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The Pittsfield Sun from Pittsfield, Massachusetts • 2

Pittsfield, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ntNStCHI SKTTS I.KUISLATI The literature of the Methodist Church, was StaU Kncilras. The Republican papers have take frequent Kfrnticr sentl- ednesday, May 20. In the KENATV then considered. Hers i a gre at moral iorec, Cljc pttsfidb Sim. following were passed to be engreaw-cil To ti the seelurie of the District Am Ranonad Tmj PtltsAehl Kn.

Tra7 'alrrrmre OTrlaaaial pal Thi body commenced it Annual Session is the M. Church in this village, on WdnedaT rtti n. Alhanjr Aiuan4 Air.n. danger of a servile insiirrectien. What would Tfce frail, or Kaaw KMkin)a.

Iirt that demoniac iirit which Ras p( loose iu The organization of men into secret btHlies the street nf Ixmixville and New Oilcan affiliated by oath of mutual support, and pro- against the hrlplrwa immigrants, wives fessing to act against the great body of the and habca. do.if thin liigotry and hatred of caste people, tor the purpewe of controlling the gov- was turned against the wretched black and it is needed to counteract the tliousana mcnt among the )opU- in favor of retrench- ney for tbe northern, eastern and southern dil iricoi ..8 eoc cniiitw embelement nient ana xeiorm i our iseaie are rife in the world. The literature of tne U'he Auditor-, last Report whicWIiy the way. I the most satisfactory, becau)r it is the most country poisoned by these speculations. 1 ne se are hint! report which has ever ernroem ami tne aammtstiutioti of the laws, is in relation 10 ine returns ot veite to the State printuig to repeal chapter l-, the act of 13.

163 antidote Is found in a pure Christian literature, from that ofliee- has lieen made the tbirsdsv, siAir attar. The Hlsk HcpaalLrast iMtmhs. The call for a Republican State CaarcnS. titm" June, issued by the Chairman of the State Committee, J. Z.

Goodrich, of Stock-brielge, is a great curiosity. The lemg-wind- and thi furnished largely by the Methodist The tunnel loan bill wa also passed to bam special butt of atacfe-in some instances. The aim ho been todlvert attention from the nd jilarniinir facts revealed in the re llis.irsrtn with Black lUrr hlu akism. The Y. Kvc.

Post announce that ita relilor, William Ci-llkm. Rrtaitt, has sailrtt Europe, ncfoniiiamctt by hi, wife and veumgest daughter. Tlic period of his atwence is not de- tt-r mil it'll iitm-ui 'l'h A n. groMH-o, an amenament otlered by Mr Mi. an evil that produce nothing but disastroeis fruit and that continually.

It select men lor office fUrkncss. ami it carries them in, not by public discussion, hut by secret Weak and Had men leaurt. to ilu waohanory ta mtuum place I hut when thev attain position, thev still find them- .1 i Church and is one of her educational force. The discourse abounded in beautiful thoughts, eloquently expressed. WnnKEsuAY, May 28th.

port, by ahowing that the Auditor himself has rereivtitiiiore pay for services rende-red the o.n.i.t to full to tbe lot of BUY OtlC that the suUscrijmon of 650,000 hould he unconditional e-ash being rejected" In pUee of the rtpuru U-ave wiUidrlwon the pe titions of the Cnambian, Webter 8h-' BanW BciT; Boston, TiilltA iiU'i-iifuiliitT 1 Vt plains the reason of his departure, says' ed pronunciamcnto" attracts considerable attcn- Mr. Bryant leaves the country broken-spirited those ho know the author, and who The business of the Conference has not yet lhaii in these hungry time-. 1 He law nas inaeic the Auditor an et-ojlkio ComuiisMouer of pub eo they aUae and 'IT been completed, and will not be, probably. estimate correctly the tttrrmy qualities of the Mariposa collector, whose shrieks for bleed- luu and passsed through their erj st a MusiNJiiiiioi. of the mlr CT Stock Were offered fej.

w.u. wih mWct ne ha(J (onlifi, lic lands, alien onimissione-r, pend e.f a hunelre-d er two dollar and for bia incumbent dutV ill the-sc particu- Tt a ill wrn til Frielay or Saturday. The osta. tiin for the aeveral clergymen will, -not lie an uai uie rkxi in jwiiaviue, i was too late discovered himself hand in hand lm he has. like his iiredecessors, -received his nounced until aljout the elose of.

the session. who, awhile since, churned "as American the right to rule America," and who shot down in the street, fired the dwelling, and murdered the wives and children of l'addictt and Dutch legal pay. This offence, ill the estimation of -I rreaso the stock of HsU Bank. 1 he aggregate increase Rnder tW amount to distribtd a fnOwT Columbian, Faneuil Hall, Shawmut. NttTV Atlas Bank each: ry The General Assembly of the Presbyte ith those political profligates hose dishonesty he had spent half a life-time in exposing and denouncing.

His proud aud independent spirit rebelled against concealing, as his honesty for some of the Republicans, constitutes an ample offset or covering for all the sins of extravagance -ommitted bv the oartv now in power men, wilu impunity, nave meet ttieir Hands at a new assumption of law. Head the account bade his approving, the reckless aehemas of UHIIU 1 Ill Li -t By a similar process "of reasoning a portion of in ine iiueor, tne Committee oa A of the horrid burning of black prisoners in that plunder and usurpation into which the Black the Republicans though they conte-ss tnat me State nadir ni-eds reform" come to the conclu ment of Senators and lUpnrcntauv uader the recent amendment to thai rian Church of the United States (Old School) met at jLcxingtonKentucky, on the 21st, and 22.5 mcmberrwere present. The opening sermon WBapreachedi by the Rev. Mr. Hogc, the Moderator.

The Presbyterian General Assembly (New School met at Clcvelanel, Ohi, the same elay. sion that nothing had better be done about it, because, forsooth, the Hon. Thomas F. Pluukett. CilV.

i AvcpeiDucam icaaers piuugea upon meir nri suc- Oneof the journal of that city, sn eaking of crss: a. despite the blandishments or threats the affair a gravely: nvvr associates, he held some of those ilj i. measures to public scorn." This, of course, Several shots were fired. the fnrce 1a nnxxU and Mr.

Brr.nt to escspe morning, 20th Bishop fU.r, presiding, The introductory religious ae-rviee were conducted by the Bishop. Th roll was then call, ed, when more than one hundred minister answered to their names, (others have since arrived, making the number in attendance nearly two hundred.) Variem Committees were appointed, on the Bible, Missionary. Tract Cause, etc. Quite a tpiry speech was made by one' of the older member of the Conference, Rev. Mr.

Kai.i.KT, on the question of orderins a Committee em Slave-ry. The Committee was ordered. The businos of the Conference ha thu far proceeded with great harmony. We give a cineleiisatipn. fn the afternoon.

Rev. A. WtTHr.Raroox, of St, Alban, delivered a discourse on the Bible Cause, clearly setting feirth it claims, and the rosponsibilitic of it friends. It as full of valuable statistie's, and iiuticatcd a Wonderful progress in Bible distribution, and Bible translation. I In the evening Rev.

W. of Wa-terbury, preached an impressive discourse on the Human Character of Jesus Christ. ''At 8 a. oii Thursday the Conference met pursuant to adjournment, and proceeded with the usual business examination of character, and reception of the reports of the ex-amhiing Committees of candidates for the min- In the afternoon, the session was devoted to the receptioniof the denominational statistics within the bound of the Conference. In the evening an excellent eliseourse was Rev.

S. MMckkill, "'of Rouse eif Pittsfield. is endeavoring to stir up the peo ple to effect it, and he is nothing but an old Irora Hi uncomlortatjte and scff-sicaentng po- IVimhkm kKftuTi ex further mftddpii. i r. Democrat, who has always adveicateel economy ill public expenditures, and being out of office ed the already infuriated mob.

The mob were of course' encouraged hy this salvo of blank cartridge. thev had been can, eif course, be influenced by no other motive in urging retrenchment, than a desirf to teako sition ha left the country. Alhmny Allot mod ArjtH. A Political Pabboi ix TworBta. That Dr.

made a report in favor of an extra session otikL legislature, a a measure of economy, on the supKtiem that no more time would be consum. ed in making the apportionmenHhan would b. by the regular session of nexr'year. with th saving of 146 members, and $60,000 in a 140 whicVwould be made, br putting the amendment, i ctioTat thi next election The only item of addiueaud ex- pense would be mileage, amomiting to 4004 As a further consideration, it is urged that the report of ceimpussioiier on codification of the law ill beubmitted for the action of the next Legislature, with a probability of protracting the session. the place of some of the Republican nig Kan," in the fall of 186S, and effort to staunch the wounds with liberal pecuniary contribution for electioneering purjxises, are well understood in Berkshire and throughout the Bay State.

The, Kditor of the Bnrnstahlc Patriot, Col. S. B. Phinney, appreciate the rare points of the Chairman of the Republican State Committee, and thus allude to his recent call Another ArrnMrT. The Black Republican are making another effort to get up a State Convention.

The attempt of Mr. Hinckley, of Barnstable" having broken dewn in gloriously, the ever ready J. Z. tloodrich eomea out with one of hi long-winded pronunciamento, and implore the nigger worshipper to come to a grand council on St. John' day next.

Oewd-rich' twaddle is, of course, all about bleeding Kansas," and is as dull ami dry as his state papers always are. Goodrich is a regular stir, ring stick used for waking up the politicians, and used for anything else that the knowing one desire. He is a granel Kcpublii an rats-paw, and he has not yet seen to hat base uses he shall come at last." While this protrae-ted call labors hard to exaggerate the woes of bleeding Kansas, it has very little to say of the want of bleeding. Massachusetts- Our poor old Bay State has been bled and is bleeding all the time to feed the cormorants that hang like leecht upon her, yet all this must be hidden bv freeelom shrieking about Kansas. The people of the old State will wake up by and by, anil learn that it is time they turned their eyes to the old Democratic doctrines, of economy, accountability anel justice.

The burden of taxes will sooner or public benefactors, about to be received with a tvereua politician and convicted libeh military salute, A would have taken just that hwTor" has produced by his recent po form. But the aourc of their evil uTspiration 11 MC-' Iievereud politician and convicted ic have expected a viedent dissension Mr. Plunkett has replied to the personal at political would tacks upon him, in a very calm and dignified in his Church ami congregation. Sixteen prominent member of the Church, including three of the I .1.1 i .1 letter, in which he has presented an array ot facts, to show the imptirtance and ni'cessity of reform, which the Republicans can neither ink out eif sight nor gainsay. of their journals adiuit, in fact, e'Ven more than all he says, and conies that retrenchment and reform must Death or Skmatoh Bvtlrr.

A telegraphic dispatch from Augusta say that Senator But. 1KB of South Carolina died on Monday night, of droiwy. ry Hon. Jas. Bell, U.

S. Senator from New Hampshire, who has been in feeble health tlie past year, died at his residence in Lacouia on Tuesday. Ce" Our reader will perceive from a notice 'in the advertising columns, that the book for subscriptiem to the increased Stock of the PitU-ficld Hank, will be kept open at the Bank until Friday, the 5th of June, at which time and place, the stex kholelers are called to meet to see whether they will accept the recent ae-t of the legislature, authorizing the'increase. Inaecordance with the renort. rH.

huwu t(, e. neTver a u'lier o-j vising him to resign his position. This let! to a meeting of the Church, at which much excite ported providing for an extra esion, to com-lrience Jnl 11 i be grand issue of the next State cam naicn "thut, in fine, the pe-emle will hav- 1 uusenes man tn ap- fportionment to be transacted, and during the reetiw a committee of one from each senatorial district and thirty-one on the naxtnf th. i is authorird to sit for the arrangement of the ment and warm discussion prevailed, but the friend of the Heverend politician were in a majority. They carried a resolution of entire and undiminished confidence," by a vote of 48 to 20.

It is stated that some the strongest and most influential men of th Church are opposed to Mr. Cheevcr' course, and the end doubtless will be, as it always is in these cases, the dismissal of the clerical politician, or the dismemberment of the Church. There are but few men, who in their calm moments want a political clergyman to be their spiritual guieic. Who ever heard of political preaching proving etherm-ise than prejudicial to the peace and preperity of a Christian Church lie deeper. The Cincinnati rjvjturer says The whole si mnrders and bumin(rs during tha Know Nothinf mob have been passed over without an attempt to punish any of the guilty.

Indeed, they have been deJendcd and justincd. Volittcal paKMon have blinded the people to their interests, their duty and their obligation to the laws, to the couutry and to justice. There has been a deposition to foigct these infamous events, to pas over without an effort to inquire into the fact and vindicate the law, to patch op a hollow truce between the roobocrary and the authorities, to close the wounds without healing them. The inevitable effects of this cowardly policy are exhibited in the terrible scene which have, during the last week, disgraced that city. Vnpunishcd murder and violence are ever sure to repeat their deeds.

There is nothing more ditticult to arret than a mob which lAs once received the sanction of those whose duty it is to snpjiress it. There is 'nothing easier to check aud prevent in this country than these lawles displays, hen they are properly met. One successful-mob iutliets a greater injury npon a community than war, potilence and famine. New Orleans ncvr suf The addre-s to the Governor for the removal of Juelge I ring was advocated by Mean. Johnson of Abington, Swift of Boston and Dodge of Chatham and opposed by Messrs.

Haleof Boston, II arris of Winchendon. and Hods-eof Cam. Yiroima. The election for ntenilHrseif both branches ef the Legislature and for Representative to Cemgrcs occurs on Thursday next. notbing else." But they humbly hope that there will be no talk alxiut it, and no sticli excitement a will endanger the asce-ndaiicy of the Re publican party.

Just keep quiet and let us alone, they say, and we iloThe work of reform, without any foreign aidwhatever. The Rcpubliean party hasattaine-d it present ebjt ation in this Ceimnionwealth by false prctenile's and now its haulers expect to retain the asiiidaney by fojse promises. The illusion by'whieh thevgained power has passed away; but theyhoc to cheat the people still further by tbe phanta'-m'of reforming the abuses whie-h they have e-reated. Tlu-y have we-U irigh wrecked the ship of State; but tbe helnyrnust not lie taken from their hands, lest tluv should lose the spoils which mav fall On Frielay morning, the examination of character proceeded. Several candidates having passed their examinatietn creelitably, and having thcrebv become eligible to Deacon' oruVrs, later arouse our ciliwns to a sense of their duty, and they will them begin to think that Massachusetts needs some attention as well as Sad ArrAiR.

Mr. James Clement, of Clarks were lcmuly interrogated in the presence ol bleeeling Kansas." burg, left his home on Wednesday week to siiend the day in fUhing. Not returning at the time exiiectcd, search was made, and his body was The lan Scott Pkcisioji. Messrs. Apple- the ConfeTCiiee, as to their call to thi work, and the aim which they propose' in pursuing it- He also impressively addressed them upon the dutie and responsibilities of the Holy Ministry, upon which they were -entering, and i Kx-President Pierce, with Mrs.

arrived in this city last evening, and took lodgings at the Tontiue. A soon as it was known, he as called upon by many of our citixeus, of Vth parties, with congratulalieuis for his own found in the wate-r, near a ml em hich he bridge. Mr. Hudson of Ixxington, moved to i strike out the first reason, for removal, sitting as Ceimmissioncr in the Burns case. Thi waa re-! jected, when Mr.

Hale of Bostiw moved substitute that a Committee be appointed to pre- lare article of impeachment. Thi amend-' ment wa ruled to be out order, aud arveral niotions, to" peatpone tht hour of taking the question were when the address was I agreed to in concurrence, by a vote of 210 yeas to fi'J nays. The bill concerning citizenship and personal fre't iloin as debated at some length, and t-. jeftinl by a onanimous vote. The bill repealing an act to indemnify officers for having seized and destroyed intoxicating li-i epiors, and the resolve in adehtksa' concerning ton of New York, have published an authentic and full report of the decision of the wre'ckers.

The owners and underwri suppeiscd to have been sitting, when attae'kvd however, arc' considering the matte'r; and Supreme Court of the United State in the Drcd they will uneloubteelly come to the conclusion tlat the safety of the ship will reeiuire that she be manned with those who can ke'ep a better reckoning. Motion J'ost. firm health, and sympathy for that ef Mrs. P. who is still quite feeble.

The democracy, who properly regard the ex-Preside-nt as one ho has faithfully discharged all his dutie-s, official or political, were very desirous to take him by the hanei, and endeavor to persuade him to remain here a day or two; but his engagements did not permit. After a drive about the city, this morning, ho left for Springfield, in the eleven o'clock express train, attended by the warmest wishes for his future welfare. fered half so much by the great epidemic of 18.33 a she did from the election mold of 18-j. The cholera was but a light vim latum tol-ouis-ville, compared with the horrors of Bloody-Monday. little children were pai of the moli bo or ten or twelve years of ae, who joined the erv of kill 'em, kill em, and ho heljx-d Tight the balefires under the hangins victims.

I-otiisville is not alone in this sul jection to mob rule. In reference to another-citv, the A meail' 4'aaalilaliaMal I'he ale mm I HOkton nnrnor ana nacx nay, Dot a of toent from the Committee on Retrenchment and Re-; form, alter deluete, were also rejected, Thunilay. May 2 lf. In the SENATE, bill increasing the capital stock of the Columbian, Welwter, Faneuil Hall, Shawmot, North, At-j las, and Union bank of Boston were adopted i in place nf the report leave to withdraw on the ir several petitions, and, under a suspension taml Only y'eite we're rat upon the Ctm-stitutieinal Amemlinents recently submitted to and approveei by the jieople, which i one fourth the l'reniele-ntial vote of the State. The first pretposition (the lieaeling and Writing) hael a majority all the countie1 but Bristol and 1 uke-s the second the I louse I istrict system, in all but Franklin, and the third (the Senate) in every one.

We give a table presenting the full official vote of each county, and of the with a kind of tit, te which he was subject,) and fell into the water, which was only three or four feet ele-ep. Accidf.xt. Mr. John W. Maek, of, w-hen returning from "this town, a few days since, was thrown from his wagon, by the breaking of the vehicle which caused the horse to run, and had a le'g broken be-low the knee.

Mr. A. O. (JALLi is canvassing this town and vicinity for suliscriliers to the Nlw CorxTY of which vie gave notice some months 'flince. We understand the company engaged in the cnterprize are neiw.

in different parts of the County engaged in preparing tbe work. Ve believe that the expectatiems of the public in this matter will be fully realized, and that individuals Would do well to improve the opportunity now presente'd for securing an excellent Slap. Extra copies, will not be published, as -we arc informed. pointed them to it rewards. Tne Annual Sermon on behalf of the Tract Society, wa preached, by Rev.

S. Mkrkihth, of North Adams. He urged the claims of this institution upon Mctheidists, because of its power, not for mere sectarian advancement, but for truth and rightcousnn. lie referred to the vast publishing interest of the Methodist Church, and affirmed, that in the vhole rata-Ingue of the publications at New Y'ork and Cincinnati, there it not a tcord of tlander. In the CTening the Anniversary of the Society as hedei.

llev. N. G. SrAXLUt.No, of Greenbush, N. set forth the Importance of lineal Organizations." If we would be successful, we must work at home, work ourselves.

It was at once appropriate and classical. Rev. Professor Newman, eif Union College, drew the character, and delineated the work, of the efficient Colporteur, and declared him to be the Minister himself. His address was clear, pointed and powerful. On Saturday morning.

Rev. Mr. Hr.u-lT, -Veic Harm Hegitter. Kx-Prcsidcnt Pierce and Mrs. Pierce left N.

Yerk on Friday, in the three o'clock train ef cars for Bostem, and rested for the night in N. Haven. They arrived in thi city on Saturday evening, and are guests of their relative, Mrs. Amos I.awrcne-e. Although Mrs.

Pierce was unable to make the journey from New York here in one day, still her health has considerably improved, we are glad to know, since she Scott case, which has already awakened so much interest throughout the country. It comprises, first, the Orixiox or the Covrt, as pronounced by Chief Justice Tan ey and then, successively, the separate views of the other eight member of the Court, each of whom had something to add by way of explanation, modification, or dissent. Justices McLean and Curtis are the only two who dissented on leading points- The Opinion of tbe Court, as read by Chief Justice Taney, occupies 53 page those of the other Judgesitidividually, an aggregate of 185 pages. Total 240. If some of those editors who, (says the Journal of Commerce) having seenr'only an imperfect and comparatively brief abstract of the Opinion of the Court, would now read it, and e-specially those clergymen who have made it the occasion of pulpit billingsgate, -'they would be wiser, if net bet-ter men and possibly might learn in future to aeit upon the maxim, hear, and then judge," instead of reversing it, as too many havevdonc.

It is to be understood that the report now published is the official report, as made by Benjamin C. llowartl, Reiorter of the 1 I ost says It is only a few weeks incc the whole country on the line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, was dUtarbed by aa armed collifion between the officers of the Company and fcouic discharged conductors, who would not submit to the regulation provided by the Coniiiany for the seenrity of property in the freight cars. Several lives were lost, and the controversy was finally settled without re-establishing the me r-nl supremacy of the public authorities. Both the.

eases we have named, that in Ixmisville aud the one in Maryland, were the natural fruits of the feeble but vexatious governments established in both these Mates bv the Know left ashington. The ex-President himself of the rules, were passed to be engrossed. The aggregate increase under these bill amounts to $2,2.50,000, being about half the amount asked tor. It is distributed a follow Columbian, Faneuil Hall, Shawmut, North and Atlas Banks, 2.30, 000 each Webster and Vn-ion Banks 500,000 each. Friday, May lid.

In the SENATE, the Committee on Probate Chancery reported a bill e-stabliishing the salaries of certain Judge and Registe rs of Probate, as follow Judge-s For Middlesex 1200; Suffolk 906; Woree-ster 100 Essex Bristol $550 as never in better health. Mr. Welistcr, the ex-President's private Sec retary, arrived here vesterdav morning, and whole State Arl'-rle Two. A-rttrte Three. Coiinlie.

Yes. No. Vw. Sn. Ye.

rt'n. MnlMk 3l: 3 k.1i:t;i ll'JO 3714 3s Slut 1144 TI1I5 7'at 3X7 lisJI SS.VJ WW sew nu 9i7 1J13 '-J7 4.H1 17:17 .941 Franklin (71 4IH tn 7311 1 Heikehire Sll R7 i 21(11 1-H 32 1.1 Hrislnl IS4K Il7rt ll liV.l llSi.1 II.SU 14M SKI ISeW 1M 3ns Set 4sfi 57 47H Nnimirket SB .49 3 7 C4 30 46 311 30 Ti.uel: 2Il.t33 KI.74B 32,97 4342 took lodgings at the llcvere oj Monday. The Fajunevin MicHir.As: -The Detroit ttVG-v. M.rcr with f.t rmi Main ftrr Advertiser of the to corree-t some mis Delegate from the Irish Wesleyan Conference, I was and adelressed the Conference upon the subject of his mission.

He delineated Nothings- They had strength enough to per- secute the people into rellhon, but not enough to euure subordination. Twice beturc this have the police and judicial authorities, both of 1ouls-villc and Bullinnirc, been put to open hamc by motis, until now the aid of the police is scarcely of any morp use, as protection to a mail's pcr-rrn and property, than a certificate from his church pastor or Sunday school teacher. AVheu a community have once learned that the public authorities can be defied, there are those among them not long in finding some snthcicnt fire text for defying them, and there is the end of popular government for despotism follows Iiarnstatile JtooO JieTRsUire aiaera Hampden $100; Hampshire $350; Franklin :i.i0 Nantucket $200. Registers For Middlesex $2000 Suffolk 2.500 Worcester $1800 Essex $1750 Bristol $:00 Barnstable $600 Berkshire $650 Franklin $.57 Norfolk $1000; Hampden $700; Hampshire $600; Plymouth $700; Nantucket $300. Supreme Court Ti.eeisiems, and will retain its present form in the Ofhtyal Volumes of Supreme Court Decisions.

lis Is i fin keallh. eTMlllv tPyin Ids rH iinlins birb from ttf. an arvrr Ubnr affords litm. i a wlcxna vutlor among lhn wuh wlHin, waa for tntrtv tears aaaor Mir as Clltrrnand a Marislrale, BHsUinnut. ia ama a rrputAiioa ftif neraonal worth an iMihlic ttarfnlnass alike sndeannf; sad radnfifif.

Jttheni rmif JmrL Gov. Marct, after abrief visit here, will em-hark with his family from New York, fer a Ku-ropcan tour, of a year or more. No one is better entitled to enjoy the repose which follows a wisely spent life, or to enjoy, in age, the fame acquired iu so many departments of public ser- the present condition of Ireland and the favorable openings there, for presenting Protestant Christianity to her population. He said, that the numer of her Roman Catholic population had decreased from eight to about four and one half millions, and narrated conception which exists in re-spect to the character of the suffering which prevails through certain countie iit the Iawer Punihsula, explains that it isonly such as is incidental to a newly settled country, and adds This year, these usual privations are enhanced by a series of disasters, almost unprecedented. The pervading tire of the heavy August frost, which cut bff corn and buckwheat, and nearly ruined potatoes, the miserable crops of other vegetable's, anel a bitter" winter have combined to depress the standarel of life to a point of absolute starvation.

The worst has not come. The cattle can begin to live, it is Rewovai, or. Jcdgb Loaixa.On Wednesday, the House of Representativespassed the Address requesting Gov. Gardner to remove The above salaries are to be paid quarterly and to commence July 1st, should the bill pass. The Senate had entirely cleared their orders.

anarchy as naturally as the fruit follows the Jude Irimr. Jude of Prohate for Iculated to cause the Roman Catholics to look it ir? vice, uuge, as ocnaior, as erovernor, as ar Minister, and as, most emphatically, the Minister of Peace. Nor while there are few who can see around them and bevond them so broad a County, by a vote of yea 21(J, nay 69. to the Protestant world for religious light. He set forth the claims of Ireland upon Amcri- horir-on of fame, are there any who can count in the closer circle of Family and Friendship can Methodism, it bavins hopn nlantod hm true, and the milk will help out the farced the more-devoted ana loving hearts.

Albnuy Atlut and Aryvt nf Tuesday. a fact creditable to Messrs. Campbell of this town, Cone of Wet-Stockbridge, and Jones of Sandisficld, that they voted against the Address, the adoption of which is a disgrace to the Legislature of Massachusetts. Nothing different, however, could be expected from such a General Court a the present. Irishmen, and having thousaneU of Irishmen in i JTaIXZ "'Tt "I 'r' are dead, and it will be two months before the its bosom.

I ground will yield anything upon which human He portrayed the Irish character, and the i beings can rely for support. Let those who moral heroism of Methodist Ministers who had the rich fruit the pangs of the ceinseepiemiy aujoumcu over eu joueej a In the HOUSE, the Kansas resolves, which had again come to light, were taken upon.con-currence with the Senate amendments. Ths first amendment, to appropriate 1 00,000 direct from the Treasury, was concurred in by a vote of 90 to 76, the 2d and 4th were concurred in without a count, and the last, to submit the epiestion of cemstitutionality to; the Supreme Court, was lost by a vote of 64 yea to 167 navs. Most of the forenoon was spent in wrangling on thc Corn Exchange Bank. A reconjodera-tion of the veite eirdering the bill to a third read" ing, wa carried by a vote 134 to 89.

A vote to lay the subject on the table wa lost, when th IIoRUiRi.E Case i.n NeiRTH Carolina. TTie Charlotte (N. rcmocrat, of the 12th gi the particulars of a horrible affair, which has just been brought to light in the neighboring village of Cmcerel, in Mecklenburg county It says A qhai doctor, kiinwrf by the name of Nugent, applied to a man to assi.t him in taking up a chile! that had been buried a few day before. The man made the requi-st kimwn, and intimated that two little girls, daughters of a very respectable gentleman residing in the' vicinity, had been removes! faom their graves by this man Nugent for the purpose of extricating medicinal propTtic from their flesh and hemes. To ascertain the truth of the rumeir, the father had the graves re-opened, and feiunel the eeimn and boelies missing.

Of course this createel a eleep sensatbm, and we are informeel that it wa determined to inflict summary punishment up-en sfugent; but on visiting his house be was found very sick anel in a dying condition. Oite" report says that he tisik poison" after learning that his operation were known to the public and another, that he died frem disease Contracted from freque-nt handling of de-eeimposed Ixnlie. Nugent elied on Weelneselay last. He made a statememt before death that he had exhumed aliout sixteen" dead beslies in Concord and elsewhere, and after using them (for making medicine) he burned the flesh, coffins and everything, to pri'vent ditcctibn. His ash pile was and teeth and bone found therein.

Hi theory apiH-ars to have b-cn that a med early settlers. gone to the. market -place and mass-house and CV At Cleveland, Mississippi, on the evening Mr. Leonard W. Volk, aii Artist, who i' in thcirowri tongue, to them full of music and of May 6th, Mr.

I). McKree, Principal of ha passed two year in Italy, in the study of his profession, ha just returned to hi family and relative in Pittsfield. We had an agreeable call last week from Mr. Volk, who showed us drawing of some of hi production, and Cameos of Henry Clay, Senator Douglas and Gen. Scott, which were exceedingly' beautiful.

One of hi drawings, representing one of his conccptiems, that of Washington in his youth, holding in one hand the hatchet with which he struck the pear tree, an idea which will be readily understood by those familiar with the boyhood of Washington, give -evidence of a power, preached Christ, the One Mediator. He (poke of Ousel who waived hi claim to a Baronetcy, and became a Methodist preacher, and spent hi life in eeking to save his country men and through hi instrumentality, thousands of them forsook the superstitions of Romanism of Walsh, a converted Romanist, and one of the best Hebrew and Greek scholar of his time, and other who had been eminently successful. It was a specimen of genuine Irish eloquence, full of pathos, thrilling the' soul. In the afternoon; Rev. L.

D. Stt.bbins, of Georgetown -Academy in that State, was married to Mis Mary Roberts, and at midnight, during the rejoicing of the bridal party, he fell dead in their midst. I fT The Western Railroad Corporation are now widening their roadway from Chatham 4 Corners to East Albany, so a to build a double track. JT Messrs. Sanderson Lancrganof Boston, Pyrotechnist of world-wide reputation, will, at the approaching anniversary of our national In sjiceial assignment, the imer dinent the Constitution, was called for.

The assignment was peistismed five minute, by the opponent of tha to enable them to dispone of ths question finally, which did not prove sufficient, and for an hour the House was a scene of confusion, tht majority determined to push their advantage, and the minority to defeat or postpone their purposes. On a motion to postpone to 1 1 o'clock, the yeas and nay were ordered, and the tima consumed to that hour, when by general consent the motion was withdrawn, to release the Houm from its rieliculous positiem. The assignment was finally postponed to 34 o'clock, a motion to reconsider was refused, tbe previous question on flower. Tie Post might have added that, thcrioters who attempted hv force of arms to stop the trains on the Baltimore and Ohio Kailmad, were the same men who lead the election riot in Baltimore, and peqietratcd the blood.hcel and violence, which gave the authority of the city to its present weak officials the same men who, when President Buchanan passed through their ritv, assailed his carriage with groans and with showers of stones. We do not desire to look abroad for except aa they relate to our affair at home and admonish of the license which crime boasts in our miclsL It was amidst the applauses and encouragements of nv and women calling; themselves philanthropists, that the reverend and irreverent orator of the Anti-Slavery cause, spoke thus in New York The Rcr.

T. HlGGlSsox, of Massachusetts, (white) declared All the learning in the worhl not worth so much a the poortst which any slave ever gave his master. Robt. Purvis (black) Looked forward with joy to the time when rcvuiution should overthrow this atrocious government. liev.

AMJKtw F. Fo.s, of New Hampshire, (nl'iile) The slaves needed no arms from the Neirth. 1 hey only uedcd to be let akne and they themaelve would twist off their master neck. ll was what he would do. lie would twist off any man's neck who will hJd him as a slave, lie drew a naming pic ure of the day when there would be a servile insurrection throughout the land.

.1 I Wji. Whuji Bkows (bkrk) said be Would rather fhe slave emancipated by iuturrectioa than by any other way. His prayer was that the st wind or tekgraph frenn South Carolina would bring new of an insurrection bv the slave against their master. He Washisotox, May S3. Mr.

Kmman, the California hunter, presented the buck horn chair to the President thi afternoon in the east room, in the presence of a large number of spectators, among whom was Gov. Dickinson. Mr. Kinman was introeluced by Gen. Denver, and made a speech, informing the President it was the first piece of cabinet work he had ever attempted.

The President's response, as we'd a Mr. Kinnian't address, wa loudly applauded. Having tried the chair, the President pronounced is comfortable, and promised to preserve, it as a cherished memento. A 160 acre land warrant was issued to-day from the pension office to Louis McLane, of Maryland, Secretary of War under Gen. Jackson, and subsequently minister to England, for service in the war of 1812.

Dr. Charle S. Frailey, who occupied a high and responsible position in the department of the interior, and former chief clerk in the land office, died this morning. He wa past grand master of the Mason of the district, and was known to the Masonic fratermity of the whole country. New Orleans mail of Monday last have been received.

The paper that city contain nothing of interest. New York, May 24. The Sundav Mercury reiterates it statement of last week that the Burdell murder wa performed by two assassin, who entered the house No. 31 Bond street, hy a back window, and aert that evidence thereof ill be fiTthcomuig. The motive a 'revenge, and em the part of one of the parties an honorable one.

dependence, make exhibition of Firo Work ef rare genius, and will be the we trust, of Troy, N. preached a Sermon on Education, 1-. il. Lt. '1 iiviuB ui.

an ciivuouei re-jaiiaiion as an cannot even attempt an outline oi tni aa-Artist, The mode-1 of the statue, in clay, about mirable production. new and beautiful design, never before seen in thi country. For particulars see advertisement in thi day' paper. lie represented the entire harmony existing between education and religion the support which they derive from each other, and the necessity of each in the developing of the human mind, and to impart the dignity of a true 'x Men are wanted in thi age, true men, and Water Iui-ortakt Notice. We are requested to state that by order of the Water Commissioners, the water in the Fire District will be shut off on Wednesday and Thursday, the 3d and 4th of une, for purposes of repair.

icine ceiulet lie made hy boiling the liver of a human be'ing that would cure liver complaint and so with regard to other tiiseases. We learn that Nugent was freim Forsyth county, and had been living in Cemcord about two years. He once lived in thi town, we are informed, en-gaged in selling jH-ppermint and cinnamondrops. Before he elied he gave the name of three or four of hi aeeximpliecs, one of whom, a white man named Bogus, wa arresteel in thi plaee hist week and eommitte-d-to jail. What the fellow diel with the meelieinc no one knows.

He had agencies in Salisbury and Goldsboro', ljero one or more of his accomplices reside. Mrt. Cunninaham has succeeded in another point. In the Burdell Estate case before the Surrogate, on Saturday, affidavit were put in by Counsel, stating that the evidraceof White- 44 feet high, is already completed and left in Rome, and we hope statues may be ordered by admirers of the Fine Arts in the United State. A bust of Senator Docolas, executed by Mr.

Volk, and forwarded from Reime to Chicago, has probably reached that city. Thb Weather. It i universally aelmitted, we believe, even by the "oldest inhabitant," that the months of April and May, as a whole, have been remarkably cold and unpleasant. Many have attributed unusual variation of weather to the Comet, which commenced I (TThe Posfmaster General ha decieled that they can only be produced by the combination I nJ i ne oaiiK, was oraerca, anil tne oui reiuseu a third reading, bv a vote of 101 yea to 161 nay. Tbe bill establishing the salaries of Judge anel Registers of Insolvency waa amended by reducing the salary of the Judge for Suffolk county from $3000 to $2500.

The amendment to the Constitution requiring two year residence of naturalized citizen before vetting, which to Tuesday next, re'eonsidered and prwtponed, was debated on a motion to substitute the year re'sielence qualification. Tw'o speecheswere made in favor of the amendment, and Tuesday next wa assigned for taking the final question on the subject. baturday. May 23d. Ths SENATE was not in session.

In the HOUSE, the bill in addition to an art establishing hospital for the insane in Western Massachusetts was debated upon the question considered for two or three year past, whether a Deputy Postmaster cannot be Compelled too- of original4alcnt, religion and education, oey a summon to appear in Court with a valuable or other letter, that rests iu hi othce addressed to another party. The position of the Methodist Church on thi subject wa considered. While it wa ad- mittcd that some within her pale may have been rtvirwiaswl in A.lnatw,n iwl 1 1 .1 St. Louis. Mar 26.

Advice from Kansas I head C. Hyde, now in California, (showing that St. Ixt May 23. The Kana correspondent of the Democrat says a force of dragoon and artillery has left Fort Kearney, fen- attack upon the Cheyenne Indians, who, it is said, are concentrated at Republican Fort, Kansas Blue River. Republican publiahe a letter froni Mr.

to Mar 21st, savs that Secretary Stanton he was engaged to be married to Mrs. C. waa issued a proclamation feir the election of dele- I material to the issue be fore the Cemrt, aud mo- thotnng ttt tail on the 6th of Mav, and will i refuse the admission of uneducated men to her continue to do so every evening until the 16th i ministry, in the technical sense of the term, yet of Jimic. when it ia urn.liffrt ia to aive gates to the Constitutional Convention on the third Monday in June. Ceusu returns from mwwvu.

uj ('OjieillCllia Ul Mrs. Cunningham for a Commissioner to go out Brown, of the Lawrence Herald of Freedom, Mother Earth a touch of fancy and knock 19 of the 26 counties Were in, giving 9251 legal to California and take his testimony. An alfi-votcrs. davit of Mrs. Cunningham as read by Judge It is said that manv ofthe Republicans are I'ean, wherein she stated that she has not seen to Mr.

lirewerton, tne Jvaiuas correi)oiiileiit ot thin ,.,1 illto a cocked hat i. i 1 1 i.i i i. i i Nothing lite aula, oeiuiu, leie-iiuiK iu 111c uiuiv ui ty between Gov. Robinson and himself. Rob geiing over to the Free StateNational lb-moe very alarming, however, need be anticipated.

P. 8. Since the above was written there has inson had charged Brown with an attempt to ell out the free state party to Gov. Shannon, i been a great and favorable change in the weath i 1 on condition of being released from prison. racy.

Also, that an attempt was making by the Northern men to send free Nutate men of that party to the Convention, and that Eli Moore, formerly of New, York, bad been solic. ited to run for Congress. would like to see it though a million of men hould perUh in it, and it should fail. The Kev. HtSilY GaRNETT (black) said It will not always be borne.

Our people will not alway content to be trodden under foot they ill arm themselves some dav, if need be, to secure their right. It will not be a cotlv aruuunewt. neither-, cent aiirc do it; armed tcith a box of tudfer matche; the black man tcill hare the potter in hit haxdt. FRED, lhjl CLAIM (Hack) aaid Meu wondered at the late poisoning at Washington but men who whip and prostitute their coukx, and scourge their niggers, might expect to meet death in the pot. The slaveholelrr are crying to us that we are tryjng to make our nigger their throats and the reason is' they know they deserve to have them cut.

To htm no sign of encouragement was so iuterett-in aa the insurrection at the South. The pitol-shot, the poison in the cup, the box of JuciftT matches, which are thus com Brown denie the charge, call Kobinaon an unmitigated liar, and request Brewerton so to represent him. General Harvey and Mr. Orr, of South Carolina, had arrived in the Territo Mr. H.yde in 20 years, and never hael any cem-tract ef marriage with him.

The motion was strenuously opposed. Mrs. Cunningham wa present, dresse'd in deep mourning, and earnestly watching the case. The Surrogate denied the motion. Thk Police Qckstiox.

The Mayeir shows conclusively in his Message to the Boarel of iuitcilmen last evening, that under the Don-gah. Meintgeimerie Charter, the authoritie of the Cify have ample peiwe-r to establish a watch or policeforcc for the city, imlcjicndently of a-ny force which may be designated by the State for the same purpewe. A Committee of the Proviiiencr, Mav 26. Ths Oemeral Assem bly met at Newport this morning. Gov.

lyer ry. I he latter declined a complimentary dinner tendered him. and the other officers were worn in. There being no choice for Lieut. Governor, Thomas G.

Turner wa elected in Grand Committee. Sullivan Balluu wa elected Sjieaker of the House. New Yore, May 26. The Post say that everal of the Judge of the Supreme Court have united in a letter to the Governor, recom-menduig him not to fill the vacancy on the bench of that Court created by the demise of Judge Oakley. Mayor Wood ava he shall rnirsoe the course Chicac.o, Mv 2G.

The Minnesota Igisla Council, last evening, reported an.ordinance to ture has disposed of the Railjaiad lands granted establish such a watch, consisting of the nres- she is not opposed to education, but on the contrary fosters and encourages it. God had raised up Methodism by the instrumentality of educated men, and without these advantages they would not have had the power so to move the world. All great religious movements, ince the time of the Apostles, had begun in the labor of educated men. The npostle Paul wa a man of education. The Reformers, Zwingle, Bucer, Luther, Melancthon and their compeers, were men of highly cultivated minels, and it was their intellectual culture which in no small degree imparted- to.

them their power. Methodism could point to her Wesley's, Coke, Walsh, Clarke, Benson, Fiske, Olin and others, and what they had done for education, in proof that she regards it as one portion of her work, to impart sound education. The first Bishop of the Methodist Church in America established a College. And though it was burned down twice, and wa consequently abandoned, that was no proof, as some supposed, that the project wa displeasing to the Lord. At least, if the fact that thi College wa burned down then, wa a proof that the I-ord wa displeased ith Methodist Colleges, the fact that they do not now burn downi proof that lie is now pleased with "them.

He dwelt upon the character and requisitions of teacher, and their high responsibilities. They need the baptism of the Holy Spirit, for their work, as well as Ministers. mended to the slave, ore the instruments, of to the Territory hy Congress, dividing them cnt City Police force, and appropriating for it among the 1'aciflc, Root River Valley, anel support" the $825, 000 autheiriacd by thk Legis opeil and secret murder and arson and thec jje already indicated, notwithstanding the crime are commended with the coolest delib- of the Supreme Court and that he in- Southern Minnesota, Mineapolis, and Cedar lative Act ef March Sth, 18o7. the Hospital is needed, and hether the appro-priatiem propeiscd, $.30,000, would be mfhcient to complete the building. Mr.

Little-field, oi Foxborough, moved an amendment that no portion of the amount shaB be expended unlea it shall be made clear to the Governor and Council that it will be ufHcient fiw the completion. The amendment wa carried, and the bill ordered to a third reading without a count, Monday, May 2.Sth In -the SENATE, resolve came up with the endorsement that the House concurred in two of the Senate amendments, but nem-concurrcd in the amendment requiring that the opinion of the Snpreme Court as to the constitutionality of the resolve shall first be obtained. A motion to recede prevailed by the casting vote of the president 18 to 17. The bill establishing the salaries of Judge and Registers of Probate was passed to be engrossed after an amendment making the salary of the Essex Juelge $1000. The House bill to incorporate the Hide and Leather Bank was passed to be engrossed.

motion of Mr. Toft it was ordered that the present week be considered the last of the cssiou for parliamentary purpose. A Wli wa introduced and ordered to be printed which provide for the apportionment of Senator in the several countie. to the effect that when the ceusu shidl be completed the aggregate population shall be divieled by 40 to give the ratio representation for each Senator that the aggregate of each county shall be divided by thi ratio to fine! the liunibcr of district in each county anel that if the whole number of forty Senator is not thu provided for the rwiwaiiietcr shall be apportioned ainsng theme countie where after division" the remaining fraction -exceede one-half. The resolve amending the coiaJtituUon in respect to making the Lie-tenant (ierrernor president of the Senate sx-nfido and abolishing the ouwal was agreed to by vote of IS to YU- The Albany lsilicc is likely to be so limited in cration, by men who boost that heir word are CBtp to th -'rt of Appeals, not lost, out will be acted on.

The horror in- J7(1ii7mond wiU f1 suired bv the mob violence at Louisville nnlcs 1 be er. All the days of the present week have been very pleasant. The Farmer are busily engaged with their Spring wtirk. Chanae of Time on the liailroadt. By the advertisement in our columns, it will be seen that important alterations were made in the running of the trains on the Western, North Adam, and 1'itLsficld, and Housatonic Railroads on Monday last.

The Express Train from Albany for Boston, passes here at 1.08 r. M. Passenger leaving Chicago in the morning, reach Pittsfield at 1 r. M. the second day, and Boston at 7 r.

at. (7 Herman Melyiix, of thi town, returned on the 20th hut. in the steamer City of Manchester, from Ijyerpool, after a seven months' absence abroad. Hi last book, the Confidence Man," wa brought out in Londein in April, by the Longman, and is critically noticed at large in most of the London literary paper! taf Miss Caroline E. Svttok, of Boston, and Miss Helek Brows', of "this town, were passengers in the Cunard steamer Asia, which ailed from New York yesterday for Liverpool.

Ths Nrw Cert. The Mint at Philadelphia on Monday began paying out the new cent, first to those who had deposited Spanish coin in exchange, and afterwards to the public in general. before the intensity of feeling which, such The Vm Dllu, Wrlun Captain couiwi excite. Ana the words arc ncara lie- nmyt the Colliiuj line, will leave thu port fift tlfV MkSoti titan r-sl rf 1 v-rt nn Vt 1 4J a. I a a for lavemool on Saturdav.

6th of Juno. alley itaiiroaei Companies. Washinuton, May 26. The M. General to-day concluded a cemtract with the Southern steamship company for the transportation of the mail twice a month between New Orleans and Apalaehieola, embracing all the gulf porfs of the Florida coast, at $70,000 per annum.

The contracts for the work on the Washington Aqueduct, were awarded thi morning to the lowest bidders. Brtjioit, May 26. The Station, two tank houses, two freight car, and a large quantity of wood at Newburg point, on the Great Wet- ilantation inspire the inhabitant of Seguin's The steamship Asia will take out to-morrow Point with an idea, and they set fire to the 1.600.000 in snccie. number that it can do but little toward preserving order. As we read the Act, the hole force for thi city, under that law, will consist of only eight persona, unlets the Board of Supervisor repeal their past action on the subject, which we trust they will not.

Two of the three Supreme Judges, Messrs. Mitchell and Peabody, haveelecideel in faveirof the constitutionality of the new Police Law, Judge RooscTclt dissenting. The question, a we understand the matter, will now go to the Court of Appeals, and the sooner the better. Their decision will lie final, and both part in will acquiewce in it. A'.

of Vom-meree of Tuesday. PaiLAlU-LrHlA, May Harrisburg train for Harrisburg. got off the track thi morning, aud ill elragged some distance. Some dozen passenger, including CoL Benton, were more eir less injured, but emly one seriously. Quarautine buildings, exult in the crime, and laugh defiance at the law.

I CFTThe subscription to the Michigan South- Vhere i thi to end When i this reign crn Railroad Company' new guaranteed ten of secret conspiracy, of mob violence, of incite- I ent- stock is already 3,88.5,800, namely, ment to crime, to end When, pcrhap wc subscribed in New York and ask, is it to begin? for the man.festa- O0 foreign stockholder. The list tioiiiRe have thu. far seen are pcrhap. only "ch for. d'y tlie eliminurv Btinutoms of wflivsureaduig of theCora- lera Canada Railroad were burned last night.

pany' want. anarchy and social destruction aud crmic, The scene at Baltimore, New Orleans and i.oea not ascertained. YV At Providence, on Friday, anothe unsuccessful attempt wa made to elect a Mayor. Mr. Olney, the Republican candidate, had a plurality of 60S, but not a majeirijy.

The Theological Schools were defended from the attacks of prejudiced and ignorant and strongly commended for their aihiptaUon to the want of the Church at the present time. IV Buffalo is the highest taxed city in the Union, the ratio being 36 on every $100 of valuation. Louisville, arise from emotion that would have cn-fold atrocity if quickened by tht imminent.

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