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The Carolina Federal Republican from New Bern, North Carolina • Page 2

New Bern, North Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

it c-t because there tilsa VaT I -'V After Vcdifi hh brcTalstcrnisttl T7ith' trhitslfiss thd capsctcfioa As: thall hvca chieay.oa recollect one riot altogether unlike He ofted turns ycry qulcbV bnng, soon Vgenerai cagcatnta Vike aHindqq goes to iV lianhh' Csptain of the Nav ing his head near his tion of trade. i t'je house once a Veek to worship, vyreported that he saw in- 174b, tingbimself into'the form of ista i 'f the sun-i-swimsM dives and fen- nearthe coast Norway, a Sea: pie. Cspti John eachjrhas- I ces wit prNor patriotism on lana tnanjon ctabct becausethe doors to hon were not'opento all t7hb pah ted to enter them no, shameful to have-recorded in history the Serpent of a very; great size and completed drawing, of him, TTT I C8S ionaetmaicsne nas csca v' is enitraved. iped.irom some vessel, on the t. members of congress from a state seen him several" times, it is I i The shib Courier; Bowne, has andswam ashore; thtnka i appointed! the oQcer of the army 1 in fact; a duty' which the tiye and senate were supposed clusWely (authorised execute 2 cav not the members of- cofi cress prooaoie, ni3 is (oieraoic smveu, anu vc uaycivorpoui ct yitwaaoiau, yiu- just.

papers up to the day- of 'her de. nese, a third a Gipsey; aubtheV a however intencl tcvive parture, fromf which, and from Javanese but shb. better account cof him, i he London papers andLloyd's Lists, calls: herself; was playing off some -i should stay, longer, in their harbor, we have made the extracts which grand imposture 6 a English ere Shark hooks, variously halted and follow cf A O-a attached to buoys," have" beeo aet The London papers) by the A' late Bristol paper stares afloat harbori'an'dseyeril Courier, Cafe filled with.accbunts mystery bbatewell nianned Etrmed; were frbhi all quarters, the iayprable The bubble destined to attack hi myesterday sute- of theweather and-ipf the Iwt 5' ofo weStaS he shewed prospect of iabdndant crops, rich theme for the ridicule of T' Bread stus had falleh; in price in ry person who deserves Credit, fbri lathe blue depth bf the ajl pajrts anH; ordinary share Corn mbaJi '1 Vere fn P0 7 13 Pope of Ronte; accordtnc seose, hast length burst. A npm mm 117 inn is tmnoPF. CarabuyrtotelkedS to persVvWasidan- IU.t- pNDONt July; 1 ST.

bf lth; have I Oithetbut those of a particular sect the'fayonteVat the trcas4ryrStill Oe saw the Renaellaers, and other men federalists they were indeed, who had fought in 1 7rpT again force themselves jm6the: ranks in the moment, of danger. fj A nd vet, the author bf the Har risburcrh address, bn; whose back 'no military coat ever seen, dashes in the the whole federal party embracing not only the heroes above named but many, of the gallant ybuth of this and other cities; the jcharge haying -abetted the cnetiay and sought-to dissolve the union, and still, more strange to this unsparing proacrip. tibo your name also is affixed who said that the federa was estimable respecta ble and enlightened. fr- sir. who write this letter, to 4 4 you a the arhved heDuchess BflBerry proves to; beneither more nor-has not $et gratified her Royab less tfian ary Haker, the relatives With the birth of a voubcr erratic child oflbBnest parents ia.

Mrccn we have received the lbe fim the straw. after FFc iuai uiawc wkiuc I ARIS, -HllV lesteraav. limuuaior tilt, containing London dates, to at the momenta when his majesty day sc'ennight, says It was the evening of the 8th; one day returned to the. Castle of the Thu uOw thought advisable to adbpt later, than before received. fThc illerles, two cuirassiers of his es ome effective measure for the BburbonV it er the Queen of Spain will not cbrt fell front their horses; one of I tnem was severely hurt, and car- ried to the hospital in a chaW 5 A private letter from Bordeaux states, that there Have been severt all arrests there it is supposed in: consequence of.

discoveries party acception 01 the worcl that AX- made by herself. But affairs were becom-previous to his execution ing too ap length out of the water, had sbtae reseml Cepede, 'compadnga fossil tobth in the family I of sharks with those known tb belong tpCthe largest the fish which must have thejlengthbfny ifishbf)the fami ly now yeare pleased to see the excitement whichthc mn nas maa ana tne a eter mm hahermen were much alarmed for the safety of their boats, and one of the letters from Gloucester says our small craft! are fearful of ven turing but a fishiog. Bosiroif; August 21 More ike Sea Serpent A gentleman who has been in Gloucester has given us the follow ing: account of this animal. --It was still seen in the harhor of Gloucester on Sunday afternoon It Monday afternoon On Tuesday afternoon the weather was routrh. ance.

From what has been ob4 servedx)f his hSbits, it seemthat he approaches the shews himself above the surface when tKe water ii mboth nH the iWM. tber warm.0 1 i On Sundav and Monday very distinct Views were had of him by! various persons. Gentlemen who have been at Gloucester and attcn ded to the accounts of those who haveeen him at ditterent times Itnere can oe noi douot tnat tne an lis at least eighty ahd probably-a hundred feet ioSgiid ne'aflv ihe oize of a flour at the'- lar- gest place. As to the bunches.or protuberances, which nave bcenl raentiooedi3theiare ahoughi to be nothing more that ances oceastooed by his manner of any aiong as serpents commonly do, but his motion is undulatory, or consisting ia alternate rising tion of a caterpillar. Mr.

John-1 Ison, a youog man, wild went in a boat to visit a vessel inxthe harbor ob Sunday, in he dusfe of theev ning came; veW hear to, himj be-i iorc nc aiacovcrcu mm so inai ne might have reached him with his oar. He was -quite still -and ap- The head, which he sawlwhich Diance to tnat 01 a norsc, ana uc remarked something hanging from his neck like hairs. As heVmbved at a distance, he looked a like a row of large ing to a right 1-: Homoved with uncommon '-We plainiysee an agreement in these diEfcrint acxbuntsa beleive that the nsheefi at aucfi-a distancevof time andiace; may if have heen of kind. Whatsi2e thefislTbf thetnotWcrn seas mar bro. is nbt kbown.

but 9 3 a ation to take iu menj more expert, and we hope they iv.ll hp rewarded frrtin the hnuntv I as well as curiosity of others it they succeed. Danish Cap- taia observed that the 'Norwav has I I i 1 The price of corn continues to fall every where. In the 'depart' men of the Nievre, the "measure I of wheat, which was up to 91. is I down to 4 1-2. I Baron Fagah the Ambassador I of the Netherlands to France, has ie rans lor JUamDrayi to oy speaitiog the Duke of Wellington.

I in her native tongue iaii down aui a nsn IIKC woratiippecl the sun, Hour isheda dagger eat curru the humble villager of Witheridge, in the county of Devon; ne ijatn Weraia ot rnday, noticing the arrival of the id ciw on oatur t. relief of this mosts interesting creature anappeai to the India Directors was determined on Dr. Wilkinson'proceededtto London on the charTiable mission on Tuesday and Was to; be fol lowed the ext. day by Caraboo peanng before the metropolitan scruiiniserA was too terrible for the tender nerves bf the Princess javasu She therefore thought it prudent to throw off the mask and after' invitiog-her humane patroness to a private au INDIANA Veva JUIiY Jf ine Prospect It is with mucn satisfaction tha) we communicate to our distant wc eommunieaK ne; Tds vcinityt ha ve never of ered brighter, prospwts of re wardipo the labors of the vine dresser dresseroy than they do at this time while. the crops promisincr.

ne vine-varus or fer to the view of such profusion a- of fruit as to nourish in us the hI.Pef1t1 not this fall" WhicilWill hanri.nmeA compensate the vine drpsserr uponreuectiogoa aa vanwgesj. inat --v uf;" lw BeneJa Upon the occasion of the ac rij(M Angus ft I declaring; herself cbuchmeniofine DuchcsofBerryJao impdster is I was in 1798 9and 1800 "opposed, ai I am now, to caucu aest proscriptions, tnterjerence ot omcersy to cuienx et famous taws stamp taxeti sinecures I was I say, a republican then and have cver since jucco wucreas author of the Harriaburgh address Was himself a federalist yet, I tpurn your aod his denunciation ot the federal party, a scandalous, "-ungrateful rVand forf this amongst other reasons, be-cause 'i was my self denounced a long with 'whole republican abhor.the infliction of torment upon at trhich I shuddered myself. But, sir, the jdrajists require consolation the lawn nf vonr ii w- addresses, they have it ip the evidence that fcvery liberal, independent man in the country is equally the objeet of your 'remorseless proscription and perhaps they may have the. gratification soon to see power, wrested from hands 'which but for the tremor fearj might make us sufffer 4the fate bf 1 1 the victims of Robespierre and JOVELLANOS. ondtcr.

Salem Mass) Aug. -16. Yestef day information was received in this town from Glouces ter, of the appearance of an unusu- al fish or serpent in their harbor, we yuy oiranaLWiu give -mar riage portions tgtwenty-six female orphans, of whom two will be selected -in the Protestant and reformed persuasion From Madrid it is stated that the new plan of finance is expec- ted tote rivrn nr. of thediffiultierexperienced inat. tempting to carry it into execution.

The Baique pr.v.nces. it is said, by means of paving a sumkbf mo ney to the government, i The. Prussian Vice-Consul at Cherburg has published a Notice that- he haA rritufA 4 arltrif frrim the Prussian Consul Marfeilles; I snng on me autnonty oi tne uap tain of merchant vessels whicn left Algfers the isth the Dey had fitted out a frigate of 14 Runs and some smaller vessels, which had sailed some days before the And theSea Snake hath life.0 -FOREIGN NEWS; -V Boston, Aug. 26. the ship Paragon, Capu which arrived at this M'Gowan lollowine is the only additional ib teltigence which they affordv.

'f 1 London, July 8. Mr. PoNsoNBTr It is probable that our readers at prepared for he, intelligence we have now to communicate the death of this excellent Gentleman. He depar ted this life this morning, about 10 minutes after six o'clock. We understand that at one- time this morning he was insensible and eontinued jso till he breathed his last.

All men of all Parties may well deplore the loss of, such a man. He cave ditrnitv to' the 1 9 FVw 7 1 Vr ir 7 the.talcnts he displayed in his the irtu" ex 3 his private, character. Opposedas we have always been to the line; of politics which he pursued,) wer should, be ashamed of ourselves if we withheld-our ac knowledgement of the sinceVe con viction upon which he alwavsac- ted. Hence he was (not one of those who party gave up what was meant tor mankind." One of the principal features of his h'! Wa "Sht, he never to allow the same merit to, uv $erere, neXer from k-" meanness nave Ibeen too observable others. j6 li cf uPon ePPP nga-wiwa.

incsc iwo years Whitbread, Horner fa man not to K'Tol i i bl wa i T.f i.5 fS W9S urcscuicu wita a SUK 1 782, and made first Vun8el to the Commissioners ot WIC ww. men. urouS? cv 6 fer-9e ynanceiiorsnipMre i late. Three ner cent Consols ves. "p.y deficicn- the- it avenue the ciose.of the market yesterday ner cent.

Consols: wereTft: TVi. r- -r dav at 12 o'clock thev were v. 7ft rr 1 -T A The letteriepresented, that the Imbtibn He does not wind late i departure of thebove vessel tne they were sent out forf' the SS hould thsancVof purpose of cruising in the; Chan- fu? nel Vgainst Pf ussian as uof well aa-those the Henseatit IWns. ThisSintellig'encI it is stated is confirmed byrivate let- neaa ot it 8 teet out or tne water, was large as the' head of a horse A of gret)enithV: It was afterwards u-j i a partr-wis soon; provided to take him with musketSr harpoons, and everv- instrument Which good marksmen 4nd whalemen could use, Ve ft oon after received a letter in torraing tnat tne nsn naa been seen for several dysanti that it was fir8discovered by i the fishermen.V All attempts to take the fiih We ineffectual 6uite -X -Tnat it 1 vVrv nhirk 3n it mn. tion8 and id all directions; The person adds, 1 have just -seen the fish sporting in the shows a lebgh of "fiftyfeet, within a quarter or a mile from tne snore I peared to be reposing.

He was 1 t--o round and' smooth, Mi.hwI'iMhlfe???- hMh, Bar in tt i-i vi ooraers or tms oeautitut rivers i vqN0K, a The valley rbughhich v0BONAPAJlTE. i Ohiorunsis capable to be; made Ietferfixim Su Hena states to produce as much wine as'wbuld imong oiherdcurrences, tnat the uffi for eonaumptipif bf the Corsican is, greatly enraged at the whole Ust S. happy Reflect publfcatibn which appeared here on the morals of would Mnder the title, bf letters written beproduced it) wjne could be-x on bord the Northumberland, bv substituted for the poisonous bev-the Surgeon of that' shib and it era'gestwhich impair, the. health oV-is stated: that thepersbns' iWhb besot and demoralize, the Amer ano aaas, we nave never in ravoraoie situations, says i XQ people what immense buo" 4 ffci mighty likr those few sons of Helvetia who have ikt1 flaf but tlietoti is elevated nrom ncnt round and owing tb: this latter eir- eumstance a.siae, view ot ms nead CapU Beach whb Ippears to have lcxammcu mm orcen, ana omc iir iicaujs ujc swe 01 common bucket knAruXhrAUnA f.i rinc. reaioie persons aver, tnai luii.

1 wicyaayc sees aim awimiaiog la to the harbor, thf 1 1 i i 1 I 1 I 1 4-. "Mr "Ui vwr WMfcW theaborear.pWe great phioi if they; make -it their busi a ocss to culdvate the vine v. A i i. A. 1 ne cawarc papers a -w 5DgWu? imog iiKe it.

'jx. maa wno aiscnarg ed his muskctithm thirty feet of w-a x-A tUrA tare it, ana a large Bura nnu Deen Vri 0 oners a lor u. VDOiner letter says I have nidi an 'onnbrtunitr to VH persons whofare goibgtb ehiov itindVpp'eared to hi it on the Ihadbut lwithout effect. Wit im rr- vsight -Of Ifcilt apijeari in on fa bet rope a most as large ai a Krr: 1 I I 1 I Ylraaeiqf 1 1 state inis owtt mu wcr, agcu years to- compose his suite' are equally in- It is even said to such a height hashc passion of Napolef ob that I he "has formally tnrouga uertrana, protested to Sir Hudson Lowe, against the au- thenticity of thework, ind has c- rn (fS- 1 Matts uu way vi Miss Caraboo. senbedby a- Dr.

of I England, to refuge near her Slanguage. writing IHouse, or of Osford JJmTexcuy; sit 5t. Helena, shall be permitted publish any thing conceraibg him -s a the often he: wp5 follow jog gratifying fact one of the knots of traders in hur alopg with his head sunder water, conv shewing the line of his beprwwt charter, pearly with his head fimmedUtelyhbve thRMiirK onn tn Quarter the; last-year aconstT man flesh that infest the io Wet- parts that 1 state. The villaia with large scale 1 extracts his folds rive aWid to hi hart: -hut tvhrh to toreiga ports) ana: also the tte- ijollgri for tradlrsinstyMadiKnowhUcT I T- i -r- vmili 'J mt Jbut lost-ighrbf close; i'd do not prevent ttim-l kpfcars.Hke'-a strjtiA I pearing'srdbathi. His 'general co twtl the revtvalrthe Mao; iset loss iiurtMrs orox7Q nis ncaa aarsir iad ciarot probably; Ctl lU.

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