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The Times-Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania • 26

The Times-Tribunei
Scranton, Pennsylvania
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Wlltiamaport. Pa. July ll. Th Scranton police department baseball Cli Mfo. Julv la funi mlnatloa of a Mln-yar dlaput iwan major and minor baaa- team Invaded Bowm park here to IfJ If M.

MEET QUESTION NOW ball laaguoe wa atan today wfth 4 day and banded the policemen, of tne adoption of a reeolutlo. by lh major Itaiuti severing re- I Ma city their aeeond atralgbt setback, la a mum gam. The visitor got away to an early istion a net- Jjee, 1. JIM, with the American aocIatkin. In- 4- CFPICIALt IAV IT It TO CA NORTH WASHINGTON AVINUt Pari no Coast, West ere and Three-Ej lee sua.

TAIN OP OAVII CUP TIAM TO lead, which aa never overcome. They opened the game with four runs and aent acroea three mors lu move adopted her 1 H.AY6K0UND TtAM GIT TWlNTY-tlX POINTS IN CVCNT HIAl. ITTIT0N OUTLAY OO00" HITTINQ AIILITY IN QAMCt PLAYC0 THII SEASON. Anthony Btrellah. catcher for tha the third fram.

Wllllamaport, how. yeatertlay sit a Joint aeaaioa ef a HANOI! TILOCN IITUA- TIONJ. Bf A STArr COSBILarOKDIIrT, Ameiicaa and hationai lagu 4-4 evar. threatened with a rally In th final frame but (ell hort three run. Alei Shield had Pitched great ball owner.

nllin ud a total of polnU. Ih fCuynbi. nil, by the Norib Saaartaa Under th terms ef th agree. Dupont Sacred Haart. the leading North Washington itmw recreation renter carried oft flrat honor at the naeipapar aumik) ment the National and American 4 vmiiwr in tne DUDuraan' lea sua aa- rarla.

July It. Th United St tea for Scranton up until th time he weakened In the eevwmh, Mike Fuhrey replaced him and after being I fiUnmund Irecg ana nia ieu dub will release no more 4-1 player to. nor buy any from cording to th atattstlca Uauad toda Lawn Tennl aaaorlatlon stands flrm umI itiidl by th bureau of reerea by Hilly McNulty. laagu proaldent. In IU nwt controversy with Wil tb five "nonselective" leaguaa.

1 (um at tha Catholic club nolo ye- nicked lor a double fanned the neit two man te retire the aid and put a liam T. Tlldan. Id, and will not -n Direiisn naa an average ef .66 for nine gam. Statlstica Included In I h1im unieas in latter agr to th 4 universal right ef player aeleo. 4 hall to the home club'a rally.

lac It rule that may play In th Davl cup matches and at lb aami in report are for th flrat ten game. Libs, of Dupont. la aeeond laadlna 4 tion on a chdul ef higher 4J Moran. Tobln and.Balson hit th tim writ dally new la pair he en the tournament, whether Tllden' batter with a'percentage of Dol- ball hard and often -for grranton while Feddler and Walter each contributed three hit to th loser. Tha winners took flrat place, and tl4 for flrat honor In a third event.

atotttB Washington avenue won aee-on4 place In tha competition, with II point. an4 N. Is playground as third, with 1 points, Tk. mmL lha flrat of tha Hat of participation would be material factor In bringing th cup back to Amer iy It cover, or Junction. Is third beat batter with fourth place la held by Mike Lovaclc first ha man th urau pnee.

4' Outlawing ef tha five minor 4 Uagued recall th major-minor 4 4 dlaput whlob had It Inception 4 4 In 1U1 when Ksneaaw M. Lan- 4 4 die, commissioner of baseball. 4 4 draftd an agremant with th 4 minor laaru. At that tima tha, ii Th Scranton police and city offi ica or not. Ir Orlfnih teem, who la hitting at cials war entertained by Chief L.

Thla wa th decision announced Kuesl and hi force at a dinner and here today by Ht-Exigent Dlson Clip. Lib, ef Dupont I Udlna In hnma najor weekly event arranged for tha aummar playg round season. vaa undar eunrvllon of outing following the game. noa-playtng captain ot th United ntatea Davia cup team. The lineup: sen ANTON run riming, navlng fouf to his credit Jo Clelaa, of Dupont Sacred Heart iMson.

aunarlntandant of ivmnvw mniianfj wr 4 granted th special privilege ef 4f are very dlaappolntad," Mr. not Deing reauired to oonform 44 in Dn pucner thus fsr. won hla first eight game and laat hi flrat LJizon aaid. "hut our svssoclatloa can not change Its rules and decldons to Hnrr. m.

rscreattoa, with J. 1. MeCutr-heon, uperYlsor of boya' athletics, direct-w i rhim Members of tha In- 4 the principle of lctlon. r- Tokia. Jk.

game Uat Sunday. 4 lerred to a the "draft." 41 Hoffmau. rC. suit on msn. Of courae, under-atand Ir.

Tilden's position, and wa rrwtional ataff served offlclala of 'a. 4 A modified draft rule was 41 AB. Thld. Ik. H.

Pet Moran. If. A sin Booster I 4 agreed Upon in 1I2L Thla nra. can not lilam him lor sticking to his fh meat. MattM.

It SiralipN, Mnall leoV an ppnnt, loft engagements. I 14 14 11 II 6 14 I It 1 a 4 vldd that -players sent to now. 4 4 draft league could be drafted. Jttttaa, lb In practically every event on tha ti.t new record war made. The Mndn today, nUr hew tammy leek whq he vn the titls In I02B, right- 'On the associstlon'a aide I har I l.ioa, Mpont Ikanaa-Jnnrtlaa.

1 4 Balaoa, cf Kellr, 4 44 Daley. Janrtloa a a a no posaiDiiuy wnatevcr ot ou Nw Turk, Jul 10. Tb cartoon- and biscuits In a Claveland bread Davl. Pltutsa a ia i Mhlalrta, p. Tuhnr.

Troako, Durr.a tail foundry. had already won th changing our rondltlona. I don't know who will play In Mr. Tilden's atead. The association ha not vet lat a friend.

Old Pap Tim, may have lltl Hoovar. a 7 LoMkrk. P. Grlf. 1 it a a more than a little bit to do with Talali it ii aennueiy cnoaen it team." Skiba, riupoat.A...

17 1 1 ben even greater than hla phyalctl growth. A string -X knockouU and easy victories with on defeat, by Kid Chocolate, hav been scored by Al since Ignaclo bopped him on hla ear. That defeat by the Ked did not hurt Slnger'a nrestlg any. A good Mllak. P.

Orif 11 Tllden I under contract to th who'll be who among tha lightweights ater July IT when Stinahine Sammy Mandell rHka hi royal tog In a title for Moran In tlilk Inning WILLIAMS PORT Connor. 'I I 4 '414 North American Nawapaper Alliance point awarded wilt count In th -aon playground honora, and tha re-ault of tha meet put North Waah-tngtoa and Bouth Wahlngton close together aa season contender. Dor-thy Tucker, North Wsshlngton, waa ona of tha Individual atare. breaklnic tha rwoordawhich ah made In 1: In tha 0-yard dah and tha basket-ball throw. Aaron Abramowlts, Con-pell park, aet a new mark In th running broad jump, and equalled tha record In tha 100-yard dah.

laapa. 1 a a ah ana tne Bell Syndicate to cover rha an Thompson. Booater IS 17 lightweight title from-. Rocky Kansas at th time Singer waa taking; up the gam. Whst tot an the year of Von-tlnuou scrapping hav exacted of Hammy will be apparent July IT.

Mandell haan't defended his title inc laat Auaruat whan defeated Tony Canionerl. tmmy ought to hav hla work cut quarrel wltkr Al Singer, on of New SET MSEflALL Till cf Davl cup matche In dally cable fur fopr. ii i i i aiiiao. a is 1 is ia York's own. Halntal.

D. Ralnaar. W. Plltatoa 17 11 '111 i ly number ot the scribe at that acrap Sunshine Sammy hin't old when Oranaban. Juartkon.

I Ii I feddar. It Hartmaa. Ik. inougnt winger should hav beea i no cicranton riaie snd other mem-bers of the Alliance, snd he declined to plsy on the Davl cud team If ha hi yaara are measured b) a natural given the decision. iii In r- aeoiina nooatar It II FTIta.

Dupoat I 39 I It .411 SERIES TO DECIDE WHICH WILL Wallara, aa Harman. ft. yardstick. But pugltlatlcnlly th Sammy ha a big- edge on hi uupont 4 1 It .411 Rockfurd ahelk I In late itfiUla a COMPETE IN NATIONAL TITLE could not keep thla agreement, although John Wheeler, general Urara, eut for hire in beating Singer, If he n. iiosara.

21 4 .401 Uauthae. Junction, II a .401 Curry, Ik beat him. Al ha been coming along manager of the Alliance and preal- Tha boya and girl were amaea Into two groupe. senior and Junior. ui TOURNEV WHICH STARTS SATURDAY.

Sammy ha beerl movlngaround on th realn -a long time, eleven years to be exact, and he' had almost 160 fight in that time. aeni or tne syndicate, offered to re at a great clip. The Bronx Bomber, Iran his eurprla knockout at the norocct w. 7 17 I It Uromaa. W.

I It 4 Ljrnott 44 I )l .404 lease hun. Those under fourteen yaara of age vera in the luntor cla. and thoae younger opponent in experience. Mandell know aa much ring craft as the next ono. He's a foxy fighter, pretty hard to outsmart.

This may be the- end of Mapdell' reign but don't be too aure of It Maybe Sammy can even outsmart Old Pap Tim. .13 21 II hand of Ignnclo Fernande laat May, Several thousand fan are expecUdf Oalr. lb Walabarfar, lb Total cor by inninse Krrantea Wllllamaport hi 01 Sammy was a rlnr veteran when between fourteen and aeventeen year Kolrll, JDnrtlo. I It I 4 .400 Corona, I 31 in ,117 Arnold. Jut.ctloo..

I if It .117 has grown from a feather to a light to make their way to th Dunmortf weight 41. 1 1 1- Jack Sharkey was playing sailor, and Johnny Rlsko wss fashOnlnf bun 1. oatrowaki. siatar 4 11 I 1 ball park Saturday afternoon to aeaf la th aenlor group. South Saranton Cop.

Singer's puglllatlo proirtas New York. July 10 Joseph W. Wear, chairman of th Davis cup commute of the United State Lawn Tennl association, had Baitk, Dupont 14 I II Ix th Throop Boosters and th Ferrf mtvoraor, 4 It 1 4 .171 I.avoad ar. Booatar. Ii I 13 .171 Krrera Haary.

Jonaa, Haritnan. Har-an Sana battait In Huffman. Mora Jonaa, Kalljr, Hhlrlda. Balaoa, liar-maa. raddar, Hlntel.

U'allara. 3. Two- Hill Boosters, of Olyphant, In action ai Tha dUtriet honora went to South rVranton. which Includee Bouth Washington venue, Connall park. rislaa.

14 I 11 .171 4 This will be th first gam of a transatlantic telephone conversation with Flt-Eugene Dixon on the Tilden situation, and Mr. Dixnn fnM BELLsEVUE BOOSTER CLUB WILL baaa kite Tobln. Hoffman. Halnlal i waeraua xiatarr. 1 II 11 .111 Mnlako.

Pt. IS I I Kaalor. Dorraa I It It 14 i is and Alder street, who ac three-game aeries to determine thf he mm Tllden had th Impression grat JOT THE STARS DID IK counted for 41 points. Second place chsmplonshlD In the first half ot thi Borkowekt, Dupont. I 12 II .144 HAKE SESSION THIS EVENING is pressure nan Deen brouarht to bear to waiura.

Tarea-baaa nil Harman. Homo ran Balaoa. Sacrifice bit Hoffman. Left on baaee Acraoton, Wllllainaport. T.

Baaa oa balla Off Bhlalda. off Halnlal. 1. struck out Br Shlelda, by Fuhrajr, Hlta Off Sblalda. 10 In In- tiatkewaki.

Dupoat. 10 17 (11 .141 In tha divisional rating was won by Kaetar 17 i la .144 intercounty baseball league and wll also decide which team will renreseni tha ontrmi city, taking in North induce the North American Newspaper Alliance and the Bell Syndicate TESTERMlfS ML EJURES Waahlnaton. Nay Aug. Samter and the midvalley at the annual flrat -claaJ OL at Otj Morale, w. 3 1 1 Hhaloakl.

tV. 4 2 .311 Monro. W. Sill .131 ainca; orr rukray. 1 in Innin (ly Awitd to waive their contract rights.

Committee To Confer With Director amateur championship toumsment tct Wyoming arenue, with ISVj points. TVeat Reran ton. with No. 17. Lusern Mr.

AVear axmired Mr. Dixon that this was not the case, th offer of Chicago Willie Pelllgrlnl, Chicago. oe conducted In Cincinnati in Sp-f ou Washlngton, flrat; Connell park, sec ond; Weston field, third. temDer. jotn or thes team arri outpointed Pal Moore, Memphis, Jonn N.

Wheeler to waive the axree- atraet, FHmor avenue. Wet Lackawanna avenu and Weston Field, wu third, with lt'A points, and amuatad with th Lackawanna. Bast 26-yard dash, junior girls: Evelyn eight rounds.J Kansas City Bab Huns. Ponca ment having been entirely voluntary ball federation. Bugno, No.

IS, first; Quells Mitchell, and based on Mr. Wheeler's Idea of fourth nlace went to'North Scranton ef Publio Works On Luiarn 8trat Playground. A special meeting of th member of the Bellevue Booster club ha been called by President Joseph Whalen for this evening at o'clock. Th meeting; will take place gt the club-rooms on South Washington avenue. A sTseat deal of interest la man! good eportimanshlp.

North Washington, second; Jean Ca-selbaum. Nay Aug, third. "Time, 4 2-5 II. 40. 44 and 4fc with 10 City, outpointed Al Friedman.

Boston, la ten rounds; Pat Hay ward, Los Angeles, knocked out' Kttor Mariana. Italy, In the tenth round: Mr. Wear atill hopes Tlldan will rested In Saturday' gam not onW In th upper-valley but in this see'J ft Inches (new record). Iiorar. Dupont 7 24 1 .111 Zadruakr.

10 40 I 13 .121 rixllnfton. Junction a 14 7 11 .124 Sandr. 11 la .1:1 Oatrnwakl. 2 I .291 Gorrtrk. 7 IS 4 .12 Ron.

W. Plttl 1'R I .12 Ooldan, P. Oort 4 I .111 Dooshar, P. 10 41 I 11 .117 N'ovonllakl. I 11 10 .111 P.

Walker. Plttilon. I .111 Uornlck. 30 .101 Th abov statistics Include only batters who are hitting .300 or better. Record ot team averages, pitching averages, will be complied and published within the next week.

points. Tha complat standing of the In dividual playground was aa fol Playground ball throw, junior girls: play, but he feels that the whole matter is now one to be aettled between tlon. Some of th best smateur basej fan 1.IIII Evelyn Bugno, No. 16, first; Quells ball player In northeastern Penn4 Tllden and Dixon. Joe Trabone, Kansas City, knocked out Luther Ashford.

'lttburgh. rui Mitchell, North Washington avenue sylvan la will be seen in this caraet lows: North Washington. 26; South Washington. II; No. II, 11; Connell mil In the fifth round.

These two neighborhood teama have! ndi second; Edith Bardiilauakas, No. 44. third. Distance, 108 feet Inches Plan will be discussed for sn elaborate affair, the nature of which will disclosed to the publio In a few day. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE (By th Associated Press.) Daily Vance.

Robin Held th raves to three hit, striking but nine a Robins won first of double-header, 8-0. Del Blsaonetta. Robin Horn run with bases loaded gave Robins 7-6 victory over Braves In second game Chuck Klein. Phillies Double in ninth drove in run that defeated Giants, 6-4. Jimmy Wilson, Cardinal Hit double with bases loaded In eighth to enable Cards to down Pirates, 9-5.

Wes Ferrell, Indian Won twelfth gam of season, defeating Browns. Milton Gaston. Red Sox Broke Washington's ten -game winning streak, holding Senators to eight singles In second. mi avl (new record). SOUTHERN ASSOCUTIQN park, Weston Field, Nay Aug, Luzerne street, No.

II. 40. No. 44. Fllmore, No.

17. been rivals for th past severaj yearaf and a lively content should result! when thy come together Saturday 1 Arrangements ar being mad tol obr 60-yard daih, senior girls: Dorothy gtaadlag ef the flab, A committee headed by Sidney A. Weiss, president of the board of di Tucker, North Washington, first; Ju gtaadlag of th dob. Won Trt. Te Uil. 3 rectors, will meet with Director of Public Works Miller thla afternoon lia Stavlnsky, South Washington, sec; ond; W. Stanchak, Luzerne street, third. Time, 1-6 seconds (new Mamphis Loa Anaalas Hollywood 8acramento uriaana The results ot the events were as follows: 10-yard dssh, junior boy; Jerry Nwsotn. North Washington, and Jos Krupa.

outh Washington, tied WS8TEBX LKAtlCE. Oklahoma ritr. i St Jaaaph, 1. Omaha, 1 1 Puablo. 1.

Danvar. ft; Dos Molnee. Wloklta-Topaka play nlsht gama. .71 .101 .6.11 at city hall. The meeting is In regard Blrmlnsham Little Rock handle a capacity crowd.

CheTg Eleyen-Piec Banttf Dunrnor Ball Park, GenU 50c Ladies Adt JylO-tl Won. 17 4 i 43 2 7 Han Franciaro Oakland aao jaa it in 9 41 37 to the proposed Luzerne street playgrounds. The other members of the Basketball throw, senior girls: Dor 1 .414 I laalona 111 othy Tucker, North Washington, first; .411 .41 .110 the Tor first place; Lacoe, No. 17, and Thornton, Nay Aug. tied for second committee are: Anthony Relden- ate Heattla Portland Atlanta N'aah villa Mobile Isadora Meyers, all members of directorate.

Hue Schuster, South Washington, sec .311 bach. John Blasko, Albert Smith and art use ond; Pearl Buffano. No. 16, third. Distance, (1 feet 6 inches (new record).

Teaterday's Basalts. 200-yard shuttle relsy, girls: South uaa, ana au urn Yesterday's Iteaalt. Loa Anttloa, 4: Scattla, I. Oakland, I Mlaalona. I Portland.

II: Ban rrancltca. 4. Atlanta. 11: Naahvllla. a Blrmlnsham, 'hauanoosa.

I. Washington, first; Weiton field, second. ini Little Rork. Mnhlla. I.

Memphis. New Orltana. I (14 ins) Hollywood-Sacramento play night game. I place. 1-i seconds.

Baseball throw, Junior boys: Harry Jones, Luzerne street, first: Joe Swift. Weston, second; William Luts. Nay Aug. third, pistanc. ISO feet 11 Inches (new record).

Standing broad jump. Junior boys: Peter Thornton. Nay Aug, first; John Munrhak. Bouth Washington, Char ley Bushowsky, Fllmore, and Jim Smith. North Washington, tied for second.

Distance, feet 11 Inchee. Tot mil ran Km lorgi aa I aaa 100-yard dash, senior boy: Aaron Ddai 'Abramowlts, Connell park, flrat; mmmmmmxii i John Cavanaugh, No. It, second; aaaa-Laaa true I Charlea Connors, No. 40, third. Time, in 11 second (equals record).

ucha 1 I Running- high Jump, senior boys: Charles Connors, No. 40, first; mpll 111a- Charles Simpson, Weston, and Al Long. North Washington, tied for second. Height, I feet ntw record). Running broad jump, senior boys: Abramowlts, Connell park, first; Osborne Ooodall, North Washington, second; Charlea Robersky, South Washington, third.

Distance, 17 feet 4 Inches new record). 220-yard ahuttle relay, boys: South i VSaSi aSBBi llllat mlra like. arrial fCBA JEATOM SPSfttSS inglia or WUH is ma, 1 Secns Wllk fa ma, i DELUXE REGULAR Seibcrling paeon York, nlneja York. Harri 'ew Lew Price With Servle By Kxperts rr All Medel Car SERVICt COMPANY 924 N. Wtuhincton Ave.

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Franklin Ave. Hyirade Tire Supply Co. 437 Wye ming Ave. D. G.

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