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The American Israelite from Cincinnati, Ohio • P6

Cincinnati, Ohio
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THE AMERICAN WE BUY STOCKS and BONDS In large or small blocks. We are prepared to do business quickly. Quotations and our keep posted service free A. J. FRANK, Stock and Bond Dealers 511-516 Union Trust Private Branch Exchange Main 3134 MAERTZ UNDERTAKERS Met Proprietor CARE--COURTESY EXPERIENCE MODERATE CHARGES SYMPATHETIC and FRIENDLY PERSONAL SERVICES RENDERED Motor Ambulance For All Purposes F.


UNDERTAKERS 1711 to 1715 Race Street -Auto or Horse Service No charge for use of Chapel. Canal 4225 Res. Avon 310 COO Fenton's Ohio's Largest Dry Cleaners CLEANS A MAN'S SUIT For Why Pay More? $1.00 15 Stores. Call Avon 70. Miss Carrie Paris HAS OPENED The Most Artistic Small Store Outside of New York.

DI-PIANIST, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE And ART SELECTIONS. Suite 707, Union Central Building. Telephone Main 825 J. D. CLOUD CO.

Certified Public Accountants First Nat. Bank Building, CINCINNATI. Impartial Hits. Special Investigations. Accor ting and Cost Sistems.

FRANK B. SHIPMAN'S Cakes are absolutely pure. I use only Best Butter and Fresh Eggs. MY NEW CAKE SHOP NOW OPEN. 108 W.

Seventh Street, 8 doors west of Rave. Phone, Canal 3988 MAIN AUTO MACHINE M. C. Repairing: and Manufacturing Magnetos, Carburetors, Electric Starters Plane 3456 Reading Road WE ARE EQUIPPED TO DO ALL KINDS OF REPAIR WORK Avondale, Cincinnati, 0. Carolyn's Children's Shop Beautiful Smart Models for Boys and (Girls.


WESTHEIMER Westheimer Company 324 and 326 Walnut Street CINCINNATI, O. Members of the New York Stock Exchange. New Eh ml P. J. GOODHART CO.

MERCHANT J. S. BOCK TAILOR Dyeing. Cleaning and of Luties and Gents' Garments. ant delivered tree.

3478 READING ROAD. PHONE AVON 1010 Edward A. Porter Henry A. Sunderbruch's Sons, FLORISTS, 232 W. 4th Cincinnati, O.


LOCAL TIE AMERICAN ISRAELITE. not 1-10 primarily a social 193 A nO reportorA, but the publishers will glad to publisb any Aocial items sent to this offive before Wednesday noon. Those desiring newa to will gain publicity through these columns kindly bear this in mind. Telephone Canal 3410. Miss Nannett Levi, of 736 E.

Ridge way avenue, Avondale, has 88 her guest Mins Bess Loeb, of Columbus, Ga. Mrs. George Lazar, of Chicago is visiting her sister and brother, Dr. and Mrs. Raphael Miller, or 3559 Reading Road.

The engagement of Mr. J. 8. Stern. of Haddon Hall, Avondale, to Miss Miriam, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Felix Haas, of Portsmouth, has Just been announced. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Loeb will be at home Sunday, January 16, from three to six, in honor of the engagement of their daughter, Edna, to Mr.

Simon Goldschmidt, of Chicago. On the list of contributors at Washington, D. to the fund for the re lief of the Jewish war sufferers, the name of John R. McClean, the owner of "The Enquirer" appears among the $100 donors. Samuel A.

Waxman, for several years interested in the wholesale jewelry and novelty business, in Chicago, has disposed of his interests and will rest up in this city before turing into another business. En route to the Pacific coast, Mr. Leo Cahn, of Brooklyn, N. was in the city a few days last week, visiting relatives. From here he went to Kansas CIty, where will be the guest of Mr.

and Mrs. Mendel. At the concert which takes place at the Settlement on Sunday evening, January 16, the following will, be the participants: Soprano, Mrs. Theodore Workum; violin. Mrs.

Robert Sattler; piano. Miss Aline Fredin. Miss Martha Frank is the accompanist. Theodore Kaufman, husband of Jennie Kaufman (nee Bloch) died in his sixty third year, at his late resi3725 Reading Road. He is sur vived by his widow and two daughters.

Services were at the chapel of the Judah Tuoro C'emetery, Lick Run, on Friday, January 7. Dr. Grossmann offviated at the funeral. Cincinnati relatives and friends were shocked and deeply grieved on Tuesday last to learn of the death in Now York City, of Cora Heinshelmer Stadler, wife of Albert Stadler, after an illness of only two days duration. Both Mr.

and Mrs. Stadler were born and raised in this city and are hers of well known families of the earlier settlers in Cincinnati. A very sad death was that of Walter U. Gottlieb, thirty-two years of age, whose funeral took place in the Walnut Hills Jewish Cemetery on nesday afternoon, His wife predeceased him only eleven months ago and he leaves two small children, aged four years and sixteen months respectively. Burial was in the Walnut Hills Jewish Cemetery, Dr.

Philipson officiating. The remains of Mra. Anna S. Levy (nee Meyerberg) who died on ary 7, were interred in the Walnut Hills Jewish Cemetery. Mrs.

Levy was seventy-six years of age and is survived by three sons, Louis, Joseph and Nathan and a daughter, Mrs. Mose Kopperman, of Cleveland, 0. The funeral took place from the home nt her son-in-law, Mr. Louis Fridiman, 2329 South Ashland avenue, Walnut Hills. services for Mrs.

Sarah Wallenstein, relict of the late Solomon Wallenstein, who died on JanuAry 12, takes place thie, Thursday afternoon. from her late residence 571 Hale avenue, Avondale. Intermont is in the Walnut Jewish Cemetery. Mrs. Wallenstein was in the year of her age and 15 survived by eight children, Mesdames ('harles Lichtman and Edward Goldsmith, of Greensboro, Eimer, aC Greenstleld, and Isidore, Joseph, George.

Albert ('. and Dr. Millard of this city. Mr. A.

H. Fromenson, executive of the Jewish National Farm School near Doylestown, is in the city in the Interest of that institution. Mr. Fromenson is an enthuslant for agriculture as a profitable ocrupation for Jews and is delivering a number of public addresses in this city to spread his gospel. He spoke in the Rockdale Avenue Temple last Sunday morning, and will occupy the pulpit of the Reading Road Temple Friday evening, January 14.

On Saturday morning he will occupy Dr. Grossmann'8 pulpit in the Plum Street Temple and on Sunday morning he will speak at the Whittier street Sabbath school. His topic 18 "The Jew in Agriculture." The Avondale Improvement Association has elected officers for the coming year A8 follows: Alfred M. Cohen, President: Edward Brunhoff, First Vice President; Jesse R. Clark, Second Vice President; Robert S.

Marx. Treasurer, and Jacob M. Plaut, Benton S. Oppenheimer, Frank Rasching and E. J.

Wohlgemuth, Directors. The new officers could do nothing that would give them greater popularity than procuring better street car facilities for their section of the city. A great many of readers of the ISRAELITE travel by the Avondale lines and know that the service rendered is the worst in the city. Those who are in a position to be informed will not hesitate to declare that the street railway service of Cincinnati, is by far interior to that of any other city in a western state. That of Chirago, St.

Louis, Cleveland, Detroit and many others is incomparably better. The citizens of these cities took the matter in hand and forced the companies to give them what they were entitled to. Why cannot our own citizens, through their representatives, do as much. Zionist Leaders in Cincinnati. Louis D.

Brandeis, of Boston, and Judge Julian W. Mack, Chicago, both members of the Provisional Zionist Committee, were in Cincinnati during the past week to make propavanda for the cause. On Friday evening at the Women's Club, they addressed an audience that represented the best of Cincinnati club auditorium, which holds about four hundred, was completely Alled, spite of the snow storm. sion WA8 by invitation only. On Friday evening they spoke at the Reading Road Temple, which was also completely filled.

On Friday morning Mr. Brandels addressed the students of the Cincinnati University. Louis D. Brandels, who has recently come into prominence in Zionist propaganda, resident of Boston, where he is prominent as a lawyer and statesman. Mr.

Brandeis was born in Louisville, November 13, 1856. He was educated in the Louisvile public and high schools and after his graduation continued his in Germany. He has the LL.D. and A.M. degrees from Harvard.

He was admitted to the bar in 1578 and has practicing law in Boston since 1879. Mr. Brandeis is an honorary member of the Phi, Beta. Kappa (Har. vard) and '1s a membor of the leading clubs of Massachusetts and New York.

He is an author of note, having written articles on public franchise, life Insurance, wage earners, saving banks and has contributed to several large reviews. Until recently, he took little, If any, interest in Jewish affairs. In 1913 he came to the conclusion that Zionism offered the solution for the greatest of Jewish problems and he has been active in making propaganda for it ever since. THE TEMPLES. Detalled announcements and subjects of sermons and lectures will be found in the various Temple Notices elsewhere.

Visitors and strangers in the city are always cordially welcome. Plum Street and Plum streets. Rev. Dr. Louis Grossmann, (528 Camden avenue, Avondale.

Telephone, Avon 4109). Daily vices at m. and 5:30 p. Saturday and Sunday morning at 8. Saturday morning In Plum Street at 10:00.

Sermon. Sunday morning at Sabbath-school building, corner Reading Road and Whittier street, at 11:00. Lecture. Rockdale Avenue and Harvey, avenues, Avondale. Rev.

Dr. Philipson, (3947 Beechwood avenue, Avondale. Telephone, Avon 1220). Daily service at 5:45 p. in the school bullding.

Friday evening in the Temple at 5:30. Saturday morning at 10:00. Sermon. Sunday morning at 11:00 Address followed by Bible lesson. Reading Road Road below Whittier street, Avondale.

Rev. Dr. Jacob H. Kaplan, (780 Ridgeway avenue, Avondale. Telephone, Avon 2371-R).

Daily services at 6:30 a. and 5:45 p. m. Friday evening services at 5:00 in vestry rooms. Friday evening services in Temple at 8.

Sermon. Saturday morning ac 9:30. Sermon. Sunday morning, at 11:00. Lecture.

Adath Israel Congregation (Ninth and Cutter evening at 5 o'clock. Tifereth Israel Congregation (2524 Alms Place)-Holds service daily. Hebrew Union in the Chapel, Saturday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Services and sermon by students. The public is heartily welcome.

Reading Road Temple. The title of the lecture for Saturday morning le "A Straight Line Not Always the Shortest Distance. Dr. Kaplan spoke before the Junior Auxilliary of Walnut Hills on Tuesday evening. The Arst order business of the meeting of the Slaterhood was a report of the Youngstown, 0., meeting of Religious School Teachers, which was presented by Max Weis.

Dr. Beresford, of the Universalist Church has invited Dr. Kaplan to occupy the pulpit of his church on Thursday (this) evening, January 13 to speak on "Zionism" and Thursday evening, January 27, on which date he will speak on "The Creative Genius of Judaism." On Friday evening, Mr. A. H.

Fromenson, executive secretary of the National Farm School at Doylestown, will occupy the pulpit of the Reading Road Temple. The Temple was crowded last Fri. to capacity, when Mr. Louis D. Brandels gave an inspiring lecture on Zionism.

Sunday evening, the Young Folks' Study Circle held their usual monthly social. Rockdale Avenue Temple. In response to a number of inquiries and requests, Dr. Philipson will speak on the subject "What Zionism Really is." The lecture begins at eleven o'clock and will be delivered In the temple. Dr.

Julian Benjamin addressed the Temple Junior Social Service Club last Sunday morning in the subject "City Planning." Dr. Benjamin will preside over a discussion on this subject by the members of the Club next Sunday morning. The Temple Club will hold its annual meeting and dinner Thursday evening, January school auditorium. The members of the on Revision Union Prayer Book will be the guests of the Club. The Sleterhood Chorus meets reg.

ularly Wednesday afternoon of each week at half past one o'clock. in the school, Mr. auditorium John under Hersch, "the leader- choirmaster of the temple. All ladies who desire to join are cordially invited to do so. Plum Street Temple.

Saturday morning, Mr. A. H. From. enson, of Philadelphia, Pa.

Address: "The Jews and Agriculture." Sunday morning, at 10:45 o'clock, Mr. H. Froemenson, of Philadelphia, will deliver an Address at the School Building corner of Reading Road and Whittier Street, Avondale, on the subject "'The Jews and All are invited to attend. Dr. Grossmaun is delivering lectures in several cities, in the Extension Course of the Teachers' Institute of the Hebrew Union College.

Hebrew Union College. At the Saturday afternoon Chapel services this week the sermon will be given by Samuel Mayerberg. Services will be read by Albert G. Minda. The public is always cordially welcome.

Next week completes the Brat aemester of class lectures which will be followed by the semester examinations. Rabbi Lee J. Levinger, of Paducah, Kentucky WAS a visitor at the Chapel services during the week and briefly addressed the students. Plum Street Temple Sisterhood. Wise Center Building, Reading Road and Whittier street, on January 5, was the scene of a large and enthusiastic meeting of the Plum Street Temple Sisterhood, which held its Mothers' Day Meeting on that day.

The program was a varied and Interesting one and the addresses, all of which were very ably handled, bore on the of home and mother. Mrs. Irving Trounstein opened the session with beautifully rendered vocal solo, and a vocal solo also concluded the program; the accompaniment to both of these was played by Mrs. Jonas Frenkel. The following addresses were delivered: "Home Influence," by Mrs.

Laura L. Newburg; "Mother and School," by Mrs. Julius Jacoba; "Mother in the Temple," by Mrs. H. Somerdeld: and "Outside by Mrs.

Ben Lowenstein. All those present profited various disi courses on these topics, vitally Interjesting to all mothers. Revision of Union Prayer Book. The Committee on Revision of the Union Prayer Book of the Central Conference of American Rabbis will meet in this city one week beginning next Wednesday, January 19. The meetings will take place in the Hebrew Union College building.

The committee consists of Rabbi David Philipson, Chairman; Rabbis K. Kohler, Julian Morgenstern and Henry Englander, Cincinnati, William of Baltimore, H. G. Enelow, M. H.

Harris. 1. S. Moses and Samuel Schulman, of New York, Joseph Stolz, of Chicago, and Max Heller, of New Orleans. The editorial committee on ters' Handbook will meet in this city next Tuesday in the trustees room of the Rockdale Avenue Temple.

The members of the committee who will be present are Rabbi William Rosenau of Baltimore, Chairman, and Rabbis K. Kohler and David Philipson, of Cincinnati, E. N. Calisch, of Richmond, and Samuel Schulman, of New York. Ministers' Handbook Committee.

Wise Center. The second social affair of The Wise Center Club is a Farmer's Dance on Saturday evening, January 15th, at the Wise Center. A unique program has been provided by the entertainment committee, who have carried out the farm atmosphere in every detail. Many of the young men will be dressed 88 "hayseeds," while their partners will wear their best calicoes and sun bonnets. The Drama Circle have arranged a most attractive program for day evening, January 13th, to which all of members of the club have been invited.

Mrs. Fred Ewaid will read a paper on Ibsen's most popular play, Doll's Mr. S. Burnett Jordan and Mrs. Fred Ewald will read selected parts the play following which there will be a general discussion.

The history circle met on Tuesday, January 11th. The program of the evening was a discussion of the oppression of the Jews in Europe and their refuge In Poland. On Sunday, January 9th, Dr. Letkowitz, of Dayton, Ohio, addressed the open forum upon the subject of "Jew. ish Demands Before the Peace Conterence." Mr.

Alfred Cohen presided as chairman of the meeting which developed a most interesting discussion. Rabbi Lefkowitz began by out that the Jews need no plead for their rights but by reason of the sacrifices which they have made for their native countries in Europe they have acquired the right, for first time. to make demands of the peace conference. The demands which the Jew might reasonably make of such conference are four. First: He should demand a rehabilitation of homes and property destroyed in the course of the military operations in Poland, Galicia, and Courland, and elsewhere.

Second: He should demand the abolition of the Pale of Settlement in Russia. Third: He should demand equality of rights under the in all nations. Fourth: All Jews should unite upon a demand for the right of free colonization and the security of person property In Palestine. The speaker urged the fourth demand as one upon which Zionist and anti-Zionist could unite. The use of the word 'Congress' was opposed as tending to hurt the cause in the eyes of the American public.

It was suggested that in the place of the word 'Congress' the assemblage be called The conclave should meet immediately and not wait until the conclusion of the war. should be made up in a democratic manner but no delegate should go pledged in advance to any program. It should meet in public, formulate its demands and then endeavor to crystalize the public sentiment of the world around such demands 80 that! when the terms of peace are discussed A powerful public opinion would force the granting of the demands made. The address was discussed by Messrs. Samuel Wolfsteln, Robert P.

Goldman, Ben Loth, David RosenWm. Ornstein and Alfred M. Cohen. WAS announced that on Sunday morning January 22, Rabbi Max Heller, of New Orleans, would address the open forum on subject of "What We Zionists Want." On January 7th 8 Board meeting was held at the home of the secretary, Miss Jean Einstein, and sixty new members were elected. The treasurer, Mr.

Julian Marks, reported that the club had already a membership of two hundered and thirty, Including those elected on January 7th that additional applications were being received daily, indicating that the club was Alling 8 need which had long been felt by the younger community and had been successful even beyond the hopes of its founders. United Jewish Charities. Since last report, the United Jewish Charities received the following donations: $3 Anonymous; $10 from the Walnut Hills High School; $2.50 from Mrs. Jennie Bing; $100 from Mr. George Seeman; $100 bequest Lazard Melas; Charles Fleischmann; 120025 from ThomAnonymous from Mrs.

A8 Emery Sons; $10 from Mr. H. A. heimer; from Dr. Henry W.

BettHeister; $150 from Mr. H. A. Seinsmann; $2 from Mr. and Mrs.

Philip Plaut and Mr. and Mrs. L. Mannhelmer in memory Ferd Phillips; $10 from Mr. I.

L. Miller; $200 from Mrs. Bettie Plaut in memory husband; $50 from Mrs. D. M.

Hyman, N. $5 from Mrs. Bertha Murr; $10 from Frances and Anita Murr; $25 from Judge Max B. May in memory of wife; $5 from Cosmopolitan Bank SavInge $5 from W. E.

Hutton Co. Clothing, WAB received from Mrs. O. Fox; Miss Jordan: Mrs. Eugene Lyons; Mrs.

Sam Werthelm; E. Kahn's Sons; Mrs. D. R. Kahn; The Eclipse Cap Mr.

8. Becker; Mrs. H. P. Bamberger; Mrs.

Joseph Lazarus; Mrs. W. H. Rosenthal; Mrs. H.

M. Rubio; Mrs L. F. Bowman; Mrs. M.

H. Marks; Mrs. Louis Wolf; Mrs. Percy Shields; Mrs. Isaac Levi; 801 Gwynne Mrs.

Viscotch; Mrs. Wm. Hilb; Mra. Herbert Hoffheimer; M. Scholtz; Mrs.

Friedlander; Mrs. Kruse; Mrs. Oscar Goldsmith; Council of Jewish Juniors; Mrs. V. Trounstine.

The Sewing Society received $5 from Miss Agatha Klein In memory of 100 ther; one piece of outing dannel from Mrs. Sophia Karlaruher; one piece of flannel from Mra. Isidore Mendel. The Foster Home received $5 from Golden Rod Chapter No. 55 E.

$5 from Mr. Leon Meiss; $2.50 from Janet Meiss: $2.50 from Millard Meiss: $10 from E. A. D. Wachman; N.

$10 Mr. H. A. Heister: $25 from Mrs. Beckman; $100.00 Mrs.

Bettie Plaut in memory husband; $5 from Billy and Elizabeth Strauss; $5 from Cosmopolitan Bank Sav. ings popcorn, ice cream and cake from Mrs. Jack and Mrs. Leon Goldsmith; candy from Mrs. E.

Lang; table linen, records, crochet supplies, from Mrs. Jos. Ransohoff; Thanksgiving treat from Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berman; barrel of apples from Mr.

Millard Mack; two beds, go-cari, books and toys trom Mrs. Michel Plaut; ice cream and cake from Mr. and Mrs. Fellheimer in memory mother's birthday; toys from Wise Center Club; 1ce creain and cake from Jacob M. in honor twenty-fifth anniversary; ice cream and cake from Mrs.

O. Berman in honor Arnold's birthday; toys from Whittier St. Sabbath-school; dresses rompers from Mr. Robert J. O'Brien; Ice cream and cake from Mrs.

A. Strashun in honor son's birthday: ice cream and cake from Walter Bacharach; cake from Mrs. Sol. Peyser in honor anniversary; toys and candy from Rotary Club; candy from Mammoth Shoe Ice cream and cake from Mrs. Mose Cohen; balls and pacifiers from Schaefer Rubber turkeys and candy from Mr.

Michel Mullen; toys from L. Rosin Sons; caps, scarfs, toys and candy from and Mrs. Wolf and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mendel; ice cream and cake from Mrs.

J. Kahn; candy from the Geo. Ast Candy New Year's treat from the grandchildren of Mrs. Caroline Sommers In honor of her 80th birthday; ice cream and cake from Mrs. Bernard Aram in memory brother.

The Convalescent Home recelved $5 from Miss Gertrude Bohn; $5 from Mrs. Laura M. Newburgh; Thankstreat from Mr. and Mrs. O.

Berman; barrel of apples from Mr. Millard Mack; fruit from Mrs. Gabr. Schwartz; children's nightgowns from Daughters of Israel; books and toys from Mrs. H.

Klein; cakes from Mre. M. E. Moch; oranges from Miss E. Guiterman; knitted stockings from Mre.

S. Sommers; books from Mrs. Abr. Freiberg; bath robes from Mr. Henry Meiss; oranges from Mrs.

Sam. Kahn; New Year's dinner and treat from grandchildren of Mrs. Caroline Sommers in honor of her 80th birthday; treat from Settlement Sunday School. The Kitchen Garden received patterns from Mrs. H.

S. Herzog; clothing from Mrs. I. Wyler, Mr. A.

Caspary, Mrs. B. Bettmann; plates from Mrs. J. Rothachild: china and glassware from Mrs.

Jos. Plaut; ice cream and candy Mrs. M. Cohen. CINCINNATI AROUSED.

Southern Ohlo WIll Raise $100,000 For War Sufferers Relief. In response to the cry for help from the millions of destitute and helpless Jews in the European war zones, Cincinnati Jewry has organized to do its share toward contributing to the proosed five million dollar fund. A campaign committee has just been formed for this purpose with head(Tel. Main 420). The following on are quarters at No, 208 Neave the officers: J.

Walter Frelberg, chairman; Morris F. Westhelmer, vice-chairman; Alfred M. Cohen. treasurer; R. W.

Mack, secretary and H. Gimberg, executive secretary. It 18 expected that Cincinnati and Southern Ohio will contribute not less than $100,000. The plans for the carrying out of the object of the organ-: ization are being formulated and will be made public at an early date. The amount asked for by the committee.

$100,000 too great ritory represented. Cities not larger or wealthier than Cincinnati and having even smaller Jewish communities have contributed as large an amount and there is every reason to believe that Cincinnati will not lag behind. JEWISH CONGRESS MEETING. The Jews of Boston who favor the formation of an American Jewish ('ongress, will hold a mass meeting on Sunday, January 16, in Kingsley Hall, New York City to be held under the auspices of the Jewish Congress Organization Connittee. It is alnounced that 8 number of United States Senators and Congressmen and other men prominent in public life will be among the speakers.

LORD BURNHAM DEAD. Lord Burnham, noted newspaper publisher, died in London, January 9. after a long illness. He was proprie. tor of The Dally Telegraph and the last of the old school of London newspaper owners.

Through his working years, from young manhood to an older age than most men remain in harness, he controlled the business affairs and the editorial policies of that paper. He made it one of the greatest properties among newspapers as as a great paper from the news standpoint. Born Edward Levy, on December 28, 1833, oldest of a Jewish family of elght children of J. M. Levy, he assumed in 1875 the surname of his uncle, Lionel Lawson, and was Edward Levy-Lawson.

On October 13, 1892, he was ated a Baronet, and on July 31, 1903, he was raised to the peerage as Baron Burnham. PUBLISHERS OF "MENACE" IN FEDERAL COURT. The Menace Publishing company of Aurora, and several of its officers were called into Federal court at Joplin, on January 11, for trial on charges of misusing the malls. Indictments were returned against the corporation and Wilbur Phelps, Bruce M. Phelps, Theodore C.

Walker and Marvin Brown, alleged to be Identifled with the corporation, in Joplin, on January 13, 1915. The indictinents charged violation of that section of the U. S. penal code prohibiting "the deposit, or causing to be deposited, for mailing or delivery, any obscene, lewd or filthy book, letter, writing, print other tion Indecent character." Six counts in' the indictments were leveled at Items alleged to bave been printed In The Menace, a weekly publication, distributed through the mall by The Menace Publishing company. The seventh count concerned certain passages in a book entitled "The Pope, Chief of White Slavers; High Priest of Intrigue," of which the defendents were charged with being the distributors.

The elght count charged sendIng information through the mails as to where the book might be obtained. "The Menace," 8 scurrilous antiCatholic publication, is what its name implies and should long ago have been suppressed. The Menace is almost as vile 88 Tom Watson's "Jetfersonian" and it is to be hoped that The Cincinnati.0. co. High Grade Merchandise at Popular Prices.

The Stroller's Note Book handy Card Table Cover is made of white Nerd! A weave," all made with tapes at the corners and stamped. ready to embroider. With the floss for working, only 85c. Buy one and then come on Wednesdays and let Miss Meyer show you how to work it. I 10 hat are a real showing blessing Washable the Kid Washable Gloves in Glove white is! for Now we $2.00, in tan for $1.50 and $2.00, and sand color $1.25.

Main This is the time of bottle year of for Witch Chapped Hazel and Hands. The dainty woman buys a Almond Cream for 50c and a bar of Witch Hazel Soap for 15c, and has nothing more to fear. rave you ever decided to take a trip suddenly and had to waste valuable time hunting for Toilet Articles? A bag of Crepe Seal, 16 inches long, lined with moire, has a case fitted with white ivory, The whole outfit for $10. ave you seen the Delineator for February, and the new Butterick Fashions They are full of the prettiest ideas. Don't think of starting your new dress until VOl see them.

Lawton Co. "Cincinnati's French Shop" ARE NOW OFFERING STILL FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN REMAINING WINTER APPAREL. Women's and Misses' Suits and Coats Of Cloth and Velvet -many Fur-trimmed $15, $25, $35 to $65 Regular Prices from $35 to $125 NEW ARRIVALS OF Correct Fashions for Southern Wear SPORTS SUITS, SPORTS COATS, TAILORED SUITS, BEACH SUITS and SPRING BLOUSES. 14 East Fourth Street Opposite Sinton Hotel Second Floor Store closes at 6 p. m.

Saturdays until further notice. January Clearing Sale Any day is a good day to attend our Clearing Sale, if you wish to save money. Our entire stock of Winter Goods is being sold at very low prices. Wednesday is a good day to attend this sale. Ze Mables are CINCINNATI'S GREATEST STORE STRAUSS' System Service OFFICE: SIXTH and VINE (Greenwood Building) CINCINNATI, OHIO MANNY STRAUSS the publishers will not be permitted to escape On 8 technicality 88 did the Georgia blackguard.

AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. Grand. -The legendary play of the sea, "Van Der Decken" Is being presented here, with David Warfield. Next week George Arliss, the distinguished actor will appear in a play by Edward Knoblauch, "Paganini." Seats today.

German night at the Grand Theatre House "Die Waise aus Lonwood" 8 drama in four acts, 88 8 beneft for Helene Koch and Charlotte Birch Pfelters, well and favorably known to the theatregoers. Tickets at box office and at Voss and Lakamps Drug store, Twelfth and Vine. College of of the subscription events will be a recital of classical and modern violin music by Johannes Miersch, assisted at the piano by Louis Victor Saar, which will take place at the Odeon on January 18. The first of the string quartet concerts will be given on February 8. Zoo belongs to the Cincinnati public, and is open every day in the year.

Scenery has lost nothing of its attractiveness animals are 88 interesting As ever, Clubhouse serves light lunches. DR. E. M. POOLE.

NEVER TOO LATE If you have neglected your troth in chiliho. al. don't wall until they are entirely dethen they must be extracted. Nellannual visita at office will assure You cayed; our perfect teeth. Come In for consultation tinand examination.

This will save you necessary expense and needless suffering Keep your mouth free from lurking disease safegerms, correct offenaire breath and that will guard against Infectious diseases And admission to the system through the Allings all Mutith. Our Porcelain Forcelaln teeth and bridge work will redefective teeth to useful teeth 13 at Blure your reasonuble price. A good set of teeth really matter of your own ch- doe. Dr. E.

M. Poole, Dentist to Pain." FIFTH AND CENTRAL AVENUE. is a BurressThe Israelite ful Naper FOUNDED 1954. SUBSCRIBE NOW. SAMPLE COPIES FREK..

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