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The Monroe Sentinel from Monroe, Wisconsin • Page 3

Monroe, Wisconsin
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TOWHAiro COUNTY. JLanc OBxp.cdltion. -r'The President, in E.epros8ifative, Cbnway, stated tliai appointed James Lane Brigadier General, with the understanding that he was to serve under that Gen. liane his willing- rTess to do s-; that he (the President) had and has the strongest desire to oblige Geri. and consequently Weftnecdsiy Moriilus, Schedule of Mail Boutes.

mOUTE NO. 11788, From Monroe Arrlre Mondays and Fridays, JP- Depart Tuesdays and Saturdays ia I S- ROBTENO. 117S1, From Monroe- Arrive Wednesdays 5 From Monroe to Arrive Thursdays m''- gODTjfNO. T3O4O, From Monroe to Darlington. Appointed a large Staff to JLrciTe Wednesdays and Saturdays, 4p.m.

Depart Tuesdays auil Fridays, a.m. -(rratirV'hlllK'that 6 "ne XOOTE Monroe Arrive Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday; 4 p.m. 1.1.-- Depart Monday, Wednesday 8 ROUTE NO. 1319O. From Monroe to Mineral Pt.

Arrive Tuesdays Thuradays.and Saturdays 4 Depart Mondays Wednesdays ftrid Fridays 6 a.m KOJTENO. 13192, From Monroe to Arrire Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays 6 p.m Depart 6 a.m ROGTE NO. I3OO2, From Monroe to daily Depart daily. Office hours, from 8. a.

m. to suit and June lit. 1861. have received from Byron J. Bullard Esq.

of Pinney's Artillery copy of The Diamond Point, a national a bird's eye view of tho leading events of the past year, together with gongs both original selected, neatly bound together. This. work does riot'inake any pretensions 4o superior literary merit. It was prepared amid the din and bustle of camp life, while the author was acquiring a knowledge of the discipline and duties that are to fit him for the storn; realities of war. But it is an expression of the spirit which -animates our brave men who forth to do battle in behalf of our glorious Union, and as such is worthy both of a perusal and of being preser- memento "of the times in which we live. at.tho Book Stores E. E. Bryant arrived in town on Saturday evening last, on a flying visit to his 'family, having re- eeived a furlough of fifteen days. He looks much better than when he went into the service and is in fine spirits in regard to the ultimate success of the military plan for subduing the re- er the instruction of Sergeant Spencer, Captain Flood's recruits begin to bave quite a Boldiorly appearance' The sergeant keeps them steadily at work. 1 Sergeant Silas Gardner loaves this place ce-morrow to join regiment at Frederick.

expected an to his liking, would be.sent,foward under him, lie expected it to done, by -amicable arrangement with G'en. Hunter, He never intended, and docs not now intend, that it shall be independent of Gen. Hunter, or in any way or dishonorable- to -him; a Genl Lane must receive his orders from Gen, Hunter; that tho President will within the range of'his orders 'and his sense of duty to the can give such orders' as' will t.o' Lane. Since the-directiori 'to Gen. Hunter by the.

Secretary of War to of tho expedition from Kansas southward, Gen. Lane's friends say that he. will decline fariher military service, and return to the Senate, it being supposed ho.can. tion. CONDITION OP IHE WISCONSIN semi-anual statement of Hon.

Win. H. Ramsey, bank comp troller, of the condition of the banks of this stats on the i a ary 6th, 18(32, shows 'the following summary Aggregate capital. 00 Circulation 1,419,42300 Deposits 2,325,300 62 304,478 63 Cash i 61,448 33 Public, securities 1,773 049 00 SIZE OF- THE huge morters to bo used on the rnorter boats now constructing for service on Mississippi weigh eighteen thousand pounds, and the sides are fifteen inches thick outside of the bore. The shells are thirteen inches in diameter, and weigh 290 pounds.

To TEST somtimes occur by the -As accidents explosion of II. Jackson, a colored man, will preach at the court house, on Lho of future punishment, on Tuesday evening the 18th itist. at 6i oclock. All a invited to attend. Our readers will please notice the announcement of Dr.

J. S. Adams Co. A great change taken place in the People's Drug Store, on the south side of the square. An unprofessional man has stepped out, and a jro-fcss'ionul man hiis come in.

The change is very evident. Ihe Doctor is a graduate of one of the uii-dical colleges in the and I. as had the experience of an extensive practice for years. He understands his business thoroughly. He is now making large" additions to the stock of Adams Co an.d.

pledges himself to keep everything found in 'a first class drug store. Prescriptions promptly and carefully filled, and all articl. sold warranted to be of ihe best quality, and at the lowest prices. Call and sec him. DEATH H.

M. BILLINGS. The Hon. H. M.

Billings was thrown from his sleigh last Friday, near his homo in Avoca, county, and instantly killed. The Milwaukee Sentinel says of him "This news will be received i profound regret throughout the state, scarcely a section of which wss not more or less acquainted with Mr. Billings. Among the oldest settlers has always been, in some manner, bo- fore the people in public life. -He has represented Iowa county frequently iu both branches of the legislature, and, as is not forgotten, at the last election, tho candidate of the democracy for lieutenant He was a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity, and also prominently and actively connected the agricultural society of the state and all enterprises of that nature.

"He had the esteem and eonfidence of his neighbors, and was deservedly popular wherever known. The unfortunate accident has thus brought his useful life to a sudden close will be jnstly regarded and mourned as a public calamity." QUBEN VICTORIA continues to exhibit great fortitude, though gossip aaid bsr grief in private was very severe. There is no talk of her insanity. It deserves to be mentioned that Captain Craven, of the U.S. gun-boat Tuscarora, on arriving at Southampton, expressed to the Captain of- 'her Majesty's ship Dauntless his profound regretat ihe death of the Prince Consort, and asked if there would-be any objection to his Bring a salute as a tribute to the memory of his Koyal Highness; 'The 'her '-Majesty that no guns should be fired in the vi- precluded'the 'acceptance oFJthe delicate but the good feeli-ng evinced -by -the gallant will none the less appre- kerosene, (ulthough many.

suppose- the article is non-explosive,) it may be well for everybody -to know how to test it. The following method is said to reliable: Turn some of. on a plate cold, and if it, cannot bo set on 5re, is no danger from it. MM; Great PAPER fc BOOK $0. 9 A LARGE STOCK OF Miscellaneous, 'Theological Law and Medical Books CONSTANTLY ON HAND yGEST: FOR McGUFFEYVSiNDERSlND THE OF SCHOOL and COLLEGE TEXT BOOKS.


OF ALL OOL OESV TTOM.KD NOTE. LETl'EIt. AXD LEGAL CAP PAPERS, WHITING INS STATIONERY OF EVERY, KIND f3.itoatfs~oti BLANK BOOKS For Coirnty Officers, together 'with Checks and Blanks con'stantly on hand, or furnished at short notice. A SUPERIOK STVLE SCHOOL A.T"V'EKY LOWRATKS. THE BEST FORM of ASSESSMENT ROLL THE STATE.

Great Reduction In price when orders are received by the first of January. Our stock of PAPiCR-HANGTNGS. CURTAINS AN5D CURTAIN-PAPKIiS IS COMPLETE. Motto Not to be Undersold IN THE A 0. DEARBORN, DR.

A CELEBRATED POSITIVELY CTRE Liver Dyspepsia, Jaundice, ercoiis Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, And all diseases arising from a Liver or Weakness of th. Stomach onBIgestive Organs. JLKD WILL POSITIVELY. Yellow Fever, Billious Fever, A 1'EVER A I.IST OF JtKOKS. Drawn 1o serre iu Hie terin of the Circjiit Court, of Green County, for A.

I I A JURORS. Monroe, L. B. Miller, W.m. Parr, A.

W. Potter, Henry Wiokwire York, Gabriel, Wtu. E. Juhnson Exeter, Alonzo Jordr.n Decatur, James T. Sherman, Samuel Howe Jefferson, E.

B. Hilliard, Win. Coldron, Geo. 0. Ball Sylvester, Linus Hare Washington, James Confer Albany, R.

A. Sadler, Jolin Brougliton -Adams, Wm. McGuire. TKTIT JUKOB3. Jit.

Pleasant, Aranthus Thomas Monroe, David J. Hodge, Henry Ealy, Ared White, S. A. Mackaea, Norman Churchill, B. F.

Hancock Jefferson, Jefferson Newman Washington, James Proctor, Daniel Hilton Sylvester, Geo. G. Cleinmer, Geo. West, Robert James, Jeremiah Lovelace 'B'lV'D'UCED Ihe extensive sale and universrv popularity of HonOnnd's German Bitters fparely vegetable), hosts of ignorant Quacks and unscrupulous adventurers have opened upon suffering humanity the floodgates of Nostrums in the s'nape of poor "Whiskey, vilely compounded with injurious drugs, and christened Tonics, Stomachics and Bitters. Beware of the innumerable array of dlcohnlic preparations in plethoric boitlsa and lig bellied keffx, under the modest appellation of Bitters, that instead or- curing only aggravate disease, and leave the disappointed sufferer in despair.

BITTERS have stood the test of a twelve years trinl in this country, and by procuring one of our Almanacs from the Agent you will find a few from ihe many thousands cf testimonials to its efficacy from a grateful people and eminent physicians' in every State in the Union. For Dyspepsia, USE HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, or Liver Complaint, USE HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, For Constipation, USE HOOKLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, For Nervous Debility, USE HOOFLAXD'S GERMAN BtTTEIlS, For Sick Headache, USE HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, For want of Appetite, USF, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN EITTERS, For Heartburn, USB HOOFLAND'S OKRMAN BITTER', For Piles, USE IIOOFLAXD'3 GERMAN BITTERS. Prepared by Dr. C. M.

JACKSON fnr Jones A F.vrns (his successors in business), at 631 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price 75 cents. Off. Decatur, John J. Putnam, John P.

BALSAMIC CORDIAL a tewart Thomas Stewart; New Qlarus, Hosley Sen'r; Clarno, Henry Peregoy; Spring Grove, Geo, Alexander; Cadiz, Solomon Singer York, K. S. Holland Albany, Andrew Johnson. Adams, ICnud Lee. Drawn, January loth, 1S62.

Attest, VT'M. W. WEIGHT. 40 2 Cleric. Carriage aad "Wagon A A JR-usstll st.

one door ensl of Headquarters ITIOlll-OC, "WILL POSITIVELY CtJHE Coughs, Colds, or Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, InQueiiza, Croup, PueumonK, Diptheria, and Incipient Consumption, ana hag performed the most astonishing cures ever of CONSUMPTION, As a Diiirrhoja Cordial It is uncqusiled. See testimonials in Almanac. Price 75 cents per bottle. Janies IflcLain, of -TTag- CarrlKges of every style ana Pattern, desires 'inform the public that he is fully equipped with everything necessary to make a Tip-top Article of Rolling Stock, Either plain or fancy in style, and In a manner Not to be Excelled. His work is all under his oivu personal supervision 'so that he can safely warrant his work to rep.

resented. In connection with his TPagon Shop, he has a well-conducted BLACKSMITH SHOP. of a very superior workman. Everything in the line of Blacksmithing will be well and speedily done, and in an unexceptionable mnn. 'REMEMBER THE LAGS, On east side of the square 13 BARREL STAVES, HEADING SHINGLES.

Is Iliat Ihe 'undersigned baa of against, Albert due the 1st day of note had two endorsements: otflfteen.doUirs, date'd: 1860, and the other of. dated Nov. -aSBl; Any person' 'finding irill confer a favor, by. re- BLAIN. 1 Jorjtu, FcKJ, J.

How Lost! How Restored I Just-Published, in a Sealed Price Six Cents. A LECTURE v.ON-THE. 'NATURE Treatment, and Radical Cure of 'Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marrlnge generally, Epilepsy and Pits Mea- atid Physical Incapacity, abuse; J. CCLVERWBLL, Ml Author of ihe The Trdrld reriownecl author, in his admirable Lecture, clearly proves from bis own" experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, dan: gerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or pointing out a mode of-cure a 1 once certain an'cl effectual; by which every "sufferer no matter.ivhat his condition may be, himself cheaply radically. This will prove a boon to.thousands thousands.

Seut-iiDiler'aealiln'aplain'' envelope, to any ad dresa, on the receipt of-six cents, or- tiro postage Dr.PHAS;J.C.KLINE, Bowery. New-TorkJPost B6x; "PiAL The n30st reliable, safe, and pleasant Cathartic Pill ever offered to the public. Compounded with great exactness, and for mechanical skill the manufacture and finish (being supar coated and beauti- ully timed) they excel all others. Price 25 cents L-r box. Prepared by C.

It. JACKSON for Jones Evans 'his successors in business), at 631 Arch street, Piiii. idelphia, to whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by all Druggists and dealers in Medicine jverywhere. Sold in Monroe by EILERT in Honticslln iy A.

Garland in Juda by Axtell A Shafer and D. Vitmer in Brodhead by Burnliam Bliah in Alba- ly by II. Medberry; in Dayton by S. W. South.

AT HOFFMAN Hardware 'North- West Comer of 'Public RLACKStniTHS AND WAGON 5IA- I can offer the largest and most complete stock of and Wagon Trimmings Everbrought to Monroe, and at such prices thatyor cannot afford to go to Janesyitle or Milwaukee tc purchase. In Stores I can defy competition, irith sush styles as-the Stewart, Go.od Harvest Tribune, and Koyal Oak. The Tribune has an Elevated Oven, and possesses many improvements over the common tlevatcd oven stove. Hoffman is the sole agent in tlita county for the aale of the Royal Oak, PARLOR STOVES, Of the most approved styles. A This is a very desirable article for economizing fuel.

My atock of Shelf ITardware and Mechanics' Tools Offers puperior induoements to Mechnn'ofi, and to portous wishloj to purchase cutlery. PLOWS, AND FAH5IERS' IMPLEMENTS, Of every description, cheaper than can be obtained elsewhere. With Galvanized Pipe for deep Trells, and a variety of styles and sizes for cisterns and other uses. Repairing 1 of all Kinds Done, by the most experienced workmen, atreducecE The Farmers and Mccftaincs Of this county r-ili make money by examining tlila stock before purchasing elsewhere. GEO.

W. HOFF1IAN. Monroe, Jan. 20, 1302. vll '33 PER YARD, FOR New York Store, FFERS for sale (for one month only)" ENGLISH CALICOES, cents per yard.

These Goods I bought before the last advance in Cotton Goods, which enables me to sell them 3 cents ne.t yard below the present market price. Calicoes nrs of bright, handsome patterns and are warranted fast colors. I have also on hand 50Pieces of Merrimac Prints- At cents per yard. The reason I offer these Goods so'far below' their present value ia, that they are all iffht Summer Patterns From last year. I have also on hand a AVI a shop a few rods southeast of the Square; Monroe, Co.TVis., announces that he aan furnish Flour Bur ret Stares, ISeadius antl SliliitrleK much cheaper than can be purchased elsewnere, and in quantities to suitthe purchaser.

Due regard as been had in putting up the machinery, to excel ence of manufacture as well as that he has confidencehis 'work Trill "meet with universal The cordially invited to Examine "W'orlc atid Prices place. 6tf llthtlS60. Remember the Hew Arrangement, I have purchased p.B. Miller, at the stock of fii ifftei" Than ever before offered'. THESE GOODS MtPST BE SOLD! order to make room a new stock.

Bonnet Ribbons frbra 12 cents and upirarrls, Plumes, Flowers at remarknble'low figures, from SO cents up 5 dollars. Chiloren's Caps, Dressesi tc; ThJ ladles pi this counly nre invited to" call'and examine for themselves. December llth, 1SCI. M. J.

MOKSE. Denims, Drillings, Shirting, Stripes, Heavy- Gotten Gassimeres, And all liinis of Cotton Goods; nil of which I will SEIJL Than can be bought in New York at this time. I would earnestly.advise tny customers to call-at my store and lay in. a supply of'Calicoes and-other Cotton Goods now, before they all go, as this.will certainly be the last chance of getting- thcm-agaia at any auch prices until iong after the war is "w4 GEOIIGE SOai.aiiBR.5i''- Yurt 2lorc, TTcst aide of 1'ublic SiiUare. DRESS Printed urines Casairaeres, Cob ergs, Ttambeaz Prints, TopUnfl, Keppa, 3)eBege, Ginghams, CLOTHa.

Caaaimeres, Caaler Beavers, Oloak Cloths, Black Fancy Doeskins Cashmerettes, Tweeda, Double and Ttrlsts, Kentucky Over Coats Dress Coats," Pants, Vesta, Shirta and DraVerai Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Collars, Glovea, Froclis, Overalls, DOMESTICS Sheeting, Shirting, J-J Checks, Stripes, Denims, ----Drilling, Jeans, Warp, Carpet, Chain, Flinoets all sorts, Crashes, Blankets, Table Covers, Grain sack's; etc. etc. DRAW GOODS T. SECOXB Mammoth Stock Winter Goods TREAIT Would TEspectfully annoilncts to the of thla county that they are now in receipt of their second Slatnmoth Stock of Winter Goods, constituting the largest and most complete wesf- of the Lakas, comprising Shoes, Tars Victory India Linen, Bishop Lawn, JackonettP, Cambrics, Brilliants, Dot Muslin, Dttnlty, hite Linen, Embroidery, ic. Csoekevy Sc PR6VISK3NS Si ami J'mntt We will-enumerate a part" of this extensive in.the which will be offcrsJ to the ior or Country Produce at prices tlat will defy competition.

We wish it foe" underjtood tliat our superior facilities for purchasing goods at manufacturers prices enable us to sell cheaper than can be bought elsewhere, and we no! be Undersold on 1 Anything. -i 1TIIOLESALE OR RETAIE, at Whilneifs Slock, East Side Public, gxuare Dec. 1st. Jlonroe, Wisconsin. WHITNEY TREAT; 31 BOOTS SHOES, Men'i ami Boji Thick, Boon, i i Bo ts, Boots.

Childrtn'r Shoes, Boots i Jenny Lind, Balmoral, Slippers, Rubbers Buffalo Overshoes CnOCKEKY A GLABWAnt. Setts Dining A-." sorted Ware. Kerosene 4 Oil Lampi janteriidj.TumbltirB, Pire- Ic. QROOERIES, PROVISIONS Molasseff, Ssrupi, gufjars, Coflees, Teas, Spied, Kaiilc Oil Vinegar, Kerogeue, Ac. HATS CAPS, Fur, Wool, Prince Albert; Piiuce of.Wales Senator, Hungarian, 'Scotch, Fur- Skallng, Plush Cam, SIIAWLS.

Brocha Cashmere, Stella, J.ictard, Kny State, Woolen, Ji NOTIONS. Ererything. dash Dru House In Eifcrts New Block, East side Public -Square FROM CELLAR TO'GARRET Drugs JiiecIicines Cheimcals, Paints OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, vx vx IS FACT s' mm MY MOTTO IS CASH -DOWN- K.EILEET, The Great Battle irliich has been Mnnrop during the past year, by the-dealera in cloths acci ready-made clothing, has been decided by the almost unirerjaljudgement of the people to bejn'fatorbf the firm of KEITLER ROSENBLATT orderto supply the In' created demand, they have re- cently purchased and are constantly receiving a heavy STOCK OF GOODS OP Most Kind FROM T1IE BEST IS THE BEAVER CLOTHS. CASSIMBRE CLOTH Stationery, OONSTAN1LY ON HAND AT YE WHO ARE IX WAHX OF CLOTHIJYG Buy Bfot! Until have t3en to New Clothing House! McKET'SNEW BLOCK. OPPOSITE AMEWCA.N HOUSB.

DQST 1 Forgst lheptace But-' all' of Made Clolhinir, CLOTHS. DRAWBXS, WRAPPERS, Ac. And anything In the line of Geutlemen'd yurnifhin; Goods, Oallandseeourstook of Goods And vrc Trill aell to ebcap tHe cheapest, Remember that we will uot MUFFLERS, ETC- AT Buckskin loves, and Mittensj The bert and cheapest stock eyer. the market, at WHOLESALE AN0 A A The best variety, latest Styles, and apest price alwuys.oh-liand to callat the new Clotliiug, Cap, and Store and see their There you.can getgooda as Cheap aoy place REMEMBER OCR MOTTO IS AS CHEAP AS R. S.

NORMAN; 40 yol 10 cli 24 II. am constantly receiving afresh supply of all kinds of school books used in all "the difforeut schools in tho couuty. ALSO SMOKING TOB.ACCO. CYvevmig November 1st, 1861. R.

D. VAUGHN. South side the Square, Monroe, Wis, OF EVERf DESCRIPTION, Clothing During the past year. we have made extensive additions to our Gents' A UNEQUAELED IN THE -COUNTY At'all seasons of th'c prednred to' furi' iah the ofHats'and'Caps. And in ihis Department wo will 'defy competitio REIXLER V' ilonroc, Oct.

1st. jSof. 123 TTiseea to inform his friends 'the i) ublic. that he has opened a Reathurant, on tha East side of the Square IX THE KOOMS FORMERLY pCUUl'lBj) BY tt'here OYSTERS, And Refreshments of every BEEK at 3 CENTS PER GLASS. CHOICE Can alwBys be.fouHd.

LcisSRilto. Monroe an iif acturcxs and Dealer ji n' ITIoiinmcnts, llcacl Stonct, Bureau aniSUild Tops, and Slati Of reasonable Jackson j. D'jtbsnEsV I A Lamp Depot. Tlie of the "War Times, -Kvury man to practice AND BRING ALL KINU5 QP liUSINES DO.VN THE 3ASH STANBARB Itrbrdclr to rooet this oondition of things Desire to alate to the' public! that, for they hye Do Away with the Credit System. In Addition to th.eir.WL-M'selectedttock..

Tliev are conuwntly rectivlny from, tiie East Which offer at such fts will' indijce customers to purctiuse of them for Our atqck 1 consist?" of. IcAssiirEREs- a 't if Monroe; 1SC1. HJ Occniist'aindTiarlitiof Itoik- ford Illli iirlll'treat'alrillMaii cs to being Physician and of the Hew College, with, an experience of "ten in tp; uenrly every CIIHU a- cure. l-fT" where ri.o~)jene|it.'is..rcceij;el no- charge, is mtfilc. -cquircd are -now oOtjteg ta state ot allow our fait an4 stock of new and Ountotk of looaas Irs Large WHICH WE AEE EICHTISO Frequent Addiomi, And fer styles a Unsurpassed In'Oiis We wewoold partlcuUr to.

SHAWLS of Tblch In: Uie. and prieeijower Uie OOR' i CjLOTHS onabt, CLOAKINGS, SILK 3fIJC of all qualllliu, for and whibltwe are telling." Terr alia white, yellow awd A OCR- i DOMESTICS! Heayy, medljun and brown blcicned SHEE.TIXGS STEIPES TICKINGS BATTINGS SACKS Ac, GOODSUPPHT eO. before the in which give our the VESTS, HQODS, NUBIAS, HOSIER GLOVES. Furnishing Goods Y.9JYKEE ia great variety, cheajv ou STOCK or iSfe Shoes is complete, and was purchased mt. Panic which we but smalt 'Qdvnce.

A Good asortment of always on hand nt.Tery loir OCR PTOCE OF full Advftnce from cost. We quality' pf MM burning fluiii. respectfully to call anrl ou goods and nd we will TTOODWORTirt' PAEUS, McJCey's Block Jotit-veU comer of gquiu. Chicago TTuibii A 9:30 a. m.

and m. for Chic go ftid mediate 'places. at Jan.e*vill* 10:15 a. in. and 6 p.

ti train connects with the New York ton expreM train, each tiny, xnd'all eastand South. Also connectiajj at trains west for, Rockford, Freeport, llngton. Mineral Point, Galena and Dunleith, and At the Junction of II and G. Dixon, Fulton, Central Iowa, and. all 7ol0ts on piilr cngo, Fulton of Galena and Union Railroad, and at Jancsvllle for Prairie du Chltn, and all points on the and Mississippi H.

coiinecUotu at the Junction of C. B. and Burling ton, Qumcy, JIhnnibal and St. Joscnh. TJpktti lie procured office of ibis coupaby at yille.

pPTAH trains daily, E. B.TALCOTT, Gen. M. Wheeler, Gon'! PagVr Dcc.I7,I8Gl. Saddle and Harnesa a lie to.

an examination of the work now om for aale at thlf estabUtfhtnent, confuting, of 'Of diOcrent styiei, made an mperlor Uexlcu. Spanish, English, njid trtu patterns an other eilsbliahinent in the county. in re tr gy, Sulty, Cart and Plow Barneia, all mfedefroK by experienced Bridles; CoUara, lHartingals, Girths, 3.irci»H«« and IInllcraj, Carrj: in M.ane^j., Cards, alto. all grartoa pricn. reduced and va'r do3e at 'rranttid togire'-ptrreclsatUfaction.

A supply'of Hardware on' hai which p.t prlcei. All orders will have prompt and carcfvl tentio'n, i Public Sqwa: Wiscpnain. 5 1 The Is admitted lij'all competenl judjies" to be It nntlsnperiorito For sale IT 1. H. HUNT, al the Mapwe B.iJOUNSPN,.

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