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The Berkshire County Eagle from Pittsfield, Massachusetts • 3

Pittsfield, Massachusetts
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Mendelssohn Musical Institute ry Mother niotlirral Molli- A Deserved Compliment. AGRICULTURAL BANK. EIW A Old Ncaa roa Childer. Bon't 10MME.SCF.S Its Fall Term on vV day, Sept. lih, and continues weeks.

For further Information, THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the Agricultural Bank will be held at their liankine House, on MONDAY, the fourth fail to procure Willow's Soothing Syrvp Pr Children TeetHing. It wnoetiual on earth. A Friend of Bressrr nas given vn. to gdmlratlon for that gentleman In th fob lowing line of poetry, which, we feel certain, A Wortut and Fitting Appointment. TV.

S. D. late supurintondent of tliu nson State almshouse, ha just been aj-Tmint-! and physician of the New York Juvenile Asylum, this in a now institution, drawing iu rwjurcea from the New York city tnwiury and the state school Jt annlv in day of October next, at 2 o'clock, P. for the will wuu nMfcr iricu 1110. Soothing Syrup for Children will ever consent to EUWAKD B.

O'LIVEH, Principal. 2t7 Est Street, Pittsnetd. While choice or Directors for the year eusumg, and the transaction of any other business that may rove oi intent I walking up Knnth fltreet few dsvs airo. to a place where I thought was a show, nee such a crowd 1 had ne'er before viewed, prove of Interest to our iwhtk. I earns let ner child puss thro' me distressing awrwiucai period of teething without the aid of this inval-nahla Tf antl tiAAlth citn be ea- fund, and Inui fur iu managers a board of FAMILY GROCERY.

if eontltJr on hands full LJu and complete assortment of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, of all kinds, usually kept In a first class Our stock of BLACK AND TEAS are worthy of particular attention, and we shall endeavor to continue to sustain the reputation which our teas have deservedly attained. Cash Buyers will bear in mind that they have no per centare to pay for book-keeping axpcM and bad debts, as our terms are invariably Cos on delivery tf the Gand. MURDOCK SMITH, Corner A'ortA and Finn Streets, PitUSold September 1 1 838. 6tf legally couie Uetore them. J.

U. WARRINER, Confer. PittsficlJ, Sept 14, 1S58. 3t8is Ail anlns- to Itreskev's Store to be shod. WfslCrld State Nermal School.

IIIE next Term of this Institution will com trutew embracing a large number of the verv tiraate-l by dollars and cents, it is worth its weight J. mcnee on Wednesday, Sept. vad, and con- in gold. 01 Domes re aom every jrar in the Slat ex. It is an old and well tried wmnrtv PrtVa on lu 35 cents a bottle.

IIOISATOMC BANK. r2T None Pennine unless the ftto-slmile of tniue twenty-two weeks. J. W. DICKINSON, Principal, Westfield, Sept.

1SW. aw7 nPHE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stoekhold bwt of the practical philanthropista of the city. The institution is located on 175th tret, about eiht miU from the city hall, arid oncupioi one of the most delightfully picturesque. it in the rgion. The inmaUsare taken from the friendl children of the city chil.lrpn who have no reaort but vicious I ers of this Institution will be held at their CUItl'IS PERKIXS.

New York, is on the out-side wrapper. Sold by Druggista throughout the world. I n3U Banking House, on MONDAY, the 4th day of 3I.4PLE1YOOD Y. L. INSTITUTE ticumer next, at one clock in the ancrnoon, for the choice of oflicers and for the transaction of any other business that may come regularly XTFTT RT-SST(1V flKGTNS OCTORFR 7lh whom it would beuniust to treat XN Day Tuition, Higher English Branches and criminaU.

Tin-re ia a reeeivimr Iiuum in 'iw before them. B. It. WILLIAMS, Cashier. Btockbridge, Sept.

13, 1S58. 8t8 Vocal Music, (m Classes,) the hair year Preparatory Course, 13 Pupils under Vi years of age. VI Kiln thr lli usual extra branrhM Brown and filmhed Sheetings At 10 per cent under market price. "VTTF. have now In store the fldlowlna: well known makes of Goods, and offer them at B'4 who are fit to bo sent to the wybim for the purpose of reclamation and education are removed to it.

Hera they are to be nrthtej and for imtranfa Into FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FOR 18 5 8-'0. TAUGHT WILSON, MERCHANT TAILORS, Burbank's Sew Block, North Street, HaveJuU opened a splendid stock of WOOLENS AND VESTINGS, cosmsTisa ia tat or Havelock, Esquimaux, Tricots, Extra Superfine French and English CASTO It BKAVKItS, Velvet Cast I Jasira'i telrwrate! Maneaw Beavsrs, lbrasar', Kastllala anal JomatU PllaU, Also, a large and Well selected assortment of I I.HX(i SOIIN'K, ItluLLbY HbS', SAUU.NI 6, and alher loreln makes of Clolht, Cassitarrr aad Doeskins. OUR ST0CK )r 7. VEST comprises rholee selections from late Importation of HtKNLII tilKMAN. AND ITALIAN 81LK GOODS AND VELVETS.

FURNISHING GOODS, Such as are usually found ia first-class establishments. N. All gsrments made by ns are wsrrnt-ed. and If not as recommended, may be returned after one day's wear. TAGERT ft WILSON.

IT. B. Great Inducements held out to Cash Buyers. Pituflcld, September 7, ISA tf7 All the ailvantaae enioywl by boarder are open to day scholars, as far as the nature of the LEE RANK. rpHE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stoekhold GROTEK BAKER'S NEW AS ELEGANT FAMILY SEWI1T0 MACHINES, 13 SUMMER STREET, BOSTON, BROADWAY, NEW YORK.

QyTh Mehln are sow JuMly admitted to lha txmt In am lor Famlljr HvwIiik, makinc ew, ulrona, and elaxle rtlich, which will ot rip, trcn if (fry ttwrtli nilcli be Cut. Ureal! es sptiliiratlua br Wtirr. I. CLAl'P, Agent, 1'itUMd, UaM. ca will allow.

For further Information, address Rev. C. V. era of this Institution, for the choice of price annexed: Merrlmae Brown Sheeting, 9-8 wide, tor 8 1-8 cts. Amoskeag A 9 Poeasset JU1 Salmon Falls, very 4-4 8" Directors, will lie held at their Banking House in Lee, on MONDAY, the 4th day of October next, Sri: a a and Kev.

J. B. Botn, 1'rincipals, titJ Eleventh Congressional District CONVENTION. at a ai. E.

A. BLBSS, CaAiVr. Lee, Sept 13, 1ST.S. at8 iiostoa iinproveu, -a m- 4-4 8 Pr-pperell, 9 1-9 yds. eta.

Bate. Bleached, 4-4 wide, 19 1-9 Wamautta. 4-4 191-9 PITTSFIELD BAXK AOTICFh rpilE ANNUAL MEETING of the St.wkholders Pennerell 9 1-4 yds. wide. 93 lAIHtlED.

I of the 1'ittsneld Rank, wil be he at their Good quality, 4-4 wide, 10 Banking Houxe on TL'ESBAY, October Sth, at II clock, A. thechoiceof Directors, and I hemmed, and I hVwed. and looked a'l n-A nd then I cleared Bres key's steps with a bound The store was so full I fonnd no plsee to sit. 8o I approached Mr. Breskey and gave him a He started and looked, and said 'how do you dol" Mv dear sir.

Fve got here a verv fine shoe I Then there's sllnners and gaiters and boots. rhenn for rash. In which Tounir America can rnt a line dash. Xowjnst look sronnd here, and see what a stock Of waresj good and cheap, I have here In my shop hsveevorvthlng here, as vonll sea In bit line. Msde of Leather, and cloth, and materials line Thev ssv I sell cheap, snd I'll Jnst Ml rn wh.

1 don't do like me brothers, and sell verv hi vn I bay goods for reua, aad, of course, get them low, And slwayi thus sell them to both friend and foe. Well 1 1 took advice and I looked a'l aroand. I stared at tb railing and then toward the ground. I examined the boxes, the drawer, th whole store. And then I concluded to start for the door.

Rnt Jnst as I reached It. I saw a great slirht Which aftVrted me so thst I slept not all night. A besutlfnl pair of new hoot and of slippers. Which outdid In shining the brightest of dippers. I called to friend Breaker, and asked what he'd rhsnre.

Supposing that for me th prlee'd be to lre. But I now found what never I knew heretofore. That Breakey's store, was the place for the poor. He sells alike cheap to the poor and the rich. To the banked, the merchant htm who digs In the ditch.

To th farmer, the lawyer, fo all high and low. Whether man, woman, child, whether friend or bis foe. Go then when yon want to buy Boots and Shoes cheap. To Breskey 'I Store right on Bonth Street, And there yon will find sll yon'll ever require Epr summer or winter, for water or (Ire. He's nice pleasant man and hn'a alwav nnllte.

Hell greet you with smiles always friendly and brieht; Fd say more In his praise, bnt I have not now time, My machine too's gin out, with which I make rhyme. Tor further particular Inquire at the Cheap Boot and Shoe Store of J. Breakey, 1-3 7 Exchange Row. next door to Pitttflcld Bank. 7tf rpilE LEGAL VOTERS of the towns et.mpo.

sing the Eleventh Congressional District of Masmaehusetts, who are opponed to the present National Administration, and theagtrresHKins of the slave power, are requested to elect dele-gate to meet in Convention at Hinsdale, on Tuesday, October 5th, at 11 o'clock, A. for the purpose of nominating a candidate to repra. sent the District in the next Con cress. The basis of representation to be fAree delegates for each representative to the 8tte Legislature, to which each town was entitled In any one year H. 0.

DAVIS, Geer's Block, N.orth Street. Pittsfield, Sept. 1, 1838. 3tfl nimiiu. it in caicuUted that there are of them children in the city, and the asylum ia aa the initiative of a gram! ncheme of good, which will both elevate hu-masity ami reflet hHtr un it.

Spring field We unite with the Republican in congratulating the new institution in securing, for the post of superintendent and matron, persona eminently well fitted for thorn aa Dr. and Mr. Brooks. In the office which be held at MoDson, Dr. Brooks exhibited qualities hich will make him a most desirable man for any simihir position, and his numerous friends in this, his native town, will rejoice that he dot not long waste his abilities for want of proper appreciation.

Crura asd David Dudley Field. A card of the American directors of the Atlantic telegraph statea that the particular scheme for the Atlantic telegraph, chartered by the legislature of Newfoundland and per footed by the transaction of any other business that may 1 At Cromwell N. Y. Sept 8, by Rev. James 8.

Dark, Mr. S. Affustus Wright of Pituflcld, Mass, to Mis Annie Hutler of Corn wall At Kocheater, N. Sept. the Rev.

Dr. Cheater Uewev, Prof. Henry Fowler to Mias legauy come oetore them. By order of the Board, J. D.

ADAMS, Pittsfield, Sept 14, 6t8 Klixabeth H. Dewer, daughter of the officiating cleravman. At Lee, Sept 12, by the Rev. Mr. Lnll of Tyrlnir-ham, Mr.

A. P. IJolleffbcck to Miss E. E. Church.

GOODS FOR MEN'S, YOlinS', BOYS' WEAR, MAT BE FOUND In (Teat variety, snd cheap for cash, at LANDERS DRESSER'S, Geer'a Block. Pittsfield, September 1, 1858. 6tf FESTIVAL. unuer me oi't apportionment In behalf of the Ex. E.

W. D. CANNING. Chairman. both of F.gremont.

At Lanesborongh. Sept. 9. by Rev. Mr.

Temple THE friends of Rev. S. Salsbury, Pastor of the East Street Church, propose holding a TV Berkshire Conrier. Transcript. Oaiette and of Colebrook, Rev.

A. H. Simons, psstor of Courier, (Greenfield.) Northampton Gaaetteand Courier, and pprinirneld Keptibltcan, please copy. reauTki lur un purpuaeui aiuing in ma support, Friday 24th Inst, at West Hall, and send bills to the rwigle office. Publish weekly till Convention.

the Baptist Church, to SLlas Sarah D. Fettibone, both of L. At South Adams, Sept. 10. by Rev.

J. Jay Dana, Jared Clark of New Ashford, to Harriet Kimball of Adnms. At Clarktburr, Sept 8. by H. P.

Phillips, general attendance is invited. Per order of the Committee. Pittsfield, Sept 1S58. 2w8 French and English Prints, IRESII and Handsome. Also, American 1 Printa at l-4, 8, 9, 10 and 19 1-9 eta.

per yard, at LANDERS A DRESSER'S. 3t3 Geer's Block, North Street ACard to Inventors. the laying of the cable, originated with the two brothers, Cyrus W. and David Dudley nr. 1 nomas uraton or raxton Mrs.

Fanny Grstnn of Clarksburg. At Pero, Sept 15, bv Rev. A. T.eland. D.D..

TTTAVIXG hsil some experience In Perspective of Columbia, Mr. Charles M. Combs of A Long Standing Want Supplied. WINN BOAR'S AUTOMATON OATE. a.

Drawing from models In ew tors City, with J. P. McLean, Counsel fir Inventors, and Pstent A cent for the United States and Europe. Middleneld, to Ml" S. Soplirooia Haskell, daugh ter of E.

Haskell, of Peru. the undersigned will devote a portion of his time to that branch of art. Particular attention given to making out spexv BIED. rpHE RIDING FUBLIC have long felt the want lold. They do not claim that the idea ot an ocean telegraph originated with them, nor any other scheme for putting it into practice, but this particular scheme which has succeeded.

The National Horse Show at Springfield commences on Tuesday next, and continues till Friday. The proceedings close with a banquet. Some of the best horse flesh in the country ia expected to be present. Exchange If the horse flush does not prove to be tender and juicy the lianquet will of course be failure. Boston Journal.

locations. Any advice win be cheerfully given In 1 or some means, by which the time lost in stopping carriages to open gates, could be fitved, and the inconvenience avoided. The want is fully Ia this town, Sept 0, Miss Ellen Rvan, ared 33: Ilsttie, aged 10 months, daughter of Mr. John Morro v. relation to the I'atentahilitv of any Invention.

W. P. CARPENTER, Portrait and Landscape Painter, 3m7 West's Building, Pittsfield Mass. Vain able Real Estate for Sale. TH AT well known Block of Stores situated in North Street, Pittsfield, a few feet north of the Berkshire Hotel, and known aa "CALLENDER'S BLOCK," is offered tor sal at a great bargain and terms of payment easy.

This location is admitted to be one of the beat business stands in the county. Also, a two-story Dwelling House with on a Barn, Wood-house, Ac, situated on Fenn Street, near North. The lot ia rood aisa and very central, and is known as th Callen-der Homestead." The above mentioned property will be sold on reasonable terms. For fur-ther particulars, enquire of JAMES H. DUNHAM, Pittsfield.

August 10, 1858. 3tf FIRST CLASS LIVERY STABLE. supplied ty nmnraar's Automaton Gate, by which even a child of ten years ean onen and In this town. Sept 10, an Infant daughter of Special Notice SPEAKING of BOOTS AND SHOES reminds me of a conversation I heard un town a few days since, between a couple of neighbors, airs. Brown ami Mrs.

Thompson. The former was invitins; Mrs. Thompson to rome in and look at the bargains she had been buying at Breaker's Shoe Store on South Street "Why," said she. Mrs. Thompson, yon would hardly believe It I know; but I can show rou a neat pair of ltlack Lasting Gaiters with Gum stretchers in the sides, which yon know Is a jrraat Improvement en the old and tedlut mode of lacing, that I gave Mm only one dollar and twenty-fire cents for.

and he has nice kid and undressed morocco Boots for the same price, and I saw him selling a great large footed man a pair of Good Strong Laced Boot fur one dollar and flftv eenta. such a von wonld have to pay two dollars for any where else in town. Indeed I believe If you will Jostgo to the CHEAP STORE yon can bar any kind of Boots and Shoes, a great deal lower, than you esn any where else in the County, and now. Mrs. Thompson.

I want to know if you don't think that we ought to go where we ean get the most for our money there's my husband that's been out of employment a good partof the winter, and since spring opened, the weather has been so unsettled that he has not been able to make more than half time, So that every thing I have to boy I must look around and see where I can get It the cheapest. It Is an old saying that necessity is the mother of Invention" and I ara determined to Invent some plan to leon nnr shoe bill from this time out, and if BKEAKEY continues to sell mo good shoes at such low rates I'll be one of his customers." 7tf John jane mostly. In this town. Sept 11, Este ared 8 mos. close any gate to which the invention is applied, only relaxing the speed of their horses to a slow trot A WORD TO THE LADIES ABOUT 14 dsys, danghter of Daniel E.

Elira Daiaty; Any who may wish to test the value of the The Greatest Improvement Tet IS THE ELFG ER ATI XQ a A. H. A. 2N Louis l-ee, aged 3 son of Reuben D. Mary Wolllson.

the invention, can examine it at the entrance of the carriage drive at Woodside, the residence of KID GLOVES. In this town. Sept. 13. Mortimer, aged 18 TATENTED by Rtrrrs W.

8AnoicwT, of Phila- Republican "State Committee. The Republican State Committee for 1858 59 has chosen John B. Alley of Lynn chairman, O. IV. McLellan 'of Cambridge secretary, and William Claflin of Boston, treasurer, republicans.

WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED monts, son or Jacon Harriet Saunders. In this town. Sept. 14, Christine, aged 18 month, danrhter of Geone ft Eva Eckhardt At Hintdale, Sept 13, Mrs. Laura W.

Peirce, m. fotloca, nttsheld. Mr. l'ollock himself says of it, that if he waa unable to replace it, no reasonable sum of money would induce him to part with it Mr. H.

N. Wells of North Adams, has also one in use, and I am permitted to 1 delphia, and is consileren Dytnosewho have tried it, perfectly safe. This Lamp reqnires trimming orre-wicking only onoe In six or eight 25 Dozen Dnrand's Mannfaetnre, Tsf'; agei w. At Monterey, Sept 3, Polly Yosburgh, aged 48. At Tyrlneham Sen.

5. Eva seed 2 yrs. and reier to him, as well as to Mr. Pollock. Town and Connty Rights for Sale.

i AH XXCILLBWf GLOVM, PRICE 73 CEITS, 10 daughter ofAlanson and Ann A. For terms, apply by mail or in Person to me. at my residence, corner of Orchard and First VT7HICH WE WARRANT a acTTsa quality of Glove than ean be had iLiivstsi In town for the saws stover. Streets, ttttsneld, Mam. STEPHEN CARPENTER.

Pittsfield, Sept 13, 185a 6tf We also hsve and shall keep an assortment of W. T. BATES, REAR of Backus Block, South Street, fur. nishes, at the shortest notice, every variety of turn out, for single drives, ic-nios, excursions, funerals, Ac. This stable is nnequaled in Pittsfield in the excellence of its horses, and this variety and beauty of its carriages, Pittsfield, August ii, 1838.

tfS "tobacco. IANCY and Common Brands of Tobacco by the box, at 6tf MURDOCK SMITH'S, oiaier. At Newark Valley, Anir. 24. Mr.

Edwin Roys, In hi tlf. vear, formerly of New Marhorooeh. At Gt. Barrington, Sept 13, Mr. Silas Eddy, sped At North Feremont.

Sept 10th after an lllneos of only 21 honrs. Eddie, only son of 8. B- Ewwey, aged 3 years. 3 months end 15 dsvs. At Lee, Sept 14th, after a brief Illness.

Mr. Warren P. Atden, aged 43 years a native of Salem. At North Adams, Sent 14, Mr. Charles Wells.

NIXON'S BAJOU celebrated make. In Colors and Black a Glove not excelled If equalled by any Imported. Wt have tested the Glove by more than 13 vesrs trial, and warrant them equal to Alexan- GREAT AMERICAN CIRCUS 1 months, and ii not likely to become impaired. The burner ean be applied to all common lamps at a trifling expense, if desired. The gas Is gen-crated from common fluid, and gives a brilliant, beautiful light, eqnal to some eight or ten wicks from oil or fluid lamps.

For economy, cleanliness, and comfort, it defies competition doubt-lees is the beet light in the world, except the sun. It should be introduced into every family in the onnty. Th subscribers are prepared to exhibit the burner, at their store in Hinsdale, and to furnish lamps of all varieties at short notice. And that it may have a free and general introduction through the county, will dispose of rights for towns, if desired. The best recommendation is a trial of the article.

The price can be afforded by all, however poor, as lamps furnished with burners can be sold as low as $1,25, and from that to $3 or 3, according to style nd beanty. E. T. NASH A. SOX.

Hinsdale Depot, Aug. 22, 1858. 6mi GAS FIXTURES. wivvvi vwuTiii iiicvitinii cucip St lUlb AKD Kemp's Mammoth English Circus, sped tS vear; Sept 10, an infant daughter of Pittsfield Domestic Market (Cerefully revised every week Flour per barrel, Corn Meal per 100 bolted, i 2,002,10 Coarse Meal and Feed, .1,75 Corn per buhel, 1,00 Wheat Shorts, 1,13 Fine Wheat Feed, .1,40 Middlings, Rye per bushel, 80 Oats, 55 hite Beans, New Potatoes, .8333 Butter per 17 Lard 1013 Cheese (old) lOall (new) 5a7 Feus per doxen, 1416 Beef per hundred 6,006,50 Pork 7,007,35 Mutton, by the quarter, per lb, 810 Veal, live weight, per 4 Turkeys, Chickens, 12al4 Hay, per ton, 8,0010,00 Wood, hard, 3,504,50 N. B.

The retail price is given for Flour, Meal, iry. Wood, Feed, Shorts and Middlings; the Wholesale, or prices given by dealers, for other LEClT0It'S X0TICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that the subscriber has been duly appointed executor of th last will and testament of Ira M. Geer, late of Pern, in the County of Berkshire, deceased, and has taken upon himself that trust, by giving bond as the law directs. AU persons having demands upon the estate of the said deceased, are requested to exhibit the same; and all persons indebted to said estate, are called upon to make payment to ELIA3 GOLDTHWAIT.

Peru, Bept 7 1838. i 3w7 II. G. AV I Oeer's Block, North Street PituQeld, September 8, 1S58. 3w7 TAKE THEM AND LIVE.

NEGLECT THEM AND DIE. Matnsn riae. ngea 3 weeks; Kept. 11. Austin 8.

ton of Joel P. Cady, aed 9 years and 6 months. Ia Benninirton. on the 30th alt, Miss Jane Potter. In the 20th vear of her ace.

STEEL SPRING SKIRTS. At Rurlinirton. Vt, 11th. Chsnney Goodrich, mi. tie was a native or Hinsdale.

Mass. PRICE REDUCED. HERRICK'S SUGAR Coated Pills and Kid Strengthening Plasters. These unsurpassed remedies have by the common consent of mankind, been placed at the head of all similar preparations. Her-rick's Vegetable PUls, In universal goodness, safety Fourth Representative District.

milE REPUBLICANS of the towns of Becket. For Ladies' Dusters and Raglans, "VTT'E have just opened a good assortment of Drab and Grey Mixtures, both All Wool JK otter a lot of GOOD SPRING SKIRTS, 71 I Hinsdale, Peru, Washington, Windsor, com- The UXnERSIGXED, being a manufacturer (not ine extension sairt.) poning- the iourth Representative District of and Unions, including the new end desirable of GAS FIXTURES, offtrs his large stock of article of repellant or Water Proof Cloth. FOIt 87 1-3 CEMS, the best skirt in town for the money I worth fnllv Berkshire County, are requested to elect delegates to meet in Convention, at Tuttle's Hall, in Hinwiale, on TUESDAY, October Sth.atgo'crk, A. to nominate a candidate for representa H. O.

DAVIS, Geer's Block, North Street Pittsfield, September 1, 1858. 3UJ articles. Also, a lot of MANILLA ROPE SKIRTS, for and certainty in the eure of the various diseases of man, excel all others, and their sale unquestionably i treble that of all other kinds. FIFTY CENTS-The above are to be found at G. DAVIS', Geer's Bloofc, North Street.

Pituaeld, September 8, 3t7 RAGLANS AND DUSTEES. In full dose they activa New and Desirable Patterns, through the months of July and August to re-tall customers at wholesale prtcei.or cash, Q7 Refers, by permission, to H. Chickbk-isa. Esq, of tb firm of Chickertng ft Davis. Pittsfield.

R. ROLLINGS, Manufactory and Sale Rooms, 14 Beverley Street Boston, Mass, July 17, 1S38. Will perform together in the same tent. tive to the next General Court The basis of representation to be one delegate for each fifty voters, and one for each fraction of more than half. Also, an additional delegate to each town, making for Becket six, Hinsdale six, Peru three, Washington four, Windsor live.

In behalf of the District Central Committee, WM. 8. HUNTINGTON, Chairman. TTTE ARE RECEIVING a fine assortment of atbartic, in smaller dose Tonic, and cleansing in all Billious Complaints. Sick At Pittafleld, on Tuesday, Sept.

28th. 1 the most desirable patterns of the season. ArTKBKOO AKD KVKSMQ. Headache. Liver Diseases.

Alao, Cloth aad Trimmings for same, a E7ADMISSI0X TO SEE ALL, 0.UY 25 fE.VTS. Kid Derangements, jew3.i Stomach Disorders, and Garments cut, or cut and made to order, in Stella Shawl Bordering IN THREE WIDTHS, can be found at II. G. DAVIS', Geer's Block, North Street. Pittsfield, September 8, IB-'A.

3t7 The Greatest Team la the Werla I Skin Affections, they cure as if by magic. These the best manner, prompt! and at fair prices, by i Iil'dj a lui rc. i'u rals are purely vegetable, can be taken at any A Woman will drive Forty Horses, Lost One Dollar Reward. A PAIR of EYE GLASSES. Gold mounted open with spring.

Return to BENJ. CHICKERING. Pittsnekl, Sept lt8 Thrt the Sick Read A WoxdkkjtL Remedy. Susan Scoby, of Johnsburgh, N. ays I have been sick more than nine years.

My father spent more than four hundred dollars trying to have me cared. I became poor in flesh, low-spirited, bowels costive had a constant pain in my sides, could not sit up more than one third of the time. The last doctor I employed became discouraged, and ceased his visit. A friend, the Rev. Mr.

Rosele, sent me a box of Ilerrick'a Sugar Coated Pills and a Kid Ilaster. I applied the Blaster immediately it gave me ease in two hours. I rested so sweet that night. 1 commenced the use of the Pills, by taking three every other night. I commenced getting better.

My tongue cleaned, my appetite improved, and in nine weeks was so recovered as to ride three miles to visit my sis- Holding the reins and guiding them, unassisted. Ob 1'IILOOLIV, Crrr't Block. Pittsfield, September 1, 1838. 6tf XEW SHAWLS. urougn tne principal streets.

time by old or young, without change in employ ment or diet. Mercury ia a good medicine when properly used, but when compounded in a Pill for universal use, it destroys instead of benefitting the patient Ilerrick's Sugar Coated Pills have never been known to produce sore moutha and aching joints, aa have some others. There- The Grand Procession will enter towns at 10 yiTE have now on exhibition and ftr sale the o'clock. A. M.

The Great Music Carriage, with 1 handsomest and greatest variety of Fall LANDERS DRESSER aax this wwex aBCKivixa A COMPLETE STOCK or (vest BEscaimos or Fall Winter Dry Goods, Please Call and Examine. Band, led by the renowned Ned Kendall, will be and Winter Shawls to be found in town, including driven forty in hand by a lady, lore, persons in want or a family Fill, pleasant to take, certain to eure, and used by millions, will certainty look for no other. These Pills are MADAME MASON. handsome Stella shawls in all colors and prices, to which we invite attention. of Astley'i London Amphitheatre, being the TO BENT.

THE STORE on Bank Row, formerly occupied by Bulkley Benjamin, and more recently by J. W. P. Warriner. The building is conveniently arranged, and the location a desirable one.

Possession given immediately, for terms, apply to 1 ROBT. W.ADAM, Post Office Building, North Street Pittsfield, Sept 15, 1858. fetf A GIFT WITH EVERT BOOK Wwrtls frwwa i Cal tm 10O. Our new descriptive catalogue of sixty octavo pages embraces a larger collection and better variety of Standard, Historical, Biographical, and Miscellaneous Books, than that of any other book selling establishment in the country; also, contains greater inducements than ever before offend, mailed fret to cfiny address. n.

w. evahs, EVAN3 Publishers, i. h. ransTOX. 677 Broad way, Jf.Y.

City. Send for a Catalogue. Cmeowl covered with a coating of pure white sugar, no H. O.DAVIS, Geer's Block, North Street Pittsfield, Sept 1, 1838. 3to greatest equestrian feat ever performed by a woman, and one that is seldom successfully ter.

til my cure achieved even by the most expert reinsman. I kept getting better, until umplete. Sold by all doalers. was com p. taste or meuicine aooui them, nut are as easily taken as bits of confectionery.

FAMILY BOXES 25 CENTS, 3 BOXES 1. HERRICK'S KID STRENGTHENING PLASTERS. Thesa renowned Plasters cure pains, weakness LITTLE ALICE, the Child Rmea. LAKE, Tim Gbeat America Hcnobist. Miss AMELIA BUTLER, tub Ladt Clows FOE FOUR CENTS TTTE seU both COATS' genuine and BROOKS patent glased SPOOL COTTON.

The XT Ilerrlrk'a Snynr Coated FILLS, foraU the purposes of a Family Medicine. What better evidence do you want that a man does not love himself he ought, and dues Are among the stars attached to Nixon's Great FRESH BEY GOODS! THIS WEEK RECEIVED. They are to be sold Low for Cash. LANDERS DRESSER, Goer's Block, North Street PiUfleld. August 23, 1888.

tfS black and colored glased cotton ia used by thou sands of fiunibes in the room of sewing silk. if I'TCI American Circus. Anotif UW dlstinrtJlbel KqtMatrtaiM attaches a Kemp's Euglub Circus and distress, in the back, sides and breast, in fiva years. Indeed, so certain are they to do this, that the proprietor warrants them. Spread from resins, balsams and gams, on beautiful Kid Leather, renders them peculiarly adapted to th wants of Females and others.

Each Plaster will not love his family than that he or neglects to provide and keep on hand this certain remedy for Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaun n. u. ua to, Geer's Block, North Street Pittsfield, Sept 1. 1858. 3tt HARD TIMES, bear from one to tour months, and in Rheum tie complaints, sprains and bruises, frequently effect cures, whilst all other remedies failed.

Foil directions will ba found on the back of each. rpiIAT the past winter has been felt by the a- mos oi iu people ui our cuuuu uu uuo will denv. Yet. were it not for these hard Fubluj speakers, vocalists, ministers of the gospel and others, will strengthen their lung and improve their voice by weartnr them on 'th CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS, A Large Assortment ef New Put times" during the past year, where, I would ask, would all kinds of speculation been brought to, particularly in western lands lor the last two SOMETHING NEW. THE OLD DOMIHIOHCOPFEE POT.

THIS NEW COFFEE POT, wherever Introduced, has given the most perfect satisfaction. It makes better cofiee than it is possible to obtain in any other way, because, by an ingenious but simple arrangement, no steam is allowed to escape from the pot, but ia eonveyed into a cup containing water in the top of the pot, whence, when the coffee has don boiling, it is eonveyed back again, so that the housekeeper may boil ker coffee for any length of time without loss of aroma, thus securing all the elements of the coffee in their natural and proportional combinations. It is the most economical, for nothing being lotby.evporation in boiling, one-fuurth less coffee is required; while the beverage ia stronger, more fragrant and more delioious. For sale by WM. G.

BACKUS. PitUftald, Aug. 1858. 2tf brtasL PRICE 18 3-4 CENTS. DR.

CASTLE'S MAGNOLIA CATARRH years 1 Iron, leather, ronee, sugar, molasses, flour, Ac. got beyond all reason, ia prices, and terns, very law for Cash. dice, Ueadarhe, Obstructions, e. HEAD THIS TESTIMONY. ILiLrwooK, Saratoga County, July 15, 1837.

To Da. BaRBicK Gents The large amount of your Sugar Coated Pillls we received from your Traveling Agent, are all sold. The demand for them among our customer has been on the increase, and we wioh you to send as another lot immediately. We keep niajiy kind of Pills in our store, but 'tis SL'lioia we sell any but Ilerrick'a Your Kid titrewrthening Plasters are much used here, and like the Pills, please all who use them. Yours, respectfully WILEY NIXON.

These PUls are warranted Jo cure Liver Complaint. These Pills are warranted to cure Dyspepsia. These PUls are warranted to cura Female Complain ia. Ibeae PUls are warranted to cure Chronic Diarrhea. These PUls are warranted to eure Kidney Complaints.

In fact nearly every thing we ate, drank and wore felt the effects of that wild speculation, while the poor mechanic's labor Is the last to feel the rise. Hsd the "hard timet" kept oh. Renellsnt or Water Pmof Cloth, for Rajrlsns and Cloaks, at LANDERS ft DRESSER'S- Double Faced Beaver Cloths, for Cloaks, si LANDERS ft DRESJER'S. Eagle Ladies' Cloth, for Dusters ft Cloaks, at LANDER'S eV DRESSER'S. New Cloaks, a line assortment, selline ebesp, at LANDERS 4 DRESSER'S.

Cloak Tassels, Bindings, and Trlmmfnsrs. at LANDERS ft DRESSER'S. New Fancy Silks, at LANDERS ir DRESSER'S. New Figured Merinos and Wool DeLslnes. at LANDERS ft DRESSERS.

New 4-4 French and F.nrlinh Print, at LANDERS ft DHL6SER8. All kinds of Fall and 5V inter Dry Goods, at the loweat Ch Prices, at LAS DERS j- DRESSER'S. Pittsfield, Sept 13, 18- 8. 8cf IMPROVED KEW AKD FATiTTTiY SEWING MACHINES. one or two years longer, the result would bate P31T2T 0A.7.7Z.II, Bank Bow, Pittafiald, Mass.

August 93, 1838. 6tS been tbst a coat would have cost double wnat It now does so it would hsve been with a bat, a barrel of floor, a gallon of molasses, a pound of sugar or coffee and bom rent included, and a to leather I need not say It run up equal wi'h the land speculation, and by this time BOOTS SHUE8 would have been double their present value, bat bard timet," the great leveller said, Stop I to these wild speculation of our Country, which shook trade of aU kinds to its very centre, which csused many articles to be forced Into market, and then, the ready cash brought them down to the lowest figure. A few mm GEZAT MELVILLE, la hm origoaU, daroif aau snap prtiacbabia Anatrallaj Horat man ahtjk, Krver attempted by any other rilr. Is the count of uhich this Mwlero Cuulaur will exhibit bis torrille feau of ifmg, vauHiuf audjumpiDf OVER HURDLES, FENCES, EARS AND GATES, While landing up ou hi Bake horse, and at the Mams tune car ryiiiK aud baiauuuig bis son, youib ol tweiva years, ia svtjrj vaimty of polure. Xosj.

GREG0IRZ, TIIE titltUAN Meitcius, And Um streBgaat aaaa la the world. If ana PATTL, of Faris, Will walk aenwa Uix Cslliuf baad dowa, Ujvi apwarda. Signor BLITZ, THE rTAIJA.V TWCX CbOWW, In bis wonderful Crr4nHM. FRED. XENTZ, TIIE HCItDLK Jl'Nl'EH 4nd (Tnat Pteeple fluue JUdsC SUPERB LADY EQUESTRIANISM, By M'lte.

I'ALMYKE. WILLIAM H. KZXr, Of Birmingham. FfUNCU'Ai, CUiWN ad JiiTEa ieat foau of IA PERCHE AND LA TRAPEZ, By Mew. MOJ JS aad iO.NTi.

AtUlntc Sports and Ker rise ow Us CirosuHt, By SITfcRB TWX'Pa. Ppleod'id Cavalcade drena, by twelv horMos, rode by ladies. Tb pprfis inance will be accom-puuad by runt's EiigUJl Braaa Baud. WEEKLY ARRIVALS AT Cheap Boot and Shoe Store, 6 1-2 7 Exchange Row, Pittsfield. These PUls are warranted to eure Sick Head vrr.

Ha obtained aa enviable reputation In the aura of Catarrh, Los of Voice, Deafoeas, Watery and Inflamed Eyes, and those disagreeable noises, resembling th whining of steam, distant waterfalls, purely vegetable, come with full directions, and delights all that use it; as a snees-ing snuff it cannot equalled. BOXES 25 II A YELL'S CONDITION POtTDESS. These old established Powders, so well knooit at the Long Island Macs course, N. and sold in immense quantities through the Middle and Eastern State for th past seven years, continue to excel all other kinds; in disease of Horse and Cattle their excellence is acknowledged everywhere. They eontain nothing injurious, the animal ean be worked while feeding them ample directions go with each package, and good horsemen are invited to tent their virtues and of their goodness.

LARGE PACKAGES 25 CTS. tW Th above articles are sold by 97,000 agent throughout th United States, Canada and South America, at wholesale by all large Prnggista in the principle cities. Agents. Pittsfield, M. Whelden C.

D. Mills, Manning Co. South Adams, W. H. Wilkinson.

North Adams, Burlingame Ray, Norman, and sold by Drusrsrista and dealer everywhere. HERRICK A BROTHER, lyis33 Practical hemists, Albany. N. Y. VlF days ago I bought a large lot of Boots and nhoes; lower in price the quality than ever I bought before, and since I hsve been In the business I never bed Boots and Shoes that I NOTWITHSTANDING the "hard times," Children are born bare-footed, and consequently, from infanoy to old age, there is a never ending demand for Boots and Shoes at the Lowest Rates.

To satisfy this want, the subscriber has always on hand, the largest and best selected stock of Boots and Shoes ever offered to the people of Berkshire County. A eall will satisfy the most incredulous. 3. BREAK EY. Pittsfield, Sept.

9, 1858. 7tf rpiIESE LABOR-SAVING MACHINES are rapidly becoming a household necessity, luey are generally and justly admitted to be the best Sewing Machine in use for family sewing, making a new, strong, and elastic stitch, which will hot atp.evea if every rotETU stitch be cut. could tell as low for the quality as I can sell at th present time. Th reader will remember that it Is talking pretty loud for as. yet I mean It, the shoe business must be stirred with a long rile until It fairly howls, if I ssy to the readers, am selling Ladies Gaiters of fine material for ore dollar, and Ladies' Calf Boots at Is, and children shoes from 35 cents and upwards, and Their operation Is exceedingly beautiful, running at ereat speed, and with so little noise as almost to escape notice; and their use for all Ladies Kid slippers for 02 1-3 cents or good material and well made.


No. SJ3 11KOADWAY NEW YORK. Where the Gifts, eonsisiius of Jewelry, sVe, AND VARYING IN VALUE FROM 75 CENTS TO TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS, are alwavs on EXHIBITION, IN AMPLE SUOW CASES. Our New Descriptive Catalogue, containing a large variety of Books In every department of Science and Literature (all of which are sold at re-nlar publisher's prices.) and explaining OUR NEW AND ORIGINAL SYSTEM of allowing every purchaser HIS OWN CHOICE OF GIFTS, and settinv forth nnequaled inducements to AGENTS, will be sent, post paid, to any Individual, on application. Address, A.

EANNET, Agent 6ioia No. Broadway. RECEIPTS A.D A0TLS. LANK RECEIPTS and PROMISSORY ache. Thexe Pills are warranted to cure Nervousness.

Sold by Bruggists. 3 cent a Box, or 3 Boxes fur 1. Sold everywhere. lj-33 Set advertisement on third page. Vr The English Reinedy LMj Sir Jam Clabxk's CELF.BRMEi) FEMALE PILLS.

Prffxind t-om a of Sir J. Vtarkt, I). Pliisici'in EttrnordiHarif to tie Qtn. This lnvalubl me-lwine is unMIng in the eure of il those paiuful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderatm aU excaaiea aud remove all tAwt motions, and a tdy car my be reliwl on.

TU MARUltB LABIKS it ia peculiarly uited. It will, in a short time bring on the monthly perio-t with regularity. Bath bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government of Great Brituin, to prevent eounterfvit. CALTIUX. Trie Pills thoahi not be Men ty femaltt durit tke FiHST THREE 0-TtJ8 nf Prtgnanry mt tAry are tmre to hrxmg a Mutarrwge, 6tU at suyottir time thru are toft, fa all caes of Nervous and Fpinal Affections, iin in the bat and liuibs, Fatigue on flight Exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, these Pill will effect a cure whenaU other mean hate and althoujrb a powerful remedy, do not contain tnm, calomel, anti-Biony, or anything hunliU to the constitution.

Full directions aocomjianriiig each package. Sole Agent for the I'uiUsi iStatwi and Canada. JUli MUSL.S, (Ute I. C. Baldwin Co.) Kochstr.

N. Y. 15. jfl tid6 puttUee etamn enclosed ainus 01 worx is eaiuy learnea. Circulars, with specimens of work, teuton application by letter; and the machine, in daily use, to be seen by a personal call.

E. M. LANDERS, Agent for Southern Berkshire. Pittsfield, September 15, fctf 1MB I mil pwj.iin. fact that our mode of doing business is small profits snd quick sales, thereby turning the NOTES, for sale by CHICK EUtNO DAVIS, Eagl Office, North Street, money ouen sou men it counts wen.

Those who are in want oi utifcAf liuuia SUUES will call at HUE A KEY'S $100 REWARD I WILL BE PAID on the conviction of any responsible party who shall Infringe upon the followinK Patents, and Trade Marks, by making or vending any article, not the genuine, at such, via. JIAW E8 St CO'S COAL OILS, the only uniform standard Coal Oil In the market, better and cheaper. Also, Jones' Patent Coal Oil Lamp. Every genuine Lampli stamped F. Jokes, Patent.

The public are cautioned against buying imitation Oils or Lamps, as they ran WANTED. Ofl GOOD SHIRT I RON ERS, who will find constant employment at the NEW HA BOOT AM) SHOE WAREHOUSE, VEN 8HIKT MANTFACIOBY, 59 Court 8t. PARTICULAR NOTICE. By an arrangement effected between the proprietor of A'isea'i great American Circus, and A'mp' Mammntk XHyWh Or-aw, uo two Cotnpaiiius will per-lorra b'Hiicr unacr on pavlfioa, giving all the perforroauci ad-Termed by each fur ou single price of admission, Bald furUisr New Haven. llt Exchange How, rittsfieltl.

N. B. The trad supplied at reasonable rates. 7tf TO HET. fTMIE House situated on the corner of Orchard 1 and First Streets, PoumKion s-iven imme BURBANK'S HALL.

nave tne real at a icsa pm-c, aim sausiacuon guaranteed. Supply unlimited. diately. Enquire of GEO. S.

WILLIS. YOU WILL JVOW FID AT D1YIS' TUB BEST ASSORTMjrsT it FLANNELS I7VER SEEN IN PITTSFIELD, including Gilbert celebrated make of hite, in all wiiilhs; Best Dornete; Those nice Shaker Flannels, In three qualities; Scarlets and Greys, both twilled and plain, from 23 cts. up to the very finest qualities Opera Flannels In all colors Printed Opera and halsbury Flannels; Saxony and Rub Roy Plaid In short, everything in this line suited to Men's, Wotuen'a and Children's wear. AU which we otter at lowest possible cash prices, and only for eah. H.

O. DAVIS, Geer'a Block, North, Street. PittsStuid, Sept 1, Iba. 1 6t6. mills SPACIOUS HALL, the largest, best 3tftf E.

F. JONES A Sole Agents, 3m7 33 37 Central Street, Boston. The whole to conclude with the interesting military sketch of JESSIE IlltOWJV, OR, THE BELIEF OF LUCKNOW. For full Particulars of all the brilliant feats ventilated, and best lighted, of any Lq this auction of the State, will be let fur TTTOODEN and Willow Wares, Cords and II Cordage, Rope, e. 37tf tSA.NiuRD BROTHER.

Concerts, Balls, Exhibitions, ANOTHER LOT of that splendid CEYLON and OLD JAVA COFFEE, just received by 37tf SANFORD BROTHERS exhibited by tlicse combined companies, to an authoriied Agent, wiU insure a bottle of on MODERATE TEHMS. Any wishing to see the Hall, can find a key at the store of N. Meaner Co. PROBATE BLANKS, i ANEW EDITION, of each kind hereafter to be used, can be had by with postage, A. WATERMAN.

Lenox, BepWtuber 1858. 3to scripuve and illustrated bills in the principal thoroughfares. The above company will perform at Lee, Sept. 27th at North Adams, Sept. h.

C. W. FULLER, Agent, PL( BOXES PRIME PEARL STARCH, just JJ received and offered at wholesale. at JSw York prices, ty Sji BEOTIIEPA the PUls by return mail. For sale by C.

M. Wheldea and C. D. Mills, Pittofield, and by generally. Burr, Foeter No.

Curuhul, Ikwton, holesaia Agtal for New Ijgland. Ulj OLD HERKIMER CHEESE. A very fine article now in store at 8ANF0RD BR'8. Jane S3, ISM. iSit J.

A. BURBANK. Pittsfield, August, 1S58. 6m4.

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