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The Pittsfield Sun from Pittsfield, Massachusetts • 2

Pittsfield, Massachusetts
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

goal gntriUgntre. snrsbl. ih sssrsd Use wfckh asw llsk lofMksr Ik Various Letters were reeeivtd from Es-Pfddtnt kick tkey QuibkItm to bo impelled to tho drcsdlul rontum motion. But I shell be told pethejw that oil thin ia field mingled together with the dominant race in the tenons pursuits of Ufe the latter amounting in the aggregate to eight or nine JSitn. TncBiPAT, nxrxnn ifK is, is.

Wahta(n Wewa- Th PotnMtr-anerI rcied from the l'otmter of Fell Church, ur-gtnie, in efter referring to th opinion-of th Attornej-Onerl of irgime. ing the constitutionality th statute of thF State-denouncing under heavy penalties the eircuiatiou of books, newspapers, pamphlets. xas, newspaper, pmput imaginary that the alarm at the South ia fac- I milhona, tf I rightly jecullcet the number, fiuous or rather a gruundleaa panic, for which Vpon this community, thne it woe there ia no lubatantial cause, fit eubject foe the deeign of Brown to let looee the hell-ridicule rather than aertoua anxiety. Bupleee hounde of eervile insurrection, and to bnng no aigna of panic in Virginia, except for-a few on a etrugglo which for magnitude, atrocity, houre at Harper' Ferry, when in the confunon and horror, would hare atood alqne in the hii-of the first enrpriae, and in profound ignorance i tore of the world. And there eight or nine of the extent of the danger, the community million, agaiitet photo thia frightful war waa waa for time paralysed.

I am not aura Icried, are our fellow. citiien. entitled with ua that a town of 4 or 600 families in thia region, to thr protection of that compact of gorern-meaJid at midmghtby a reeoluta band of S0 1 ment. 'which tecogntoi their relation to tha entering the houses of inAueutiel citizen. colored race, a compact which erery aworn and hurrying them from them bada to strong officer of tha uion or of the States ia bound hold previously' occupied, and there holding them aa hoatagee I am not aura, air, that an equal panic would not he created till theextent of tha daagrr waa measured.

Betides, air, if tha panic had been much more extensive than was. the panics of great and brave communities are no tr'iftc. Burke said ha could not frame an indict meut against a win le people it seems to me equally in bad taste at least to try -to point a sneer at a State like Virginia. The French arc reputed' a gallant and warlike peo-plt i but the letters from tha lata seat of war tell us, that even after the great rictorr of Sol- feiino, a handful of Austrians, straggling into a village, put a corps of the French army thousands strong to flight. A hundred and fifty men overturned the French monarchy, on the occasion to which I have already alluded, ut ISIS.

When tha circumstances of the case are taken into consideration, I suspect it will be agreed that any oilier community in the conn- try, similarly situated, would have been affect-' The SansT. adjourned from Thursday to Monday, On Friday, in th Hocaaa violent dispute arose between Mr, Kellogg end Mr. Logan, both of Illinois, which nearly resulted in a personal collision. After a long and desultory debate on all sort of topics, a row for Speaker was taken. Mr.

Sherman received 110 votes, 116 being necessary to a choice, when the House adjourned. On Saturday, there waa a long debate on th slavery' question. Mr. Curry (Dcm. of Ala.) made a iorcibla and striking speech, ia which he showed th progress of Anti-slavery sentiments in iheNiwih, and primed out th proof of a growing disrespect on the part of the Republicans for the Federal Jaw, N9 vote taken for the Speakership.

Jn the Sevat, no vote taken on Monday or Tuesday cst Mi. Mason resolution of investigation into th Harper' Ferry afiatr. It is still under discussion. Fresident ha not sent bis Message to the Senate. In the Hot no Speaker be yet been chosen.

No vote was taken on Monday or Tuesday, LzaistATiTz. The disputed question of pay has been settled by allowing $4 per day for actual attendance, and counting the session up to December 16th, and no longer. On Mrioday the House discussed st length th pay for th Commissioner on the Revision of the Statutes, and decided, 71 to 68, to cut down the committee's recommendation of $42,. 600 for the whole work to $32,600. (The Boa-ton Advertiser, edited by Mr.

Hale, Speaker of the House, come out in favor of rejecting the whole Revision of the Statutes by th Legist, ture, It eay thet th revision is not what the people expeet, and' had a right to expect, and that it enactment, in our judgment, will be mischievous and even dangerous to the beat interests of the public. 1 Th Revision ahb its Rescnv. Th Daily" Advertiser of Saturday pronounced th labor ot iu party in revising tha Statutes, uv its mutts, to be a failure and came out fiat footed against the passage of the final enactment. It' words are, the Rentum ought not to patt The Daily haa materials at hand to show, in detail, why the Revision ought not to pew, but decline to present them but in exesthedra fashion, after a close examination of iu proviso ions, declare that FIS ENACTMENT WILL BE MISCHIEVOUS AND EVEN DANGEROUS TO THE BESTIN! EUESTS OF THE PUBLIC. This it the judgment of Mr, Hale, th Speaker, he say 0, and he goes on to state further that he has grounds for believing that hit views are shared gentlemen of eminent character and profound (earning, both in and out of the House, We could have told the Daily, month ago, that eminent men, and intelligent men not era.

inent, though patriotic, were of opinion that the Rcpublitau party in this business, were do-' ing both a mischievous and dangerous work and could have told it further that sound, wise and patriotic men, looked upon the course of the Republican party and its loiders with utter astonishment and alarm because they knew, and did not want Mr. Hale or the Daily Ad. vertiscr to tell them of it, that this party were wantonly tampering with the rights and interests and honor of th people. It seems Mr. lisle has corns round to their views.

A confession is said to be good for th soul and there is nothing in party annals to equal the coolness with which this jonrnal goes through with the shriving operation, and tsn-cies that it thus cleans its hands of the guilt. It has been silent all the while iu reckless party have been spending some $200,000 or and just aa it about to make the final draft on the treasury, it sounds the alarm. In this way can it expect to escape the indignant censure which is destined, the day of reckoning, to fall upon the perpetrators of this mischief? But this is a significant fact for the people to ponder on the Republican party have spent in this Revision business an enormous amount of moneyi aud now iu ejicaker of the House, thus acknowledged a party leader, tells th people that the grand result ia both mischievous and dangerous. Their money has been worse than ws-ted for as the Republican party have decided that this Revision must pass, the public have got to bear the mischief aud encounter the danger! Ration Putt of Tuctday Frtn ialiforaia The iteamship Atlantic haa arrived at New York from 4th, bringing over 500 pmweftgera and $1,865,000 in specie. Among the passenger ar Lieut.

Gen, bcott and staff, and Col. F. W. Eandcr. The John L.

Stephen left San Francisco on the forenoon of the 21st and brought down the mails, the Yauderjnlt company having no steamer in eouequcnc of the non-arrival of the Uortezb Gen. Scott arrived at San Francisco on th 20th ult.f on the steamer Republic from Oregon. San Juan island is virtually in the joint occupancy of the representatives of England and the united States. The United States troops are withdrawn except a few under Capt Ghoot, who remains to protect the settlers from the Indians. Gen.

Scott proposed to Gov. Douglas to send an equal number of British troops for the purpose of joint occupancy, leaving the matter to Douglas's li the settlement of tha question, the right of our people to maintain a magistrate Was fully conceded, but hw jurisdiction ia limited to people of our own nationality, who are amenable to our law on Juan Inland, its jurisdiction being in dispute; bur the treasury official is there to prevent if fie can, smuggling by the pirates on the Souifa. Col. Lay ofGen. Scott's staff was cordially received at Victoria.

The tax ongoods owned abroad and sold by $an Francisco commission merchant bad been dccideLfo be unconstitutional. Twenty thousand francs worth of diamonds recently smuggled into $an Francisco had been rfeited to the government, In the case of Jjoggs vs. the Mineral mining company involving the title to Uol. Fremont' estate and the exclusive right to the minerals contained therein, the California supreme court have decided that the charge of fraud in the survey is not substantiated and argue that if there had been fraud, it would not invalidate the patent. TheCourt only partially meet the point as to the ownership of Mineral, but substantially give the gold, as well as the land, to Col.

Fremont, and clearly decide that private grants of land are not open to th public to search for minerals. Accounts from Carson Valley sajr that the election the 13th for delegate to Com cress from Nevada territory, resulted as far at heard from in the unanimous election of John J. Mamrr A rich silver lode, supposed to be a continuation of the Comstock vein, has been discovered just east of Genoa, and a stampede ofv the enure population of Genoa and Carson Valley had taken place, A steady trade was going on at Francisco, but transactions were confined to small lots, without change in rates. jeaMt Kit With regret thl ennouuce the death hi his equnttj eeet i Stockbridge, 1 o'clock mt Thhredagr night la in the 49th year of hie I rwi fi.nnvt rv TT. gc, of the.

lion, Thbooom Be do wick, C. Attomeoz Southern District of New York. Mr. S. had been irt Stockbridge since May lest, end moat of th time prostrate from lingering illness, and the dutie of hi department hare derolred on hia assistant.

Messrs. Hunt, Dwight and Newman. Th Courts in New York, on hi decease being an nounced on Friday morning, immediately ad journed. Hi funeral wa largely attended at the Episcopal Church in Stockbridge on gun-day and hi remain interred in th family burying ground. Mr.

Sedgwick wa a Lawyer of rare talent, and ha for many year graced the-'Ne York Bar. He was well known both politically and professionally. Shortly after be attained hi majority be waa one of the attache to the legation of the Hon. Edward Livingston at Par-On hia return to New Yorkh relumed the practice of law and continued until about 1850, when he declined carrying bn the Format di-rorce case and subsequently retired from' pre-, tice on account of ill health, Ha was re-call pd from hia retirement by the appointment by President Buchanan to the office of 118. District Attorney, to fill thg vacancy occaaioiied by the removal of the Hon.

JohnMcKeon, in January, 1858. The departure of Mr. S. ia a severe public loa. 0 DP" The fifth Lecture of Mr.

Sandy Course is to be delivered by Prof. John V. Fowler, on Thursday evening, Dec. 22d, at the Baptist Church. Subject The Versatility of American Oratory.

-G ov. Boutwcll waa jn town yestermorning, returning home from Lee, where delivered a Lecture on. Tuesday evening. ty The Superior Court, October Term, at Lenox, finished the docket on Saturday last having tried, or otherwise disposed of about 700 cause. A large number of these were of course continued, defaulted, or sent to an auditor.

1 Judge Putnam the presiding Justice has given very-general satisfaction, and gives promise, that after more experience he will perform his judicial duties in a manner creditable to the State. y-The Continental Vocalists, who visit ed Pittsfield for the first tiine on Friday evening, had a good audience at West' Hall, and the entertainment wa one of rare excellence, giving great satisfaction. The performance of Mr. Lewis on the Violin were indeed wonderful. We allude to the Continentals at this time for the purpose of paying to our citiaens, who did not hear them, that should the Company again visit our village, of which there is a prospect, the lovers of good music should not fail to hear them Ty At South Adam, on Tuesday evening, John G.

Faxe repeated hi new Poem on Love, at the Baptist Church. The Lectures' of this popular Poet givenirertaf afi-j action wherever he is called a fact most creditable to the estimable man. This can be aaid of but few of the hosta of Lecturers that are bolding forth in all parti of the country. Cy The aum of $115 waa realized at the Festival on Thursday evening, for the benefit of the Second Congregational Church, pf which the Rev. Mr.

Harrison ia Pastor. Fy A Lenox correspondent of the No, Adams News, alluding to the North Berkshire Senatorial District, and the election of Mr. Cole, says of Mr. Edwin P. Jenka of Adams, who did not get the nomination for Senator in th4 Republican Convention, that the means used to defeat Mr.

Jenk ere, to say the least, very unfair. He consented to become a candidate only upon the earnest tolicitation of kit frienit, and haH no hand in introducing him -tclf kc. kc. This important announcement should have a wide circulation, as an tncour-agement to unaffected modetty ry Osman Marsh and daughter of New Milford were struck by a wood train on the Honsatonic railroad, the other day, while crossing the track in a wagon, when the young lady waa caught on the cow-catch6r and carried some fifteen rods in an insensible condition, and when the train Waa being stopped, she rolled off and the train passed Over her foot, crushing four toe. She also received aevere bruise on the head, btrt there are strong hopes of her recovery.

Mr. Marsh escaped ith a few slight bruises. Fy The bouse of Samuel Keyes in South Pownal was entered by some burglars last week, and $110 taken from Mr. Keyce pocket. They also stole a horse from his barn hich they rode to North Adams, and there left it in the street.

ty The town of Adams ha declared dividend of 80 per cent, on. its fund. ty Francia Dillingham, a large, thick act, light conplexioned, dark-haired, sandy-whiskered man, about forty years old. Was lately sent to collect funds to pay foirthe Baptist church in Lee, and as he hasmot been heaid from since February, it is supposed he has retained funds designed for the church. Cy The house of Jbhn Coleman, a wagon maker, in Washington, together with hi teols, shop, barn, furniture, clothing, three cows, four calves, two hoySes, two pigs, hay, grain and provision, were destroyed by fire on Monday night week No insurance.

HtWir. Eleazer Porter of Hadley, ha raised the past season, on 60 gods of land, 4 tods of carrots, worth $50, 150 bushels of turnips, worth $37,60, and 400 heads of cabbage, worth $12,60, making a total of $100. The measles are prevailing extenaively in town. It was estimated that there were one hundred cases of it last week, and in tome of the districts the opening of the school is postponed on account of the sickness. In th Holyoke, district, it was said there were only three children that were not sick, Cy Myron Ames shot an otter wear Hay-denville, a few day since, ty A second accident occurred at the time that Thomas Casscy was killed on the Western Railroad near Palmer last week by the Boston express train to this city, which came near resulting as disastrously to one of the passengers.

When the train stopped, Mr. Falom.of Washington street, Boston, left the cars with other passengers, and when attempting to get on board of the train after it bad started, Mr. Sa-loms foot slipped, and be fell violently forward, partly under the car. A pit was in th track just before him, and instead of trying to get upon the track again, with wonderful presence of mind, he quickly threw himself into it, and allowed th remaining cars to pas over him, leaving bm behind uninjured. A friend missed him, and suspecting tom accident bad happened to bim, besought the conductor to return, which he refused to do.

Mr. Salora came to this city and took the morning train to New York, where he found hi evercoat which contained $1000, that he had left in the cars, at Earles Hotel, whither his friend bad taken it. Springfield Republican, Cy There is nothing very remarkable in the fact, perhapa, bat still men notice it, that nearly all th journals which are now sighing over the coffin of John Brown, denounced Daniel Webster before and after hit death. Button i CtumtTt flercu find monj othet distinguished gently 9un, sU cordially Approving lh object of th peeling. tu Uziou avo Tp OoNSTrrmoar, At Philadelphia, a Thursday evening, there ws demonstration, hardly less emphatic in numbers end tone then that st Faneuil Hell, The Ledger of thU city say It was sa immense gathering of the wealth, the influence, the patriotism of Philadelphia- general outpouring the merchant, the manufacturer, tha mechanic, and the intelligent operatives, all of whom go to make up the real strength of society.

But on sentiment pervaded that Immense throng of citizens, and that aentiment was tha integrity of the Union and the faithful performance of all the obligations assumed under tht Constitution, and which are necessary to preserve it. The Gazette states that from fifteen twenty thousand persons were present The Hon. Joseph R. Ingersoll presided, assisted by lion Josiah Randall, Hon. James Campbell, Hon.

Wm B. Reed, Hon. Richard Vaux, Hon. James Page, Morton McMichael, Col. John Swift, F.

Carroll Brewster, J. R. Flanigen, Robert Tyler, and others. 1 Messrs. Ingersoll, Tyler, Vaux, and others, spoke, and the Resolutions wera of the most decided character.

A few vagrant lecturers and discarded clergymen, the Albany Atlas and Argus truly remarks, have been howling against Virginia and gloating over the crime of Brown and this has been presented as the voice of the North is tinjor the masses of the North to protest against this fraud and falsehood, and we are glad to see them making these demonstrations. Let them go on till the whole North makes itself heard, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, ia tones of thunder that shfcll silence the murmurs of faction and the whisperings of treason City Elections. About half of the cities of this State held their annual municipal elections on Monday, with results as follows At Boston, on Monday, F. W. Lincoln, the republican and citizens candidate, waa reelected mayor by nearly 1200 plurality The opjxmng candidatts were J.

M. Wig'itman, democrat, who had 1916 vote, ami Julius Palmer, temperance, fllO. A majority of the city council on the Lincoln ticket are also elected. The vote was considerably larger than at the state election. Mr.

Currier, citizens candidate, was elected mayor of Newburyport, receiving 1073 votes, against 606 cast for Coffin, republican. In Lowell, B. C. Sargent, republican, was chosen mayor by 315 plurality. At Worcester, NY W.

Rice, republican, waa elected mayor, over Daniel Waldo Lincoln, republican, on the citizens ticket, with jk f' board of aldermen and a large majority the con mou eouncilment also on the republican ticket. On Tuesday, Edward Harrington, Citizens candidate, was re-elected Mayor of Manchester, N. receiving 1335 votes against 1303 for B. P. Culey, Republican.

In Roxbury, Theodore Otis, Republican, was re-elected Meyer. In Lynn, Edward U. Darts was re-eicctea Mayor, in opposition to the Republican nominee. Thk Weather. The unusually mild weather for the season of the past few eeks has been followed by some quite cold days, the mercury falling nearly to zero.

The quantity of snow upon the ground-is not sufficient to make good sleighing, but som sleighs have been in At the west and southwest the weather has been severe, and snow has fallen to a considerable depth in places where the article is seldom seen. The Louisville Journal of the 81K says We have not had for many years as heavy a snow-storm as lost night. At midnight the ground was covered to about the depth of five inches, and it was still coming down. Thepas-sergers on the train from Lexington, which waa due at 7 oclock last night, did not get in till 1 1 o'clock, wing to the At St. Louis, on Wednesday, the sleighing Was excellent, and the citizens were almost insane with the excitement of the ware sport.

Every available vehicle on runners was called into requisition. The Democrat says One of our down-town merchants engaged a large six-horse sleigh upon his own individual account, at the low price of twenty dollars per hour. Taking a company of ladies and gentlemen sufficient to hll it, the party were driven through the eitr, out of town and back again, for the spacu of four hours, which, at $80, was a tolerably expensive ride. At Cincinnati th weather was extremely cold, and the sleighing excellent and freely indulged. in.

At Dubuque, low same day, the thermometer stood at 13 degrees below zero. A number of persons were frozen to death in different parts of the State At St. Paul, Min. during the first three days of December, the thermometer ranged from 4 to 30 degrees below zero. How this temperature is relished by the citizens of that place is shown in th following paragraph from a local paper Visions of red snow, muk oxen, Aasini-boine and Es-ke-maw Indians flit before our eyes, and we feel that we have made a Cain expedition in routing to Minnesota.

If we were only Able wo would leaveit. Cold i why, its cold euough to freeze the tail off a cast-iron monkey. If wc could only get our hands on a few thousand yellow boys, wed make a stampede for old Virginny. where the people are not so thivery as they are in this quarter. Speaking of quarter, we haven't seen one these six weeks.

ThIvYVhiti Captxvr. Of Th White Captive, and its sculptor. Palmer, aeorrespon dent of the Springfield Republican says The head, which is the most splendid that ever sat on womans shoulders, was copied exactly, with the alteration of a single feature, from -that of a young lady of Western Massachusetts, celebrated for her beauty. Mr. Palmer is a native of the interior of New York, and will proliahly visit Boston in th course of the winter, with th White Captive, and other only less distinguished triumphs of his genius.

The person referred to in the above paragraph is a native and resident of Pittsfield, a young lady greatly and deservedly admired and beloved by all who know her. fTT" B.ev, Mr. Zephaniah Humphrey, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, Chicago, was recently made the recipient of a draft of $500 from one of his congregation, with the request that it be devoted to the enlargement of his library. Important prom thr Samdwick Islamos. Advices from Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, state that Richard H.

Dana of Boston had an audience of King Kamehamoha. J. H. Sleeper of Boston, editor of the Honolulu Advertise, son of Jon S. Sleeper, formerly of the Boston Journal, and John Ladd of Portsmouth, N.

II. both died at Honolulu, in the house of the latter, within a few hours of each other. Mri Ladd an old resident merchant of 4he place. King Kamehameha had resigned his throne to his son, the Prince of Hawaii. Tha abdication took place on the SLof October, when he immediately returned to lahaina Gas Comp ami as Th us of gas ia becoming quite general in thia eountry.

Tb Monthly Gaslight Journal for December contains returns from 362 gas companies, representing an aggregate capital of $52,395,950. tr Iaae C. Taber, who has so handsomely whipped Weston Howland, Black in the New Bedford Mayorality election, by 573 majority, is an old line Democrat and Un ion man. So ia Daniel Saunders, who flaxes out Mr. John R.

Rollins, B. for the same office at Lawrence, by 155 majority. Let the ball continue to roll Shanghaism ia dying out in Masaaohwetu, fiorto iW. tending to excite the lr populetion to insurrection he asks to be instructed as to hia, duty-in reference to such documents, should they be received through the mails for distribution at the office of which he has charge; to which the Poatmastor-General replies, that the people of Virginia may not only forbid the introduction and dissemination of such documents within their borders, but if they are brought there in th mails, they may, by appropriate legal proceedings, have them destroyed they have the same right to extinguish fire-brands thus impiously hurled in the midst of their homes and altars, that a man has to pluck ths burning fuse from a bombshell which is about to explode at hts feet Mr. Douglas has abandoned his purpose of isiting the South, and expect soon to resume his seat in the Senate, The treaty with China will be submitted to the Senate at an early day, accompanied by the dispatches of Mr.

Reed, and vther correspondence connected with the subject. There is a vumor here that a few leading filibusters are about lo start from this city to join a large party further South Savannan is named as the place of rendezvous and Mexico as the probable destination Watiiifrtnn (Doe. Sib) Cnra. Jf. T.

Joor. Com man a. The National DemocraticCommittee appointed by the Cincinnati Convention met here yesterday. They have fixed upon the 23d of April next as the day for holding the National Democratic Convention at Charleston This, by a remarkable coincidence, is the birthday of President Buchanan, and, no doubt, the occasion will be availed of to offer him tbxh arty congratulations of th body upon the zealous and patriotic efforts made by his administration, to promote tha welfare and harmony of the country. Some prophets of evil hove said that Mr.

Buchanan will he the last of the Presidents of the rfofctatea but, through the gloom that now surrounds us, we can already have a brighter prospect for the futurt. Movements in and out of Congress show us that the crisis is upon us that will determine the fate of the Union, and also show that this crisis will be met and saicly passed by the conservative power of the couhtry. Vahmgtoa Dc. 9th) Con. X.

T. Hrali Mr. Grcely's attack Upon the members of his own party resulted in a personal difficulty in the House to-day, which came ncac being 111, weapons being sought for on both sides It is reported, and is not ejenied by the anti-Lecompton Dmotrats, tprkt Mr. Douglas last evening obtained an interview with Mr. Buchanan for the purpose of reconciliation.

One report that the differences between them arc settled by mutual agreement, and hence the boldness of )dr. Logan in the House to-dar. The President's Message in type, but onlyprouf sheets have thus far been struck off. A.X. is not as long as-his first message, but a Irttle longer than the second.

It will undoubtedly be the most important document that ever emanated from the White House. WavhmftAn (lc 9th) Cotraa. N. Y. Tunas.

Mr. Maynard, Sobth'Amcriean, of Tennessee, will, as soon as opportunity offers, perhaps tomorrow, present a resolution declaring Mr. 'helps, of Missouri, temporary Speaker of the House. All of the Southern Opposition is expected to support it and hopes are entertained that it will be parsed. It is rumored that the President will send his message to Congress on Tuesday, whether an organization shall be effected by that time or not.

It is not true that Gen. Scott will await further instructions at San Fruncico regarding the San Juan dispute. None will be sent him. The ifKtructions which have already beeft forwarded direct' him to join Gen, Totten, in California, and with that officer to make an examination of Lake Point, with a view to de termine whether it will be advantageous to fortify it. This point and its purchase has been a subject of much discussion.

It is stated on high authority that England will take no part in the Ejropean Congress, unless its object be to secure liberty to the Central States of Italy. The explanations which have been made to England by Spain are regarded us ample, as neither the fortifications or the Straits of Gibraltar ar threatened. raii iteatir atilt. The National Executive Democratic Committee met at Washington on Wednesday eve ng. All the States were represented except Maryland, Georgia, Alabama, and California.

After a brief interchange of opinion, Monday, the 23d of April, wav fixed for the time of the meeting of the National Democratic Convention. A resident Committee were appointed to superintend the printing and publication, kc. consisting' of the follow ing C. L. Vallandig- ham, of Ohi Chairman C.

J. Faulkner, of Virginia; John Cochrane, of New York John A. Logan, of Illinois; Wm. Bigler, of Penn aylvams William Barksdale, of Mississippi Miles Taylor, of Louisian; and W. H.

English, of Indian On motion of Mr. Vanata, of New Jersey, the Chairman and Secretaries were authorized to procure a suitable hall at Charleston to hold the Convention, and to issue tickets of admission to the Delegates to said Convention duly appointed by the regular Democratic organization of the party in the States respectively, and to make such arrangements as may be necessary for the assembling and holding of such Com vention, A resolution was adopted with a view, if possible, to correct the telegraphic misrepresenta tions concerning th interests of the Democrat-tic party. The Convention then adjourned fine did, Brrckisritlg elected failed State Raaiar freaa Keatarky Frakkport, Dee. 12. 1 The Legislature today elected Hon.

John C. Breckinridge U. S. Senator from this State, iu place of lion. John J.

Crittenden, by 29 majority on joint ballot Ohio Delegates to Democratic National Convention. The Democrats of Ohio have chosen the following delegation to the National Convention at Charleston 2d -Weahry M. Cnmirmt, Wm. T. Frrt.

3d Hon. A. P. Miliar, Hun. U.

W. Houck. 4th II. MrttJiir, ionliua Tuwmii4. 5tlt Jnm.

R. Stadinnn, Wm. Mnnin, 7lh J. Durbin Ward. Mathw 4'lark.

Si) Got tpnr, R. fc, Knnkla. 9th Ldward (irkinon, Ahnr M. Jackson, lot Thoa. MrNaMy, W0 A.

Hutchins. 1 lift -bill M. Hmiih, 6.T. Buifltam. litl -Wiiyna Gimwiild, Gsorps B.

myiht. Ifrh -Hon. Tito IV, Rrlltv, Dr. John Tift. J.

R. Yonnf, J. JrlTitys 15th J. 6. Stuart, ol Mnnt.

Imh t. R. Hwmir, B. I.mtt. J7th J.

H. Way, Wm. Eaton, )h H. Lsfcm 8. D. I th Hon. II. B. Pay, J.

W. Gray. 20th Hon. Dav 1 odd, Ilf. I.

S.jVood. 9it Thomas Woods, B. F. Pond. nr The editor of the Hereford Time yi manufacturer called upon ua thia morning, and aaid that a large .1, are of hi buaineaa hact bcn done at th Souths but that hia trade hat been cut off thia fail that he already feel most feelings encouraged the North.

Hia agents at the South an tho more of hia goods, end hia loaa es thia sr niter will be severe. yt- Cohnbcticct. At the recent municipal election held in Bridgeport, the emocreta eb-ctcd a majority of their ticket, including two Selectmen, two Grand Jurors, Collector, four Treasurer of School Fund and one member of the Board of The ltepublicana elected one Selectman, one Grand Juror, three Constables, Treasurer, Town Clerk, and one member of the Bolrd of Education. At the last election in Bridgeport, the Republican swept the lloard. At th town election in Stratford, held last week, th Democrat, were victorious.

1 1 New Yoai. Dec. 13. A fire story building, No. I Spruce occupied by the American Tract Society aa repository and bindery, waa damaged by fire in the 4th and 6th atone, and th stock below by water, to th amount of $77,000, th morning.

The original Tract House escaped damage, but the balk of the stock in No. 6 is almost destroyed by water, It trill retard their buaineaa but a few days. Insured for $88,000. By this fir. the Western M.aaachuwtta Insurance Company of Pittsfield lose $6000.

Tks far vat 2Vrlai In The gathering on Thursday last, in the Old Cradle of Liberty," iu response to the sell of a large number of patriotic citizens of Massachusetts, was one of the most immense ever witnessed In Boston." The ITall holds 6000 persons, and was full to overflowing with men anxious to declare their fidelity to the Constitution and the Union aud to express their abhorrence of the excesses of Abolitionism, and to approve the course of the noble Commonwealth of Virginia in defending her imperilled rights. Thousands were unable to gain admission to the Hall. The enthusiasm of the occasion was most exciting, and the meeting cannot fail to have a most happy influence. 1 The following were the Officers i Vesidvfir Ex-Gov Lavi Ducoix. Yic-Prtidmt9 Ex-Govtrnor Morton, of Taunton; Ex-Governor Briggs, of Pittsfield; Ex-Governor.

Clifford, of New Bedford; Ex-Governor Gardner, of Boeton F. W. Lincoln, Boston; Nathan Appleton, Dr. James Jackson, Joiah Bradlee, WiUiani George Ticknor, Charles II. Warren, Charles W.

Cartwright, Thomas Aspifiwall, Frederick Tudor, James W. Sever, Charles Wells, James W. Paige, Dr. George Hayward, George Lyman, Sidney Bartlett, Benjamin M. Farley, William Dwight, William 1.

Mason, Peter C. Brooks, James M. JBeebe, Charles B. Goodrich, Albert Fearing, Chos. G.

Greene, Levi Bartlett, Gea B. Upton, E. B. Bigelow, Francis Skinner, Benjamin F. Hallett, J.

hos. Stevenson, Usmya Brewster, Silas Tierce, John P. Bigelow, Nathaniel Thayer, hos. B. Curtis, George S.

Hillard, Georg T. Curtis, John 11. Thorndike, John P. Healey, E. Pike, Chas, Emerson, William W.

Greenough, Ebcnczer Johnson, William Amory, E. F. liodgea, Benj E. Bates, J. Mason Warren, Chat, Levi Woodbury, Peter Harvey, Alanson Tucker, David Sears, John II.

Eastburn, Francis J. Parker, Thomas W. Pierce, Charles P. Curtis, Israel Whiting. Lewis W.

Tappan, George M. Browne, Edwin Bailey, John Hill, and Adam W. Thaxtcr, of Boston Samuel A. Eliot, Cambridge; E. D.

Beach, Springfield; George Peabody WilliamG. Bates, West-field Edward A. Newton, Tut-tielil Benja-nuif Peirce, Cambridge Increase Sumner, Ut. Barrington; Nathaniel Silsbee, Salem C. C.

Triton, Cambridge Edward Dickinson, Am. Fcrst Matthias LUU, South Carver George Marston, Barnstable; John Uoxie, Sandwich; II. W. Bishop, I.enex; Samuel Crocker, Taunton; M. 1.

Wilder, Dorchester Lorenza Sabine, Roxbury Luther V. Bell, Charlestown Moses Davenport, Newburyport Tho. Motley, Dedham; K. F. Ensign, Sheffield; Benjamin F.

Butler, Lowell; Amoe A. Lawrence, Brookline; B. K. Hough, Gloucester i J. D.

Green, Cambridge; Nathaniel J. Lord, Salem Thomas F. Plunkett, Pittsfield Caleb Stetson, Braintree; Aaron Hobart, East Bridgewater; Henry G. Grav, Marblehead; Isaac Davis. Worcester; ilenry W.

Clapp, Greenfield S. B. Phinney, Barnstable Nathaniel Wood, Fitchburg Chas. A. Welsh, Waltham W.

Olney, Oxford joice Newton, Worcester1; Henry Kersey, Hingbam; E. P. Tileston, Dorchester; Charles 'I hempen, Charlestown Richard $pofTurd, New bury-port Charles Kimball, Ipswiib; Alexander Baxter, Barnstable; Iiobt. bhfrman, Pawtucket; Moses Williams, West Roxbuiy: Moses Tafr, Gloucester; Ansel Phelps, Sj nngfield Hnrve'y Arnold, North Adams Mm, E. Par-mnter.

West Cambridge; F. Lincoln Canton Richard S. Rogers, Saleiq Wm. D. Swan, Dorchester; Arthur W.

Austin, West Roxbury Daniel Fisher, Edgartown Edw ard S. Moseley; Newburyport; Paul Willard West Roxbury Isaac C. Taber, New Bedford Ilenry II. Childs, Pittsfield; Gorham Baboon, Gloucester James II. Carlton, Haverhill Jeffrey R.

Brackett, Quincy William Mixter, Hardwick; John Kenrick Orleans. iweWar4 Henry Colt, Pittsfield Thomas E. Chickering, Boston Joseph P. Gardner, Boston Wm. C.

Endicotl, Salem Wm. Williamson, Boston B.F. King, Boston. Ex-Gov. Lincoln presided with much ability, and made' some excellent remarks on uming the duties of the Chair.

An admirable Prayer was offered by theKev. Dr. Blag-den! The speeches of Hon. Edward Xlveretf and the Hon. Caleb Cushing were noble, impressive and patriotic, and were enthusiastically received.

That of Mr. Everett is given in the preceding columns, and the remarks of Gen. Cushing will be published in our next. These patriotic speeches should have the widest circulation, and be read by every citizen who loves hU country and would maintain perpetuate our priceless free institutions. The Resolutions, which were full and explicit, were unanimously adopted.

They were presented, in behalf of the Committee, by Hon. George Lunt and were as follows Assembled at Faneuil Hall ih the city of Boston, on the 8th day ot December, Lbo9, in consideration of receut events which have so disturbed the public mind, and Inch have given just occasion lor the expression of patriotic sentiments becoming our principles and obligations Be it Xodrtrf, Tint cittzcBS of lbs Commonwealth MjmucIihmIU, fiKgeUiag no of the common trial, nrntic, and by which ear National Indapen Snnc ncnrsd, and our NhUohaI Compact eMabiirb-rd, desire oeise ibis opportunity lo renew and tu repout the feelmp and duties which bind as to oar sitter dime and to Ilia Fedora L'ato. Afusrrd, 'I hat Uit people of Massachusetts, bowsvtr manv of them may bars Seen milcd into tlrarugiiiii opinions and aeiUn, art nevetlheJaas weti deputed in general lo obey tho laws, Ui mawlain order and pwd guveinmeot, to reaped mutual ngtnsand oh4ia.itMUis,and ie diMpprove whuteeer influence laud in contrary directum and wa ref ret that the mam body of ourcilixenr, too much Omtofh tha aeflecl of their poetical dutie, been often f-tl-ely ashibiied in ayes of the a.nton, hy thw who councils and conduct do not command ihe fensral approbation. J. Rtolve4 That ws fe iih indignation and alibor reurt upon he recant inraeioa of the Common enltb of Virginia; lhal however narrow or however eomprehen ie wns the clandestine end iniquitous echeme, in it imdrumenl or it eseeuiion.

wm an uottguied as-' a.iult upon th jware and welfare of me whole country that deeidj aumthtre with the people of Vtfgiute in the U) mg enr hn It (hei 1m vr been culled lo pass through proffer llirin nod fheir civiJ those of (he Federal GhvetnmeM nur unf.iiling cnnrtie-nnnee and mpml in lit nnuiticitaoce of itoa laws of the laud and the putoiic peace, Ziwlrtf, 7 hit genereou tore of country Is the nohleat pautca hich cun animals tha aoul citizen a free Plata and that the oppoua aenluneni so zeuiously propagated lute hy the fanatical fnimmet of a fairs philanthropy, tntal to th public pence, tumor and welfare, and dervas Ilia severest reprohuuou of very true American. jtJerd, That the advantage and privltegea through the of Divine Providence, enjmed hy the people Dim mile led the hietorj of numne that can br deprived of them only by our on want of a due ana of their vnlue and that ioie(ina dissension, often the bane of ancient and modern dtates, can alone expose ua to tha danger of kramg pomes to us so inevtnnable. Hceed, That tha uncbangeahla nnion of thase Stales la mdispensnbl to tha proapenty and glory of each and rail and aveu lo our continued existence as a Civilized nd enlightened nation and that, in leagus with our patriotic brethren throughout the Unto, wa sotsmnly pledge reel vee to uphold wdh our lives, onr for-lunM, and our sacred honor." gseeford. That profoundly honor and cherish tha iCo net nuiioo of HmUhHmI Ziatee, fr the coneumataie window nod liberality efiUjud andeuiuury provisions, that wa ar resolved malutam that treat rharternt'nur fitenie and safety by ah honorable meano. and faithfully and annwivWl lo carry out ail its obiifatKUte arid require niant.

Aesefoed, That la tha hmrnden and highest duty of th emxen af this Conakry to diconneanr may land to produce ahenaUon af faelmg, or diviawn of saatiment or interet, bet wees (he several States, and sealouely lo culiivele and promote every Influence trbely lo advance and maintain Ihe most amicable leleuoaa among ilia whole people of tha Lmted fttaias. flwdvrf.llwt wa hereby deaennee. as worthy of the moot unqualified condemnwiton, every duwnmw and aeery esprembm of ssntiment. hether public or private, lending to siunnats, or apologize for the conduct or ehsmetees of th criminal actors in the tut rmirnge in Viretmn, nr to mahe iham seem oilier than tha guilty teats and victims of a (anattcaiaad fatal delusion aud we hold those, in whatever station and of whatever pro-faraioo. whose opintona and eihortattons, heretofore at tarvd, have ad mantfastly loaded to this great wrong sad crime, a fully reeponvthia and all lie avtt coca queue, before Ood and tha onniry.

ty ftrnftrrf. That with the deepest eovdiens af veneration for the sagacity and patriot ir ptrtl which prompted the sentiments, we reHemle the bingnage the for her ef hie eonntry.m his farewell addreasln the people of theUwHed States, that It ia ef inflnrto moment I hot tee should properly estimate the immense value of enr eaikmeltaion to ear collect iv and Individual happiness that wr abould rherieh cordial, hshmiaqand immovable atunrhmenit It; oecnstomMii eursetoo te thmk and tfieak of ttneef the palladium of er pnllucai safety sad prespe.dty watching for its preserve lion with ealou nnarvty die-countenancing whatever may mtrwt even mrvpmion that tan ia any event be abandoned, and indignantly frowning upon the Arst dawning of every attempt to al hr sots any partjm of our eountry from the rost, a lo I of to It by hia oath to support! Among them, 8ir, ia a fair proportion of mew and woasen education and moral and religious lives and characters -virtuous fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters, persons who would adorn any station of society, in any eountry, men who read the same Bible that we do, and in tha name of the same master, kneel al the throne of tha same Ood, -forming a class of men from which have gone foith some of the greatest and purest -characters hich adurn our history, Washington. Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Mar-shrill lhcse are tha men, the women, for whose bosoms pike and rifle ere manufactured in New England, to be placed in the band of an iguorant subject race, supposed, most wrongfully, as recent event have shown, to be waiting only for an opportunity to use them -Sir, I have on three or four different occasions in early life and more recently, visited all the Southern and Southwestern States, with the exception of Arkansas and Alabama. 1 have enjoyed the hospitality of the city and the country I hate had the privilege before crowded and favoring audience, to hold up the character of the! father of his eountry, and to inculcate the blessings of the Union, in the same precise terms in which. I have done it here at home, and in the other portions of the land.

I have teen admitted to the confidence of the domestic, circle, and 1 have seen there touching manifestations of the kitiuct feelings, by which that circle, in. all its members, high and low, master and servant, can be hound together and when I contemplate the horrors that would hare ensued had the tragedy on which the curtain tose at Harper's Ferry been acted oat, through all its scenes of fire and sword, of lust and murder, pf rapine ami to the final 1 am filled with emotions to which no words can do justice. There could of course be but on rvsult.snd that well deserving the thoughtful meditation of those, if any such there be, who thuik that the welfare of the colored race could by any possibility be promoted by the success of such a movement, nd who are willing to purchase that result ty so costly a sacrifice. Th colored population SU Domingo amounted to hut hale short of a half a million, while the whites amounted to only thirty thousand. The white populatioa of the Southern State alone, in the aggregate out-numbers the colored race in the ratio of two to one; in the T'nion at large in the ratio of seven to one, and if (which Heaven avert) they should be brought iiUo conflict, it could end only in the extermination of the latter after scenes of woe, for which language is too faint and for which the liveliest fancy has no adequate images of horror.

Such being the case, some one may ak why does not the South fortify herself against the possible occurrence of -such a catastrophe, by doing awy with the one great source from which alone it can spring? This is a question easily akd, and 1 am not aware thsb it is our uty at the North to anwer it but it may be observed that great radical changes ui the framework 'of Society, involving the relations of twelve millions of men, wilt not wait on the Adding of an impatient philanthropy. They ean only be brought about in the laieof time, the stcajlv operation of physical, economical, andfiioral icauses. Have those, who rebuke the South for the continuance of slavery. Considered thatneithr the present generation r.or the preceding oucj is responsible for its existence The African slave tiadpwaa prohibited by Act of Congress tftyone years ago, and many years eariur by (hg separate Southern States. The entire colored population, with the exception, perhaps, of a few hundreds surreptitiously introduced, native to the toil.

1 heir ancestors were conveyed from Africa in the ships of Old 1lngland and New England 1'hcy now number between three and four millions. Has any person, of- any party or opinion, proposed, in sober earnest, a practical method of wholesale emancipation I believe most persons, in all arts of the country, are of opinion, that free bor is steadily gaining It would in my judgment have already prevailed in the two northern tiers of the slaveholding States, had ifm advances not been uqhappily retarded by the irritating Agitations of the day. But has any person, whose opinion 'is entitled to the slightest respect, ever undertaken to sketch out the details of a plan for effecting the change at onee, by any legislative measure that could be adopted i Consider only. I pray you, that it would be to ask Hhe South to give up one thousand millions of property, which she holds by a title, satisfactory to herself, aa the first step. Then estimate the cost of an adequate outht for the self Support of the emancipated millions theu reflect on the derangement of the entire industrial system of the bouth, and all the branches of Commerce and manufactures Ithat depend on its great staples then the necessity of conferring equal political privileges on the emancipated rare, who being free would be content with nothing lets, if anything less were consistent otith cmg political system; then the consequent organiation of two great political parties Aon the basis of color, and the eternal feud which would rage between them and flmdy the overflow into the free States of wool multitude of needy and helpless emigrants, who, being excluded from many of them (and among outers from Kansas.) would prove doubly burdensome, wheTqthey are admitted.

Should sir, with all ouy sympathy for the colored race, give a verycordial reception to two or three hundred thousand destitute emancipated laves: Does notvery candid man see, that every one of thee3stepa presents difficulties of the most formidable character, difficulties for which, as far as I linow no man and no party has proprcd a solution. And is it, sir, for the attainment of objects so manifestly impracticable, pursued, too by the bloody pathways of treason and murqer, that we will allow the stupendous evil which now threatens us, to come upon the country? Shall we permit this curiously compacted body politic, the nicest adjustment of human wisdom, to go to pieces ill we blast thinf beautiful symmetric form paralyze this powerful arm of public strength saute with imbecility this great Nations! Intellect? Where, aar, where, wil) be the flag of the United States Where our rapidly increasing influence in the family of nations Already They are: rejoicing in our divisions. The last foreign journal which I have read, in commenting uponThe event at Harper's Ferry, dwells upon it as something that will compel uc to keep the peace with the powers and that meant to take the law from them in our international relations. I meant to havtj spoken of the wreck of that magnificent and iqutually beneficial commercial intercourse hich now exists between the producing and manufacturing Stater, on the hostile tariffs in time of peace and the habitually recurring border arart by which it will be an nihilated. meant to have said a word of the Navy of the United States; and the rich inheritance of it common glories.

Shall we give up this? Th memory oi oqr Fathers of those happy days when the men of the North and South stood together for the country, on hard fought fields; when the bouth sent her Washington to Massachusetts, and New England sent her Greene to Carolina is all this forgotten If all the counsel that we two have shared all the joint labors to foutid this great Republic is this all forgot and will we permit this last great experiment of Confederate Republican ism, to become a proverb and a bye-word to the Nations No, fellow-citizens, no, a thousand timet no. 1 his glorious Union shall not perish. Precious legacy of our Fathers, it shall go down, honored and cherished to our children Generations unborn shall enjoy its privileges as we have done, and if we leave them poor in all besides, we will transmit to them the boundless wealth of its blessings. Thu whole Democratic vote cast in New York was 66,835. Opposition vote, 21,706.

Democratic majority, 35,129. Rather a cooling result for Maas Greeley A Co. The amount of it is, the people are becoming disgusted with the treasonable conduct of tho irrepressible conflict advocates, seditious preachers and old Brown politicians, and are resolved to raise their voices in favor of that trmmniUty the Const! tuUon waa adopted to secure. Boston Port. rd in tbt umt vtf.

A. conflict of tuch an unprecedented character, in which 12 or 14 persons on the two side are shot down, in the course of a few hours, appears to ase an event at which Uriir ought to stand rebuked, and a solemn chili to (all upon every right thinking mao. 1 fear, sir from the tone of some of the pub He journals, that wa hare not made this caso our own. Suppose a party of misguided men, under a resolved and fearless leader, had been organized in Virginia, to come and establish themselves by stealth in Springfield in this State, intending after possessing themselves afthe unguarded hour of midnight of the National Armory, to take advantage of some local cause of disaffection, say the feud between Protestants and Catholics, (which led to a very deplorable occurrence in ,1 his vicinity a few years ago,) to stir up a social revolution that pikes and rifles to arm 2500 men had been procured by funds raised by extensive subscriptions throughout the South, that stthe dead of a Sunday night, the work of destruction had begun, by shooting down aa unarmed man, who had refused to join the invading force that citizens of the first standing, were seized and imprisoned, three or four others killed and when on the entire failure of the conspiracy, its leader had been tried, ably defended by couusel from hu-own part of the country, convicted and executed, that tbroughouO'trginia which sent him forth on his fatal errand, and the South generally, funeral bells should be tolled, meetings of sympathy held, as at the death of some great bend actor, and the person who had plotted to put a pike or a rifle in the hands of twenty-five hundred men, to be used sgiinst their feliowrs, inhabitants of the same town, inmates of the same houses with an ulterior ii temion and purpose of rapping the hole community in a civil war of the deadliest and bloodiest type, in which a man's foes should Le those of hi own household suppose, I that the person who planned and plotted fhis, and with his own hand or that of his associate acting by his command, had taken the live of several fellow beings should be extolled, placed on a level vtuh the great heroes of humanity, nay, assimilated to the Savior of mankind and all this not the effect of a solitary individual impulse, but the npefruU of a systematic agitatiou pursued in the South, unrebuked for years 'What, Sir, should we feel, think, say under such a-state of things Should we weigh every phras of indignsnt remonstrance with critical accuracy, and divide our murmurs with nice discrimination among thosf whom we might believe, however unjustly, to be directly or indirectly concerned. in the inur-.

derous aggression. Mr Chairman, those who look upon the ex-dating excitement, st the. South as iactitiout or xirav agant, have, I fear, formed a very inadequate idea of thej nature of such an attempt ws taat which was madg st Harper's Ferry was iutei.dcd to be and would have been had it proved successful. It is to want of reflection on this point that we must -ascribe the fact that any civiiixed man in his right mind, and aull more any man of intelligence and moral discernment, in other respect, can be found to approve andsympathize with it. I am sure such persons will bring home to their minds in any distinct conception, the real nature oi the undertaking, they would be themselves aoi axed that they had ever given it their tym psthy.

It appears from hu ow statements mud those of his deluded associates, of his biographer, of his wretched wife, that the unhappy man who has jut paid, the forfeit of hts liie hpd for years meditated, a general insurrection in the Southern bta(es that he thought the time had now eome to effect it that the slaves were ready to rue and the noti-slavcholding whites to Join them aud both united were i ready to firm.a new Commonwealth, of which the Constitution-was organized and the officers chosen. With this wild, but thoroughly ma-1 tured plan, be provides weapons for those on whose rising he calculated at Harpers Ferry; he seizes the national arsenal, where was a supply of arms (or a hundred thousand men, and he intended, if unable to maintain himself at once in the open country, to'mreat to the mountains, aud (rout their fastnesses, harass, pars! 19, and at length revolutionize the South To talk of the pika and rifles not bciag intended for offensive purposes, is simply absurd. The first act almost of the party was to shoot down free colored man, whom they were attempting to impress, and who fled from them3. One might as well say that the rifled ordnance of Louis Napoleon was intended only for self-defence, to be used only in case the Austrians should undertake to arrest hia march. No, sir, it was an attempt -to do on a vast scale-what was done in bu Domingo in 1791, where the colored population was about equal to that of Virginia and if any one would form a distinct idea what such an operation is, let him see it not a matter of vague conception a crude project in -the mind of a heated fanatic, but as it stand in the sober pages of history, that record the revolt in that island the midnight burnings, the wholesale massacres, the merciless tortures, the abominations wot to be named by Christian Lips in the hearing of Christian ears, some of which, too unutterably atrocious tor the English Language, arc of necessity veiled in thg obscurity of the Latin tongue.

Allow me to read you a few sentences from the historian of these events In tb town Iks gnrl bhf wm flaw wm, thsrt to rri4 was wmb at axlenaiv out, Sul Midden anti Mrlat iHurrec(Ha ui.iy 'l ha tagsst Utgnt plantation on lb plain waa I hit of Mon-. Gail if el, tuaid sight ariM from tho town, llo nefroes ivaiinj ia irhicS k4 aiwaya Soon treated with MKb fctftdu a ad liberal iiy and pnsrd ao many advan-Um, that it boennio prooeibud eiproaaioa siKnf I ho kwor whxo In of any man fowl for- tuno, my, Inrru cam mt wm negro 4 (Wo la aa happy aa onotif al tliifct M.Mhotoc, In afiorne) or fur (hw 4aUlmn, was a member of iloenorai A.obljr, and Some fully persuaded that tho (grots belonfint to a wwold Arm in tboir obodtoaco, determined lo reporr Miilixt In nemrao litom in opposing tho inoflirgoota i to whtrb bo do nrd Iho a-aistauco of a f-w aoidtoro from tho (nw guard, wiitrU vi granted inn, ill proceeded arcord-Hfy, but on appmncbrng tho o-late, to ttwourptiao and grfol, bo found a'l 4 ho oognme ia artwe on (ho do of roboia, and (birnd tell) tketr Mmmdmrd tear Oka Sedg ttf ohh ioal, wkuk Urjr kd reery ratpaed a ataSs Ml. Udoiac bad adraitced faelo roll eat andtecueored, and both ho and fuond who bad arcoanfMaied him wub Md of (It aoid'ero. worn killed wWIkoiI moree Two of tteren nl of th pximi ecaod bv and toawjif lbs disadful tidibga la Uio tnhab.unie of lUo town- I By this time, alt nr mud of iho white poroono who bad born found on tho aooornl planlaurn, be mg ataroncred forced Ur aeob thow safety in A gltf, tbo rnfbatt ei- banged tbo award for tbo torch. 1 bn baiidmca and im Aoida wora every whero eet on Aro and tboooo-igraiiint, which wore visible from the town, in a thou and different gfranm, forms hod a proepoct man bockiog, ad roAoettono more bar can pvint, or ibo power of mss dooeribn.

Such, SirK a a matter of history, is a servile insurrection. Now let us take glance at tha state of things in th Bout hern States. Co-mem beta as they ar with ns in the great republit can confederacy. Let nt consider orcr what sort of a population it ia, that some person among think it not only right and com mcndabla, but in th highest degree heroic, aint-Uke, god-liks, to extend tb awful calamity, which turned St. Domingo into a heap bloody ashe in 1791.

Theta am betwten three and four million of th colored race aeattrred through the Southern and South' western State, ut small group. In cities, town, milages, and in larger bodies on isolated plan lattoasi in th house, the factory, and the I i Lati froic Mexico. The steamship Tennessee arrived at New Orleans pn Tuesday, from Vera Cruz on (he 8th inst. Minister McJane was on board th U. S.

ship Brooklyn at Vera Cruz. Honor Fuentir had left thJusrcz cab inet, and Ocampo resumes the portfolio of For-eign Relations. Gen. Miramon was at Guada- 1 Ujara with Marques. Degollaro had evacuated fean Luis I'otuai, which was'occupien by Gen.

Voll. General Cobas was in possession of tha lathmua of Tehuzntenec, and had seized a large quantity of arms. The Tehuantepec Company's steamer Suchil had been lost at Alvarado. Advices from Vera Crus, by way ol Havana, to the 8th, give a confirmation to the reported victories of Miramon, and state that it waa prob- able that tha combined forces of Miramon and Rubles would soon attack Vera Cruz and sucV cess would attend their movement, in coue-quenca of local treason among tb Juarez party A Tun Wat Fointsu on of our Railroad stations ia a very polite attendant, who baa yery little supposed sympathy with Republicans and sinners. As passengers com up, directs them to the appropriate cars.

The olh- er day, as he w-s saying to thia ona First car to New Yftrk sstboro' yes, ma'am, third car, rather seedy-looking indi- vidufcl staggered up. Where do you want to go said our friend. Want to go to hell waa the-drunken reply, Last and get out at Natick, was the ofticizl answer. Botion Courier, Fast Floor. It said that new brand of flour has been introduced into th New Orleans -market, tailed the Flora Temple, 2.215.

It eaa't be- beat. don't want it. Oun goc too fast no w. Prortdonem Joumml,.

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