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The Times-Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania • 7

The Times-Tribunei
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Warra IT. There waa murk Jg aOt 1 III BE EFFECTIVE ircnAflJCHTSTORE PREFERRED STOCK' Tht Phoenix Film Corp. Til aeaapaar rchaaad 14 cr at f.Gar OlM, larludIM Ikt tasMtta Orratal Hiaee ta4 rratiB ktitldlat. The eatpas kM eemplvtad rtrtlnf a. rasts thai kM it bur fnr ft lkr9 fff.

A liBlltd kIMUOt 1 prelarraf stork (farad, rarry toff 4 liberal su at imm atari, will rear loureat ii teas at UL4 taama, OlflM t14.f 11 EeeplM Naliewal Bank Building 205-207 yCGINGTCNi tlirtty at lk epeelBi of Ik dark market wilt price la fnaaral akott rrwtay'a ttvae. tl a. aaarkrt oa strong aod ae-durtsa Ik tm hour. Kaea Tfc mfrk( rlowd atrnagaad active, tJnhlbm Hil Btaklni a vlolat rlw of I polma big reiord T. i Tk following quaUtlosa fu-nUbed bf 'Brook tompany.

Dauktr. 3 Sprue Monday Specials BirMt, sxraeiea, ra. lllgb. Low. CIom.

i SHORT TALKS ON MOVEMENT WILL IE GIVEM. BY WORKERS, ANO COMMITTEE WILL ANNOUNCE AWARDS. poorg of the poll theater will be opened at o'clock tomrruw afternoon for the big safety first movement to be held there for the employe of the Lack-aafttnna Ballroad company. A prominent feature of the meeting will be the ahowlng of the motion picture entitled, "tfteve Hill' Awakening," written by Marvua A. Dow, general aafety agent of the New York Central railroad.

The tory deal with a careless railroader ho la killed and of his asome becom- 4S 4 BOER WAR OFFICER BACK FROM KAISER'S DOMAIN, AND FEELS CERTAIN THAT GERMANS WILL WIN. Ciennany will In a abort time have thrown an impenetrable cordon of mine and submarines around Ilia Itiitlsh Isles, declare (ieneral Hamuel K. Pearson, of lioer war fame. Jen-eral Pearson wa seen at bU home, 1121 Monsey avenue. He baa Juat re in ft 4W JU 4.t 41 .106 12 n'k ih turned from two yeara a pent In tier- Analaamtud Copper Ameruaa Hert Musar Aaivrlt'sa t'aa, com.

American Car A reandry AatriMi Cottaa Oil Aaxrlraa Auirlraa Uai-eiBott Amcrlraa Smell lae Aiorlraa Hugar Amrrtraa Tel. A Tel Aaarcada Cepper Alrbkwa ttalilaiare A Ohio Iltlhlrhetn gteel llraoklya Rapid Tranlt Caaadiaa farlfln (Vatral aiber China Coppor CbrMoeak Ohio Mil. Bt. Colorado Kuel A Iron Cora pred u' Brie Ing an adherent of the safely first move- many. ment after aeveral accident.

tieneral Fearwon went on to say that W114 1H1 nl iTS la 51s lS Ti 33 44 i r. nv, il III1! 13 31 '(Jermuny has only started to draw In Iter hlockaihi around Kngland. The kaiser's undersea veasel have sunk a few Kngllsh merchantmen, but thla wo done only a the chance offered, tier-man's vessels, he declared, are engaged at present In laying a mine field around England rather than working for tho dent not ion of Kngland commerce fleet That will come later, aald (ieneral I'earson. Speedy Undersea Boat. MS 44 OJ US as ns in 3' 11 S4 1.1 ....13 NORTH MAIN AVENUE PROPERTY OWNER SAY PEOPLES PANY It TAKING HER COAL AND DAMAGING HER PROPERTY.

Judge Newcomb this morning heard testimony In the Injunction proceed Inga Instituted by Mr. Annie Swart, of 130 North Main avenue, againat the Peoplea Coal company. The plaintiff chrg the comany with rt-mov-Ing coal from under her lot and damaging her property, today' proceeding being a forerunner of another suit In which iciflc financial damage are requettad. Attorney H. Keyinjld and Ueorgc Pek appeared for the property owner, while Attorneya M.

J. Martin and Halph Hymer looked ufler the corHratlon'a Intereat. Ilef ore the testimony was taken both side agreed on a number of fur Is, concerning measurement, coal width and depths, etc. The distance from the surface to the first vein waa placed at eighty fH-t, the solid nuttertul being proclaimed ua Tbo distance from the surface to the bottom vein waa aald to be 640 fed. There are ten veins In the Peoples Coal company workings at this point, each ranging from three to thirteen and a half feci.

Oas Main Broken. Cliurlca Cleveland, a foreman for the Kcranton Ohm and Water company, waa the first witness. He trulltlfd Unit he whs called upon to repair gas pi pea under North Main avenue on seven occasions in two months, all the damage in his opinion living due to settlement. On January 15, a four-Inch main cracked at the Intersection of Jackson Mlreet and Mttn avenue. On February 10.

a era i tn the main In the street near 104 North Main avenue The meeting will open with a aelec-tlon by the Poll orchestra. ThJ.Hcka-wanna Ulee club will give a selection and Chairman iSeorge Chase will deliver an addrea. Mayor K. Ii. Jermyn will make the addresa of welcome to the railroad men and their families.

Short safety talka will be given by: J. K. Cooper, engineer; James Mill, trainman; deorge Uaxter, switchman: James Klchel. track foreman; II. Kldrldge, machinist; Hteven Mnnerty, conductor; W.

A. LHivenport, fireman, and John Doellner, Kcser Valley shops. P. J. 1-anaan, general air-brake inspector of the company, will talk on the subject, "Safety Unit and Always." and then will come a selection by the glee club, lo be followed by the presentation of award by Place, of the Hcrwn-ton aafety committee, and W.

C. Wil 3 iS 73 7S 1S .11 SIS IKS 1IS II US HS MS iS 17 MS Ml IBS 1 a IV2S I K. 101s luts ina IK ions nss in 31s Great Nerlkera. ptd. Oca.

W.t laur-Uorouik d. pfd. Ihlsh Valley Maiwdl Motor Ul lad M. H. M.

54.. K. A MlKMMirt farlHo National Lad New liavB r. N. Central N.

O. A Norfolk A Wrtrn Norlbera I'nlJr Pennsylvania PcoplM Oas Preitaed Hteel Car Keadlog Keoubllc lroa A Sleel Boutbern Par I Br HoiHbera Hallway 8rre-Hoeburk Third Afenuo Colon tlarlllr 8 Bieel pfd i t'lah Copper Wt Maryland Wectero Inlon Weolvortb, rornmoQ pfd cark tnterballooal Salt t'aited Cigar SI ore, eom Covert Cloth. 36 inches wide, all wool; regularly sold for 59c yd. Monday only 48c Covert Cloth, 44 inches wide; 75c yard value. A yard Wool Crepe.

40 inches wide; 75c value. A yard 59c Natural Jap Silk, 36 inches wide regularly sold for 65c a yard. Monday only, yd. Black Taffeta, 36 inches wide; 65c value. Yard 59c Best Apron Gingham, 8c value 6c Cotton Challies, Monday only, yard Large Cotton Bat, enough for a comfortable 50c Large Wool Bat, $2 value.

Monday only $1.50 Turkish Towels, heavy weight; plain white and blue borders; 1 5c quality. Monday 12Jc Curtain Swiss, 36 inches wide, in harge bars and dainty figures; 15c quality. Monday only, yard 10c Checked Dish Toweling, all linen, 18 inches wide, with red and blue checks. Monday 121c Silver Bleached Table Damask of fine quality; 64 inches wide; 60c quality. Monday only, yard 50c Women's Silk Lisle or Medium Weight Cotton Hosiery, double sole and heel; 35c each; or 3 for $1.00 Counter Soiled Waists One small lot of white voile that sold for $2.50, to close out at, each $1.45 Another lot of fine silk and chiffon waists that sold for $5 each, to close out Monday at, each son, secretary of the central safety committee.

Another selection will given by the glee club and next will come the motion play, this being followed by Ihe singing of America by the audience. Tickets for the meeting have been distributed among the workers In all 'departments of the coiupuny and lie expectation Is that there will le a ca-puclty audience In attendance MiS ITS lS 1S 13ti US ias uis 4HS HS MS fS 3V 23S 147 US NTS lS 13 US ir.s MS 0 llKiS 118 A tain of ovor by the banks In Indicated by the reported movements of currency thin work. The en in from the Interior waa shipment Including transferred to New urleana and $1,114,000 national bank note sent lo Washing-Ion for redemption. Hold amounting to fJl.tuO.OOS Imported from Canada. The loea on ordinary subtreaaury transaction waa I.4I3,ih0.

CorMr export from the porta of New York. Philadelphia and tialtlmore for the week euded March Si amounted to MSI ton. Mine March IS.lOi ton were exerted, which romparea with 40.14C ton for the correaiMindlng period a year ago. Arbitration to Hat on the curb the aloxk of the American Zinc, Lead and HmrUInf com par haa been made. The lock la quoted XI to 1.

Commercial failure tht week In the t'nlted Htate. a reported by R. O. Dun A are nl aialnat 617 laat week, and 141 laat year. Liabilities thua far for March are knalnxt tU.IOI.7Ao laat year.

The rvflnrd sugar market la un-thanied, all refiners quoting alandard granulated on baala pf Mu renta, es-ept Federal Hugar Kenning company and the Warner Hugar Ketlnlng company, whoa Hat price 1.00 centa. The put fur raw sugar continue unchanged at OJ centa. While banker atated yesterday that ho definite arrangement had been made for meeting the llv.000,000 notea of the Missouri. Kanaaa and Tcxaa railway, due May t. the opinion waa expreaaed In well-Informed quarter that an announcement of a refunding arrangement would le forthcoming next week.

'et eurnlnga of the t'nton lUg and I'api company In the year ended January 31. were gjf305, an lncreaae of The (ommlttec on clearing houe of the Xc York Htock Exchange added the following to the Hat of Rtocka to be clenuil. to-ginning next Tuesday: (Jen-eral Mi-tor iummoi. and preferred voting trxt certlfloatea; Miami Copper, K.

W. Woolaorth common and the Montanu Power company common. The amount of exceaa atock'Of the tiicago, ItiM Uland and Pacific railway win not taken by depoaltora of bond v.aa 95 aharea. They were distribute 1 between thoae bondholdera who deposited and signified their willingness to take more than their pro rata share in connection with the aub-acrlptlon. TO UH6E STATE TEACHERS was repaired.

Anotner crac-K in tna MRS. BISHOPS FAWILY IONS US UK ssi iciive in country's affairs 10A mo SD Mrs. Harriet Hklb'H Hammond Hlmp- I He went on to say that (iermany bus within a short time placed In commission undersea boat that are capuble of a speed of an hour. Huch a vessel could outrun most any freighter afloat. Heretofore, many merchantmen have been aide to run away from the submarines.

When questioned concerning the living comlitions In (iermany at tho present time, (ieneral Fearann said they were never better. The government permits of no high prices on the' foodstuffs and other commodities. The theaters, hotels and all other public placea of amusement and otherwise are open. He told of going to tho Winter (larden In Merlin three weeks ago lajit 1 Sunday and finding stundlng outside Home 10,000 people who were unable to get seals He then went on to the lee Falace and that too waa crowded to rapacity. He said that everywhere the people are conducting themselves wflh fortitude and confidence.

They have placed their faith In the troops at the front. They feel sure that their cause will be victorious. (Ieneral Fearson told of a trip through lielglum and France in the rear of the (lertnun lines He visited Antwerp. Ghent, St. Quentln and several other cities around whleli there has been flghtlns.

Industrial operations are re-estaellsbed under Herman military supervision ami the cities do not seem to have suffered very ma-' terlallv. In the farming district the men we beginning to prepare the soil for the spring planting. Much of tills work Im being dune by the German cnvalry and thev are real irming experts. General Fearson spoke of the clockwork precision with which the German army operates. He said that at all times there are 1,000,000 military men nt home on furlough In Germany.

These men are constantly in touch with the war office and they can be thrown to any battle front along either the east or west lines In from thirty-six VI New York Curb Stocks Uld Akkrd I5 Anlo hrlilab-Amerlian L. W. foal V. Coal ll Ii6 "St ft! 95 40 is1 UK 10 42 :4 i 4 TS 62 i't 1U February 22, a crack in the atreel gaa main was fixed. February S3 found a leak In the ten-Inch gas Joint Just south of Price street on North Main.

On March 5, broken service wa repaired at 138 North Main avenue. William Monroe, a mining engineer was next called. He descriled bis tour through the Peoples working made in the veins yesterday. Engineer Charged $10. 1 The case was adjourned at noon un- til Tuesday morning at o'clock.

Some discussion was brought about by the action of the Peoples Cowl company In charging the engineers $10 for their trip Into the mine yesterday, tre engineers explaining that they want to make another examination on Monday. Attorney "Reynolds wanted to know if the engineers would have to pa another fee of $Io. Attorney Kymer declared that lie could not make any promises concerning One matter aa he would have to see President Crrlstlan. He explained that the "entrance fee" wa necensary because a mine boas Is taken away from his work every time the Bait Salt it Ktoren Bradeo (ireene Jim lluller Jumbo MoKlnley Mlnaa of America Mplulng North Ktar Bi ir.ont 1'onopah Mlolng Win Kod Rlker Profit UoldHfld son Hishop, the bride of two days of Km met A. Hishop, eighty -one years old, of this city, comes of a family long prominent in the life of the country.

In her uncestry she biwiMts of Iten-Jamin Franklin, resident John gulncy Adams and Thomas Johnson the tlrnt governor of Maryland. Her father, Captain Ilurgcss Hammond, was an officer of the Confederate army, he-owner of Marline castle, Frederick county, Maryland, and a distinguished southerner. Mrs. Iimhop's only daughter is Mrs. M.

A. HUhier, of Wilkes-Harre, known to the musical world as Miss virgie D. Simpson. I'nder that name she has comported many high-class numbers, most known of which 1.. "The Speedway March," composed In honor of ex-President William II.

Taft. Mrs. Rishop has made Wilkes-Ilarre her home since her marriage to her first husband, Simpson. He died some yejirs uko. Now she and Mr.

Hishup will reside In this city. CITY Ml isilifiTfOGET 14 i Standard Oil Stock. mil. AKkod IKT Naw York Naw Jersey Indiana California Ohio Oil Uyrkeye S7 2X1 U2 107 engineer visit the workings. H.I 111).

to forty-eight hours. These men can check any threatening offense of the allies, he said. TO 0. WAGNER CO. THE DAYLIGHT STORE 205-207 Washington Avenue.

Stamps FREE With First Dollar Purchase, Monday, March 29. HAGEN WAGNER CO. Times. Local 8ouritiea Market. March 27th, 1915.

(Quotation furnlnhed by Brookt Com- "If" AND OPEN MIFFUN AVENUE DEATH OF JOHN 0. STANTON K-h vb Negotiation for the sale, of the AT JAMAICA, LONG ISLAND I i Eiebangc, 423 Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. STOCKS Bid. Asked. 89 teat, $418; rennrG, quiet; rut loaf, S6.80; crushed, pnwileri-d granulated, JS.nOaB H.V Coffn Hlo, No.

7. on itpot 8e. Tallow Quiet; city, 6'c; cojntry, 6Ha 6V. upeclula, Hay Quiet; prime, No. 3.

clover, 85c.a$l.O0. Dressed Poullry-I'ull; turkeyn, 13a21c; ohlckens. 12a 21c; fowl. 13HlHc; ducka. 12al8c.

Uva Poultry null; setue, ducka. fowU. turkrya, ISalSc. roootrra, 10c. Cheeae Irrrgnlar; atate milk, common to aperlals, 13Val7c.

aklma. common to special. full aklma. 3a7e. Putter Firm; recelpta, 3,752 parkaxea; creamery, extra atate dairy tuba.

JoaZHUc Iml- Amer. 0a ft 4V 4t 89 property on Lackawanna avenue are being conducted by a central city real estate man and a local man whoso name la not divulged. The property is to be sold for $30,000, said the rcjil estate man today. He saya that it la being purchased as a speculation. i om Automatic Electric 40 John O.

Stanton, for many years a'p resident of thla city and at one time gg superintendent of the Lackawanna Iron and Steel company's plant in hrrr River Lumber Clark ft Snovrr, com 28 The property is owned by the Lacka tatloti creamery flrta, 21 a E(t Quiet; un. ll "in, .1 CKKH WUin, t. rrfr-lpts. 10.574 psrkarea: nesrbv white fancy. v-um (wiu iron company ana nas a frontage of 74 feet on Lackawanna mixed raney, 20a21c.

frtan 1H 32 27 146 un 86 5 II no 28 ROBBERS BLOW FIVE SAFES IN ONE STORE Amu. 191a2216c. pfd. Coal Land Serurltlen Antbrarlte Miolog 133 onumer Ice 103 Inter. Textbook 84 Inter.

Edura. com pM 10H International Salt 24 Klota Throwing, pfd 98 Lackawanna Coal, ft Lumber MlMlMlppI Certl. K. 24 New River torn 1 pfd 15 Northern Elec. Hallway 25 North Mleh.

Water, com 67H pfd 0 Peck Lumber 85 South Jjrranton. died this morning at hi home at Jamaica, Long Inland, where he had lived for the post few years. Death resulted from blood poisoning from an infection of the foot which treatment at Hellevue hospital failed to relieve. After h-avlng Scranton Mr. Stanton for a time was.

located at Sault St. Murle, but later went to Jamaica, where he was Interested In the real estate business. Mr, Stanton Is survived by one daughter, Mrs. George M. Hulley, of Jamaica.

The funeral will be held Monday. avenue and a depth of 195 feet on Mifflin avenue. Several years ago the property was appraised at $50,000. Several times there have been requests made by prominent citizens that the city obtain the property so that Mifflin avenue might be extended to Lackawanna avenue. PROF.


Scranton school teacher are to ask the education committee of the house, which now haa, the Tompkins teacher' pension bill, to so amend the measure a to not affect the present system of distributing pensions in Kcranton. Professor M. J. Costello. vice principal of the Technical school, and Rhj-a Powell are hera4pday to attend the mectina; of the legislative committee of the atate teacher' association, at which the Tompklna bill la to be considered.

The Scranton men will explain the working of the Scranton penalon fund to the committee and urge it endorsement of the proposed amendment. Peranum teach-cra would fare better under the present plan than through the Tompklna bill, i Then, too, there Is now upwurds of 170,000 In the Scranton fund. PATROLMAN BREAKS DOWN DOOR IN HERZ RESIDENCE SO FAM-ILY CAN LEAVE BUILDING. 95 Scranton Electric, pfd 98Vt loo SeraotoD Life Ina 13 Ifi YEGGMEN AT CHICAGO GET, ABOUT $40,000 FROM BABSON MAIL ORDER ES- -TABLISHMENT. Chicago, March 27.

Eight masked yeggmen early today Jimmied their-; way Into the mail order offices of Babson Brothers, beat Watchman John" Kastory iqto insensibility, blew the safe and escaped with about 840,000 in cash. At St. Anthony's hospital, where Kastory was taken, It Is said he may die. The robbery was one of the most da-r ing In the history of the local police department. After the robbers beat Kastory Insensible they calmly blew the five safest-one on each floor.

F. Babson, vice president of the mall order Arm, after a cursory examination of. the ripped open safes, said there ma have been at least ten explosions. Girl Caby Makes Father Glad. 125 70 107 10 40 137 70 410 90 360 87 104 340 W0 110 210 Scranton Bolt ft Nut 85 Spring Brook Wat.

8up 120 Scranton Railway, com 0 pfd 2H Temple Coal, pfd 106 Tip. pfd. ft com 5 Title Ouar ft 35 V. S. Lumber .131 BANKS Antbractt Trust 67 County Savlnga 400 Electric City 83 Klrat National 350 Green Kldg 2 Keystooo 102 Lackawanna Trust 825 Lincoln.

Trust 125 Merchants ft Mechanic 102 North Scrantoa East Buffalo Cattle Market. East Buffalo, March 27. Cattle Receipts, 85; market, fairly active, mcady; prime ateera. tH.ia.Tj- butrher grades, cowa, t.liiOa 50. Cslvra 176; market sctlve, lower: cull to choice.

Sheep and Lajnba Rwelpts, market, slow choice lam lm, cull to fair. "00a9 yrarlinsa, aheep. $4. 50a 9.10. lloga Recflptn.

6.0UO: market, active; Yorker. piga, mixed, 17.35: heavy. $7.35 rouaha, ataga, Money Market. New York. March' 27.

aBr allver, London, 23d; bar allvw, New York, 491c; demand aterling, New York Bank Statement. March 27lh. 1915. Furniahed by Bronka A Company, Bankers. Members New York Stock Exchange, 423 Spruce 8treet, Scranton, Pa.

AVERAGE STATEMENT. Loana, Increase $12,897,000 Demand deposits, lncreaae 2i.247.0O0 Time deposits, increase 894.000 Reserve, Increase 8,405,510 ACTUAL STATEMENT. Loan, lncreaae 1,400,000 Demand deposits, lncreaae Timeifdeposlts. Increase s. 2,561,000 Increase 10,276,240 Loear froduc Market.

(Furalahed dally by tne John T. Porter Co.) March 27. Butter Extras, 28 to 30c; flrsta, 25 to 28c.f prints, 30 to S2c. Cheese N. Y.

atate full cream, 17 to 17'c. Egga 21 to 22c. Potatoes 15c. 10 47c. per bu.

Onions 65o. to 70c. per bu. Orangea Calllorcla, $2.50 to $2.75. Lemons $2.50 to IS.

00 pr box. Bananas 75c. to $2 75 hunch. Beans Marrows, choice, $4.35 to $4.40 medium. $3.60 to CLODS, LODGES I SOCIETIES Several properties In the 800 block of South Webster avenue, South Scranton.

were considerably damaged shortly after last midnight, when a mine settling occurred. The property owners to suffer the greatest losses were Thomas Needham, at 814; F. H. Carr, at 816. and Ambrose Herz, corner South Webster avenue and Beech street Mr.

Herz's property, a double two-story frame building, with basement, suffered the greatest, his building-being pulled away from the foundation walls and buckled up In the center. The settling rocked the buildings and people were aroused from their slumbers by the falling of plaster from the walls. People In that neighborhood say they have Jieard blasting under their properties for the past six months. They thought nothing of this, however, because they were informed by mining men that there was no danger. Mr.

Herz said that he and tr members of his family had retired about 10 o'clock. They heard blasting In the early part of the evening but thought nothing of this, because of being informed that there was no danger. Awakened shortly after midnight by DEMOCRATIC COUNTY RULES COMMITTEE HELD MEETING The committee chosen by Chairman W. A. Wilcox, of the Democratic county committee, to recommend revisions of the party rules met with him yesterday and discussed contemplated changes.

Because of there being a raft of bills with reference to elections before the state legislature it was decided to defer any definite action on revisions until such time as it is known what changes are wrought at this legislative session. The. recommendations of the rules committee will be presented at a county convention of the party. ELECTRICAL EXPERTS FORM. cItraciUlliaiice J.

E. Houck and cIss. two recognized electrical experty have formed a partnership under mm firm name of Houck Cross. ThfVhrm will have headquarters at 342 Adams avenue. Mr.

Houck is one of the best known mm SAKS HE BELIEVES JUDGE MS MISQUOTED President John F. Durkan, of the Scranton Surface Protecive association, said today that he is sure that Judge E. C. Newcomb was misquoed by the newspapers In his remarks yesterday when a continuance of the injunction proceedings against the Peoples Coal company was granted for the second time. "I am sure that Judge Newcomb haa been misquoted," he said today.

"A man of his poise will not degenerate into calling men out of their name. 'Josh' Billings did this and they called It MARKSMEN ARE BUSY Two trapshoots are or. this afternoon. The Kirst Presbyterian Church Gun club and the Country club marksmen are engaged at the Scranton Rod and Gun club grounds in Dunmoro. The Craftsmen's club Is shooting off club match at the traps on Gammon's hill, West Scranton.

The shoot; between the First church and the Country club is a return match, the churchmen having defeated their opponents of today In a match at the Country two weeks ago. The teams are of ten men each and the shooters have strings of fifty birds. 160 K) 60 S42V4 167 11 Peoples Pine Hrook Providence BcraDton 8av. 4b Blme. Serantoa Trust South Side I.

O. 0. F. ....152 159 jinx Wil zn John Tuffy, who lives' at 128 North Hyde Park avenue, is passing the cigars; and smllln Everybody on this side of the river knows that John is' a happy fellow. at all times, but he's) happier than ever today.

It's a' girl. Third National Traders National I'd Ion National West Side 127 .124. ...200 210 .170 ISO WO Yepi weigns tnirteerr pounas, accora-lng to the proud father. Mother and baby are doing SOUTH SIDE his wife, who heard the dishes falling from the pantry shelves, and the $3.56 pea beans. $3.55 to $3.

.5 lima. electrical experts of the city. Mf. Cross plH8ter failing- Mr, Here, his Wife and 89 101 93 70 98V, 99 101 Vi 40 101 99 6o 96 17 99 36 fidelity Din. First National (Dunmore) BONDS Automatic Elec.

6s htch Creek C. C. 1st Blngnamton R. R. 1st 5.

Cons. 5s Blue Creek C. L. 1st 5 Carbondsl Railway Oen. (a.

Cberry River Paper 1st Cherry River Lumber 1st Con. Water Supi 1st 6a Chicago Utilities lits Dawson Rwy. Coal 1st International Salt 6s Jefferson Electric 1st Kanawha a W. Va. 1st Klots Throwing lat 6a Lacka.

Coal Lumber 6.... L. W. V. Coll.

1st 6s Is a graduate of Cornell university. He has been connected with the Brooklyn (4.00 to $4.20 bu. reas Dried green, $3.00 to Poultry Live fowls, 16 to 18c Flour-Hcst Patent Brm; $8.40 to $8.50 Public Utility Securities, Bid. Aakeit Officer, were elected last -night by Lackawanna lodge. No.

Ml, I. O. a follows: Noble grand, John Blume; vice grand, Lloyd Warnke; recording; secretary, C. C. Battenberg; financial secretary, Fred St urges; treasurer, Fred Hummlcr; custodian, Fred Ktur-Vres; additional member of relief com mlttee, C.

M. Florey; trustees, Charles M. Bacon, Norman Howard and William Kinney. Globe lodge. No.

958, last evening elected the following officers: John F. Williams, noble grand; W. B. Jones, "vice grand; E. C.

Wolfe, third member of relief committee; Green, recording secretary; Lyman W. Payne, financial secretary; T. J. Vetter, treasurer; Adam Van Blarigan, trustee. The first and second degrees were also con.

ferred. Crlstoforo Colombo lodge, No. 1.160, conferred the third degree on throe members on Thursday evening, and elected the following officers: Noble grand, Fortunato Tlscar; vice grand, Ernesto Alfano; recording secretary, Fablo VaJlario; financial secretary, Domenlco Battaglla, trustee, Clemente PecoraTa, These and the appointive officers will be publicly Installed on Thursday evening, April 16. American Gaa Company 10014 10114 Cabaret and Dance Tonight at Germania hall. Admission 10c.

Adv. M27-tl "The Master Key." The next episode of this Interesting" series, a two-reel feature, with-Grace Cunard and Francis Ford, and a Joker comedy, will be shown at the Grand theater, on Prospect avenue, Continuous performance, com menclng at 2:30 o'clock. Adv. M27-tl 316 66 no 92'i 95 80 84 9714 100 17 rco 100H 102,, MlislSRiPDl CtaV R. R.

1st 117 90 American ugni Traction. pfd. 107H Adirondack Electrlo 1114 pfd. 1, 38 'American Oas Electric 86 pfd. 48 American Power 60 80 American Public Utllltlea 30 pfd 62 Edison company, of Brooklyn, for some time.

Electrical supplies of all kinds with electric, gun and combination fixtures and portables will be carried In stock. All kinds of motor construction work and house wiring, will be done by the firm. Langan Will Recover, John J. Langahr street commissioner bf Jessup, is ill at his home on Depot street, but his condition is said to be somewhat improved. Mr.

Langan's death was rumored early today, hut Inquiry at the home disclosed that he- is still alive and will probably recover. 13 42 89 -49 63 -It- 65" 6 New Mexico Ry. 1st Coll, .99 1st Cons. 5. 96 99 North Mt.

Water 1st 100i 102U North Jr. Poc. 1st 6s 70 f80 North Mich. Water lat 6s. loo loitf the other members of the-famliy got up and They tried to leave the house but -the doors were wedged so tight that It was impossible to do so.

Patrolman Peter Haggerty, doing duty In that neighborhood, got the Herz family from the house by breaking down tfc rear door. In front of the Herz building the wall has pulled away from the building for about six Inches. There are fissures several Inches long running along the sidewalk from the Herz residence to that of Thomas Needham and. F. H.

Carr, on'the same side of the street. Both the Needham and Carr buildings have pulled away from the cellar walls for several inches, and the plaster has fallen from the walls in nearly every room In their homes. Tre windows and doors are also out of plumb, i On the Beech street side of Mr. Herz's home' there are long an inch wide running from the cellar wall to the middle of the street, On this side the wall has dropped about three Inches and the windows are broken. American Waterworks Electric.

FIRE MARSHAL PROBING INTO FIRE AT GOLEY'8, Firemen who extinguished a fire at the home of Joseph Goley, at 930 Moltke avenue, on the East Mountain, have a suspicion that- the blaze did not result from accidental causes and Deputy Fire Marshal H. I. Seldman is Investigating. The fire did about damage and the firemen had a hard fight on account of the almost inaccessible location of the house. 1 It' Is said that Goley has had domestic trouble and.

that he has been living alone the house since his. family departed sometime ago. The firemen say they found evidence of oil having been placed in different rooms and that the building was afire In several places when they arrived. R'8 8 I VO R8 Northern Electric Rwy. as 78 participating pro.

ttcipatizg prd 1st ptd. 1. 48 53 9814T 9714 ,11. 95 O'Oara Coal 1st Ohio Service Co. a.

Ontario Power 1st 6a Paint Creek Coll. Penna. Central Bwg. 1st 93 IT 45 63 15 88 ft 63 Cltlea Service pfd Colorado Power Company pfd Commonwealth Power, Ry if 47 Stove Repairs Plombbg Penna. Coal Coke 1st 47 Retaof Mining lit 68 f20 155 ff2 1031, 103 103 80H 8914 "YOU CAN AID NATURE" DUNMORE Scranton Water 1st .,,.102 Deb.

6.... Pur. Mon. 6 ...101 'J. 9914 10t Bralnard Armstrong's Gilt Edge Poplins.

Standard $1.25 quality, cial, yard 8c. Clarke Bros. Stores. 97 100 Tinning In If you "Willi to do there is a wy Scranton Blectric 1st Scranton Lace Curtain 1st 6s Scranton Railway Con. 0n.

5s. Scranton Traction 1st ...99. 97 our which you can aid nature to bring back 101' 99 111 103 48 66 1614 -90 55 8214 M14 35 85 91 -60 100 76 0 17 62 7t 80 7 7914 25 13 53 2414 8214 20 .109. strength and vitality. Because you bar tried so many things (o put on flesb and tn hlllM un vnilp nMrvniia BvatAtn In mivm Snrinc Brook Wat.

Bud. lat ..102 The gas pipes in houses affected did pta Consumer Power (Minn) 6s, 1929. Dayton Power ft Light pfd. Denver Ua ft Electric Oen. Electrlo- Bond Electric Bond ft Share Empire District Electric 5.

pfd, Federal Llgbt pfd. Gas ft Electrlo Securities ptd. Great- Western Power lat 6s; 1946. Oreat Western Power 6a, 1D49 Lincoln Gas ft Northern Ontario Light 'ft Power. pfd.

Northern States Power pfd. Temple Coal 1st 6s 90 101 you the VIM and VITALITY of YOUTH, andlnot break, but In some Instances they jtll were of no benefit. DON'T give up. i are badly bent. In Mr.

Herz's home the Stean Heating Uetd Wcrk OFF QUARANTINE New York, White Star liner Megantlc, "carrying sixteen survivors of the Mallory liner Denver, arrived off Quarantine early this afternoon. She is due to dock at 2:80 p. i i Burglars Get Cigars and Booze. Michael Decorato, who has a store at 820 Luzerne street, was the victim of tkutowb (uouxe many ao-caiied rat-1 furnace dropped several inches, tearing tenlng medicine) strikes at tbo root of the Hwav the dIdos leading to the UDDer trouble, br building ud the nervous system floors. The lot adjoining Mr.

Hers's residence, also owned by him, in the rear of which Is his barn, was also badly damaged, fissures being notice tn exactly the same way as Nature does, but much more rapidly. Your Nervous System tnul be in a Healthy Condition before you can put on Flesh, a 'fact which Is well know by the Medical Science, "TRUTONE" la based oa the latest discovery which fsmous Doctors of today know will produca Solid, Firm Flesh a fact which 83 89 50 -98 50 14 66 65 78 7814 15 10 48 23 81 5 4314 82 IBIfi 67 72 90 '-4' 68 66 1314 1P14 able all over the lot So tightly were warren libh ac ruwrr in 1 Webster Coal Cokelst (s .85 90 Wllkes-Barr Co. Ref. 6... 89 92 Wllkes-Barr Hsi.

Coll. f45 Wllkea-Barre Wyo. 1st 6s 99 101 Nominal. Chicago Cattle Market. Chicago, March 7.

Hogs Recelpta, 8.000; market, strong, 6c. higher; mixed and butch-era f6.60a6.80; good heavy, rough heavy, 6.30a.45; i light 6.55a6.77V; pigs, 5.40a.40. Cattle-tRecelpts, 100) market, ateady; beeves, cows and heifers, 13.007.65 Texan, calves, $8.75 10.J5. Sheen Receipts, 500 market, ateady native, western. t7.SOa8.25; lamba, V5.

Oxark Power ft Paciflo Oas ft Electrlo Durgiars last riignt. his store was 45 A Adv. M24-26-t2 Easter baskets from 10c to 5. Buy yours now, Dunmore Candy Kitchen. Adv.

M27-U Jelly eggs, three pounds for 25c. At Mnmore Candy Kitchen. Adv. M27-U 'For Sale Nine-room house, with all improvements. 221 Church street.

Adv. 27 -tl 1 B. Baker, the Jeweler, will be at his old stand. 117 Cherry street, April 1st. -Adv.

M18-eod-t5 Younjf Men's 1Y 5t B. Society's; Membership Cam- paigp. closes Sunday, March 28th. JoiiTnow and in drawing for beautiful automobile. Adv.

M22t6 Ll i Ill i Engtatid, ha at present time LJOQ.C09 womoa. 1 1 entered early this morning and when he took a hurried lnventnrv ha miima the big doors to the barn wedged thla morning that a hole had to be dug to get them open. The subsidence Is the first ever suffered In that neighborhood. It Is not I wall kuown by the Medical Science. Vba thirty dollars orth of cigars, cigarettes nee aim louacco, lh mml llnr linmiKTIIIII pfd.

Republic Ry. ft Light pfd. Southern California Kdlson. pfd. A Standard Oas ft pfd.

Tennessee Ry, Light ft Poer. Stanley Goursky, who keeps a saloon1 backed by honesty and we guarantee that if thought that any greater subsidence at 101 Illcknrv utraet. wnnrli ht hi. you will use six larse boxes of "TRUTONE" will occur, dace was enured Thuradav nlo-ht nt av'. treatment that you will have 84 1 17 70 75 94 414 19 V4 30 46 70 68.

.414 that. llm.u-. i -T' Weight fi.0uas.4a; wtaiero,, iw-rfwt Mat afact Inn or vour ntlrn nun perfect satisfaction or your entire purchase price will be refunded by the druggist from A stolen, -A rear wtndow In a dance hall New York Produce Market. which adjoins the saloon was forced. wnom you maae me purrnsa.

t'ouid any pin. United Light ft lat -ti. 2nd tUah Securities Wtalero Power I Mrs. 8ohroedr Arrives. Mrs.

C. W. Schroeder, wife of C. Schroeder, the United States -secret service agent, recently assigned to this city, arrived here today from New York. The family will begin house-vepln; here soon.

ining iurerr -riturUN. Taoiei are -put up ia 60c. and 11.00 bbxta or aim far tR.Oft. Buy your flrat box today at aay reliable and up-to-date drug store, who uaraatee I "rfrt tlffrtloi. nr nwnt-y rrfiinApit.

The mere pinch of poverty shouldn't worry a woman who has worn tight shoes all her life. New York, March 27. Hour easier, Pork-Baay; mesa, Firm; middle west spot, $9.809.90. Sugar Raw, steady: centrifugal, teat, $4.95: muscovado. v- pfd Psr value.

$10. tEx. dividend..

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