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The Scranton Republican from Scranton, Pennsylvania • 5

Scranton, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FCnASTPN TVKFKT.V TmimiJOAN: 7EDnEHDAY XU 7 it IUc 1 jt4 tkat, pUlr.j of PtmIImI of tea ItalMd tiUU, yoe atrt 1 Uo Mt imu to Lorf Riwi, la a ftno blkjTloa Mnif7v' Sowell, Utu prt rciata4 o'tiMiii lo hn fia. 1 at tort fta Ua ftoolda ii kl too, aoAoatiibut tort towto u. VvhM- ofcf kto draiot AT dJpo4 of, Our feuvern odkaUto.Aa jtooutoW 11 i menVrom the firsH luilited that toSe i short cut vxmta for fie pstrn rrsftor ini deilght to th hoya 1 Judge Letorop and hi aephew, lwlghl N. lalhrop, ara a( Crtelry, Colorado, Tha annual meellsx at th Ifldependent Batnry go-clatloa will ta bald at Writ llunou on Monday, August 1 Tha members of Baucry raaidtag her J. kA A is lander, Juhfi Boorry, tutu Mar ahal aid lleqry Dakar.

wnh klo aoni'toaoy. Aw'g joa to ka a (Bllomaa.joa whl louaclihla otouaunl yabUe'y yoa atimd It Km poo fultj yooro. diir and County. i 7 i poallioa to the wladout facroaa the forte of home, tbe embrace of loved water." The truth la that United onea and tha fellowship of frieoda, to Stataa i aooomplUhlag all that Auto help perpatuata, tola glockmi Republic algned 14. aopompltiA by tha Arbtlra- of oura.

Jha otter-well LUtory baa Uoo. The 'claims jfor ccnwqaentlai him recorded a at United BtAtwBeAs tor 1q the fi4rk Lour of Lb country's perllf working eocf voting aafnal'nll maaaorea looking lowarda to alia vie-lion of tbe auHbriaga' And of toe 'aoldiera, whoa bravery be could opt appreciate aa noting iftlwl all appftpnationa or 4h benefit Pf the lov Once, toe father And moths. -U wiftkAnd those pf ygj oomredee, who with their last breath urged you pa to "Choooq ye whldiyott wQTaem." A latT clalma ahoold be apbrnitUid to toe Board ltoltryW England reai4-d, claiming that they'ahnuld not' be honor twuiad, to aubmlt to the declaion TB Mllkado of Japan' ha' laWf Of .0 aulduV 4' Urculairf -lb fahohood I Art. but vis a VL. nnK.

ruld 00 touched at, all. They ub AgwrUfmaai Vavtola Wato. trot. B. Ik WaJkr-Jlwau.

Ikkwi. DlMulttMt s. '1 K. Vwtk hi tea. lift af lew QtttNj.

A Marlow nwkrspi MUta r- mtUa tlrtiUe earrtod by tou ma to ohg wa ou haadTlo welcom hlm irTlkl wag of to Uil.tuggifra of atm aailufictim. Tha Doctor say Tigbai brokta arm tad aundry other brutaea will prwmt kl ondo uklag aaotom inch a Job for awvral waaka. But a wean vea-raaeea cn the dg Iturprla Party a4 fertaaAa, 7Oe of the must pleaaaat aorUI vest of to erase occurred kioaday (mli( at to raaldenc of Mr. 0. Lyndr, the occaatoo bring a birthday aanivvraary of th head of to house.

Thacumpaay eowprhsod circle of 'lb parHooal frkndaof Mr. Lynda, aid to dinaar party vu arranged by Mr. Lyaliaud E. JY Kinfubury u6-oaaafully, with opt the knowledge of the suryrieed host, who unexpectedly found' hie per kin filled upon hi return to tee. After enjoying, bouuti-fully aprtad board, a mott' tJ yable van tog wa 'apeat la social, lalar-coum, eultventd.

br th 'J iwctt melody of Hartnuas Bthrrr Coe-net bead. Tlia apecloui grouoda were illumtoatod alto score of China laatarqs, sad, a th tnatlc sad fastivIUe ware prolonged until a let hour toe teen vrs quit euchtnttog. Tha reunion waa on ol general pW aore, And Idcfr WITl thartictpabt fa-vert wito pleaaaat memorW th cordial good cheer and hearty welcome enjoyed. 4- gtren the British Cbaryd'V' 'Hyd fhrtc laorgvOiAgjtirsh: lemon to good maaaer which Mr to to WUao Glee Club. be hoped that Mlridoal Jnay nut to Ground waa broken Thuraday ti profit The TpreaTOtaUTlef John toe new aUk toanufeewry Bul wm to hare ba meired by tha Ground waa brokfB on Saturday Till! iruucxD, xrvirtr' Sr.

Ul CXXABXD, DXJTS FAIfl. laay. If to arbitrators should refuse lbhInUriat'0- Ito allow-our country compensation panfcieat, mi eloquent epeech Vito's I avenfor 6 irtct 'damage, our-' goyero-Gnat Republic meeting it Alum-j meat would yo appeal 'fnn 'drla, Vi lait week, give udi tour-1 decision. At lent It could make ao eating figures rdiative to the reduction auch Appeal tthout laklpiitiilfpn to taxetloo by tbi present admtolitra-1 to toe charge of aviolation of good tloa. toe act! of June JTQ imj I bi ueetk) la'tfeirl ln toe June 1873, be Mid, the interjulix 1 Lifdog tiearfjfratop; Lad.

lbetdcU' tioa hie been reduced 73.tKqjX)iicl ff Ciijiriiue annum. By the icU of July If, 1870, whether it be for or igainit toe ttoiJfed and Hay 1,1673, tbe custom duties Statea. Tbe efforts made by. toe oppo- bad been reduced at the rate of of President Grant, to prov tost 000,000 a jear. Tbeie two reduction I England baa won a gyeet- Tic lory, and make an aggregate of about 130,000, riwJJnlted Bute Suffered a humilitat- w' of the workmen, was aererely'' UJy.

Hie la- 1" 'J Vj prove fatal, aa ti seeui (j 1 YU, though la much pain. C.j c. workmen wu Ihroyn through -a krg Lxr atul over a Urge saw, a dUteaoe of twenty- -flea feet Tke boiler did not break in -plrtH, but separated, neat the eud, too small portlun flying high the air and striking to a potato patch qGti a diatino from lb mill Th large or malq porilon was torn from ha seat aad Jura In nay tiuuugh toe brick ci Unary elxy feat high, which fell with a (ml crash, li finally perUy hurled iiaelf la to creek bottom, mors than sixty rode from toe mill. Tk holleri war old and patched to edval plaoaa, which undoubtedly i cauied tha txploalon- 1 ff; Ftaaamt TaUay Aaaldaaa IfitJuMt In rvgud to the death of obi, A Urn, who wa hilled on th-, Floessnt Valiev breach of the L. V.

R. fUturdiy, wa held Jn lari. Wanna yeaterday be tore L. lirake, acting oorooer.i iv tha verdict i That th tvearreac kippeaad whem public road croeae tha aioreoaid rail- fmd, ad that at said crosalor there- -4 Wki no algn Or poster of any jfeecrlp- tlon and that tharo was no watchman-therw Mationod and toe said jwore- upon their oeUm dp aver that the said eroailag to in dangarotm ooadltkor and wm at the time of to occurrence- to CneaUan to a dangerous oondlikm, afid do regard it as groea aegllganra oo th part of tha aforesaid Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, and dr regard the aforesaid railroad company by toatr select th eaua of toe death of toe said John Aten. i ae Coztea.

This lfttl place, which sarors of Importance, ia tot lint aution on the F. L-N. V. IUL '0atripbeH't Lodge oo the north ah alien it from the chilly breath- Inga of ruda old Bpre, while a imal) nameleai mountain on the west ahuta -out fbejuallght early in the afteraoo. It situated at th northern extremity ot the valley, and occupies land mostly' pwned by thf jralToAd company, B- sides station and An engine house tom company hays, erected a fine, largo tijrptory.

bon issued by F. L- Farnhaar which rtands bn tbe turn- i hij defeat, la mere electlnoaering fun-tlaa, and amount to nothing. The Japanese government declared woe Wednesday afternoon, carrying that they had the right to decide such I live copperhead wake In bis Lana, question of etiquelk i for themselves, I -The following collieries will be and that their customs were aa much Me for about two mentha for general entitled to be reepected a those of the rcpmr Carbon P11T Oak Hill and ritiah.Cort While this Important I Bprtoft Brook. question pending, the Admiral I The Scranton Trtut Company an 1 onimswfliiif the Amerioan fleet ar-ltoga Bank paid it depoalton, on rived in Japan and was preeentod to I to let tost, 2100, for interest the the lUlkedo. He waa reotived stand-1 Pt montha.

i tog, th first time inch an honor hail An enthualMtlc GrMeyit trear-been paid to any foreign vliitor. ItuHC whit hat, wa seen carrying a trident America is sUU toe sioet falP0 baby arowfld hl arm last vored nation, and it is not to b-Wo-I wk to Commercial alley. 000 a year. Theaa reaults bare been amred at by faithfally 'vfarctog toe law, collecting tbe and paying it into tha Treaaury. total receipu cnooiD.thn..

Amalgamation, Otoctor fromapbjta, tobacco, fermented liquora a 1 1 i tn a-JjberaJ-Rrpubllcan-and other artlclea-tune ail told, for! Tammany-ticmocrmtlc ticket by. any toe three years eotng Marti ij, powlbUrty be ncceeaful. which, thank when General Gratt cam to-amounk educgtlon and common aena of to Fwr the three th people of the United not at yean of General (TraufiaAd min litre tios, ending Mgrch 1972, tta total that th diagmoeful cene exhibited to i Vitiate Doe Lava- Belorp Juk Hale, at Yaleet'il Thundiy, jh flog shooCn etdlauo' wa called into qgMtloa Chief of Pol Ice Milligan waa arjaigaad lor ibtmdnm 4irniuuJLxid dmeiomgf tog I Joob Killer, TaaporaH Jtvig-meot In fart of tlrt frocjtDrtpiLa amount oi agian, jLp, ajh peal for a forth hearing at uagt court was taken. 1 f-' i Pxc Xk. To pfc-tle t-; htrf the Bepttot Sunday School toalvl to EvangaUcal.

oupgregaUou Wer held fomtef on Eteri Alfa Island, tod tht Utley In gfuVn shaft 'j to 'Both war wall attended aad (ready enjoyed by the ptrilclpanhc 1 Tu Pxrmg Mtob Xb! mptitaitl of J. F. aad G. B. Romm).

Wve toe Lehigh Valley road th eanal, aad which baa b4n idle for tome time, 1 now being entirely Vefltled aa3 re paired hr th arw maagra Knoh aew and improved xuaqhiavy abelag placed in it. The old paper tfirtcblae, which wa but a thiriy-alx lack one, baa been wp laced by new on of ix ty -two Inch, thereby greatly ta-inoreaatog tha capacity of tha mill. Thh power of th engines hu been increased by the Addition of rii large cylinder bOlWri, which are plioed on toe north aid of tbs' mill, and; a large brick. chimney which- ta eonneottd to the fniuao of theag to now to, course of erection? Seeldfj the. ktot tjf pc per heretofore' produced, the proprietor intend to maa'ufactnr two additional qualities of flatr text ure." Tha mill will be in successful bperatiol in about three week.

i Noma Something of tMtiC, wbtreto' the Bridge company Freetoah, edrtdr of ih; Chmrijfor. fast driving dated at that English Jentonsy la dovply moved. V' Mrs. Green, widow1, of the Rev. Daniel Green, of had two cow and a yearling kOed" by the fall pf a tree to astern On toe 4th of July, "Roasted ooCe is on of the most Tha Brvwatog af Xiward BiawttC Wednaaday afternoon about 8 o'clock th dead body of Mr.

Edward Bkvitt, father of Mine InpotQr Etowitt, of tom city, era found ta the Lackawanna river where it bead around at Kay Auk Hewa'a man about seventy year of ag and employed at toe Oxford mine welghmaater. He ha been miaatog since The upporitinn is tost he waa croaator th bridge com diitanc abova tbe move and fell oil, and that the late min had twollfen the river tod floated the body dingn to where it waa found. It was not, at this point on Tuesday, as quite a number of bpyt had been )n bathing, and they state that it could not have beep there or they certainly haVe seen it. Tha body waafirit discovered by tome boy who were in bathing Wednesday Mb' 3i -a 1m ptite At the foot of the Ledge, and la receipt on thMd fame attics kmount-to whole world at the Inauguration of id to 339.000, Andrew Johnson will pt be repented more than thfiy TunoWd ti fdb tha I efoe toe lit of jmuaiy, 1874 Al-three precediirg yearn. y6u will though Horace Greeley la weak and see, he aald' while foolish old man, yet bo It sometimes reducing th abUc debfabont tubboni; ai.J ha ctolmO to 000,800 eecl eac, wa kav at the earn 1 'Kow he.

mnnot find tone tocreai the jmTfnu tpethe ex- hoA ppm him', tent of 000, bOOitn' ft vy Jew! Jtooe trajtorouA. tSlftAWgrnbmi article. TVSecrehy apoke kindly ffom to PJ. rreawhart eaabaguooe asyL. 10 AnHn of toeflr nnl of Mr.

GredejThjjt aald that JUo Anj 0nJJ toe elerWta thatf will be In tihTtoK which bu placed him Joinder hmry I 'j I allowed by toe election of a Democrat- MQTms obligations. Iawa thirefore reaion- the "7, ft Grace, raui State Senator, beaideajeopar-able to suppose that if ejected Lla Ad- defend ku Vfrot lost mtoietration would, to Bbme degree, at reulr:" taizBrown, whose induced to yote least, to accontonqe with with the Democrats, but otherwise not Democrat)! Wens and mentbaused alTthoBf Resent to blush L. jg. 1 i. for ahune at tha exhibition he made of Grant clubs are being organised to feoxr eLAiril W.

IcoSTELD.m' his lost manhood, would then be JKrea-1 every city, town and village throughout Judge dooflel4, and manyiio for Congrieman at Wge, is too well Jdulgettce in liquid fruit-in New York have voted for Andrew Jackson' all to need extended notice. He aTmoel ckuaisd a vacancy In. the ticket, I their liyea are joining 1 was born in Qbautauque couqtj. New would then be president, Jtis publicly March giradutpd we have tfeyer semi it Hamilton College to 1840, andremoyeS I that this matt together ''to Warren, Pennsylvania, where, he I with the man' who; Apptoves.of tt was admitted to the bar. to 184af In PAyaent of peheious to rebel oldiers, -into tn8 iftfil be wss a tbe I tekg toe suflrage4 'of thd people of tl fetiie Assembly, and'rom .1857 to 1859 1 CountrfTia a slave ofthe'onelcup" Ah attempt Gr6el4y.

mamAaeemoiy. anu om aoow 'one Andrew JohnoiUdrdUite Enough ratpcation at "Mured. A brakemAn on the trarnlb he waalappolntod, President Jqdgq 1 for a life time. A State convention of toe Republi-1 to save the boy. One 'horse was also the' head was fast Under, th soot pf Ao oldjetump.

It wu fpund necessary to prthia out before tbe body could be treated, so firmly was it wedge under, After, tbe Mump, waa removed will buried before on Mondiy, the Mtb, last. Bgh Coxutabla Sfclntyrejha been "poundtog th stray, pigs' and toga, ao that he now largo punfber on haqd which, hi will pflkr fc salt The of--tbJ7reabtirUh chufOh toe bodyjras' laid -on. tbe iie which poaiilop bank, niijl foritos entcilainment of pleasure trejiart a well aa for tbe Aocommoda-Uofiof -railway offldala jiThe'mort' irf)tntoihg feature is Ui frfpl.tlai, rallfoad '(totopasy wiU, tqohJay a track around the basin, tbus brlBhl the trtfins near, the hotel, Ahd mW i' pt Si'ning 'itatlon. They W-Vow digging stox noiu xoJempiy urn talaol (he stagnant water, 'A larger? nuipbfr of lots bav been la)d out nml' sevfrkl nefr hsidlngt ire about to' tree f-' A Morning kcpnbUcea. ijt, July 23.

Wiilyotr pleas' room to the folio wing in year coi-J for tb benefit of the people gen- l) who are.intefted in the subject Contained hut Joan Evaxa, Hyde Phil. Knowing that you have atudhd mi. vaullatton, von will, please tit-tldeathe writer if you will'u on furnace mil tlon. I. have heard parties deVok mi mi a questions in toe Hyde Plnloiopb-ical' Society, but I am me Hm wiser -wbtn it comes to the p' lnt ui flcu-late the velocity and qu.miry from a given difference of tom, wrmre In the -down-cast and I wish you would give a by which I can calculate tot vt-locrty na quatatlty that rushes up i'i.

nrwmk when toe temperature and of. -upcast is given. ov was bomlnl l10 killed and tbe other injured. born In I stidnee on. Wednesday, the 21st day of and a way-bill of coal of tbe.Oxford mile, dated March 25tb.

Tbe body wa then removed to the residence of hiedangbter, at the Sand Banks, with The Pennaylvinl Coal Company will soon sink a hew shaft add 'erect a tbe Eighteenth Judicl District pf tbe State, and in 1862 he was elected a PaKauinjiT Jciaxz'was Representative from Pennsylvania to 1 1800. HewAaof a pure Indian race, I August, toe lhirty.ighth Congress, being sub- a native of State ot Oajacs, and a Oberlin would go for Greeley, the sequentiy re-elected four.tknee ineuc-lmanof indomitable' fore of Will aalAt abolitionist," jbey said; and so It does. A canvass of tbe college tood Protecting Draught Animals. Tbe following is recommended as. ex-.

I whom be He must have been in large breaker on tlirir 1 tract, north of fbetwater since' Sunday, as deooinpoel- the pdlliid Cos breaker. They' wili andka4 already commenced. The face strike tbe vein upon which they wa to black and mutilated that it was Ujej "now writing and soon I almost impossible to identify It Mr. intersect with the chamber of th Hill- BlcWett was at one tune a civil engln-l aide Company. In A few months more eer on the D.

L. W. railroad. one 'could, if he wished fp do such thing, enter the mines beloy Port Griffith and folioW the winding passSges I' A Mas Kiaaiitg, emsion, and serving lately as Chairman of Industry and of considerable I ggQ Greeley 21. the Committee en Naval Allairs.

info.lon', ly -The Waukesha (Vtocpqsm) P1V Wet sponge on the heads of' borees and was a delegate to the recent National I he has been tbe leader and standard- fiedigr 1 .1 Republican Convention, and acted ae I bearer of tbe refoim party in Mexico. pM.rmnn of tbe Committee on Plat- He came to the presidency originally, form of that body. Judge Scofield has as bis successor now comes to it, from taken a high standing in CobgTess.and toe Supreme During, tbe War I jQ manuf, is unquestionably one of tbe strongest of the Intervention and for the Empire employing one hundred men, one of men beforothe people in the State. He obstinate' refu3ario'b6w tblLe the employe and many of the n- na bad refused to Wcceptla renominatioi-logic of facts unquestionably saved Pyes have been Democrats up ito this Prte as are liable to chafe by pe aareiuBi I time, but they have, eveiy man, decided I miration or otherwise drive slntrlv. for Congress mi the Nineteenth dis- the Republican institutions of Mexi-1 yote jcr (jrant nfrj jal trict, which fie has now represented for co, and be was the inevitable choice of Qver one hundred Democrats in nearlyten years but wjll doubtless wm-1 toe country for presidency' after jRiford, Oakland county, Michigan, sent lo go upon the ticket as candi- ftbe execution of Maximillian had dial have signed a paper not lo support i Fvh Greeley and Brown, and toev further being very 'good for horses that are posed to the hot sun all day Cae a wet sponge on the heads of horses reSfiTtih! mulci frnl8h with a little drink- tonby wmchtbe Democratic party I tog water as often aa practicable, when not overheated, and, at the same time, to ted the vision of the Greeley and Bro wn, and they further mu, u.

Cusper Behner, residing the Flats meB Bbring'BrookJ has been missing since Tuesday. He Hillside Coal Company, whdse was last seen standing on the bank of breaker is new and also tbe largest one the river below the Dodgetown bridge I hW6 tm, tvunneled into tjbe bill abovi in Ids shirt sleeves, and- somewhat ex-j breaker where a large vein exists, showed evidences or insaai- company sunk a large shaft, Tbe steam saw mill of Mr. William Ee Is 8 married man has een reaching a vein of eight or nine feet In Dale Son of Daleviile. was entirely ln "toit three months. Jeal- thickness.

This vein WaspartTy wedded destroyed by fire early on Saturday 00B7 W8S cAuseo1 sudden die- but reappeared again, farther up morning. Mr.Datoto posilive that it fPPj8- PP .7 the hill and much larger toan tofor. ,4, was the work of a for be he Af torg4dernck forteHlrillmg to agreat1 oneofhlsmeriiiadvaiitedtoemUl had been in tom a Aort Mme, gepth bM-been put; apnwthj Friday evening, before retiring, toand asked him and breaker: 'Somebf! the ar fibtMfidd nd no evidence of any freon 8laf of lager Athere'isnot superior. a a short-lived periallstp. third term in the autumn of ,1871 X88 1 Democratic revolt is '-rThe rapidly only effected after a severe -contest, in gprtading Those who have charge of which bis chief opponents Wei Lerflo Ltfte Louisville Convention are receiving de Tejada and PorfiriO Diaz and it is spe torn all quarters.

Thev U.b.deedU.A toS th. UUt period which has since elapsed he nad greatly disappointed tfle hopes of thosh I IB Wetfee.J Cl irtOriA--. substitute i ('n'ft'r Oil- -q vegetujbk preparation coatalul' tr neitiier iliuerak, Morphine, ni'r hoi. It pleasant to tale; d. -i naus Bate and ppCratei when all mi-remedies failed.

Dr. PltLcr has i i-mented' fifteen years iu producluw i preparation mere tfiSclent than Cat t- -041, Without Its horrldlatite. 1 Tbe Car-torld regulates 'toe system circs cm stomscb-ache, croup 'ana and kills worms. It does not distress' or 'By lie quieting, aobtiing gfleej produces natural sleep ,1 and la. particular adapted to crying and teething children.

deeire PbjaicUui to test this article nd forward three hottka ta the addreM of any eUiru ta the address of any one ao date for Congresmnan at Large. the hokihatioh of GEBEBAL -i 'Albbioht; We experienc4tnore ihan' an ordi-- nary degree of gratification at tbe bright for Congressman at Large, by the State Central Committee, yesterday. We are gratifledL.because he, is a perfectly and strdng' candidate, an earnest Republican, and true Chrikiito'-Genian, wlWill be an horw to thcetiU ea a geprewmtetlre in W. are moreover gipti-, fled because iTn Rwcbucaji first named' him lor the position on the ticket When, a fejrl weeks' ago, we first urged him for' Art! was copied' and fully' vendomd by 'faig-tm leading Repuidican papers of tike State, a power irresistible, and we knew the State 'Central Committee who looked to eee hfin effect Jhe pewfAft mabent pacification of -1- Mexlcoby I forming dchui effective coahtiou of of the ablest men fY'. Jiade ojpin-j the' ion around bis gover.

-n il wal quite within his powey to havrm-plishedTja death will probably be followed by awar(betwvea toe rival A factions, always ready 0 fight for eu- Gofemor Charles a Olden of New prdmacy in TL ow rkus ion Tammany organ. A correspondent writes ai fok I see toe Greeley itrs 'claim' ex- as a supporter of their smking laiy, tomes outthis weefi. es of Greeley and BrowbYf "4 Wm their ioMt iafiOO wasrltafioBB from eie parties, she cod-I The average tLickaow.of ith Veins kew mill and Wrl in oneration tod to drink a glaaeu. This made betwetn eight and ten feet Ofie'yeln P7 Lth Ui'rawrlwilRnr, jealous, and be deliberately went to Jpany is fert In thickneer, pouring down toe liquor until he be-1 Not because rail waj town i ways talk qbite drunk (j HJi wife forbid of It, but because toe town is really d-tbe saloon keeper from giving him I serving of' rt, anything morf to ikand refused to built gp home with him, rteting that she waa I Tie progress, She gave jmown by th-anniber. of eaten; which is noT far DiArtDrewn.thADag- t.

Boms days ago a man named Tight, spuddlw bajhel ITft p. U-jraidha would abuse her. started out with the laudable PWP06 bim tbe key to the house, and went Lted this, a new depot ia to be 1 1 of the' jxwBBisy authraticated. Insist that your drng- QU" cou 85 cents, and on botrle will savmauy doctors bill (80914) 1 Wabcc.1 of drown ug a dor at Sl ocums daw-1 borne, aad she remained in the house I fifty. The acU very ahbk 'Aad, The way he proposed do.

was to ol keeper until morning. I town 1 iell Acaitered.every a threw toe animal over toe precipice, I ygben went bom ia the morning I has a good garden whkh -is To fortify be and also eleven dollar TtecL 4 hlnteejl for th manly work of Cxecu-I' WMin tt house. The snppoal-tioner, Tighe tqok sundry libaficns tion he. committed sulpldij by frogi toe Intoxicating bowl, la e6nfe-JJjJr0WBlaK. 'ftetbldf orPolltefcmn- Which Bailer firpiMlaa In' Flbaaaat Tatky Tw Kan Zajwad-.

A terrific explosion occurred cauee. 'Ttua'la mistake, (butorriy'Ofte i many tuh-miiake) I -have the Thx election in North Carolina is I nupe of all in tb section where Govt now near at hand, and- toe friends of I Olden resides, who will support Greeley Mr. Greeley are ln of mftdjan hie napte is till not refuse to nominate a mewtaordertng on auprem unhappioesa in I --Tbe Atlantic Monthly for August whnft general coa- sntioipation of toe reeuife They x5 defied. bwUl be we, do pact to he defeated, sod even tbe.ewLfflS motfjra momut Aoubt, qj Fork World Is beginning to argue that opinion, but timid action, and with .1 ia not avery important election after I tost something la his all, aad does not nessarilv affect toe PIble no to laugh at biro, however much we Presidential campaign. Other journals, jq esteem ft as.

unsteady, like the JVjbune, are Striving to break grotesque, obstinate and ridiculous the force of defeat by attempting to I epObeU never Jrt juUy applicable all Monday morning about 9 oclock, at toe keg lactory.of In menofd the river Friday maiming. bs a deposit of 400 in qnsDCtPbf he Came near being the victim instead of the executioner. Dragging toe poor doomed canine by a rape, Tighe proceeded to toe spot where he intended to' commit toe bloody deed, aad having reached toe Vitaiix the Hair. Why doe ta' hair hecom hanh and dry why does It fall out why doe! It become gn-y Simply because toe Hs has gone of It' The fibers draw austenam la the scalp aa tbe. frees draws ailimst, fromto ao'and when the supply nutrimepi.jacut off In either case toe-product wither and dies.

At the int symptom ordeeay, therefore, to uafad or half-fed of the hair should be- refreabod AbA reinforced with Lrava Estmsmos.tbe only preparation which. will nourish tbs filaments and keep-; them In vigorous after they have Wgun te fr- A ficiency of their patunj stlmul nt." As long toe Katoalron is ft Jally used, with-. Compaay. 1 CarbaaAal. colonization government patronage, I olTerge'of toe preciplce overlooking.

I are two much for honesty have Greeley ear could only be I dam, gathered the dog in hie Ann I foundation walls of the nerGattow and prepared to hurl him mto a Wtery church art progressing rapidly. They brought -homo to th people, there Cpmpajr. 1 0 the question of consequential damages before the Geneva Tribunal. While tbe leading papers of London are no by any means jubilant, on the con. ths Scranton Bayipgs aTru8M pleasant Yalley- Thar were two cyW I inder boiler thirty-two inches in diana- eter and twctrtr-mght feet OnO of these exploded, the fracture taking place in the second section from, the furnace end.

-n tr'i Mr. MeAlpins was standing in' to main ibap at the time of toe explosTo and wu thrown violently against some, benches aad timbers, receiving several are very and seem well adapted to toe large and ooatly. 'edifice to he erected upon them. One of our worthy putors wu tnuy express iadignikxat ybW fiiy 7 Is. there any soldier in this bread 1 would be cafi th stupidity Trf (heir own' ttAfes- Commonwealth who four taslland.

It fought in thC fear and trembling in tr.e is notorious lr true that the worst element of the old Danocretjc like Ben Wood, Isaiah Rynders, rge N. Saunders, and men of th grava. The dog; with 'that peculiar Instinct Which seems'1 to apprise that animal of danger, made a last desperate effort to release itself, Tighe cannot tell exactly bow happened; all he knows is that he, instead of the dog, went Over prea- aroused at midnight, recently; to Join a waiting aad anxious conpl ia the bonds of holy wedlock. 1 I Tke wire Mirprion bridge ca the bruises on th head and' limb. Tho.

proper degree cf hon, morning men, the Anti-administration papers are striving to xaake believe that the V- United Btates ha been greatly kumili-ated, aad tint British statesmen are ao far superior to our own that we should Union army during toe late war, be hi Democrat or Republican, that wIH hesitate which of the two candidates clast, have not only become bis boon he will help to put toe gubernatorial committed hi i oonduct te tlelr direo hoaore upon One wm your Comrade If elected it can readily be to-mk of 6tUing pp to-ltatt jin 'arm, who, Lie you, left toe com-1 seen wto wiU centre the old man. cSriOThV)! w' w-v- It tud I ill i( be impo--. ti'-k fur tbe.hal to whiten or fall By an, toe fireman si the PeEnftjlvknia Cd.s stationary engine Na 22 who happened to be in toe null converting Ifrem th scalp. I Mil' iu 5o noil 2 pice. When TigLe csrc? t-nce cn Mk 4 lux to.

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