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Delaware County Daily Times from Chester, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Chester, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CHESTJ5H TIMKS, CJIKSTKfl, MONDAY, OCTOBER 1,1923 TWO Convention. He was welcomed by n. iarfje deleeatloji of New York ere and 'I h1 ore i HOOVER A LP I ABET By MABEL MARTIN The Very "GYPSY" TO CONDUCT SPECIAL SERVICE GOV. SMITH REACHES N. Y.

CONVENTION CULTURAL COURSE TO OPEN AT CROZER In Tntirn 1 of lb" A. cu.sLielin Old Court jlouiiU oil Mat Jo WATCH near 1 1 fill, today re pi i rim I ill J.U1I jl MACKEY'S 618 620 EDCiMONT AVE, 20c TODAY'S REVIEW OF STOCK MARKET the Prices Included in New York Buying at Opening: 'ii i in Is 'j ner Wnll' I. CRYSTALS rifmm'Z' wm. jn.vJulofjib.nt iti Use In A course 111 'i 1 ri 1 Tretidn in 'amilv Life," to In; at ti Crosier TIu oIukI' a 1 Homliiury iinrtr th" direction of ih" Jtov, Jr. StewarL Oil'1.

rof I'KHijr of P.oll tiouH I'il nr ii Urjii ill the will be nOCHKKTKR, N. Oct. 1 tf.X.S) His western campaign lie liintl him und bis east ahead, iov crnor came back Into homo territory today. Governor Smith arrived in Rochester to attend the Democratic Stale Kxccpi fancy sliapes SAM SANDERS, Jeweler CROZER BUILDING Tho Chester Times Classifietl AIa aro Biilesmen, visiting thousands of Homos dally try ihem. Adv.

parl'H and public properly, tl. il during mouth of jilomber lii'Mt hud hiiii uf viMtorn I ho Hi ij I orb: li'iml me Cilice mill ry 1 lo llio piciKNt ibiTi; wcti; iSCO hi; ned tin: MANY ACCIDENT VICTIMS IN HOSPITAL jopene'l to tin; public tornor iruiv ii lu hi. All rltlKr iM of i he clly are roidlnlly Invited li Join thin in dlKCMBhliiH lb! on iKlniidlril heme which has cauyed and li. Mtlll c.nivliu; ureal concern lo many lil 1 111 Ihelr dally or life. Such ob eiirt as "Trriililiniml ll'atreriiH of family Life in Amer oi i.

'dKKi William J. Ji; "Ni'W iJepnrliu'cM In lliin fat llovri due 1" ftadlrnl Miiuu'ck In Mo 'M HnHt 1 1 1 1 i I sircid, treated at the 1 1 nn pi ml AMERICA Hoover Mode the World Grateful "The I'f yclioloi'y nf Group Conduct In the "Pnr'rU Clilli arid Hume Conim "in Prnb SEW YORK, Oct. 1 (U.p.) Blocks opened sharply higher in many instances today mid a large number advanced in early trading. General Motors opened at up dropped to and then rallied to 217 'Si In the first ten minutes trading. Oilier ii Sell priced shares were in demand and trading went ahead nt nn active pace.

United Stales Steel was In demand, rising to 1 fiOVi up while Coty made a new high nt 2ClMt up 2. Kudio rase 2 to A. M. peers, 5H to 140 ii Montgomery Ward C'A to 564 hi and Union Carbide 3 points In 191 Yi. Lhivlson Chemical Kpuried 2 points to tZ and apei'Iil Issues were st rn iig.

Chrysler soared to 122 up i'i contiislou of Hie tJilcli, wl lainr.d In a Iroiley mr acfideju. Ruben I (annjoml. years old Ill's iJUprmt Mfi 'l, 'l I m1' f.irii ut the i an letriH ii) fvv "The Hlj; Clly and RimiII AbriormnlitlcK In Family lieha vlor" "Comjuuibiimte la i ami a inullll mle of othnr li'li! nffef tliii tin: fiome will be disc tiK.ii'i!. Tim liuokH of the Hemln iiry lllnary will be at the nf those riKlstei bu' for Ibis rourim. There will no inaib: ff.r ldrn1.

Jiir ti nt' in lb" 1 1 "II I ward of tli'i liosjiltal and ailinilteil. Robe i McGlniey, 'M yarn to Her In ehootiiriif a. President wo could find nu other American who utar.ds ho high In the osleem of humanity, or who Is 1)1 a bettor position to work for International will ami world peace than Herbert Huov; Wherevtr he hua gone on hlw errands of mercy, he ban earned the jjratlindo of inlllionii of people, ami that gratitude ban redounded to the Klory of lilx natlvo land. dilution that Hoover wived are grnwlny Inn manhood and woman hood wiih the was lri'iili 1 f'ji' lnulsi. 1 he I hi Kb, which he In ruitoiuobllc si rnji iS l'bJUIp Mchnaft.

years old, MliblfciiiWii Ih hli, I i i i ved a id lyrdmn;" niKlit lelll ho obderved evi aln ill ihe Providence Ave iijillsi KplKropal Church, Gypsy" hmlth. tiie well known natl'jjuil evaiiat llht, tvlll conduct second of a. series of fourteen era lion of Hie HCnlp v. hen the nuio Sfl wliicli In: rblliu: Jlnoic! In a it Jic ivaii treated jit liie hospiial, 'I'hninaH Kmnley, yenrs old, of loUlun. Ihe Mile, fnifiiae of ihn clans bcliiw to make III" rfiin nrces nf tin) ii'inliiaiy more iisO'Tnl lo ilm eimi rniinity seeniiiK In til" ii inlnary heller serve tile tilleilii of Chester and vicinity, roosevelt medals II la be held here.

I he rncei I VI Sat will be in chaj'L'n of tho Lddvstono points and a nesv high record and other motor shares Joined the rise. Pal! shares were iti better demand. Chicago Rock Island and Pacific made a new klsh at 129 Vi up HI, while Union Pacific won it 1" at 0334 and Atchison gained IVt to 194 On the advance, traders were 'iulek to take; profits, being worried liy the condition of tho credit situation an heavy withdrawals were cpect Jd for end of the nimrter dividend uml interest payments running around a halt billion dollars. NEW YORK PRODUCE memory of the debt they owe to noi country and to Hoover. The con sclotiisneftH of this obligation will keep them friendly to America.

will do much to avert war when In tct'iiatlonnl mlHumlenilnndlnKH urly Hoover has been an ambassador of good will. (To be Continued) West Second street, suhlaiimil i ri let urn of the aIcuII when be I rip pod fcJI down a II Ik hi. nf ntrilis at his home, Jb tvas rented 1u the ihfellhi. I'ljilscoiuH Church with tile Rev. L.

Kbalkop, p.iKtor of the church, presiding. At tlie i'laut ural Bervlce laat nlj ht a I'diiKrefiatlon of aboul four hundred person llKiened to tho "evangelist I outfits igj dent Wird and ndmlLteil. Oct. lCharles Rv f. Rli.ekv.

ell, 19 years old, of foriiK'i secretai'v of jji street, was Irean nt Use Al. Oiniuiuin, noleil i.iiKi.ltiil for hi ah wounds oJ' llio lack NIIW YORK mis Haulier, Kin I e. I 'rn ii fii version, ciurlnK which unci! ihe Illustration of his own in iUnihit: i and Colunel Charles A which be unstained in Jl jht. (Niiirle.K Lloyd, II years old, of Third and Kdwaril Mt reefs, received will receive I ho Roosevelt rncilals for dlsl Iniiulshed Hervlce this life lo prove that Is an act nn I reality, and not Homcihitif; superficial. An excellent program of music was rendered by an augmented FOR LOCAL Y.M.CA.

1L I rciiimefi foi by tho yeitr. It wan Ufjii iif loony Jiiiiics II. Garftehl. president wmirid of ihe is Inflicted hy a shoulder knife choir el Hi ii'ty two voices under the direction of Professor Uoor je, X), Waj fel. 'raucis 111 2 flrunk Ciiek ran, years old, of si reel, sustained a arm, when lie tripped anil Continued From Pago One Max Lou eiiplaln, AVIllIam Calto, neue laeeunKs will he held every evenliit with the exception of Sat lell.

Lewis Wet 1 1 I'. Ambrosluo, Ceorce Oetty, John I1. Crawford; Team 4, years old, of 125 day uml Hunduy evenlnj s. Kacb evenhlK has been set aside for a deli NEW YORK, Oct. 1 U.1 .) Flo a duH and unchanged: pork steady; mess 33GO; lard firm: middle west ppot 1 2751285.

Siik.ii raw quliit; centrifugal 96 test held duly paid SQO: refined quiet. Krnnulaled filO, Coffee Kio No. 7 on spot 1 7 ife Santos No. 4, 234124. Tallow tuiet: stieclal to extra Hay i ulct; No.

1 ISO; No. 3 TuUS; Clover 90 '(j 1 SO. Drensed poultry iulct; tUrkej chickenfj 2S(L''47; fowls Live poultry firm; geese 12f20; duckit 15Jf30; fowls 28ST36; turkeys 15; chickens 2B37. Cheese tpjlei: stale whole milk, fancy to specials 27(28. yen tie, Philadelphia, susliiliied severe liiceratlon of tin nlle dcimuilriatlOn and church, but tho public la invlicil to attend all the llodnjvell Afeiiiorhil AfiMiclat hii.

The mcrialri will he besl owed by Mr. Curflehl no Ocloliei 27, the iiimlvei' wicy oT 'resident Roosevelt's bli'lli, at il lit his e. Hookc velt House, 2N Kast Twf lillolll street. Mr. Hughes lecelvrs Ills award in recOKnl I Ion nf dlstlnf ulhlied service In tho iKtiiiliii.Hlrai i public o(lk: and In (lie ill vehipmerU of piihlln and liilernriilimal law.

'I'he aivnrd Is inade tii Dr. Gliapnui for I ho promotion or the iLinly of lil.slnry, and the medal is iveu to Colonel Llud ln tor the leailershlp of youth anil the development of American character," Isaac A. lllortb, captain; Mallhew Itaikln, Rev. Clnrence Kulp, lr. lJavld C.

Turktncton, ThoinhH Ii. Nash. Team D. Itev. Henry Alflie, linger when lie met with an accident at his place of nip laymen nieelliiiis of this city wide program of evnumdlMm.

Ccon, liest, 27 years old, of Frlce captain. Victor MaeVelKb, tldward J. avenue, I lenolden, was treated for Scbrelber, raaeal, I cam "red LoriK, captnln; Leo MuGovcrn, iicecmhui of the eyelid, which ho re WILMINGTON'S AIRPORT TO BE DEDICATED OCT. ceived when be was struck by an object nu his work. James A.

Watson, Koberl libcit. John Crist: Team 7. Nelson Clreen, 1 ci i sett ll tel iccii Ms Tl PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE captain, Itay Hetts, James lii'own, Harry Mel'herson, Georf Miss Bessie ModlL 2ft years old. nf 7 West Third hi reel, nis treated nt WILMINGTON, Oct. 2 A Tciim John Wilson, captain, I'Viink spectacular program of air events ialHHBHni I tic; Chester Hospital for a laccratiuii nf Ihe Kcnlp, which fthe sustained in an uulomoblln accident.

has been nmingcil Cor the Air Meet STATE ADOPTS BLUE FOR 1929 AUTO TAG which will formally open Wilmlng ton Airport, Rellnnca Field next Saturday, October (Ith. Siaus, John Gorbaui, George Wood, Wlillam TJempsny; Division "li," Albert Kelcner, chairman; Team 3, Michael J. Docberty, cimtain; Wll 11am J. Poulson, Geoiiro W. Galntncf, Aubrey Deiiardlo, CleoiKO Cromp ton.

Team 10. 11. Warner Grant, captain; Jacob Soifer. H. Worrllow, ilummcl FlHhburil, litsOri W.

Slioflleld; Team 11. Andrew Mnt: l.iichlaii, cnplaln. Nicholas J. ltohln son, Charles U. niitiinier, Fred lllic Albert Jkwls, years old, of 142 si Roland road, sustained a nevere laceration of the in nn anlomri hili) accident.

In was treated ut this hospital. 1 aHvard Boekeiiltnmp, 03 years old, of 2U0 Ninth slreet, I ripped and fi'll down a. llt ht nf slulrft at H1s horiii'. He stistnined Inceritlinn uf tile sen I it. He received lr eminent at tin.

Chester Hospital. Josei'li fieneelli, 11 years old, nt I'lddyslnue, whm treated" al the lins pllal rfir a. stub wmind of the arm. PHILADELPHIA Of rienrby fruils vetreiablcs wero lipht and prices ficnerally Apples, atendy; Ilomcu, il.asl.fiO per bushel; Grimes, Jl.Zli; Hnioke hDU3e, fl.2S01.BO. Potatoes, steady; Pennsylvania round whiles, per ltO pound sack on the car lot market; Mains cobblers, J1.50.

String beans. tl.60SrH.2S per basket, and lima beans, 1.00ti'n.OC. Pennsylvania mushrooms, OOcifp tl.SG per jiound basket. TomiUotn, 75c 1 75 per 'A. Grapes, Butter, thmer and unehnnf edr fresh creamery, D3 Hcore.

BOe; 92 score, lDc; Dl score, 70; BO aooro, Ecga. steady, necolpts, 3C0S caseH, In nutomoMIe llcenne pint i' as noimceil yesterday by the A li I oinfiblte Club of Philadelphia, show Unit Knlil mi nu i on blue liiiekKiouiul will lie adopted by Pennsylvania, while miiticrulK mi a dni'l; baclitti niiinl by New JerHey. dark bluu numi i als on nn old ff'dcl lniett rnund by Delaware, white numerals nil a dork jreen brickiji'uiind by Mnry ml ami black numeral mi a. yellow back hi numl hy New York. The Held will be dedicated formally wllh ii ppropiiato exercises at 2.1 5.

it Is expected that William P. Mac Cracki'n, Assislant Secretary of Commerce for Aeronautics will make the principal address. Addresses will also bu made hy Mayor W. K. Kur res i and Governor Robert P.

Robinson. Immediately following tho dedication exercises, one of tho most spec lac ulnr events osj tho program, parachute Jumping tn a murk will take place, fallowed by a 40 mllc race for commercial planes of SDO cubic inch displacement nr less. F. ulaae. Team 12, Kdwarrt L.

Koch, captain; Joseph O. Schleicher, Raymond W. Palmer, Jcrvls Robert J. Rurlcy, Team 13, Jos oph II. CovlnRlon, cnplnln; Tbonins McCay, Vernon I'ulcber, Alexaiidci 'etorson, Joseph Jeffurls; Team I Goorfje V.

Smith, captain; Kmllo 11. Mubcr, Albert 11. Knabb, William Kbropshb'L', Oliver E. ltobtnson, FOUR PRINCIPAL BANDITS STEAL SAFE DETOURS IN COUNTY WITH $5000 IN CASH WRIGHT IS VICTOR IN Team lit, Ejtiinley Scotl. captain, Irving Kif.patrlck, lirnest Dempster.

STATE FIREMEN OPEN SESSION AT UNI0NT0WN The li ew Pennsylvania. slnLo IukIi wny system detoin bulletin, issued SMITHSONIAN ROW bi weekly hy tho Pemi sylvan la De Chester W'hlrlow, Harry Scott; Tenm 1G, Barclay Fltzslmmons. caiitaln; Hurry Jloff, iIIhk I'ollomaky, Thoinitu Webster, bury ArmltiiKc; publicity committee, Jflverell IC. Wllllmusnii, chlilrman; Jacob fjolfer, Harold nimobauj'h; Htimls committee, Joseph Jefferls, cbairiiiaii Course W. Caintner; aoity: luader.

Hummel Fish NKW VOUK. Oct. U.N.S.) Three hand Its today invndeit the Level Club Hotel, Masonic ornmil zallim. nl. West Kevriny thlrd street ami Rlver ildc drive, held op the m.m iif'er and escaped In nn niiluinidille wllh a 1 ltd ii.n rut sufe eoni.

iii)liu; iiOOjl In cash ami Jewelry tu the lintel's wuesls. pur tin cut of 1 1 li bway.s in I nvrlBlwrf; polnls out bni 1 hero are four detours of principal tliinotiglifarcs in llilx mint; is detour beiween Letm! mul Mnvons Hook. 0. a miles in length, 1 II I I I III I II I I I HI UNIONTOWN, Oct. 1 (U.P.I Hundreds of delegates arrived here Unlay for the opening of tho annual stale convention 6 firemen.

tlnirlsluirg firemen were the first to arrive wllh those from Coiitosvilio, Norrlslown and New Brighton fol over liniuoeeo run (is In coon condl WASHINGTON, Oct. 1 The Snilthsoninn Instltulion has changed the label on Uia IjiinRley Aerodromo and flEnin invited Orvilto Wrlf ht to deposit: tho original Ivltty Ilawlc airplane In Institution museum. Charles G.1 Alibolt, secrelury of the institution, issued a. statement leviewlnc; the long controversy between the Wriphts and the Institution' over the labels on tho LanK'ny piano and said that as "frestmo of ANOTHER TUNNEY RUMOR Uon. Another dntnttr Is between Swiirlhriioie and Chesler, (hiee mlirs BROCK AND SCHLEE IN in length, over maeadiim reads.

Tills detmsr Is via Palmers Corners and nwlng closely, Nnrristowii bus opened a vigorous Irive tn secure the 1D2D convention. The convention will end Thursday. NEW ENDURANCE FLIGHT AUSTRALIAN STRIKE RIOT Pleasant Hill. Chesle mul Ale din llir' re is a La iiiIU dVtnur over lliarndnm roads mid between Lima a nil Lc I a isilU detotir n'. er iniicadnrti rends.

A I I jl? 4, Oct. 1 Wed din; fumiii etitrrhuf tiboul Oene Tunney, former henvywelglit champion, were reinforced by another thi afternoon when It was reported (hat he might bu married on board the Italian liner Satunila tu Minn Joseph liio Lauder. Miss Lauder, her mother am! a parly of friends are due to arrive hero tomorrow on the Italian ship. LONDON'. Oct.

1 (I.N.S.) Rioting SAN DH3GO. Oct. 1 (U.P.) Kdwnrd Schtco and W'llllam Uruck. I. volte out tndav in tho Australian altemptluK to set il new world's sus ibul: strike when 3,000 strikers at Hi) ia .1 PITTSBURGH CLEARING HOUSE talnuil flight record still were circling tacked Ha; volunteer wnrkcrs stud tin KMelinmre.

Telegraph dispatch froth PITTSBURGH, Oct. I (l.N.M.l over extreme bouthern Cttlllornla lu ho hnd rtlroctcd tho label "be so modified as to tell nothlnfr but tho facts without additions of opinion as to the accomplishments of Lansley." The label now reads: "Larjffley Aerodrome. Tho ordinal Samuel Pierpont Ijanffloy flyins maehine Of 1QD3, restored. Deposited hy the Smithsonian Institution." The label to which tho WrinlilF objected said: "Lanpley flying machine. The original ijmKlcy ltylnK machine of llll Ii I f'l 'i'f 1 1 Pi 1 nl Fi 11 i'i Melbourne.

The police, with drawn day, more than AS hours after taking off from Rockwell Field. iliiiis. allocked ilus rloterH Clearing House slatcnieut Imlay; I'isehanBes. I balanees, tUt.S7. FOUR PRISONERS ESCAPE III scenes ensued.

Their Iletlnnon plane apparonlly was functioning perfectly. In view of ideal wvalbcr condition the pair WAVNLSRURO, Ocl. 1 (IJ.l'.) Four prisoners usrupcil from seemed to have a. fnvunible, chance iui fireeno Cntinly Jnil here during tho nlbt. iitllc.ials reported totHAV.

a nuw record. The present mark of fii hourn and 2r mlnules Is held by German iivin 1903, restored. In the opinion of I'liDMi who escnpril were; Harry many competent to Jutlpe, thlH ma Swaney, 11, nun John l.eimim, .1 1 botli nf Point Marlon, who ar few vvT cltH no charged vllh utenUiUT vh'O at the Alien, nilties torn and to bruak this Hcblee and flrock must remain in tho nlr hours and 2fi mlnules. They passed D7 hoiir mark at 10. i3 a.

m. and will eslnbllsh a new reroid If Ihey fly until 1.11 u. m. Tuesday. near I re shoL'i, Pa.

chine was tho first heavier nlr cmft in tho history or tho world capable of sustained freo llltcht under itB own power, carryln a man." Orvllle WrlRht, whose objection to the label was so positive that lie sent the orlnlmii Kitty Hawk ma POLISH DRINKS CLEANING old, old, years H2 PUBLISHER TO WED TEACHER i chine to tho British museum, main 1 talned the Langley piano was not I A marriage license was issued clnl Griago. I'll Tli In I nu ec t. Ink' polish ill mil ye. dcialay. llpil by members took Weber to ilvii tik some elenn ilake fur medicine lieaduUarter.

i uetl the i fin oily, Chester nn.ijiltal. tirday to Jnmcs 1'. Alliens, Mali College, a publisher, und Nellie flown until 19H and tSien only alter alterctlona were made. Schroeder, f7, Uarllngton, Uelnwaie CHESTER HOSPITAL BULLETIN County, a icacher. Tho ceremony where tho stomach pump was used effectively.

Weber was later discharged anil returned to bin bouse. EX POLICE MAN SENTENCED xvln bo rt ad bv the Uv. G. fireli tol. The liride to bo wna married once before, having obtained divorce In thu Common Pleas Court of Cumberland County in 1007 on the grounds of cruelty.

Tha following persons were admitted to the Chester Hospital over tho week end: Howard Young. 707 Jeffrey street; Itlchard Hill, 102 Hast Twelfth street; Samuel Nalentlne, Glen Riddle; 1 Renaldl. Media; Mrs. Lydia Krnest, 1101 tYhlto street; Thomas Smaley. 123.1 West Second street; Robert Hammond, CIS duPont ntreet; Miss Minnie Evans, Waterville; Mrs, Mary NORRIS'l'OWN, Oct.

1 lU. Two and a half years in jail and fino of J.l.tlOi) was tho penally imposed on John L. lluyner, Plsllndel Phla policeman, who pleaded guilty ACT ON LAW "ABUSES" After nn Investigation over Pf Its, lioiior lu bis l.un;;alow nt lod of six months, the commitlre Cow.ill, 112S Morton avenue; Miss Cora. Price. 5:3 Murray street: Max Btromburg, Crum Jjynne; Edward illftistile when he was ofi duly.

MAY BREAK A KINGDOM Croatia, Jugoslavia. Ocl. 1 I.N.S.) The CroaUaii Co nereis, eonslsllug of ilolcKiili'K from 1 l. hi as well as Cicalla, today a rescliillon to make Ci'ivitian finances separ.t'0 from Ibosc of the mother country. censors of the law association uf Philadelphia today urged lawyers' runners and "ambulnnoe chasers" be abolished through legislation.

The aim of the committee Is to wipe out the abuses by the adoption of a court rule which would prohibit lawyers paying runners who bring them accident cases. Bockenkamp, 220 East Ninth slreet; Jlrs, G1lda McCracken, 914 McDowell avenue; Miss Emnllnc Clayton, Erandywlne Summit; Mrs. Enel Ccr nos. Marcus Hook. The following persons were dis charged: Mrs.

Sarah Murray, 1125 COOLIDGE VICTIM RECOVERS Thomas street; Mrs. Margaret Mnrl THIS LIBERAL OFFER WON'T LAST LONG ticn. Media; Miss Sarah Long. S13 Central avenue; Pasqunle Taiarelil 306 Concord avenue; John Kreps. 3H NEW 11AVKN, Oct.

1 U.P.I Wilfred Venn, former professional hockey player, who wns seriously injured when his automobile was si ruck by a cur driven by John Coolidge, was reported definitely out of danger West Second street; alley Trice, GIL Green street; Miss Victoria Bornvl, 305 Hayes street; Miss Eunice Trice, Gil Green street; Miss Norma Holt, 2022 West Second street; Miss Lena Cicconi, Marcus Hook; Chcrence Tli 21 West Fifth street. CHEMICAL OFFICIAL KILLED rLAilKSHLRG. W. Oct. 1 (U.P.) 1 1 1 i iicled hy a heavy fiig, Perry It Fortja y.

an ofiklal of the Gta" elli Cln mlca! Company's plant, uas killed Lyon, near here, today when lie drove, his automobile the read. FLIES 300 MILES AN HOUR Oct. 1 (LLP.) hT.ghl Lira: cant Tl'Arcy Greig. of ihe ib Air Voice, made better than three blind red miles a hour today in a left tHvrV. in a (Hosier Napier staple in many steps il will save you.

Rnt after you have had it 'if) days, you will wonder how you were ever able to get along without it. Notice the smart finish gray enamel with contrasting; decoration. Imagine how colorvwill bvifrhten up and modernize your kitchen! And whv shouldn't your kitchen GAS KILLS DRUGGIST (let. 1 L'lM Funics from the e'haust of his automoblie are believed to have caused Ihe death of Paul H. Khiclier.

4 RAPS ARMORY BOND ISSUE pharmacist, whoso body was found in his garage yesi rday. WHAT IS AV "LIVING It Putting Your Will Into Effect Before You Die By placing your money and property in trust with this com pany, you can so arrange it that for the remainder of your life, the income on it will be paid to you, and, at your death, the principal will be divided in accordance with the instructions you give us in establishing the "Living Trust." Our officials will gladly give you full information on this subject. CAMBRIDGE TRUST COMPANY MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE Si'STEM CHESTER, PA. MARCUS HOOK, PA. HA.RTUSBURG.

Oct. 1 iVA1 Tho rcrmsylvania State Chamber of Commerce today was on record as favoring ratification of nil the pro rr 'i Now for only $1 down and $1 weekly, you can make your dinner table noted for its smartness and your kitchen not only moti i crn and efficient, but gay with color. Here is the biggest bargain we have ever been privileged to offer, and all because the enormous output of The Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet Company has made il possible for us to combine in one wonderful bargain i His Hoosier Outfits all for onlv 559.75. Come in and sec this beautiful Jade Green Fluted Glassware, and the wonderful goklen maize dinner set. Then examine the new improved Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet.

You will never know until yon have tried it. how much time and how posed bond issues lo be voted on at the general election In November, except one. The organization will oppose the loans for the erection of new armories. lie attractive as well r.s useful? People who conic into your home no longer stop in the living room. They wander ali over the house.

And when they conic out into your kitchen, you will be proud to have Ificm sec how attractive the Hoosier Cabinet has made this room. Don't delay 1 Come in now ami let us reserve a Hoosier in (he finish that will be most attractive in your kitchen. OBITUARY NOTICE! ATWATER KENT And RCA RADIOLA Now REDUCED Through a Saving of 2,50 in Tubes MRS. MARGARET D. BRYSON ass Phor For .1 Free Home Demonstration WE home JffSJSS.

VDUR5 Mrs. Marg iret Dawson Bryson, years old, wife of Edward E. Bryson, died yesterday morning at her homo at 27 West Hinckley avenue, Ridley Pa.rk. Mrs. Bryson had been a resident Ridley Park for twenty three yea.rB and wnu member ot the Methodist church.

She is survived by three sons and iwo daughters: Miss Jean Bryson, Mrr. Mary Gybrecht, Edward I.try con, Walter G. Bryson and Hor BCe Bryson, The Rev. W. G.

Cherry will conduct the funeral services from her late home on Wednesday afternoon at J.30 o'clock. Interment will be in Mount Pence ccmeter,.

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