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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
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The Soap that Cleans Most is Lenox. D. B. PRYOR The Druggist handles the purest drugs which the mar ket PRESCRIPTIONS A specialty. 516 E.

Broaday st. Real Estate. For Sale orTrade In all parts of Logansport. Residence and Businessjproperty. Sole Agents for the "West End Addition." And Johnson's Riverside Addition.

VacantJLots, on Bargains in lands close to city. E. N. Talbott Son, Real Estate Broker, St. Elmo Bloek.

Broadway Dally Journal. WEDNESDAY MORNING APRIL 22. Base ball outfit at Otto's. Beecham's Pills cures sick head ache. d6t Use J.

B. L. Blood and Liver Tonic. Big boom in Otto's children's department, first floor. We are after your vegetable order.

Do we get The Trade Palace is selling a great number of silks; low prices does it. The mistakes of three kinds of people, in McCaffrey's advertisement this week. A liberal offer, a fine gold watch given away. Try your skill at Martin. Maggiona Francesca kid gloves are the try oone pair of Rule.

Nine out of ten of the things you want we keep. Are not our price lists worth looking Co. We make reductions on dress goods now when you willbebonefitted, notat the end of the Kule. THAT HACKING COTJGH can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it.

Sold by B. F. Kees ling 1 SHILOH'S CUKE will relieve croup, whooping cough and bronchitis Sold by B. F. ling 8 WHY WILL rou cough when Saitoh Cure will give immediate relief? Price 10 cents, 50 cents and $1.

Sold by F. Keesling. 7 "Blush of Roses" takes the place of as it whitens the face just a trifle soon as applied. Sold at Keesling's drug store. Short breath, palpitation, pain in chest, weak or faint spells, cured by Dr.

Miles' New Heart Cure. Sold at B. F. Keesling's Mere humbug is most that is advertised about low prices. That is why we publish our prices McCaffrey Co.

Fits, spasms, St. Vitus dance nervousness and hysteria are soon cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. Free samples at B. F.

Keesling's (4) There will be a free lecture at the rink on' Thursday, of this week, at 8 o'clock p. by Mrs. D. Lumsden, of Chicago, to ladies only. Every lady in this town should hear Mrs.

Lumsden. apr22d2t Cash buying gives us a wonderful saving on cost, for every manufacturer wants cash. Cash selling save us many losses, and lets us do cash buying. Those are two reasons for our Co "Wholesale Fotaonius at Kokomo. Kokomo Gazette Tribune: In the John Ingels house, 217 South Main street, resides three Hullinger, with five ia family, Joshua Hurley with eight and Mr.

Hammerback with each family occupying seperate parts of the house. Directly after dinner Sunday every inmate of the house was taken violently ill. Mr. Hullingers brother who was visiting him being among the number, making twenty persons in all. Eight were alarmingly ill and for a time it was thought several would die from the effects.

Health Officer Smith was called who brought all of them out right except Mrs. Hullinger, who is not yet out of danger. The poisoning is involved in mystery, Dr. Smith not being able as yet to assign any cause. Each family ate at their own table and all were equally effected.

The well and pump were thoroughly examined without throwing any light on the subject. All the families had fresh meat for dinner which was obtained at the same shop, but there had been no complaint from other consumers, so that it could not have been caused by that. Two of the families had greens, but the third, which was also poisoned, did not. The premises were carefully examined by the health officer who is unable to assign any cause, for the poisoning or trace its source. Resolutions of Respect.

Whereas, Again we are reminded of the uncertainties of human life and of the acfc the "green tent whose curtains never outward swings" is the final temporal abode of all and that death loves a shining mark, was never more fully exemplified than when the Master Mind of the Universe decreed that the span of life of our late brother Wm. B. Lancaster should end, and Whereas, In his death organized labor has lost a valiant and able champion; the different social organizations to which he belonged a useful member, his aged parents an obedient and dutiful son, his loving wife and children an idolizing husband and -father Apollo Lodge No. 62, K. of P.

and the Order of Knights of Pythias universal, one of its most valued and honored members. Therefore be it Resolved, That Apollo Lodge No. 62, K. of P. extend to his bereaved family and relatives our sincerest sympathies and aid in this their hour of sad affliction and be it furtber Resolved, That' these resolutions be spread upon our record, published in our city papers and the Pythian Journal and a copy'be presented to his familv.


Found Dead iti Bed. Jacob Harper, the aged dyer who been in the employ of Walter IllinSsworth proprietor of the Broadway dye works for the past four years was found dead in his bed in his room at Grables 1 boarding house, corner of Sixth and High streets yesterday morning. At the call for breakfast the old gentleman did not respond and after a reasonable delay the door was entered and Mr. Harper was discovered dead in bed. He had evidently been dead some hours.

Mr. Harper had been ailing for several days, but was at work the day before and left the dye works about eight o'clock in the evening. It is thought that heart disease was the cause of his death. The Coroner will hold an antopsy to-day. The deceased had no relatives here, nor was anything known of him, save that ho came here from Peru about four years ago and secured work the dye works.

He was 65 years of age, but despite his years was a good workman. Mr. Illingsworth went to Peru yesterday to seek information concerning the old gentleman, but found little save the fact that Harper's wife died at that place about a year ago. The body will lay at the undertaking rooms of Krceger Strain for awhile to give friends a chance to claim it, but it is thought that Harper has no relatives in the country. KLEIff- SENTENCED.

'Barney" Klein Stand-. Before ilie Court and Kecrlves Sentence I'or Fourteen 1'cnal Servitude. Last evening shortly after 7 o'clock Charles U. Klein, convicted of the murder of John Gibbs, was take a into the court room to hear sentence passed upon him Judge Cox. Klein had expressed a perfect willing- ndss to abide by the decision of the jury, and the motion for a new trial was not argued at all.

Judge Cox rendered judgement on the verdict and sentenced Klein to founteen years penal servitude i'n the State prison at Michigan City, to which place lie will be taken to-day by Sheriff Donaldson. Deafness Can't lie Cured by locul applications, as they can no: reach the diseased portion of the ear. Tfiere Is only one way to cure Deiilness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused bf an Inllamed condition of tne mucous lining ol the Eustachlan Tails. When this tube gets Inflamed jou have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed Dealness Is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever: nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an In- tiamed condition of the raucous surfaces.

We will give One. Hundred Dollars tor any case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh) that we can not cure by taklns Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. -T.

CHENEY Toledo, 0. ruggists, 75c There's a patent medicine which is not a patent as that may sound. It's a discovery! the golden discovery of medical science! It's the medicine for rundown, exhausted, nerve-wasted men and women; for you sufferers from diseases of skin or scalp, liver, or chance is with every one, its seasons always, because it aims to purify the fountain of upon which all such diseases depend. The medicine is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.

The makers of it have enough confidence in it to sell it on trial. That can get it from your druggist, and if it doesn't do what it's claimed to do, you can get your money back, every cent of it. That's what its makers call taking the risk their Tiny, little, s'ugar-coa'ted granules, are what Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are. The best liver pills ever invented; active, yet mild in operation; cure sickfand bilious headaches.

One a dose. Dr. S. K. Smith to Marry.

The Richmond Palladium in commenting on certain changes in the Eastern Hospital for the insane reveals among other things the pleasing intelligence that Dr. Smith of this city, is to be married shortly. The Palladium says: Dr. Smith, the new superintendent, is a single man, but will be married before he assumes charge of the institution; He has already popularized himself with the Beaulieu employes by declaring that one of the rules of the late management must be abrogated. This rule is the one prohibiting employes from riding in any of the carriages of the hospital.

Heretofore the large carriage of the establishment would be coming over to the city almost tenantless, but no employe was allowed to ride in it, though he or she was coming to the same place. In fact, instead of being a democratic institution it was a decidedly aristocratic affair. A trance Appointive Offl ce. Terre Haute Express: A stranger with a jag went into the Chinese laundry at Twelfth and Main streets and announced that the President of the United States had appointed him to kill all the Chinamen in America. He said he had come to begin executing his orders.

He was arrested and sent to jail. We offer two 'Styles of washboards for 10 cents. See PottoivmionileH. The new club met for permanent organization last evening at the small court room a large number of new namesjwere addition to those already enrolled. The following gentlemen were elected for the ensuing six months: B.

MoUonnell. Vice T. Elliott. Taber. F.

Johnson. J. Murdock, Sol Wise, B. F. Louthain, W.

D. Pratt, W. H. Snider, M. Winfield, Henry Tousley.

Board of M. F. Mahoney, Harry Elliott, Will Elliott, liter Osmer, M. Velsey, A. G.

Jenkinds. The first "payment of the dues of the. club was, fixed at May 1st. The contract for the second story of the Elliott block corner of Pearl and Broadway was closed for'a term of five years and the board of Directors were instructed to proceed at once to furnishing and improving the rooms. For Sale, An eight-room frame house with water works and natural gas, situated on Durst street east of Fifth street.

Also a ten-room brick house with bath-tub, water closet, hot and cold water, natural and artificial gas, situated between Fourth and Fifth streets, on Canal street. These properties are in good repair, conveniently situated, especially for railroad men, and well adapted for boarding bouse and roomers. WILL BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN'. A small payment down and monthly payments little more than rent will secure either or both of these properties. Also, several; other pieces of im proved property and a number of lots will sold on the same easy terms.

aprlSdGt. JOHN E. BARNES. Grippe Again. During the epidemic of la grippe last season Dr.

King's New Discovery for. consumption, coughs and colds, proved to be the best remedy. Reports from the many who used it confirm this statement. They were not only quickly relieved, but the disease left no bad results. We ask you to give this remedy a trial and we guarantee that you will be satisfied with results, or the purchase price refunded.

It has no equal in la grippe, or any throat, chest or lung tronble. Trial bottles free at B. F. Keesling drug store. Large bottles, 50c and -2- Slic Suffered for JPlftecn My wife has suffered for fifteen years from congestion and painful menstruation.

After' using three bottles of Bradfield's Female Regulator she now able to do her house work and go where she W. Davis, Moravian Falls, N. C. Write Bradtield Regulator Ga. Sold by Ben Fisher.

to26 PURE WATER SUPPLY. Why It Should Receive Most Careful. Attention of Fanners. The law that governs water, the vehicle which transports the energy of' the soil into and through the plant and' animal, and the harmonious operation' of this law, in conjunction with the law of nutriment, should receive our careful attention. As water is the substance which carries all food for plants end animals into and out of circulation, it becomes of the utmost importance.

If the laws all else be practically known and the knowledge of the part which water plays in growth and production be wanting-, our efforts will not reach the highest success. It is not enough that water is present in suitable quantities, it must be palatable and easily accessible; 'just enough and not too much. Better a shortage of food than of water, better irregularity in feeding than in water- insr, for if the ration be temporarily deficient and the vehicle for transporting the reserve stored in the system b'e present, no great harm will result. Bit no matter how much nutriment maybe stored or otherwise present, if the universal carrier, water, is lacking, not only can no work of nutrition be done, but the system immediately becomes feverish and diseased. So to the dairyman I may say that if his herd, however poor, is made uncomfortable because of coldness or poorness or inaccessibility of the water supply, he would better study hydraulics before buying thoroughbreds.

And to the grain raiser I might say that he would better pay strict attention to set free more plant food by better culture and by husbanding farm manures, before investing in commercial fertilizers; for possibly if he utilizes what he already has, according to law, he will have little lack. And to all breeders and cultivators of plants, may I not say that it might be better to make it more comfortable for the. plants and animals which are already possessed, in order that they may make the best use of the operations of the laws which govern them, whether they be scrub or thoroughbred, before buying that which is too advanced for our present state of knowledge. It is possible that a part 'of what we have is good and all that is lacking is opportunity-' As the stream cannot rise above its source, so the animal cannot be better than its breeder. And to the breeders of thoroughbreds I may say, that it might be well to adopt the practice of that great Shorthorn breeder, Mr.

Bates, "never to sell a good animal to a careless Prof. I. P. director Cornell experiment station. WlCAGo, ALL GROCERS KEEPIT; EVSRY HOUSEWIFE WANTS nv If: BLOSSOM A POSITIVE CURE FOR FEMALE DISEASES.

A tired, feelingr.Jow spirited and despondent, with no appar rentcause. Indigestion, headache, pains in the book, pains across the lower part of bowels. reat soreness in region ovaries, Bladder difficulty, Frequent urina- tions, Leueorrhoeii, Constipation of bowels, and -with all these symptoms a terrible nervom feeling-Is experienced by the patient. THJK CHANGE JM-OSSOM TREATMENT removes all these by a thorough process of absorption. A I RPfll ADPI Perfectly which every lady can use, herself.

Med-' LUUnL Hr ILIUM IILIU icines taken internally will never relieve the msmy forms of female weakness. The remedy must be applied to the parts to obtain permanent relief. A PI AIM TAI Tfl I inourciroular Aslcyour druggist for one, or send two iLnlll IU stamp to home office for sample box and, circular. EVERY LADY CAN TREAT HERSELF. $1.00 FOR ONE MONTH'S TREATMENT.

O. B. -PREPARED BY- 0. B. Kidney Cones.


0. B. Pile Esmedy. 0. B.

Catarrh Cure. Broad Toe, Flat Bottom Comfortable Shoes. WALKER 420 Broadway. See our low goods. W.


Fourteeuffl and Maple Ste. 1 LOUSVILLE, KY. Hiisjpaper. WASHING SHEEP. Something New In Kiln Meal.

This process retains all sweets and nutriments of the corn. It is this process that has given Kentucky and Virginia its great reputation for corn meal. -To be bad at the leading- groceries. We are also manufacturing- pure whole wheat flour. This is also on sale at all the leading groceries in one-eighth barrel packages.

There is more nutrition in this flour than in any other made. We are now prepared to grind corn for feed in any quantities D. UBL. A Foul-OToiithed Woman is even' worse than' a foul-mouthed man. But no one need be foul-mouthed if they will only use SOZO.DONT and rub it in well.

Don spare the brush and spoil the mouth as some parents do with their children when they withhold the rod, to29 Wanted, local, traveling or general agents. No experience: no capital required. from start and outfit free. Write Nurserymen, Rochester, JT. Y.

A Protest Against a Cruel But Very Popular Practice. The time for washing- sheep will soon he hero, and sheep raisers will be com pelled to construct pens and washing places, and drive their sheep a mile or two over a dusty road thereto and souse them into the water and then drive them back over the same dusty road, the wool being ir. no better condition and in a much worse condition than before the perpetration of the farce-. It-is a positive injury to sheep to be chased and jammed around in a pen and then unceremoniously soused into the water. It is a fruitful source of colds which often lead to catarrh and consumption.

Wool can be washed better and cheaper after it has been taken off of the sheeps' backs by the manufacturer 7 of woolen goods. Buyers cannot tell washed wool from unwashed in many cases, which is ample proof that the practice is a farce and should be abandoned. Brother farmers, is there no way to'put a stop to this useless and cruel practice? I sincerely hope there is, and that the way mav be discovered soon. Whosoever is instrumental in bringing about this result will be rewarded, if in no other way, by having his name "go. thundering down the ages" as a public benefactor.

Frank Leslie, iu Ohio. Farmer. No DOUBT ABOUT Job was pro verbially a very patient man, but tbi may be accounted for from the fac that with his boils and other afflic tions we do find that he was ever troubled with dyspepsia and a torpic liver, which was undoubtedly a ver fortunate circumstance in his case, as Dr. White's Dandelion Alterative was not known until some years after this good man had passed away. This great medicine cures dyspepsia, headache, biliousness and other: diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys and urinary organs.

Sold by D. E. Pryor and B. F. Keesling.

to2G DK. J. MILLER SONS Gents: can speak in the highest praise ol your VegetableExpectorant. I was told by my physician that I should never be better; my case was very alarming. I bad a hard cough, difficulty in breathing, and had been spitting blood at times for six weeks.

I commenced using the Expectorant and immediate relief in breathing. I soon began to get better, and in a short time was entirely cured, and I now think my lungs are Mrs. A. Turner. Randolph, Mass.

THe SJflo Can be Kept Soft, Wliltc, and free from taint of nerspiration by adding Darbys Prophylactic Fluid to the water used in bathing. It removes all offensive smell from the feet or any part of the body. Used as a tooth-wash it will harden the gums, preserve the teeth, curs tooth-ache and make the breath pure and sweet. Cures chafing and inflammation, piles, scald feet, corns, etc. to26 Crony.

No z-emedy acts quicker than Pineapple Syrup. Try Sample bottles free at J. F. Coulsoa Go's. to22 We want to see yon at our dress goods counter to-day.

Rule. "THE SWAN' 1 The perfection of Fountain Pens. It is always ready for use. It does not skip and. Never Overflows.

You can travel the world over with one of these pens toy our pocket filled and-you are "Master of the situation." Wilson, Humphreys Co. 1 Mrs. Allen'0 Parisian Face Bleach olden Wash. Mamma Dura, for drrtV opine the bust, removing staperfid" ous hair. Bang dressing.

-All goods and retail. Send 2 cts. for illustrated circular. Full line of fine hnir goods. Mn.

R. 219 Wood. Detroit, Mich..

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