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Delaware County Daily Times from Chester, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Chester, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CIRCULATION 1 Yesterday's Net Paid Circulation Was 15,875 1 rM 49TH 15,284. CHESTER HOSPITAL vHEAHBIGNS Major John A. Drew Ha Been Superintendent Since May 1, 1920 Major John A. Drew; tendeted his resignation as superintendent of tho Hospital at iho regular meeting of the board of directors, bold yesterday afternoon. The meet- ins was in cbarso of Kingslcy Montgomery, president-of the' board.

Tho resignation, which becomes effective aMny was accepted. i Tho superintendent's report for the i-Jnonth of November showed tho fol- lowing: 3'alients in hospital November 1, 10; November 30, 75; admitted, 17fi; free patients. 77; part- pny, full-pa'y (ward), 50; private, -I; maternity, 20. Tho report also showed 19; deaths. 12; injury deaths, patients discharged, 217; ambulance calls, fj(l; dispensary cases, operations, HiJ; accidents, 3 5-1: patients per day.

78. The report of Miss Monde, directress of nurses, 'showed 23 nurses on roll. Teh of these are seniors, four Intermediate, three junior? and eight probationers. The report of the Social Service Department showed cases had carried over from tho preceding- liii'-mih. Thirty-eight new cases were con.sideration.

J-'iftv-thrcc discharged, leaving seY- Hly-sevcn on filo during: November The visits to patients by Social Service workers numbered' suventy-two Major Drew has been in eliar'so of tho Chester Hospital since May 1 J'l-O. He came to this city from' where he was in charge Slater army post hospital, coming to Chester bo made many friends, and his supcriiiiciid- cncy of the Hospital is sa id executives, to have been very satisfactory. Those altcniHiis: yeslcrdav's meeting were: Kinsley. Montgomerv, -Miss Kdllh Buntlns. Miss'Marv Mrs.

John r. Croxer. "Mrs! 8. Lloyd''li''vinp. ''Airs -Mennntt V.

Wilson, William Provost. Airs. Arthur Jack, Miss Mnrv JJcering- ami Mrs. Sweiiev POLICE FOR JEWEL BANDITS I I I'heslcr police have hoen fo bo on iho look-dot for thrco bandits in of sulcs- 1.115:1. morning t-nlcrcul th of lioseuhtatL Soi I'li-f;) Cicrmaiit'nvn nvesnio, LTi'lln 'nlpliia.

bound junior member Hin firm tlirpp, pmplbvcs will wire rope, iliem fn-rt hca ni a bac-k- room; and saf nd; sos, -f 73,000 ih: Glirlst 1 (1(10; CHESTER, FRIDAY, DEOKMBER 12, 1924. FRACTURES LEG IN FALL AGAINSTTROLLEY CAR Harry Cnsto, 421 rourth street, was admitted to the Chester Hospital nt 12.30 o'clock this moin- mg, to tccoivo treatment for a fmc- turo pf the. left cs nnd general bruises ot the body nnrt limbs, sustained when lie fell aculnst the -jide o( a Southern I'cnnsj hania Ti action Company car ht Ujiperv-ille. According to the report, made to the police by tho oar crew the car. bound for this, city, ap- pioRchtng tho JVaU view roid til CheMer pike, the motorman saw a 111.111, who had been sitting the skle of the pike, wniUni; for ibo car. his feet a'nd forward. The motorman th Pt danger, quickly applied fho brakes ami brought the cur lo a stop but not In 'time to prevent the tnan walking against it and being knocked to one side. "Trie man was placed on the eiu- and brought, to, Seventh street and iMlgmont avenue from where bo was sent io tho by Patrolman I'edrick. Rxamhiallon revealed him io bo suffering from a fracture of the left leg- and minor contusions the body and limbs. 'of BUSINESS MEN TO FIGHT TRANSIENTS 11 Evince Deep Interest in Hearing of Newcomer Next Tuesday was shown nt the meelliw of the ye-ir of llic fliea- lor BiiKineKs Men's Association, held THIRTY-TWO PACKS.

fOSTSCBIPT With Latest and Beat of the Day. PRICK TWO Her 14th Divorce following a GOUNCILSTpES TAX CtJEGK-UP Will Give Decision on Assessment Report Early Next Week citement Ir. was bistory of or haste, and sped away the bluest in 'th REV. FRANK lacDONALD i ACCEPTS LOGAN CALL formo ney. Frank of the First Baptist ibis city, has the call Ihe l.offMii BMptist ebui-fh.

of wm a tc ci 0111p il I'Jistoi- am GKin new.Uiiies on April 1 Ti erected, new Uvo years is i-efirnrded a.s one of the Tll oan iful a- pe- Mr Mac-Donald Is pastor of in Rirmintrhfnn. Alabama a minister in Chester for nod of len years and clis himself as a pulpit orator. SPROUfAND BUMR LUNCH WITH KENDRiCK iiinciipon Iho llellevne- yesterdiiy afternoon follow- the Ifiyins of tho cornerstone of Hie new office, building of Jnde- PcnclRiiee Indemnity Company," Fiftl- streets, 1'hlliiclelimia. -oi-mer (ioveriuir Kpi-oii). who is ,1 ilnl cctor of iho company and iho -mayor were present at Hie ceremony' liarle.s H.

Holland, president of the (indemnity company, presided at'the Ceremonies ai(d luncheon. SHIP GROUNDS NEAR HOOK y's p- ciu-so of lumber from 101 "fitou. the -cs n-iV lnl0 ent asroiind hoals cr ml or rcri i a Hook. Ft. wns "his a 7' 1 lin.s port lo discharge It 'lino to this nl throuX'b Pin Canal via Xew rk! NEW FRATERNITY Tlie petition of a frroup of twelve riudeiits to bo allowed lo form a fraternily nt be as Theta SJifnin Rraniecl by vote of the fac- ill y.

Members of city council conferred as a. board of revision of ami appeals in the olllce of S. E. Turner, in city hall, aiid save consideration to the report eon corn ibe triennial assessment as asreed upon by City Assessor A. II.

Hughes and ihe six assistant assessors, three representliiK the city council and Ihe other thro'j the taxpayers' committee. According to members of the board. -several days will be necessary lo Rive to Hie consideration of the report which has been several weeks in the making-, two check-ups for revisions having been made since the original triennial assessment was submitted because of Hie filed by lW- taxpayers' committee, of which 1,. Raiildn is chairman. Intimation was Riven that in all ability, the boa'rtl would he i lion the early part of next ivcek to amioitiHo (Icnnlteh is lo ip.pi mil 01 rejection of tho report in full.

I ollounijj doiislon i eCei ciue to the ifei oed upun it be neceasiuj foi the isset 01 u(I5( ti seiui uut notlies lo those piopeiU ouneiH JnatanceK hei nuvfle ei the assessment, lijnnes 'talngd in th" unices lasted tiide th it Ihej piesent ippeils to the Uuui In tho Masonic Grill, dinner last evening-. Tho ma'iii discussion of the evening relating to itinerant business" men'who locate in the ciiy (lurinc ibo- holida.v Keasons, in opposition io established stores of sood repuiu- tion, nnd nfier they havo gotten rid of a sCocl: which they at a price that cannot be duplicated: by a reinitabtc bilsincss man, Iht-y leave tho cily inking what profits they made. Several wooks aso transient rented a store In the contra I business HcctlniK was learned Hint be only leased the from 'month lo month, which 13 In violation of a. city ordinance, lie was requested by tho cliy nuHioritles to place a bond us puaraniee that bo Intended to maintain a legitimate- business In the cily. but ibis, ho refused to do nml arreiiled maintaining- that the cliy law is unconstilutidnal.

This mail will bo tfiven a hearing; before a local innsiK- irate next Tuesday and the members ot the business association urn (akin" sreat interest in what tin; outcome will he. This case will be more or of a test and in the eveni that ihe man is acquitted, ssteps will be laken by commiltei- of the merchants, io havo cily council create an ordinance that will Ihom from transient opposition dur- I IIIK the rush Reason cerlnhi holidays-in tiu! year. Tho orKanlzation went, on record as bcliiK thoroughly in accord with Ibe proposed ChcKler Chest drive and will lend IJieir assistance (u aid in every possible way. A motion intidc by John Sinc.uss that a. mini of money oul of Hie organization's treasury lie donnled to the American l.eslon 1'ost, .1110.

to purchase smokes for invalid veterans at tiie government hospitnl at Perry Pi.lnl. was carried. The leclon- naii-es will make a visit lo tbe camp next Sunday. TRAPS WATCH THIEF By Indian, Chester BY A CLEVER RUSF Boy Dies at Media i Detective Gets Former CAa ur Resident of Aldan in! Sweetheart's' Home I MRS. CORA LA FORGE KA.S'T.

SI 1 01 Ill 1 Mrs. C'ora La ibousbt Hubby Xo. 14 wns Hie "perfect" one. That: was a year 11.1;6. Slnca Hu-n her mind has changed considerably.

Henry she says, did not turn out to bo Ibo model male she llrst' considered him. So she has gone Into Ihe divorce court apntti. And iho has granted her a HiH.HlJil her faith in man is not i 'Krlonils declare she- has con- I lided she inny marry Ibo i i-ifrht follow coiner alouu. And-whn known bin what she inny Jlehry chance; She No. three different opporlunli HI make Kood, 4before she linally i'-ast him asldo foi-evor.

All her former mates save aro STATE IS PLANNING BOULEVARD STOP Despite tho tiu-t that Counly Tie- locilvo O. Smith' was only ro- i-unlly Int'orniDd of tlve-month-old 'heft of tivi, Hold wiilohcH find a Bold slick pin from iho homo of Mrs. Kdlih Knst I'rovl- lonco Aldnn. tho limn od' hnvo stolon iho dmp-'iiteiuiK' nud pin Is now 1 In Hie count Jail fuuli $1000 bull. Tlio ilrresi of John Sowers, year-old yomh, w.i.s the a rust) on tho pnr; of Comity'Octoollvt' Smith, following 'Hie recovery of Vmo 01.

Hie watches lira pawn 'shop In Philadelphia. weeks was notlllfHl of by Mrs. At first tbe deleciivo belloved il was raiber Into lo irnp Iblof, alter rccolviiiK a deKcrlptIon 'ofthe- sliden watuh'es tind pin, bo run liters lo Philadelphia, and Chester. tin Tuesday ouo of ibo ivas recovered In Philadelphia, where howci-ft hud pawned Hie time-piece, 3 mt: his nivn name. JJolcrilve Smith wns nolillvd of (lie rai-ovvry of the.

wruch nnd Immcdl- iitely 1,1 was sworn out for mvet-N who bud removed to Crutern- "i-il shurlly after tlie robbery the homo' which wns hex! iioov Ueteclive Smith learned linn Sowers swcelheiii-t In f. Scott, Rose Valley, Arrested, Says That Victim Was Wounded in Not Know Gun Was Loaded LOVELETTERSJflf MERCHANTENLfl ASSAULT CHARGES prob- WOMAN ARRESTED VIOLATION ind frlcuii In; uf iild lold her rl's homo her bo was vviirrant Snifth llio il and: blm thi- riolirrnvui i mny-elBliiii Sowers was -by wnri-nnt for arrosl. Ho ns taken io Modla he was Kivon hearing heforo I)P lle fldnliUod omendmcni lo tlvj Motor. Vcl llial will far ruil nci'ldcnl. rate In rlUe.s be jiovlcd by tlic 1 ihe I'omlujf Mes.slon of Hip leghilulure.

Tho dciiiu'luiniiL of 1Kb ways, motor vehicle dU'liilon will for Ihe. amcmlmcul, "'whioh- pru- of i islolt J. EDGAR PEW HEADS PETkOtEUM INSTITUTE .1. Pew. of Dallas.

Texas vice president of- the Kiln Oil Com'-' pany, president of the American Petroleum Institute at Us closing session, held Fort Texas, yesterday. Mr. Pew is a twin brother of John (.:. Pew. president ot the Sun Slilpbitllilins and Drydock Company, tins city.

Previous to Icavinjr for Texas in ISItC, Mr. Pew lived at Pltlsbnni. Other ollioers choBen includeil vice presidents: Kdward Prixcr. r-balrniaii of tho board of llio Vacuum Oil Company'; K. (jlai-k, vice president of the.

Union Oil Company.of California nnd Phillips, of the I'hll- Hps J'elrolcum Company oC Uarllcs- ville, Oklu. Amos Bealty. of Xew York, ircsldent of the Texas Company, was chosen treasurer and AValker, of New York, was re-elected assistant, treasurer; a. Welch, of Xrw was again named secretary! and nnd II. 1C.

Royti, also nf York, WSIM re-elected assistant secretary and counsel. Tho board adopted reports of the various committees on standardization. That action men in llic oil industry is regarded as of imporiance. It. will mean, it was vm- ofllcially said after the board meeting the saviiifj of millions of dollars the miinufactni-lnp of eriuipnienl of oil well supplies.

It. was said to be the fruit of extended research work in which have been enframed for ihe for the past Due-half years. Neill Maeconl. of Ihe Texas Company, of tbe uitomobilo engine, said ditllculties In tresent-day lubrication all could he eliminated by srmplc expedients. "I ook forward to the day." he 'when any Rood car twin be expected at least 100.000 miles wiHi no nechanical attention engine." Mi- Rli.ii] nl I 10 and yomit? wiminn no liclil btiil by Coin-rid.

'Oivjv of vhihuin lei MCI ion mimnion ytaiprilay I'hIUulelphlu, i a IrolIU' anlx.ntloiia of 'Olevcliiml Uinl il) riio omen ihoiib)r In tbf IPl silCll DOlU ontocl 1 be IL did not illcmt llic mid pen st bill lUs I nr- t.ifthet lie iflnx Mm Mis Ilih tceulli tuiil (. borftlitil fitip'ot'. lo tbe fq-iuii oil a i eil 1-uitcm boUUcil (tip liollcv to cllvei-t Inilllc bnroly av.oidtcl biUinj; nion wbo were tit ropiifi-lnjf the tni'uks. KID M'COY SAVES MAN FROM SUICIDE l.OK AXCrKMOS, Dec. Kid-AUiCoy, pugilist and ladles' man.

who may bans' on a. cliargp he murdered Teresa ATors. his swoct- hearl, saved mate's life today. The "kid" was awa.koncd JUKI foro dawn by-the death. of OcorRe prlsonor in an adjolninp cell, -who had slipped his neck through loop made frnin a pair of Hiispenders fastened lo the ccilinpr and jun'ipeil off a ohalr.

Ilnrrj-Inp in-to the man's t7oll, the "Kid" released Ibe iincniiKcioiis form in Hie air and called turnkeys, who look t'i Hie prison hospllal. yldes for llic oslviblinlimenl of Iho "huulov.iiril stop." OITk-iabi of the Dlshwio input and of 01 lo oh ici cd ie Ihe "boulevard stop" in md othci i lie i bclk idoptlon ir truillv lilrT Hie mn iliei uf IK Idorit i it hi ici lions If idopled tlic nrtl tloji mi Id 111 il iei(uho Hilt i illti uaiiip tiln iln Inoioiiplif ueH is Thon (ill ihotor ve MICHO Ijoulovards on IntenLrtliih 'tteels ol lie to ntime to full itup before orossliipT or cntcrinp the boulevard, regnrdle.s.i of direction or Ion. AUTOIST PROMISES TO FOR-DAMAGES Urandall. 71,1 Sev- onlh Hlree.t. was.

arraigned in pnltce IIM STATE "GRANGE HITS CHILD LABOR BILL Dec-. 1 12. the nl rail Kail on of power as-beau mid aiitoi-i-atic, Hie losrlslntlv conimlHrc tlirouKh ltn I in Mitlni Sjisrilichaniia hi i pf 11 at session of (ho ninl pinion of Hi" Mil i In ftiijnh 1 ii upon tuo olllo 1 ei-, lo hnml 1 I tho MimniunlHc inmtei deuieo ol self umpnt ludcrl (lit leppil ueie iMimbti op roi i iniiieiulnttiun on 1 Hip oi-rnii 1 a JIon -31 itids on 'ii j'pt ultin Stale Mailer lohn A Ml chiUmnb of HIU LUinmllteo of Hie lecomliienifaHom fol iniv Unposliloii l.j ihp uinemlineiu to 0 Perlcral Constltu- i Inn. 1 tlie: At HIP of mi accidental 'which took place- yostcnla.v afternoon at tlio country estate nl of lloiiry .1. ficott, widclj known 1'hiladolphlit Madison, IS.

oC 1020 ICUtlnoro 1'lacu died jit o'clock Uj't-i in (ho Media llosiilml. a' full-livca In- illiui. is boln.uf hold by th'o dislrlol attorney' for tlm shooting-, which Is iiiiftl lo hiivc been According to U'dmbooka. who is "mployed by -Soott ns cliaurfonr to tho pluwyoHtnrdiu nncrtiooiv to. dollvor'an-ead.

irokii had a vcvolvnr nt Iho Uuin havlnj; vjoitcsi (he weapon oul foi Hi" purpose of c.loa nluj; it. Vloforo i5tartiMfr lo clean tbe revolver hc-t-lci removed Ihp flip from tho nrcarm. an nutomailc. and ho ami Alattlson Ntnrte.l joko son In altcKoil to liayp said rin -ind llko a man" to bv at bim tho i in oh 01 Muffled In a umnnei and tho One bulbil romalnod In tlio chnmbei attci the clip hnd been icmovod and tttlson In tho iibdbmtn. Thn Injtiied vuii butrled lo tho Mcilln riospltnl, whom It round that tho bullet hid ptiyiitui ed bis In- Ir-itlnes This his pnicnf; 11 ilvod fiom uml wom with him when ho sun ctuUi oil lo Chief of I'nllici.

illicit M'oiton. Martin, who look him before iud Coopei Aftoi hciulnp tho ovldoncn Ainchttnlo i oopei held AVnmbeeki In Hip sum of to await tho out corns of MnttHon'i Inlui les Ilo i jonuostptl Immcdlatoh llio death of Mnttlson. Ridley Park Found Guilt ing His Wife Husband of Beat LAST MINUTE NEWS irs CONDITION KEFOHTEO "IMPROVED" -NUICVO, LAREDO, Mexico, Dee 12 lion Samuel special Irnin arrived hcic at 7:45 time) the. veteran -labor louder was doscubed aa c-ninforUhly, hia coiifliiion "improved." Tlic Irnin was two lioiirs and thirty minutes late hoio. II.

S. TO REFUSE ARBITRATION ON WAR JM3BT PAPvlS, Dec. The United Slates Government will refuse to' Kiibmit to ui'bitratinn the question of ita light Lo participate in paymqnts under 1 the plan for sniis- costs nncl damage claims, as it is indicated England will propose, it wan stated today. T3he attitude of American members of the icpai-ations commissions and oommittces is that such a proposition, would be nice arbitrating whether tho United States Toughl in iho war, STATE POLICJC RAin RE VHING DIVES COLUMBIA, Pa, Du notorious p'acc' hoic ueio iniclod o( nte. police oai-Jj today.

About "IK Inmdjcd men i-ounclpd'lm jpid quaji- uf chuffs liquoi conliHCutocl, C. P. Carter, Boarder Jester Home, Also Involved in Triangle -r Iiuibmd Mho. It his out Into a blltoih cold Muioh nlq-hl a nlfe'htjfowij hei i)nh i ilmout and she cn- tloui 01 ed to i hei bbtli oopi nffftfn, aflot hoi t-vcni-old son had leonetied fionl dooi foi tier. atiuclt In Hie ftito hi the hinbiuiil elencheil list and sent i flight gr of aiMtnlt, uiul batteiv i iuij hcfoio fmUo toidtij lipmedliitoly follow -tlvo Mini It I HlRln 1 hlHattornei, nmdo a motion foi a rifns It hi Thn mtin Howaid lestrt J'l" lit ndei -son iNcmit.

Hldloy Tnilvi ami Iho rhrii-Kcti were. briniRlit asrninsl hint hv bin nlfe (ealei MIH lestei Ins rnteicd a Tint for dhoico hei hitsbitid All-vvni attention In tho filled mint mom us MID lester lohl tin. uf tbe ou Mai nil .10 ot (hit oiu She ikl that hivtl phinurd lo hoi htin- linnil liinei beforn that bucixitao the ticntinunt lo alu HtibioiliMl lior lies thlnp-i md, ih thn ivlte.ii i lion ubkh followed ho a All'), dOElri hen left Iho liottiert" look fqi a pliuo to nnd ictuineil T.bimt 11 10 i loi Intontlnns (5f letlnhiK HM husbind fhe B.ild thuu iniHhod hei nut ol Die dooi firja thq nm'elid oii)v lorl.otl II In nlRlili 01 Urn put tloni Jhh son ic opened Ust-i i' Km 1 jioHotK. iJeiiaruut'iil. AT LEGION POST I TRAIN HITS AUTO; FOUR ARE KILLED i-miri.

toflny on a drivlnjf 'linrl reriponsiblc for a collision belweon aiitomobUe and one driven by Suite street. Media, ai. Ninth and J'enn slreets last night. Ilotb were ilrimaged. Cran- dii.ll agreed in puy for the damriKon to Alnucb's to Hc'i'-ry held him In 'iivn to appear for a lioarlnp when wiinled.

The firrc-st made by Sergeant IS.van. Kdward T. .1 Vlnsl. Scv- cnih -Blro-nr, a rre.Htcd by on a warrant surety of the peace and disorderly conduct, was hold for heard; fore-Alderman of the ward. Tbe charges were preferred by Martha.

Kolnu. MELLON OF BRITAIN ON DEBTS on allied nnd of making any ftir- Ucc. persons, two of them women, were Instantly killed whn an auto In which (hoy were riding was, struck by a high-sped electric train (if the Washington, and 'Anna nolle Iliillrotid last night. i The dead: Miss Jennie llolnif, two and Washington. P.nltimore: Mrs.

Joseph Hansli, f.irnnl.'u-llle, Henry U. Hrilme, Mr. Washington, Baltimore. A Fp-year-old boy, Jos Hanslj, was Injured. EXECUTED EXPECTING TO SEE GIRL HE KILLED! GOVERNMENT TAKES HAND IN RUM PLOT 1 Irea.siiry accepted Ibo lenient of VV IiiHtrut (Jhiin-lilli, chancellor -of (hn HrltlHli debls "as obvious ban no Inl.oiiHoi tber comment.

This olllplul was today atler 11 hei wopn Sen-clary "Alellon. Under'' Sccrctnry and Assistant. Secretary U'fidsworlh nl tho treasury. Treasury olllcltils would nol. -Interpret their criucluHlon Chancellor Churchill was milking- "loKlcnl" when bo declared Hint r.rltaln will', expect Its dobtdi-s in Rurope to make, no prn-- lie-j inenis io the United Stales wlifch not mali-hcd by equal payinonls lo l-ho British Is laken for that Iho I chancellor wns lulklng about Krnncc.

which bun war debts bni.h lo llio 1.7nitcd Slates and lo Great Sgt. Alfred Stevenson Unit Holds Biggest of Year Auto Prize Aspirants in Times' Contest Forging Ahead ti, 0 SLIGHT HAIL STORM WHITENS LANDSCAPE first sleet storm nf Hie se.i- on was recorded thin Altotil HO o'clock, hail, or the (laky variety, ell in sufficient force to whiten the Yesterday the official (her- nomoter at city hnll registered f.r, Cffrce.H. and at '(1 o'clock last nlpht. drop of 25 decrees was The same decree fig-ures, no, were registered last midnight and nt o'clock this morning the merrsiiry was one decree below freezinfr, 31." Continued and rold. r-nllman of tho probable flurries of is the With her weather forecast for today.

Dec. want 'o ilie liec-ause will sec my sweetheart." AS'lth these last words Alexander ha rely was executed In Iho electric chair 'early for Hie murder of his thirteen-year-old f-oiiKiii-KWcelbcarl, Kllzaneth Xngy. Kucxlk. tired with n. Jealous rugc, beat to death because "she' bad rejected bis attention nnd then! attempted suicide, hoping thai, in dentb they would be united as lovers.

federal pus-et-iiment loOil.v l.iok a hand in, Xew rum I plot, whii-h already has in Hie names of polli-e and civic ofTic.lals of Iwo cities, rmd ii was thai cases of twelve men thus by the will bo jiro- scntod to a federal Ki-and Jury here next Tuesday. As (inlhorltlCH contlnueil (heir vCHtlRMtlonM Into the nllepcd "rum port," under the cliffs of Wcelinwkcn, nllefrtd to have landed huge slorefi from the rum fleet, oulsldo the xone, KCjiKatlon after sensiHInn was brouprlit to lltfht ami iho names of police -Mini officials of K-iyonne were brought Into Hie Hcaurlal. X.K\V YOP.IC. Dec. first real spow of Ihe winter becrnn shortly after 8 n.

m. excitlnr the city with the. possibllltv of a white Christmas. SCHOOL PRINCIPAL DEGREE FOR MRS. COOLiDGE BOSTOX.

Dec. 12. Mrs. C'alvln who todn.y Is to receive nn honoriiry decree from Boston University, arrived from 'Wnsliliifftrih last haviiif; made the trip in roicu- Cidoninl K.vnrf-B.u. were -Mrs.

I-Yank AV. I Stoitrnfr, CapHiin Adolphus- Andrews, nide to Ihe find a secret ervice man. I CHESTER HOSPITAL BULLETIN P.itienls ailmlttfcd the Chester Hospital -yesterday and today are: I Harry Casto, ICast l-'ourth slrtft: Mrs. Mary Weber. West Third jilreet.

modlenl; Krnest Hyatt surgical; Mariln Mor- rislon, H420 West l-'ourth Ktrcet nil employee of the Trainer lacerated band; Xodler, S02 Upland street, 1 Those "Morris 1 Sapovits. City, and William Fox. streel. STORE AT MORTON Prompt iiK-HMin-e't bj- StntileyiCJclx, nun of A. (it'lx.

branch Bliperintn ileill of the Delaware rmuily Klof-l company, and Jnnepb Mark, a companion. prevented a serious fire loss lo Ihe atrii-c occupied by Ibo American nt Morton, early last when tho pair on in Hie place, battered -down the from door nnd fought tlie fire with extinguishers pending the arrival the Morion (Ire company. Tlie store Is sHunled In whnt is laiown UK the- Farraday nnd moving picture Ifo'w the flro started d.i mystery. nnd Maefc were crjmpllinented far t.hnir efforts In boldlntr the 'llames In chfjclc pending the nrrfvnl tho firemen. The.

losx In estimated to Knmuel C. ncllnq- suncrin londent of seliools. has sr-hool board to relieve him of princlpnlKhlp of the school. Tbe board the eat ions for a is rcci sticcessor INCE LEFT $4.000.000 LOS AXGIiJ.KS, Doc. IJ.

I motion pluturrj producer, who'died here niniith after fall- Intr HI abnai-fl a yncht In San Harbor, left an estate of It was revealed by Knurl, of counsel for iho executors. 1 SPEED LIMITS ABOLISHED ICTOFUA. H. Dec. limits wore by' thn pro- Indlvldiial personal re- appll- vlnclal lofelHdlflttirn boro noinrment will "Ponslbillly heron titr will cover evening fi of nmomoWlcnln lirUl'mi I lumbla.

the Co- BANDITS KILL CASHIER XIAGAIIA l- X. Hfc Howard Huff, pay master and cilsh- Ici- of the Xn.llohnl Carbon Company, was shot fo death, and John Weaver seriously wounded ban- dlis raided Ihe company's officr- yesterday. Ono of Hie three gunmen wns turod. Tbe nnsli payroll cnrrlod the cashier was not taken. 'I'llc ycii'r -marked Skti Alfred iSloyensOn, il'oai Amurlt-nn ni ui't'lr.

home, 2-7 Scvoiilh utreel; til which iiOH-ly clectiul olllcert tho cti.iulnj; yciir wore liuital'led by Dlnlrlcl IJepuly l.uMlaud; of w'esl CliCHtcr. Tiio was opened by the; oulKoiiu; Sr. A ruli'i- ll- Iliini prosldeil In iho of I'oiii Commander Kelirman. u-r a lul lo fho MaR Ibe stiiiidliiK mcmlxjrs aiid btilf tti Imite, rif hllrux'e In memorv or ihelr dcparl.i.'d iiomrndnii, ih ti'-lal Ihn new olllcfivi mid Ihe post on 'having "Clrclufl John who has Injen uric of the most workers with Hie UOIT for thn pasi, four years. Ill, VeHponrio tlm new column ndnr admired bis buddies Unit ho won it effort lo.

mnlntnln the h'uotl. nliinilhiK' of t.he post: nnd every tifforl to dn every- thlnB hurnaniHy liif- innn'tr Ion ono. nt tho best in i'l-misy)vrinia nnd r.n or- Knnlxallon lo be and loved in Hie community. Bouillon McCcninrlt. the oflli-ors awHiimed their new oflices: Pf-lernon.

cctiiia- vlco-cotri- mjiuder; John T. Oaley, Junior vlco- commniider; l-Mwarcl FUickley. adjutant; ChnrlCH A. Dcnn, ndjudant; William Warwick, flnanco oflloer; VirRlnln. MonlKoinery, rilslorln.ii; -Trtins.

and Mnrvln Turk, ponl solicitor. 7Jr. H. ICnyon, a p- polnfed clittfrmnn of (he corntnltlco of public affnli-H by 'the com- mnnder. 1'lann wern complntod for tho (rip to ferry I'olnt.

next Sunday. Scores of members of tho post accompanied by tho band of the Tall Cedars nro Ihu ti-Ip to cheer disabled vets In the Kovornmont liospltnl there. Tho m.ido Drovlsfons la carry whut. donations they, mny recelvo Iiotireon now and Kumbiy to the i-esidcnts of tho city who rnny have to brighten tho" of those unfortuiuite soliliorH to' 1 Ihelr contribution to Ibo l.c-ftlon I ionic or Chc-sler a.176 and aj Ihe plaiiV- I "'111 cnllal thn b'jmo During hl.i residence ht-re he made thc Hcvorat snu ning mound, nhj vuhjcrt ii liendl me In down TI one of tho Super i ionic pumjnn )nn tou buiy io niK on lilUi linok and In jiut Hum of Ihn hintlliijf cnn- In tlm Times tutuiiHiblle Jirisiu and commission Ii birnn lo i call-o cif thci ofiri on The Contmuct! on Pago Twenty- four JUDGE DICKINSON TO JAIL RUM SELLERS linlKf DliMttson plodeJ i bimli Ilitimi rtetindinli In (ho I tilled Slnloi i nvitl- In Phlhulolphln ulun ho nnnoitiu tht no mom Knlcm 1 ouM bo ilujHti turn all of npili Ililiioi Im Kheii pi IHIMI 'No mm mnti-bliif; dolIiU i flnilnn 01111111-011 lo tbfl niuotinrcment dioppifl Hie thoie, svho lutd md ih In nip fiinito tr Imposed n. pthon iictitenco i 11111 1 rim fu (n (hosol 1 bcf.L Tlnien in St indrild In -i can win-illns 'in J'ulrk Ot.

i I IJuplev I otirlni; L.H from pta a Ifud.son I'll nlon m) eight to by maif.v, anxious lo MARSHALL POST RESIGNS Employed for thc twenty-five yr-ars by Ibe American Steel Koun- dries, 'Marshall Post, nt '-S'lOIt KdK- niont. nveiuic, bus resigned works mrinnecr, of llic west nldf: plant, nt l-'lfth Hlreet and 'Hlghl-i avenue-. Mr. Cost will become nh-so- clatedAvifth tho filrdsboro Slool r'nun- ry nnd Mn ch Ino ny, r. I'os me lo this city seyoral atrr, ler now receive tliotn 111 Hiu Is-tied (ni J.U OU linn it -'0 fhej uumbfit- ol ill IK, pi I vot- iny to be hv Ucc.

-rijr, Agricultural Appropi of which SKO.fiflft.. wnnld valla blr for road con- 000 struction, was passed the House. 0 j.many friends, FIc will bcfciir du- "Mlcrt with the concern on Jnnunry 1. OFFICIAL J-nnlortMtn upfnp the are lax in lo their rcapet-t for rulcH," snlil. n.

Media boronsli ofllclnl i'n Hpeaklng of conditions in town, "nnd. unless they 'remedy tfilK condition some one Is co'n" bo ta.UKht' lesson." The officinl "sn Id ha I Is violation of ordlnftnco npphnd to parkjiiR- of I no lo the curb and In ninny too of fdrcc-lo. They -ire nrresl and If Ibo conlinue.H jiollt'e been notified to enforce the Jaw io the' teller," concluded the 'apcakcr. lu- nro also cam van. Kollosvlns were furnlnbed necdcil lo take of the the nnd tin for ret'rexh- iiK linlll MRS, YERKES LOSES M.trtln Yerlie.

1 of Mlllboitrnn borough-, who nerving ns'ti juror thlK week dla, i-fturned io her homo l.iat evn- from the Courthouse, she rll.i- covered lo 0 which Mhe. hiifj In a pouch pocketbook, Jler bu.ihand. iorinw. MUK'UI- VorkcH, rolurnc'1 to. Media, anil With Mnry Ibo Coiirlhoujr', Inil no truce ot th'j ll I bean loOOOO boom woith oC suh- riicsc i iptlons tj neu old nnd obtained "itv pluct In iijillllon, Is linued cid, llvn snbmrlp- 10111 If nect-HHinj turn the five sulwripiloiiM tit ouo time inn- Is ft- nucidHHftr'y lo turn the t-iOflO Hecoul Is kopt at Hc.tcltiutrtf 1 1 urid ni at nt these niiiDiititi nt.o reached, I OR- credits- nro and If 'ner, credit Unvauls the next amount.

There Iwelvn nwnrfleil, of no rich of toe dlHtilcts nnd It Is i fuel Hint fur thore me not cuotiffli who ni tu illj nt-ii in i pi ThN InfounMion IK for tho of those ho aic fcellne ih it It In now too Into to entor. those who-enter now nnd obtain benoflr of this big- off01, will have in id- over thoie ho ontoi after wcemhpi 20, foi iflri tnls ilito the bonus rtSducc.t- Coupon to Into H.tndf(ii»ler^ lot tho nominees whose nompi nrf listed Non the time to cntc-- this caVnpaisn Pull Infotmillon finnlihPd uiltliiRr or Campaign ffradqnnrtni-K, Upper Darby, or Lanmlowrie JH'JS. LODGE LHFT SAM'M Mats D(c 12 The stile If ft bj Ihe Into nbot Jxtdj estimated nt matcly todav the o- hitn Coui I hei iiheie bis will wn" flier! few days nso. Tbe bulk of the eslnte left to hli stfn r6lin ICHeito.i nml lo KIM rid Kon, Henry Cnbot TxidW. 3ij, with for i Constance 0 liofoio HIP Oomt 1 bcf.L-,.

Mn 1011 lUclMicil, nddlmr tyuld not longer Ktoiullu niv mind to the ImpOHllloii of a (hie foi rtn of- tenio out of iihldi men of Ihls (yfiy ulnlto monof l)i fin Ihe slhen Iho jnw info icnt HID rrLOtniuendatlun om thi iiUuiiiLi as to fonin (HI liliposecl ftidffo ion win (I hoore defendants Hiat If Htood lo I mid ueie Ineh hftilnm would be mttili het'vltu lluiti If thev htirl pleaded Milltj WEST CHESTER FIRE CHIEF IS OUSTED "a's Ii (links chief of ixitlnunt iil uiul Finnic i nine in e'jl l. hofiter fli Into TI(CI IT. llio boi otti-h r-ouii- Mil un Middleton 31- chkt of the l'i hnd been rh-u Ith tin In HIB IIOUSK oC Tune Tire Lompun -nvl cotinrU him to but to do rmd tho 1h6men rnnnr'cil bl't dlbitilHsul FIFTH. ST. HOUSE A i ild ide Oonsttiblt 'Ihon--.

I'onnclh Hv, piemi ON of Domiuli KoinicK it Til Hi nlieet ei il Dillons i.f lh(tjoi nnd (i rillon 'n' nine ueie ronllHi ttd licuhc befoio Uc MtiUIiind IM.d\V stone, Kosnlck wan belli In' JI, 000 bail for coiirl. There" SIXoENGINES. SHIPPED Ono hundred nnd fifty pncknccs contalniiir six lofomrtlKev iblp In Ojillo yesiorilny nlxinrd the American ste-inMhlp Sinta I'lnra, the r.folitlwtn LocomotlvW Works. Th'o "nmiiial ballof tho )-'cl(on Company held in (bo this veiling The pilalnp- fohn Stilnton (hilimini ft'irvoj Ch let Ii 'fng Allin lllllnKis md lohn Delthinlj, have oompleted hrraujtements for th'o dft'nlr- tind present Indications (Oitho b'clnpr'ono ot.tho social events of the Coroner GOOI-RC. F-).

l-'rankcnfleld 115151 decided to conduct an the lib of Gerald at Hie parlors of E. F. Mondiv N.ivin fitriliy Rtibbeil In Mucm Hook, la it Mou ly nigh I One of the flrir birnk 1 tn tii- eulv sfctlon of 'Ihinl stnet his been mule belon iiucA- sti eel to peimit tho cmisli uctlon scwor leading from the recon'- ritrnctoil Malta Hnll. regular luncheon meeting- of tbo Chester Itcnl -tito Bond e's- wi-s Riven over to memori of (he Multiple I.Istlm,- Tne is held nt Chritet rltjlj nnd was In chai-RO of T. W.

rtearl-' The Weather Government forecast for Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jcncy, Delaware and Maryland: Portly cloudy clightly wnrmor today Probably rain Saturday. i iKc? 7 I 1 i Sots I 3-1 ji 17 nnd (S ji r)l. witter 9. ii n. in, and 1915 nS.


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