST.

OFFICE McOaaeoa'i Block, MoooagahelaOlty.Poaa' SPICES GROUND AND WHOLE 0TRICTLY MBIALIBT Geo. T. Linn, Druggist pncOallister Don't Ad- 111 VKRTUB RIGHT. Well wh I would happen If he did advertise rlghtT His Trade is reliable Drugs and Medicines, and his business is growing all the time It must be a good place to deal at McCALLISTEK'S DRUG STOIUX Monongahela City. Pa 1890.


D. HARTKICK. Civil and Mining Engineer. OFFICE as, Ha IS, Water ft. Monongahela City Branch Office for tho Pros ent, Peoples Bank Building.

Aug 28, 2 H. WILLIAM, MONONGAHELA COT Ucoocaczcr Scrrico PmsBtmo HiADQnABrrae 639 Wood St. Monongahela City Office with William! OAH FKNROD. DAILY MESSENGER SERVICE. PlTTSBCRO Hi ADCjUABTBBS 638 SmlthflSld and Byers' Drug Store, 516 Market 84.

MOHONQAHILA ClTI Sutman'S SUM BtOTS. WlLLIADUi NOTARY PUBLIC. mi, lot mi acceiht rosroivci OFFICE, CORNER FOURTH MAIN 87 mononganeia uity, ra. Collections made, loans negotiated. Estate settled.

Property rented, Bent collects. Deeds, wills, ftc, written. Business promptly attended to. Bteamsnip iicaets ana foreign ucaasgs to or from any part ot the world c. F.

LORBER, HOUSE SIGN PAINTER. Paper hanging and kalsomlnlng a specialty SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Shop basement of Hotel tTllgus.lth Street. P. O.

address, Box 131. Monongahela City, J. R. SHACK3 WASHINGTON. PA.

Dealer In Brown ft Simpson's Pianos, Worcester Organs. i.von Heaiv uraani. White IMaehlm ieSMachloeai tKavoritsMaenlno Domestic Or anv others the vooole mar want. With the sale of each machine instructions an given. WBepaln made on all machines Writs for Prices.

FBESE DAILY, Prima Fresh Steaks A Roat vutton, porh a vkau Ba age in acaeoaU The Best Meats nnlv shoos next door be. low OUT Block, nearly onnosits the Post Ot. floe. LEONARD AUOHbRDOBUU. Monongahela Citv.

Mav 6. 18SA. Alvin Nicholson has taken charge of tit Nicholson Jewelry Store, and haying ovsi twenty years eiperlence can In tore satlsfa-tloa on all work. WsW. Capt James B.

Kennedy, the Repub lican candidate lor Register, and present efficient officer, has recently visited Knoxville, and I ort Sanders, the stronghold of the defences in war days. He wrote a most interesting account of that visit, and the Daily Reporter copies it because of the local interest which belongs to the defense of thai fort, in which so many wasmngton county boys took part, Garretson and Temple-ton killed, with James Stocking. W. H. Underwood and James B.

Kennedy wounded participants. We quote two or three incidents of that light, so as to recall the heroism of those days: Capt Kennedy thus tells the story of the assault "Our pickets had been driven in and we had to keep a sharp lookout. At about six o'clock on that Snnaav morning the rebels came for us. Some "of company A gave the alarm and I sprang for the parapet, got upon top next to ana leit 01 an emDrasure, through which one of Capt Buckley's brass pieces was firing. Cotton bales had been placed on the outer edge of the parapet, which were a great pro tection to us.

When I got upon the parapet and looked over the top of the cotton bales and saw the lines of those brave and determined men. I thought it was all up with us; and knowing full well that the bill of fare at Anderson ville, Florence. Libby and was not what we desired, determined to give them the very best we had to give. The telegraph wires, which had been arranged around the stumps in front of the fort, caused many to fall, which demoralized them some. We kept up a steady musketry hre.

Ihey came and tilled up the ditch, climbing up or helping each other to reach the top of the parapet. I saw one man reach the top. and plant bis colors there, and heard him say: "Come on boys, tbe fort is ours." Jjeut. Montford replied, "Not by a sight" The man rolled down into the ditch, some of our boys got his colors. 1 saw another brave act.

an officer, sword in hand, trying to force his way through the embrasure and demanding us to "surrender," but the words were scarcely out ot his mouth before tbe piece was discharged. It being doubled shotted, he must have been blown to atoms with many more. That gun was one of Capt Buckley's, Benjamin's twenty-pound parrots could not be used at so short range, so he called to, one of his sergeants, "Bring jie some of those 20-pound shells, tie cut the fuse, lit them, and 1 heard him say as he threw one of them over, "Look out over there, some of you will get hurt I think some of them must have got hurt, for I see by their report that their aggregate loss was eight hun dred and thirteen and three stand of colors. As an officer attempted to come in bv the enJ erasure, one of the 79th N. a sergeant, being between myself and the embrasure, was struck in the bead and killed.

As he fell I caught him, but could not hold him, and let him fall, At the same time my gun was struck just below the tint band, the bullet passing through the barrel. 1 could not use it and got down and picked up the sergeant's gun. I tired four or five rounds from that gun when I was struck, the bail passing through my necK and jaw. and knocking out some of my teeth. (I was also injured in the breast and back.) I was knocked off the parapet and fell across a hole leading down into the magazine or bomb-proof, I was picked up by two of my company badly hurt by the fall, but was able to go to the field hospital myself aDd have my wound bandaged, and with Corporal W.

H. Underwood, of my company, who was also wounded, was taken in an ambulance to the hospital in the Knoxville court house, where I lay, and suffered until my father came and brought me away on the last of March. 1864, to my home, A laughable incident occurred about the time he was wounded, which perhaps he did not see, and I will relate it: Just before the Johnnies retreated it was apparent to all of us that they were going to get into the fort in spite of all we could do, but we kept on loading and firing as fast as possible, when all at onco there was an apparent lull in the firing, and a great many were reloading at the same time, the fact greatly excited a big sergeant of the 79th New York, and he became fairly wild. yelling, "For God's sake, men, hurry up or they will be in on us sure," and instead of reloading he threw his mus ket down, and picked up an old ax, swinging it around his head he let it fly into the rebel ranks just beyond the ditch with a "damn you, take that." It appeared to relieve his mind for he picked up his musket and began firing as if nothing had happened. His manner was very ludicrous.

The West Case. Constable Orrwas in the Bentleysville District yesteiday. summoning Chas J. Nicholson, Samuel Mills. Abe Tinlev.

Thomas Coyle. and others to appear at wasmngion, on Wednesday, to give testimony to be used in an argument for a new trial of William West to be heard before Judge Stowe November 4th. Bentleysville Camp Ground. At the Bentleysville Camp Meeting? sale on Saturday, tbe buildings auditorium, seats, fixtures, fence were bought in by Hon. J.

Stephens, the owner of tbe grove, it is a part 01 tne agreement that in case a further series of meetings are held at this camp ground, Mr. Stephens stands ready to re-convey the property to the same or a new association. This bow-ever, fully winds up the Bentleysville Camp Meeting association, although Its charter has not yet expired. The piobali-ties are that a new management may take hold of tbe matter, aud buying the grounds enter upon a permanent occupation of the grove, and make it a sort of Chautauqua, with educational as well as religious features. Tl.

4 1 1-- I I iiw greateiii ubikbiii. suits anil boys overcoats at tbe People'! Store. dtf A foot race is booked for Courtney to come off on Thanksgiving Day. between Thomas Nicholls of Brownsville, and Archie Black of Courtney, for $50: stakes open to 9200, a hundred yard dash, either on the Carlisle ground or on Harrison flats. Courtney la ail ablaze with excitement The men are well matched, and the race is to be fair and square.

Nicholls is a Brownsville sprinter with good time on his book, and Black who is flush with triumphs in tbe West comes to the scratch ready to win another crown or break a boot leg. Both parties will go into training about the 10ih, and the excitement will grow with each day thereafter. Twenty fiye dollars forfeit is already in the bands of Robert Gillie, stakeholder; the rest to be put up day of race. Joe Fen-wick is backing Nicholls. This will be the sporting event of the season, and a large crowd will be present with money to talk.

Died at Webster. Oct. 28. Died at the residence of his father, in North Webster, Thomas Brown, of consumption in bis 23th year. He leaves a young wile having been married only 16 months ago.

Funeral services today at the Church, at 2 o'clock. Interment at Gilmore'i- cemetery. He belonged to tbe Senior Order of American Mechanic, who will take charge of tbe fnneral. Norman Bineline who got bnrnt is in a critical condition. Fisa.

Ayer's Pills, being convenient, efficacious and safe, are the best cathartic, whether on land or sea, in city or country, For consumption, sick headache, indigestion, and torpid liver, thev never fail. Try a box of them they are sugar coated. The Time Haa Come. When good, solid, honest, shoes are required. J.

M. Sutman makes a specialty of tbe best custom made boots and shoes, which you are cordially invited to inspect. J. M. Sutman.

Great Rush, At the People's Store for blankets in white, scarlet and barred; and no wonder, such low prices is what people want dtf Headquarters for Footwear, We aspire to be tbe headquarters ot the shoe business in this vicinity, and if the quantity of our stock and its quality, together with fair dealings, can make it so, we are and shall continue to be thf leaders in this line of business. We invite intending purchasers to give us a call and see for themselves how far the merits of our stock prove our claims at FORSYTHE'S. Reliable Shoe House, W. A. PATTERSON.

FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMEB. I keep constantly on hand a full Hoe of everything pertaining to the Undertaking business, such as Caskets, Coffins. Robes, Wrappers, Fine Wool Slumber Robes, Ac. I guarantee to embalm tbe body of your friend so that vou can keep them as loag as you all parts of United States or Europe. Prices Very Reasonable.

W. A. PATTERSON, Monongahela City. Oct FOR RiulfT. A nearly new frame house on Chess street; very convenient; five rooms.

Apply to this omce. I lrTPIl what M. L. Keliev. Dm LldlCIl McKeosoort.

savs: "I sell and recommend Puritan Cough and Consumption Caret And it safe and pleasant for children i and 60. Trial bottles free at 8. V. Marlcell's Drue Store ftfinn IIEl'fC When people suffer UUUU HCIfdi pain, they want to be cured, and quickly too. Red Flag OH Alls the bill for Rheumatism.

Neuraliria. Burns. Sore and all bodily pain. Costs only at 8. C.

Market! Drag Store. CAX TIE MADE Manufacturing Ttuhhpr Rtimna. fend for nrioo o(A hitflts to J. V. W.TiOKMTN 217 East German Street, iiuitnnore, u.

1JTOR SALE Fresh cow with second calf at Jj side, quiet and gentle. Inaulreof J.W.HAPPBR. Oct. 8 23. Finleyvllle.Pa.

Lost. Saturday, a Japanese pocket-book with oxvdlzd silver trimmings, containing small cnange, cards, etc. Liberal reward if returned to this office. ram sale. The Robert Gatbralth bouse, M2 on Waverly Hill.a eood prooertv.

chean Apply to JOHN M. GRABLE, Sept 22. FOR on Coal street of six rooms. Possession November 1st. lsau.

Enquire of GEO. HOFFMANN. Oct. 2 1890. rOST.

Or mislaid, a book received by mall ArlrirMMtft tl Mr 1 illnan an1 unopened. Finder please return. pUBLICSALE. There will be 'offered at Public Sate at Wvlle Station, one mile below Wt kh. beth.onthe V.

C. R. and opposite Bellevlew Station on the McK. V. R.

B. on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13,1890 The following personal ptopertv: 32 head of Choice Dairy Cows, and or short horn bull. These cows nave all been carefully selected and are choice dairy cows. 6 good work flue brood mares wiubing about 1109 each, 2 fine colts, 4 months old, bred from imported registered stock, 1 brood sow and four shoats, 3 farm wagons, two milk carts, buggy, buckboard.road cart, sled, 1 Walter A. Wood Self Binding Harvester, 1 eureka mower, 1 self-lock hay rake, 2 leftband south bend plows, small marking out plow, harrow, buckeye grain drill, sulky corn plow and cultivator, ensilage fodder cutter and horse power, 60 gallon kettle, 2 10 gallon one double setot Yankee harness, double set hip strap harness, 2 sets buggy harness, collars, lines, bridles, saddles Oneoedar milk churn, 75 Ave gallon milk cans, IS one gallon milk cans, 550 bushels wheal, 250 bushels pota.

toes. 76 lon of hav. 74 pairs of chickens, log chains, cow chains, forks, household goods and many other things too numerous to mention. Male Is positive as the farm has been sold and possession must be given. Sale will commence at 9:30 o'clock.

Dinner, free to all. will be served at the house, At TERMS. 12 months credit, with approved security, given to persons purchasing to the amount of 110. Work, Auctioneer. IN Published Kverf Afternoon Advertising favors to Insure Insertion should oe handed the preriaiu day II possible.

jpkJIK8TIVASIIA htlUtOAD. Monongahela Division Time Card EASTERN STAND AKD TIMS. Pram Plnal argil to TJaioatowm. I.SAVK Pittsburgh, Homestead, Pravosbnrg Elizabeth Mon 'ga City, Belle vernon, California Brownsville. i m.

735 8C9 831 8 50 915 943 947 108 10 20 am. am. 10 40 11 14 1138 1159 12 32 12 54 1257 116 130 225 m. pm 101 I Si 156 215 240 m. 522 53s 552 614 6 39 6 42 7 01 710 623 6 45 7 05 730 a m.

6i0 682 638 66 715 825 a m. m. m. Prom UaloBtowa to PUUbargii, LEAVI Union town am. am.

a m. 850 1040 10 52 1111 1114 1138 1210 1229 12r3 125 in. m. m. 320 415 425 4 44 4 47 512 543 604 627 700 pm.

430 5 41 551 610 613 635 Brownsville 6 10 6 19 Beltevernon.638 Cbarleroi ..640 Mou'ga City 7 02 Elizabeth 7 21 Dravosburg 7 37 Homestead, 7 66 Arr. 8 25 am. 720 7 47 806 8 27 900 a m. 3 03 325 3 44 407 440 m. pm Sunday trains leave Brownsville at 7:30 a m.

and 5:05 m. Monongahela Citv at 8:30 a. m.and 6:08 arrive Pittsburg 10:15 a and 7 :45 m. Leave Pittsburg at 8 :55 a and 1:01 arrive Monongahela City at 10:31 a and 2:41 Brownsville 11:35 a and 3 :46 m. Tickets sold and baggage checked to all points east on the Pennsylvania Railroad.

Kor rates of fare, time tables, call on Gbo. P. Obhkl, Agent, Monongahela City, or address IHOS. K. tfATT, Pass.

Agent, Western District, 110 Fifth Avenue. Pittsburgh, Pa, WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agent. AITIMOKK A OHIO R.

R. Wheeling and Pittsburg Division. Trains arrive and depart Eastern Standard TJme. HITTSBDRa 7:05 a.m. 9:35 a.m.

3:35 7:35 pm 8:30 am. 8 FIN1.BTVI1.L1 AB. WASH'TOS 8:03 a. a.m. 10:40 a.

m. 4:42 pm 8:46 pm 11:28 a. in. 5:27 7:20 pm, 9:20 10:20 a mB OOIWO BAST LBAVgS. WASHIHGTOH riNLBIVILLB AR.PITT8BURG 6:20 a 6:52 am 8:56 am 3 04 pm 7 33p 8.32 7:32 am 9:49 am 3:59 8:10 pm 9:18 8:20 a 8:25 a 10:50 a 5:00 9:00 m.

Those marked with a star run also on Sunday the others do not. CH AS, SCULL General Pass. Aent. J. T.

O'DELL. General Manager. PITTSBUBG, PA. Pittsburg Lake Erie R. operating CKEESPORT BELLEVERNON R.

T1MB riRT) IN EFFECT MAT 18. fThis road is ooerated on Central time but schehule given below is Moooncahela City down river am am Belle Vernon. 6 35 11 20 3 45 Glbsonton 6 37 1122 3 47 Charleroi 6 40 11 26 3 51 Webster 650 1139 4 04 Mouongahela City 7 05 1155 4 20 Bunola 7 24 1212 4 37 Elizabeth 7 37 12 25 4 50 McKeesnort 8 12 12 57 22 Ar. Pittsburg 8 50 135 6 00 am pra pm cpkivbh. am Lv' 7 35 McKeesport 813 Elizabeth 842 Bunola 8 55 Monongahela City 9 12 Webster 928 Charleroi 941 Glbsonton 9 45 Belle Vernon 9 48 12 20 103 130 143 200 216 2 29 233 235 450 527 555 608 6 25 6 41 654 658 700 Sunday Trains, Leave Monongahela Citv at 8:10 a and m.

arriving in Pitts burg at woo a and 5:15 Leaving ntts-burg at 8:40, am and 4:00 arriving Id Monongahela City at a and m. All trains make connections at Pittsburg with P. E. trains or the East, North-east nest ana souin west, A E. CLARK.

Gen. Pass. Agt. U7 IT UT MUKU Inn. I ltnl-a office; JOHN M.

GRABLE. agent at city omce, Munonganeia city, pa. LOCAL NEWS. Mrs. E.

C. Cleaver is in the village for a brief stay. Just received an elegant line of boys suits and overcoats with removal capes to watch at the most astonishing low prices at the Peoples store. dtf. Boyd Wilson, of Favette Connty, formerly of Clover Hill, died October 27, at 6 o'clock.

Funeral Wednesday at 10 a. m. Interment at Iieallsville. Do uot fail to attend the oyster supper nt the vacant room under the opera bouse Thursday evening. Smith and the members of the Salvation Army will hold a Vally meeting at the Armory this evening, Ctipt.

Wils Layman is home for thti winter season. He has been managing a merry-go-round in New England, but has it stored in a rink near Boston, till the violets bloom. Miss Viola Baker of Garwood will pleasit a'-cept thanks for a magnificent bunch of crysanthemums whose fragrance and beauty delight. An oyster supper will be given Thursday October 80, by the young ladies of the city, in the vacant room below the opera house, for the benefit of tbe Military Band. Doctor VanVoorhis adds tbia foot note to a recent, letter: "Delamater will win," Ho any we all.

New York Herald, June 12. The rehearsal for "Casey's Troubles" was called yesterday rooming, at 10 o'clock at the 'Union Square." The dogs will need all the practice they can get in order to aecnetom them to the play and players. The people engaged bavo been picked with preat taHte, the singers especielly being in good voice. Miss Etta Lake. Bernum's Medical Wonder and Prof Heine's wonderful Shadowgraphs will be at the store under opera bouse on Friday and Saturday nights, only admission lOcts.

children ficts. On (Saturday afternoon the Medical Fraternity especially invited. Rcod Wiley salo advertisement, I VI Shfi fttf fttf SH 'tjujii ruoui fq XIX111XX11XX1XXXXXXXX1X Coits, Jackets and Reefers for Ladies, Misses and Childrens, iaSeal Plush and Stylish Cloths, ft IiOTTClt PlfcCJ Ever known on this class of Ga ments. The Best and Cheapest Carpets in the Market. New Goods of all kinds at Prices that will satisfy yon, S.

P. KELLER CO. Oct. 1st. DRESS Step right up to OUR COUNTEES And we will Load you up With GARMENTS That will Elevate You in Social Circles.

'Imwi YOBS. FAMOUS Clothier, Hatter, and Furnisher for the People Farm Wagons, Spring Wagons, Boggles I IPUTUIUP UIV DDK? SOLE Lioiiininrj iini mud agent For Washington County, Spring Tooth Har rows, riows, urius sc. W. O. HOD1LL CO.

Monongahela City, March 10. VEHICLES FOR SALE 1 New Road Cart, 3 Second-hand Buggies, Apply to LONG'S LIVERY STABLE. August V. TlUBLlO HALE The nndersianed will offe ST at public sale, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18th, lsvo, on tbe premises owned bv Mrs. Moan Grant situated in Carroll township, one nan mue up tuaek uiamona noiiow.

me 101-lowlna described stock and farm lmnle- ments: Two bead of horses, suitable for either farming or driving, five and eight Tears ot ace. five bead of cattle, one milch cow. three steers and one heifer, nine bead of tat nogs, two orooa sows ana pigs, one roaa wagon, one two-horse spring wagon, one buck wason' one too burnt v. one wood Mow ing machine, one sulky bay rake, one Peering reaper, one set hay rlglng, one post rtging, plows and barrows, three sets of wagon harness, two sets of single buggy harness. one aieign, one saddle, one pair Dei-lows, anvil! and some blacksmith tools, one grind stone, ten tons of bay.

twelve acres of oorn fodder, corn by the bushel, also about 15 acres 01 wneat in tne ground, naie commencing at 12 o'clock sharp, Our reason for selling out we are going to move to town. TEKM8. A credit of nine months will be given. All sums under aye dollars cash. N.

V. J. KIBLER J. W. Amoloho, Auct ione A.

M. Sloan, Attorney at Law, Qreenesburg NOTICE. Is hereby given tbat an application will made to the Governor ot Pennsylvania, on Wednesday the 12th dav of No vember, A 1890 at 10 o'clock, by A. unanaier, james aicaean, w. u.

tianupee, J. K.Clarke and J. Moore, under tbe Act Assembly of Pennsylvania entitled An Act to orovlde for the Incorporation and Regula tion of certain Corporation" approved K9th April 1874. and the supplements thereto, for tne unaner 01 an intenaea vorporauon to oe called tbe "Charleroi Hotel the character and object whereof is the establishment and maintenance of a hotel or boarding house and for these purposes, to have, possess an enjoy, all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said Act ol Assembly and its supplements. No.

215 Main. HSADO.UABTMI FOB Fresh Groceries, Floor, and Feed. John UcnUcorhls. Our stock of riotatat considered by expert to be the richest and anest assortment of ready nude tot king ever exhibited la MONONGAHELA CiTY. BE PREPARED It has come not the greatest show on earth but cool weather Wo are prepared for it with an immense assortment of FALL and WINTER UNDERWEAR That win baffle Jack Frost completely.

Our row prices win cause otner aeaiers to saiyer MERCHANT TAILOR. MAIN ITttIT KOXOHOAULAOITT. fA. SHIVERING HOIIAHIIY. An turning their Thought to Blankets, Underwear, Dress Goods, And Shoes, They are considering where to buy the best lor tne Lcact Cloncy, BORLAND'S Stores are getting the lions share of the trade in this neighborhood- L017 PRICES EYERY TIIIE.

239, 241 242, Main Street MONONGAHELA CITT. Mrs. Martin's Bread, Fresh every day. At Checkered Front. R.

PATTERSON. wtwmtmmmw, CLOSING OUT SALE. Still continues, must all be closed by Not ember 1st. Still tome deilrable DRESS GOODS Save 25 per cent, by investing your money Bow. No other investment will brine; as suie ana targe return, xouneea BTOUKiniiS tor winter.

Flanne Is, Yarns, Crash, Spool Cotton Bargains in Everything. Don't mlHtha tn mtk HaIiih uu uuuuie nitty. Come in tbe Horning. Ton will avoid taa crowd ot the afternoon. Ok What Cmk.

Will yon heed the warnlnt. The alenal Mr. haps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease, Consumption. Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sake of savlat to run the risk and do not hint for It. we know from eiperlence that nblloh's Cure will euro Yourcouah, It never tails.

This explains why more than a million bottles were sold the past year. It relieves eroup and whooping cough at once. Mother do not be without ft For lame back, tide or ohett use Mhlloh'a I'or. ous Plaster. Sold at Bvers drug store.

D. M. ADAMS. Has come back and wishes 'to let his friendi know they can have bread cakes, pies and candles. Opposite the school house on Fourth street.

Tobacco, cigars, and leave your orders lor anitblu- inbls lines. 1 itr-Vr'ff' qp4tHMaBMIg hmtm Afc'Jet! WW.

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