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The American Israelite from Cincinnati, Ohio • P238

Cincinnati, Ohio
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE ISRAELITE VOLUME 4. 238 The book, if ordered, will bo sent to anv rt contempt, until you stop Using, and resort to i an honest trade. You are a scandal to this country and an outrage to a free press. You scandalize Christianity and Judaism by i your lies, throw a ilur upon your brother and i contempt on all religion. I Now, sir, if you did not sink too deep into United States, free of pos'-ge, at the following price i Tho Hebrew Tex! bound In sheep.

fo is won jttnatnu (jiu iidysj with English translation, 1 co do with German translation SI GO do 00 with both translations, J2 60 do do do In Velvet or Morocco, Fine Binding. a liberal discount will be allowed to schools and agent puvjuii jo runiisners. the mire of rascality, turn round and become honest men. Your present profession is a disgraoe. Return to Go 1 like Kin Monassah, confess your sins, shake off the devil's chains frjm your nooks and return to God.

I do not know, whether your brethren can forgive you the malignity you how them; but 1 know that God forgivos iniquity, transgression and sin. Jajr We will begin, in our next paper, an Original Novel, by Maybr, M. to whioh we would call tho especial attention of our readers, as it is something ingenious and interesting. POLYTECHNIC ASSOCIATION. This society lately received the following letter from Lieutenant Maury.

Observatory, Washington, 224 January, 1858. Sir. I have had the pleasure to receive your note of tho 18th informing me, that I hod been duly elected Honorary and Corresponding member of the Young Men's Polyteohnio Association of Cincinnati. Pray'make my acknowledgments to the Follows of the Society for this honor, and assure them that I prize highly suoh a mark of their friendly consideration. Respectfully, M.

F. Mauky. Jacob S. Menken, Cor. See.


T. M. THK undonlgned may be found daily, during tho usual lino nnoi ImilM In kl lA hu. -nisi ran. north side, between Main and Walnut.

All Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. 1, 1858. ly How to Ruw your Health. Punch gives tho following rules for ruining your health: 1st, Stop in bed lato 2d, Eat hot suppers 3d, Turn day into night, night into day 4, Take no cxerciso; 5th, Always rido when you can walk; 6th, Never mind about wet feot; 7th, Have half a dozen doctors 8th, Drink all the medioine they send you 9th, Try every now quack 10th, If that does n't kill you, quack yourself. BQA lady, who wished some stuffing from a roast fowl, which a gentleman was onrving nt a public table, requested him to transfer from the deceased fowl to her plate, some of its artificial intestines.

Give na Particular. The Star in (he West a liboral Universalist organ, in this city, in copying a paragraph from The Israelite says, at tho conclusion: "Purify ihe Church of her pagan elements, let Christianity be proclaimed to men as it was proclaimed by the prophet of Nazareth, and the Jews will gradually be prepared to enter into the Christian Church. Original sin the reformers in the Church deny, and the vicarious sacrifice of Jesus; but in the spiritual redemption of the world by the graeo manifested in Christ, Universalists, at least, fully, and joyfully believe. The world must go back to Judaism as the foundation of the Church, and the Jews must advance to a higher state, finding the law a school master to bring thom to Christ. ''The law came by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ" "Wo, however, must say, Give us particulars, in -whtt respect you are advanced to a higher state than the Israelites.

We think, that in rational theology pure ethics and 3 uridical principles Judaism stands higher than any other religious creed. These doctrines and principles may in some respect be embellished in forms and observances, but tho embellishment changes not the nature of tho essence. It took the Christian community fifteen centuries of the most fervent struggle, until its most enlightened members arrived at tho conviction, that the Hebrew doctrine of the Unity is true, thai God condemns none and punishes the wicked only to correct him, that no original sin lasts on man, and no vicarious sacrifice was necessary. It will take them several more centuries to appreciate tho whole truth and embrace it cheerfully; for it is but half a century, that Christian scholars have the permission and boldness, to think for themselves. So we think, and if we are mistaken according to your views, please point to the particulars in which Judaism iB behind any religious creed, in as far as the truth of the Bible or the claims of reason are concerned.

You say, "The law came by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ;" wo say, please point to any particular grace or truth, revealed through the agency of Jesus or his apostles, of which our ancestors were not fully aware; show us one, just to satisfy us. Yes, we say, Moses stands yet on the summit of mount Sinai and summons all nations, to rise and ascend the mountain of the Lord, to be enlightened and elevated by divine truth, to be redeemed from the bondage of fiction, superstition, despotism and priestcraft, and to be fraternized before God In justice, liberty, truth and love. There ho stands yet and calls aloud on the nations, will ever call, until they hear and assemble before the Lord, to celebrato the grand feast of redemption and fraternity. If we are mistaken, please to point to one particular in which we aro mistaken. Pittsburg, January 21, 1858.

Rev. Jaaac M. Wise. In the last number, January 15th, of your most valuable Israelite, I see a letter published by an Observer, telling you, in a rather rejoicing manner, about a failure of establishing a school in this city, independent of any Congregation, and he thinks if the Congregations here should unito suoh a school could be established. Now, Mr.

Editor, the fact and the truth is this: In the first place Obsebvkr, (I know him well,) was the very first person who established the first opposition congregation in this place; after they were a few years in existence, Obskbver, with some of his friends, tried to unite the two congregations, in which they succeeded and after they hnvo been two years together, (in which Observer wasone year President) Observer wns ono of the first who caused ths Con-grogntion to bo seperated again, but not before they had their burying ground finely repairod at a cost of $175, the Scrolls of Law and all the Synngoguo fixtures in thoir power, and the other party had to commence anew. Now, Observer wants to unite again, and for this reason, his party is not longer able to keep up a congregation; but the other party aro peaceable citizens, and want no Observer, nor any Observers, because they know thom by this time too well, and all now is that Observer and bis party most regret that they did not get the other party's burying ground, whioh is very valuable, and I suspect very much they are after it now. For these reasons Observer with his party are very hard at work against the establishment of a School; they think by that means to force a consolidation, in which they aro very much mistaken, at least as long as Observer resides in Pittsburg, or BQWhite hair is the chalk with'which time keeps its score two, three, or foursoore, as tho case may be on a man's head. F. ADAE, No.

16 West Front Stroet, botweon Main and Walnut, CINCINNATI, OHIO, European Banker. BtS.Collect.ons and Payments of all kinds, in any part of Germany, aro as usual, promptly attended to by me. uaUah payment am always bo obtained or mo for drafts on Now York, St Louis, Chicago, Now Orleans, and other Commercial cities of tho Uuion. D3.Drafts, of large or small amoi.uts can bo bought of uie nt tho cheapest rates, payable In any of the place mentioned below, BO. MONEYS DEPOSITED In anyone of th nouses named below with the order to inform mo thereof, can bo drawn forthwith of me in Cincinnati, as soon as tho notice of tho respective Houses reaches noe.

As I receive notice faom my bankers with evory Bteamor, if money it deposited with them for me, I can offer tho quickest fest and cheapest way to sond monoy to the United States. LiBt of my Bankers in Germany, With whom money may bo deposited for mo, and drawn on me in Cincinnati, Ohio. iti, Drafts on mo can always be procured in any of those h(US3. Frankfurt a. li.

Metzler decl Son A Co. Stuttgart A i'ederer. llellbronn a. (Jharlet Meyer on Market, Uim Theodor Kindervatter, Ituvenaburg John Jacob Dortu Nurnborg John Conrad C'nopf, Bamberg llayeritche Filialtank. Augsburg J.

L. Bchaexler, Wurzburg Gregor Oehniwjer. Landau Mullcr fc WeyUmd, BcTKZubern OeorgeJung, Nous tad a. d. Haardt O.

F. Grohe-ITeinrich. Durkheima. d. Christian JIaffner.

Speyor JV. Gerard. Qermersheim J. M. Berrtion.

Plrmusens David Koenig Son. Zwelbrucken George LiUet. Cusel John Waek. Darmstadt A. Zoeppriln.

Worms P. Vattikenberg, Mannheim IV. If. Ladenburg Hoidelborg GebrHederX irt mem, Carlsruhe G. Multer fc Go.

do J. Slueber. Often burg Francis Xaver Fischer. Lahr Theodor C. Hug.

Baden-Baden Q. Muller Co. Freiburg in Broisgau Joseph Sautier. Zurich a SchuUhett Co. Basel BiachofftoSi.

Alban. Strnssburg teen Blum Aittcher. Woissouburg Lctcis Victor Boell. Paris F. Vernet A Co.

do Bo, de Ifcilln BrcettdUcIpcltc, Leipzig Becker A Co. do Henry Kmetlner A Co. Muhlhauson, Thnringon, A. R. BUtchntein.

Oiwsel Gebrueder Peiffer. Ooeln J. H. Stein, Snarbruckon B. Schlacldcr.

Trier G. F.Nell A Co. Coblenz John Henry Kehrmann. Oanubruck C. Brewing.

Buckeburg Meyer Aron. Prouaslsch Mlnden Fr. Clemen. Munstor Ad. Schmeddiuy A Sons.

Hullo in Westphalon William taker. Nouenkirchcn n. Vorden. V. Jnc.

Mi-icr. Bromsn Charles F. Plump A Qc. do F. J.

Wichelhausen A Co. Hamburg Behluter ti Maack. Ajnstordam Jr Friir- Meencehi it Sons. A JltSt Ilecelvtftil NEW NATIONAL THEATRE. The introduction of such a brilliant Drama as that of Mazeppa, or tho Wild Horse of Tartary, as might be expectod, has caused a perfect jam at the National Theatre, during tho present weak.

The performances nightly are of tho most thrilling kind, and tho daring feats of Mr. John E. MoDonouqh in the character of Mazeppa his assumed name being Cassimer are beyond description. To appreciate the scene of a fellow being, thrown upon a wild horse, back to back, and carried up steep mountains, at the mercy of the animal, as a punishmont for a misdeed, chased and attacked by wolves, and threatened by vultures, with an escape with life, it must be seen. Go to the National.

BECEIPT8 BY MAIL. L. Marcus Dunkirk, N. 55 00 L. F.

Leopold, Ctevoland, Ohio, 3 00 8. Zlnn, New Brunswick, N. 00 Jacob E. Levy, Sarnnnnh. Guorgiu, 00 L.

Morgcnthun, Newark, Ohio 3 0U Ph. Hear, Brcntsville, Va 1 00 A. Wormnor, Danville, Pa 1 60 J. and A. Schmalz, Chicago, Illinois 3 00 Levi Strauss, Lacrosse, Wisconsin 4 OO N.

Gallinger, PIUbuutr, Pa 4 00 Mr. Muhnninn, Cincinnati 4 (X) MARRIED At Louisville, on Wednosday, January 20, 1858, by the Rev. B. H. Goftholr, IIEN.I.

F. PE-IXOTTO, of Clovolawl, 0., and Miss HANNA, daughtor of Mark StratiBs, of the former placo. No. 72 WostSth st. (Francis Sieforfs oldstand)-- G000 lbs colored and white 20 sacks Pearl barley, Carpet yarn, 50 wicks Buckwheat, DIED At tho rosidoncoof his brother, in tills city, on tho 23d inst.

of Pulmonary Consumption, Mr. DAVID BRUNSWICK, of Chicago, aged 27 years. In this city, on tho 26th In tho 3lBt year of his ago, of Consumption, Mr. ISAAC S. FRIEDMAN.

vma urecu com, 2 cases smoked salmon. 10 tierces salt salmon, 30 boxes smoked hnlibut, plays the hypocrite. Then you: must know, Mr. Editor, Observer himself don't oare a fig for Congregations or Hebrew schools, but he knows that he must die some time, and wants a burying place, and, as long as he lives, likes to hare some honorable employment, suoh as President of a Congregation or School Director and the like, and a person must show at least some religion for suoh employments. Now, Mr.

Editor, as to the School itself, we had contemplated to establish a first rate sohool horo, wluro religion as well as all the aommon branches should be taught, and accessible to all Minhagnmites, and as thire are about sixty Jewish families with no less tlinn 50 children old enough to attend sohool, and every ono ablo to pay his share, so we culled a general meeting for that purpose, soino time ago, and had a very good prospect Observer was also present, ready with coat and gloves off, to act as chairman, or fit least as secretary, but not being called fur that Bbrvice ho was then only an observer, and not seeing any prospect for his scheme, sneaked, with his dupes, from the meeting, no doubt browing vengeance on the poor children, and have in fact so far succeeded and tho proof of it iB, that not one of his party has joinod us but wo have not yet given up tho good cause, and wo will try to consummate yet our holy scheme in spito of all Observers. EXPLAINER 11H) kegs Holland herrings, to arrive, oi prime quality nd at the vory lowest Cunh prices, JlJJ1 coombr. TTo the Public. HE undorslgiicd, well known us a ttkiUul and experienced Sim for many years, and having performed tho operation on children of different ages, in tho most happy manner, offers his services to his brethren in faith in Ihis city, ns well as abroad, At any time. LEVI M.

LOEVKNBKRQ, janI5-ly Milwaukee, Wisconsin. OAny Information ABBAHAJrf would bo thankfully rectilvnd by his brother, S. Slomiusky. It is supposed that lie has settlod somewhere in the state of Now York. Any porson knowing of him will pk-ueo uddroHH S.

SLOMINHK "nir'-jt OarQ of Beatus Franklin, Cincinnati. Y- M. M. Association lectures. Tuesday Evening, February 2d.

HERMAN MELVILLE. "statues in Rome." Tuesday Evening, February Sth. WILLIAM BIRNEY. "reformers and reform." Single Admission 25 TICKETS For sale at tho Library and nt the door. Doors opon at half past six o'clock.

Lecture to commence at half past soven. SMITH NIXON'S HALL. SnitoH Lodge, No. 17, 1. O.

B. Albany, N. January 17, 1858. Whereas, At a regular meeting of Shiloh Lodge, No. 17, 1.

O. we, the undersigned Committee, were appointod to draft Resolutions in regard to our worthy Brother Hx-President Martin Stern, who, departing from us, intends to make California his future home. Resolved, That wo feel deeply grieved, that Brother Ex-President Martin Stern leaves from our midst, tho same being highly esteemed among us. Resolved, He having been ono of tho founders of the aforenamed Lodge, and having fulfilled faithfully, and with great ability, his calling as member, and especially as officer of this Lodge. Resolved, That wo can not let pass this opportunity, without expressing our deepest esteem and good feeling towards him, and by unanimous consent of the whole Lodge, our best wishes for his future welfare and prosperity are herewith tendered to him, and we hope, that his remembrance will remain with us, as ours is with him.

Resolved, further, That wo congratulate any Sister-Lodgo of our Order, of which he may hereafter become a member, as we can recommend him as a pillow of the Institution. Resolved further, That this Lodge, by unanimous consent, presents the departing Brother and Ex-President Martin Stern, a silver tobacco box, as a token of their respect Resolved, conclusively, That these Resolutions shall be inserted in the Asmonean, and also in The Israelite. KEPLY TO L. J. OF P.

Judaism is not eager to mako converts, and MERCHANTS' Job Printing Works BLOCH HAVE in operation, ono of the host CARD PRINTING PRESSES, capublo of Printing CARDS ot tho SMALLEST or the LARGEST SIZE, in ALL COLORS, BRONZE, GOLD AND SILVER. Circulars, Bill Heads, Bills of Lading, HTc. PRINTED TO ORDER. Constantly on llnndALL KINDS OF WINE, ISBANDY AND LIQUOll LABELS, ic, rfc, for Wine A Liquor Merchant. and Clothing TickeU or Tag; for CLOTHIERS, at tho lowest prices.

OFFICE No. 32 West 8th Main 4 Walnut. accepts none, unless ho professes after fair instruction, to embrace it by conviction and freo choice. As none can look into Dct peMat, ein SRomaa avid torn ameritanlfdjcit I'ebett, Sref4 fiff Sltujtrtttct fur 1858, son Aavl lfffn In ffflpjlg mil 10 unD uleltn $oljfd)nitii 50 flari teffen i Ilu ft i 0 fulfil lid), ttne miji(unfl von Slcbtlldt, ffirtlitrn 11. in it 6 etaMfHdjtn imb vitlm rljfdjuilttii 36 fl i If Jl a fur 1858 eon spnOTtfitfiarf in Drftfbtn 4 terns efdjidjte er 3w so WE have received tho above books, anil will forward them to any part of th United States, feoo of charge, if the amount is sunt to us in postage stamp.

Address, BLOCH A noT20-tf Israelite Offlce. Cincinnati, Ohio. A SITUATION as BOOK KEEPER, by A German, who has lived in this country number of year, is well versed in English Book Keeping by Single and Double Entry, has good recommendations, und is not particular ivlxmt the pine of business one in tbo West would be prcforrablo. Address N. K.

Offiae of The Israelite, J8'f Cincinnati, Ohio. Gundry's Mercantile College. jT A SCHOLAUSH1P, entitling the bolder to a full, complete and entire course JsaeSm, of Studies in this College, may be bad on reasonable terms, by application at the Office of tbo Israelite. This College is located on the corner of 6th and Walnut Streets, Cincinnati, and la one of the best In the United States. Apply soon.

novM. PapeT BwT Manufactory. MRS. HENRIETTA LOHNfiBACIl, Receiver, ro-opene this business, at the Old Stawd, 117 Fifth street, between Vine and Bace, known as the Great Western Bonnet Box Manufactory. The undersigned roquosts her friends and patrons call and examine the hew stock, and honor her with orders, to which prompt attention will be paid.

feb20-tf H. LOilNSBACH. heart of others, wo must, in this respect, depend on the confession of the proselyte and believe him, unless oircumstances testify to the contrary. If the convert's former conduct was improper, sufficient of BOI WANTED, To attend a Periodical Store. Call immediately at Mo.

32 Sixth 84rcet. Jan20. amendment must be given, before, he can be accepted. According to the Joreh Deah, there must be three learned Israelites 'J 'to J1 no) to accept the convert into the DR. EOSEHFEID, REMOVED to the N.

W. cor. 7th ojid Walnut Slr't. S. Minster, 1 J.

Labishineb, Committee. A. Lederkk, According to notice we are obliged WANTED: A SITUATION, by a Young Man, as first or second Book keeper, or Entry Clerk has no objection to go South or West speaks and writes the English as well as tho Gorronn language. Address M. Israelite of-flca, Cincinnati, 0.

jan29-2w. 8. M. Magnus, President; Isaao Waldman, Vice President S. M.

Yalkenburgh, Secretary. to publish this weok the official communication from Albany. See Deborah..

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